Why does a tooth hurt after nerve removal and root canal filling? Errors and negligence of dentists

Pain when pressing on a tooth after nerve removal is a common pathological phenomenon. The article discusses the most common causes of pain and methods of treatment.

Features of the nerve removal procedure

The nerve is removed if it is possible to save the tooth.

The procedure in which the dental nerve is removed is called depulpation.

The main indication for surgery is the inflammatory process in the pulp.

This disorder leads to persistent pain, which often does not go away when taking analgesics.

The nerve is removed if it is possible to save the tooth. If the root part is too damaged, the tooth is pulled out.

Procedure steps:

  • Anesthesia of the affected tooth;
  • Nudity root canal;
  • Extraction of nerve tissue;
  • Cleaning out carious cavity in root canals;
  • Installation of a temporary or permanent crown.

Before depulpation, as a rule, an x-ray of the diseased tooth is taken. This is necessary to determine the nature of the pathological process.

Can a tooth hurt after depulpation?

For any dental intervention You may experience pain immediately after the procedure. After depulpation, the appearance of pain is associated with mechanical impact on soft fabrics.

Normal pain syndrome occurs when chewing solid food. Emergence constant pain may indicate development inflammatory process in tissues.

Possible causes of pain after depulpation

The most common causes of pain after depulpation include:

Thus, toothache after removal of the nerve, biting may occur due to numerous postoperative complications.

How long can the pain last?

Dental care required only if the symptom persists for more than 10 days

Normally, the pain goes away in a short period of time.

Unpleasant symptom goes away on its own within 24 hours after the procedure. Less commonly, pain occurs periodically for 7-10 days.

What to do?

Short-term pain when pressing (pressing, biting, tapping) on ​​a tooth does not require special treatment.

Dental care is required only if the symptom persists for more than 10 days.

Taking analgesics and using other home treatment methods can help you get rid of the disease.

For what symptoms should you consult a doctor?

Pain after depulpation may indicate quite serious complications that require medical intervention.

You should contact your dentist if you have the following symptoms:

  • Gradual increase in toothache;
  • Severe reaction to hot or cold;
  • The appearance of edema;
  • Redness of the tissues near the diseased tooth;
  • Pain in the cheek or jaw in the area of ​​the diseased tooth;
  • The tooth hurts and aches for too long.

Important to remember! The appearance of the listed symptoms - direct reading to visit the dentist immediately. Delay can lead to aggravation of the pathological process. If a tooth hurts badly, do not try to treat it yourself!

What kind of help does the dentist provide?

The method of treatment depends on the nature of the pathology. First of all, the doctor examines the sore spot, identifies associated symptoms. The exact cause of pain when pressing is determined and carried out further treatment.

Main methods of therapy:

  • Repeated depulpation - used if the dental nerve was not completely removed.
  • Replacing a filling – used in case of an allergic reaction or root perforation.
  • Taking anticonvulsant and antispasmodic drugs - prescribed for pinching trigeminal nerve.
  • Opening purulent formation– produced during the development of periodontitis in order to remove pus and further antiseptic treatment of tissues.

Treatment at home

Can be done without the help of a specialist symptomatic therapy using pharmaceutical medications and traditional methods therapy.

Important to remember! Home treatment allows only short term eliminate pain when pressing. To completely get rid of a symptom, you need to eliminate the cause of its occurrence.


When treating toothache after depulpation, the following drugs are used:

The listed painkillers are available in the form of tablets for oral administration.

You need to take medications in accordance with the dosages indicated in the instructions, unless there are contraindications.

Traditional methods

Self-medication can reduce the intensity of pain, but we must not forget about the need to visit a doctor if the pain intensifies or lasts longer than 10 days.

Other complications

Intense pain is not the only problem that a patient may encounter after pulp removal. The operation can lead to the development of gumboil, as well as loosening of the pulpless tooth.


Flux develops due to the spread of inflammation from the roots of the tooth.

Flux is understood as a pathological process in which the periosteum becomes inflamed.

In dentistry, this disease is called periostitis.

Flux develops due to the spread of inflammation from the roots of the tooth, as well as due to damage to soft tissues.

After depulpation, periostitis occurs, as a rule, when antiseptic standards are violated.

Most often this happens when the dentist immediately after removing the nerve installs permanent filling.

Main symptoms:

  • Severe pain;
  • Tissue swelling;
  • Cheek swelling;
  • The appearance of a fistula passage;
  • Increased body temperature;
  • General malaise.

Flux is treated with antibiotics. If conservative therapy does not help - is carried out surgery, which involves opening a purulent formation and installing drainage in the gum to remove pus from the periosteum.

Tooth becomes loose after depulpation

In order to strengthen tissues, it is recommended to use special toothpastes and soft brushes

Pathology occurs due to mechanical effects on periodontal tissue, main function which consists in fixing the tooth.

Less commonly, pathology occurs due to effects on soft tissue caused by concomitant infectious diseases(gingivitis, periodontitis).

If such a symptom appears, if the tooth becomes loose after the canals have been cleaned, it is necessary to reduce the load on the jaws and introduce soft foods into the diet.

Thus, tooth depulpation can cause not only pain, but also other, quite serious complications.

Tooth pain after nerve removal is a common phenomenon that requires timely treatment. If pathological sign does not disappear for more than 10 days, dental diagnosis and further treatment are required.

Welcome to this blog dedicated to exploring the many dental issues that concern ordinary people. Today we will talk about post-filling pain. If you have a toothache after nerve removal, you should definitely read this article.

Even I have encountered such a situation in my life. I was diagnosed with pulpitis, the tooth was cleaned and filled after cleaning the canals. After some time, I noticed that the pain did not stop. Biting on a recently “cured” tooth was painful. It turned out that the channel was poorly cleaned. I had to see the doctor again. I went to another clinic. There they removed the filling, cleaned and rinsed the canal, and closed it again. After this, the pain began to subside and after 5-6 days I forgot about it.

However, some acquaintances have had situations where even re-treated teeth continued to cause problems. Let's figure out how and why this can happen.

Tooth hurts after nerve removal - possible scenarios

You recently had a tooth filled, the specialist seemed to be quite good, several days have passed, and the pain does not subside. There is no reason to panic, but it’s worth looking into. Why was the nerve removed? In most cases, this is pulpitis - a complication in which the destructive carious process reaches the soft tissue located under the dentin layer - the pulp. It contains large number nerves. During the operation, the pulp is removed and the canals are cleaned.

Sometimes, due to the complexity of the shape of these channels, it is technically very difficult to complete the task. It is necessary to take x-rays to know exactly how they pass.

Tooth hurts

It would seem that if there is no nerve, what can hurt, for example, when biting?

  1. Soft tissues surrounding the tooth. They also have nerve endings. The first thing you need to understand is that any similar operation is a microtrauma. All nerves are connected to each other in a complex way. When pulp is removed from one tooth, post-filling pain may appear. Normally, they go away within 2-5 days. If the process develops, the pain intensifies with pressure, you should find out what led to the appearance of such symptoms (more details).
  2. It is not uncommon for doctors to not detect a cyst located below the root apex. It also happens that there are more canals than the dentist expects.

It is normal for minor pain to persist for up to 3 weeks. But they shouldn't get stronger.

Eliminating symptoms

What to do if you have problems with a filled tooth, how to relieve pain? First of all. you need to understand what exactly caused the appearance painful sensations in the tooth.

  1. If there is a fragment outside the tooth filling material, this will be visible on x-ray. As soon as the excess material is removed and the canal is refilled, the pain will begin to subside. In 2-4 days you will forget about it. The problem is that not all materials are radiopaque. Therefore, situations arise when there are no violations in the image, but in fact there is a certain amount of sealer (material that is added to the hard filling) in the soft tissues. An experienced dentist can determine this by symptoms, even if the x-ray is normal.

  2. A similar situation develops when the channel is filled incorrectly. It is opened, cleaned, refilled with gutta-percha and the tooth is filled again. It is important to complete this work in a timely manner. Otherwise, there is a risk of cyst or granuloma formation.
  3. If a fragment of the instrument remains in the canal, it is removed. Now there are enough funds for this. Next, you need to clean the canal, remove the nerve that most likely remains inside, and fill it with filling material. If the fragment cannot be removed using this method, then resection of the root apex is performed. Less experienced specialists try to simply pour a powerful antiseptic into the canal, but this does not solve the problem.

    Breaking off a dental instrument in a dental canal is a medical error

  4. If the root is perforated, you must first thoroughly clean the canal, then fill the damaged area with material containing calcium. After this is carried out standard procedure filling. If a gutta-percha pin enters the soft tissue, it is first removed.
  5. If we are talking about allergic manifestations, the filling material is changed to another one that has a different composition.

  6. For traumatic inflammations, physiotherapeutic methods are used - ultrasound, electrophoresis with analgesics, microwave and laser therapy.
  7. It is extremely important that no infection remains in the tooth canals. For this purpose they can be used different drugs having antiseptic properties. You should not buy antibiotics without a doctor's prescription. Not only will you not help yourself, but you can also seriously disrupt the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract and cause the appearance of fungus - candida - on the mucous membrane.
  8. So, based on the fact that surgery on a tooth, during which it is depulped, is a painful and traumatic procedure, it is worth understanding that pain will persist for some time. However, under normal qualified treatment channels it will noticeably decrease every day. Therefore, you should start to “panic” only if the pain increases every day and swelling appears.

    If there is a possibility that there are not three channels, but four (in rare cases there are even five), it is better to play it safe and take pictures in several projections.

    Another option is the presence of other problematic teeth, which can easily radiate into the pulpless neighboring one. Sometimes they are very far from him, and therefore do not arouse suspicion. The advice is still the same - take pictures to find out in what condition the “suspects” are.

    One of the most important advice– do not self-medicate with various types of pills.

    Once in my youth, when I had a severe toothache before going to bed, I took seven tablets overnight - Analgin, Tempalgin, No-Shpu and even Ketanov. The only thing I achieved through my actions was nausea and vomiting.

    Do not forget that large doses of analgesics and anti-inflammatory drugs that you take negatively affect the functioning of the liver, kidneys, and heart. Changes chemical composition blood, strong allergic reactions. The most unpleasant thing about this is that, having harmed yourself, you were never able to eliminate the pain.

    Therefore, between the options “endure the pain, and then, in the morning, go to the doctor” and “take pills and poison yourself,” the choice is completely obvious. Be prudent and in any such circumstances, contact trusted specialists. Also take into account the fact that budget clinics do not always have available necessary equipment to provide qualified assistance. Therefore, it makes sense to immediately go to private ones.

    Kalsept - material for canal filling

    How to survive nerve removal - step-by-step instructions

    Let's give a short step by step instructions, how to prepare for dental nerve removal and what to do after the operation.

    Step one. First, find out why it is necessary to remove the nerve. Decaying nerve tissue allow bacteria to multiply. This is fraught not only with infection, but also with swelling that can spread to the neck, face, loss of bone around the tip of the root, and drainage problems beyond the latter.

    Step two. Find out if you really need it this procedure. The fact is that in some cases not all symptoms of the problem appear.

    Step three. Visit your dentist. Removing a dental nerve requires one or even several trips to the dental clinic.

    Step four. Familiarize yourself with the depulpation process, which includes:

    • X-ray;
    • local anesthesia;
    • placing a rubber plate in the mouth to control salivation;
    • drilling a hole to access the dental nerve;
    • root canal cleaning;
    • filling;
    • restoration (for protection, for example, a crown can be installed).

    Step five. Study the consequences of the procedure. The tooth may heal for two or three days, but you should not chew hard food on the affected side. To reduce discomfort, you can use over-the-counter pain relievers.

    If you have questions or comments, write. Also, do not forget to subscribe to site news. I wish you to solve all your dental problems as quickly as possible and not think about them again.

    Video - Why does a tooth with a removed nerve hurt?

Then irreversible ones arise pathological processes. May occur various diseases, including pulpitis. Pulpitis is quite severe and is most often tolerated with intolerable pain.

In order to cure pulpitis, the nerve must be removed. After treatment, the patient may experience toothache.

If you have had a nerve removed and your tooth hurts, then either you are allergic to it, or the doctor made a mistake. Let's take a closer look at the causes and methods of pain relief.


Root perforation

During the procedure, the dentist may make a mistake. As a result, a so-called pathological hole can form. Symptoms: sharp pain, which does not go away for a long time.

Anesthesia - anesthetics - is used for treatment. After the anesthesia wears off, severe pain occurs. The pain does not go away for several weeks. They are localized in the tooth area.

If root perforation occurs, it is necessary to begin comprehensive treatment as quickly as possible.

How is the treatment carried out:

  1. First, the doctor fills the root perforation. To do this, he uses special calcium-containing preparations.
  2. Next, the tooth is filled.

Breaking off a dental instrument

This is also a doctor's mistake. Used for canal treatment special tools. These delicate instruments can break in the canal. This usually occurs when there is excessive pressure.

In this case, the broken part of the instrument enters the canal and puts pressure on the so-called apex. This upper part root


  1. First, you need to thoroughly treat the canal with special substances.
  2. Then you need to remove the tool fragment.

If a dental instrument breaks off, filling the tooth is prohibited.

Violation of sealing

A few days after treatment, the following symptoms may occur:

  1. High temperature.
  2. Sharp pain in the tooth area. An unqualified dentist may not clean the canal. If this happens, then a void is created. This void is a favorable place for infection to develop. This infection causes severe pain.

As a rule, painful sensations in the area of ​​the tooth occur when. X-rays are used for diagnosis. If the image reveals a void, then re-treatment is prescribed.

Violation of filling technique

Description: The dentist incorrectly moves the special filling material (beyond the apex or apex).

Filling materials are made from synthetic components. Therefore, such materials are rejected by the body. That is, the human body perceives them as a foreign body.

The more the dentist moves the filling material beyond the apex, the more pronounced pain will occur. In this case, it is necessary to take into account the individual susceptibility of the human body.

There are patients who even complain of severe pain in the tooth area. During diagnosis, it turns out that in the apex area there is a minimal amount of so-called paste.

X-rays are also used for diagnosis. On the x-ray image you can see the amount of filling material.

How is the treatment carried out:

  1. First, the doctor removes excess filling material.
  2. Then the tooth is filled again.

Individual reaction

Filling materials are made on the basis of various synthetic substances. For example, resin-based.

Each body reacts differently to the materials used. A so-called individual reaction may occur.

Characteristic symptoms:

  • tissue swelling;
  • intense pain.

For treatment individual reaction the doctor prescribes medications. If the patient suffers from allergies, then certain medications cannot be taken. You should not prescribe any medications to yourself. Because different reactions may occur.

Other reasons:

  • gum damage;
  • allergic reactions.

How to properly treat a tooth without a nerve?

After removal of the nerve, the patient must monitor his feelings (his condition). First of all, you need to pay attention to the symptoms. If pain occurs, you need to assess the intensity of the pain.

If the pain goes away on its own, then you don’t have to see a doctor. If the pain does not go away for several days, then you should definitely visit a doctor (dentist or dentist).

Treatment is prescribed individually. There are no universal methods. You can only relieve the pain. If pain occurs, then you need to take the appropriate medication. The drug can only be prescribed by the attending physician.

As a rule, the dentist prescribes the following drugs:

  • Tempalgin;
  • Ketones.

These will relieve pain. And the dentist can also prescribe analgesic medications.

And also can be used natural remedy- soda. The first day you need to rinse your mouth every hour. You can add a little iodine to soda.


  • 4 drops of iodine;
  • a teaspoon of soda;
  • 1 glass of water.
  • rules for caring for teeth without nerves

  1. After canal treatment, you need to rinse your mouth for 1-3 days (prescribed by your doctor). As a rule, neutral antiseptic agents are used.
  2. It is necessary to regularly care for your oral cavity. For this they use toothbrush, thread, paste and other personal hygiene products. Such procedures will prevent the development of infection.
  3. Be sure to follow the recommendations of your doctor.
  4. The area where the treatment was carried out should not be subjected to various mechanical influences. For example, eating solid foods.

Caries is the most common dental disease oral cavity. There are different ones - from superficial to deep.

In advanced cases, treatment often ends with removal of the nerve, because the person suffers from constant pain.

But can a tooth hurt after nerve removal? Maybe this too alarming symptom if the pain does not go away for a long time.

If, even after removing the nerve, the tooth hurts when pressed, this may indicate the presence of various pathological complications.

Can a tooth hurt without a nerve?

A bundle of blood and lymphatic vessels along with multiple nerve endings located at the root is called pulp. It is considered the dental nerve.

It is important to remember that natural slight discomfort and tolerable pain are considered completely reasonable. defensive reaction body. However, upon detection dangerous symptoms, suspicion of any complications and diseases the best solution will be a visit to the dental clinic.

Video on the topic:

Information about why a tooth may hurt after nerve removal, from the mouth of a dentist:

5101 03/13/2019 5 min.

The tooth itself is simply bone tissue, the nerve (pulp) located in the tooth is responsible for all the sensations that we experience, for example, from cold or hot food. But various diseases and pathologies, for example, pulpitis, can lead to the nerve being removed. The problem is that for some people, the tooth continues to hurt and react to hot food after that. In most cases, the reasons for this phenomenon are poor quality treatment, failure to comply with hygiene rules, or complications after depulpation. Let's take a closer look.

Stages of tooth filling and nerve removal

The process of removing a nerve can be painless if the correct anesthetic is used, but there may still be some pain at some stages. Read more about why a filled tooth reacts to heat. The nerve is removed as follows:

  1. First, local anesthesia or anesthesia is administered (the latter is most important for young children). Local anesthesia lasts approximately 45 minutes.
  2. Next, the working space is isolated using special latex strips, which protect the operated area from saliva that interferes with the procedure. If this is a small clinic, then they can get rid of saliva simply with the help of cotton balls.
  3. Next, the carious tissue is treated, while the dental canal is expanded to make access to the nerve more convenient. This procedure is required.
  4. The nerve is then removed using a small barbed needle called a pulp extractor. Less commonly, the pulp is cut using a flexible instrument.
  5. Next, the area is treated with antiseptics and a temporary filling is installed.
  6. After this, a control photograph is taken. If the filling was incomplete, then the tooth is drilled again and everything is repeated. Read more about how long a tooth lives after extraction.

The reason for its removal is usually tooth trauma and a number of other reasons leading to some form of pulpitis.

Causes of toothache after treatment

It would seem that the tooth is cured, the nerve is removed - and you can forget about the pain. However, even when the dentist performed the treatment in in full and rightly so, painful sensations sometimes persist. Read more about why a tooth hurts under a filling.

There are several causes of pain after nerve removal:

  • the nerve was not completely removed. This is possible if the dentist is not very experienced, or the patient has a non-standard tooth structure with an atypical number of tubules or their thin lumen, as a result of which it becomes very difficult to clean them completely;
  • residual post-filling phenomena. Removing a nerve with subsequent filling of a tooth is a fairly serious dental procedure, during which even the most experienced doctor will not be able to do without mechanical irritation and injury to the gums. When the anesthesia wears off, sensation in these tissues returns and pain may occur while they heal;
  • damaged maxillary or mandibular nerve - branches of the so-called trigeminal nerve, which provides sensitivity and mobility to most of the facial tissues, oral cavity. Characteristic signs such damage - sharp sharp pain when chewing and biting, localized around a tooth with a filling;
  • if, along with the removal of the nerve, the diseased tooth was not thoroughly treated for caries, or the canals were poorly sealed, it may appear either in the jaw bone. It takes time for such an infection to develop, so pain in a tooth without a nerve for this reason can occur months and even years after the filling is installed;
  • The filling does not match the bite. Sometimes, under the influence of an anesthetic drug, the patient is unable to fully feel how comfortable he is with the new filling, and as a result, the doctor cannot adjust it to the exact size. And when sensitivity in the oral cavity returns, such a filling can put pressure on the remaining teeth or soft tissues, causing pain and sometimes even injuring them;
  • failure to comply with hygiene rules. A tooth without a nerve is more fragile and susceptible to development internal caries. Read more about how to recognize hidden caries. Therefore, if a patient neglects regular brushing of teeth, does not treat gum disease and tartar on adjacent teeth, then inflammation most often develops in the area of ​​the tooth without a nerve. He himself can no longer feel anything, but the tissues of the gums and jaw bones retain sensitivity, so it may seem that it is the tooth that hurts;
  • allergic reaction to filling materials. This happens very rarely in practice - now in dentistry everything is made from hypoallergenic materials that are compatible with human tissue. However, the possibility of individual intolerance cannot be completely ruled out. Other allergy symptoms will help confirm this diagnosis - itching and rashes on the face, swelling of the soft tissues in the oral cavity.

It may not actually be the sealed tooth that hurts, but the neighboring one, where the nerve is preserved. Sometimes it can be difficult for a person to localize painful sensations.

How long can a filled tooth hurt?

Dentists warn patients that pain in the area of ​​the filled tooth can last up to a couple of weeks. In practice, for most people this period is much shorter - no longer than a couple of days. In case of serious intervention, the patient may feel discomfort when eating hot or cold food, but this will improve within 2-4 weeks. For more information about why a tooth reacts to cold and hot after filling, see.

There is an important clarification - the pain should gradually subside and be mildly aching, sometimes accompanied by pulsation. At the same time, pressure on a filled tooth or adjacent tissues, as well as from eating sweet, hot or cold food, may intensify it, but only for a short time.

A fresh filling can hurt even with a basic malocclusion.

If over time it becomes much stronger, it is accompanied by inflammation of the gums, headache, and general malaise, then this is a reason to consult a doctor again - this should not be normal.

Solutions to the problem

The main way to fix the problem is to visit the doctor again. After all, depending on what exactly caused it, treatment, filling of the adjacent tooth, or additional removal of the nerve may be required, if it suddenly turns out that it was not completely eliminated.

Do not self-medicate. If the soreness is not due to the fact that it is just residual pain that will soon go away, there is nothing you can do, you need to trust the doctor and carry out treatment that corresponds to the root cause of the problem.

How to understand the need for re-treatment

In general, you can simply consult a doctor if pain persists for too long. But there are a number of symptoms, in addition to those mentioned above, that should prompt you to consult a doctor as quickly as possible:

  • pain when swallowing and eating.
  • If there are any symptoms that are not described here, but which seem atypical to you, you should definitely contact your dentist, otherwise the possibility of complications cannot be ruled out.

    Necessity re-treatment determined by the doctor - and only the doctor! – based on examination of the tooth and the area around it.


    More details about the reasons discomfort V pulpless tooth look at the video


    Residual pain in some cases may be completely natural and normal sign, but often this is a signal that there is some kind of problem that needs to be dealt with as quickly as possible. There is no need to panic, but you should not put off going to the dentist. The tooth may need to be treated further - this is a necessary measure that will help get rid of pain and avoid possible carious complications. Read more about caries and its complications.