Teeth whitening in dentistry. Real methods and reviews with photos of whitening healthy teeth at home

Teeth have always been my biggest problem. Despite the fact that I was never afraid of dentists, and regularly went for cleanings every six months, my teeth still had a disgusting yellow tint.

The dentist from the children's clinic booked me more than once, not so much because I smoke and drink coffee in such early age, and how much for the fact that I lie, that I don’t do this. By the way, I have never held a cigarette in my mouth, and I have drank a maximum of three mugs of coffee in my entire life. It was impossible to prove that my teeth were like this by nature.

My childhood dream has always been to have my teeth whitened (well, after my dream of becoming good person, master your favorite profession and blah blah blah). As is known, perform it only from 18 years of age, so exactly one day before I came of age, I took out my entire stash and took my passport and headed to the dentist. Of course, I got rid of caries in advance and put fillings in - this is a prerequisite before whitening.

Then, in June 2016, the procedure cost me in 3,100,000 non-denominated Belarusian rubles. I decided to do laser whitening. I also considered photo whitening, but laser, judging by the reviews, should have been more effective.

Well, the procedure is done, teeth from shade (on the vita scale) A3 went to shade “something between B1 and B2”, - quote from a doctor. The procedure was not painless: it tingled very strongly at two lower teeth. But overall the pain is tolerable, the other teeth did not react at all.

To be honest, when I left the clinic, I was a little upset. I didn’t notice a strong effect until I looked at a photo I’d previously taken at home. Then I had only one thought in my head: “Lord, how did I live for so many years with those terrible teeth!”

Complexes were overcome, although all my friends frankly said that they didn’t notice the difference. But I was pleased with the procedure done.

"Waiting ahead of me" white diet": taboos on tea, coffee, red wine, coloring products. Here are most fruits/vegetables, ice cream, cookies and various other tasty treats with dyes. I won’t tell you how hard it was for me on my birthday without all this: D

I was told to stick to the diet for 2 days, but I refused forbidden foods for 2 weeks, and then limited my tea consumption. I repeat, I don’t drink coffee at all, I don’t smoke.

The only disadvantage of the procedure: I always had a small white spot on my front teeth(you can see in the photo) , which became much brighter after laser whitening.

After whitening I brushed my teeth whitening paste "White Verse" R.O.C.S. and purchased Medical Minerals teeth strengthening gel from the same company with calcium, phosphorus and magnesium.The latter was recommended to me by my dentist just to reduce the above-mentioned white spots.

Some dental clinics write on their websites that teeth will never return to their original color after a laser whitening procedure. Well, I can’t say about “never,” but they haven’t returned in six months.

Also, the dentist who performed whitening on me recommended that I do it every six months. complex professional hygiene oral cavity using Air Flow technology. I performed the procedure literally two weeks ago, the stones were removed, my teeth became a little whiter due to the fact that the procedure gets rid of plaque. At the end of the appointment, I asked the doctor to check my teeth against the Vita scale, and I was pleased with the result: still B2.

So, let's summarize.

  • If you are not happy with the color of your teeth, then be sure to try this procedure. having previously cured caries.
  • Necessarily stick to the white diet and the dentist’s recommendations, otherwise the teeth will quickly return to their original state.
  • Learn all the pros and cons of laser whitening, photo whitening and home whitening . Choose what you are most inclined to. I, of course, vote for laser whitening.
  • Everything is extremely individual, but don’t expect a smile like from the cover of a glossy magazine. If this is exactly the result you want, then think about it. about placing veneers.

First, let's be clear: Is there a difference between teeth whitening and teeth cleaning?

Of course, this is not the same thing! When professionally removing plaque using Air Flow or ultrasound, tooth enamel is cleansed of coloring pigments. The tooth acquires its natural, natural color. Accordingly, whitening teeth air flow and ultrasound do not exist!

But during the whitening procedure, the color of the teeth becomes lighter than the original natural version. In other words, when brushing, teeth return to their original color when they erupted, and when whitening, they become lighter than the color they naturally have.

Ways to whiten teeth

What methods of teeth whitening are better and cheaper?

You can whiten your teeth in Moscow in different ways, but they are all divided into 2 groups:

  1. Professional teeth whitening types and prices

This term means whitening under the supervision of a dentist, either in a clinic (office or office) or at home, but always after professional consultation and the prescription of whitening drugs by a doctor. The price of tooth whitening depends on what methods and techniques of dental whitening are used.

In conditions dental clinic They do laser, chemical bleaching, endo-bleaching, photo-bleaching, and home bleaching is carried out using an individual tray and gel.

  1. Independent (non-professional).

To do this, patients buy whitening pastes, special pencils and strips, freely sold in pharmacies. In this option, all actions are carried out according to the average instructions of the manufacturer of bleaching products.

Self-bleaching often leads to complications and increased sensitivity of teeth, because patients do not take into account contraindications to such manipulations.

And the mythical quick self-express teeth whitening in one hour, as such, is not lightening the tooth surface. With the help of some so-called “whitening pens and teeth whitening strips”, teeth are painted in white, which lasts only a few hours.

Effective teeth whitening in dentistry, photo

Effective teeth whitening

Truly effective teeth whitening in dentistry depends on factors such as:

  1. Original color

White-yellowish teeth whiten best, white-brownish teeth are a little worse, and white-grayish ones are even worse. Tetracycline and fluorose teeth whiten poorly or practically not.

  1. Way

Most best option This is professional laser bleaching, photo bleaching is less reliable, and chemical bleaching is even less active.

At home, the most active systems are those containing urea and hydrogen peroxide.

  1. Presence in the oral cavity composite fillings, ceramic veneers and crowns

During whitening procedures, all fillings, veneers and crowns do not change their color, so their presence must be taken into account before the procedure begins.

Teeth whitening before and after photos

Teeth whitening gel

Dental whitening gel is the central element of any professional whitening system. The process of changing the color of dentin and enamel is ensured thanks to a whitening dental gel, which contains concentrated hydrogen peroxide and urea. Often, such dental whitening gels contain the mineral components calcium, phosphorus, and fluoride to saturate tooth enamel and dentin. Some gels contain desensitizers to prevent sensitivity after professional whitening.

Compound professional gels very different from those intended for independent use. As a rule, non-professional gels are less active, which requires more time and sessions to obtain an acceptable result.

Teeth whitening procedures

All professional whitening procedures have their own clinical protocol, compliance with which ensures a minimum possible complications and maximum efficiency.

So, here is the sequence of actions:

  1. First, they carry out diagnostics, find out the reasons for the color change, take an x-ray, assess the condition of the gums, identify caries, and evaluate the condition of composite fillings and other dental structures.
  2. The dentist selects a suitable whitening system
  3. Professional removal of dental plaque is carried out
  4. The gums are isolated
  5. Concentrated whitening gel is applied to the teeth
  6. The gel is activated by a laser or a special lamp
  7. Gel is removed from teeth
  8. Teeth are coated with protective varnish

If restorative bleaching is done at home, then individual trays are made, into which the patient applies the gel and places it on the teeth. Depending on the procedure, this is done once or twice a day for two to three weeks.

IN lately Amazing white in-office and at-home express whitening has become very popular among consumers, patient reviews confirm this. In some cases it is carried out even in shopping centers. This method complements such well-known brands of dental whitening systems as global white teeth whitening gel, opalescence treswhite supreme, white light teeth whitener.

Before and after teeth whitening procedure

Before the procedure begins, the patient is warned about the possibility of not fully achieving the planned results, especially if he has fluorosis or white-gray teeth. This may require repeated sessions. Also, if you have old fillings and crowns on your teeth, they may need to be replaced if the whitened teeth turn out to be lighter than them. The answer to the question: “How to whiten an old, darkened filling?” is to replace the dark filling with a light one.

For three hours after the procedure, you should not eat food that stains, drink wine, black coffee, and you must refrain from smoking cigarettes and hookah.

Complications after teeth whitening

In terms of severity, complications after bleaching can lead to:

  1. Chemical pulpitis, due to burn of the pulp by gel
  2. Hypersensitivity
  3. Burn of the gums during the procedure

All these negative processes are caused concentrated solution hydrogen peroxide and urea included in the whitening gel. Therefore, before starting the procedure, it is necessary to consult a dentist and take into account contraindications. Most often, patients complain that their teeth hurt after whitening.

How long does cosmetic teeth whitening last?

The period of preservation of the whiteness effect on teeth depends on many factors and on average ranges from six to twenty months.

Below is a list of actions that prolong the life of teeth whitening:

  1. Using dentist-recommended toothpastes
  2. Regular (every four months) removal of dental plaque in a dental clinic
  3. Refusal of coloring agents food products, strong black coffee, smoking cigarettes, cigars and hookahs
  4. Polishing and coating with protective varnish every four months

What are the contraindications to teeth whitening?

In order to accurately determine what contraindications exist for you personally or for another specific patient, you need to get a detailed consultation with a dentist.

Below is a list of general contraindications:

  1. Untreated carious cavities
  2. Systemic general allergy of the body
  3. Oncological diseases
  4. AIDS, syphilis, hepatitis C
  5. Systemic collagenoses (Bechterew's disease)
  6. Lactation and pregnancy
  7. Cracks and chips of enamel
  8. Exposing the necks of the teeth
  9. Gum diseases

Pros and cons of teeth whitening

Whitening refers to the aesthetic section of dentistry. Changing the color does not improve the functional quality of the dentition and is not a vital dental procedure. That is why the patient needs to weigh and evaluate everything, because the complications of this procedure and the subsequent costs of maintaining the achieved result must always be taken into account.

Let's evaluate the advantages:

  1. Get results quickly
  2. Minimally invasive technology (compared to veneers)
  3. Relatively affordable prices

Now let's compare the disadvantages:

  1. Tooth sensitivity about 1-2 weeks after the procedure
  2. Post-procedure care requirements
  3. Need to quit habits (smoking)
  4. Restrictions on the consumption of coloring foods and drinks (coffee, blueberries, red wine, etc.)

However, if after weighing everything, your choice is in favor of whitening, we strongly recommend that you consult a dentist to choose the best whitening option.

Price for teeth whitening in Moscow

How much does it cost to whiten teeth in dentistry, in Moscow, quickly, turnkey?

What determines the price of teeth whitening in Moscow?

As in other cases, it depends on several factors:

  1. From view

Laser from 10 thousand rubles for 1 procedure.

Photo whitening from 5000 rubles per session.

Chemical from 3000 rubles for 1 procedure.

Homemade from 5,000 rubles plus the cost of an individual mouth guard (about 2-3 thousand rubles).

The cost of mandatory preliminary removal of dental plaque starts from 5,000 rubles for the entire oral cavity.

The price of remineralization therapy starts from 4,000 rubles.

  1. From the pricing policy of the dental clinic.
  2. From the qualification of a dentist.
  3. From the cost of consumables.

High-quality teeth whitening, the price of which is significantly lower than the average, is only possible with a promotion, with a discount in dentistry in Moscow or other cities of Russia.

A snow-white smile is not just a fashion statement or a sign of absolutely healthy teeth. Imposed by Hollywood films and glossy magazines, white, literally “sparkling” teeth are firmly associated in our minds with success and attractiveness. It is not surprising that one of the most popular dental procedures in recent years is teeth whitening. True, the chemical method of professional tooth enamel whitening has a number of contraindications, and even some side effects, for example, increased sensitivity. Therefore, many, in pursuit of perfect teeth, turn their attention to traditional methods. Often, among the advantages of home whitening are the low cost of the materials used, the simplicity of the procedure and a fairly noticeable result. For example, one of the best, most effective and practically free types of enamel whitening at home is the activated carbon method. About him and others effective methods and types of whitening, including photos before and after the procedure and real reviews, and we'll talk further.

Effective teeth whitening at home - the best way, photo

Before we begin describing the best and most effective methods for teeth whitening at home, it is worth noting a few important points. If you have any diseases oral cavity Enamel whitening should be postponed. The point is that this procedure, even if carried out at home without the use of chemical reagents, can aggravate the situation with dental health. Also, you should not expect the effect of professional whitening from home procedures, as in the dentist’s office. Traditional methods are more suitable if the natural characteristics are initially good - strong, thick white enamel.

The best and inexpensive way to effectively whiten teeth at home

As for directly choosing the best and most effective method for whitening tooth enamel at home, you should be guided not only by reviews with photos, but also by your own data and motivation. Do not forget that most of these home procedures require systematic and precise implementation. In addition, there is no need to neglect methods for preventing yellow teeth, which greatly improve the results of the procedure and preserve the effect of home whitening for a long time.

Whitening healthy teeth at home: methods, reviews, before and after photos

The fact that methods for whitening healthy teeth at home can be effective is evidenced by numerous before and after photos and reviews from those who have experienced their work. At the same time, some owners of snow-white smiles prefer exclusively folk remedies, while others are happy to use professional systems designed for home whitening. Both the first and second methods have their pros and cons, which we will discuss further using examples of the most popular methods.

Real methods and reviews with photos of whitening healthy teeth at home

Let's start with traditional methods teeth whitening, which is considered not only effective, but also budget options. If you believe reviews on the Internet, the cheapest way to whiten enamel at home is the method using baking soda. There are several methods for using it. For example, a small amount of soda can be diluted with water to form a paste and you can use this mixture to brush your teeth instead of paste once a day. The second method involves adding soda to toothpaste directly when brushing your teeth. Both the first and second options are quite effective, since grains of soda mechanically clean the enamel and help fight dark plaque from cigarettes, coffee, tea, etc. Soda can also be used to rinse the mouth after brushing your teeth in the proportions of 1 teaspoon of powder per glass of warm water.

Among the popular methods of teeth whitening at home, it is also worth noting the use of fruit acids. Green apples and strawberries are best suited for this method. Due to the high acid content in fruits and berries yellow plaque on tooth enamel can be defeated. Therefore, if you want a snow-white smile, then include these products in your diet more often. Rinsing your mouth with a solution has a similar effect. apple cider vinegar which can be done 2-3 times a week.

Simple and effective teeth whitening with activated carbon - recipe description with photo

Among the simplest and effective recipes teeth whitening - activated carbon method. Everyone is well aware of the absorption properties of charcoal tablets for poisoning. Due to its active nature, this remedy Great for cleaning/whitening teeth. Is it true, this method cannot be called aesthetic and non-staining. But unlike other mechanical and chemical methods, it does not cause increased tooth sensitivity and damage to the enamel.

Recipe for effective teeth whitening with simple activated carbon with before and after photos

To get a snow-white smile with activated carbon, you need to prepare for a long process. It is unlikely that you will notice the whitening effect after 1-2 times of using charcoal. And the procedure itself for such teeth whitening requires skill and accuracy. The first step is to grind a tablet of regular black activated carbon into powder. The most convenient way to do this is with two spoons, between which you should hold the tablet. After this, the powder must be mixed with a small amount of water to achieve a mushy consistency. You need to brush your teeth with the resulting pulp once a day for several months. You can also add a couple of drops of lemon or a pinch of baking soda to the mixture to increase efficiency.

Chemical teeth whitening using the Zoom method at home - description, photos before and after the procedure

There are also professional means of chemical teeth whitening at home, which are much more effective than folk remedies. Chemical enamel whitening, carried out at home or in the dental chair, has approximately the same procedure. It is based on the use of special gels made from carbamide peroxide or hydrogen peroxide. For example, one of the most popular chemical teeth whitening systems at home, the Zoom method, uses a gel based on 25% hydrogen peroxide.

Description of the chemical teeth whitening procedure using the Zoom method with before and after photos

Chemical teeth whitening at home is quite simple and painless procedure. The process of its use can be considered using the example of a home system Whitening Zoom. Special trays are impregnated with hydrogen peroxide gel, which must be firmly secured to the teeth at the beginning of the procedure. Then, in order for the reagent to begin to actively interact with contaminants on the enamel surface, it is necessary to irradiate the trays ultraviolet lamps, which are also included in the set. This method takes 20-25 minutes, and the visual whitening effect is noticeable after the first use. Of course, this method is not cheap. But it is also more effective than almost free folk whitening remedies. In addition, reviews with photos before and after this procedure indicate that the chemical method is one of the best home methods for whitening tooth enamel today.

Most people would like to whiten their yellowed teeth. Some try to do this with soda, special pastes, gels, and strips. The effect of such procedures (especially the use of soda) is small, and the result does not last long. There are several professional technologies whitening with high results. This is primarily photo-bleaching, simply a lamp lightening of enamel with ultraviolet light. There are also laser, LED and halogen technologies, which are also classified as photobleaching. Let's consider all aspects of the method, how much photobleaching costs, indications and contraindications for it.

What is Zoom whitening?

Whitening using Zoom technology involves removing excess pigment with long-wave light rays. A special light-sensitive composition is applied to the surface of the enamel. It contains two gels, the components are pre-mixed.

Under the influence ultraviolet radiation the composition begins to release active oxygen, which, reacting with the pigment, “washes” it out of the enamel. The free space is occupied by calcium ions contained in the gel. In parallel with photo-whitening, mineralization of teeth occurs, strengthening of enamel and dental tissue. The result of the procedure is visible immediately. The effect after bleaching is shown in the photo.

When is it shown?

Photo whitening of teeth can be done if the enamel pigmentation is superficial. In most cases, darkening occurs from eating food containing dyes, as well as smoking. Teeth darken from cigarettes, coffee, black tea, chocolate. Natural yellowness of the enamel is also successfully eliminated by ultraviolet teeth whitening. Zoom 3 procedure is recommended for people with darkened enamel if:

  • the enamel has a thick layer;
  • no discomfort from hot or cold food;
  • the anatomical structure of dental tissues is not disturbed;
  • patient over 18 years of age;
  • There is no caries damage.


Photo teeth whitening has the following contraindications:

Advantages and Disadvantages

The Zoom 3 lightening procedure gives an excellent aesthetic effect. Real results are obvious immediately after the session. The “before” view of the dentition and the “after” result of whitening are in the photo. Other advantages of the Zoom method:

The inconvenience of the technology is that the patient has to spend some time in front of the lamp with open mouth. In addition, Zoom 3 has the following disadvantages:

  • Some discomfort experienced by the patient during the procedure is caused by lamp heating of the tissues. Also, some patients complain of pain. Unpleasant sensations are explained hypersensitivity teeth. It disappears in 2 days.
  • Possible irritation of the gums if the gel accidentally comes into contact with it.
  • When photobleaching, hypersensitivity of teeth is observed after bleaching for 1-2 days.
  • Possible excessive whitening, that is, unnatural white shade enamels.

How many shades can you lighten your teeth: before and after photos

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Ultraviolet teeth whitening technology has good results and reviews. During one visit to the clinic, you can lighten the enamel by 8-12 tones. Real whitening results are visible in the photo.

The beauty of teeth and the duration of the procedure are individual for each patient and depend on the color of the enamel given by nature. If a person from birth has a yellowish tint to his enamel, then photo-whitening of such teeth will have a high result. With a natural grayish color, Zoom will help whiten the enamel by only a few tones.

If pigmentation occurs as a result of smoking or coffee abuse, as well as coloring products, then whitening will return the whiteness to your smile. If the shade of enamel changes after taking tetracycline drugs, a difference in color will not be observed. Modern technologies Lightening is effective for 95% of the population. At the same time, there are 5% of people whose enamel cannot be treated either at home (using soda) or with Philips whitening.

Description of the procedure

The photo teeth whitening process should begin with a visit to the dentist. He will sanitize the teeth before whitening and determine the presence of caries and other pathologies, as well as assess the degree of mineralization of the enamel and its general condition. All cavities in the teeth must be filled. On the eve of the procedure, professional removal of plaque and stones is mandatory. The appearance of the enamel before bleaching is shown in the photo. Zoom 3 stages:

Whitening effect

If all dental care standards are followed, the whitening effect, as in the photo, lasts up to 5 years. Otherwise, it will last no more than a year.

Factors influencing the result of whitening and the duration of its preservation:

  • oral hygiene;
  • smoking;
  • consumption of food and drinks with coloring substances;
  • professionalism of the doctor who performed the procedure.


After photo whitening of teeth, you need the following:

  • For 2-4 hours after bleaching, you should not eat foods with coloring components.
  • Remineralize teeth. To do this, use pastes with a high content of calcium and fluorine.
  • Temporarily exclude from the diet sour foods, increase dairy and fish.
  • In case of hypersensitivity, use sensitive pastes in combination with rinses containing fluoride for 2-3 months.

Other photobleaching methods and their features

Light teeth whitening is a procedure in which a stream of light initiates chemical reaction with the participation of hydrogen peroxide. It should not be confused with Philips Zoom whitening, which is one of the at-home whitening options. There are different types of clarification using light that are not discussed above.

As they say: “in healthy body- healthy teeth." Unscrupulous attitude towards personal hygiene has a bad effect on all human organs, teeth are no exception.

Bad teeth color can ruin the most beautiful smile, many pay attention to the aesthetic side in this matter, although they worry about in this case We need comprehensive oral health protection.

Currently, there are a large number of enamel whitening methods; the main differences are the duration of action and cost.

Causes of yellowing teeth

The white shade of teeth is very rare and is not natural, but there are also factors under the influence of which their shade changes. The teeth are protected by enamel on top; over time, it thins out, as a result of which the inner substance dentin begins to appear, which is also sensitive to food, liquids and other environmental factors.

Some causes of yellowing teeth:

  1. Poses a great danger to teeth sweet food Bacteria living in the oral cavity feed on sugar and secrete acid that eats away enamel. As a result, small micropores are formed in which small particles of food and liquids remain.
  2. The causes of yellowing of the enamel can also include smoking and taking alcoholic drinks, V tobacco smoke contains a large number of toxins, under the influence of which plaque forms in the oral cavity, enamel is destroyed, and inflammation develops.
  3. Teeth change color when chewing food poorly, when only the right or left side jaws, as a result of which components harmful to the enamel are concentrated on a certain group of teeth.
  4. Drinking non-distilled water can be very harmful; it contains a large amount of metals and rough substances, such liquid has a traumatic effect on the enamel.
  5. For conservation purposes normal color For teeth, it is recommended to give preference to products of dull color; coffee and tea should also be avoided. Using mouthwash after each meal can help reduce your exposure to dyes.
  6. Teeth may turn yellow due to the specific composition of saliva, which changes with general ailments- ARVI, influenza, colds. In a sick person, the viscosity of the salivary fluid increases, as a result of which its ability to clean the enamel decreases.
  7. Yellowing of the enamel is also observed when taking certain types of medicines, with an increased concentration of fluoride in water, with liver problems and gallbladder, with the general aging of the body, heredity also plays an important role.

Professional whitening techniques

Whitening is considered the simplest and in an efficient way return the enamel to its original color, the procedure is recommended to be carried out in a dental office, when using folk recipes It is recommended to be careful not to further injure the enamel.

Basic techniques:

  • Mechanical method Air-Flow is based on the abrasive principle; during the procedure, a mixture of water, compressed air and powder is applied to the teeth under pressure. This option is ideal for patients with naturally white teeth who need to restore their natural color.
  • Ultrasound has the most gentle effect on enamel. At the final stage, the dentist applies polishing pastes that prolong the effect. During the procedure, plaque, interdental deposits, bacteria, pigment from tea and coffee, and tartar are removed. One of the types of technology is the influence of ultrasound and water; double exposure provides a double effect, which is very important in the presence of dense perennial deposits.
  • Chemical bleaching is considered the most common method; in this case, hydrogen, carbamide and urea peroxides, as well as chlorides, are used. Due to a higher concentration than with home whitening, the desired effect is achieved in 1-2 procedures. Chemical method It is considered the strongest, its effect lasts for 2-5 years.
  • Laser whitening is considered an effective, but less gentle method; it provides a deeper and more targeted effect on the enamel; the dentist can change the degree of impact when treating different areas. An hour-long procedure allows you to whiten the enamel by 8-10 tones, as you can see in the photo before and after teeth whitening. The technique is considered the most expensive, prerequisite Whitening is a necessity to cure all teeth.
  • Photo-whitening - during the procedure, a special mixture is applied to the teeth, from which, after being placed under halogen lighting, oxygen is released, removing dark spots. The advantages of the procedure include the possibility of use in cases of increased tooth sensitivity, as well as in the presence of loose fillings and cracks. The disadvantage is that the shade is too white, which is not suitable for everyone.
  • Intra-canal whitening - the color of the tooth can change as a result of errors during treatment; such defects can only be corrected from the inside. After clearing and widening the canal, a special gel is placed into the tooth and a filling is installed, with which the patient walks for a week. Once the required level is achieved, the canal is cleaned again; the procedure is more of a therapeutic nature than an aesthetic one.

A consultation with a dentist will help you choose the most safe method in each individual situation, since lightening also has contraindications.

Whitening is recommended only for healthy teeth, all diseases must be cured in advance. When the enamel is thinned and teeth are prone to cracks and caries, a remineralization procedure is prescribed. A substance containing calcium, phosphorus or fluorine is applied to the surface of the enamel. Preparations containing phosphorus or calcium help strengthen dentin.


Complications occur most often after teeth whitening at home; they arise as a result of non-compliance with recommendations for the procedure. After home whitening, the enamel may become unevenly colored.

When carrying out the procedure, it is necessary to take into account that fillings, crowns, teeth with restoration, and dentures are not exposed to the lightening substance. Most often, after a lightening procedure, patients experience increased tooth sensitivity, which is caused by the loss of moisture that occurs under the influence of the gel.

Remineralizing therapy and taking special medications will help neutralize the pain.

Sometimes after bleaching the patient may experience discomfort and a burn to the oral mucosa is possible. active ingredients gels, cases of manifestation cannot be excluded allergic reactions. If you follow all dental care recommendations, you should not be concerned about any consequences.

What do people think about the whitening procedure - reviews

I decided to have whitening six months ago; I had never done anything like this before. On the advice of the doctor, I chose photo-bleaching, the effect still lasts, although I smoke and drink coffee. The procedure is absolutely painless, does not take much time, I recommend it to everyone.

Galina, 22 years old

Nadezhda, 27 years old


Before whitening, the dentist must warn the patient that the result may be disappointing, this is primarily about difficult situations, one of which is fluorosis. The patient should be aware of the need to visit the dentist in the future, as well as the potential replacement of old restorations, since implants, veneers, crowns and fillings do not whiten. Immediately after whitening, it is not recommended to drink red wine and coffee, smoke, or eat brightly colored foods (beets, berries).

The main advantage of enamel whitening is considered to be a beautiful snow-white smile and no need to hide teeth. The procedure not only removes plaque, but also stones, resulting in a reduced likelihood of developing caries.

Among the disadvantages, doctors include the likelihood of complications, to avoid which it is recommended to diagnose the condition of the teeth, identify contraindications and choose the right shade.

The effect of the procedure can last from six months to several years, the actual duration depends on large quantity factors. To prolong the effect, it is recommended to use special means(pastes, rinses) and stick to diets. Regular oral care and professional cleaning will also help keep your teeth white.

Teeth whitening is considered a rather complex procedure, which is recommended to be carried out by a dentist using professional equipment. The choice of technique depends on specific situation, the procedure may also have certain contraindications, consequences and complications, which also need to be taken into account.