Swelling of the legs in the heat. Why do my feet swell a lot in the heat?

In fact, the problem of swelling of the legs has long been known to every person in this world. Exists huge amount reasons why these particular limbs undergo such swelling.

Very often, in this way the body warns its owner about a possible disease. However, there are also cases where swelling occurs simply due to extreme heat. In this article you will learn exactly why such a climatic condition causes such unpleasant problem, and also how to quickly get rid of it.

In order to fully delve into this issue, first of all it is absolutely necessary to understand how exactly it is built human body. All limbs, every cell of the body must be constantly filled with oxygen, so the heart tirelessly pumps oxygen-enriched blood throughout the body.

So that the blood flows exactly to the most lower limbs, the heart requires enormous effort. However, the blood, which has already given up its oxygen, must return back for a new dose of it.

When the air temperature becomes too hot, the circulatory system must adjust its operation in such a way as to completely prevent any overheating.

In the legs this occurs due to expansion blood vessels. However, the dilated veins cannot fully push the blood back, which leads to the formation of edema.

Another reason for swelling in the heat is increased sweating, which haunts any person in such a climate. With sweat, salts also leave the body, with the help of which the veins normally draw blood. The lack of such salts also affects the development of edema.

Symptoms of leg swelling in hot weather

If you think that due to a fairly hot climate you may develop swelling, then you should first focus on following symptoms:

  • swelling of the legs to such an extent that they increase in size;
  • severity or other painful sensations in places of swelling;
  • regular shoes feel quite tight;
  • when removing a sock, traces of rubber bands remain;
  • if you press your fingers in the ankle area, the depressed hole will remain for some time.

All these symptoms can appear either as a whole bunch or individually, so you should listen carefully to your body.

Is swelling of the legs due to heat dangerous?

Doctors have not yet proven that such swelling in hot weather can be dangerous, so it is considered a completely natural condition. If you think that only the weather affected the occurrence of edema, then there is absolutely no need to contact a specialist, since it is quite easy to get rid of them at home.

However, it is still not recommended to simply endure such swelling, since in themselves they are always a warning that water-salt balance in the body is disrupted, and with it the blood circulation.

Therefore, immediately use suitable means to relieve swelling. However, if the measures taken do not relieve you of the problem, you should still consult a doctor.

What to do if your feet swell in the heat

First of all, after you discover swelling in your legs, you should not immediately rush to pills. Perhaps simple exercises will help get rid of the problem.

Relieving swelling without drugs:

However, in addition to exercises, there are a few other little tricks. For example, you can simply cool your feet with ice cubes or wear compression socks for a similar problem, although you will need to constantly walk.

Pharmacy drugs and folk remedies

If such measures do not help, then you should resort to more current means. Traditional medicine in such cases, he suggests using special gels and ointments.

However, before using them, it is still better to consult a doctor, since the ultimate cause of leg swelling may not be heat at all, but real health problems.

For quick disposal for edema, choose those products that contain heparin and rutin. The best representatives will become: Troxerutin Vramed, Trombless and heparin ointment.

These drugs simultaneously have not only an anti-edematous effect, but also cool and anesthetize the body, gradually eliminating microthrombi. However, the effect of such remedies is temporary, so it is impossible to cure the problem in this way.

Traditional medicine mainly offers the use of various foot baths, which can be prepared according to your preference. You can add to this bath:

  • sea ​​or table salt;
  • mustard, but always dry;
  • pine extract.

Massage, which should be done with ice cubes, will also be an excellent helper. They need to be made from herbal decoctions.

Well, if absolutely necessary, just drink diuretic tea so that all excess moisture leaves the body. Just check yourself before taking them, as there may be individual intolerances.

Prevention of swelling

Of course, it’s wonderful to easily get rid of leg swelling in the heat. However, it would be much better to simply not let them get to this point. And since the main culprit of such edema is clear, with the onset of summer it is best to think about prevention.

How to avoid leg swelling in the heat:

As you can understand, you cannot simply ignore the problem of swelling of the legs in the heat, despite the fact that it is usually quite harmless to the body. It's best to give your body some incentive to completely eliminate any swelling using the method that's best for you.

Additional information on the topic of the article can be found in the following video.

Swelling of the legs in the heat is a common problem that can be combated. Ice cubes, cold baths, Kalanchoe tincture and light nutrition will help cope with swelling of the legs. Find out how to avoid such a problem as swelling of the legs in the summer.

Why do my legs swell?

A problem that is familiar to many firsthand. Feet swell especially often in hot weather. First of all, this phenomenon is associated with increased load, which the heart and kidneys experience in the summer. If in hot weather your legs swell slightly, and by the morning everything goes away, then there is no need to worry.

In some cases, the causes of leg swelling are medical in nature, and in hot weather the severity of the swelling only increases. For example, on severe swelling legs may indicate problems with the heart, kidneys, liver and blood vessels (for example, varicose veins).

What to do if your legs are swollen?

Ice and cold water

If cause of swelling is not associated with any diseases, then you can fight swelling with ice or cold water. Rub an ice cube on your tired, swollen feet. This procedure can be carried out even at work. Cold baths for 5-10 minutes will also help to cope with swelling. After such a bath, massage your feet from bottom to top.

In the bath with cold water you can add a little sea ​​salt(2 tablespoons per 1 liter of water).

Kalanchoe tincture

If you are worried about leg swelling in the heat, you can try Kalanchoe tincture. Take fresh leaves of the plant, pass through a meat grinder and fill a half-liter jar with the mixture to half. Then add vodka to the top and leave for 2 weeks.

Kalanchoe tincture should be used externally. Rub your feet with it and the swelling should go away.

Diuretic nutrition

To prevent water from retaining in the body, you must adhere to healthy eating. In hot weather it is best to give preference raw vegetables and fruits, herbs, boiled fish, meat and fermented milk products. Such food is easily absorbed by the body without retaining water.

If you are concerned, you should definitely consult a doctor.

With the arrival of hot days, many people began to notice that their legs and/or arms were swelling. This phenomenon not only makes a person's body less attractive, it can also indicate the presence of serious health problems. First, let's find out why swelling occurs.

Why do my legs/arms/fingers swell in hot weather?

Swelling caused by fluid accumulation is called edema. When such swelling occurs in the legs and/or arms, it is called peripheral edema. Water retention in the body is caused by dilation of blood vessels in the extremities.

Vasodilation can be caused by heat, high humidity, or many other reasons. Due to the expansion of blood vessels, fluid accumulates in the tissues, which is why they, in fact, swell. At the same time, swelling only intensifies if a person is motionless for a long time (standing or sitting in one position), since under the influence of gravity all this fluid flows more and more into the arms and legs.

How to relieve swelling of hands and feet

Remember that, in addition to weather conditions, the cause of edema may be kidney disease or cardiovascular system. In any case, your doctor will most likely advise you to take diuretics (diuretics) and limit your salt intake.

If you have not yet had time to see a doctor (which you definitely need to do), but swelling of the legs and arms bothers you, there are several ways to remove the swelling.

Ways to reduce swelling in your arms and legs

1. Raise your legs. If you sit for a long time, place an ottoman, stool or chair under the table and rest your feet on it. If you manage to lie down, raise your legs above your head, place them on the back of the sofa, on the wall, or just on a few pillows. Let gravity do its job - relieve swelling in your legs.

2. Walk more. If Feng Shui in your office does not allow you to place more or less high support under your feet, try to take five-minute breaks and walk as often as possible (preferably every hour). This will improve circulation and help lymphatic system pump out excess liquid.

3. Compression stockings. If you have to stand for long periods of time during the day, wear compression tights, stockings or knee socks. They help improve circulation.

4. Hand massage. If your hands are swollen, massage of both hands using your fingertips, moving from the shoulder to the wrist, will help improve circulation and lymphatic drainage. You can also do the following exercise: hold your hands at chest level and begin to clench them into fists and unclench them.

In what cases can swelling be dangerous?

Edema can be caused by quite serious health problems, among which, in addition to kidney and cardiovascular diseases, doctors call liver disease, sleep apnea, allergies, taking certain medical supplies(eg: nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, antihypertensive drugs, corticosteroids, antidepressants, HRT) and chemotherapy.

Eden can also occur as a result surgical removal or improper functioning of the lymph nodes, which are responsible for filtering fluid and cleansing the body of bacteria, viruses and other pathogens.

In addition to possible serious illnesses, swelling of the arms and legs in severe cases can lead to the appearance of ulcers on the skin. And they, in turn, can become a route for serious skin infections. Also, chronic swelling of the legs and feet increases the risk of blood clots, which can enter the vital system. important organs(thromboembolism), which can be fatal.

Therefore, if, along with swelling of the arms or legs, you experience the following symptoms: shortness of breath, rapid heartbeat, pain or burning in a limb or chest, fever, consult a doctor immediately - such symptoms may be a sign of thromboembolism.

Estet-portal strongly recommends: in case of chronic swelling of the legs and arms, even if you manage to get rid of the swelling using the recommendations described above, you must consult a doctor so that he can find out the cause of such swelling.

Most people complain of swelling of the extremities, but many do not even imagine what is causing this phenomenon. And this is not at all cosmetic problem, as some mistakenly think, there is a serious reason behind this, and sometimes a disease that requires immediate treatment. Legs swell in hot weather for a number of reasons, the most common of which is venous insufficiency.

Contribute to this large mass bodies, genetic predisposition, absence physical activity And poor nutrition. As a result, the walls of the veins weaken, blood circulation is disrupted, which entails a number of negative consequences. As a result, when walking, a slight tingling and pain is felt in the legs, bluish veins appear on the surface of the skin, and the skin becomes transparent and dry.

It does not go away on its own and if proper treatment is not provided, the disease will develop into much more serious complications, for example, venous thrombosis (phlebitis), hypodermitis or eczema. Therefore, if your legs swell in the heat, consult a doctor. The situation can be prevented at an early stage.

Why legs swell in hot weather: reasons

Such conditions are sometimes associated with improper metabolism, kidney disease, stagnation in lymph nodes or flat feet. This problem may occur in heart failure. Swelling can also be caused by cardiac diseases and vascular disorders.

Often, women who wear high-heeled shoes have swollen feet in the heat. If you do not pay attention to this, varicose veins will appear in the near future. Therefore, you need to choose comfortable shoes, made from natural and high-quality materials, so that your feet feel comfortable and light.

Doctors recommend wearing knee socks every day to help prevent blood stagnation. Therapeutic underwear helps normalize blood circulation in the vessels. Try not to drink a lot of fluids after 7 pm. Will help relieve swelling herbal infusions or elderberry bark compresses.

Severe swelling occurs due to renal pathologies. As a rule, the back of the legs is affected, the temperature rises, and pain occurs when moving. They often appear under the eyes, the color of the urine changes, and the eyelids swell. In such cases, an examination by a general practitioner is required. With intestinal diseases, swelling of the extremities is also observed, this is accompanied by quite long-term diarrhea. In fact, there are many reasons that cause unpleasant phenomenon, you can find out the main factors after a full medical examination.

How to relieve swelling at home?

After a hard day, your feet need rest and it is better to use relaxing baths or wiping with ice for these purposes. Pour cold water into a cup, add sea salt and a little pine extract- lower your limbs for 3-5 minutes, and then soft movements massage them. Such procedures will help relieve fatigue and activate blood flow.

If your legs swell in the heat, then regularly do the following exercises:

  1. In a sitting position, raise your legs, clench your toes and rotate your feet in a circular motion.
  2. Standing on your toes, do a few light jumps, this way you will relieve the heaviness and stress in your legs.

Use special creams and ointments, for example Lyoton or Troxevasin. The preparations contain rutin and heparin, which strengthen capillaries and relieve swelling. Move more, go swimming, eat less salt and wear comfortable shoes.

The main reason for the appearance of summer edema is the expansion of blood vessels due to hot weather. Fluid accumulates in the veins and capillaries, blood stagnates and swelling occurs. As a rule, such swelling occurs in the arms and legs - the blood flow there is not as intense as in other parts of the body. Heart patients, hypertensive patients and people with problem veins in the legs suffer especially badly from swelling of the extremities in hot weather. Problems with the heart and blood pressure increase circulatory disorders, and dilated veins of the legs contribute to stagnation of blood in the lower extremities.

Another cause of summer edema is a lack or excess of fluid. Faced with a moisture deficit, the body makes reserves. It is no coincidence that many people develop bags under their eyes in the heat. If you drink too much in hot weather (usually this is caused by a passion for sugary drinks, which do not quench thirst, but only increase it), the kidneys cannot cope and do not have time to remove excess fluid from the body. And this also threatens swelling, which appears mainly on the face and hands.

A lack of protein in the diet can also cause swelling on the face. When tissues lack proteins, they become less elastic and allow moisture to pass into the intercellular space. Therefore, if you decide to give up meat for the summer and stick to vegetables and fruits, don’t be surprised when your eyes turn into slits.

You should also be careful when choosing summer cosmetics. Avoid greasy creams and try to use foundation to a minimum. “Heavy” creams create a film on the skin that interferes with cellular respiration. And the lack of oxygen that we already experience in summer heat, can also cause swelling of the face.

Test yourself!

Swelling is not always visible to the naked eye. Their presence is indicated by any of these signs:

  • Rings and shoes begin to pinch.
  • There are marks on the legs from the elastic bands of the socks.
  • After pressing with a finger or palm, a dimple remains on the skin. Best place to check - ankle.
  • There is a tingling and burning sensation in the fingers.
  • It is difficult to bend your fingers and it is painful to step on your toes.
  • The face becomes rounder, the lips become plump, and the shape of the nose becomes blurred.
  • The skin of the fingers and toes looks stretched, sometimes bluish.

Serious sign

If swelling appears not only due to hot weather, you should consult a doctor, because often swollen legs and bags under the eyes indicate the presence of diseases.

  • Kidney problems. In this case, swelling becomes morning guests. Renal edema is soft, watery, mobile. First, the eyelids swell, then the swelling gradually goes down, the whole face and hands swell.
  • Heart problems. When the “motor” fails to cope, swelling occurs in the late afternoon. The legs usually swell first, then the swelling spreads upward, adding shortness of breath, palpitations, and weakness.
  • Circulatory disorders in the legs. If you are suffering varicose veins veins or thrombophlebitis, swelling appears in the legs. As a rule, with this type of edema, one can observe the border between the edematous and the normal part of the lower limb.

Fighting swelling

If swelling bothers you only in the heat, there is no need to worry - such swelling is rarely talked about serious problems with health. You can cope with them using home remedies.

Take a diuretic. Just don't take pills - it can be dangerous to your health. The fact is that many diuretics wash potassium out of the body, and this can provoke heart attack even healthy person. So you better give preference herbal collections(recipes below).

Try not to sit cross-legged and avoid static poses. This leads to stagnation of blood in the legs and, as a result, to swelling. A cool bath and resting with elevated limbs, with the feet located slightly above the head, will help restore the legs to their previous volume.

Watch your diet. Summer is not a reason to turn into a vegetarian. You must eat at least 100 g of fish, meat or dairy products per day.

Drink enough fluids. Calculating how much water your body needs is very simple. Daily requirement- 30 ml of liquid per 1 kg of weight. So the well-known norm of 2 liters of fluid per day is valid only for people with an average weight of about 70 kg. If you have a heroic build, you need to drink more. The best remedy to quench thirst - clean water, but a weak one will do green tea, and fruit juice.

If you smoke, try to quit bad habit or at least reduce the number of cigarettes on hot days. Nicotine disrupts blood circulation and lymph outflow, causing swelling.

Get a facial massage. Simply tap your fingertips on your lower eyelids for 2-3 minutes. Or press your palms tightly to your temples and try to move your hands using facial muscles. Do this exercise for a few minutes. But you shouldn’t intensively knead or stretch the skin around the eyes - it’s too delicate. Excessive efforts can result in bruises and early wrinkles.

Expert opinion

Phytotherapist Natalya Kuleshova:

Medicinal plants will help cope with summer swelling; they can also be used as a supplement to medications if swelling occurs due to illness.

Birch leaves. 2 tbsp. spoons of young leaves brew 0.5 liters of boiling water, leave for 30 minutes and take 0.5 cups of infusion 3-4 times a day 20-40 minutes before meals, warm.

Cranberry. The mashed berries are placed in cheesecloth and the juice is squeezed out. The fruit squeezes are poured with water at the rate of 100 g of fruit per 750 ml of water, boiled, filtered, and the previously obtained juice and sugar are added to taste.

Cowberry. 1 tbsp. spoon lingonberry leaf brew with a glass of boiling water, keep on low heat for 15 minutes, leave for 45 minutes, filter and take ¹⁄³ glass 2 times a day.

Parsley. 1 tbsp. pour a spoonful of chopped herbs into 1 cup of boiling water, leave for an hour, filter and take 2 tbsp. spoons 3 times a day.