Papillomas on the butt in women. Papillomas on the anus

Papilloma is a neoplasm benign in nature, which occurs on a person’s skin or throughout the body, or in one specific area. Most often it is a small bumpy growth that rises above the surface of the skin, ranging in color from dark pink to brown.

Such growths, which medical specialists sometimes call “papillary”, can be various sizes: from 1-2 millimeters to several centimeters.

The main reason for the appearance of neoplasms is the penetration of the human papillomavirus into the body, the activity of which affects cellular activity and regulation and provokes pathological tissue proliferation.

Exists large number types of this virus, they are classified according to the nature of their oncogenicity:

  • not related to oncogenic nature;
  • papillomaviruses of oncogenic nature, characterized by a low risk of developing cancer cells;
  • related to oncogenic nature with high risk development of oncology.

Anal papillomas are benign growths in the anus. Sometimes they merge into multiple bumpy growths called “islands.”

Types of anal formations

Medical specialists classify papillomas into anus not only by the degree of their carcinogenic danger, but also by their appearance:

Papillomas can be either single or located randomly, surrounding the anus with a ring or growing into large tubercles.

Causes of growths in the anus

The human papillomavirus enters the body due to a sharp weakening immune system. An infected person can be a carrier for a very long time without even knowing it. According to statistics, according to various sources, about 60-80% of the population are carriers of the virus.

The body’s defense systems are weakened and activated pathogenic virus maybe for the following reasons:

Most often, the occurrence of papilloma and condylomas is influenced by more than one specific reason, but a complex blow to the body’s defense systems.

Manifestations and signs

If anal papillomas are small in size, then the disease can proceed without showing any symptoms. Very often, anal papillomas are detected in those patients who do not have clear severe symptoms, but there are homosexual relationships in their lives.

In cases where the growth is noticeable, large and causes discomfort, following symptoms:

  • due to injury to growths;
  • slight bleeding when condylomas rub against underwear;
  • constant ;
  • feeling foreign object in or near the anus;
  • painful sensations when walking;
  • unpleasant odor from wet spots on underwear that always appear in acute stage condylomatosis;
  • feeling of “wetness” in the anus.

Most often, constant touching of condylomas is fraught with rapid infection, the occurrence of an inflammatory process and subsequent suppuration.

Papillomas swell, turn red, and hurt very much. The patient's health may seriously deteriorate and the body temperature may rise.

In cases where a growth has formed in the rectum, in addition to the symptoms listed above, the patient may experience a feeling foreign body along the intestine, like a pimple.

Diagnosis by a proctologist

In order to determine the disease and prescribe the most effective and rational methods of treatment, the coloproctologist conducts the following types diagnostics:

  1. Visual inspection patient in the anus () for the presence of papillomas. Collecting information about symptoms that bother the patient, lifestyle, chronic concomitant diseases.
  2. Coloproctological instrumental study – anoscopy using a high-resolution microscope. This type of diagnosis helps to determine whether deformation of the rectal epithelium has occurred.

If any symptom appears, consultation with a doctor and treatment are mandatory, since the neoplasm can develop into an oncological form.

How to get rid of growths in the anus

The treatment method for papillomas in the anal area is selected by several medical specialists: a dermatologist, an immunologist and a coloproctologist surgeon, depending on the stage of the disease, clinical picture and individual characteristics of the patient.

Will be required complete removal all condylomas using methods of destruction or excision. There are a large number of methods for ridding a patient of condylomas in the anus:

How does electrocoagulation of papilloma, warts and other formations take place:

Regardless of the chosen treatment method, after therapy it will be necessary to carry out a mandatory tissue biopsy for subsequent morphological examination. As a rule, the surgeon tries to minimize trauma to healthy areas of the anus.

Since very often treatment is complicated by bleeding, many experts insist on mandatory electrocoagulation for each of the bases of excised condylomas.

Consequences and preventive measures

Since the disease is caused by a virus, simple removal of papillomas only solves the problem of appearance and discomfort. The virus remains for a long time, sometimes without clinical manifestation long time.

Lack of treatment or dishonest attitude towards it can provoke a relapse of the disease. Patients who successfully get rid of the problem will need to undergo regular examination by a specialist.

In order to prevent reactivation of the virus, the patient is prescribed antiviral and immunomodulatory drugs immediately after treatment and in preventive courses several times a year. medicines, activating the body's natural defenses.

Prevention methods also include normalization of daily routines and nutrition, adherence to a diet that includes necessary for the body nutritional vitamins and microelements. Will need to give up bad habits and unhealthy diet. Be sure to follow the rules of personal hygiene and thoroughly clean the skin around the anus.

After removal of anal warts, women are also recommended to undergo regular additional examination by a gynecologist to prevent the appearance of tumors on the mucous membranes of the vagina and cervix. Men are additionally prescribed smears from the urethra for analysis.

Papillomas- These are small benign neoplasms with an epithelial structure. The appearance of such formations is provoked by the papillomavirus present in the human body. Papillomas can spread throughout the body or be localized in one area.

here you will find a similar article about the types and their treatment.

Papillomas in the anus

Papilloma can form anywhere human body, and the anus is no exception. Education anal papillomas- a fairly common problem. Since in such cases they form, most people prefer not to rush to see a doctor.

Papillomas in the anus often indicate that the same type of formation exists in the human intestine. However, at the early stage of their appearance, papillomas are invisible. Therefore, the resulting anal papilloma is not always initial stage developing disease.

Benign neoplasms such as papillomas can begin to grow rapidly. If there is no effective treatment, as a result of the fusion of processes, the formation of a large tumor of malignant etiology is possible. Thus, delaying treatment for this serious illness, people do not always understand that this can threaten their lives.


An ultra-active spray against all types of papillomas and warts has already helped many of my patients. The composition contains unique, natural components. Silver nanoparticles, active oxygen and silver ions kill the HPV virus, regardless of the depth of localization.

Therefore, there is simply no point in doubting the effectiveness of the product; I have recommended it and will continue to recommend it to all patients.

Types of papillomas in the anus

Anal papillomas are most often localized near the anus itself.

Education can be:

  • multiple or single processes are not large size;
  • large single shoots;
  • a large process, which is formed as a result of the fusion of numerous growths.

The appearance of the papilloma may resemble a wart.

Differences between papilloma and wart:

  • there is a thin leg ( wide base very rare);
  • rough, uneven, folded or lumpy top layer;
  • sometimes has a peaked and sharp tip;
  • color: from white (light flesh) to dark brown, almost black.

Papillomas in the anal area can be located:

  • around the anus;
  • in the anus;
  • in the rectum.

Diagnosis of growths formed in the rectum is more problematic. If papillomas spread to the rectum, treatment of the disease should not be delayed. Large papilloma located in the colon can cause constipation.

Causes of papillomas in the anal area

The cause of anal papillomas is the presence of the human papillomavirus (HPV) in the body. 80% of people have HPV, but it may not appear immediately after infection. It is in a "sleeping" state.

Papillomas, as a rule, begin to actively form against the background of a weakening of the protective functions of the human body, which are caused by:

  • exacerbation of the disease;
  • severe stress;
  • non-compliance with nutrition rules.

HPV can “wake up” and cause growths to appear if:

  • decreased immunity (as a result of exacerbation of the disease or pregnancy);
  • the person is in under stress(physical or psychological);
  • a course of chemotherapy is being carried out;
  • hormonal levels change due to medications;
  • woman uses as a method of contraception unwanted pregnancy spiral.

Get rid of papillomas, moles and warts!

Many women, having seen warts, papillomas, and moles on themselves, want to get rid of them as soon as possible.

We dream of being beautiful, but often moles and warts cause discomfort, undermining self-confidence.

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Routes of infection

When does the papilloma virus enter human body, the place of its localization becomes the lower layers of the epidermis. Incubation period The duration of the disease ranges from a week to several years.

HPV is detected in the mucous membrane and skin of a person, without affecting other organs. Once activated, HPV begins to multiply rapidly. Mature cells enlarge and move towards the surface of the skin. This is how growths are created. After this, a person can infect another, he is a carrier of the disease.

Transmission routes

Transmission of human papillomavirus occurs through sexual intercourse with an HPV carrier. It's important to remember that known methods Pregnancy protection cannot provide a 100% guarantee of protection, since the human papillomavirus can penetrate the mucous membranes and skin of a person.

Besides, damaged papilloma can be contagious, since the blood released from it is infected and contains HPV. This can happen due to the fact that the skin of a person’s intimate parts is more delicate and thin, and is more easily susceptible to infection.

It is not particularly difficult for the virus to penetrate the delicate tissues of a person’s intimate parts. The more often and more intensely the contact occurs with infected person, the higher the risk of acquiring HPV.

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Symptoms of papillomas in the anal area

In rare cases, the appearance of anal papillomas is asymptomatic.

But for most people suffering from growths in the anus, the following unpleasant sensations are typical:

  • constant humidity;
  • burning or itching pain;
  • severe itching;
  • pain during bowel movements;
  • spotting from the anal passage.

Regardless of the location of papillomas, they cause a lot of discomfort and pain to a person due to:

  • injuries as a result of active movements;
  • wearing clothes;
  • managing natural human needs (damage to formations feces during bowel movements).

Even if the growths do not manifest themselves in any way, and the infected person does not feel unpleasant symptoms, treatment of the disease should begin immediately after detection of papilloma on the body.

Stories from our readers!
“Last year, soft growths appeared on my neck, which were often injured by clothing. The doctor said that these were papillomas and advised them to be removed surgically.

I found this spray on the Internet and decided to try it. The drug helped. After a month, the formations dried out and fell off. I hope they don't pop out again."

Often people find various formations on their body and think that they are papillomas. However, this is not always the case. Formations that appear in people with overweight, are called soft fibroids skin. They may be in folds of skin or in the armpits.

These are benign formations associated with metabolic disorders or resulting from mechanical influences. skin appears most often due to changes hormonal levels person. They are not reborn into malignant tumors, but can increase in size and quantity.

Which doctor should I contact?

Which medical specialist should be contacted when a papilloma is detected depends on the areas of the body where the growths appear.

List of doctors:

  • see a dermatologist - papillomas are found on the body;
  • see a gynecologist - growths have formed on the female genital organs;
  • see a urologist - formations are located on the genitals of men;
  • see a proctologist for anal papillomas.

A person who discovers a tumor on any part of his body should visit local therapist, who will correctly identify the relevant medical specialist.

Diagnostic methods

A visit to a specialist and subsequent diagnosis are mandatory not only if papilloma is detected, but also if unpleasant symptoms of the disease appear. Timely diagnosis and correctly prescribed treatment will help avoid the process of degeneration benign education into a malignant tumor.

Diagnosis of the disease includes the following steps:

It must be remembered that due to the fact that the occurrence of papillomas is provoked by a virus, these growths may appear again. Therefore, patients who have completed the treatment prescribed by the doctor must be examined regularly.

Methods for treating papillomas in the anus

Most effective method treatment of anal growths - complete removal (excision).

This procedure is carried out in various ways:

  • laser;
  • electrocautery;
  • chemical;
  • electric knife;
  • medical scalping;
  • radioactive (therapeutic).

During the procedure for removing papillomas in the anal area (inside and around), all other growths on the patient’s body must also be excised.

In most cases, having removed all papillomas from intimate place, the patient does not remember this illness. It happens less often that the growths appear again. Then the patient will be prescribed various drugs that activate the body’s protective functions, as well as antiviral agents.

Factors contributing to the reappearance of anal papillomas:

  • non-compliance with the recommendations of the attending physician;
  • reduced immunity;
  • bad habits (smoking, alcohol abuse);
  • insufficient personal hygiene;
  • Unclean sexual relations.

Treatment at home

Before starting treatment for papillomas in the anus, you need to evaluate the effectiveness this method compared to traditional medicine.

Pros home treatment anal papillomas:

  • plant extracts soften the skin and facilitate easier removal;
  • such products cleanse the skin and make it clean and healthy;
  • do not form rough scars;

It is important to take basic precautions when treating papillomas at home:

  • growths cannot be treated in this way if they are located on mucous membranes;
  • It is strictly forbidden to remove papillomas mechanically: rip off, tear off, cut off;
  • in case of unsuccessful treatment, immediately contact a medical facility.

Treatment of papillomas with cryopharm:

Folk remedies:

  • potato juice;
  • nettle tincture;
  • rosehip decoction;
  • celandine juice;
  • infusions of plantain or horsetail;
  • chaga decoction.

Any of these infusions should be moistened with the affected area of ​​the body several times during the day, and the area around the papilloma should be lubricated with a thick cream. You can also treat the growth with iodine.


It has long been known that it is better to prevent the occurrence of a disease than to treat it. Following simple rules will help keep HPV in a “dormant” state throughout your life.

To do this you need:

  • observe basic rules daily personal hygiene, paying special attention to the cleanliness of the genitals and anus;
  • have regular and trusted sexual partners (organize intimate life), avoid promiscuity;
  • try to lead healthy image life: stop smoking and drinking, eat right;
  • be attentive to your health;
  • avoid stressful situations;
  • constantly monitor the symptoms of the disease;
  • follow all recommendations of the attending physician;
  • strengthen the immune system.

It is very important that the prevention of anal papillomas is carried out by both sexual partners. It must be remembered that the patient’s attention to his own health will allow him to detect pathology on early stages and successfully carry out treatment.


Very often, people suffering from the formation of anal papillomas do not consult a doctor due to embarrassment. But you need to understand that “silencing” such a serious disease will only worsen the problem.

It should be remembered that papillomas in the anus cause not only discomfort and pain. If you do not promptly apply for qualified medical care, these growths can transform into malignant tumors. Therefore, it is very important to identify papilloma in the anus as early as possible and undergo appropriate treatment.

Anal papillomas They are a small formation, the appearance of which is provoked by the presence of papillomavirus in the human body. Papillomas can be distributed throughout the body, or localized in a specific area.

Reasons and description

Papillomas located in the anal area can be divided into several types:

    single and quite large

    multiple, interconnected

    single and practically unnoticeable.

Papillomas can cause not only inconvenience and pain. In the absence timely treatment papillomas can transform into malignant formations. The human papillomavirus is transmitted during sexual intercourse with an infected partner. It should be noted that the use standard methods contraception does not provide a 100% guarantee, since the virus can be transmitted through any mucous membranes and even through the skin.

Externally, a papilloma is similar to a wart, only it is located on a thin stalk. In more rare cases, the papilloma may have a rather wide base, capable of reaching two centimeters in diameter. The surface of the papilloma is not smooth, and its color can vary from almost white to dark brown.

It should be noted that the virus may not appear in the cut after it enters the body. As a rule, papillomas begin to actively appear when the protective functions organism caused poor nutrition or exacerbation of the disease.


The main symptoms that accompany the appearance anal papillomas, are:

    feeling of constant humidity

    burning or itching

    pain during defecation, which may even be accompanied by the release of a small amount of blood.

Diagnosis and treatment

Proctologist unable to deliver accurate diagnosis, relying solely on a survey and visual examination of the patient. If there are symptoms characteristic of papilloma, diagnostic procedure called sigmoidoscopy. Carrying out such a study gives the doctor full information about the patient’s intestinal condition and allows you to prescribe the most effective treatment.

When similar symptoms, calling a proctologist to your home or going to the clinic is mandatory, since if left untreated for a long time, papilloma can transform into a tumor, malignant formation.

It should be noted that the cause of the disease is a virus and it is for this reason that papillomas can reappear. Patients who have undergone treatment and are completely free of anal papillomas must regularly visit a doctor and undergo examination.

As high as possible effective way Treatment of papillomas, only their complete excision is considered. Excision can be carried out in several ways, including:

    laser removal of papillomas

    using an electric knife

    using a standard scalpel

    radioactive therapy.

Not only papillomas located around or inside the anus must be removed, but also all others located on the patient’s body.

As a rule, after removing all papillomas, the patient forgets about their existence for a long time. In more rare cases, papillomas appear again and again. In such a situation, the patient is prescribed antiviral drugs, as well as immunomodulators aimed at activating the body’s protective functions.

Papilloma is a benign neoplasm that forms on the skin. Such growths can appear only in a certain place or cover the entire body. Most often it is a bumpy formation that rises above the surface of the skin. In this case, the color of such a growth can be from brown to dark pink.

It is worth noting that the neoplasm can reach a diameter from 1 millimeter to several centimeters. Experts often call such growths “papillary polyps.”

Classification of papillomas

In some cases, papilloma may appear in the anus. This can be caused by many factors. However main reason formation of a growth - penetration of the papilloma virus into the human body. Its activity is reflected in cellular regulation and activity. As a result, pathological growth of soft tissues is observed.

At the moment, there are several types of papillomas. They are classified according to their oncogenicity:

  • do not have an oncogenic nature;
  • papilloma virus, which causes a slight risk of developing cancer;
  • has an oncogenic nature and can cause the development of cancer.

Most often, papilloma in the anus is benign neoplasm. Often individual growths begin to grow together. As a result, lumpy neoplasms called “islands” are formed.

Types of anal neoplasms

Papilloma in the anus, a photo of which is presented in many medical reference books, may have a certain degree of carcinogenic danger. It is for this reason that doctors classify several types of tumors based on their appearance. Currently, papillomas are distinguished:

  • V in this case similar to outgrowths with thin bases. In appearance they may resemble combs.
  • Papules are lumpy growths of a dark pink color. Externally, such neoplasms resemble warts. Often such papillomas form in the genital area.
  • Tumor-like papillomas externally resemble tumor swellings. This variety is extremely rare.
  • Keratotic neoplasms are more like growths with a dry, hardening surface.

Papillomas can be located separately, or form a ring around the anus, or gradually grow into tubercles.

Reasons for development

Papilloma in the anus is usually caused by a virus. It enters the body as a result of a weakened immune system. It is worth noting that after infection a person may not even be aware of the disease for a long time. Statistics show that approximately 70% of the world's population are carriers of this virus. There are many ways of infection. As a rule, a weakening of the immune system and further illness occurs for several reasons:

Signs and manifestations

Papilloma near the anus - unpleasant phenomenon. However, if the neoplasms are small in size, the disease may for a long time do not appear and occur without symptoms. Most often, problems arise in those who engage in anal sex. In this case, papillomas can reach large sizes, cause discomfort. Among the symptoms of the disease it is worth highlighting:

Other symptoms

If the papilloma is located in the anus, the patient may feel the presence of a foreign body like a pimple. In such situations, growths appear in the rectum and can be very disturbing.

Constantly touching the tumors can lead to infection in the tissue. As a result of this, there may be inflammatory process, and in the future - serious suppuration. In this case, the papillomas become very swollen, turn red and are very painful. A patient with this course of the disease may experience an increase in body temperature and a significant deterioration in well-being.

Diagnosis of the disease

What to do if papillomas appear in the anus? Treatment of such a disease should begin with a visit to a proctologist. Only a specialist can make an accurate diagnosis, as well as select the most effective method of therapy. The main thing is to start treatment in a timely manner. If growths form in or near the anus, following methods diagnostics:

  • Anoscopy is a visual examination of the patient in the anus area for the presence of tumors.
  • Collection detailed information about the symptoms that bother the patient, lifestyle, as well as the presence of chronic diseases.
  • Instrumental coloproctological examination - examination using a microscope with a sufficiently high resolution. This diagnostic method allows you to determine whether the rectum is damaged.

If the symptoms listed above occur, you should immediately consult a doctor, as such neoplasms can acquire an oncological form.

How to get rid of papillomas in the anus

It is worth noting that the method of treatment for such growths is determined by several specialists: a surgeon, an immunologist, a dermatologist, and a coloproctologist. In this case, much depends on the stage of the disease, the individual characteristics of the patient and the clinical picture as a whole.

Most often, complete removal of papillomas by excision or destruction is required. At the moment, there are several main methods:

  • electrocoagulation;
  • cryotherapy;
  • laser circumcision;
  • chemical method.

Description of removal methods

Removal of papillomas in the anus is carried out only in a hospital setting. It is not recommended to carry out any procedures at home. With electrocoagulation, neoplasms are cauterized until a white scab forms. This procedure is carried out only under anesthesia. Cauterization is carried out until a third degree burn appears. It is worth noting that this method is not acceptable if papillomas have formed on the mucous membranes of the anus.

During cryotherapy, cold is applied. In this case, papillomas are completely frozen. In terms of localization, this method is inaccurate. In this case, the healing process takes a very long time, and a cotton patch is applied to the affected area.

Laser removal of papillomas is practically painless procedure. Relapses after such therapy are extremely rare.

As for the chemical method, such a procedure is carried out using the drug “Podophyllin”. This solution works at the cellular level. The main disadvantage of such therapy is negative impact on healthy cells. Apply medicine on papillomas with a spatula. After this, the treated areas are sprinkled with talcum powder.

Features of papillomas removal

After removal of tumors, a biopsy is required for morphological examination. This procedure should be carried out regardless of the chosen method of therapy.

When removing papillomas in or near the anus, the doctor tries to minimize injury to healthy tissue. Indeed, in some cases, treatment of growths is complicated heavy bleeding. Many experts insist on mandatory electrocoagulation.

Papillomavirus leads to the formation of benign growths on any part of the human body, which tend to increase in size. They cannot be ignored, as under the influence various factors they can transform into malignant formations. Papillomas in the anus pose a serious danger. The delicate structure of the growths is often injured, and pathogenic microorganisms penetrate through the damage, leading to an inflammatory process.

Reasons for appearance

It is reliably known that most people on the planet are carriers of papillomavirus. Infection occurs through microcracks in skin and mucous membranes during household and sexual contacts. A condom is not reliable protection and does not protect against infection. Penetrating into the body, the virus is embedded in the lower layers of the epidermis and initially does not manifest itself in any way. The incubation period can last several years.
The impetus for the transition of the disease to an active form is considered to be:

  • weakened immune system;
  • past infections;
  • frequent colds;
  • lack of vitamins;
  • hormonal imbalance;
  • bad habits;
  • lack of proper hygiene;
  • chronic fatigue.

A common cause of anal papillomas in women is pregnancy and childbirth.

In the active phase, the virus multiplies rapidly and causes intense cell division. As a result, growths form around the anus and in the rectum. If they are small, they do not cause noticeable discomfort, so the patient does not seek help for a long time.


The accumulation of anal papillomas causes constant feeling moisture in the anus. The burning and itching gradually increases, the skin near the anus becomes inflamed and painful. Large growths are characterized by the following symptoms:

  • pain during bowel movements;
  • blood stains on underwear caused by damaged papillomas;
  • discomfort when walking;
  • mucous discharge from the anus;
  • unpleasant smell.

Growths formed in the rectum provoke frequent constipation, the sensation of a foreign body in the anus, and rare bleeding during bowel movements. Papillomas in intimate area are regularly injured, so the disease is fraught with infection and serious consequences. The inflammatory process leads to tissue swelling and redness. In advanced cases, suppuration of papillomas is observed, requiring urgent intervention by a specialist. Man complains about sharp pain, weakness, his temperature rises.

Diagnosis and treatment

Frequent damage to anal papillomas is dangerous to health, so if growths appear, it is better to consult a proctologist. To make a diagnosis, the doctor must examine the intimate area and interview the patient. Often to identify full picture a sigmoidoscopy is required.

Treatment is prescribed individually based on the patient’s clinical picture. To suppress the proliferation of papillomavirus, a variety of therapy is required, aimed at:

  • strengthening immunity;
  • tissue healing;
  • relieving inflammation.

Ointments and rectal suppositories. Genferon and Viferon have proven themselves well. Immunomodulators for internal use and multivitamin complexes are also prescribed.

The therapy does not eliminate papillomas, but only stops the inflammatory process and relieves pain. To completely remove growths on the skin around the anus and in the rectum, surgery will be required.

Removal methods

Methods for cleansing the skin and mucous membrane depend on the size of the processes, their shape and location in the intimate area. Common ways are:

In addition to these methods, the doctor may suggest standard surgical removal and burning of papillomas with Podophyllin solution. Before any intervention, a thorough examination is necessary. Tissue healing occurs over several weeks. After surgery, women need to be observed by a gynecologist to prevent the formation of papillomas in the vagina. Men should take additional tests and urethral swabs.

If growths bother you during pregnancy, you need gentle treatment that does not involve exposure to powerful medications. You can use folk ways or laser removal. Treatment tactics should only be determined by a specialist.

It is impossible to completely get rid of papillomavirus. The operation removes external signs diseases. To prevent them from appearing again, you need to take care of your health and take immunity-boosting medications every six months.

Traditional medicine

Papillomas on the buttocks and anus can be cured folk remedies. The fight should be carried out at home in consultation with a doctor, strictly adhering to the rules of personal hygiene and without injuring healthy skin.

At self-treatment Anal papillomas must be extremely careful not to introduce an infection that causes suppuration and rapid growth of tumors.