I can’t see well while driving at night, what should I do? Features of twilight vision impairment

Night blindness, or a disorder of night and twilight vision, is when a person sees well during the day, but at dusk he sees all objects as if in a thick fog. This occurs due to a lack of vitamin A in the body. As a rule, the disease worsens in the spring. It happens that symptoms appear within a year. The cause may be a hidden disease of the body: general exhaustion due to hard work or long-term illness, pregnancy, anemia or glaucoma. Thus, it is necessary to find the reason - what the body lacks. Previously people several times a week they ate millet porridge, kulesh with millet, cabbage soup and other dishes with millet, which stimulated vision.

When should you consult a doctor?

If you experience sudden visual disturbances when poor lighting.

If you have difficulty driving at night or find it difficult to do other work due to glare.

If you don't see the stars in the sky when others see them.

What do your symptoms indicate?

To the sound of a movie overture in a dark hall, you gropingly try to find an empty chair. Did you manage to find yourself good place right in the middle of the row without stepping on too many other people's feet. After a few minutes, you can already look at all 20 rows in front of you... That's exactly how it should be. But if by this time, about five minutes later, you can't see your bag of popcorn, it means your vision is not okay.

Poor night vision is quite common, especially among nearsighted people.

Causes of poor vision at night include diabetes, cataracts, macular degeneration (an eye disease that causes partial detachment of the retina), or hereditary disease called retinitis pigmentosa. Also phenomena night blindness may be associated with severe vitamin A deficiency.

To improve vision

Here are some tips you can use to improve your vision in low light conditions.

Eliminate the influence of reflected rays. An optometrist or eye doctor can coat your glasses with a special compound to help them reflect some of the rays so you can see better.

Wear glasses. If you have mild degree nearsightedness and you do not need to wear glasses long time, try to wear them at least after sunset.

Avoid fluorescent lights. After age 60, many people notice that they see better as the power of incandescent lamps increases ( yellow light) than when using fluorescent light sources.

Make sure there is bright lighting. If your doctor has determined that you have degenerative changes retina, you need to use a very bright light source, especially when reading. On early stages For this disease, arc-shaped halogen lamps can be used for reading. The ideal location for such light sources is to install them from behind, so that the light falls from behind the shoulder.

Follow proper nutrition. There is evidence that substances with beneficial antioxidant effects can help control many disorders that impair night vision. Antioxidants prevent the natural process of damage to eye tissue. The main nutrients are vitamins A, C and E; zinc and beta-carotene, which are converted into vitamin A in the body. If you have a large amount of unground cereals, fruits and vegetables in your diet, you will get enough of what you need nutrients. However, it is a good idea to take vitamins and minerals daily.

Beware of glare from headlights. Driving after sunset places increased demands on drivers, especially when there is a large flow of oncoming cars with their headlights on. Typically, people try to avoid headlight glare by using their peripheral vision.

Protect your eyes with dark glasses before entering the tunnel. When traveling on a sunny day, wear sunglasses approximately one mile before entering the tunnel. This way you can partially adapt to the dark. Once you enter the tunnel, take off your glasses and you will be able to see clearly in low light.

By the way...

German doctors warn that so-called “night blindness,” which often occurs in people over 50, leads to accidents about as often as drunk driving. According to doctors, serious accidents constantly occur due to “night blindness,” when a person begins to see poorly in the dark. After all, people suffering from this disease simply do not notice the dangers when driving at night. In addition, they are more likely to be blinded by oncoming drivers and so on. That's why German doctors called upon medical examination drivers not only have their vision checked, but also checked to see if they have night blindness.

Folk recipes

Cook large number beef or lamb liver. When the pan with freshly cooked liver is removed from the heat, the patient should lean close over the pan. His head should be covered, for example, with a large thick rag, so that its ends, hanging from the patient’s head, cover all sides of the pan with the liver. This is necessary so that all the steam from the pan goes into the patient’s face and eyes, and does not evaporate to the sides. In addition to warming up, the patient should eat boiled liver for two weeks.

It is recommended to drink unground mustard seeds with water. Start with one seed and work your way up to twenty, multiplying the dose daily by one seed. Having reached twenty seeds, you need to reduce one seed per day. The grains should be taken on an empty stomach with plenty of water.

Drink three times a day fish oil.

The main plant sources of provitamin A are vegetables and fruits of red, orange and yellow, including: carrots, sweet peppers, rose hips, sea buckthorn, gooseberries, cherries, pumpkin and zucchini, as well as peas, spinach, green onions, parsley, head lettuce, wheat and bean sprouts, etc.

Pour a teaspoon of eyebright, ground in a mortar, into a glass of water and boil. Insist for half an hour. Drink a quarter glass four times a day.

In between courses of treatment (under the supervision of a doctor), it is useful to take an infusion of rose hips (pour 3 tablespoons of fruits with 2 tablespoons of boiling water, cook for 10 minutes in a sealed container, leave for 12 hours, drink 1/3 tablespoon 3 times per day),

Take black currant (in fresh or in the form of jam), watercress, which is used only fresh, since when dried it loses its healing properties. How to use watercress - vitamin salad 1 - 2 handfuls per day for 3-4 weeks.
Expert opinion

The Twilight Zone

Comment from an ophthalmologist Government institution health Republican Hospital Medical and Sanatorium Association Oleg Stavinsky...

Night blindness, or, as it is correctly called, hemeralopia, is a disorder of twilight vision. This disease does not lead to exacerbations or loss of vision, but it often affects a person’s quality of life.

Participate in the act of twilight vision photosensitive elements which are called sticks. From school course Many people remember that rods are responsible for twilight, or black-and-white vision, and cones are responsible for daytime, color vision. Cones are concentrated in the central zone of the retina in the macula area, rods - in the periphery.

There are many reasons for night blindness, but the root cause is a lack of vitamin A (retinol). The vitamin either does not enter the body, which indicates malnutrition, or is not absorbed (endogenous reasons). Vitamin absorption disorders occur when chronic diseases gastrointestinal tract, pancreas, liver, chronic alcoholism and smoking. This list can be continued by endocrine diseases, hepatitis, AIDS, and reduced immunity. The development of hemeralopia is also influenced by a lack of vitamins PP and B2 in the body.

The main symptom is decreased vision in the evening, although in general visual acuity does not decrease, that is, a person sees normally during the day. However, this disease is relevant for people with responsible professions: drivers, machinists, pilots, dispatchers, builders, etc. The disease is especially problematic in winter, when daylight hours become shorter. We refer patients with hemeralopia for examination and determine the level of retinol, carotene and vitamin A in the blood. If the concentration of these vitamins is reduced, certain treatment is prescribed. Patients are also referred for consultation to specialists of various profiles.

The first treatment is diet. The diet should include foods such as beef and pork liver, carrots, parsley, beets, dill, spinach, fish, legumes, etc. Also appointed medicines high in essential vitamins.

If the disease has developed due to malnutrition, then with the help of diet it can be cured. However, for some chronic diseases it is impossible to cure it. For example, with chronic alcoholism, liver cirrhosis, AIDS, some endocrine diseases etc.

Hemeralopia, caused by some congenital, chronic and genetic diseases, also cannot be treated.

...and his advice

Why do ophthalmologists draw patients' attention to this disease? Because our health depends on their work. For example, a driver suffering from night blindness may cause an accident in which people may be injured. And then it will be too late to explain that he sees poorly in the twilight. Therefore, they always try to identify this disease at various medical commissions for professional suitability. There are special devices that allow you to objectively determine the presence of twilight vision. After all, some patients who are afraid of losing their jobs try to hide it.

Night blindness can be either an independent disease or a symptom of some disease. So, for example, at an appointment with an endocrinologist, a patient, listing various symptoms, may also include worsening vision in the evening.

Hemeralopia affects both women and men equally. True, during menopause, when female body Various endocrine changes occur, the risk of developing night blindness in women is slightly higher than in men of the same age.

It is not customary to divide hemeralopia into stages. Either there is a disease or there is not. Doctors simply determine the photosensitivity threshold and, if necessary, make a diagnosis.

In the dark, people who do not suffer from night blindness see about the same. Evolution has developed the eye in such a way that at dusk a person must navigate 10-15 percent less than during the day. Although there are individuals who see slightly better than others, this is most often due to professional activity. However, as you know, the aborigines of Australia have increased vigilance at night, and their visual acuity is higher. Studies show that their vision is developed at a level of 400 percent. Northern peoples also see better in the dark. This ability has been developed over centuries. After all, in the north there are significantly fewer sunny days, and the eye has adapted to these conditions.

Symptoms of night blindness can occur in people who sit at the computer for long periods of time. However, this is false night blindness, caused by spasm of the visual muscles, i.e. tired eyes.

Very often, night blindness affects people from socially disadvantaged sections of the population, whose diet includes few vitamins. So the best prevention This disease is a normal varied diet.

Ophthalmologists do not welcome various diets for weight loss, from which meat and fish products are excluded. Such diets can lead not only to the development of night blindness, but also to the appearance of other, more serious diseases.

Most people see well in the twilight, and all thanks to the work of rods in the retina. And when changes occur that disrupt the functionality of the retina, causing twilight vision to suffer.

The principle of twilight vision

The retina of the eye contains cones and rods, which are responsible for visual acuity in different lighting conditions. Cones help a person see during the day and in bright light; they are responsible for the perception of colors and details. Rods are active mostly in poor lighting; they help us use black-and-white twilight vision.

The sticks contain visual pigment rhodopsin, which is responsible for arousal optic nerve. Rhodopsin breaks down in light and is restored in darkness, so a person needs time to adapt when moving from light to darkness.

Twilight vision would not be possible without vitamin A (a component of rhodopsin), since it is involved in the adaptation of the eyes to darkness. Therefore, with a lack of this element, twilight vision disorders develop.

Dark adaptation - the process of transition visual system in twilight and night vision mode. In this mode, a person sees in a black and white spectrum, and all objects appear gray to us.

What is hemeralopia

Visual impairment in twilight conditions is known to medicine as hemeralopia. It is noteworthy that this disease has no degrees: either there is a deviation or there is not. Despite this, impaired vision at dusk greatly interferes with a person’s life, leading to dangerous consequences.

Hemeralopia is popularly called. This is a visual disorder that is caused by pathology of the retina and optic nerve. Violations lead to a significant decrease in visual acuity in twilight and dark conditions.

Symptoms of hemeralopia:

  • weakening of visual function;
  • disturbance of spatial orientation in the dark;
  • defect of light adaptation;
  • narrowing of visual fields.

Sometimes the symptoms of night blindness are complemented by an incorrect perception of shades of yellow and blue. Medicine knows the so-called false hemeralopia, when visual acuity at dusk decreases temporarily. This occurs due to eye strain when working at a computer or with small print. However, not all doctors agree with this definition of the condition, because hemeralopia cannot be relative.

Representatives of both sexes suffer equally from hemeralopia, but it has been observed that during menopause women are more likely to have problems with twilight vision. This is due to various endocrine changes, which occur with age in the body of women.

Causes of twilight vision disorders

Numerous studies prove that hypovitaminosis plays an important role in the development of hemeralopia. Pathology occurs due to an acute lack of vitamins A, B2 and PP.

Lack of vitamin A causes drying, thickening and redness of the conjunctiva, reduces the secretion of glands, provokes various disorders corneal sensitivity and clouding.

It is also noteworthy that vitamin A is involved in the process of photoreception (light absorption by photoreceptors). A lack of vitamin A causes massive destruction of rods in the retina, which becomes the first sign of impaired twilight vision.

The destruction of rods can be detected during dark adaptometry, electroretinography and scotometry.

Other causes of hemeralopia may include:

  • exhaustion;
  • pregnancy;
  • anemia;
  • malnutrition;
  • glaucoma;
  • myopia;
  • cataract;
  • exposure to toxins;
  • retinal diseases;
  • liver dysfunction;
  • alcoholism;
  • optic nerve pathologies;
  • burns of the eyeballs.

Sometimes impaired twilight vision is associated with heredity. Congenital hemeralopia almost always manifests itself in childhood. Hemeralopia is often a consequence of measles or chickenpox in children.

Diagnosis and treatment of hemeralopia

Medicine distinguishes between congenital and acquired hemeralopia. Even modern methods Treatments do not cure the congenital form.

Methods for diagnosing hemeralopia:

  • ophthalmoscopy (examination of the fundus, examination of the retina, optic nerve, blood vessels);
  • biomicroscopy (examination of the eye using a slit lamp);
  • (measurement intraocular pressure);
  • (determining visual acuity using the table);
  • color vision research (the study of color perception based on color schemes).

It must be remembered that the treatment of hemeralopia is determined differently in each case, so you should not take any drugs uncontrollably. First, you need to find the cause of the disease, and the results of the examination will show what the body really lacks. Consultations from other specialists will not be superfluous.

If there is a cause for the defect, appropriate therapy is prescribed. Often this vitamin complexes and treatment of pathologies of the visual system that provoke twilight vision disorders.

Pathologies of the visual system

When the cause of hemeralopia is myopia, therapy will consist of laser correction vision. Refractive surgeries (lens replacement, etc.) can also be used.

Retinal detachment requires immediate attention laser coagulation. Glaucoma requires antiglaucomatous surgery, and cataracts require extraction or phacoemulsification.


To determine the concentration of retinol, carotene and vitamin A in the blood, an appropriate test is prescribed. When the levels of these components decrease, corrective therapy is required.

If the cause of hemeralopia is a vitamin deficiency, therapy will include the following measures:

  • normalization of diet;
  • balancing the diet;
  • taking vitamins and nutritional supplements.

Often, for essential hemeralopia, medications with beta-carotene are prescribed. This is provitamin A, but it does not cause side hypervitaminosis. The course of treatment also includes vitamins A, C, E, lutein and trace elements (zinc, selenium, copper). These components are the basis of therapy for twilight vision disorders caused by a lack of vitamins.

Hemeralopia without a reason

If the examination does not reveal obvious pathologies, hemeralopia can still be reduced. Comfortable conditions for the visual system must be created: use sunglasses And optical systems For drivers, use polarized visors to prevent glare while driving.

With yellow and orange lenses, they remove glare and glare, increase the contrast of colors and the depth of their perception. They are highly recommended for drivers with hemeralopia.

When working at a computer, you need to optimize and properly illuminate workplace. Do not allow light reflected from the monitor to enter your eyes. If you have hemeralopia, you should not use fluorescent lamps.


It is impossible to cure hemeralopia on your own, but prevention must be carried out. Eye health largely depends on nutrition, so first of all you need to balance your diet.

To prevent disorders, it is necessary to include in the diet foods that are rich in vitamin A: carrots, tomatoes, blackberries, spinach, black currants, blueberries, apricots, dairy, seafood, egg yolk, millet.

In addition, you need to eat foods with vitamin B2. Considering that vitamin A is fat-soluble, it is better to combine it with fats.

If you have problems with twilight vision, you should not work at a computer or look at a bright TV, tablet, or phone screen in the dark. There should be additional light that softens the contrast between darkness and brightness. This rule also applies to healthy people.

You should rest your eyes every 40 minutes when working with small details. It is unacceptable to read from electronic devices in the dark, as well as in bright lamplight. To prevent your eyes from being overloaded, the light should fall evenly.

When in the mountains, you should wear glasses with an ultraviolet filter. This will prevent you from being blinded by reflected rays.

Hemeralopia and driving

Many people over the age of 50 suffer from hemeralopia. Every year the number of accidents and other incidents, the cause of which is impaired twilight vision, increases. Therefore, you should drive vehicles carefully.

With night blindness, a person is inattentive while driving, and when blinded by headlights, he instantly loses orientation. This occurs due to the fact that after going blind, a person with hemeralopia cannot adapt to the dark immediately. Therefore, when obtaining a license, it is worth checking for night blindness.

How to improve twilight vision


There are ways to improve dark adaptation. The first one goes back to the days of pirates. Not surprisingly, they are often depicted with an eye patch, but rarely did it cover up the missing eyeball. Pirates wore blindfolds to have one working eye when going down from the deck into the hold, where it was dangerous to use candles and lanterns.

Today, to improve dark adaptation, there is no need to wear bandages. Enough to use sunglasses, the desired shade of gray. It has been proven that after being in the sun for 2-3 hours, it then takes 10 minutes more to fully adapt to the dark.

Don't look at the light

When in the dark, you don’t need to look at light sources. Such actions disrupt twilight vision, since rhodopsin will begin to rapidly decompose in the light. If it is not possible to avoid bright light, you need to cover one eye, maintaining dark adaptation at least in it. This way a person will not be completely disoriented if, for example, he is driving.

Red glasses

Another method is based on the fact that the rods are insensitive to red light. Previously, the army practiced this method of adaptation: soldiers wore red glasses before night guard, and the red did not interfere with the restoration of rhodopsin. Cones with red pigment did not interfere with orientation in the light, and thanks to the preservation of rhodopsin, the soldier could serve from the first minute of duty.

Today, red-tinted glasses can be purchased at any optical store. By putting them on 20-30 minutes before going out into the dark, a person ensures good adaptation. This method is used by pilots if they do not have the opportunity to be in the dark before flying into the night.

Eye exercise

Another feature of vision is actively used in special forces. Once in the dark, the soldiers close their eyes and press their eyelids on their eyes for 10 seconds. The method is effective, although medicine has not yet found an explanation for this.

Before going out into the dark, you need to close your eyes and massage eyeballs, press with your palms. After a few seconds, the field of vision will brighten. This is a signal that vision has been rebooted. You should wait for the black to return and open your eyes. Twilight vision will be better.

Vitamin A deficiency (night blindness)
Vitamin deficiency A. Causes deterioration of twilight vision - hemeralopia ("night blindness").
Symptoms and course. In patients, the ability to navigate in space at dusk or in a dark room sharply decreases; in good lighting, the patient sees normally.
Recognition: based on clinical findings and contrastometry.
Treatment. If the cause of the disease is poor nutrition, then “night blindness” goes away quickly with taking vitamin A or eating foods rich in it (fish oil, animal and cod liver, fresh fruits, vegetables, especially carrots). Since vitamin A belongs to the group of fat-soluble substances, sour cream, butter. When a decrease in twilight vision is caused by other reasons - damage to the retina or eye (glaucoma, high myopia, optic nerve atrophy, retinal degeneration, cataracts, etc.), then the underlying disease is treated (see also Vitamin A deficiency).

I'm looking for people willing...

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The cause of approximately 25% of all serious road accidents is driver fatigue and, as a result, falling asleep at the wheel. The greatest risk of falling asleep is observed on long trips, especially at night and under monotonous road conditions. Practice shows that after four hours of continuous driving, the driver’s reaction decreases by half, after eight hours - by six times. According to these indicators, a sleepy driver becomes more dangerous than a drunk driver.

There are several ways that will help you cheer up for a while and finish your trip without incident.

1. Conversations
The simplest, most reliable and also free way is to communicate with passengers. Nothing stimulates the brain like interesting conversation. The most important thing is not to get carried away and give all the necessary attention to the road. Another plus in communicating with a passenger is that he will be able to notice your sleepy state Due to the slow reaction, the answers are not on target. By keeping the conversation going, you also don't give...

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Well, I can’t drive in the dark at all :(

Once again I am convinced that I cannot drive in the dark. That is, of course, the darkness does not interfere with pedaling and steering, but the speed.... 60 is almost the ceiling. If a “leader” appears, I can ramp up to 80..... Then the leader leaves, and I smoothly crawl back to my 70s again.

It’s not that I have a complex, my motto is that the speed should be comfortable... I’m comfortable in the fog 40 - I’ll go 40, I’m never in a hurry, but I’m just wondering, does everyone drive in the dark at random, or do they really see everything ahead?
I still remember with horror the cyclist whom I passed closely, half-blinded by the oncoming light, the pedestrian who almost broke off my left mirror. I just don't see them at all.
Am I the only one with a childhood disability? Do others have owl vision?

Discussion closed by moderator

A familiar problem. I decided for myself: Once again I’m convinced that I can’t drive in the dark.

In the early 90s, when I started driving...

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The problem of falling asleep while driving is well founded, and it is quite widespread at night. This leads to negative consequences for the person himself and endangers the lives of other people. To avoid this, you need to use several secrets that will help you not only be cheerful, but also have a clear mind. Indeed, in the evening, mental productivity often decreases, even if a person feels well. By the way, the statistics are frightening: more than a quarter of all accidents are caused by sleepy drivers. Moreover, according to statistics, they are worse than even drunk drivers.

Simple tips how not to sleep while driving will help save the lives of not only you and your passengers, but also oncoming drivers

The secrets to avoid falling asleep while driving are simple. You just need to follow them, and the journey will pass unnoticed. For example, communication with passengers is reliable way can't sleep.

Of course it will be distracting...

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All newbies behind the wheel are subject to unjustified fears. This is not a matter of inability, but rather a lack of experience. Experts give some simple tips that will help you feel more confident on the road.

Often, beginners who have just graduated from driving school are worried that they immediately have to become a participant in heavy traffic among experienced drivers. And there is no instructor nearby to advise or correct their movement. Meanwhile, it should be remembered that all drivers sitting behind the wheel have a common goal: to get to their destination without incident. And most of the participants adequate people, and the presence of a common goal unites a large team - in in this case a team of drivers, say experts from the Russian AutoMotoClub (RAMK) and give answers to the most common questions.

1. Will I be able to fit into the flow of cars walking along the main road?

Any novice driver has to drive onto a busy road. That's why...

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Every driver knows what it is to fall asleep while driving, as well as what consequences accompany this seemingly trivial phenomenon. Sleeping while driving annually claims the lives of millions of people who, for one reason or another, could not cope with this phenomenon and paid for it with their lives, as well as the lives of innocent people...

A sleepy driver is sometimes much worse than a drunk driver, and can cause no less harm to road users than a drunk driver. Sleep is a pleasant state of mind and body of a person, provided that it is appropriate and overcomes the person in the place intended for this. However, very often those for whom sleep is generally contraindicated are often captured by Morpheus; drivers also belong to this class. The trouble is that sometimes drowsiness can overcome a person, in this case a driver, so imperceptibly that a tired motorist seems to suddenly fall into a deep sleep, and, unfortunately, sometimes I’m simply not able to...

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Extra-early trips to pick mushrooms and extra-late returns from fishing mean driving in the dark. And, as luck would have it, you suddenly noticed that you began to see the roadway worse: everything merges, the colors become monochromatic... How to protect yourself? After all, the statistics are merciless: the risk of getting into an accident at night is approximately twice as high as during the day.

Some drivers find that driving at night is easier because traffic is less intense and you can travel faster and more calmly. And judging by the fact that on night roads in lately is worn huge amount cars - this is a fairly common opinion. Doctors have a completely different view on this matter: it’s better to sleep at night, restore strength, not get out of your usual routine, and it’s advisable to move all trips to daylight hours.

Night driving is much more dangerous because the driver sees only a few tens of meters of the road illuminated in front of the car and cannot accurately analyze road conditions and...

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Twilight vision, hemeralopia, night blindness are the names of the same deviation in vision, which is expressed in weakened visual acuity and impaired spatial orientation. Human vision at night and in twilight is significantly weaker vision owls, cats, dogs, but it is still possible to navigate the area well at night, to distinguish the shape and even color of objects.

People with this disease see well in daytime under good lighting conditions, but as soon as it starts to get dark, their eyes seem to be enveloped in a veil of fog. Hemeralopia is dangerous because in the dark the risk of injury increases.

Causes of twilight vision

Ophthalmologists distinguish acquired and congenital hemeralopia by origin. The cause of congenital night blindness lies in human genetics and no doctor or medicine can change anything.

If we talk about an acquired disease, then the reason for its development is a decrease in the number of rods in the retina, as well as a disruption in the process of restoration of the rhodopsin substance in the rods. The following situations provoke such conditions:

  • eye diseases (myopia high degree, glaucoma, pigmentary pathologies or retinal dystrophy);
  • unbalanced or inadequate nutrition, depleted in vitamins A and B2;
  • head injury resulting in disruption to work visual center brain;
  • excessive exhaustion of the body;
  • liver disease, anemia;
  • pregnancy;
  • transferred infectious diseases(chickenpox, measles);
  • chronic alcoholism;
  • frequent and prolonged exposure to bright light on unprotected eyes;
  • insufficient illumination of the workplace.

In most cases, the disease “night blindness” occurs, caused by hypovitaminosis. Vitamin A deficiency leads to dryness of the conjunctiva, its inflammation, thickening and a decrease in secretion production against this background lacrimal glands and corneal opacity.


The international classifier identifies several types of hemeralopia.

  1. Congenital. This pathology manifests itself in childhood or early adolescence and is caused by genetic factors. It can occur with hereditary pigmentary rhinitis, Usher syndrome, or other family pathology.
  2. Symptomatic. This type of hemeralopia is one of the signs organic damage organs of vision (for example, with glaucoma, pigmentary degeneration retina, complicated myopia). The symptomatic form of night blindness often leads to unpredictable results - both complete loss of vision and restoration of adaptation to low light levels.
  3. Essential. This type Night blindness occurs when there is a lack of vitamin A in the body, this occurs with constant diets or with incomplete and unbalanced food. May occur with chronic liver diseases. Essential hemeralopia is most easily treated when vision function in twilight and darkness is completely restored.

Symptoms of twilight vision

Suspicion of the development of night blindness arises when a person exhibits the following symptoms:

  • incomplete visibility of objects in low light;
  • feeling of discomfort when visible in the twilight;
  • loss of spatial orientation in low light;
  • the patient cannot distinguish between yellow and blue;
  • narrowed fields of vision;
  • in most cases there is dryness skin, as well as the formation of dry flat spots within the palpebral fissure;
  • the resulting softening of the cornea due to a lack of vitamin A.


Night blindness is a disease that is diagnosed in the following ways and methods:

  • assessment of visual acuity in low light conditions;
  • studying the breadth of the visual field, for which each eye is examined separately, while determining the space that maximally covers the fixed eye;
  • color perception is checked;
  • ophthalmoscopic examination of the fundus;
  • electroretinographic examination, when electrical impulses from the retina are determined;
  • adaptometry is a method for determining dark adaptation;
  • tonometry - a method of measuring pressure inside the eyes;
  • they check the adaptation of vision in low light, that is, the time during which the organ of vision gets used to perception in the dark is determined;
  • determine general condition retina, which reveals the level of its functioning.

Treatment and prevention

Depends on its type. As stated above, congenital night blindness is incurable. Symptomatic hemeralopia is subject to drug treatment after identifying the disease that caused night blindness. Treatment of such a deviation occurs without difficulty and with a positive prognosis. The main thing in treatment is to saturate the body with vitamin A.

To treat and prevent the disease in question, it is recommended to diversify your diet, which may include:

  • eggs (chicken, quail, etc.);
  • dairy products (cheese, kefir, cottage cheese, yogurt, sour cream);
  • fish, cod liver;
  • assorted greens and vegetables;
  • a variety of berries and fruits.

There are many ways to help treat night blindness. folk recipes, most of which are based on the use of various herbal porridges and herbal tinctures. To create a complete diet, you can contact a nutritionist.

Person in everyday life There is light everywhere, and now the twilight and darkness are already becoming terrible: you can’t see anything at all! It's time to fix and make your eyes beautiful!

The eye is the organ that perceives light and perceives colors; works on the principle of the difference between light and darkness.

You can do a simple test: go into a dark room or cover your eyes with your hands. At this moment, if you try to see something, it should be a deep black picture. Various sparkles of light or blue instead of black, gray - shows enormous mental stress and the inability of the eye to distinguish objects with less brightness than gray.

Everyone knows what more light- the higher the illumination - the easier and longer person can work, there are established lighting standards in all institutions. This rule applies to daylight. And when night comes, people try to transfer their experience of daytime vision to night vision - they force their eyes to strain to see and thereby worsen their vision, adding to this diseases such as myopia and farsightedness.

Healthy eye always sees well when relaxed. Daytime vision in humans is characterized by good detail and bright colors, night time is black and white. The daytime one works with the help of cones on the retina and the central fovea, and the nighttime one works with the help of rods. Rods are located at the edges of the retina, and cones are located closer to the center of the retina. There are much more cones than rods. That is why day and night vision can differ greatly in a person. Night vision is also characterized by the fact that objects are better visible if you do not look at them directly - but as if from the side, due to the location of the rods on the retina.

What can be done to ensure that vision works at 100% of its potential? It is necessary to expand the boundaries of perceived light with the eyes. Many people wear sunglasses during the day, which significantly reduces the light flow to the eyes, and the eye “feeds” on the light.

It's worth trying a simple practice: first with eyes closed look at the sun in the morning and evening, then spend time with with open eyes. At first it doesn’t take long - 15-20 seconds, then you can bring this procedure to several minutes. It’s also good to move your head during this exercise so that the light reaches all corners of your eyes. A good end to the procedure would be to cover your eyes with your hands so that the light does not enter for a time approximately equal to looking at the sun. Convenient to watch the sunrise or sunset. You should always stop looking when you feel the slightest pain or tension. The first time after looking at the sun, the perception of colors may change slightly for a minute or two due to unfamiliarity.

A healthy eye “feeds” sunlight during the day, some people can look at the sun even during the day for a long time, but this just requires trained eyes. The eye is always glad to see light, and in general there are no limits on the amount of light - the more, the better.

After this practice, the black will become blacker at night, more details will appear, during twilight the focus will improve and the eyes will become white and very shiny, they will become naturally beautiful.

It is also worth installing more powerful lighting lamps in the house and not only if eye strain occurs. Tension is the enemy of vision. A healthy eye is always relaxed.