What does bee bread help with? Bee bread: benefits and use during breastfeeding

One of the exceptional and very useful, which was carefully prepared from, is bee bread. The benefits of this product have been known for many centuries. Let's consider what bee bread is, what beneficial properties it has and how to take it correctly.

Bee bread: description

(bee bread) - plant pollen, which is collected and placed in the honeycombs of the hive after treatment with a honey-enzyme composition. There, under the influence of bacteria and various enzymes, pollen is preserved under anaerobic conditions. When finished, it is a dense hexagonal prism.

Did you know? The taste of bee bread depends on the plants from which the pollen was collected and is a collection of sweet, sour and even slightly bitter shades.

The product was known to the pagan ancestors of the Slavs, Indian yogis, Tibetan lamas and even Egyptian pharaohs. This means that it was consumed even before bee bread was recognized by modern scientists. Today this unique product not only used in fresh, but also washed down with tea. In addition, it is used to make anti-aging and anti-inflammatory masks for the face and hair.

Chemical composition

The composition of bee bread is quite large; it is also called a natural multivitamin. It contains vitamins B, C, A, E, D, K, as well as mineral salts and organic acids. Due to the presence of carbohydrates in it, the amount of carbohydrates is 2.5 times greater than in pollen.

How does the product affect the human body?

Consumption of bee bread has a positive effect on appearance: skin condition improves, the number of wrinkles decreases, acne goes away, and skin regeneration increases. It has also been proven that this beekeeping product helps to heal quite large number problems in the body.

Useful properties

In terms of its antimicrobial properties, bee bread is several times more beneficial than other beekeeping products. Proper use will have the following beneficial properties on the body:

  • strengthening the immune system. The product is useful for people suffering from colds;
  • rejuvenation of the body. Such processes occur due to the tonic properties of the drug;
  • improvement of cerebral circulation. What is important for older people who have suffered a stroke or other brain injury;
  • improvement of metabolism. A natural probiotic that affects the state of intestinal microflora;
  • increased sexual activity and potency in men;
  • assistance in bearing a child, eliminating toxicosis. Rapid recovery of strength after childbirth and increased lactation.

Due to all the existing features, this product can be used by children from the very beginning. small age. Thanks to special way creation, it is not a strong allergen, like other bee products. However, it must be used wisely, avoiding overdose.
This product will not cause any harm to pregnant women either. According to experts who study beebread, it can help raise hemoglobin levels, protect the fetus from the threat of miscarriage, and improve the condition of nervous system, cure insomnia and prepare the body for future stress.

Treatment: dosage for different ailments

Like anyone else medicinal product, bee bread has its own dosages, which differ for adults and children. In addition, it is necessary to take into account general condition body, purpose of intake, age and even weight of the person.

For treatment, bee bread is simple dissolve under the tongue without drinking. It is recommended to do this before meals twice a day. The average dose for an adult is 20 g per day. Treatment is carried out for a month, then take a break for up to 2 months and repeat again. On average, 3 courses are conducted per year.

However, it is better in each individual case to consult a doctor who will select correct dosage, based on your illness. It is strictly forbidden to treat children yourself. The most commonly prescribed dosage is 1/3 or ¼ tsp.

Important! It is strictly forbidden to increase the dose. You will not get the best therapeutic effect, but problems are quite possible. Also, beebread should not be heated, this will lead to the loss of all useful qualities product.

Immune Support

To increase immunity, bee bread is taken in combination with other products created by bees. The mixture is prepared from 2 g, 400 g and 30 g of bee bread.

Store the resulting product in a dark container in the refrigerator. Take 1 tsp on an empty stomach. 30 days without a break. This treatment with beebread is especially important in spring and autumn, when the immune system is weakest.

Treatment of heart diseases

Beebread helps to dissolve plaques that form on the walls of blood vessels, and also increases natural protection body. Besides similar treatment prescribed for hypertension, hypotension, heart failure, after strokes and heart attacks.

Bee bread can change its effect depending on the time of consumption: before or after a meal. In the first case, hypertensives are taken, and in the second, hypotensives. The dosage of one dose is 1 g. It is recommended to use the medicine several times a day.

Bee bread against allergies

Despite the fact that allergists do not like it, this does not apply to bee bread. Since this is the most low-allergenic product, many are interested in how to properly use beebread with such a diagnosis.

Children from 3 years of age are prescribed a dosage of less than a gram per day. In adults, the dose is at least doubled. However, it is better to select the dosage with the help of your doctor.

Gastrointestinal diseases

A small amount of bee bread daily use stimulates intestinal function. Based on this healing product create a large number of drugs for the treatment of the gastrointestinal tract.

Eating just 10g daily will satiate your body useful minerals, amino acids, vitamins, organic substances and monosaccharides. It needs to be dissolved in the mouth without drinking anything. This should be done 15 minutes before meals.

Treatment of the reproductive system

After the colossal benefits of bee bread for treatment were established men's problems, many are interested in how to properly use bee bread to restore health. It has been proven that regular use increases blood supply to the genital organs, increases the number of sperm and makes them more active.

Bee bread also helps get rid of prostate problems. For prevention, it is enough to consume 8 g of the product twice a day. To treat existing diseases, the dose is doubled.

Important! The peculiarity of this method is that it is important to dissolve it in the mouth without swallowing. Although ingestion will not cause harm, it will only lead to unnecessary waste of the medicine.

Application in cosmetology

Bee bread is often used in cosmetology; it can restore hair and skin. To restore hair, rinse with this product. The solution is prepared from 1 tbsp. l. powdered bee bread and a glass of warm boiled water. The components are thoroughly mixed and applied to the head. After a few minutes, wash off.

For the face, you can make a mask from bee bread and. Applying this composition will make the skin beautiful, velvety, smooth and radiant.

For the mask, take 30 g of bee bread, and

What does bee bread consist of?

Bees make bee bread from pollen. They prepare it for the winter as food: they put it in honeycombs and compact it with honey. The properties of this product allow bees to survive the winter while maintaining strength and health. Bee bread is taken from bees in the spring, when its reserves are not needed.

The percentages of some substances will change depending on which flowers the bee chooses to collect pollen from.


  • enzymes;
  • 16 amino acids;
  • fatty acids;
  • many vitamins - A, E, C, B1, B2, B6, P, D;
  • potassium;
  • magnesium;
  • calcium;
  • iron;
  • copper;
  • cobalt;
  • phosphorus;
  • manganese;
  • chromium;
  • zinc.

Medicinal properties

The medicinal properties of bee bread make it possible to take this product while fighting many diseases.

Properties are divided into groups.

Property group Peculiarities
Tonic Regular consumption of bee bread improves mood and relieves chronic fatigue.
Cardiotrophic Potassium, phosphorus and magnesium, which are part of bee bread and are easily absorbed when taken, strengthen the heart muscle.
Strengthening Bee bread has a general strengthening effect along with a high-quality vitamin and mineral complex.
Vitaminizing Bee bread contains vitamins that combine well with each other and are easily absorbed by the body.
Immunostimulating, anti-inflammatory Taking bee bread will help prevent colds, and during infectious diseases speeds up the healing process.
Anti-aging The rejuvenating effect is achieved by taking bee bread internally and using it externally. Active components stimulate blood circulation

The taste and effect on the body of bee bread is similar to multivitamins in tablet form.

Who is it useful for?

Bee bread is useful for everyone who is not allergic to it. Medicinal properties allow it to be used as a remedy alternative medicine. Bee bread is also used as a supporting drug during treatment with chemical drugs. Ideally balanced nutrients have a beneficial effect on the body. Diseases internal organs and infections can be quickly cured by using this beekeeping product.

Problem Why take bee bread
Cardiovascular diseases Positive dynamics in treatment are observed due to the presence of easily digestible potassium and many other substances that are necessary for the heart and blood vessels.
Hypertension IN folk medicine beebread is used to stabilize blood pressure. For hypertension, it is recommended to take it before meals, and for hypotension, after meals.
Supporting the body during difficult treatment The body puts stress on the kidneys, liver and other organs during treatment with chemical drugs. Balanced vitamin complex, which is beebread in its composition, supports health during difficult periods.
Edema The reason for the improvement in well-being is the mild diuretic effect.
Anemia Iron, which is contained in beekeeping products, is easily absorbed by the body. This leads to a rapid increase in hemoglobin to normal levels.
Bronchitis and other respiratory diseases A mixture of bee bread and honey is a strong anti-inflammatory agent. It contains all the substances that are necessary to restore health.
Reproductive health disorders The positive effect is achieved by improving blood circulation in peripheral organs. The number and motility of sperm increases. Bee bread is also useful for pregnant and lactating women.
Digestive diseases The enzymes contained in bee bread normalize digestion. Excellent results are obtained by using the product in the treatment of stomach ulcers and duodenum.
Treatment of benign tumors Adherents of traditional medicine note a decrease in benign tumors and cystic formations while taking bee bread. In case of malignant neoplasms, it is not recommended to take bee bread, since in this case the beneficial substances can harm the body.
Strengthening the immune system Anti-inflammatory and immunostimulating properties make it possible to use bee bread to support immunity. This remedy helps avoid colds.
Increased physical and mental stress Bee bread is popular among athletes because when taken it increases strength and increases resistance to stress.
Deterioration of skin and hair condition Accelerating the regeneration process and strengthening the body essential vitamins, minerals and fatty acids have a positive effect on skin and hair.

How to take it correctly?

The maximum dose of bee bread for oral administration is one teaspoon three times a day.

An adult can take from 10 to 30 grams per day when treating any disease. When used for the purpose of prevention, the dose is reduced to 10-15 grams of the drug per day. For children, an approximate ratio is accepted: 70-100 mg per 1 kg of weight. Exceeding the dose does not improve the result.

A mixture of beebread and honey in a 1:1 ratio brings double benefits. This mixture has a more pleasant taste than pure bee bread.

Bee bread found wide application in cosmetology. The beneficial substances included in its composition strengthen the skin and hair. The medicinal properties of bee bread decide many cosmetic problems. This product is added to face masks and used as a hair rinse.


The composition, rich in useful substances, and the healing properties of bee bread make it practically a medicine. This implies some precautions during its use. Loading doses and long-term use not recommended. You can get both an overdose of certain substances and general hypervitaminosis.

Perga is a beekeeping product that is used in folk and traditional medicine. IN everyday life people don't come across this product often. Honey and propolis are the most popular. The medicinal properties of bee bread lie in its composition.

Bee bread practically does not cause allergic reactions. However, before using it, it is recommended to make sure that there is no allergy.

On sale there are fakes and old beebread, which is dried and frozen. During long-term storage medicinal properties product are reduced.

Adding bee bread to the diet allows a person to get everything they need for health and well-being. Important to purchase quality product from a reliable seller.

Bee bread is mixed with bee enzymes and honey, and then compacted inside the honeycomb. The beneficial properties of bee bread, reviews of which give reason to be interested in such a product, have long been proven. During the process of “packing” into cells, the substance is subjected to this, which, unlike simple flower pollen, ensures that it remains sterile, since the acid destroys bacteria, while simultaneously further enriching the bee bread.

It is believed that bee bread is a powerful natural stimulant. This is facilitated by the beneficial properties of bee bread. Consumer reviews about this are positive and numerous. The product owes this quality medicinal plants, or rather, the flowers from which bees collect pollen.

Content of useful components in the product

Bee bread contains vitamins such as:

  • pyridoxamine;
  • ascorbic acid;
  • thiamine;
  • antisterile vitamin;
  • riboflavin;
  • antihemorrhagic vitamin;
  • retinol;
  • hesperidin;
  • ergocalciferol.

In addition, it contains many fatty acids, namely:

  • omega - 6;
  • omega - 3;
  • palmitic;
  • myristic;
  • myristoleic;
  • palmitoleic;
  • arachidonic acid, as well as carotenoids .
  • iron;
  • zinc;
  • cobalt;
  • magnesium;
  • gold and platinum.

Bee bread also includes 16 amino acids. There are studies that have proven that when consuming this high-calorie product, muscle building occurs. It happens at high speed, so these beneficial properties of bee bread, reviews of which are definitely positive, are used by people involved in professional sports.

Perga and weight loss

Perga is often used for the purpose quick recovery after significant physical activity. Athletes use an equal mixture of bee bread and honey and consume a dessert spoon of it four times a day. The anabolic properties of the drug are enhanced by the addition of Schisandra and Leuzea extracts.

Representatives of strength martial arts use bee bread without honey, separately, with a dosage of 0.5 g per kilogram of body weight per day. I wonder what the effect of taking a substance like bee bread is for weight loss? There are few reviews about this, so it is worth waiting until sufficient statistics are collected.

The effect of bee bread on the body

With constant use, bee bread helps strengthen immune system a person and increases his vitality. The product restores balance intestinal microflora, and also improves the quality of the gastrointestinal mucosa, improves liver function, acts as an active stimulator of bile secretion, and promotes better excretion harmful products disintegration from the body.

Since it has been proven that such a product has reviews, which can be gleaned from numerous sources, there is no doubt about its ability to improve blood circulation and hematopoietic activity. In addition, the product reduces the level bad cholesterol and increases hemoglobin levels.

The beneficial properties of bee bread have been scientifically confirmed. Reviews indicate a beneficial effect on the condition circulatory system in general and the heart muscle in particular.

Perga in cosmetology

Breadbread with honey is used in cosmetology. The reviews that women leave after the procedures indicate that this is truly a guarantee of health.

The product works great on every cell. You can quickly and easily use this substance to get rid of acne. To do this, you need to take it internally, and also wipe your face with an additional alcohol extract of propolis.

By making masks from beebread, the reviews of which are very numerous, a woman gets a velvety, tender face. Proof of the product's effectiveness will be seen in beekeepers, many of whom achieve longevity while maintaining mental clarity and strength.

Bee bread and the reproductive system

The substance inhibits the development of inflammation processes and activates the restoration of damaged tissues. The product increases the body’s resistance to viral and bacterial attack, as well as to the adverse effects of other factors. environment- from atmospheric pressure and sudden temperature changes to ionizing radiation and the influence of toxins.

Scientists have proven its beneficial effects on stress and depression. Its use promotes mental and physical activity. The substance allows you to maintain normal hormonal balance and increases potency, improving blood supply to the male and female organs reproductive system, which, in turn, has a good effect on the process of spermatogenesis, as well as embryonic development.

The product is used not only to increase potency, but also for treatment purposes male infertility and prostate adenomas. Constant use makes it possible to increase the motility and number of active sperm several times.

Men also note that they have seen for themselves the medicinal properties of bee bread. Reviews from representatives of the stronger sex show that the product allows you to prolong sexual intercourse.

By examining the reviews left by women about a substance such as bee bread, we can judge that it has a beneficial effect on the normal course of menstruation. Throughout her life, a woman faces genital infections. Including bee bread in your diet allows you to forget for a long time about all sorts of inflammatory processes that debilitate the female body.


Perga - good remedy from premature aging. It has a beneficial effect on the condition skin. Also, judging by the reviews it has, it improves the functioning of the adrenal glands and other organs endocrine system.

Despite the extensive list of advantages of this product, taking beebread can lead to negative effect. Using bee bread for treatment purposes oncological diseases undesirable, since neoplasms may respond ambiguously to a general tonic.

Individual intolerance to a substance also does not contribute to its use as a panacea for all cases. A substance such as beebread should be given to children very carefully. Reviews about what for child's body the product is not suitable, also present in many sources.

It is also undesirable to use bee bread for people suffering from hyperactivity. thyroid gland. Although if you know the dosage of taking this product, then it will not cause harm in this case.

How to take bee bread

How to take bee bread correctly to get maximum effect, you definitely need to know. It is worth saying that there are different ways consumption of this valuable product.

Any bee bread is extremely useful. First of all, this is due to the fact that, as a fermentation product, this substance contains prebiotics, which improve the condition of our intestinal flora. If you have various digestive problems, you can take half a teaspoon of this product without drinking anything, about twenty minutes before meals.

The opinions of apitherapists vary greatly on the issue of dosage, as well as what bee bread receives bee reviews. Some advise taking doses of 2 g, others recommend as much as 40 g. Through errors and trials, most experts have come to the conclusion that for an adult, taking this product should be no more than 5 g per day, that is, a teaspoon.

It is advisable to split the recommended dose into several doses. Morning and evening, drink 2.5 g on an empty stomach thirty minutes before meals. Since beebread is considered a fairly active product, the evening dose should be no later than six in the evening, since substances used with the product before bedtime can cause insomnia, disrupting quality rest.

The course of administration is thirty days, then a break is necessarily taken for the same period of time, and then it is necessary to resume administration again. To support the body, experts recommend 4 courses per year.

It is better to start treatment with beebread in the fall. Consumer reviews indicate that it is in the mode when the first course is carried out in October, the second in winter, and two more in spring that the most positive result is achieved.

How to take bee bread for children

Is bee bread good for children? Reviews about this are quite contradictory. Some experts do not recommend using the product before three years old, since the child’s internal organs have not yet become stronger.

Other doctors advise daily dosage for an adult, divide by 70, the same as the weight of an average person, and multiply the result by the child’s weight. Divide the received dose into two doses - morning and evening. When everything goes well, you can increase the amount of product taken by another half.

A growing body requires vital microelements for normal functioning and growth. Therefore, beebread can become an indispensable product for any child. In addition to influencing physical strength, it helps improve the mental ability of children.

Significantly improves vision, metabolic processes, normalizes red blood cells, develops the brain and nervous system activity, and strengthens the immune system of the growing organism. However, in all cases, you should definitely consult with a highly qualified specialist.

Bees prepare bee bread (“bee bread”, bread) to supply the colony, especially the larvae, with protein food during the cold season. It consists of flower pollen, tightly compacted into honeycombs and filled with honey. In the absence of air, the product undergoes a natural fermentation process and is preserved with lactic acid under the influence of honey and insect saliva. It can be stored long time without losing its beneficial properties, it does not deteriorate under the influence of mold or bacteria.


Healing properties of bee bread

The properties of bee bread are determined by its unique balanced composition. The product is rich in amino acids, fatty and organic acids, carbohydrates, mineral salts, carotenoids and vitamins, and its nutritional value exceeds that for meat, milk or eggs. It also contains hormone-like compounds and enzymes that are useful for normalizing metabolic processes human body.

Bee bread has a complex beneficial effect on health if consumed regularly:

  1. The product strengthens the immune system, improving the body's nonspecific resistance to adverse factors. external environment, including environmental, man-made and climatic, pathogenic effects infectious agents. Its beneficial property of increasing adaptive abilities and endurance helps expand the zone of physical and physiological comfort.
  2. Bee bread contains antiviral substances, as well as components that exhibit bactericidal activity. This allows it to be widely used for the treatment of colds and other infectious diseases, as well as for the relief of inflammatory processes.
  3. Bread is useful for protecting against the destructive effects of stress, helping to maintain vitality high level and relieves symptoms of depression and chronic fatigue. It has the property of saturating the human body with substances necessary for the full functioning of the brain, improving functional state muscle tissue and increasing its mass.
  4. Beebread has an antisclerotic and vasodilating effect, improves blood flow and, accordingly, blood supply to the brain and myocardium. It helps provide the body with the compounds necessary for the natural production of hemoglobin and cleansing the blood of excess cholesterol.
  5. Bee bread helps restore intestinal microflora and heal mucous membranes digestive tract and improves appetite. It stimulates the liver and gallbladder, helps cleanse the organs of poisons, waste and toxins.
  6. Bee bread activates tissue regeneration processes, especially the production of collagen fibers, so its use produces a pronounced cosmetic effect. It significantly improves the appearance of the skin and prevents the appearance of signs of aging and premature aging.
  7. The product has proven itself to restore the health of the endocrine system; it helps to improve hormonal levels and the functioning of the genital organs, including potency and spermatogenesis in men. The components of bee bread in combination activate testosterone production, improve sperm quality, and maintain normal erectile function.
  8. Bee bread phytosterols and vitamin B6 are useful for maintaining the health of the female genital organs, and polyunsaturated fatty acids protect eggs from the aggressive effects of damaging factors. Perga promotes normal course embryogenesis and reduces the risk of miscarriage during pregnancy.

Video: Useful properties of bee bread in the program “About the Most Important Thing”

Indications for the use of bee bread

The beneficial properties of bee bread make it possible to use it for treatment wide range pathological conditions, as well as to maintain normal health and under conditions of increased physical, emotional and intellectual stress. Regular use product recommended:

  • for the treatment of respiratory diseases (acute respiratory infections, ARVI, influenza), sore throat, pharyngitis, laryngitis, bronchitis, tuberculosis, asthma;
  • V complex therapy diseases of the heart and blood vessels: atherosclerosis, ischemia, dystrophic changes myocardial tissue, heart failure, instability of blood pressure of any kind, varicose veins, thrombophlebitis and thrombosis;
  • to normalize blood counts in leukemia and iron deficiency anemia;
  • with gastritis, ulcerative lesions mucous membrane of the duodenum and stomach, colitis and enterocolitis, enteritis, hepatitis, cholelithiasis and cholecystitis, to restore intestinal microflora during dysbacteriosis;
  • for the treatment of malnutrition, anorexia, disruptions in digestive processes in adults and children;
  • at food poisoning, intoxication of any origin;
  • in the treatment of male diseases genitourinary system(prostatitis, prostate adenoma, infertility, impotence);
  • to get rid of diseases of the female genitourinary system (inflammatory processes, infertility);
  • to relieve the syndrome vegetative-vascular dystonia, chronic fatigue, improvement in nervous diseases, depression, insufficient blood supply to the brain and dysfunction of higher nervous activity(distraction of attention, memory impairment);
  • in the treatment of dermatological diseases (neurodermatitis, psoriasis, eczema) and pathologies of the visual organs;
  • in case of violations hormonal levels and diseases endocrine glands;
  • for kidney diseases.

Taking bee bread is useful during periods of pregnancy and lactation, recovery of the body after surgery, heart attack, stroke. On the recommendation of the attending physician, the product can be used to improve the condition after courses of radiation or chemotherapy in cancer patients. Perga also helps to facilitate withdrawal from drug (including nicotine and alcohol) addiction.

Ingestion of bee bread

IN general case It is useful to consume bee bread 2-3 times a day 30 minutes before meals every day for 4 weeks, then the course can be repeated after a ten-day break. The product is absorbed into oral cavity under the tongue until completely dissolved; it is not recommended to drink it with water.

The average dose of bee bread for single use is:

  • 0.5 tsp. for an adult (10 g per day as a prophylactic and no more than 30 g per day for treatment);
  • 0.25-0.3 tsp. for a child (at the rate of 0.07-0.1 g per 1 kg of weight).

The product may not be used by young children until they reach the age of 12 months. To carry out any home procedures for a child using potent folk remedies approval of the local pediatrician is required.

For medicinal purposes, beebread collected from an apiary located in an ecologically clean area from meadow or forest herbs is required. flowering trees. Using a product produced by bees near agricultural fields is dangerous because it may contain high doses of pesticides and fertilizers.

Warning: Bee bread has a pronounced tonic effect on the human body, so consuming it after 6 p.m. is undesirable.

Recipe for honey with beebread

The bee bread crumbs are dried and cooled at a temperature of -1ºC, ground in a mortar and mixed with liquid fresh honey. The composition with the uncrushed product can also be processed using a mixer or blender. The ratio of components can be equal or 1:2, 1:4 (the most popular option), up to 1:10 according to personal preferences.

The finished mixture is poured into jars after sterilization, closed tightly and briefly placed in a warm place to clarify. In the dark and cool, the product retains its healing properties for a long time (up to several years). It is taken in courses of 1 tsp. 2-3 times a day a quarter of an hour before meals.

Video: Subtleties of determining the quality of bee bread

The use of bee bread in cosmetology

Bee bread is a sought-after ingredient in care products for aging and mature skin. It serves as a complex vitamin and mineral supplement as part of masks for the face, neck, hands, which can be used 1-2 times a week. The component provides hydration and nutrition to skin cells, produces a lifting effect and promotes rejuvenation.

Bee bread is also useful for healthy hair and scalp. With regular use of cosmetic care compositions based on it, strands become softer and more manageable. She also provides therapeutic effect, since it suppresses the vital activity of microorganisms, causing the formation dandruff, strengthens and nourishes hair follicles, preventing hair loss.

Mask recipe to eliminate signs of fatigue and add shine to the skin

Bee bread, honey, milk, lemon juice - 1 part each
Yolk chicken egg

Freshly squeezed lemon juice, bee bread, milk and honey are taken in equal proportions and mixed thoroughly in a glass or enamel bowl. Pre-beaten chicken egg yolk is added to the composition, then the mask is applied to the skin of the face and décolleté in an even layer for 20 minutes.

Recipe for a mask to eliminate acne

Fresh bee bread - 1 des. l.
Honey - 1 tbsp. l.
Propolis powder - 0.3 tsp.

Bee bread must be thoroughly mixed with propolis, and liquid honey must be added to the mixture. The mask should be kept on the skin for a quarter of an hour; a slight burning sensation may occur during the procedure.

Nourishing mask recipe

Sour cream - 1 tsp.
Honey - 1 tsp.
Bee bread - 1 tsp.

The components of the composition according to the recipe are thoroughly mixed and applied to the face and décolleté for 20 minutes. In order to wash off the mask, you will need a large amount warm water or a decoction of skin-soothing herbs.

Cleansing mask recipe

Perga - 0.5 tbsp. l.
Honey - 0.5 tbsp. l.
Mineral water

Bee bread is ground with honey and mineral water, then apply to the face with light massaging movements and cover with a napkin. After 30 minutes, the mask should be removed using heated water, allow the skin to dry and apply thin layer moisturizer or baby cream.

Hair rinse recipe

Dissolve 1 tbsp in 200 g of warm water. l. thoroughly crushed beebread. The liquid should be used to rinse strands after each hair wash.


The use of bee bread should be avoided in cases of development of individual intolerance or hypersensitivity reaction to the product, in the acute phase of infectious diseases, as well as in cases of cancer without a doctor’s recommendation. Increased blood pressure, instability of the nervous system, bleeding disorders and sleep disorders are conditions in which the use of the product must be done with great caution.

Advice: To check availability allergic reaction On bee bread, a grain of the product soaked in water is placed on the wrist and the skin reaction is monitored. If a rash, redness or other pathological changes does not occur within 5 minutes, bee bread can be eaten or used for cosmetic procedures.

Video: Face cream with beebread

Today we will talk about bee bread, its beneficial properties and contraindications for use, we will analyze how to take beebread correctly for treatment and prevention.

Just a couple of decades ago, no one except the most advanced beekeepers knew what is bee bread. And even now, many people who are not closely occupied with their health are not in the know.

What is perga - bee bread, photo

A beebread- this is the bread of bees, processed in a special way, the substance that they seal in honeycombs and leave for the winter so as not to die of hunger. A sort of canned food. NZ! (who doesn’t know, NZ is an emergency reserve in case of war).

So the “arrogant little people” decided to expropriate this “bee bread” in order to maintain their health and the health of those around them. After all, there is such high concentration useful substances that improvement in the condition of chronically ill people occurs literally in a matter of days...

It is very captivating that beekeepers have not yet learned how to fake bee bread, and that they have been successful. Although I am sure that some unscrupulous people would like to, because bee bread is expensive (from 250 to 500 rubles per 100 grams from different manufacturers) and is produced by bees in limited quantities.

Altai beekeeper Dmitry Pergoff talks about what bee bread is like on his website. Types of bee bread.

Bee bread contains an extensive set of amino acids, all vitamins known to science, many macro and microelements, enzymes, growth stimulants and phytohormones.

Of course, in times of shortage of environmentally friendly and healthy products and the dominance of dead refined food in stores, health advocates could not ignore beebread and its medicinal and super-nutritive properties.

Medicinal beneficial properties of bee bread

  • Tonic.
  • Rejuvenating.
  • Immunity stimulating.
  • Master concentrate and trace elements.
  • Increasing resistance.
  • Increases the quality of life (increases life expectancy and maintains activity and a clear mind for a long time).

What else is bee bread useful for?

Most complete list medicinal properties beebread can be seen in the following table:

The use of bee bread in folk medicine - treatment with bee bread

  1. Thanks to its enzymes, bee bread is excellent in treating diseases gastrointestinal tract , stool normalizes, naturally The intestinal flora is restored, flatulence and pain disappear.
  2. A large amount of potassium affects the condition cardiovascular system , successfully used for atherosclerosis, hypertension, serves as a prevention of heart attacks and strokes.
  3. It is used in the treatment of diseases kidneys, liver, blood, respiratory, endocrine systems.
  4. property bee bread allows it to compete with numerous pharmacological products in this area, the effect is milder and it is impossible to “get hooked” on it, as on tablets of a similar effect.
  5. A serious effect is also promised with treatment genital area- infertility, prostatitis, to prevent miscarriages and severe toxicosis.
  6. I recently read that according to bee medicine successfully treated benign tumors- fibromas, lipomas,. The course of treatment is 5 months for fibroids, and lipomas resolve much faster.

The last statement has not yet received evidence from me or my friends, therefore, as soon as I conduct the experiment, I will write more precisely whether there is an effect or not.

How to take bee bread

Take 10-15 grams of bee bread daily.

Beekeepers recommend this dosage in for preventive purposes and to strengthen the body's defenses. A for treatment serious illnesses the dose is selected at 20-30 grams. You can take it with food or on an empty stomach.

But on an empty stomach it can quite dramatically reduce blood pressure. If you have hypertension and are sensitive to pressure changes, then take bee bread with food or immediately after it.

Treatment beebread conduct courses 4 times a year for 20 days.

If you dissolve it in your mouth, the absorption process will be better due to the enzymes of saliva, but the latter is not critical, even if you take it like a tablet and wash it down with water, the effect of using bee bread will be good. Just don’t drink it with inappropriate liquids like beer, coffee...

By the way, like honey, the described product spoils if you heat it or the dish you add it to above 45 degrees.

And it is highly recommended to consume bee bread EXACTLY with HONEY, the most organic combination and combination of effects is guaranteed.

Below is an excerpt from a conversation with Ivan Borisovich Filatov, a beekeeper I know, 68 years old, who in terms of physical fitness will give a head start to thirty years old... The man maintains his health exclusively with beekeeping products.

Bee bread - how it treats heart disease

Patients suffering from cardiovascular diseases for a long time, they consider treatment with ordinary flower bee bread amazing. Just a few days after starting to take this natural remedy patients with heart failure or people who have had a heart attack suddenly feel that their strength is beginning to return to them, life gives them hope again.

The pain that tormented them in the chest area goes away, the unbearable pain in the head subsides, and their overall activity suddenly begins to increase. Having started to take bee bread regularly, people who were helpless and demanded special attention for care, after a couple of weeks they begin to get up, first take short walks on foot, and after thirty days they already feel quite confident.

Doctors confirm with their research that their body is confidently recovering from coronary vessels the hated plaques disappear.

What causes this effect from the use of bee bread?

First of all, because in bee product many microelements, including potassium. Insufficient potassium is one of the main causes of the disease. For some reason, the body stops absorbing it from regular products. As a result, a failure occurs. Perga contains it in such a form that the body does not need to make any additional effort to assimilate it.

When taking bee bread, it is important not to just swallow it, but to dissolve it for as long as possible. Then all its elements will be absorbed through the mucous membrane and will not be subjected to aggressive processing in the stomach.

In addition to heart diseases, bee bread can help get rid of disorders blood pressure. It is enough for an adult to take from ten to twenty grams of the product in one day, for children - half as much. There is no point in increasing the amount of the drug, because the body will absorb just that much, and the rest will be used as high-calorie food.

You need to use bee bread very carefully, because it is a complex with very high energy properties. By taking a very small dose into the stomach, you cause a very strong blood flow in it. If you take it before a meal, blood flows out of the head and the pressure drops sharply, which will recover in about thirty to forty minutes. That's why only people with high pressure this is acceptable. Everyone else should take the bee remedy only after meals. Although even among experts there are different opinions regarding the use of beebread, I believe that you should never wash it down with water. You should not drink for thirty minutes.

Unfortunately, in addition to the undoubted benefits of bee bread, it can also be harmful to health...

Contraindications to bee bread treatment

  1. Oncology stage 3-4 disease.
  2. Individual intolerance or allergy to bee products.
  3. Advanced diabetes mellitus.
  4. For bleeding of various etiologies(the product thins the blood and reduces its clotting).
  5. Toxic goiter with hyperthyroidism ( increased production thyroid hormones).
  6. An exacerbation of pancreatitis must pass at least 2 weeks after it before treatment can begin.
  7. Perga is remedy, which is taken in courses, long-term and uncontrolled use of the drug can lead to hypervitaminosis, which negatively affects the condition of the liver, kidneys, and pancreas.

It is believed that treatment with beebread cannot be combined with taking vitamins and hormonal drugs. Although there is no agreement or clear opinion on this issue.

How to store bee bread

Store bee bread only in the refrigerator or in a dark, dry, cool place, such as a basement, in other places it dries out quickly, and in conditions of high humidity it becomes moldy.

Continuing the conversation about honey and bee products in the next article about bee pollen. Stay tuned.

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