The guy you like kisses you in your sleep. Touches of a stranger, or Don't neglect events, even random ones

Visions born in the depths of the subconscious are sometimes surprisingly pleasant. I immediately want to look into the dream book. Kissing a man, experiencing great pleasure, for example, what's the point? And if this process causes horror or disgust, what does this mean? Interested? Let's look through the books of wisdom to know what to prepare for.

New dream book

Kissing a man, the source claims, means he is unfaithful or insincere.

This is when you have a close (unofficial) relationship with this representative of the stronger sex. That's how twisted it is! Kissing your husband means he will be faithful. He will please you with attention and affection, he believes this dream Nick. Kissing a guy for whom your heart is yearning means that your dreams will come true, giving you extraordinary happiness. For a guy to caress a beauty with his lips is a sign of luck, for an unattractive girl is a sign of failure, the dream book predicts. Kissing a man, experiencing terrible disgust - to illness or other trouble. The girl should think over her actions. Such a dream predicts that she will suffer from unjust people with perverted views. They will judge her kind but slightly naughty behavior based on their own destructive experiences and aspirations. It will be unpleasant and offensive when evil words are repeated to you.

Miller's Dream Book

This source believes that it is necessary to analyze the feeling and the environment in which everything happened.

If caresses took place under the cover of darkness, you will be accused of debauchery (maybe only by your own conscience), says the dream book. Kissing a man in bright light means that your integrity and loyalty to high ideals are reflected in your attitude towards opposite sex. This is not only commendable, but will help you get the desired happiness with a faithful and reliable chosen one.

When you see with horror that you are kissing your sworn enemy, do not worry. Such a strange and unpleasant vision predicts reconciliation with a friend, the dream book reassures. Kissing with by a stranger- show immorality. After such a dream, try to think about your intentions and relate them to such important concept as morality. When you find your friend and your loved one kissing, expect a crisis in the relationship. You'll have to part with one of them, or maybe both. The reason will be their betrayal, abuse of your trust. Most likely, they started a cunning affair behind your back.

Intimate dream book

Kissing in a dream means a new fascinating acquaintance for a woman. Her imagination will be captivated by the extraordinary qualities of the gentleman, which will later turn out to be just a subtle game. After a certain time, it turns out that this individual is an experienced gigolo, which, naturally, will lead to disappointment. Try to be more critical of what glitters, separating first impressions from real ones moral qualities, the dream book recommends.

Kissing on the lips is good for spouses. This is a sign of family harmony and prosperity. For young couples, such a vision foreshadows the appearance of a desired heir, conceived in love. The child will become the support and pride of the parents. When you dream of a kissing couple, beware of being drawn into unseemly affairs. Enemies, hiding behind good intentions, will try to involve you in their evil intrigues. The one who did not suspect anything and believed in bright ideals will be guilty. Try not to be that fool.

Tsvetkov's Dream Interpretation

This source predicts betrayal for those who have experienced pleasure from their partner’s caresses. Most often, such a vision means separation, this dream book warns. Kissing your ex, on the contrary, is good. This is a sign that is now near you faithful man who will never let go of love of his own free will. Appreciate this person. It is given to you for life. If women kiss each other, it means they will start making a scandal, finding out “who is the cutest in the world.”

A quarrel will not be worth a damn; it will only inflame dormant enmity. Don’t pay attention, be above petty anger and envy. Kissing with unpleasant person means that your kindness will be valued in society. Some of your actions will be discussed, recognizing that it is worthy of a real leader. After this, you will have a chance to acquire new loyal supporters, many of whom will become your support.

People's dream book

When you dream of a kiss with a person of the same sex, there will be enmity. Most often, it is this person who experiences negative feelings towards you, secretly criticizing every word or deed. Soon this enmity will come to light. Nothing particularly bad will happen. It’s better to know who hates you than to watch the disapproving glances of others. Now you will understand exactly which way the wind is blowing.

Kissing your loved one is a sign of his dishonesty. He already has another object of adoration. Yes, he “forgot” to tell you about this. We'll have to bring him out into the open.

Dream Interpretation of Hasse

When a guy kisses a beauty, he will soon get married. The chosen one will turn out to be faithful, decent and economical. If a girl kisses a good fellow, she will not see a wedding feast. Her lot is suffering from the infidelity of the one to whom her heart is most inclined.

When you dream that you do not dare to kiss a person dear to your soul, you will become sad, thinking that your desires will never come true. You need to shake yourself up and call on your sense of humor to help. As you know, it is precisely this behavior that helps to improve relationships. Make your loved one laugh, and you will see that your souls are already connected, the only thing left is to clarify positions and establish contacts. Kissing the ground means great anxiety.

A loving kiss in a dream means reconciliation with an old enemy, taking on someone else’s responsibility, and also foreshadows interesting events in life. Kissing someone in a dream is an alarming and unpleasant sign, indicating the dreamer’s dark desires and the likelihood of getting dark spot in your name.

Why do you dream?

    Miller's Dream Book

    Marital kiss in a dream means harmonious, strong relationships between husband and wife. Such a marriage cannot be threatened by any threat from the outside - it will withstand all everyday adversities.

    For a man to see someone else kissing his wife, means to be disgraced, lose respect in your own family. Kissing a male relative speaks of trust with a person in reality, who bring joy and support in adversity.

    A girl dreams of kissing a stranger suggests that her current relationship with her boyfriend will be tested. Kissing in complete darkness with a loved one indicates betrayal and excessive debauchery of the dreamer’s partner.

    For a man to dream of his beloved kissing his rival indicates a loss of respect on the part of any woman. A girl dreams of her lover seeing her kissing another man, points to her unfaithful, treacherous friends, to the possible betrayal of a close friend.

    Vanga's Dream Book

    Dreamed of a kiss with a man you like is a sign of friendly relations and reconciliation with yourself and the people around you. Kissing a beloved man also denotes a mature love relationship.

    Kiss a stranger in a dream portends trouble and quarrel with a loved one. Kissing a dead person in a dream predicts an imminent illness or death of the dreamer.

    Tsvetkov's Dream Interpretation

    Kissing a man in a dream means treason or betrayal loved one . It is likely that the dreamer risks becoming a victim of an unfamiliar scammer.

    Dream Interpretation of Astromeridiana

    Kissing a man in a dream portends pleasant events in life. For a girl, such a dream predicts an imminent wedding or a marriage proposal. Kissing a man you know means betrayal or separation from your loved one. A kiss with an unfamiliar man portends pleasant surprise, receiving good news.

    Kissing your ex-boyfriend says that the dreamer cannot forget this man and still returns to him in my thoughts. If the dreamer is already in a new romantic relationship, then the current lover suffers from a lack of attention from his chosen one.

    Kissing in a dream with your soulmate indicates an imminent separation, departure of a lover on a long business trip. A young man kissing a friend in a dream foretells that friendly relations will soon turn into romantic ones.

    I dreamed of a kiss with my own husband - this indicates probable betrayal of a loved one or cooling of relations between spouses. You should pay more attention to your marriage and try to improve your relationship with your significant other.

    Freud's Dream Book

    A dream like a woman dreams of meeting an attractive and promising man soon, who can insidiously take advantage of the dreamer’s trust. For a man to see his woman kissing another indicates that he is not paying enough attention to his beloved.

    Seeing a couple kissing in a dream indicates an unpleasant, ambiguous situation in which the dreamer will find himself due to his own stupidity.

    Dream Interpretation of Medea

    Kissing your beloved man in a dream speaks of a threat to romantic relationships in reality, probability of separation. A kiss with another familiar person indicates a trusting relationship with him in reality - you can safely rely on such a friend in a difficult situation.

    Kissing with famous man in a dream means to show your character, develop spiritually. A kiss with a stranger warns of the wrong, even dangerous lifestyle that the dreamer leads. Kissing a dead person on the lips speaks of a loss of hope and self-control.

    Loff's Dream Book

    Kissing a man in a dream means hidden intimate desires that a woman wants, but cannot realize in reality. Seeing others kissing indicates the dreamer's excessive interest in other people's problems and successes.

    To feel in a dream the feeling that someone wants to kiss the dreamer, speaks of the strong sexual attraction of the sleeper to a specific person.

    Esoteric dream book

    Kissing a man - to a quarrel or separation from your significant other. In some cases, such a dream indicates a partner’s infidelity. Kissing a man you know portends a serious danger to the dreamer’s life and health.

    Kiss a stranger - to an unpleasant surprise, receiving negative emotions. Kiss very handsome man indicates the sleeper's dissatisfaction. A kiss from a colleague speaks of imminent troubles at work and intrigue in the work team.

    Dream Interpretation of Hasse

    Kissing a relative in a dream portends a fun holiday with the family, a pleasant trip to nature. A marital kiss indicates well-being in the family and peace in the home. Kissing a man passionately indicates strong romantic feelings. A kiss in the dark portends shame and betrayal.

    Longo's Dream Interpretation

    Hot, passionate kisses in the dark predict trouble in family life , quarrels with relatives. Even a trifle can negatively affect relationships with loved ones.

    Kissing a familiar person in a dream indicates that V real life the dreamer will be disappointed in him.

Kissing a lover: what does it mean?

A kiss with a beloved man is good sign, promising to overcome all obstacles in one’s path, a bright and happy future. Kissing a young girl in a dream with her lover predicts an early marriage and strong feelings on the part of her boyfriend.

Married such a dream indicates that her dark secret will soon be revealed, including extramarital intimate relationship. Also, such a dream indicates “problems” in family life, cooling of feelings between spouses.

Besides, passionate kiss with her lover indicates an imminent separation from a loved one, a great moral loss. If another woman kisses a lover in a dream, this foreshadows an unpleasant situation, a love triangle in reality.

If someone else's man kisses you, it's portends a passionate but short relationship. For married people, such a dream speaks of the possibility of temptation and deceit on the part of a rival.

Showing love to a friend's boyfriend: interpretation

Kissing your friend’s boyfriend in a dream means that you will face quick life changes, changes in your lifestyle or way of life. But what exactly the upcoming changes will be - positive or negative - is still unknown, so the dreamer should not make hasty decisions, but rather wait a little and think about everything carefully.

Another interpretation of the dream is communication with a stranger, which will have a huge impact on the girl’s worldview. If the kiss in a dream was pleasant, then a pleasant surprise or gift will soon await the girl. The dream also indicates success in business and the achievement of intended goals.

If you dreamed that a guy was kissing you, do not rush to rejoice. Such an action that is pleasant in reality, in a dream can be a warning about something bad. For example, if a guy likes you, then this is good, but why you dream about kissing a stranger is a mystery to many. Dream books will help you understand all the intricacies of a dream; the main thing is to remember the details and your emotions.

Brief interpretations

In order to find out what awaits you ahead, you don’t have to cast a fortune on coffee or tell fortunes by the stars. You can simply remember what you dreamed. But it happens that there is nothing special to remember. Don't worry! Dream books are universal interpreters; they can tell you why this or that event is dreamed of based on a tiny plot. For example, here’s what to expect if a guy kisses you in a dream:

  • A loved one shows tenderness - to harmony in the relationship.
  • A tipsy friend pestering you with kisses means unpleasant conflicts.
  • Exchanging kisses with an enemy means reconciliation with him in reality.
  • A dead boy covers his hand with kisses - old secrets will come to light.

Miller's Dream Book

If you dreamed that a guy you like was kissing you in the dark, this means that you are on the verge of debauchery. If it was a friend’s boyfriend, you will quarrel with her because of your incontinence. And if in a dream your loved one pestered your friend, the dream means that she will bring baseless accusations against you.

The tenderness of a lover as a symbol of family happiness

In Miss Hasse's dream book we can find an interpretation of a dream in which a guy kisses you passionately on the lips. If you are surrounded by hopeless darkness, this is a sign that you are leading a disorderly life. sex life. And if he greedily bites his lips in bright sunlight, this symbolizes mutual understanding and respect for each other.

If everything is clear about what a kiss on the lips means in a dream, then what a kiss on the eyes means is not entirely clear. Some dream books claim that seeing this in a dream is a sign of sincerity of feelings, others - the discovery of some secret.

You dreamed that a guy dear to you kisses you on the neck and hugs you - a sign that he has passion for you, kisses you on the neck, then on the shoulder and hugs you at the same time - he is torn between respect and sympathy. And if you see a kiss on the forehead in a dream, then you should not hope for reciprocal feelings.

Touches of a stranger, or Don't neglect events, even random ones

If you dreamed that stranger guy kisses you, then remember your feelings, says Medea’s dream book. Contact with an unfamiliar man gave you pleasure in a dream - your authority will increase due to chance. Actions stranger were unpleasant - beware of conflicts.

A stranger kissed your feet in a dream - a chance acquaintance will open up new perspectives. And it will help to find out why you dream of kissing a stranger on the cheek. Gypsy dream book: you were kissed on the cheek - to the acquisition of a new friend; you touched your lips to the cheek - you will help your friend establish the necessary contacts.

Kisses that do not give joy, or Any actions require comprehension...

To see in a dream how a guy you know, who you like, gives kisses to another girl - do not give in to emotions, make decisions only with a cool mind. And if a man you know, whom you like, tried to kiss another girl and got a rebuff, don’t waste time planning to do something important.

Answer why you dream that ex-boyfriend kisses you, maybe the White Magician's dream book. Listen to your feelings: the attention of your ex was pleasant to you - do not reject those who are no longer dear to you, they may still be useful; ex-lover annoyed you and caused inconvenience - feel free to break with the past.


  • I dreamed that I was kissing a boy named Daniel, who saved my life, and some strange devil ran behind me, he looked like a smeared Frankie Stein from the Monster High cartoon. Please can you please tell me what this is for. I just love him very much and I'm scared.

A kiss with a guy in a dream, according to the dream book, is auspicious sign and mostly foreshadows changes for the better. Thus, the interpreter promises a pleasant pastime and a lot of different pleasures. However exact interpretation Why you dream about kissing a guy depends on many details.


Have you ever dreamed that you were kissing your ex? Most likely, you constantly think about the past. However, as he believes Women's dream book, you should get rid of the ghosts of the past as soon as possible. But if, after seeing this dream, you still want to return the relationship, then you need to take the initiative. Invite your ex to a meeting and voice your feelings. Perhaps the guy is not ready to break up with you yet.

Do you want to know the answer to the question of why you dream of a passionate kiss with a guy you know in real life? The dream book believes that in reality you are connected with this person, if not romantic relationship, then at least dreams about them. And passionate hugs in a dream give hope that dreams will come true. If in a dream you happened to see that the hug ended in intimacy, then, most likely, in reality you do not have a future together.

Fighting temptation

Did you happen to dream that you had a kiss with your friend’s boyfriend? In reality, love passions are destined for you. According to Universal dream book in real life they will try to seduce you. However, this connection will only bring pain and disappointment. Therefore, before giving in to temptation, think carefully about everything.

Veles's dream book explains why you might dream of a kiss with a guy you don't know. The interpreter is sure that you are possessed by a thirst for adventure. And if the caresses were to your liking, then in reality there will be an opportunity to quench this thirst.

Miller's opinion

Did you have to kiss a dead person in a dream? In reality, many surprises await you. At the same time, the changes that will happen in life will be so unexpected that you will not believe what is happening. Miller recommends accepting everything that is sent by fate with a clear head.

In addition, Miller explains why you dream of kissing a guy on the cheek. If the guy himself took the initiative, then in reality you can count on the support of your friends. If you yourself touched a man’s cheek with your lips, then, according to the dream book, it is you who will be given a helping hand.

Other interpretations

Among the many interpretations offered by dream books, you will certainly be able to find the one that suits your dream. After all, the answer to the question of why this or that plot is dreamed of depends on the details. So, if you dreamed:

  • kissing a stranger, then in reality you will not be able to avoid gossip and rumors around your person;
  • a reverent kiss on the forehead with a guy or girl means understanding awaits in real life;
  • kiss and tactile touches with a guy’s friend, then you can really count on a pleasant time;

  • kissing a guy’s friend who was unpleasant to you - you will not be able to avoid grief in real life;
  • a kiss, but this time it was you who kissed the forehead or nose - new acquaintances await you in reality;
  • kissing and caressing with different guys means that in real life you will lose the trust of your family and friends.

Dreams from Sunday to Monday 02/18/2019

Dreams from Sunday to Monday carry the psychological and emotional characteristics of the sleeper. Through the pictures that appeared during sleep, you can analyze the degree of workload, ...

Kissing children dream of peace and happiness in the family and satisfaction in work.

If you kissed your mother in a dream, success in business, love and respect from friends await you.

Kissed a brother or sister - you will get a lot of pleasure from life.

Kissed your beloved in the dark - do not fall into debauchery.

Kissed her in the light - your nobility towards women has no limits.

Kissed an unfamiliar woman in a dream - try to avoid immoral acts.

If you gave your enemy a kiss, you will succeed in reconciliation with your friend.

For spouses, a dream in which they kiss each other means spiritual harmony.

Interpretation of dreams from the Psychological Dream Book

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Dream Interpretation - Paired Dream

Sometimes dreams in some surprising way coincide with the phenomena of real life.

We are not talking about prophetic dreams. For prophetic dream warns the dreamer about important event, which ends a period of a person’s life or life in general.

A dream paired with an event, as a rule, opens a chain of phenomena going into the future.

Interpretation of dreams from