What causes uterine hypertonicity during pregnancy? About nervous overload

Easy pregnancy and healthy babythe dream of almost every woman. The course of pregnancy and fetal development is greatly influenced by the condition reproductive organs expectant mother, and especially the uterus.

The uterus is a hollow organ in a woman’s body, located in the pelvic cavity and consisting of several layers of muscle fibers. It is in it that the embryo develops and the fetus is born. Like all muscles, the uterus can contract due to the action of external and internal factors. Such contractions are called increased tone. Increased tone uterus (hypertonicity) – enough common pathology during pregnancy and all expectant mothers have at least a small idea of ​​what it is.

Let us consider this deviation in more detail and establish its causes. possible consequences and ways to combat it.

Symptoms and types of pathology

Tension of the uterine muscles in pregnant women can be either temporary or permanent. The tone can be increased in all parts of the uterus (total tone), or in a specific place (local).

Signs of a pathological condition:

  • Pulling pain in the lower abdomen, similar to pain during menstruation
  • Feeling of heaviness in the stomach
  • Pain in the pubic and lumbar region
  • In some cases, an increase motor activity fetus

Single and short-term manifestations of symptoms should not cause panic. They can be caused by sneezing, coughing or laughing. In some women, tone increases briefly during an examination by a gynecologist due to nervous tension.

With localized increased uterine tone, it can occur on the anterior or posterior wall of the uterus. In the second case timely detection violations are quite difficult to carry out due to the lack characteristic symptoms. Sometimes excess tension in the muscles of the uterus can only be detected using ultrasound (ultrasound). The risk of increased tone along the posterior wall depends on the woman’s age: pregnant women under 18 years of age and over 30 years of age are most susceptible to it. Increased tone back wall uterus in the presence of pain may be evidence that processes are activated that disrupt the normal course of pregnancy. This condition can lead to miscarriage or premature birth.

Increased tone, localized on the anterior wall of the uterus, may indicate the presence of serious chromosomal abnormalities in the fetus, for example, Down syndrome. Muscles of the uterus in in this case strain due to the fact that the female body is trying to get rid of a sick or completely non-viable embryo.

Experts distinguish three degrees of increased uterine tone:

I degree. Short-lived painful sensations lower abdomen and thickening of the uterus, which do not cause serious discomfort. They disappear when the pregnant woman is at rest.

II degree. More severe abdominal pain lumbar region and sacrum. Noted high density uterus.

III degree. Even minor physical and mental stress can lead to severe pain in the stomach and lower back. The uterus becomes extremely hard. This condition requires qualified treatment.

Reasons for increased tone

Why does increased uterine tone appear during pregnancy? There are many factors influencing the increase in tension in the muscles of the uterus; they can be either external or a consequence of problems in the mother’s body.

In some cases, deviation of tone from the norm is due to violations hormonal levels:

  • Insufficient level of progesterone production by the corpus luteum;
  • Increased output male hormones adrenal cortex (hyperandrogenism). Before pregnancy, the problem may manifest itself in the form of a disorder menstrual cycle, excess hair on the face, stomach and pubic area;
  • Increased levels of prolactin in the blood (hyperprolactinemia). Before pregnancy, it can manifest as milk discharge from the nipples and an irregular menstrual cycle.

Other causes of hypertension:

  • Uterine hypoplasia (incomplete development of the organ due to congenital or acquired defects);
  • Endometriosis (the presence of non-functional tissue inside the uterus);
  • Uterine fibroids (benign tumor);
  • Inflammatory processes;
  • Sexually transmitted infections;
  • Exposure to toxic substances;
  • A large number of abortions in history;
  • Physical activity;
  • Very large fetus, multiple pregnancy;
  • Polyhydramnios;
  • Bad habits of the expectant mother (alcohol, smoking).

For whatever reason, the tone of the uterus is increased, neglect of this condition can lead to dire consequences, including spontaneous termination of pregnancy.

Increased uterine tone in the first trimester

First trimester - anxious time for the expectant mother. Uterine tone in early pregnancy is a common phenomenon. It can pose a serious threat to the processes that are responsible for the successful implantation of the fertilized egg into the endometrium of the uterus. At worst this state may result in rejection of the fertilized egg or its death.

In the first trimester, tension in the uterine muscles can appear as a result of even minor influence of external irritants, such as:

  • excitement and stress
  • physical activity
  • sexual intercourse
  • late going to the toilet

At the same time, the expectant mother feels tension in the lower abdomen and how this area hardens. Sometimes these sensations may be accompanied by mild pain in the lumbar region. If these symptoms are present, the pregnant woman needs to relax and rest. Most likely, the muscles will return to normal on their own. In cases where lumbar pain is excruciating and accompanied by cramping pain in the lower section abdomen, then an urgent visit to a doctor is necessary, since such processes may be evidence of a threat of miscarriage.

Second trimester and uterine hypertonicity

In the second trimester, for most pregnant women, toxicosis subsides and their well-being significantly improves. It is believed that this is the most favorable time during the entire pregnancy. However, it can be overshadowed by increased uterine tone.

The reasons for its occurrence may be the same factors as in the first trimester. They also add such a reason as the rapid growth of the fetus. In this case, tone may appear at approximately 20 weeks.

How can you determine in the second trimester that the muscle fibers of the uterus are under tension? The expectant mother may feel slight contractions of the uterus. Most often, they do not cause severe discomfort and can be eliminated by stopping physical activity or taking a horizontal position. Nagging pain in the lower back may indicate that there is increased tone in the posterior wall of the uterus.

Increased tone of the uterus in the second trimester can lead to worsening blood circulation in the placenta. This is a rather dangerous condition that can lead to hypoxia (oxygen starvation of the fetus). Hypoxia, in turn, leads to the fact that the fetus does not receive the necessary nutrients. This condition can end quite tragically - in a frozen pregnancy. One more serious complication hypertonicity may result in placental abruption. This happens because it is not typical for the placenta to contract during uterine contractions, and it begins to separate from the uterine walls.

If the contractions are pronounced and excruciating pain of a compressive nature appears, it is necessary to urgently consult a doctor. The combination of these symptoms may signal the onset of an involuntary miscarriage.

Features of tone in the third trimester

Increased uterine tone in the last stages of pregnancy can be determined by the feeling of stretching in the lower abdomen. In some cases, short-term “petrification” of the abdomen occurs.

If these symptoms do not disappear for a long time, are accompanied by spasmodic and stabbing pains, bloody discharge, then you should immediately seek medical help. If hypertonicity occurs between 28 and 38 weeks, the patient needs to undergo drug therapy. Inattention to increased tone can lead to premature birth and even the death of the child.

It is important not to confuse hypertension in the third trimester with premature birth. Most often, spasms and contractions at 38–40 weeks are normal and are of a training nature. This physiological process is called preparatory Braxton Hicks contractions. They are a consequence of hormonal changes that occur when the body prepares for childbirth. However, this process is characterized by painlessness, short duration and does not provoke dilatation of the cervix and the onset of labor. To begin with labor activity Contractions are typical with a regularity of more than three times per hour.

Diagnosis of hypertension

There are several methods for detecting increased uterine tone during pregnancy:

  • A conversation with the pregnant woman, during which you can find out what the nature of the pain is and determine whether it is associated with physical activity or stress;
  • Examination of a woman later. If the uterus is in in good condition, then upon palpation (feeling) it will be soft. Otherwise, the specialist will feel that it is compacted.
  • Ultrasound can give the most full picture regarding the condition of the muscle fibers of the uterus. The presence of increased tone is revealed quite simply: on the screen you will see how its front wall bends slightly inward. In addition, this side will be thinner than the back.
  • Tonuometry is a procedure that is carried out using a special device and sensor that is applied to the pregnant woman’s abdomen.

In some cases, doctors direct the patient to take a blood test for hormones, low or high concentrations of which can cause increased uterine tone.

Treatment. What to do if you have increased tone?

When identifying the tone of the uterine muscles, it is necessary to determine the causes of this condition in order to prescribe an effective course of treatment.

In many cases, increased tone can be overcome with the help of outpatient treatment. Increased tone can have negative influence on the development of the fetus, so everything must be done to quickly solve the problem. It is important to maintain bed rest, stop sex life and remain in a state of emotional peace. Depending on the causes of uterine tension, a woman may be prescribed appropriate medications: antispasmodics (no-spa, papaverine), drugs that increase progesterone levels (utrogestan and duphaston), sedatives(motherwort). If the doctor gives a referral for inpatient treatment, then you should not neglect this recommendation. After all, few people can provide themselves with absolute peace at home.

Everyone knows that prevention is better than cure. Following simple medical recommendations will help the expectant mother keep the uterus in a relaxed state, as well as avoid many complications of pregnancy. While waiting for a child should not be accompanied by severe physical exertion, stress and anxiety. The expectant mother should pay special attention to proper rest, proper nutrition, walks fresh air and timely visits to the gynecologist. Bad habits should be completely eliminated.

Compliance with these simple rules will help a woman minimize the risk of uterine tone and subsequent complications.

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), put quite often. Unfortunately, this condition often occurs during early stages pregnancy and brings mother and baby not only a lot of inconvenience, but also creates real threat for the pregnancy and health of the child.

What is hypertonicity?

The prefix “hyper” is of Greek origin and means something beyond the norm, increased significantly. IN everyday life we often use words with this prefix: hypertension ( high blood pressure), hyperactive (too active), hyperventilating (excessive ventilation), etc.

Uterine hypertonicity is a special condition that is characterized by certain contractions of the muscles of this organ.

The pregnant uterus can be compared to a sponge with tubes stuck into it. If you run water through the tubes, the water will easily penetrate the sponge. If you squeeze the sponge, the water will pass through with difficulty. The same is true for the uterus: while it is in a relaxed state, the blood flows blood vessels moves easily and supplies the fetus with oxygen and nutrients without interruption. The “compressed” uterus, which is in a state of hypertonicity, does not allow the embryo to be fully nourished. This can lead to dire consequences - ,. A baby born at term may experience developmental and growth disorders, since a lack of oxygen causes.

The sensations during uterine hypertonicity vary in intensity: for some they are weak and aching, for others, on the contrary, they are strong and pronounced. They are very similar to those that occur before or during menstruation. Often the uterus is so tense that it feels like a stone. The most alarming sign in this condition is the appearance of blood (or other color) from the vagina. In this case, urgently call or go to your doctor.

Causes of uterine hypertonicity

  • lack of the hormone progesterone;
  • stress (especially strong);
  • heavy physical activity;
  • -presence of tumors, hormonal and inflammatory diseases;
  • emergence or exacerbation chronic diseases;
  • polyhydramnios, multiple births, too large a child;
  • bad habits.

Diagnosis of increased uterine tone

To begin with, let’s say that the final diagnosis can only be made by a doctor, so you shouldn’t put off going to see him, even if the pain is not severe and does not cause much discomfort. There is a distinction between hypertonicity, diagnosed using, and hypertonicity, which is felt by the woman herself.

The gynecologist will make a diagnosis during an in-person examination. If he doubts, he will send the pregnant woman to ultrasound diagnostics and tonusometry.

The diagnosis was confirmed. What to do?

Get treatment! Firstly, at first it is very important to rest and relax, lead mental state back to normal. For this purpose, pregnant women who have been diagnosed with uterine hypertonicity are prescribed bed rest and sedatives. plant origin(this could be valerian, motherwort) and approved antispasmodics (for example, No-shpa or Papaverine). Treatment is often carried out in a hospital (usually in the pregnancy pathology department located at the maternity hospital), but it is possible that the doctor will allow the woman to stay at home.

If the cause of uterine hypertonicity is a lack of progesterone, drugs containing it are prescribed (Utrozhestan, Duphaston). Also often used hormonal drugs Metypred, Dexamethasone.

When treating hypertension, it significantly alleviates the condition medicine Magne-B6, which is combination drug magnesium and vitamin B6. Magnesium compounds prevent calcium from entering the cells of the organ and thus remove muscle spasm, preventing the formation of blood clots. In turn, vitamin B6 has an anti-stress effect. If necessary, to reduce the muscle activity of the uterus, use a solution of magnesium sulfate, which is administered both intravenously and intramuscularly.

Ginipral relaxes the muscles of the uterus well, but it has side effects and can cause premature.

If a pregnant woman feels that the uterus is tense, then you can get on all fours in the “cat pose.” In this case, the woman should slowly and smoothly raise her head and bend at the waist. After 5-6 seconds, you need to lower your head and arch your back upward. Repeat several times.

On our website, this topic has already been discussed in the material: “How to cope with increased uterine tone during pregnancy?” Therefore, we additionally invite you to read this article.

Especially for- Ksenia Dakhno

Many women are diagnosed with uterine hypertonicity during pregnancy. Most often this pathology manifests itself in early stages pregnancy, and carries a number of negative factors. The most harmless thing that can happen with hypertonicity is pain in the lower abdomen. But in most cases, this condition can cause a miscarriage.

What is uterine hypertonicity

Hypertonicity of the uterus is a certain condition in which the muscles of this organ contract in a certain way. The uterus of a woman expecting a child can be compared to a sponge, to which is attached large number various tubes. If you pass liquid through these tubes, it will almost immediately be absorbed into the sponge. But if you squeeze the sponge at the same time, the liquid through the tubes will hardly be able to enter it.

The same thing happens with the uterus. When this organ is in normal condition, blood flows through the vessels throughout the entire body without any problems. circulatory system, nourishing the placenta, providing the baby with oxygen and important microelements. But if the uterus is in a “compressed” state, then the fetus begins to suffer from a deficiency of elements necessary for life support.

In the future, this can cause miscarriage, missed pregnancy, or premature birth. If the child is born at term, then it is likely that he will be delayed in development due to the hypoxia experienced in the womb.

Symptoms of uterine hypertonicity during pregnancy

Hypertonicity can feel similar to pain during menstruation, but for some women it goes away almost painlessly. If you palpate the uterus during tone, it will resemble a stone.

When bloody discharge from the vagina, you should immediately go to the hospital, as this may indicate placental abruption or miscarriage.

Causes of uterine hypertonicity during pregnancy

Hypertonicity may appear for the following reasons:

  • Progesterone deficiency in the body.
  • Nervous tension, stress, depression.
  • Excessive physical activity.
  • The presence of various diseases, including tumors, inflammation and hormonal imbalance.
  • Colds or chronic diseases.
  • Large fruit, polyhydramnios or oligohydramnios.
  • Smoking, drinking alcohol and other bad habits.
  • Past abortions or failed previous pregnancies.
  • Weak immunity.
  • Underdevelopment of the genital organs.

Only a gynecologist can determine the presence of increased tone using ultrasound or palpation. At unpleasant sensations in the form of a nagging pain in the lower abdomen, various discharges, you should immediately visit a doctor.

Treatment of uterine hypertonicity during pregnancy

If a gynecologist has diagnosed you with uterine hypertonicity, then do not panic. After all, most of the diseases that expectant mothers face arise due to the body’s reaction to external stimuli. If you try to calmly perceive any situation that has arisen life situation, you can avoid various health complications.

During therapy, the gynecologist tries to find the cause of uterine hypertonicity. If the pathology occurs due to progesterone deficiency, then medications containing this hormone are prescribed, for example, Utrozhestan or Duphaston. Additionally, some hormonal medications may be prescribed.

A good helper in the fight against hypertension is Magne B6, which contains magnesium and vitamin B6. This medicine prevents calcium from passing into organs, relieves spasms and prevents the formation of blood clots. At the same time, vitamin B6 has a calming effect on the body. Sometimes a pregnant woman is prescribed a solution of magnesium sulfate, which is administered intravenously and intramuscularly.

Ginipral has a relaxing effect on the uterus, but at the same time it can cause placental abruption, so it is prescribed extremely rarely.

At the first feeling of tension in the uterus, experts advise taking a cat pose, that is, getting on all fours and arching your back. You need to stay in this position for 5 seconds, then lower your head and arch your back up. Similar exercises should be performed several times.

Prevention of uterine hypertonicity during pregnancy

IN for preventive purposes It is advisable to avoid long trips. Rest, like sleep, should be complete. The expectant mother needs to explain to colleagues and relatives that she does not want to be nervous. It is important to avoid any conflict situations.

The expectant mother should consume as much fresh fruit and vitamins as possible so that the body has a supply of microelements important for life support. You should also adhere to the principles proper nutrition, because flour and fatty products can cause not only weight gain excess weight, but also feeling unwell.

Increased uterine tone is observed in 60% of pregnant women, but in only 5% this phenomenon requires special treatment. In other cases, uterine hypertonicity is not considered dangerous condition during pregnancy. The only thing that is required of the expectant mother is to observe bed rest, sexual rest and adhere to a daily routine.

Nagging pain in the lower abdomen with hypertonicity of the uterus

What is uterine hypertonicity during pregnancy?

The female uterus is a muscular, hollow organ that can contract like any other muscle in the human body. The contraction of the muscle fibers of the uterus brings it into the so-called tone. This means that the uterus seemed to “strain” and remained in that state.

Normally, during pregnancy, the uterus is completely relaxed, but sometimes increased tone is observed when the muscular layer of the uterus contracts, thereby increasing the pressure in the uterine cavity. This condition of the uterus has a bad effect on the course of pregnancy and the development of the fetus; this condition is called uterine hypertonicity.

Symptoms and consequences of increased uterine tone

The main symptom of uterine hypertonicity in the early stages is nagging pain in the lower abdomen (as during menstruation), pain in the lower back and sacrum. In the second trimester and later, there are cramping pains and hardening of the abdomen, which is clearly felt when palpating it.

The increased tone of the uterus in the early stages is aggravated by spotting blood from the genital tract. Then there is a risk of spontaneous miscarriage, since it is difficult for the fertilized egg to attach to the wall of the uterus due to the increased tone of the muscular layer of the uterus.

In the second trimester of pregnancy, when the placenta has already fully formed, there is a risk of its detachment due to increased uterine tone.

In the later stages of pregnancy, hypertonicity of the uterus can lead to premature birth, because such contraction of the uterus occurs during labor to help the baby be born.

Also negative consequence with hypertonicity of the uterus, fetal hypoxia occurs, when the uteroplacental blood flow is disrupted due to the tone of the muscular layer of the uterus. Thus, the fetus receives insufficient oxygen and nutrients necessary for its development. normal development. Typically, such a fetus lags behind in weight and size, its development is also slowed down, and if treatment is not timely, malformations of the fetal organs may develop, or even this may lead to a missed abortion, i.e. to the death of the fetus.

Causes and methods of diagnosing uterine hypertonicity

There are many reasons for the appearance of increased uterine tone during pregnancy:

  • hormonal deficiency;
  • diseases of the uterus ( inflammatory processes appendages and the uterus itself, endometriosis, uterine fibroids, etc.) and disruption of the central nervous system;
  • exacerbation of chronic diseases and the occurrence of colds (acute respiratory infections, acute respiratory viral infections and other ailments characterized by an increase in body temperature);
  • constant stress and increased physical activity, insufficient sleep and/or rest, as well as the presence of bad habits;
  • polyhydramnios, multiple births or large fetus.

Local hypertonicity of the uterus can be determined by the posterior or anterior wall using ultrasound examination. At the same time, an ultrasound shows a change in the wall of the uterus at the site of its tone; it bends inward.

There is also a special sensor for determining the tone of the uterus. But, unfortunately, tonuometry is not carried out in all antenatal clinics.

Treatment of uterine hypertonicity

At any stage of pregnancy, No-shpa or Papaverine suppositories will help relieve pain due to uterine tone. These drugs can be taken at home at the first symptoms of tone.

In the first trimester of pregnancy, when the tone of the uterus is caused by a deficiency of the hormone progesterone, Utrozhestan or Duphaston are prescribed to maintain the pregnancy. The main rule of taking hormonal drugs is that they cannot be abruptly stopped. If the tone no longer bothers the pregnant woman, then we reduce the dosage of hormonal medications and only then stop taking them altogether.

With placental abruption, uterine tone and aching are observed. dull ache, radiating to the thigh or perineum. Then the pregnant woman is hospitalized and prescribed inpatient treatment. Typically, such treatment includes an antispasmodic “plus” a drug containing magnesium (for example, Magne-B6 or magnesium sulfate), which can reduce the activity of the uterus “plus” vitamins and sedatives plant composition(for example, valerian or motherwort).

From the second trimester you can use more effective drug for the treatment of uterine hypertonicity - Ginipral, but in the presence of placental abruption it cannot be used.

In the third trimester, if the baby is mature enough and there is a risk of losing the baby due to excessive placental abruption or dilatation of the cervix, doctors may decide to induce labor or perform C-section, in order to save the life of both the child and the expectant mother.

But usually modern pregnant women suffer from hypertonicity due to psycho-emotional stress: pressure at work, the need to run a household, spending active time with children, etc. All this causes stress and increased fatigue, what is the central nervous system the pregnant woman reacts with the manifestation of uterine hypertonicity.

Myometrial hypertonicity caused in an active way Doctors usually do not treat life as such, but simply prescribe vitamins and recommend avoiding stressful situations, maintain rest (including sexual rest) and daily routine (sleep at least 8 hours). During an exacerbation, take at least a couple of days off and try not to get out of bed for a day (you should lie on your left side).

If it is not possible to take a day off, then you can do relaxing gymnastics directly at your workplace (if you have your own office or you are surrounded by good female employees).

Kneel down on a chair in a “all fours” position and slowly arch your back while raising your head up. Stay in this position for a few seconds. So the tummy will be in a “suspended” comfortable state. Then slowly arch your back (like a cat), tucking your chin toward your chest, and hold again. Do this exercise several times and try to sit quietly for the next hour, leaning on the back of a chair and stretching your legs slightly forward.