Spicy food: benefits and harm. Spicy foods

Almost every national cuisine has hot and spicy dishes in its arsenal. The purpose of spices is to enrich the taste of a dish, stimulate the appetite and create a feeling of warmth. However, is it worth eating spicy and spicy foods regularly? In this article we will talk about spicy and spicy foods, we will try to find out what is more of them: harm or benefit. Let's weigh the pros and cons.

Spicy food – what is it?

The heat that comes from our favorite hot peppers comes from capsaicin. This is a compound found in capsicums. The most common among them are Thai pepper, jalapeno, chili, cayenne pepper, serrano and others. In addition, capsaicin, which is contained in these peppers, has been studied for a long time.

However, you don't have to snack on chili peppers to experience the full power of these foods. Don’t forget about the whole variety of bright and tasty spices, for example, turmeric, ginseng, black pepper, mustard, cloves, cardamom.

As you have already noticed, there are a large number of spices that can always add a little heat to the dish you are preparing. In addition, they can become a kind of amplifier in your journey to healthy image life.

One of the subjects of controversy among nutritionists is spicy food. Benefits and harms: what is more from it?

The benefits of spicy food: pros

Many studies prove that certain spices that are added to a dish during the cooking process make the food healthier. That is, the influence of spicy food is for the benefit of the body. This also applies to seasonings, which are considered the most “fiery”. What are the benefits of spicy food?

Weight loss

Spicy foods promote weight loss. This is due to the capsaicin component found in seasonings. It is able to speed up metabolism. There is no magic happening: this substance simply increases the heart rate and temperature.

In addition, eating a lot of spicy and spicy foods is quite difficult, so people who prefer them are more effective at controlling the number of calories they eat.

Improved blood circulation

Spicy foods are responsible for creating a feeling of warmth, and the release of adrenaline and dilation of blood vessels significantly lower blood pressure. In addition, hot peppers are effective remedy, which helps strengthen the walls of blood vessels due to great content vitamins C and A.

Improved digestion

Any food containing spicy spices stimulates secretion gastric juice. In turn, this helps restore the gastric mucosa and also improves blood flow to the walls of the stomach. In addition, the substance capsaicin, which is large quantities contains hot pepper, helps fight bacteria that can enter the digestive tract along with food.

Stimulation of appetite

Spicy foods increase appetite. However, despite this, spicy lovers very rarely overeat. This helps you control the calories you eat without any problems.

Limiting salt intake

Spicy foods help you consume salt in much smaller quantities, which is undoubtedly encouraged by medicine. This is due to the fact that it can easily be replaced with spices such as mustard, garlic, pepper, and ginger. This way you will add a unique taste to your dishes and will be able to forget about the salt shaker forever.

Help fight colds

Due to the fact that spicy and hot spices stimulate sweating, they reduce the discomfort that causes elevated temperature. In addition, spices and herbs help relieve nasal congestion and clear mucus from the bronchi.

Healthy sleep

Spicy food – prevention of insomnia. Its warming effect will help you quickly relax and fall asleep peacefully. And since a spicy food lover is not prone to overeating, a person will get a good night's sleep and wake up in the morning refreshed and ready for breakfast.

Stress management

Spicy food helps increase the level of pleasure hormones in the body - serotonin and endorphin. Such a meal will calm you down, reduce the effects of anxiety and stress, and also dull a mild headache.

Spicy food: harm, arguments against

Despite the fact that hot and spicy foods can bring obvious benefits to the body, doctors recommend using spices and herbs as carefully as possible, or even abandoning them altogether. Why? What dangers can await lovers of spicy dishes?


Hot and spicy foods cause the stomach to produce more gastric juice, which can lead to heartburn. That is, the release of stomach contents into the esophagus. In particular, this can happen after a heavy meal.


Large amounts of spicy food consumed can contribute to the development of gastritis. This is an inflammation of the stomach lining. This is usually caused by an infection. But if a person regularly irritates the walls of the stomach with hot and spicy spices, this can lead to their protective barrier being significantly reduced.

Bad breath

Spicy foods containing large quantities of onions and garlic cause bad smell from the mouth. It's not easy to get rid of it. Therefore, before an important meeting, it is advisable to limit your addiction to dishes with these seasonings.

Damage to taste receptors

Disruption of the taste buds can occur due to regular consumption of spicy foods. This also explains the addiction to hot spices and seasonings. In addition, because of this, interest in bland food decreases: people with damaged taste buds find it tasteless.

Is it possible to neutralize overly spicy foods?

There are products that can serve as neutralizers for hot spices.

In some cases, lemon helps successfully. It is able to switch the taste buds from the perception of the hot taste of pepper to its sour taste.

Very hot peppers can be eaten with boiled rice. In this case, it acts as a sorbent that binds capsaicin and neutralizes it.

Conclusion: everything should be in moderation

Don't forget that although spicy and spicy foods can significantly improve your health, you shouldn't overindulge in them. Remember that if a person experiences pain when tasting such food, this is a signal from the body that something is going wrong and its normal functioning is disrupted.

It is extremely important to monitor the intake of spicy seasonings for people who are hypersensitive to spicy tastes and for those who have any medical conditions. gastrointestinal tract.

Learn to properly dose your consumption of spicy foods to enjoy the taste and get the maximum benefits for your health.

In some countries, the basis of the people's diet is spicy food. The benefits and harms of such dishes have long been known to the people of India, South America, Indonesia, and even Japan, which is demanding on the quality of food.

Skeptics attribute numerous disadvantages to savory foods. Proponents give reasonable arguments, describing them medicinal properties. Both are right in their own way, because everything depends on the correct preparation and consumption of such a specific food.

Positive properties of spicy food

Hot spices and seasonings can not only diversify the diet, changing the taste of familiar dishes. The peculiarities of their composition change the properties of food, endowing it with new qualities. If you eat exclusively natural and healthy food with added spice without any chemicals, the following changes in health can be noted:

  • Blood circulation is normalized. The heat that the body experiences when spicy food enters it leads to the dilation of blood vessels. this reduces pressure on the walls, which has a positive effect on overall well-being. Still in the majority hot seasonings a lot of vitamins A and C, which strengthen the walls of capillaries.
  • Digestion improves. Spicy foods help stimulate the synthesis of gastric juice. At the same time, blood flows to the walls of the stomach, which speeds up the restoration of the damaged mucous membrane. Many types of pepper also contain capsaicin, a substance that inhibits the activity of pathogenic bacteria. This reduces the risk of developing infectious and inflammatory diseases.

Tip: If the result exceeds all expectations, and after eating a spicy dish you need to put out a fire in your mouth, do not use water! This liquid will only add brightness to the sensations. But cool milk will bring the desired relief in just a few seconds.

  • The course of a cold is alleviated. Spicy food increases the secretion of sweat and suppresses the discomfort that arises in the background. high temperature. At the same time, stimulation of the bronchi and mucous membrane of the nasal passages occurs. This leads to the removal of mucus from the bronchi and nasal passages.
  • Sleep is normalized. This occurs due to the warming effect, as a result of which the muscles relax. It is noteworthy that spicy food lovers rarely overeat, so they do not have to go to bed on a full stomach.
  • Pass stressful conditions. Under the influence of hot seasonings, the production of joy hormones is enhanced. Against this background, the symptoms of stress are dulled and even minor pain goes away.

Depending on the type and grade of seasoning used, savory food may acquire additional positive properties. Before introducing a new product into your diet, you should familiarize yourself with its composition, features and rules of use. This will allow you to get the maximum benefit and not risk your health.

The dangers of spicy food and contraindications

In some cases, the harm of spicy food outweighs its beneficial properties. Most often this happens due to the abuse of aggressive products, adding too much seasoning and spices to dishes. In these cases, the following consequences may occur:

  • Gastritis develops. If spices enter the stomach constantly and in large volumes, stimulation of the blood vessels turns into irritation of the mucous membrane. This causes a decrease in the effectiveness of the protective barrier, infection and the appearance of inflammation.
  • Heartburn appears. Eating spicy food stimulates the production of gastric juice. If too much of it is formed, it enters the esophagus, causing discomfort.
  • There is an unpleasant odor from the mouth. This applies more to seasonings that contain onions and garlic. Vegetables traditionally become a source of a specific aroma that does not disappear for a long time.
  • The sensitivity of taste buds is impaired. Aggressive substances disrupt the functioning of the formations that are responsible for taste recognition. As a result, non-spicy food begins to seem tasteless and even unpleasant.

In some cases, eating spicy food is prohibited. Ignoring contraindications can lead to serious problems with health. The authors of the portal “Polzateevo” urge you to pay attention to the following points:

  1. Gastritis. It worsens and even turns into peptic ulcer. An ulcer, in turn, not only causes discomfort, but also leads to serious complications(perforation - the formation of a hole in the wall of the stomach).
  2. Breastfeeding. Spicy ingredients negatively affect the quality of milk. Onions and garlic even change its taste, which is why infants refuse to eat.
  3. Third trimester of pregnancy. Spicy foods, the benefits and harms of which acquire special meaning during pregnancy, later may cause premature birth.

There are exceptions. For example, in the absence labor activity V due dates Doctors, on the contrary, recommend that expectant mothers eat something spicy. It is prohibited to make such decisions on your own; all steps must be agreed upon with your doctor.

The benefits and harms of spicy foods during pregnancy

In the early stages of pregnancy, many women suffer from toxicosis. In some cases, unpleasant symptoms can be eliminated with the help of spicy food. In small quantities, such dishes stimulate the release of hormones that alleviate the condition. This also leads to an improvement in mood and the disappearance of signs of stress. Expectant mothers are less nervous and sleep better.

It should be remembered that such products must be introduced into the diet very carefully. Any negative manifestations are a signal to further refuse savory dishes. If you have heartburn, it’s also better not to take risks, unpleasant symptom will only intensify. Even at moments when the body is weakened, the reaction to exotic spices may be unexpected. And then the previously harmless curry and ginger begin to provoke allergies.

Spicy food in dietetics

Increasingly, spicy foods are being introduced into the diet in order to get rid of excess weight. The optimal ingredient to achieve such goals is red hot pepper. Due to the presence of capsaicin in its composition, the following reactions occur in the body:

  1. Appetite is suppressed, the person begins to eat much less.
  2. Due to the release of heat by the body and stimulation of blood circulation, active fat burning begins.
  3. Energy costs increase, fat literally melts and is removed from the body.
  4. Eating red pepper makes you thirsty. People start drinking more, which is why their stomach is almost always full and they don’t feel hungry. An abundant supply of moisture also removes excess fluid from the tissues.

Studies have shown that the hot pepper diet is 25% more effective than the popular fruit weight correction system. To achieve maximum results, it is not enough to introduce spicy foods into your diet. You need to start taking red pepper capsules, pepper tincture or a powder analogue of these products. For prevention negative consequences You should strictly follow the instructions that come with these drugs.

The presence of red pepper and other hot seasonings in the diet allows you to maintain optimal body weight, tolerate frost more easily, and not suffer from energy deficiency. If you limit yourself to such dishes and do not make them the basis of the menu, you don’t have to be afraid of negative consequences.

What do you know about spicy food? And what do you think is the benefit of spicy food? For example, ginger, cayenne pepper, chili and others...

Many people say that spicy foods are very harmful to the stomach and intestines, and they have given many other arguments, which I have never found confirmation of. However, I found more. This is real “bomb” proof of how healthy spicy food is.

When I tried it for the first time, I was simply in a terrible state, it seemed to me that everything inside me was burning... However, after some time, I still began to try again and again the delicious product that I had prepared with my own hands.

Slowly but surely, I became a fan of spicy food. Spices began to help me transform even the simplest healthy foods into culinary pleasure. It became simply fantastic pleasure.

If you are just starting to understand spicy food and want to be embraced by this pleasant warmth, let's try to learn more about the most useful hot spices in the world (and not only) and discuss the topic - why spicy food is so good for you.

What makes your food spicy or hot?

The most common among them:

  • Jalapeño
  • Cayenne pepper
  • Thai pepper
  • Serrano
  • and others...

But you don't necessarily need to snack on a chili pepper to experience the full power of the spicy food. Of course, you shouldn't forget about the many delicious, vibrant spices, such as:

  • Turmeric
  • Cinnamon
  • Ginseng
  • Carnation
  • Black pepper
  • Ginger
  • Mustard
  • Cardamom

As you can see, there are a lot of spices that will always help you add a little heat to the dish you are making. They can become some kind of amplifiers on your path to a healthy life.

For example, in the morning I really like to have a green smoothie for breakfast with a little cinnamon, which not only has a super aroma and taste, but is also known to help lower blood sugar and protect against diabetes.

If we talk about food with spices, then we can compare these dishes to cars that have a full package of options... Do you like cool cars? I am very...

Now comes the fun part. Just bomb facts about how healthy spicy foods can be for you. Absorb and remember...

1. Spicy foods to reduce cardiovascular diseases

Today we are like modern people, we know the signs of cardiovascular diseases: the main one is the accumulation of plaque in the walls of the arteries, which makes it difficult for blood to move throughout our body.

But spicy food always comes to the rescue... I don’t know about you, but I just love red hot peppers.

Capsaicin, an alkaloid found in capsicums, is designed to improve the function of our blood vessels. It has been shown to be able to activate receptors in our body that produce nitric oxide.

This is super important, says the fitness and bodybuilding expert. Nitric oxide helps lower blood pressure, keeping our blood vessels smooth and open, regulating blood flow.

A recent study conducted by specialists from the Chinese University of Hong Kong showed that spicy food is a good prevention of cardiovascular diseases.

An article by study leader Dr. Zhen-Yu Chen, published in The Daily Mail, states that capsacinoids, which give chili peppers their spicy taste, reduce levels of “bad” cholesterol, preventing the development of diseases such as atherosclerosis, ischemic disease heart and hypertension.

The mechanism of this effect is to activate the processes of breaking down “bad” cholesterol and removing it from the body.

So it looks like one small hot pepper can help you avoid clogged blood vessels from that harmful cuisine, which for some is a habitual regime.

But capsaicin does more than just activate cell receptors to reduce blood pressure, it can also activate receptors to reduce the risk of developing cancerous tumors.

2. Spicy foods can help prevent cancer

Red pepper, black pepper, ginger and hot non-hot spices are all known to have powerful antioxidant properties.

Super... What could be better than spices! ...

Some studies show that the incidence of cancer among Indians is much lower than in Western countries. For example, lung cancer in India is 8 times less common (although many of them smoke!), 9 times less colon cancer, 5 times less breast cancer and 10 times less kidney cancer.

An additional factor is that Indians eat almost no meat, and when preparing dishes they use many spices that have an anti-cancer effect.

This should not be just some information for you. Please pay extra attention to this. Because the speed of destruction of people that this disease has gained is simply amazing. This information should be a starting point for some.

Here's more... One of the studies by scientists at the University of Nottingham made it possible to do important discovery, which can solve the treatment issue oncological diseases. Thus, according to their statement, capsaicin is capable of massively destroying cancer cells by influencing mitochondria, which serve as a source of energy for cells of this type. However, it does not affect healthy cells in any way.

Lead researcher Dr Timothy Bates said: "These compounds attack the very heart of tumor cells and we believe that we have truly discovered the Achilles heel of all cancers.

This can be an excellent alternative to chemotherapy, which, together with cancer cells kills all living things...

This is certainly amazing...

But that's not all!

In another study, researchers used ginger extract and found that it caused the death of ovarian cancer cells. And just like capsaicin in black and red peppers, ginger does not destroy healthy cells when used.

Yes, there is information that even everything useful in large quantities becomes harmful. So, despite the fact that spicy food can fight tumors, you shouldn’t eat too much of it either.

If you eat 9-25 jalapenos every day, your risk of stomach cancer will be slightly increased.

But I don't think you are capable of this. So you can become a dragon, which burns with fire from its mouth. So this information should not scare you.

3. Spicy and spicy foods will reduce pain and inflammation in the body.

If you've ever experienced debilitating muscle or joint pain, you've probably used capsaicin-based creams and ointments to relieve your pain with a soothing burning sensation.

I know what it’s like firsthand. And I know for sure that it works.

IN medicinal purposes capsaicin is used as powerful tool to block pain. It actively affects substance P, which is a transmitter of signals from nerve endings to the brain. At the same time, it not only reduces the intensity pain, but also promotes the production of prostaglandins and collagenase, which relieve pain and eliminate the manifestations of the inflammatory process.

It perfectly complements therapy aimed at treating diseases of the heart and blood vessels (including preventing the formation of blood clots in them). It is included in medications that relieve pain from arthritis and herpes zoster, and is prescribed for use in the form of a cream for patients with psoriasis, people suffering from itchy skin and diabetic neuropathy.

Anti-frostbite ointments and even many nasal sprays that relieve migraine pain are produced based on capsaicin.

Also, many of the seasonings, spicy and not only, can fight various inflammations in the body:

1. Ginger. For centuries traditional medicine relied on the anti-inflammatory properties of ginger. According to medical center University of Maryland, there is also evidence that ginger relieves pain associated with classic inflammatory diseases, arthritis. In addition, ginger is effective against diarrhea, nausea and vomiting.

2. Cardamom. Cardamom, the queen of spices, also reduces inflammation. Cardamom is believed to be native to India and Sri Lanka, where it has been successfully used to reduce inflammation for centuries.

3. Black pepper. It has its characteristic pungent odor thanks to piperine, which also provides pepper with an amazing anti-inflammatory effect. Piperine suppresses the expression of a gene associated with arthritis and the spread of cancer. Even in small doses, piperine reduces inflammation by inhibiting the production of prostaglandins. In addition, piperine significantly suppresses the perception of pain and symptoms of arthritis, and reduces inflammation in the joints.

4. Chamomile. The oil distilled from these flowers contains substances that directly reduce inflammation and have antispasmodic properties.

5. Turmeric. Active Ingredient in turmeric, curcumin is an antioxidant that removes dangerous free radicals from the body. Curcumin reduces enzymes that cause inflammation.

It seems like adding spices to your dishes is a win-win. While they can fight cancer and inflammation, they are also great mood lifters.

4. Spicy foods will fight anxiety and depression

These anti-pain endorphins also help with our moods.

Pepper is unique means against migraines and headache attacks. To relieve pain, you can apply a compress to your temples. Some researchers are working to study the injection effect this tool in the nose

It lifts your mood and helps fight depression. Capsaicin increases the level of endorphins and other hormones that affect good mood.

Protects the body from harsh winter conditions. Relieves symptoms of flu, sinusitis (sinus disease) and makes breathing easier. These diseases can also cause some anxiety and stress on our body, thereby exposing us to illness even more.

But among all the spices, turmeric can still be called a champion in the fight against stress!

You know I love it when natural products they work as cool as (or close to) drugs created in laboratories, on which unrealistic money is spent!

By the way, have you ever read about many side effects from antidepressants? After them, you may become even more depressed than before.

So spicy food is the best option!

Our next station is weight loss! IN lately, who just doesn’t talk about him. But personally, I don’t even think about diets. Healthy eating- the key to your success.

It turns out that spices will help you be a star on the beach...

5. Spicy foods boost metabolism and help you lose weight

Spicy foods are known as thermogenic foods, which means they can easily raise your metabolic rate without the need for any calorie counting as many people think.

This is why cayenne pepper, for example, is used in some diets for weight loss and cleansing.

As we have already started to say, cayenne pepper speeds up metabolic processes in the body, so it can help reduce weight. Experiments conducted by nutritionists confidently prove that people whose diet contains hot pepper are less likely to encounter the problem. overweight and obesity. Once in the body, the hot seasoning improves the absorption of food and significantly accelerates energy expenditure.

The New York Times mentions studies by Canadian researchers who studied a group of adult men who included hot sauce with their pre-dinner snacks. These people consumed an average of 200 fewer calories at lunch and subsequent meals than those who didn't eat these magical spices.

Dr. Mercola says:

"Research has shown that capsaicin may help fight obesity by reducing calorie intake, reducing body fat and lowering blood fat levels."

This is phenomenal...

Now, it seems to me, you will definitely have an incentive to add more healthy spices to your dishes. Be careful not to overdo it...

Boost your metabolism naturally!

However, that's not all. It turns out, contrary to many opinions, spicy food can improve digestion...

6. Spicy foods protect your digestive system

Contrary to the myth that all the know-nothings talk about and believe their entire lives, spicy foods and hot peppers actually do more good than harm to our digestive system.

Most people are afraid to eat hot foods because they believe they cause ulcers or heartburn.

But according to one Asian study, when people didn't eat foods with capsaicin, they were three times more likely to get ulcers than those who did.

The truth is that a bacteria called Helicobacter pylori is the cause of most ulcers, and the capsaicin from hot peppers can help kill these harmful bacteria.

Scientists also believe that hot chili peppers can protect the lining of our stomachs. So, it is an excellent blocker of stomach damage caused by medications, harmful chemical additives in our food and diseases.

Well, how do you like it? It remains to be clarified how you can easily and simply add these seasonings to your diet...

How to Add More Spices to Your Food

If you're up for the challenge of adding more spices or chilies to your menu, look no further...

Start your day right: You can add some grated ginger to your morning glass of water, this will help kick-start your metabolism and aid digestion. You can make your morning smoothie or green juice by adding some ginger or red hot pepper. These products will cheer you up in the morning and more.

Having made the beginning of the whole day like this, you will feel protected for the rest of the time!

You can get acquainted with some recipes from Thai, Indian, or Latin cuisine. You may find some healthy recipes with a lot of spices and hot seasonings and stick to this nutrition plan.

Final Thoughts

I think the biggest benefit of what I read today is to relieve my fear of spicy foods.

Yes, they may make you cry a little sometimes, but their health benefits are worth it. Just breathe deeply and use Greek yogurt, or plain low-fat yogurt with probiotics, to cool the flames.

These Amazing Spices and Hot Foods Have Super protective power and abilities. They can increase your metabolic rate and help you achieve your main goal (for some) - weight loss!

They will always take center stage in my kitchen! What do you think about spices? published econet.ru

P.S. And remember, just by changing your consumption, we are changing the world together! © econet

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Probably, hot or spicy food always reminds us of all kinds of store and restaurant products: ketchups, sauces or seasonings, doesn’t it?

But still, real spicy cuisine is very popular all over the world.

What do you know about spicy food? And what do you think is the benefit of spicy food?

For example, ginger, cayenne pepper, chili and others...

Personally, I'm a real spice fanatic. I use them almost everywhere. But why do you think I wanted to raise this topic today?

Yes, many people say that spicy foods are very harmful to the stomach, intestines, and they gave many other arguments, which I have never found confirmation of.

However, I found more. This is real “bomb” proof of how healthy spicy food is.

I found a lot of medical evidence, both on our Internet space and abroad. By the way, my passion for spicy food began when I was still going to school, about 20 years ago. They just let me try adjiki in Korean.

When I tried it for the first time, I was simply in a terrible state, it seemed to me that everything inside me was burning... However, after some time, I still began to try again and again the delicious product that I had prepared with my own hands.

Slowly but surely, I became a fan of spicy food. Spices began to help me turn even the simplest healthy foods into culinary pleasures. This has been a fantastic addition to my menu.

If you are just starting to understand spicy food and want to be embraced by this pleasant warmth, let's try to learn more about the most useful hot spices (and not only) in the world and discuss the topic - why spicy food is so good for you.

What makes your food spicy or hot?

The heat from our favorite hot peppers comes from capsaicin, a compound found in capsicums.

The most common among them:

  • Jalapeño
  • Cayenne pepper
  • Thai pepper
  • Serrano
  • and others...

By the way, the capsaicin contained in them has been studied for quite some time. You've probably heard about it when you looked at some ointments for bruises or thought about diet pills, right?

But you don't necessarily need to snack on a chili to experience the full power of the spicy food. Of course, you shouldn’t forget about the many delicious, vibrant spices, such as:

  • Turmeric
  • Cinnamon
  • Ginseng
  • Carnation
  • Black pepper
  • Ginger
  • Mustard
  • Cardamom

As you can see, there are a lot of spices that you can use to add a little heat to whatever you're making. They can become some kind of amplifiers on your path to a healthy life.

For example, in the morning, I really like to have breakfast with green smoothies, adding a little cinnamon to them, which not only has a super aroma and taste, but is also known to help lower blood sugar levels and protect against diabetes.

If we talk about food with spices, then we can compare these dishes to cars that have a full package of options... Do you like cool cars? I'm very...

Spicy food has been a source of controversy among many nutritionists for decades. Some say that it is harmful, while others, on the contrary, advise sometimes adding something spicy and exotic to your food. The point is that so far no one has given a clear answer to the question of whether spicy food is harmful. Therefore, it’s up to you to decide whether to include hot peppers or exotic seasonings in your diet. Yes, in excessive quantities such things are definitely harmful and this is not even in doubt. But if used wisely, there shouldn’t be anything particularly bad from the spiciness. Although there are some nuances here, which we will try to sort out.

There is an opinion that all spicy food has a very good effect on a person, charging him with a little energy. Spicy seasonings improve blood circulation flow, significantly strengthen immune system humans against certain bacteria and diseases, and also make general exchange substances in the human body are more effective. But there is another opinion: spicy foods are harmful to the stomach in any quantity and you can only consume them to the detriment of yourself and your body.
Numerous nutritionists and experts on this issue highlight a lot positive aspects from eating spicy foods:

— It stimulates the appetite very well, so it can be used as a snack before lunch. The positive thing about this is that people who eat little but often have good control over the amount of calories they consume;
— Spicy food normalizes blood circulation and makes it more positive. With the help of such food, the blood can be cleansed and thinned on its own. Low-quality cholesterol is also automatically removed from the blood, and the person feels much better than before. They always say about hot pepper that it strengthens blood vessels well and saturates them with vitamins C and A;
- What are the benefits of spicy food besides this? It protects well against bacteria that can penetrate into human body in various ways and helps relieve cold symptoms. Symptoms such as runny nose and fever are very well removed regular use eating small amounts of spicy food;
— Under the influence of acute food, the human digestive system begins to work more efficiently. Gastric juice begins to be released more intensely, so any food consumed will be digested simply beautifully. The gastric mucosa will also recover remarkably well, so there are really solid advantages on this side;
“In addition, it is spicy food that produces happiness hormones and provides a slight analgesic effect. Salt consumption is also limited, since spicy food makes it easy to eat unsalted foods;
— If you eat a little spicy food before going to bed, this will contribute to a more relaxing rest. For phlegmatic people, spicy dishes will also be very useful, as they can significantly improve their temperament;

Are spicy foods healthy? As we can see, it has obvious advantages. But some nutritionists insist on the importance of the existing disadvantages. Let's talk about them:

— Spicy foods irritate the digestive system and lower their natural defenses. In fairness, it must be said that this is only possible with its excessive use. In addition, remember that excessive consumption of such food inevitably leads to gastritis, and then to a stomach ulcer;
— Another obvious disadvantage is that heartburn can quickly develop due to spicy food, especially when overeating. Therefore, it is not advisable to take it in quantities greater than what your doctor may prescribe for you;
- TO serious disadvantages Such food is usually attributed to the fact that it seriously disrupts the sensitivity of human receptors responsible for taste. If you regularly eat spicy things, then ordinary food will no longer be as tasty and interesting as before;
— Spicy food guarantees you bad smell from the mouth. All hot spices, so often added to food, keep bad breath very for a long time. Almost all such seasonings contain onions and garlic, and in large quantities.

In general, as mentioned above, spicy food in reasonable quantities serves only for good. If you abuse it, you can get a very unpleasant effect, in which a person gradually develops a very natural ulcer. At the moment, it is not known for certain whether excessive consumption of spicy food can lead to something extremely difficult for health, but the fact remains that if you eat spicy food in moderation, then most often everything will be fine. In addition, you need to take into account your own individual contraindications, which may prohibit eating any spicy foods or seasonings. Listen carefully to contraindications and always follow them in order to avoid most problems.

Many studies show that using certain spices makes food healthier. In particular, this applies to those spices that are literally “fiery.” What's useful about them?

Improves the functioning of the digestive system. All spicy spices increase the secretion of gastric juice. This helps to improve the flow to the gastric walls and restore the mucosa. In addition, capsaicin, which is rich in hot peppers, destroys bacteria that enter the digestive tract with food.

Helps in the fight against colds. Hot spices increase sweating, reducing discomfort caused by the body. Spices also cleanse the nasal passages and help remove mucus from the bronchi.

Helps you fall asleep. The warming effect of spices helps you relax and fall asleep peacefully. And since lovers of spicy dishes are rarely overcrowded, a person gets enough sleep and wakes up in the morning refreshed and has breakfast.

They are filming. Spicy dishes increase the content of pleasure hormones - serotonin and endorphin. Such food calms, suppresses the effects of stress and can even relieve mild pain.

Arguments against spicy food

Experts, despite the obvious health benefits, advise eating hot spices with caution, and sometimes even recommend avoiding them altogether. What's the matter?

. Excess quantity Spicy foods in the diet can cause gastritis - inflammation of the gastric mucosa. As a rule, it is caused by an infection, but constant irritation gastric walls Spicy foods can cause a weakening of the protective barrier.

. Hot and spicy foods increase the secretion of gastric juice and can cause the mass contained in the stomach to be thrown into the stomach. Most often this happens after heavy feasts.

Unpleasant “aroma” from the mouth. Spicy seasonings that contain garlic and onions leave an unpleasant odor in the mouth for a long time.

Impaired sensitivity of taste buds. Regularly eating spicy foods can cause problems with your taste buds. This explains the addiction to the use of hot seasonings and the refusal of bland food, which begins to seem tasteless.

Know your limits

Regardless of the fact that spicy foods can be beneficial for health, they should not be overindulged. Remember that discomfort experienced by a person in the process of tasting spicy food are a signal from the body that a violation of its normal operation.

People with diseases of the gastrointestinal tract or with hypersensitivity to spicy tastes. Learn to use spices in moderation to enjoy their taste and bring maximum health benefits.

August 2, 2018

For some reason, spicy dishes are most often found in oriental cuisine. Capsicums and various seasonings give dishes a fiery, piquant taste. Can everyone eat spicy food? Experts have been discussing the benefits and harms of such treats for a long time. Some people will really benefit from the spicy food, but others may suffer from such gastronomic masterpieces.

Spicy food: benefits and harm to the body

Many people welcome spicy food on their tables. The benefits and harms of such culinary creations are not so obvious, and this needs to be understood in detail.

Today, all the luminaries of world medicine are divided into two camps. Some diligently explain the beneficial properties of hot dishes, while others, on the contrary, express their indignation at the use of this food.

Oddly enough, they are all right, because such products can both heal and cripple. As they say, everything is good in moderation. What are the benefits of hot food? And does it exist at all?

Experts have concluded that spicy foods contain a lot of ascorbic acid and vitamin A. These components have a general strengthening effect on the body and also play the role of antioxidants. Accordingly, a person, eating a portion of hot food, will be able to cleanse his body of all the garbage that has accumulated long time. We are talking about toxic compounds, radicals and waste.

Interesting! Up to 10 kg can accumulate in the human body harmful substances. And they all settle mainly in the intestines. Hence a number of health problems. First of all, this all affects skin like in a mirror.

Useful properties:

  • improving the taste of first and second courses;
  • normalization of blood circulation;
  • decreased blood pressure levels;
  • strengthening vascular walls;
  • improvement of digestive processes;
  • stimulation of gastric juice production;
  • activation of the processes of burning subcutaneous fat deposits;
  • vasodilation.

As a rule, to add piquancy to their culinary creations, housewives add hot capsicum. Today it is cultivated all over the world huge amount different varieties, but all of them, as one, contain capsaicin. This substance is famous for its antibacterial, antiviral and anti-inflammatory properties.

Based on the above, we can come to the conclusion that spicy food is very useful for work. digestive tract and circulatory system.

Important! If you, out of habit, ate spicy food and then... oral cavity everything seems to be burning with a blue flame, don’t even think about putting out the fire with water. You will only make the situation worse. Pasteurized cow's milk will help minimize the effect of hot additives.

Experts say that it is useful to eat such food in case of acute respiratory infections and viral diseases. It will be easier for the body to fight the disease. As a rule, elevated temperature provokes increased secretion sweat. Hot additions to your favorite dishes will only speed up this process, and your health will improve significantly.

Another interesting observation is that spicy foods cannot be eaten in unlimited quantities, so lovers of savory foods, as a rule, do not face the problem of being overweight.

And it’s difficult to overeat at night if you ate a spicy dish at dinner. Also, such food has a beneficial effect on nervous system. The scourge of our century is insomnia. Studies have shown that spicy foods have a sedative effect, so these treats help normalize sleep.

It is also worth noting that people who eat more spicy foods have high stress resistance and experience stress more easily. stressful situations and are protected from depression.

Such a spectrum beneficial properties This does not mean that every person can thoughtlessly include a dish with pepper on their menu.

Let's not delude ourselves

Hot additives and all kinds of hot seasonings, in addition to the amazing taste, also make the dish a potential enemy for human body. Therefore, before introducing foods from this group into your diet, you should think carefully, and even better, consult with a specialized doctor.

Unfortunately, spicy food may not always be healing. Benefit and harm are like lovebirds, and they should always be considered in conjunction. Such products have irritating properties.

The mucous membranes of the oral cavity and esophagus are the first to be affected. Then the stomach and intestines will suffer. In the presence of diseases, open wounds or ulcers on the mucous membrane, you should avoid spicy foods so as not to aggravate the clinical picture.

Excessive consumption of spicy foods can cause heartburn. The symptom is, of course, unpleasant, but not harmless, as it might seem at first glance. With constant irritating effects on the walls of the stomach, ulcers may form or gastritis may begin.

Therefore, gastroenterologists do not recommend getting carried away with spicy foods. As mentioned above, acute food provokes abundant production of gastric juice. With a large accumulation of the latter, discomfort occurs in the epigastric region. And not only. People complain of an unpleasant odor from the mouth, and the functioning of taste buds is also disrupted, which is very difficult to restore.

List of contraindications:

  • stomach ulcer;
  • lactation period;
  • gastritis;
  • last trimester of gestation.

During pregnancy, especially in the last trimester, it is better to avoid fiery treats so as not to provoke premature birth.