Inguinal sciatic nerve inflammation. Comprehensive treatment of inflammation

Sciatica is serious illness, which occurs with pain and limitation of movement. Read the article for useful information about this disease - prevention, treatment, pain relief.

Pain in the lower back, legs, buttocks or thighs appears as a result of various pathologies. Damage to the sciatic nerve is one of the most common reasons such painful sensations. The pain can be so excruciating that life turns into a living hell.

  • To get rid of pain, you need to recognize a disease of the sciatic nerve.
  • It is also important to understand the causes of pain. After all, only a doctor can make the correct diagnosis and help the patient cope with the disease.
  • What are the treatment methods for this disease? What is the correct name for this disease? What should you do to alleviate the condition? You can find answers to these and other questions in this article.

The sciatic nerve consists of several pairs of nerves that are located in the spine. All these nerves are surrounded by dense connective tissue. Where is sciatic nerve?

  • This important nerve originates in the lower back or pelvis.
  • The sacral nerve plexus is exited through a special opening in the pelvis called the infrapiriform opening.
  • The nerve is brought to the surface of the thigh under the gluteus maximus muscle. It then descends and splits into several small branches that monitor the sensitivity of the gluteal and thigh muscles.
  • The nerve then travels to the popliteal fossa, where it divides into the tibial and peroneal branches. This network of nerves monitors the sensitivity of the joints, muscles, and skin of the feet and knees located in this area.

What is sciatica? Neuritis of the sciatic nerve is called sciatica. With this disease, an inflammatory process begins in the nerve endings, and the person experiences severe pain from the lower back to the ankle joint.

Radiculitis in the lower back with pinched nerve endings also refers to sciatica. In humans, the sciatic nerve is the largest and longest nerve. Therefore, if it becomes inflamed, pain appears from the lower back to the lower legs. The causes of sciatica include the following conditions and factors:

  • injury to the back, pelvis, limbs;
  • hypothermia of the body - sudden or prolonged;
  • pathologies in the vertebrae (growths, hernias);
  • arthritis;
  • gynecological pathologies in the pelvic organs;
  • diabetes mellitus;
  • infections and inflammations in the body;
  • the appearance of irritants that can affect the sciatic nerve (tumors);
  • constipation;
  • internal bleeding;
  • heavy physical activity.

Symptoms of inflammation of the sciatic nerve include the following:

  • pain in the lower extremities;
  • loss of sensation in the legs;
  • motor dysfunction;
  • pain that occurs in the lumbar region, and after some time subsides;
  • involuntary bowel movements or urination;
  • swelling of the inflamed area of ​​the body;
  • weakness;
  • muscle atrophy.

In particularly severe cases, partial paralysis of the limbs may occur. A tingling sensation in the area of ​​inflammation is a common condition in a person with sciatica.

Often pain syndrome is absent in this disease. But there is a burning sensation in the inflamed area, numbness and tingling in the lumbar region. Patients often ask doctors where sciatica pain may go? There are cases when the irradiation of pain in the buttock area passes through back surface legs, hips or even from the side - in the groin.

It often happens that a person finds the psychological cause of the disease, eliminates it by fighting himself, and restores health. But psychological reasons there can be many and their roots are often so deep that it takes years to eliminate them. Psychosomatics of sciatica (pinched sciatic nerve):

  • Physical blocking- This is a sensation of pain in the buttocks, back of the leg, lower leg and foot. Painful sensations begin acutely in a certain area of ​​the sciatic nerve.
  • Emotional blockage. If you have no confidence in the future, there is an unconscious fear of losing material wealth, the emotional background is blocked and inflammation of the sciatic nerve occurs. In other words, such unconscious fear arises in people who are rich and do not need anything, but are very afraid of losing everything and would have a hard time experiencing it. The roots of this disease must be sought at the “have” level. A person is not aware of his attachment to money; if he had awareness of this, he would feel a sense of shame for his love for money, since this is characteristic only of rude and soulless people. In addition, the presence of a disease such as sciatica in a person indicates pent-up aggression towards the acceptance of a person.
  • Mental blockage. Indicates that a person causes harm and pain to himself through the way he thinks. The stronger the guilt, the greater the pain. You need to admit to yourself that there is fear in losing material wealth.

There is a way out! There is no need to think that love for material wealth is bad and disgusting. This is natural and characteristic of almost every person.

Advice: Gain confidence in yourself and your ability to create and receive everything you need. Thanks to this, you will be able to get rid of the fear of losing what you have accumulated and you will be able to love money without becoming attached to it. In addition, learn to be tolerant of the ideas and characters of other people.

Sciatica is currently a well-studied pathology, and treatment has already been developed over the years. The main goal of treatment is pain relief and reduction inflammatory process. Treatment is usually done with injections. Other drugs or tablets are not used, since the pain is very intense and such medications do not help. Often you even have to give injections, injecting the drug into the spinal canal. Several groups of drugs are used:

  • NSAIDs(Nimesulide, Meloxicam, Piroxicam and others) - non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs. They block the inflammatory process and the pain goes away.
  • Vitamins- their administration together with NSAIDs helps reduce the duration of pain.
  • Steroid drugs(Dexamethasone, Prenisone, Methylprednisone) - prescribed if NSAIDs do not help cope with the pain. Often the medication is given epidurally. This procedure is called a blockade and is performed only by experienced doctors.
  • Muscle relaxants(Mydocalm, Sirdalud, Baclofen) are prescribed together with NSAIDs. They have an analgesic effect.
  • Painkillers narcotic substances (Vicodin, Morphine, Katadolon, Tramadol) are prescribed in the rarest cases. It is impossible to purchase them without a doctor's prescription.

Important: Any of these drugs should only be prescribed by a doctor. Self-medication is dangerous!

How to do pain relief, blockade for sciatica?

Pain relief or blockade for sciatica can be done with one of the drugs described above. But remember that the blockade cannot be done often, as this can lead to the following undesirable consequences:

  • risk of development peptic ulcer stomach;
  • osteoporosis;
  • edema of various etiologies;
  • thick blood;
  • increase in body weight.

Physiotherapy (electrical and ultrasound treatment) and hirudotherapy (leech treatment) are often prescribed for pain relief. These procedures have a good analgesic effect and do not cause much harm to health, like drug treatment.

Important: But this does not mean that you need to cancel the therapy prescribed by the doctor and immediately proceed to treatment with leeches or physical therapy. You can consult with your doctor, and he will additional treatment will prescribe some other procedures to alleviate the condition.

Topical medications or ointments for sciatica differ in the nature of their effects active ingredients in the composition. The following ointments can be used:

  • homeopathic external remedies;
  • distracting ointments to relieve pain;
  • chondoprotectors;
  • non-steroidal ointments as painkillers;
  • combined ointments - anti-inflammatory and analgesic.

The ointment is an integral part of complex therapy. Using only external remedies will not bring much benefit in the treatment of sciatica.

As mentioned above, sciatica is treated with vitamins, but also with ointments in combination with NSAIDs. B vitamins B1 and B6 play an important role in the treatment of sciatica, as well as neuritis and arthritis.

Yoga and stretching for sciatica should not be used if there is elevated temperature body, severe pain, purulent discharge And sharp deterioration for chronic problems. In other cases, physical activity alleviates the condition and relieves pain. It is better to practice yoga for sciatica with an instructor who will tell you what to do and how to do it. Light physical activity can be done independently. Here are 4 effective exercises that will help with sciatica:

Below are two videos that also show effective exercises for pinched sciatic nerves.

Video: Special exercises for sciatic neuralgia (Kirill Pavletsov)

And in this video, a professional football player shows exercises that once helped him cope with pain.

Video: Effective exercises for pinching the sciatic nerve

During sciatica, you should not use weight lifting exercises. Charging is performed after a 10-minute warm-up, and after a set of exercises, you need to take warm shower. After training, the muscles increase blood circulation and therefore, when you take a shower, you need to rub it into the painful area medicinal ointment. This will help relieve pain long time. Therapeutic exercises for sciatica:

Will be effective physical exercise performed in the pool. With such exercises, motor activity improves and muscles strengthen.

Most safe method The treatment for this disease is massage. During an exacerbation, only a relaxing massage is prescribed, since therapeutic massage is contraindicated for pain. How to treat sciatica with massage? Not only the back is massaged, but also the legs and arms, depending on the type of disease (upper or lower). Massage will help relax muscles during spasm and promote the outflow of lymph and blood.

Remember: The massage should be performed by a professional, since only a specialist will be able to perform all the hand movements correctly so that the patient immediately feels the effect.

Video: Sciatic nerve. Treatment of sciatica. Sciatic nerve massage.

Acupuncture for sciatica gives excellent results. The patient relaxes and pain of nervous origin is treated. How to treat sciatica with acupuncture?

If the pain is acute, then you need to influence the point energetically. It is enough to move your palms, as if suspended, in the area of ​​pain. Stimulation is resumed when the need arises.

To do acupressure for sciatica, you need to know where the active points. Moreover, these points can be not only on the lower back and legs, but also on the arms and in the head area. Only a massage specialist can know the location of all points.

Video: Doing manual massage How to relieve a patient from a pinched sciatic nerve?

Traditional medications that are prescribed for the treatment of sciatica have many side effects. If you are a supporter traditional medicine, then you can use one of the prepared natural medicines from the arsenal effective recipes. Recipes of folk remedies used in the treatment of sciatica:

Recipe for oral administration - a decoction of aspen leaves:

  • Pour 1 tablespoon of green aspen leaves with a glass of boiling water.
  • Place on the fire and cook the infusion for 30 minutes.
  • Cool, strain and take 30 ml of decoction every 4 hours.

This infusion can also be used as hot compresses.

External use - baths:

  • Horseradish bath. Grind the horseradish root in a meat grinder. Take 100 grams of this crushed product, put it in a gauze bag and place it in a warm bath. Take a bath until the water cools down.
  • Bath with pine shoots- Pour 1 kg of fresh young pine shoots with 3 liters of boiling water and put on fire. Boil the mixture for 10 minutes, and then leave for another 4 hours. Strain and add the resulting liquid to a warm bath - 1 liter of decoction per 15 liters of water. Take a bath for 15 minutes.

Rub recipes:

Fruits, leaves, flowers and even chestnut bark are valued for their healing properties. Chestnut infusions help cope with various diseases. Treatment with chestnut infusion for sciatica has been successfully used - recipe:

  • Grind the horse chestnut seeds.
  • Take 2 tablespoons of these crushed seeds and pour half a liter of boiling water.
  • Place in a steam bath and keep for 15 minutes.
  • Then cool, strain and take 100 ml every day.

You can also infuse flowers, but they must first be dried. Then do the following:

  • Pour 1 tablespoon of dried chestnut flowers with a glass of boiling water.
  • Leave until the water cools, strain.
  • Take this infusion throughout the day, dividing it into 3 parts.

Such infusions should be used in combination with other treatment methods.

Compresses for sciatica have a beneficial effect. With their help you can remove painful sensations and alleviate the condition.

Compresses from natural ingredients:

In the chronic course of the disease, drug treatment is not always effective, and even more so, cannot guarantee long-term therapeutic effect. As additional measures Bee stings are used to treat sciatica.

Carefully: There are contraindications - consult your doctor!

Before planting the bee, you need to do a light warming massage. This massage can be performed using honey. The points are located in the back and lower back.

When a person has a health problem, he does not know where to run or what to do. Which doctor should I contact for sciatica? It is worth noting that the very first doctor you can contact with a problem is a therapist. He will then be able to refer you to a highly specialized doctor. If you have sciatica, your therapist will refer you to a neurologist. After all the examinations and diagnosis have been made, you can contact a chiropractor.

Kinesio taping is the application of tape to the skin. Tape is an elastic bandage that improves blood circulation and reduces pain. Using tape tension you can achieve good therapeutic effect. The inflammatory process will be localized and, after several days of wearing the patch, eliminated. For sciatica, the patch is applied to the lumbar region and the painful area of ​​the leg. Watch the video to see how to do it correctly.

Video: Kinesio tape: lower back pain

Electrophoresis is the introduction of a drug into body tissues using current. What medications can be used for sciatica:

  • Mumiyo - 4% solution in distilled water. The compress is applied for 15-20 minutes at a current strength of 5 to 20 mA. You need to conduct 10-15 sessions.
  • Magnesia.
  • Novocaine.
  • Lidaza.
  • Karipain.
  • Eufillin.
  • Apifor.
  • Gumisol and others.

All medications are applied to special applications in the form of solutions. At least 10 procedures must be carried out. According to Bubnovsky, neuralgia diseases can be forgotten if the normal functioning of the spinal muscular corset is restored. Neuromuscular spasms must be relieved and the muscles strengthened, then the pain will go away forever. Treatment of sciatica according to Bubnovsky occurs on a multifunctional simulator and with the help of joint gymnastics.

An individual treatment program is selected for each patient, taking into account his condition, age and degree of muscle training. Watch the video in which the doctor talks about his treatment method.

Video: Three universal exercises Sergey Bubnovsky

If you lead a sedentary lifestyle, then it is necessary to prevent sciatica. Take short breaks during work to lightly warm up and stretch your muscles.

If the disease has already caught up, then with a sedentary lifestyle it is good to carry out treatment with micro-movements and rocking. Such exercises are good to do during pregnancy, when you cannot take medications or perform heavy physical activity on the body.

Will treatment with the Lyapko applicator help with sciatica?

Professors and doctors of sciences who have personally encountered the problem of sciatica come up with effective treatment methods. So Dr. Lyapko came up with an applicator that helps safely, unlike acupuncture (penetration of hepatitis, HIV and other infections into the human body). Many people wonder: will treatment with the Lyapko applicator help with sciatica? With the help of this device, electrical stimulation of painful points occurs and the body is saturated with microelements. Applicator needles can be made of different metals:

  • aluminum;
  • copper;
  • chromium;
  • nickel;
  • silver;
  • gold;
  • zinc.

The choice of applicator and needles depends on the severity of the disease, the form and nature of sciatica. Your doctor will help you make the right choice.

This disease usually appears in pregnant women later, since the sciatic nerve is compressed by the growing uterus. The question of how to treat sciatica during pregnancy is difficult to answer even for a doctor.

  • After all, many treatment methods are harmful to the fetus.
  • But in this case, the use of external remedies, both traditional and traditional medicine, is excellent.
  • However, pay attention to the composition of ointments so that they contain natural ingredients.
  • You can perform light massage procedures, do warm compresses and rubbing with alcohol-containing tinctures - hot pepper or lilac.

Advice: A pregnant woman should walk a lot, and quiet walking is an excellent remedy in the fight against sciatica.

Lumbago with sciatica is characterized by severe pain, especially during movement. In the body, inflammation occurs in the cartilage tissue of the lower back. Typically, sciatica is always a consequence of lumbago. These two diseases are interrelated.

How to treat lumbago with sciatica? Here are some ways:

  • Drug therapy should only be prescribed by a doctor. Aimed at relieving inflammation.
  • Reflexology is performed by inserting special needles into acupuncture points.
  • Therapeutic exercise - prevents relapses, strengthens muscle corset, mobility is restored and blood circulation improves.
  • Physiotherapeutic procedures - inflammation is relieved and function in the lumbar region is restored.

To prevent such a disease, you need to protect yourself from hypothermia and severe stress on the spine. It's important to lead healthy image life and sports.

There is no clear answer to the question of how long sciatica lasts and is treated. For some people, relief occurs after 7-10 days of treatment, while for others it takes at least a month. The main thing is not to delay the course of the disease and consult a doctor in a timely manner. Otherwise, the disease may become chronic, and the pain will constantly make itself felt.

As mentioned above, the disease cannot be started. If the first symptoms appear, you should consult a doctor. Sciatica can be cured forever if you constantly take care of yourself: lead a healthy lifestyle, eat right, exercise, protect yourself from hypothermia, and so on.

Video: Unblocking the Sciatic Nerve | Sciatica pain relief

Pain in the legs and buttocks is called sciatica. It is associated with chronic osteochondrosis or intervertebral hernia. The material discusses the main symptoms, exercises and treatment of the sciatic nerve at home, which will help cope with the pathology.

Symptoms of the disease

The main symptoms of pinching, which lead to its inflammation: the sciatic nerve hurts, neurological disorders. Signs may also be:

  • pain in the buttock becomes stronger if you stand or sit for a long time without changing position;
  • burning and tingling in the buttocks, in the leg;
  • muscles are tense, weakness is felt, and a feeling of numbness may occur;
  • when walking or other movements of the leg, a sharp piercing pain occurs;
  • Initially, the pain is often felt only in the lower back, but gradually moves to the buttock, and through it is transmitted to the thigh, then to the foot.

If the sciatic nerve is affected by an injection, the consequences for a person can be expressed in the following symptoms:

  • the person may begin to limp. Due to severe pain, the body, when moving, deviates in the direction where there is no pain;
  • on the side of the body where the infringement is present, sensitivity may be lost. In some cases, the sensitivity of this part of the body does not decrease, but increases;
  • a general increase in body temperature is possible, but only against the background of other symptoms.

It is worth noting that these symptoms can be observed when a nerve is pinched in both women and men.

The sciatic nerve is affected by injection - symptoms

If the injection touches the sciatic nerve, then unilateral pain in the buttock, lower back and leg appears, and tingling and numbness may also occur. The inflammatory process manifests itself in different ways, depending on the degree of nerve damage. Clinical abnormalities may include different forms and drag on for a long time.

Important! The doctor will tell you correct treatment if the injections touch a nerve. In this case, do not self-medicate.

Symptoms of strangulation during pregnancy

The main signs of infringement manifest themselves in pain when walking, when a woman stands, shooting begins in the lumbar region, pain can interfere with sitting and sleeping. These symptoms negatively affect not only the physical condition of the expectant mother, but also the psychological one.

Important! Self-medication during pregnancy is unacceptable. A diagnosis cannot be made based on symptoms alone, and the list of approved medications during this period is limited. Contact your doctor!

Treatment at home

The process of home treatment for infringement is lengthy; it requires patience in following all instructions and attention to your health. The main methods of treatment include massage, the use of special ointments, and physiotherapeutic procedures (warming the diseased area with red light is effective).

The massage should be performed by a specialist for at least 30 minutes every day or every other day. If you cannot complete the required course of therapeutic massage, you can use dry cupping.

Important! If the pain is severe, warm baths will help to cope with it. They need to be taken twice during the day.

What is important to observe if the sciatic nerve is often pinched and how to treat it at home:

  • try not to sit for more than two hours at a time;
  • place your feet straight when walking;
  • keep your back straight, constantly ensure that there is no slouching;
  • lower your knees;
  • At night, your back should rest, which means you need to sleep on your side with your knees bent;
  • get rid of extra pounds;
  • eat foods high in B vitamins;
  • give up constant wearing high-heeled shoes.

Gymnastics for treatment

Considering the symptoms, exercises and treatment of the sciatic nerve at home, you need to special attention devote therapeutic exercises. The emphasis is on sciatic stretches, which allow the muscles surrounding the sciatic nerve to relax.

  1. While lying on your back, grab your knee with your hands and pull it up. Move to the opposite shoulder and hold for a few seconds. Lower your leg and repeat exactly the same actions with the second leg.
  2. Lying on your back, bend your knees, placing your feet on the floor. Cross your arms over your chest and raise your torso so that your shoulders come off the floor. Repeat 15 times in a row, try not to rest.
  3. Any leg stretching exercises that are done in a lying position will do.

What folk remedies will help?

You can numb the nerve at home using folk remedies. We present the most effective recipes.


Even in the old days, pinched sciatic nerves were treated with cabbage. This is an extremely useful product that creates favorable conditions in the intestines for development. beneficial bacteria. The high content of B vitamins in the body will also help. sauerkraut. This remedy is used for prevention, but cabbage cannot relieve pain during the acute period.

Brew the beans

Use peeled green bean leaves as tea leaves. This remedy has a good diuretic effect, helps eliminate unpleasant symptoms, saturates the body with B vitamins, which are necessary for the regeneration of nerve fibers.

Decoction of aspen leaves

Brew a large spoonful of aspen leaves in 1 liter of boiling water. Drink the decoction four times during the day, it is better to do this before meals.

Calendula infusion

During the day you need to drink 250 g of infusion. A tablespoon is brewed in a glass of boiling water. Then boil for an additional 5 minutes and strain. Drink in two doses, each time before the main meal.

Natural wax

If natural beeswax melt, then in home treatment it can be used for compresses. First it is recommended sore spot grind it, and then apply hot wax on it, distributing it evenly over the entire surface. Next, wrap it in a warm scarf and leave until the wax cools completely.

Warming baths

Grind the horseradish root and wrap it in several layers of gauze. Then dip the gauze into the bath water. You can brew a kilogram of pine shoots in three liters of water, strain and pour into the bath. You need to take baths every day for 10 days before going to bed.

Treatment with drugs

It is not possible to cure the sciatic nerve with prayer or a conspiracy; you will only delay time and aggravate the situation. For treatment, use traditional medications: ointments, injections.


What ointments will help to treat a pinched nerve:

  • Finalgon. Use to rub problem areas. Relieves pain and has an anti-inflammatory effect.
  • Viprosal. The product contains viper venom. Apply to a preheated area to relieve pain.
  • Betalgon. In addition to the analgesic effect, this ointment improves blood supply to the skin in the problem area.
  • Karmolis. A drug created on the basis of plant components. Contains menthol and mint Chinese lemongrass, cloves, anise and thyme oils. Has an excellent analgesic effect.


To cure an inflamed nerve, drugs with anti-inflammatory properties are used. Some of them can be purchased at the pharmacy:

  • Aspirin;
  • Ibuprofen;
  • Ketoprofen;
  • Naproxen.

Medicines have contraindications and side effects; you should not use them yourself so as not to harm your health.

Diclofenac, Ibuprofen, Indomethacin are used not only orally, but also intramuscularly, in the form of injections.

This is the minimum necessary information you need to know on the topic of symptoms, exercises and treatment of the sciatic nerve at home. Before starting therapy, you will need to consult your doctor. Only like this integrated approach will help you get rid of the pathology soon.

The sciatic nerve is the largest single nerve in our body. Starting from the lower vertebra, it passes through the buttock, along the back of the thigh into the foot. Plays a vital role in transmitting signals from the spinal cord to the leg muscles. Any pain and other neuralgic symptoms associated with this area are called sciatica.

Pain during inflammation varies in intensity, affecting the left or right side bodies. They manifest themselves in shooting discomfort from the lower back to one or both legs.

No one can give an exact answer to the question of why the nerve becomes inflamed and how long this unpleasant condition lasts. The disease can arise as a result of an infection, injury, or become a side effect of spinal diseases. The pain goes away after complex treatment, including physical therapy, drug therapy and other measures. An experienced doctor can tell you what to do in each specific case.

Symptoms of inflammation of the sciatic nerve

If the sciatic nerve is inflamed, the patient may feel something similar to an electrical discharge passing through the entire leg, the disease also manifests itself in numbness and tingling, and in women the right side is usually affected, and in men the left.

Chronic inflammation, if not treated in time, can seriously ruin a patient’s life, limiting his mobility and reducing his ability to self-care.

How to determine that you are not just tired and overworked, but need qualified medical consultation? In addition to pain, there are a number of typical signs of sciatica:

  • lower back pain radiating to one or both buttocks, thighs, legs;
  • pain and other symptoms are felt along the entire length of the sciatic nerve;
  • the nature of the pain can be described as soft, dull, sharp, pulsating, painful, piercing;
  • sudden movements, sneezing, coughing and laughter can worsen the patient’s condition;
  • muscle weakness of the lower extremities;
  • the sensations intensify when performing any movements.


Experts usually do not distinguish inflammation of the sciatic nerve as a separate disease; most often it is a consequence, a “mask” under which other ailments are hidden. That is why, when diagnosing, doctors should first of all pay attention to the main reasons that can lead to this neuralgia:

  • hypothermia is one of the main causes of the disease. Creating drafts, walking in short shorts with a bare back, sitting on concrete parapets and metal pipes is not easy on our health;
  • the most popular reason for the onset of the inflammatory process in men and women. In this case, the pathology occurs due to degenerative diseases or injury to the intervertebral disc, spinal stenosis, spondylolisthesis;
  • intervertebral disc herniation;
  • injury to the lower extremities (sprain, fracture);
  • infectious diseases (typhoid, rabies, tetanus, tuberculosis, syphilis, etc.);
  • damage by mercury, arsenic, overdose of certain medications and other chemical compounds;
  • diabetes.

Treatment of inflammation

It is quite logical that patients are interested in how and how to treat such an unpleasant illness, but in this case it is strictly not recommended to self-medicate. Any measures should be taken after consultation with qualified specialist, which can not only relieve pain, but also cure the cause of its occurrence.

It is important to know which doctor can help with sciatica! If you suspect inflammation, you should contact an experienced neurologist.

In general, treatment methods are divided into several groups:

  • Conservative therapy consists of taking effective means, allowing to relieve inflammation, swelling, reduce pain, and get rid of dysfunction. Currently, analgesics, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, diuretics (relieve swelling), muscle relaxants (relieve muscle spasms) are used. Thus, you can be treated with local remedies (ointments, creams, patches), oral (tablets and capsules), parenteral (injections);
  • radical treatment methods involve surgery and are used in the most extreme cases;
  • physiotherapeutic procedures, consisting of the use of UHF, massage, and other techniques, are used after the period of exacerbation has passed. They relieve the disease, although not quickly, but effectively. The duration of treatment depends on the diagnosis, severity of the disease, and individual characteristics.

There are also dozens of different methods for treating inflammation of the nervous cycle, including traditional and folk medicine, acupuncture, manual therapy, treatment with leeches and others.

However, we should not forget that the sciatic nerve is the largest in the body, and an incorrect approach to restoring its functions can lead to the most severe consequences, up to the loss of limbs. Therefore, we do not recommend joking with your health and getting involved in dubious experiments.

Drug treatment

The basis of drug treatment for sciatica is the use of drugs from the NSAID group. Their use is permissible only for a short period of time (no more than 2 weeks) due to the strong side effects on blood clotting and kidney function. However, thanks to such medications, an analgesic effect is achieved and inflammation is relieved.

The most commonly used are Diclofenac, Ibuprofen, Ketorolac and others.

After a period of exacerbation of neuralgia has passed, patients are transferred to gentler drugs taken in the form of tablets (Arcoxia and their analogues).
To boost immunity, doctors use vitamin complexes When prescribing vitamins B and E, it is recommended to enrich the diet with natural and healthy foods.


Treatment of inflammatory processes in the sciatic nerve is possible with injections of steroid drugs. They are injected in close proximity to the inflamed area.

What injections to give for inflammation in each specific case should be determined by your attending physician. After all, any medications have a number of contraindications and side effects, so only short-term use is possible. After completing the course of treatment, the pain subsides for a period from a couple of weeks to several years.

Blockade for inflammation of the sciatic nerve

If inflammation of the sciatic nerve is accompanied by unbearable pain, a treatment method such as a blockade may be prescribed. It allows you to dock discomfort, restore muscle mobility.

An anti-inflammatory drug is injected together with an analgesic directly into the painful area. However, due to the possibility of touching and damaging a nerve during the operation, it should be performed only by an experienced specialist, and the patient should carefully weigh all the risks and benefits before signing consent for the procedure.


Massage therapy is a non-surgical, holistic approach that releases constricted muscles and tissues, opens the body's energy channels, improves circulation, and allows for effective pain management.

During sessions conducted by an experienced specialist on a massage table, not only general relaxation occurs, but a surge of endorphins in the body and a general improvement in health occur. Therefore, the answer to the question of whether it is possible to do massage during inflammation is definitely positive.


Warming ointments for the treatment of inflammation - effective remedy for home use. Typically, turpentine and camphor ointments, as well as beeswax and mustard oil are used for such purposes. They help relieve spasms, serve as excellent warming agents, and improve blood flow in the affected area.

Also among pharmaceutical ointments for inflammation, Finalgon, Viprosal, Naftalgin and others are popular.


Treatment with leeches can provide positive impact when treating sciatica, eliminate congestion, relieve swelling. However, in no case should they be used without the supervision and participation of a specialist, otherwise side effects and complications may occur.

  • Only special medical leeches are allowed for use;
  • the duration of the procedure is adjusted individually;
  • the skin is first wiped with clean gauze, without any strong-smelling disinfectants;
  • leeches are not placed at random, but in strict accordance with the scheme drawn up by the doctor.

Treatment of inflammation of the sciatic nerve with folk remedies

As a complement to the above options, it is possible to use folk remedies to treat inflammation in the sciatic nerve. These include taking herbal infusions that have anti-inflammatory properties, such as burdock, nettle, thyme, cabbage and willow.

However traditional methods should be used with great caution, especially when it comes to sciatica during pregnancy, because during pregnancy and lactation many herbs are strictly contraindicated.

Treatment at home

The decision to treat inflammation at home without consulting a specialist is very risky. After all, the problem that has arisen indicates the presence of other more serious diseases. Before getting a consultation with a qualified neurologist who can tell you what and how to treat your specific case, you can do the following at home:

  • avoid sudden movements;
  • take an anti-inflammatory non-steroidal drug(Ibuprofen, Diclofenac). However, it is permissible to take such medications without medical advice for more than three days;
  • do light massage, rubbing and stroking movements.

Consequences of inflammation of the sciatic nerve

As a rule, patients are interested in whether it is possible to walk during the acute period of the disease, and also whether it is possible to warm the injured area.

As first aid for sciatica, you should adhere to the following recommendations:

  • The patient should be placed on his stomach on a flat, hard surface, preferably a thick carpet. In this case, you should do without a pillow; you should place a tightly rolled fabric roll under your shoulders;
  • the patient should be covered with a warm but light blanket that will not get tangled between the legs;
  • It is not recommended to place warm compresses on the lower back and legs because heat can increase swelling;
  • You should call an ambulance as soon as possible or contact a neurologist who can come to the call.

Important to know! It is strictly not recommended to use any other measures without special education.

The duration of sciatica depends on its cause. Hernia, dislocation, herpes zoster, degenerative diseases lumbar region spine can cause temporary problems and soreness lasting from a few days to a couple. Chronic sciatica, which can only be treated surgically, is also possible.

The sciatic nerve is recognized as the largest in the human body. It is formed as a result of the interweaving of three sacral and two lumbar roots, thanks to this property lower limbs acquire sensory and motor functions. In medicine, there is such a disease as sciatica. It is this that affects the sciatic nerve and causes its inflammation.

What is sciatica

This pathological condition which is accompanied by intense pain. Inflammation of the sciatic nerve, the symptoms of which are detected fairly quickly, is considered a very unpleasant neurological disease. At the first signs of illness, it is recommended to immediately consult a doctor.

With sciatica, the roots of the lumbar and sacral spine, which are located in spinal cord, so the pain spreads to the lower back and back of the thighs. This is how inflammation of the sciatic nerve can be recognized. Symptoms, treatment, diagnosis of the disease have been studied in detail, any intervention is carried out under strict medical supervision.

The causes of the development of the disease most often are hypothermia and pinched nerves that develop due to diseases of the spine. People suffering from diabetes and joint inflammation are also susceptible to developing sciatica and are at risk.

Symptoms of the disease

The main sign of the development of inflammation is intense pain, which provokes a decrease in the sensitivity of the legs and disrupts full motor activity. The nature of negative feelings often varies. It can be stabbing, burning, sharp, nagging pain. As a rule, a person suffers from attacks, which are followed by a period of relative calm.

According to medical observations, a person experiences discomfort on one side - left or right, with the exception of bilateral sciatica. When the destructive process is accompanied by intense pain, the patient experiences severe suffering. Any attempt to perform a simple step initiates an exacerbation of the disease.

In some cases, the disease manifests itself with moderate symptoms. It has been noticed that this inflammation of the sciatic nerve (symptoms and treatment do not differ from the common ones) is accompanied by loss of sensation in the legs, numbness and tingling. Despite weak degree severity of the disease, it is important to provide timely medical assistance.

Loss of the ability to fully bend and straighten the legs, raise and lower the foot, urinary and fecal incontinence - all these are negative consequences that threaten inflammation of the sciatic nerve. Symptoms and treatment of the disease are a reason to immediately consult a doctor.

Diagnostic measures

To make a diagnosis it is necessary comprehensive examination which consists of a number of activities:

  • Examination by a neurologist, or in severe cases - by a rheumatologist, vertebrologist, or surgeon specializing in vascular pathologies.
  • Tomography.
  • Clinical tests.
  • X-ray images spinal column in a sitting and lying position.

How to get rid of the disease

Treatment tactics are developed taking into account the individual characteristics of each patient. Therapeutic techniques may contain the following activities:

  • drug treatment;
  • physical culture (therapeutic);
  • massage techniques;
  • physiotherapy.

Observance makes a great contribution to recovery. correct mode day. The patient must change his habits and sleep on a hard surface. Physical activity should be kept to a minimum until it disappears acute inflammation sciatic nerve (symptoms and treatment are always interrelated with each other). When a patient suffers from intense pain, he is prescribed bed rest.

Drug treatment

In the treatment of sciatica, anti-inflammatory drugs that belong to the non-steroidal group are often used. The principle of their action is based on the inhibition of a special enzyme that promotes the synthesis of prostanoids. All medications have an analgesic effect:

  • "Sulindak".
  • "Diclofenac".
  • "Ibuprofen."
  • "Ortofen".
  • "Naproxen."
  • "Indomethacin".
  • "Ketorolac".

It should be understood that all medications in this group have a negative effect on the gastric mucosa, help reduce blood clotting, and negatively affect the functioning of the kidneys. The prescription of the drug is carried out with restrictions.

The modern pharmaceutical industry has developed more gentle drugs that do not irritate the digestive tract:

  • "Movalis".
  • "Arcoxia".
  • "Nimesulide".

If the negative sensations are excessively intense, the doctor may prescribe a short course hormonal drugs to eliminate inflammation of the sciatic nerve (symptoms). Treatment is medicinal, complicated. Such pharmacological agents can relieve pain, but are not able to eliminate the cause of inflammation itself. Therapy may cause side effects.

The presented list of remedies allows you to alleviate the course of a disease such as inflammation of the sciatic nerve (symptoms). Treatment with medications can be supplemented with vitamin complexes. The diagnosis of sciatica requires taking vitamins B and E. Medicines that improve metabolism and help relax muscles are also prescribed.

Ointments and injections

Injections are prescribed in case of a sharp exacerbation. In addition, this technique is used when conservative methods are ineffective.

Professional exposure is the basis for the successful elimination of such pathology as inflammation of the sciatic nerve (symptoms). Treatment - injections and ointments - should be prescribed only by a specialist. Steroid drugs that relieve inflammation are placed as close as possible to the sciatic nerve. This guarantees a quick effect on the affected area.

Used for external use special plasters, ointments, gels. Among the effective medicines are the following:

  • "Finalgon"
  • "Virapin."
  • "Naftalgin".
  • "Viprosal."
  • "Saliniment".

The acute form of the inflammatory process is well relieved by ointments with propolis, turpentine, mustard oil. Similar drugs activate the nerve, increase blood circulation, warm the affected area.

Surgical intervention

Surgeon intervention is required if serious disturbances are observed in the functioning of the pelvic organs. When diagnosing pathologies intervertebral discs microsurgical operation is carried out. During a microdiscectomy, a fragment of a displaced disc that is putting pressure on the sciatic nerve is removed.

Physiotherapeutic manipulations

Massage treatment is carried out if the acute phase of inflammation has come to an end. Using such techniques, you can improve blood circulation, reduce pain, stabilize nerve conduction and prevent muscle hypertrophy.

Among physiotherapeutic procedures, phonophoresis, electrophoresis, heating, and compresses are especially effective.

Traditional medicine methods

Combining the secrets of traditional medicine and official methods of treatment can greatly increase the success of treatment. Most often, the following recipes are used to treat inflammation of the sciatic nerve:

  1. Massage with bee products. Natural honey is heated in a water bath and mixed with alcohol (50 ml of liquid per 300 grams of product). When the mass has cooled down a little, the back is rubbed. The duration of exposure is at least 30 minutes. Instead of a honey base, you can use beeswax to make warming compresses. A cake of wax is placed on the sore spot, covered with film and a warm scarf and left overnight. This is how acute inflammation of the sciatic nerve (symptoms) is eliminated. Treatment at home based on honey is different high efficiency.
  2. Warm baths with oatmeal. Treatment of sciatica with similar procedures helps relieve pain. One bath will require a kilogram of resin. Session duration is 30 minutes.
  3. Elderberry, chamomile. Plant flowers are placed in a fabric bag, which is dipped in boiling water and placed on the affected area as a lotion.
  4. Horseradish. The root of the plant is ground on a grater and placed on gauze. The matter is wrapped in a bag and placed in a warm bath. The procedure relieves pain associated with inflammation of the sciatic nerve (symptoms).

Treatment folk remedies, combined with traditional therapy, always brings positive results.

Patient opinions

Practical experience has been accumulated in official and non-traditional influences aimed at curing such an ailment as inflammation of the sciatic nerve (symptoms). The treatment, reviews of which are given below, turned out to be quite effective:

  • Warm baths are considered very beneficial. In combination with medications, they completely relieve pain and help to bend and straighten the limb normally. Regular procedures bring long-awaited peace to your legs and back.
  • At neglected form disease requires a course of injections. The injections are painful, but they help provide significant relief.
  • Drug treatment is excellent at controlling the symptoms of the disease, particularly pain. But it often comes with side effects that cause a lot of anxiety. It is better to discuss your medication intake with your doctor to choose the safest one.

Instead of completing

Modern techniques make it possible to completely eliminate inflammation of the sciatic nerve (symptoms). Treatment - drugs, injections, massage, physiotherapy - is highly effective and well blocks pain.