Panoramic X-ray of teeth: indications, how they are done and how it differs from a regular X-ray? X-ray of the jaw: indications, where to do it, description of the procedure.

In one picture a combined image of the lower and upper jaw. The circular image shows the condition of the dentition from one temporomandibular joint to the second. On an x-ray, you can clearly trace not only the condition of the soft tissues, but also the structure of the upper and lower jaw.

Panoramic radiography - why is it done?

Panoramic radiography is done to assess the condition oral cavity generally. The examination does not cause discomfort to the patient and pain. The only trouble is the need to open your mouth wide while standing.

Dental x-rays can be performed on the elderly, disabled, people with disabilities and even children.

Indications for panoramic x-ray:

  • before implantation;
  • for tooth alignment;
  • for the purpose of treating periodontal disease;
  • with inflammation of soft tissues;
  • to assess growth dynamics permanent teeth;
  • before surgery.

Before execution x-ray examination It is necessary to remove all metal objects from the neck: earrings, glasses, metal prostheses, jewelry. These objects interfere with the passage of X-rays.

When performing this x-ray examination, x-ray technicians provide measures of radiation exposure to patients. For these purposes, a lead apron and a collar are put on a person and a collar around his neck.

How to do an orthopantomogram - description of the procedure

To make an orthopantomogram, you need to stand in a special X-ray machine. The patient must bite the plastic stick with his teeth. At the same time, his chest is pressed against a special platform. This is the only discomfort during the procedure.

During the examination, the person must stand straight. There are special handrails for this. In some cases, the radiologist asks you to change the position of the head: turn, lift or tilt. This is necessary for research required areas oral cavity.

During exposure, the patient ensures that the lips are closed and the tongue is pressed close to the soft palate.

Don't worry when the emitter moves along your head and makes noise.

About the safety of panoramic x-rays

Panoramic X-rays are safe as long as radiation protection measures are followed. Of course, any x-ray examination is accompanied by radiation exposure. When taking dental photographs, it averages about 0.02 mSv.

Approximately this dose is formed during long flights on an airplane. Therefore, you should not worry about radiation exposure if your doctor has prescribed orthopantomography (). When executed on digital devices the patient's radiation exposure is reduced.

It is very important that the photo turns out right right away. This prevents re-exposure of a person.

What X-ray equipment is used to perform OPG?

A circular photograph of the teeth is taken using a special device - an orthopantomograph. It comes in film and digital. A digital x-ray produces a higher quality image. It is stored on the hard drive of a personal computer, on a flash drive or CD.

Advantages panoramic shots teeth:

  • reducing time on digital equipment;
  • opportunity to consider the most small details when using software applications;
  • archiving images allows you to track changes in dynamics;
  • The attending physician receives an orthopantomogram almost immediately after the examination.

The above-described advantages of digital X-ray OPG allow you to take dental X-rays for women in the third trimester of pregnancy and breastfeeding.

Why is a circular dental radiograph performed?

A circular dental x-ray is performed to assess the condition of soft tissues and determine changes in the roots of the teeth and jaw. An X-ray study of the dentition using OPG is carried out when about 50% of the bone tissue is damaged.

Circular dental x-ray reveals accurate diagnosis and choose optimal treatment pathology. Without an examination, it is impossible to identify the following pathologies:

  • periodontal disease;
  • inflammatory changes under fillings and crowns;
  • rattled wisdom teeth.

In conclusion, we note that organized crime groups are qualitative method X-ray diagnostics dentition and jaw condition. It is characterized by minimal radiation exposure and allows optimal organization of dental treatment.

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    Examination, dental diagnosis using an intraoral camera, consultation with a doctor

A panoramic photograph of teeth is the most informative and reliable diagnostic technique used in modern dentistry

Panoramic photo of teeth or, as it is also called, orthopantomogram of the jaw is widely used in dentistry. You cannot do without it during complex dental procedures - tooth extraction, bite correction and implantation. Do panoramic shot teeth in Moscow Our dental clinic "HelioDent" offers. The resulting three-dimensional image can be used both in treatment and in prosthetics complex teeth, as well as when correcting the bite and restoring the integrity of the dentition.

Distinctive features of a panoramic photograph of teeth

Panoramic photo of teeth, unlike usual x-ray, is able to give the dentist the opportunity to assess the condition of the upper and lower jaw, the surrounding soft and bone tissue. This will allow him to make a diagnosis and begin immediately adequate therapy. Take a panoramic photo of your teeth necessary to exclude the development of acute carious processes under a filling or under a crown, to assess the condition of the roots and the risk of developing an inflammatory process, tumors and cysts in them. The image obtained as a result of an orthopantomogram also allows you to evaluate the results of previous treatment and bite correction. It is best if it is a tomography in 3D format. It clearly shows:

    Cystic and granulomatous formations;

    Impacted teeth;

    Hidden foci of progressive caries;

    Pathologies of the maxillary sinuses;

    Damage to dental roots;

    Inflammatory processes in periodontal tissues.

In some cases take a panoramic photo of your teeth recommended even for children. It will provide clear information about the condition of the rudiments of permanent teeth and will allow timely measures to be taken to promptly eliminate them. possible defects their growth.

Indications and contraindications

If you are interested, where to take a panoramic photo of your teeth quickly and inexpensively, we recommend contacting our dental clinic “HelioDent”. This one is quick, painless and informative. diagnostic method must be carried out in the following situations:

    At the first stage of dental implantation, it will allow you to assess the condition of the bone tissue at the site of implantation of the artificial root and select the optimal implant.

    When a tooth is removed, the image will allow you to see the location of the roots and the condition of the tissues surrounding them;

    For global prosthetics – this diagnosis allows you to assess the quality of preliminary endodontic treatment;

    When correcting malocclusion in adults and children, an image is necessary to select the optimal orthodontic design;

    In the treatment of periodontal disease and periodontitis - this method provides clear information about the condition of periodontal tissues;

    Before any surgical intervention in the jaw department.

Panoramic photo of teeth, price which is quite accessible, is necessary in case of injury to the dental system. It allows you to accurately determine the extent of damage and take timely measures, warning negative influence received a bruise on general condition soft tissues and tooth roots. As for contraindications, then panoramic dental image, inexpensive which our dental clinic offers, pregnant and breastfeeding women are prescribed only in extreme cases. The reason for this is negative impact x-ray on the unborn baby and breast milk.

The main advantages of a panoramic photograph of teeth

Panoramic photo of teeth in Moscow performed in all self-respecting dental centers. Our HelioDent clinic was no exception, providing a full range of services to restore the integrity of the dentition and the dazzling beauty of a smile to its patients. TO undeniable advantages This progressive diagnostic method includes:

    Quickly obtain a high-quality three-dimensional image – usually within 5 minutes;

    Minimum dose X-ray exposure– it is much smaller than when performing a targeted x-ray;

    High quality the resulting image;

    The ability to enlarge a certain area of ​​the jaw for a more detailed examination.

Where to take a panoramic photograph of teeth, doesn't matter. Because the resulting image will be given to you, both in the form of a photograph and recorded on a disk. Moreover, we can forward it to your email mailbox or dump it onto a flash drive. An orthopantomogram is the most modern diagnostic method used in dentistry. Today, he has no equal.

The procedure for performing a panoramic photograph of teeth

Panoramic photo of teeth inexpensively This can be done in our HelioDent dentistry. This diagnostic procedure is quick and painless. It is performed in stages:

    The patient, wearing a protective apron, sits comfortably in a chair in front of the device;

    If the integrity of the dentition is compromised, cotton rolls are placed in place of the missing teeth;

    The patient tightly clamps the plastic tube in his teeth;

    The device is moved to the chest and from this moment the patient is prohibited from moving;

    The device begins to rotate around the patient’s head – this takes no more than 30 seconds.

Panoramic photo of teeth ready. The resulting image is displayed on a computer monitor, dumped onto disk and printed on a printer.

Many patients at our clinic are interested in the question of how dangerous it is to perform an orthopantomogram. Indeed, during this diagnostic procedure is involved x-ray, about the dangers of which many of us have heard. In fact, in order to receive the dose of radiation that could theoretically harm our health, it would be necessary to take at least 40 panoramic photographs over the course of six months. Such a quantity will not be required even when treating complex dental pathologies. Thus, panoramic photo of teeth, price which is quite accessible - this is the most progressive diagnostic method in dentistry, which will allow you to identify all existing problems in the oral cavity and take timely measures to eliminate them.

An orthopantomogram, or OPTG, is an overview of a circular photograph of the teeth, in which the entire jaw is visible, unfolded in a plane. In addition to the teeth, their roots, canals, the presence of fillings and crowns, the panoramic image shows the condition of the periodontal tissues, maxillary sinuses, and sinuses.

A panoramic photograph of teeth, or orthopantomogram, allows you to detect hidden carious cavities, inflammation, cysts, abscesses, the presence of periodontal pockets, identify the exact condition of the roots and periodontal tissues, assess the condition maxillary sinus, temporomandibular joint. It is also necessary to do an orthopantomogram when planning orthodontic treatment braces or aligners.

In the process of preparing for dental implantation, using an orthopantomogram, a specialist can determine whether there is enough bone tissue for implantation or a sinus lift is needed, how many implants will be needed and what size they should be, and also predict the dynamics of their engraftment.

It is very important to take a panoramic photo to determine the position and condition of your wisdom teeth. Only an orthopantomogram can give an adequate idea of ​​the “eights”; no targeted photograph will help here. Therefore, competent dentists decide whether to treat or remove wisdom teeth only after x-raying the entire jaw.

How do you take a panoramic dental photograph?

You don't need any preparation to take a panoramic dental photo. It is only necessary to remove jewelry: earrings, chains, piercings - so that there are no distortions in the picture, and important details are not hidden by the so-called “artifacts”. The technician will stand you in front of the machine, put on a special protective collar and apron, and ask you to bite down on a plastic holder while the X-ray emitter, along with the film or digital sensor, rotates around your head.

Orthopantomogram on film or digital: which one to choose?

Today, electronic devices have almost replaced film devices. Their cost is higher, but they do not require large quantity consumables, as for film orthopantomographs. To develop film, you need a darkroom, which is prohibited by law from being placed in residential buildings, which can become a problem for small private clinics. In addition, the irradiation exposure of film devices is several times higher than that of electronic devices. An orthopantomogram of the jaws, made on a digital device, is immediately transferred to the doctor’s computer, who can be located anywhere. It is much easier to store such an image: it will simply remain in the patient’s electronic record and can be viewed at any time. If desired or necessary, you will receive the result of the orthopantomogram on disk or printed on transparent film.

Unlike a panoramic image on film, a digital orthopantomogram will not be lost, which means that the patient will not have to undergo radiation again, which is present during dental x-rays, albeit in very small doses: only 0.002 - 0.003x mSv, whereas, according to Sanitary Regulations , a person can receive up to 1 mSv per year for research purposes, and from environment we get 2 - 3 mSv for the same period. In addition, the image clarity and image resolution on digital cameras is much higher than on film cameras.

Photo of a panoramic photograph of teeth

Orthopantomogram 3D

A three-dimensional panoramic x-ray of the jaw can be performed with a computed tomograph. He takes many sequential photographs in different projections and then completes the image in computer program. The result is a three-dimensional image of the jaw without distortions, which are inevitably present on a conventional otopantomogram, since it conveys a curved object in a flat form. Only with the help of computed tomography does it become possible to look at an object from a different angle or in a different projection without taking new pictures. Also, this method of examination allows the doctor, in the absence of the patient, to see an image of his jaw and examine it from any side and even at any depth.

Where can I take a panoramic photograph of my teeth or an orthopantomogram?

Today, an orthopantomogram is included in the list of services in almost every dentistry. You can use it in the same place where you decided to undergo treatment, or you can take a panoramic photo at a better price in another place. Some clinics offer regular clients a panoramic dental photo at a significant discount, which means it can be quite inexpensive. Prices for an orthopantomogram in Moscow start from 750 rubles and reach 2500 rubles. On average, dentistry in Moscow offers a high-quality panoramic photograph of teeth for 1000 - 1300 rubles.

A circular image of the jaw allows you to examine the condition of the teeth in the entire oral cavity.

A panoramic photograph of the jaw allows you to see not only soft fabrics, but also bone structures jaws.

Orthopantomography or OPG plays a key role in dentistry, especially in dental prosthetics.

The essence of the method is the passage of rays through objects when moving the sensor and tube of a special apparatus. Only the dentofacial system, other objects are depicted in a blurry form.

Panoramic photograph of teeth: orthopantomogram

The procedure prescribed by the dentist is carried out using several types of devices:

The OPTG image allows you to examine not only the teeth present on the surface of the gum, but also those that are in their infancy, for example. In addition, the doctor evaluates the correct position of the dentition.

Orthopantomogram examination also in the following cases:

  1. For acute pain. The infection does not always enter the tooth from the outside; sometimes it penetrates into the bone structures through the blood flow through the neurovascular endings. A circular image allows you to accurately determine the causes of the development of pathologies of teeth and gums;
  2. To study bone tissue, its volume and density;
  3. When it is necessary to carry out. Using a panoramic image, the dentist selects a tooth extraction technique and assesses the condition of the roots of adjacent teeth;
  4. To consider the locations of the maxillary sinuses.

A circular image allows you to select the appropriate implant shape and size. Using the image, dentists can better navigate when surgical interventions. In addition, the study allows you to create an effective and competent treatment regimen.

A panoramic photograph is always prescribed before prosthetics and major maxillofacial surgeries, in which the structure of the skull is completely changed.


A panoramic photograph is necessary for a comprehensive assessment of the condition of the oral cavity. The only drawback of the procedure is the need to keep your mouth wide open. Such a study can be prescribed for elderly people and children.

An orthopantomogram is necessary to perform procedures such as:

  • teeth straightening;
  • therapy;
  • and mucous membrane;
  • tracking the growth dynamics of permanent teeth;
  • surgical interventions;
  • cysts;
  • dental mobility;
  • tooth extraction.

An orthopantomogram of teeth is performed not only before surgical interventions, but also after treatment. The study allows us to evaluate the effectiveness of therapy and the quality of work performed. After complex surgical interventions, a panoramic image is mandatory.

The procedure allows you to avoid complications after surgery and minimize the risks of undesirable consequences.

Benefits of a panoramic photo

The modern method of X-ray analysis has many advantages:

  1. provides the most accurate image, thanks to which doctors notice dental defects at an early stage;
  2. safe (maximum radiation power during the study - 0.02 Mzv);
  3. allows you to diagnose pathologies in the oral cavity that occur in a latent form;
  4. makes it possible to perform an analysis of the maxillotemporal zone and suspect the development of arthritis in the joints of this area;
  5. the patient receives a transcript of the result not only in printed form, but also on digital media.

The doctor receives the necessary information in a few minutes and prescribes a therapy regimen according to the results. If indicated, an orthopantomogram is recommended for pregnant women and nursing mothers.

Panoramic photo of teeth - how is it done?

Before the procedure, it is necessary to remove from the body all objects that interfere with radiography:

  • earrings;
  • glasses;
  • prostheses with metal elements;
  • metal hairpins.

For maximum protection from radiation, a lead apron is placed on the chest, and the neck area is covered with a special collar.

The main rule during research is conservation. correct posture: you need to bite the plastic plate, close your lips, press your tongue to the roof of your mouth.

The process of taking a panoramic image of the jaw

The position of the jaw is fixed in one position - this is necessary to create the clearest possible image. After taking the desired position, the scanner is launched and moves around the head.

The main purpose of the equipment is to scan data and transfer it to special media, allowing the dentist to examine defects in the oral cavity. The procedure takes 15-20 minutes.


The main risk of a panoramic jaw x-ray is associated with small doses of radiation during the examination. There are no absolute contraindications to the procedure.

An orthopantogram is prescribed with caution to pregnant women in the 1st trimester, as well as to children.

Despite the safety, there are a number of recommendations regarding the study:

  • do not perform more than 25 dental x-ray sessions within 12 months;
  • To compare the results of the analysis, 2 procedures are performed - before the start of therapy and after its completion.

Children, pregnant women and persons with chronic problems A panoramic photograph is performed only after the recommendation of a specialist.

Is the photo dangerous to health?

On average, each person receives a radiation dose of 3 mSv per year. Normally, the annual radiation dose received from artificial devices should not exceed 1 mSv. Based on these data, it can be calculated that the safe number of procedures per year is up to 22.

X-ray exposure is comparable to long-term air travel

The radiation exposure provided does not exceed 0.02 mSv. Each panoramic photo session is entered into medical card to further calculate the level of radiation received in 1 year.

For timely treatment of oral diseases, the result of the analysis is more important than a small dose of radiation. Therefore, it is fashionable to safely say that a circular photograph of the jaw does not harm your health.

Orthopantomogram: cost

The cost of a panoramic photo varies from 600 -1100 rubles. The price for a study performed using a digital orthopontomograph starts from 800 rubles.

The cost of a full cephalometric analysis is 2500-3300. This is not just an orthopantomogram; the price includes a number of additional services:

  • panoramic photograph of the jaw;
  • counting the results obtained;
  • image output;
  • teleentgenogram;
  • disk with recording of the results.

Description of the orthopantomogram and drawing up a treatment regimen according to the results of the analysis increases the cost of the procedure to 4,000 rubles.

A question usually arises regarding a procedure such as an orthopantomogram: where to take a panoramic image? It is important to give preference to clinics equipped with modern digital equipment.

Digital orthopantomogram has many advantages:
  • quick results;
  • electronic test results;
  • reduced radiation dose;
  • improved image quality;
  • the ability to enlarge the fragment of interest on the computer;
  • electronic saving of the result.

Video on the topic

A specialist from the Center for Interdisciplinary Dentistry and Neurology details about the orthopantomogram:

Without a panoramic photograph of the jaw, it is impossible to carry out high-quality dental proceduressurgical operations, prosthetics, etc. The value of the research results is much more important than the minor level of radiation exposed to human body during the procedure.

An overview photograph of the teeth is called an orthopantogram. Essentially, this is an x-ray of the upper and lower jaw. Panoramic images allow doctors to see the whole picture, assess the extent of the spread of the disease, make an accurate diagnosis and develop the correct treatment strategy. Where can I take a panoramic photo of my teeth and how much will it cost?

The essence of an orthopantogram

Abbreviated this the procedure is called OPTG. It is a circular x-ray, on which both jaws are clearly visible, turned into a plane. On such an x-ray, the dentist sees not only the teeth, their roots, canals, fillings and crowns. Such an image allows you to assess the condition of the periodontium, maxillary sinuses, and sinuses.

The image is taken using a special device - an orthopantomograph. Despite the use of the same technology as with conventional X-rays, the radiation dose to the patient with panoramic X-rays is several times less. For this reason survey x-ray can be safely done annually, and the frequency of the procedure can be safely increased if necessary.

There are two types of orthopantogram: traditional using film and digital.

Dentists resort to panoramic x-rays when they need to obtain full review jaw structures. When assessing the overview image, doctors carefully examine the dentition and jaw, their position relative to the maxillary sinus and mandibular nerve. Using an orthopantomogram, doctors receive information about the condition of fillings and the quality of canal closure, and identify hidden pathological changes in periodontium and much more. Therefore, we can safely say that panoramic dental X-ray is the most important method diagnostics in the treatment of oral diseases.

Orthopantomograms are very popular among orthodontists because they allow them to determine how much bone tissue is preserved in the area where the implant is installed. Is it enough or will I have to do a sinus lift before implantation? Also, a survey X-ray makes it possible to predict the dynamics of implant healing and accurately select their sizes.

Orthopantomogram is very important to understand the location of the eights– the most problematic teeth. Based on this, a decision is made to treat or remove a wisdom tooth. A targeted X-ray is not very informative here.

A panoramic photograph of the teeth is obtained by rotating it in the plane of the three-dimensional image. This means that the image may contain various distortions that complicate the interpretation of visual data. Because of this in dental practice An orthopantomogram is considered to be the primary diagnostic method using x-rays, on the basis of which the tactics of a more in-depth examination and treatment are subsequently built. After a panoramic dental x-ray, the following are often used to clarify the diagnosis: dental radiography, periodontogram, CT, radiophysiography.

Indications for panoramic dental imaging

Survey images of teeth used in all areas of dentistry:

The dentist may decide to perform a panoramic x-ray based on the patient’s complaints. For example, a patient cannot accurately localize pain in a tooth or jaw; in this case, the localization of the pathology can be determined using a survey image.

Plain X-ray is used to examine children, starting from 5 years of age. Pediatric dentistry uses panoramic images to monitor the growth of dental plates and monitor the level of filling of teeth with minerals.

Even ENT doctors resort to orthopantomograms. Overview images give them the necessary information about the condition maxillary sinuses, nasal septum and nasal passages.

The only contraindication to panoramic dental x-rays is pregnancy. This relative contraindication. After consultation with an obstetrician-gynecologist and neonatologist, a panoramic dental photograph can still be taken.

Digital and film panoramic dental imaging

Diaper panoramic X-rays are used less and less today due to the advent of more modern digital equipment. She has a number of advantages:

Method of performing an orthopantomogram

A high-quality panoramic photograph of the teeth can only be obtained if the patient does not move and will take the correct position. Before the procedure, the patient must remove dentures, watches and any jewelry.

A chin rest is used to position the patient's head symmetrically relative to the X-ray machine. The patient is seated so that his chin rests on the support, and then the head is aligned along three planes. At the moment when the picture is taken, the patient should sit with his shoulders down and his neck straight. To prevent the head from moving to the sides, it is secured with frontal and parietal clamps. Also, the patient, at the doctor’s request, presses his tongue to the roof of his mouth. If all the requirements are met, then the doctor receives an excellent panoramic image without distortion or shadow layers.

The X-ray machine on which survey photographs are taken has an emitter and digital or film receiver. The latter moves around the patient's head, allowing images to be obtained in different projections. The result is a two-dimensional flat image.

Where can I take a panoramic photo of my teeth and how much does it cost?

Today, an orthopantomogram can be done in any large dental clinic. Moreover, even small clinics are increasingly offering such services, because used orthopantomographs are quite affordable. Patients make a choice based on territorial accessibility and cost of the service. On average in Moscow, a panoramic photograph of teeth costs 1,000 rubles. In some clinics for this service they ask for 2500 rubles. In the regions, an orthopantomogram is slightly cheaper.