Bad sleep: a comprehensive solution to the problem. Sleep disturbance - possible causes and treatment

Poor sleep is a problem that every inhabitant of the planet has encountered. Miscellaneous violations Happens at any age, but in children it is night terrors, walking while asleep, urinary incontinence; in adults – chronic insomnia, nightmares or excessive sleepiness. Sleep problems often occur in older people. If unpleasant phenomenon poisons your life and often repeats itself, you should consult a doctor. He will find out the cause and prescribe medicine.

Poor sleep: what to do to get a good night's sleep and the causes of problems

Poor sleep manifests itself in different ways, but the effect of a bad night is always the same: you lack vital energy, cannot concentrate on work, feel weak and tired.

Insomnia, shallow or short sleep, nightmares, frequent awakenings, excessive sleepiness, rhythm disturbances, chronic lack of sleep– phenomena that poison our lives and worsen our well-being, making us nervous and absent-minded.

There are many reasons for insomnia and poor sleep. To improve your condition, you need to figure out why you suffer from the phenomenon in question. You may have gone to bed during the day or taken alcohol at night; went to bed angry or agitated, under strong emotions; drank strong tea or coffee for dinner; engaged in late evening sports or heavy physical work.

In any case, you need to streamline your daily routine and be sure to spend several hours in the fresh air.

If you systematically do not get enough sleep, feel exhausted and tired every morning, and there is a general weakening of the body, then go to an appointment with a neurologist. These symptoms may indicate nervous disorders and psychological problems.

The specialist will prescribe effective therapy, and, if necessary, sedatives and sleeping pills. Psychotherapy and various types of relaxation will also help cope with sleep disorders.

To avoid suffering from poor sleep, you should: simple recommendations, which will have a beneficial effect on overall health:

  • Constantly go to bed and get up at a strictly defined time;
  • Before going to bed, take a walk in the fresh air;
  • Do not drink strong drinks and green tea, coffee at night;
  • Have a light dinner and drink relaxing and soothing drinks (kefir, cocoa, herbal tea) before bed;
  • Be calm and don't get upset over trifles.

Folk remedies for improving sleep

Poor sleep is a nuisance with consequences; you need to know what to do in such cases using folk remedies. Because the problem can only be solved late at night with “grandmother’s recipes.” The following are several recommendations that will make “Morpheus’s embrace” strong and your sleep healthy and deep.

  • Take a cool shower, drink hot milk with honey and quickly wrap yourself in a warm blanket.
  • Apply lavender essential oil to your temples before falling asleep.
  • Take a pine bath. This procedure will relieve fatigue, relax and calm you down.
  • Listening to soothing music or sounds of nature before bed will help stop the constant flow of unnecessary thoughts.
  • Make a hot foot bath with a few drops of lavender essential oil.
  • Drink herbal tea with lemon balm and calendula.
  • Inhale the aroma of valerian root.
  • Drink peony root tincture.
  • Take an infusion of hop cones and oregano.
  • Take a walk in the fresh air before bed. It will be good if the route runs along park paths, away from the bustle of the city.
  • Fill the bath warm water and add a decoction of calendula and mint.
  • Drink a glass warm water with natural honey.
  • Sleep on a pillow stuffed with a “soothing potion”: hazel, bay leaves, oregano, fern, mint, geranium, rose petals and pine needles.

Sleep is the body’s natural, basic need for rest. Up to a third of a person’s entire life passes in this state; the health and capabilities of each individual depend on its quality and duration. In the modern era, not everyone can boast of really good sleep - stress, problems, bad habits, big city noises, mental disorders and other reasons disrupt regular, much-needed circadian rhythms, which leads to a significant deterioration in a person’s quality of life. What to do? You will find the answer to the question below.

Common causes of sleep disturbances

Doctors know about hundreds of different causes of sleep disorders. Some of them can act as an independent factor, while others have a negative impact on the quality of night rest only in the aggregate.

All such reasons are conventionally divided into two large categories– external and internal. The former are often physiological, while the latter are predominantly associated with diseases.

Non-medical causes of poor sleep include:

  • Chronic lack of sleep. Constant disruption of the normal rhythms of activity and rest in the direction of increasing the duration of wakefulness can lead to poor sleep, even after returning to the usual pattern of life activity, moreover, long period time;
  • Poorly organized sleeping place . An insufficiently comfortable mattress, an anatomically poorly designed pillow, too high or low humidity in the room, stale air in the bedroom and other factors in this spectrum can affect the quality of sleep;
  • Alcoholism. Often, constant consumption of alcoholic beverages or narcotic substances causes various disorders sleep;
  • Poor nutrition. Eating a large amount of food before bed, night snacks - all this forces the stomach to work for a period of time when the body should rest;
  • Age-related changes. Hormonal changes in the body during adolescence, pregnancy, and also during aging very often lead to poor sleep.

Medical causes of poor sleep. There is quite large number diseases, syndromes and pathogenic conditions of the body, against the background of which various sleep disturbances occur - both the process of falling asleep and the night's rest itself. Let's name the most famous and significant among them:

  • Mental illnesses and disorders. This large subgroup includes various phobias, autism, transient psychoses, bulimia, epilepsy, psychopathy, dementia, dissocial personality disorders, depression and related stress, amnesia wide range, dissociative spectrum disorders, catatonia, manic-depressive psychosis, neuroses, paranoia, borderline states and much more;
  • Taking a number of medications. Regular use of a huge range medicines, as well as their sudden cancellation leads to poor sleep. This is especially true for drugs that depress or stimulate the central nervous system, sleeping pills and sedatives;
  • Breathing disorders. Obstructive sleep apnea, depressed alveolar ventilation, other causes of this spectrum that cause short-term disturbances in the breathing process during sleep;
  • Pain syndrome of various etiologies;
  • Enuresis;
  • Somnambulism;
  • Other medical reasons.

What to do if you can’t sleep at night, how to restore sleep?

If poor sleep at night has a regular basis and problems with night rest continue for more than two weeks, then you need to pay close attention to this fact. The best option is full examination from specialist doctors who will help make a diagnosis and find the true cause of insomnia.

If you are sure that poor sleep is not due to medical reasons, but is caused by a physiological manifestation or external factors, then you can resort to a number of general recommendations and try to restore it yourself.

If the recommendations described below do not give the desired effect, it is imperative to undergo a medical examination.

Daily and sleep routine

  • If you don’t sleep well at night, try not to go to bed during the day, but wait until the evening and then get full rest - the normal fatigue accumulated during the day will allow you to quickly get into the rhythm of night rest;
  • Get rid of extraneous thoughts about impossibility from your head good sleep, get ready to relax properly;

This article is often read with:

  • Try to go to bed early, the deadline is around 10 pm. The average duration of healthy sleep is about 8-9 hours, so by 7-8 you will wake up alert and rested. The most active recovery process at the physiological level occurs in humans during the period from 23 to 1 am - be sure to rest during this period;
  • Don’t put off everything until the evening, try to resolve conflicts, everyday problems, financial matters until 5 p.m.

Bad habits

A number of bad habits can negatively impact the quality of your sleep.

  • Alcohol. Regular consumption of alcohol leads to sleep disturbances and disrupts normal circadian rhythms, preventing you from resting comfortably at night;
  • Caffeine. Coffee and strong black tea contain invigorating tannins - an extra cup of such a drink before bed will significantly delay the time of falling asleep;
  • Tobacco smoking. It dries out the mucous membranes, which in turn worsens breathing during sleep and provokes snoring. Besides this bad habit getting up in the middle of the night for a smoke break disrupts the normal cycles of short and long sleep phases, which leads to corresponding disturbances;
  • Drugs. A wide range of drugs cause mental disorders - the underlying cause of multiple sleep and wakefulness disorders.

Exercise to improve sleep

Modern medical statistics show that regular exercise improves sleep. At the same time, physical activity must be correct. Main points:

  • An hour's morning run;
  • During the daytime - regularly getting up from the workplace, doing a 15-minute warm-up, every 1.5-2 hours;
  • In the evening, 2 hours before bedtime, do moderate cardio exercise, no more than 40 minutes. Alternatively, they can be replaced by walking in fresh air;
  • 30 minutes before bedtime – yoga classes, about half an hour with a mandatory pose of relaxation and renunciation;
  • Just before a night's rest physical activity not recommended to avoid increased excitability.

Proper nutrition for a good night's sleep

One of the global problems of modern civilization is an incorrect diet, caused by an acute lack of time for the systematic preparation of necessary dishes, as well as the abundance of unhealthy food available.

Poor nutrition is often the main factor in poor sleep.

What power plan is optimal in this situation??:

  • Balanced daily ration, containing no more than 2.5 thousand calories;
  • Approximately equal content of fats, proteins and carbohydrates in the products. At the same time, it is worth reducing the consumption of simple carbohydrates, replacing them with complex ones, and also eliminating products saturated with trans fats, choosing lighter dishes;
  • Fractional power supply scheme, daily norm distributed over at least 5 meals. Lunch and breakfast should be the most dense;
  • In the evening, limit yourself to a light dinner based on vegetables and fruits, do not eat food less than 3 hours before going to bed;
  • Eliminate from your diet too fried and salty foods, marinades, fatty sauces, coffee and tea at night. Give preference to greens, apples, fresh juices.

Water procedures

An additional stimulant for high-quality, healthy and long sleep is water procedures. How to organize them correctly?

  • It is advisable to bathe 1-1.5 hours before the expected night's rest;
  • The best option for ablution is a bath, or at least a 15-minute shower;
  • The water temperature is moderate, without changes, located in the maximum comfort zone for humans. Contrast ablutions, which stimulate the nervous system, are not recommended;
  • As a supplement, you can use aromatic oils based on chamomile, lemon balm, cedar, and peach;
  • After water procedures You need to dry yourself thoroughly, and if possible, have a general relaxing massage.

Folk remedies for restoring sleep

Traditional medicine is very rich in recipes against insomnia. The following remedies can only be used after prior consultation with a doctor.

  1. Brew 2 teaspoons fresh buds hops in one glass hot water. Place in a steam bath and simmer for 10 minutes. Wrap the container, let it brew for 3 hours, then strain the broth and consume the entire glass 1 hour before bedtime;
  2. Lavender oil. Pour 5 drops of lavender oil onto a piece of pressed sugar and place it in your mouth, slowly dissolving it half an hour before going to bed. Immediately before a night's rest, lubricate your whiskey with the same oil - 1 drop on each side, rub in circular movements, first clockwise, and then vice versa (15 times);
  3. Take 50 grams of dill seeds, pour 0.5 liters of wine (preferably Cahors) over them and place on low heat, where they simmer for 15 minutes. Remove from the stove, cover the container and let it brew for 1 hour, then strain and take 50 grams of the product every day before bed.

Sleeping pills

Modern pharmacological corporations offer everyone a huge selection of a wide variety of drugs against insomnia, which, according to manufacturers, reliably and effectively counteract sleep disorders.

As practice shows, some drugs can negatively affect the human body and psyche.

  • Medicines that slow down the central nervous system. Classic GABA drugs based on gamma-aminobutyric acid, which slows down the functioning of neurotransmitters. IN modern practice are not used to treat common sleep disorders due to the large number of side effects and strong negative influence on the functioning of the central nervous system. A typical representative is Aminalon;
  • Barbiturates. They have a relaxing, anticonvulsant and hypnotic effect. Have high efficiency, but disrupt the phase REM sleep and at long-term use addictive. A typical representative is Barboval;
  • Benzodiazepines. Very effective, they directly affect the sleep center in the brain, but at the same time shorten the deep sleep phase and cause lethargy during the day. Last generation of this group (Donormil, etc.) do not have similar side effects, but can be used only for a short period of time (otherwise they lose effectiveness), providing deep and relatively healthy sleep. Typical representatives are Diazepam, Lorazepam;
  • Melatonin-based medications. Hormonal agents, usually prescribed to older people. Due to the lack of this element, sleep may be disturbed. Therapeutic effect average, appears only with systemic regular use. A typical representative is Melaxen;
  • Drugs for plant based . A large group of herbal medicines provides a natural improvement in sleep without affecting the central nervous system or causing pathologies. The obvious disadvantage of this group is its weak impact. The vast majority of representatives belong to homeopathy and dietary supplements, and can only be used as an addition to the main therapy aimed at combating the causes of insomnia. Typical representatives are Novo Passit, Persen.

People call healthy sleep sound, peaceful, sweet. After such a dream, a person will wake up energetic, in a good mood, ready to move mountains.

Sound sleep speaks of healthy body And in the right way life. Shallow sleep, and even interrupted by frequent waking up, signals like a flashing light that not everything is in order in the body and help is needed. Since you are reading this article, it means that you are worried about the question “why can’t I fall asleep and often wake up at night?” Let's figure out what a bad dream tells us. What to do to restore quick sleep without frequent waking up.

Poor sleep may be caused by various factors

Types of night rest disturbances

Sleep disturbance is manifested by difficulty falling asleep and frequent waking up or, conversely, drowsiness. Types of sleep disorders:

  1. Insomnia is a sleep disorder characterized by difficulty falling asleep or waking up frequently.
  2. Hypersomnia – increased sleepiness.
  3. Parasomnia is a malfunction of organs and systems associated with sleep.

The most common sleep disorder is insomnia. In everyday life it is simply called insomnia. All types of sleep disorders require treatment after examination using polysomnography.

Causes of insomnia

With insomnia, the question often arises: “why do I often wake up at night?” The most common cause of insomnia is a nocturnal lifestyle, in which a person works or has fun at night and then sleeps all day. The change from night to day is unnatural for humans. The biological rhythms of owls and predatory animals are adapted to hunting at night and are determined by the natural laws of survival and continuation of life. The functions of their organs are tuned to a nocturnal lifestyle - acute night vision. Human biological rhythms are genetically tuned to active life during the day and rest at night. The human brain produces the sleep hormone melatonin at night. With insomnia, the hormone decreases to a critical level, and thus insomnia becomes chronic.

The main hormone of the pineal gland is melatonin.

Insomnia can also be caused by short-term or permanent conditions or diseases.

Most common factors that lead to insomnia:

  • situational insomnia due to emotional overexcitation;
  • mental or neurological diseases;
  • chronic alcoholism;
  • long-term use of sleeping pills and sedatives, as well as their withdrawal syndrome;
  • somatic diseases are disorders in the functioning of organs and systems that lead to insomnia for various reasons.

Elderly people quite often complain to the doctor, “I wake up at night, prescribe a remedy for good sleep.” In old age, disruption of night rest is natural. Herbal medicines help older people get rid of light sleep. When treating sensitive sleep in older people, taking a vasodilator (for example, vinpocetine) is also recommended.

What diseases interfere with sleep?

If a person says, “I wake up often,” then he should think about what causes sensitive night rest. The causes of frequent waking up and poor sleep are the following somatic diseases:

  • cardiopulmonary failure;
  • restless legs syndrome;
  • obstructive sleep apnea syndrome in people who snore;

Sleep apnea disease

  • enuresis (bedwetting).

In case of cardiopulmonary failure, the reason for a sensitive night's rest is oxygen starvation– hypoxia, which forces you to take an elevated position of the body to facilitate breathing.

The problem of “waking up often at night” occurs with restless legs syndrome. Very often, varicose veins appear vascular insufficiency legs When blood circulation in the legs is impaired, the need to move reflexively arises to restore it. lower limbs. It is this unconscious desire that causes restless legs syndrome. If during the day a person moves his legs without noticing it, then at night involuntary movements cause a person to wake up frequently. During measures taken for treating legs, will help get rid of insomnia.

One of the serious reasons for a sensitive night's rest is obstructive sleep apnea syndrome (OSA) in people who snore. It is caused by dangerous stoppages of breathing at night due to diseases of the nasopharynx. A person wakes up from suffocation due to the cessation or restriction of air flow through the nasopharynx. The causes and treatment of sleep disturbances due to snoring are dealt with by somnologists and neurologists. If you are concerned about the problem of “I often wake up at night,” you should contact these specialists. Treating snoring will relieve you of insomnia.

Treatment with prepared drugs

Very popular ready-made products for insomnia in drops, tablets, capsules and solutions. The following medications will help get rid of insomnia or light sleep:

  • Novo-passit is a combined mixture medicinal herbs and guaifenesin. This remedy not only calms you down, but also relieves anxiety, making it easier to fall asleep. Novo-passit is often used to treat insomnia.
  • Phytosed has a calming effect and makes it easier to fall asleep.
  • Corvalol and Valocordin drops also soothe and help get rid of anxiety, thus improving the quality of night's rest.
  • Motherwort Forte tablets contain not only the plant, but also magnesium and vitamin B6. This composition of the drug relieves irritability and will help get rid of the problem of difficulty falling asleep. Treatment with motherwort is effective with light night rest.
  • Donormil tablets speed up falling asleep and increase sleep duration. They should be taken 15–30 minutes before going to bed for two weeks.
  • Valocordin-doxylamine has proven itself well as a mild sleeping pill. Its use is indicated for situational sleep disturbance after nervous tension.
  • Melatonin is a hormone-like drug. He's just like natural hormone, regulates sleep. Its use is recommended at the very beginning of treatment for insomnia in order to start the correct rhythm of life - work during the day, rest at night. It is recommended to take the drug together with medications, preferably of herbal origin.

Ready-made products for good sleep can be purchased at any pharmacy without a prescription.

Using herbs for insomnia

Sedative herbs

For mild cases of sleep disturbances, herbal remedies are very effective. They can be prepared at home in the form of a decoction or infusion. The following popular herbs are used to treat insomnia:

  • valerian root;
  • Melissa;
  • motherwort;
  • lavender and oregano;
  • peppermint.

The pharmacy has ready-made herbal mixtures for the treatment of insomnia. To prepare the infusion, you should brew 2 tbsp. l. dry collection with a glass of boiling water, put on water bath for 15–30 minutes, then leave for 45 minutes. The product should be taken strained 3 times a day. Take the last dose of infusion 40 minutes earlier before going to bed. Infusions help deepen shallow and sensitive sleep.

Use of synthetic sleeping pills

In the treatment of insomnia, drugs of the benzodiazepine group are used. We give preference to the following medications:

  • Triazolam and Midazolam are recommended for difficulty falling asleep. These are short-acting sleeping pills.
  • Relanium, Elenium and flurazepam have a longer action. It is recommended to take them when waking up in the early morning hours. However, they cause daytime sleepiness.
  • Medium-acting hypnotics: Imovan and Zolpidem. These drugs are addictive.

Sleeping pills

  • Amitriptyline and doxemine belong to the group of antidepressants. They are prescribed by neurologists for depression.

The disadvantage of this group of funds is that they are addictive. If the medication is discontinued after prolonged use, insomnia may develop.

As a result, we considered the most common reasons sleep disorders in people. We learned how to get rid of bad unproductive sleep with the help of herbs and ready-made pharmaceutical drugs. Remember chronic insomnia needs to be treated, and for this you should contact a neurologist.

Adequate sleep without waking up is an indicator of good human health. Why people wake up at night for no apparent reason, often at the same time, is of interest to sleep specialists - somnologists and people suffering from insomnia. How to return a healthy night's rest to adults, children and the elderly will become clearer with a deeper study of the topic of sleep.

Bad sleep at night

The quality of night's rest is one of the main factors full life person. Insomnia, no matter what the cause, affects people's physical and emotional health. It is impossible to cure this disease with medication, because it becomes addictive to the medications. A person taking sleeping pills becomes dependent on the drug. The absence of medicine frightens a person and makes him nervous.

The main reasons for poor sleep in men and women are:

  • overwork;
  • excitation;
  • disruption of habitual life biorhythms (work, study, entertainment at night);
  • uncomfortable conditions for night rest;
  • bad habits (smoking, drinking alcohol);
  • mental and physical illnesses.

During pregnancy, women sometimes wake up due to hormonal changes in the body. This natural process, although it brings inconvenience to the expectant mother, is a temporary phenomenon. Don't worry about this. General somatic diseases such as osteochondrosis, diabetes mellitus, pathologies of the lungs, gastrointestinal tract and other organs can lead to disruption of night rest due to painful symptoms.

Psychosomatic diseases: rheumatoid arthritis, bronchial asthma, neurodermatitis, etc. in their nature have both physical and mental aspects. Stressful, panicky states, and psycho-emotional experiences significantly excite the patient’s nervous system while awake, which leads to sleep disturbances. These reasons prevent adults and children from getting a good night's rest.

Some medications prescribed by a doctor to treat a particular disease have sleep disturbances as side effects. For example, beta blockers are a common type of medicine used to treat medical conditions. cardiovascular system, have such side effect. When using medications, you must carefully study the instructions for use. If after using the medicine the patient begins to sleep poorly, he should contact his doctor with a request to change the drug.

In adults

People don't always think of nighttime urination as a problem, but it does exist. At night, the process of urine production slows down; a healthy person can sleep for 8 hours straight. Nocturia causes you to wake up frequently due to a burning desire to urinate. As the body ages, the quality of sleep is disrupted: it becomes superficial and intermittent. Old people may wake up several times a night due to physical pain that accompanies them chronic diseases.

Alcohol drunk in the evening can quickly plunge a person into deep sleep. Some men and women use this remedy to relax and fall asleep quickly. The body will have to process alcohol at night, when most of the body's organs are not active. This creates an additional load on the liver, which causes internal unconscious anxiety in a person, a state of anxiety. As a result, he can wake up several times a night.

Sleep apnea (stopped breathing reflexes) is another cause of poor sleep. This disease affects about 5% of the world's population. Congenital pathologies, overweight influence the narrowing of the upper respiratory tract at night, which leads to temporary cessation of breathing. The unconscious instinct of self-preservation forces you to wake up when there is a critical amount of oxygen in the blood. Sleep apnea sufferers often snore, which impairs the quality of their night's rest.

Patients with depression sleep poorly. Constant stress does not give the body the desired relaxation. It is difficult for a person to sleep, he often wakes up. Due to lack of sleep, anxiety increases and the disease worsens. With restless legs syndrome, the patient cannot sleep due to an irresistible desire to move his legs. This neurological disease causes discomfort: itching, burning, tingling of the legs. They are so strong that the signals from the nervous system force you to wake up.

Night heartburn, coughing attacks, pain when swallowing - for these reasons, most people wake up during the night. With gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD), these symptoms torment the patient, forcing them to wake up from acid reflux (reflux of acidic gastric juice into the esophagus). Such emissions can occur several times during the night. The patient wakes up every time.

In children

Worried moms are worried that... infants often wake up at night and cry. The crying of infants in itself should not alarm parents. The daytime disturbances that the baby receives while awake can cause awakening. This emotional aspect is not pathological, because new impressions naturally excite his fragile nervous system.

Night feeding of a newborn baby is considered normal. If a mother breastfeeds her baby by the hour, waking him up for night feedings is natural. Gradually, mothers can increase the time between feedings, then, instead of milk, teach the child to drink water at night. With age, the habit of waking up at night will leave the baby if the parents are consistent and patient.

Babies often experience abdominal cramps because their metabolism child's body has not returned to normal yet. This may cause nighttime crying. A tummy massage, a warm diaper that warms the abdominal area, and special teas will help mothers relieve the child’s pain. Colic can bother babies up to three months of age. When a baby is teething, he becomes very restless and capricious, often waking up. This natural process brings suffering to the child. Your temperature may rise. Mothers should definitely seek help from their pediatrician at this time.

Babies have very sensitive skin. A full wet diaper worries the baby and he wakes up. A child does not sleep well when he has a cold, as he is bothered by a cough, snot, and fever. Like adults, children sleep poorly due to an uncomfortable bed, inappropriate clothing, and uncomfortable air temperature in the nursery. They are frightened by loud sounds and irritated by strong smells. If optimal conditions are created for your baby, he will stop waking up at night.

It happens that older children wake up in the middle of the night and call for their mother. This is fine. Perhaps the child had a nightmare. Children often wake up if they are afraid. It is very important to put your baby to sleep correctly. When he is put to bed by loving parents, the environment is friendly and the child is healthy, he will have no reason to wake up at night and cry.

Why does a person wake up at night?

Melatonin is a sleep hormone produced by the pineal gland of the brain. It begins to be actively produced after 21 hours. If melatonin is produced normally, a person does not know what insomnia is. Closer to morning pineal gland Dopamine receptors are activated, which block the release of melatonin. If the production of these hormones fails, a person sleeps poorly. A polysomnographic examination can identify the causes of a patient’s poor sleep, and a sleep specialist will give necessary recommendations.

Somnologists help understand why people often wake up at night. In their opinion, there are a number of reasons that affect the quality of night rest. Having analyzed them, excluding negative factors, you can stop waking up at night. The temperature of the room where adults sleep should be 17-20°C. In the children's bedroom - 18-21°C. The body of a sleeping person, according to physiological processes, must cool down a little in order to enter the sleep phase. If your child often wakes up drenched in sweat, you need to change his blanket and pajamas to lighter ones.

Frequent waking up

The reasons for frequent awakening at night may be functional disorders of the body (parasomnias). It will not be possible to cope with them without the help of a doctor. Parasomnias include:

  • sleepwalking (walking unconsciously at night);
  • unexplained night terrors, nightmares;
  • enuresis (involuntary urination at night);
  • sleep paralysis

At the same time

Why people wake up at the same time at night can be understood by understanding anatomy human body and cycles of its functioning. If you have poor sleep, do not neglect the help of a doctor; he will select the necessary medication or cognitive behavioral treatment. The reasons for waking up at certain hours of the night may be as follows:

  • Human gallbladder Actively works from 23.00 to 1.00 hours. This is the period when fats consumed during the day are broken down by the body's bile acids. If you wake up during these hours, you should follow a lean diet and not overeat before bed. Psychologists say that resentment, condemnation, inability to forgive - probable reasons loss of sleep during this time.
  • From 1.00 to 3.00 hours the active phase begins for the liver. It processes harmful toxins. Evening drinking of alcoholic beverages and fatty foods can cause loss of sleep at this time due to the fact that the liver is overloaded. From a psychological point of view, anger and guilt are also the causes of insomnia after 1:00 am.
  • From 5.00 to 7.00 hours is the active phase of the intestines. All his work is aimed at cleansing. More often in the morning, a person emptys the intestines of processed food debris. If someone believes that interrupting sleep during this period of time is unacceptable for him, then he needs to undergo bowel cleansing procedures.

Every night

You can understand why you can’t sleep at night if you carefully examine your sleeping area. Often interruptions in sleep are caused by an uncomfortable bed or the unusual environment of the room in which you have to spend the night. Stale air, pungent odors, coffee drunk before bed, emotional discomfort - these are far from full list reasons leading to disruption of a good night's rest.

At 3 o'clock in the morning

From 3.00 to 5.00 the lungs are active. During these hours, people suffering from lung diseases wake up. The cough intensifies because the lungs cleanse themselves at this time. If you wake up during this period, you should pay more attention to your lung health - quit smoking, for example. People susceptible to depression often wake up before 5 am.

In a cold sweat

Therapists will help determine why a person wakes up at night, pouring out cold sweat for no reason, by diagnosing diseases with this symptom. Cold sweat, along with other signs, is a clinical picture of the following diseases:

  • In case of infectious diseases, the patient breaks into a cold sweat and has a fever. Viral pathologies: influenza, HIV are accompanied by sweating when the skin is cold.
  • Migraine is diagnosed by frequent headaches that even wake a person up. He wakes up covered in cold sweat.
  • Withdrawal syndrome characteristic of patients chronic alcoholism, accompanied by chills and cold sweat. An alcoholic sleeps restlessly and often wakes up in a cold sweat.
  • Mental illnesses are characterized by constant sweating. Irritants when mental disorders There may be situations that a healthy person perceives as normal.
  • Anemia is almost always accompanied by a feeling of cold extremities. The patient often wakes up in cold sweat.
  • Cancer causes sweating and weight loss. Poor sleep and general physical malaise often plague these patients.
  • Hormonal disruptions during menopause often cause cold sweats or hot flashes in women, causing them to suddenly wake up at night.
  • At hypertension horse racing blood pressure accompanied by sweating. The body includes protective property thermoregulation during constriction of blood vessels. Taking diuretics (drugs that increase the rate of urine production) to lower blood pressure may cause you to wake up at night.
  • Disease thyroid gland affects the psycho-emotional state of the patient. The condition of the thyroid gland affects the physical condition of the entire body. Hormonal imbalance may cause cold sweat.

What to do if you wake up at night

If nighttime urination is a problem, you should limit your fluid intake after 7 p.m. Tea and coffee are natural diuretics, so you should avoid them in the evening. Infectious diseases genitourinary system, nocturia, kidney disease, diabetes mellitus can provoke the desire to urinate at night. It is worth treating the root cause, not the effect: reviewing the medications prescribed by the doctor against the disease. Replace those that are diuretics and have sleep disturbances as contraindications.

Watching your lifestyle will help you stop waking up at night. If you drank alcohol in the evening and waking up at night is associated with this fact, you should give up alcohol in the evening. Napping in front of the TV, like sleeping during the day, can cause you to wake up at night. Sports and evening walks will help you fall asleep quickly.

How not to wake up in the middle of the night

A comfortable bed, a high-quality mattress, and natural bed linen are the key to a healthy night’s rest, which contributes to a person’s excellent well-being during the day. A ventilated room, the absence of noise, bright lighting, emotional experiences and other irritating factors will help you not to wake up at night. Those who sleep poorly should stick to simple rules that will help restore normal night rest for 7-8 hours without waking up:

  • Dinner should be at least 2 hours before bedtime.
  • Resolving important matters and planning them should be carried out in the morning and afternoon, making sure that your own nervous system can go into a calm mode in the evening.
  • An adult should go to bed before 11 pm. It is better for this to happen at the same time.
  • You need to choose for yourself the optimal number of hours for night rest, in which morning awakening will be comfortable.
  • A quiet walk before bed will help you get a good night's rest.
  • In the evening, you can take a soothing warm bath of pine extract, with essential oils having a relaxing effect.
  • Shortly before going to bed, drink herbal tea from lemon balm, motherwort or warm milk with honey.
  • Relaxation, listening to pleasant calm music, reading your favorite book will help you naturally fall asleep.


Published: March 6, 2013 Created: March 6, 2013

Sleep disorders are quite widespread phenomena. From 8 to 15% of the world's adult population have frequent or constant complaints of poor or insufficient sleep, from 9 to 11% of adults use sedatives sleeping pills, and among older people this percentage is much higher. Sleep disorders can develop at any age. Some of them are most typical for certain age groups, for example, bedwetting, night terrors and somnambulism in children and adolescents, as well as insomnia or pathological sleepiness in middle-aged and older people. A neurologist, chief physician, Ph.D. will tell us about sleep disorders. Slynko Anna Alekseevna.

– Anna Alekseevna, tell our readers why our body needs such an important component of life as sleep?

– Sleep is one of the most important components of human life. During sleep, wakefulness is inhibited with the switching off of consciousness and the active work of the unconscious, the activity of certain (somnogenic) systems of the brain and the whole organism as a whole. Processing and integration occurs during sleep mental activity human, active restoration of the structure and function of the body. And this part of our life is no less important than waking, and perhaps the most important, during which self-healing, healing, and mental “reboot” occur. It’s not for nothing that they say: “The morning is wiser than the evening.” Because during sleep, active processing of information occurs. Not only the conscious and unconscious take part in decision-making, but also the knowledge and experience of our ancestors, which are encrypted in our genetic material. Some believe that spending one third of your life in a dream is too much, and therefore they rush to live, cutting down on sleep time, grossly disrupting the sleep cycle (sleep during the day, stay awake at night, go to bed late). Such disrespect for sleep takes a toll on the body. It is known that this reduces resistance to infections, the immune system is impaired, and the risk of cardiovascular diseases increases, mental disorders, adaptation to stress decreases, etc. It has been noted that centenarians sleep a lot, that is, their body rewards a large amount of time spent in sleep with long, healthy wakefulness. However, it is known that the need for sleep decreases with age, and older people sleep less. But isn't this a prognostic sign of health?

– Anna Alekseevna, is there a difference in the way we sleep?

- Counts normal sleep from 6 to 9 hours a day for an adult. But everyone's need for sleep is different. It is important to go to bed so that you can wake up on your own in the morning without coercion or discomfort and not feel drowsy during the day. It is very important to fall asleep at the same time. In this regard, time zone shifts, the transition to summer-winter time, and working at night are unfavorable for health. It is very important to fall asleep before 23.00. It has been observed that sleep between 11:00 pm and 1:00 am is very important for the body. At this time, the greatest regenerative activity of the body occurs. This is consistent with knowledge traditional medicine. During this period, the energetic “power” of the heart is at a minimum, so it is best to sleep at this time. But not only the total duration of sleep matters, the structure of sleep is important, when the correct duration and sequence of sleep stages occurs. It is known that the structure of sleep changes in various diseases. Medical influence on sleep phases changes the course of some diseases (for example, depression). Sleep is a heterogeneous state; during sleep, a natural alternation of phases occurs. The slow-wave sleep phase makes up 75-80% of sleep (divided into napping, light sleep, medium-depth sleep, deep sleep), during this phase of sleep recovery processes and optimization of control occur internal organs. There is also a phase of REM sleep or rapid eye movement phase. In the REM sleep phase, the electroencephalographic picture resembles wakefulness, although the person is motionless and the muscles are maximally relaxed, during this phase he dreams. Total duration all phases, that is, the cycle, are about 90 minutes. During the entire sleep period, 4-6 cycles occur.

Insomnia or insomnia

Insomnia or insomnia– a subjective symptom characterizing dissatisfaction with sleep, lack of vigor after sleep. If this dissatisfaction with sleep occurs within one week - it is episodic insomnia, up to 3 weeks - short-term, more than 3 weeks - chronic insomnia. In laboratory mice without sleep, a change in consciousness occurs after three days, a coma and death after a week. A person also cannot live without sleep, just like without food, drink, air. Therefore, people who say that they do not sleep at all are mistaken. They sleep, but their sleep is intermittent, brief, incomplete, and there is no feeling of sleep and vigor after it.

– What types of sleep disorders exist?

– More than 54 various diseases nervous system, psyche and internal diseases are manifested by sleep disturbances.

Sleep disorders: dyssomnias, presomnia disorders, intrasomnias, postsomnia disorders, parasomnias, pathological parasomnias, hypersomnias

Sleep disorders can be divided into:

Dissomnias –

difficulty falling asleep, maintaining sleep, excessive sleepiness, a feeling of lack of rest after sleep.

Presomnia disorders -

difficulty falling asleep (inability to fall asleep for 2 or more hours)

Intrasomnia –

shortened sleep, frequent awakenings, shallow sleep, early awakening.

Post-somnia disorders –

lack of feeling of rest after sleep, lack of physical vigor, feeling of “being overwhelmed”, asthenia.

Parasomnias –

motor and mental phenomena that accompany sleep. These are shudders, changes in body position, which are physiological. AND pathological parasomnias– excessive, restless movements during sleep, sleep-talking, sleepwalking. There may also be frightening dreams, nightmares, disturbances in the rhythm and depth of breathing, night snoring, apnea (long pause in the breathing cycle).

Hypersomnias –

pathological daytime sleepiness. Most often, daytime sleepiness and inappropriate falling asleep during the day are caused by obstructive apnea. That is, during sleep the airways become blocked and the patient wakes up from lack of air. This occurs especially often in obese people, with big belly sleeping on their backs, when the lungs are supported by organs located below the diaphragm. In this situation, it is advisable to reduce weight, sleep on your side, on a higher pillow. Daytime falling asleep is extremely dangerous for people involved in driving and other dangerous species activities.

– How to assess the quality of sleep?

Doctor who studies sleep - somnologist, analyzes sleep using polysomnography. This is a diagnostic method that includes simultaneous registration of electroencephalography, ECG, electromyography, audio monitoring of snoring, analysis of body movements, legs, breathing movements, body temperature, blood pressure, pulse, etc. Polysomnography data allows you to assess the duration of sleep, the number of awakenings, the distribution of sleep stages, breathing and heart rhythm disturbances, abnormal movements and establish the nature of parasomnias. However, not every patient with insomnia is able to study their sleep so carefully. Therefore, a therapist or a neurologist or a psychiatrist often helps to figure this out.

– Anna Alekseevna, tell us about the reasons for sleep disturbances?

– The causes of sleep disturbances are varied and divided into three groups.

  1. Internal reasonsapnea syndrome in sleep, periodic limb movements, restless legs syndrome, etc.
  2. External reasons– psycho-emotional tension, anxiety and stress, pain syndromes, inadequate use of medications, including sleeping pills, poor sleep hygiene, use of psychostimulants, alcohol, excessive smoking, violation drinking regime (frequent urge for urination at night), etc.
  3. Circadian disorders– time zone change, premature sleep phase syndrome, disorders caused by shifting daily or night work etc. Of course, in first place among all the factors leading to sleep disturbance, especially in healthy people, are emotional stress, mental and physical fatigue, mental fatigue. Especially in people with asthenoneurotic personality traits, states of anxiety, asthenia, melancholy or depression, apathy, and depressed mood are common. This is called psychophysiological insomnia. Often such people try to help themselves and take it in the morning. tonics, In the evening sedatives or hypnotics. Over time, such self-medication depletes the body’s adaptive and restorative forces, which not only does not restore sleep, but also does not give a feeling of rest and promotes development. psychosomatic diseases. The first to suffer is the organ system that is subjected to the greatest load or there is an innate predisposition or weakness of this organ system. At first, organ function is impaired, when everything is still reversible. Then the disease already disrupts the structure of the organ.

- Anna Alekseevna, give me a few useful tips on treating sleep disorders for our readers!

– What are the steps to treat psychophysiological insomnia.

Treatment of psychophysiological insomnia (insomnia)

  1. Maintaining sleep hygiene. Set a fixed time for going to bed and waking up. It is advisable on those days when you manage to get enough sleep, to determine the duration of sleep, since this is an individual indicator. If your sleep time is 8.5 hours, then you should already be in bed half an hour before bedtime, preferably with light, pleasant literature (preferably fiction), perhaps with smooth, pleasant music. For example, if you need to get up at 7.00 in the morning, then you need to get ready for bed at 22.00. And at 22.30 go to bed.
  2. Avoid falling asleep during the daytime.
  3. Don't think about not being able to sleep.
  4. It is advisable that the sleeping room be allocated separately, (ideally there should be no equipment, TV, computer). It is advisable to ventilate the bedroom well (the optimal room temperature is 18-20? C), thick curtains on the windows, a comfortable mattress, a small pillow, the bed does not creak, and extraneous sounds do not distract.
  5. A walk in the fresh air in the evening is beneficial, breathing exercises, light physical activity, freestyle, slow swimming. No later than 20.00 it is necessary to complete physical activity. If there are no contraindications, it is good to take a bath or shower at a comfortable temperature. If sleep disturbances are associated with psycho-emotional stress, it is good to have a relaxing massage (or therapeutic massage) 2-3 times a week, and exercise at medium and light intensity 2-3 times a week.
  6. Avoid drinking strong coffee, tea, tonics, cola during the day. For any “stimulation” the body has to pay with subsequent asthenia, irritable weakness, and insomnia. In the evening you can drink tea with mint and honey. Honey is a sweet natural sleeping pill.
  7. The last meal should be easy for the body to digest, in small quantities, no later than 2 hours before bedtime. After 18 hours, it is better to consume liquids in limited quantities so as not to wake up at night, for the toilet. A pleasant feeling of fullness causes drowsiness.
  8. Do not use any medications on your own without consulting a doctor.. It is advisable to discuss with your doctor the optimal tactics for behavior and treatment of sleep disorders.
  9. And most importantly - go to bed in a GOOD MOOD! HAPPY DREAMS!

– Thank you for the interesting conversation, Anna Alekseevna! I hope every reader takes something useful from your story!

The interview with Anna Alekseevna Slynko (neurologist, chief physician, candidate of medical sciences) was conducted by Margarita Kucheruk