Reviews and photos of metal braces, average prices for installation. By type of work

The main difference between mini-braces and classic systems is their size. In all other respects, this is the same orthodontic structure, the principle of which is the mechanical effect of braces and the arch connecting them on the curved dentition. In most cases, mini-braces are considered to be metal structures. Of course, manufacturers produce compact orthodontic systems from more modern and aesthetically advantageous materials (for example, medical sapphire), but in this case the main principle for which mini braces were developed is lost: more comfortable and discreet treatment for little money. The sizes of mini-braces are approximately 20 - 30% smaller than those of classical systems, due to which they become less noticeable in the oral cavity, providing higher aesthetics and facilitating hygiene. The main metal elements are made of high-strength steel, which helps maintain the reliability of the structure even at a minimum size.

The braces themselves are distinguished by their special shape and design: for example, one of the most popular models in this segment - Mini Ormco 2000 braces (USA) - has a diamond shape, which is designed to ensure a tight fit and maximum ease of installation. Due to small sizes and thin profile mini-braces are considered less traumatic for teeth and soft tissues, however, it should be remembered that much here depends on the professionalism of the attending physician who will install the system. As a rule, during the manufacturing process, mini-braces undergo additional grinding with a special laser, which makes their surface as thin as possible and convenient for attaching to the teeth.

How mini braces are fixed on teeth

Installation of mini-braces takes several trips to the clinic. First of all, the oral cavity is prepared before treatment: examination, identification of contraindications, sanitation, as well as treatment or removal of teeth if necessary. If the system is made individually, then the doctor takes impressions or performs 3D modeling, after which all the necessary information is sent directly to the brace manufacturer. Even before the installation of braces, a treatment plan is agreed upon with the patient, and the doctor demonstrates intermediate results using computer program. After agreeing on all the nuances, the patient is fitted with a mini braces system and is given a plan for visiting the doctor for the time being. orthodontic treatment.

Types of mini braces

Like classical systems, mini-braces are divided into vestibular and lingual. Vestibular braces are installed on the outer part of the teeth, and lingual braces are installed on the inner part. The treatment concept is selected based on the patient’s financial capabilities, as well as the type of malocclusion. For example, in conditions of highly crowded teeth and a patient with a narrow jaw, some orthodontists do not recommend the use of lingual braces, but today there are no numerous contraindications that prevent the installation of one or another system.

In the case of mini braces, the overwhelming majority of designs are vestibular. Lingual braces are much more expensive; in addition, when attached to inner part In the dentition, the size of the apparatus is no longer of decisive importance. The most popular mini-lingual braces are considered Incognito - this is an elite system that is often offered in VIP and business-level clinics. Each Incognito brace is made on the basis of an individual impression and is designed for a specific tooth, and the material from which these mini-braces are made is hypoallergenic and contains gold. Despite numerous advantages, the price of Incognito braces is very high - on average 250 - 450 thousand rubles per complex treatment. Nevertheless, these rather expensive braces are in high demand among patients.

Ormco Mini Diamond Braces

One of the most famous manufacturers mini-braces - American company Ormco. Their most popular model is metal braces Mini Diamond. This is a compact and convenient ligature system made of durable 17-4 steel. Another popular line from the same manufacturer is Damon braces, which due to their small size also belong to this class. If the “Mini Diamond” braces are ligature (they have special ligatures for attaching the arch), then the Damon system is self-ligating, which allows you to reduce the traumatic effect on the teeth and gums, as well as reduce the number of visits to the dentist.

Mini Master braces from Forestadent

Another popular design is Mini Master braces - a simple and compact system for correcting most types of malocclusions. “Mini Master” braces are reliable, have good fastening and positioning, and also have a very attractive price. The “Mini Master” brace system is almost 20% smaller than classic metal braces, which makes wearing them more comfortable and unnoticeable. Mini Sprint braces from Forestadent are considered to be a fairly high-quality and aesthetic system: their diamond-shaped shape simplifies positioning, and the contact pad follows the shape of each tooth, which minimizes injuries and provides stronger fixation.

Elite Mini-Twin braces

If you are going to undergo orthodontic treatment, then it makes sense to pay attention to Mini-Twin® Bracket Systems from the American company OrthoOrganizers (“Elite Mini-Twin” braces), which also have very good characteristics. In any case, before starting treatment, you must first find good specialist, which will help you choose the optimal braces system and give you back a beautiful and healthy smile.

  1. Increased fixation reliability. Mini braces are very firmly fixed to the teeth thanks to the presence of a mesh. The possibility of peeling off is practically eliminated. In addition, after removing the bracket system from the teeth, a minimal amount of adhesive remains on the enamel surface, which is very easily removed.
  2. Maximum wearing comfort. Miniature locks have a soft rounded surface, which reduces the chance of soft tissue injury. The difference is noticeable even externally when compared with similar orthodontic designs from competitors.
  3. High positioning accuracy. The shape and base of the clasps facilitate precise placement on the surface of the teeth. A convenient marker system simplifies the orthodontist's work, minimizing the chance of error. Thanks to this, the process of installing the braces system takes little time.
  4. Democratic price. The Diamond MINI bracket system is an excellent option to achieve good effect and save money. After all, not all patients can afford expensive structures for bite correction. This is why Diamond MINI bracket systems are so in demand.

In order to correct various malocclusion defects in modern dentistry, bracket systems made from various materials. The most successful are those that, during the treatment process, pose less of a threat in terms of causing injury to the oral cavity and demonstrate good performance resistance to external influences. One of the best in terms of reliability, durability, hypoallergenicity and pricing will be Ormco braces, about types and functional characteristics which will be discussed below.

Innovative technological solutions

A special feature of the installation of Ormco braces is the use of light-polymer material, which does not harm tooth enamel and allows the entire procedure to be performed comfortably and without pain.

The production of various Ormco models is based on the use of computer technology, which allows achieving ideal results in terms of quality. Yes, in the process technological production Ormco braces were the first to find the use of straight rectangular arches and plasma treatment of the cushion, distinctive feature diamond-shaped product design has also become.

Usage the latest achievements in this area has turned Ormco into a world leader, whose products are actively used by leading specialists in the dental field.

Manufacturing and installation features

Modern corrective bracket systems allow you to achieve the desired result in a relatively short terms. Each of them has its own characteristics, including in terms of its manufacture and installation:

  • , based on artificially grown sapphire single crystals, are least noticeable in the mouth, but the treatment period when choosing them increases;
  • Damon Clear braces are distinguished by the fact that they do not have a ligature; they are based on a self-latching mechanism that effectively allows teeth to move in a given direction;
  • It has a spherical shape with small zirconium spheres, as well as with arches, the coating of which does not harm tooth enamel, it is not noticeable to strangers and is easy to remove upon completion of treatment.

The choice in favor of a particular system must be made taking into account various factors, in particular, based on the characteristics of the materials used in the design, individual indicators and characteristics of patients and the degree of complexity of the detected anomaly. Required condition There must be complete sanitation of the patient’s oral cavity before installation of the structure.


The variety of options among Ormco braces is such that choosing the best option for yourself is not difficult, but we must not forget that these designs also have their drawbacks:

  • are not particularly durable and require longer treatment;
  • the most durable, but different large sizes and are very visible when worn, which many people do not like;
  • the treatment period with the help of self-ligating structures is not so long, but their price is very high;
  • It will take longer to get used to, and in addition, they negatively affect diction.

Product range

A feature of the production process at Ormco is the use of stainless steel in the manufacture of metal brackets in brace systems, which effectively cope with the task of correcting the bite without injuring the oral cavity.

The model range is diverse, so for those patients who have problems with allergies, the Orthos Titanium 2 system is an excellent solution; nickel is added to titanium staples, making them highly biocompatible.

Note: Those who prioritize aesthetics should recommend sapphire and plastic Damon Clear, which are least noticeable when worn. Their disadvantage is low strength, this aspect must be taken into account.

Effectively solves the problem of correcting deep bites through the use of a special bite block. Unlike the Kurz model, which is its predecessor, this system can be installed on any dentition.

The design of the Damon Q self-ligating bracket system provides a reliable guarantee of fixation of the arch, which significantly reduces the duration of the treatment process.

Ormco sapphire braces

Of the entire range of Ormco sapphire braces, we can highlight the Incpire Ice system, which is the most distinguished high degree transparency. This brace system is one of those, it is distinguished by its excellent design and invisibility to others during the entire period of wear, since it is resistant to various external influences. Here, to the list of its obvious advantages, one should add strength and reliability, as well as ease of removal of the structure.

Speaking about the disadvantages, it is necessary to touch upon the issue of price, since installing such a system on one jaw will cost at least 40 thousand rubles, and this is even in the most favorable situation. The cost can be much higher, reaching up to 75 thousand, but the solution may be to combine these braces with others, for example, metal ones. In this case, Incpire Ice is placed on the central and front teeth, and metal structures are placed on the lateral teeth. This solution will ease the burden on the wallet and will not worsen the aesthetics of the patient’s oral cavity.

Ormco metal braces

The classic options would be stainless steel braces, but if you are allergic to metal and your financial capabilities do not allow you to install a sapphire system, then the solution would be, for example, the Orthos 2 titanium design. Conventional metal options cause a lot of trouble for their wearers, but Ormco braces are different in that that, thanks to the unique processing technology, they do not cause discomfort in patients during use.

Metal ligature systems will cost the least, starting from about 20 thousand; the cost will be higher, it can reach 50 thousand.

Damon Ormco braces - new generation self-ligating braces

These systems have a mechanism in their design that holds the brackets in the groove. They can be passive and active, in the latter the arc is pressed to the bottom of the groove using a special mechanism, but in passive ones the principle of operation is different - it is called the principle of “weak forces” and is based on the interaction of the structure with oral cavity patient.

The main difference from classical solutions is the low level of friction that occurs during tooth movement. The benefits for the patient are obvious:

  • none discomfort;
  • the likelihood of complications is much lower;
  • You need to visit the orthodontist once every 2 months, not more often;
  • installation of the system occurs quickly, within 30-40 minutes.

Ormco Damn Q braces for complex clinical cases

This model is the most interesting in the entire line of self-ligating structures. These metal systems are equipped with dual grooves and are used to solve the most complex problems. Their characteristic feature is their low profile and small size, thanks to which the patient quickly gets used to them; in addition, it is possible to place the bracket on each tooth with maximum precision. The price for installing this system on one jaw starts at 15 thousand rubles.

Mini 2000 Ormco (USA) braces for discreet treatment for little money

It is impossible to pass by when talking about the Ormco model range. Thus, Mini 2000 is about a third smaller in size than traditional designs, they are thin and look great on the teeth, while also having high performance strength. They are placed on those teeth that are most noticeable to others, in particular, on the incisors and canines. After installing them, the patient:

  • you don’t have to have problems with diction;
  • there is no need to fear the threat of injury;
  • You can spend less time on oral hygiene while maintaining its effectiveness.

However, there is also a downside, and this is the price - one jaw will cost about 50 thousand rubles.

Duration of treatment and oral care rules

Proper oral care has important in achieving the required result. Treatment can last from 6 to 24 months, it all depends on the degree of complexity of the problem and a number of other factors, but unpleasant sensations and discomfort will appear on initial stage in all patients. You will have to visit the dentist approximately once a month, but in addition, you should follow the doctor’s recommendations for oral care. For this purpose it is necessary to use:

  • special toothbrush with V-shaped head;
  • mouthwashes containing fluoride;
  • brushes;
  • dental floss;
  • irrigators.

Any means should be used carefully, following the doctor’s recommendations, so as not to harm the oral cavity and the established system.

What affects the cost?

The cost of treatment is influenced by several factors, namely:

  • price of the selected model;
  • preparatory activities;
  • consumables;
  • the cost of the procedure for direct installation of the structure;
  • system maintenance.

Opinion of bracket bearers

Tatyana, 39 years old

Until Ormco braces became known to me not only in theory, but also in practice, I had used other orthodontic structures and was disappointed with the lack of results. Thanks to my friend, I became acquainted with Ormco braces and was completely satisfied, firstly, with the effectiveness of the treatment, and, secondly, with the adequacy of the financial costs.

Evgeniy, 28 years old

Since childhood, I have had problems with allergies, and therefore many braces designs are completely unsuitable for me, so this system became a way out of this difficult situation for me. I was completely satisfied with the treatment, both with the process itself and with its results, so I recommend this system to all my acquaintances and friends.

Video on the topic

Studies have shown that more than 50% of the population have deviations in the development of occlusion. To correct the position of teeth, orthodontists prefer braces, although there are other methods for correcting bites.

The first braces appeared at the beginning of the 20th century and were a rigid metal arch that caused a lot of inconvenience. Dentistry has come a long way before it was invented modern braces, which do not spoil the aesthetic appearance of the smile. There are hundreds of companies in the world specializing in the production of braces. But among all the diversity, the American corporation Ormco can be distinguished. The company is known throughout the world for its high-quality equipment, technologies and approach to the manufacture of devices for correcting malocclusions. Ormco braces are rightfully considered the best on the market.

Features of Ormco braces

Ormco have a specially designed mechanism that allows you to correct abnormal bites of varying degrees of complexity. In addition, dentists note that ORMCO braces are characterized by increased safety and reliability.

Treatment with such braces takes a total of 10 to 12 months. In this case, the patient can observe the first results after 2 months. When creating braces, computer modeling is used, which allows you to observe the entire process of correcting the bite during treatment.

To more effectively correct bite defects, the company’s specialists constantly conduct research and improve products. This is how a model of Ormco berkets appeared, called, which are distinguished by their small size and increased comfort. This result was achieved thanks to new alloys that were able to reduce design parameters.

Ormco brace systems have round and smooth ends, which allows to minimize trauma to the oral mucosa in the first weeks of wearing braces, when getting used to foreign body in the mouth.

Types and models of Ormco braces

The American company Ormco produces different models braces that differ not only in design, but also in materials of manufacture.

  1. Metal braces. The company produces braces from different metals– titanium, stainless steel, gold-plated steel. The design of the braces is quite lightweight, but at the same time they are lightweight and have reliable adhesion to the tooth enamel. Ormco made of titanium is perfect for patients prone to allergies, since titanium is considered a hypoallergenic metal.
    The Ormco line of metal braces is very widely represented. The most popular stainless steel models are Alexander and Roth. Among titanium models, it is worth highlighting Titanium Orthos 2. The most expensive in the Ormco line of braces is the Orthos Gold model with gold plating. In the manufacture of all these models, a special metal processing method is used, which creates a diamond-shaped structure with smooth contours, which avoids discomfort when wearing braces. The cost of installing Ormco metal braces on one jaw is from 20,000 to 60,000 rubles.
  2. Ormco clear braces. These braces, compared to analogues from other manufacturers, are considered unnoticeable. In the manufacture of such braces, the company abandoned ceramics, giving preference to and. Ormco clear braces are called Inspire Ice. The advantage of this model is its aesthetics and high adhesion to enamel. In addition, thanks to the special treatment of sapphire single crystals, maximum transparency is achieved, which is maintained throughout the entire course of treatment. The design of these braces is classic and includes special ligatures for fixing the arch.
    But main drawback– increased fragility and quite high price. Incpire Ice Ormco cost per jaw varies from 40,000 to 75,000 rubles.
  3. Lingual metal braces. These systems are small in size, which allows them to be easily installed on the inside of the teeth. Being small in size, these braces do not injure the oral mucosa, but patients experience impaired diction in the first weeks of wearing braces.
  4. Damon self-adjusting braces. New generation braces were developed by American orthodontist Dwight Damon at the end of the last century, but the technology reached Russia only in 2004. The uniqueness of self-regulating braces lies in the design of the fastening mechanism, that is, the mechanism itself holds the arch in the bracket groove. Mounts are divided into two types - passive and active. In active fastening, the archwire is pressed against the bottom of the slot using a closing mechanism that doctors call a cap. With passive fastening, the principle of weak forces is used, when the structure interacts with the muscles of the face (tongue, cheeks and lips), which greatly simplifies the process of correcting the bite without installing additional orthodontic mechanisms. Self-regulating braces have movable arches, due to which the load is optimally distributed. At the same time very low level friction allows teeth to move without much difficulty. All this allows you to reduce the course of treatment by almost 30%.
    The company’s specialists, based on the positive experience of using Ormco self-adjusting braces, have developed the Damon Q model for complex cases development of bite defects. Damon Q has dual slots for additional elements, a low profile and a small size, which makes treatment effective and fast. Installation of self-adjusting braces will cost one row of teeth up to 25,000 rubles.
  5. Mini 2000 Ormco braces. The dimensions of this model are 30% smaller compared to standard braces. At the same time, they are quite thin and look very neat on the teeth. And high-quality metal makes Ormco mini-braces very durable. These braces are installed on the teeth that are primarily visible when speaking: premolars, canines and incisors. Thanks to the small size of the structure, oral hygiene does not cause any difficulties. The cost of these braces is 55,000 rubles.

Ormco braces rightfully occupy a strong position in the orthodontic market. Only high-quality materials are used in production, and the company’s specialists have developed a special method for processing alloys, which makes the design of the braces very durable. The patient's adaptation time is minimal, and the course of treatment is shorter than when installing other braces. Caring for Ormco braces does not require additional effort, you just need to follow the general