Why is my thumb numb? Why do your fingers go numb: general information

Many of us are familiar unpleasant feeling when it goes numb thumb on right hand or other fingers of the limbs. In all cases, it is necessary, together with a specialist, to study the situation in detail and identify the cause. After the prescribed examinations and tests, the doctor will be able to develop an adequate treatment plan; the patient is required to strictly follow all instructions, take recommended medications and not skip treatment measures. This article, for informational purposes, outlines the possible causes of loss of sensation in the fingers.

Why do my fingers go numb?


One of the manifestations of neck osteochondrosis, protrusion, or a more serious pathology of intervertebral hernia may be impaired sensitivity of the limbs. If left untreated, degenerative-dystrophic processes cause radicular syndrome. This condition is expressed in pinched roots and pain spreading from the neck area. The impulse passes along the shoulder blade, then goes to the forearm and hand. Areas of numbness and pain of different nature are localized in the extremities, their location may vary depending on which of the roots is under pressure. It has been noted that unilateral loss of sensitivity in the fingers, characteristic of osteochondrosis, can occur even without physiological metamorphosis in the cervical region. This happens, for example, due to prolonged fixation of the body in an uncomfortable forced position. In case of problems with the spine and hypoesthesia of the limbs, therapy is aimed at relieving swelling, eliminating inflammation, and rarely, surgical intervention.

Rheumatoid arthritis

Health workers state that one or more fingers, mainly their tips, or any of the hands may go numb due to rheumatoid arthritis. An integral feature of this pathology is multiple lesions of the joints of the hands. By the way, the same is true for polyarthritis. There is symmetrical destruction of articulations and joints. Rheumatoid arthritis is manifested by severe difficulties in bending the fingers, interphalangeal formations, joint deformation, muscle atrophy, increased temperature of the extremities, swelling, redness, night numbness of the fingers, morning stiffness of the hands, aching pain and other serious symptoms. The disease in its advanced form inevitably affects other organs.

Wrist load

People who perform monotonous gestures with their hands and fingers for a long time at work, at worst, complain that from time to time their thumb on their right hand goes numb. Loss of sensation may also affect the index, middle and partially ring fingers. This is a discomfort caused by pressure central nerve wrist and lack of sufficient rest, often develops with carpal tunnel syndrome. The wrist joint, together with the adjacent muscle group, experiences long-term dynamic or static load. This can happen from working with a computer or musical instruments for too long. For example, playing the violin. The wrist can also be injured when doing painting or sewing work. Excessive loads, lying on the hand, provoke swelling of the tendons, thereby squeezing the vulnerable nerve trunk of the wrist. This makes your fingers go numb. After night attacks of numbness, morning movements of the fingers may be complicated. The described carpal tunnel syndrome is sometimes one of the symptoms of a serious pathology: hemangioma, arthrosis, neurofibroma or arthritis. Violations cannot be ignored motor activity or periodic loss of sensitivity, since in the absence of treatment there is a certain risk of getting complete atrophy flexor muscles of the thumb, which means it is impossible to move it normally.

Numb fingers: may be a symptom of osteochondrosis, rheumatoid arthritis or carpal tunnel syndrome

Diagnosis, treatment and prevention of finger numbness


Request from the specialist you contact with complaints of numbness in your fingers a detailed examination, which may include the following measures: magnetic resonance or computer scan of the brain and cervical spine spine; radiography of the neck from different angles; Dopplerography of the cervical arteries to obtain an idea of ​​vascular patency; echoencephalography and electroencephalography; research cerebral vessels and other areas by magnetic resonance angiography.

Therapeutic measures

Traditional treatment with medications is aimed at reducing inflammation and swelling, relieving pain, relieving muscle spasms, cleansing harmful substances and normalizing the operation of certain areas vascular system. Besides drug treatment a specialist may prescribe vitamins and other supportive medications. Used as local methods manual therapy. Significant improvements can be achieved by practicing therapeutic exercises. To stimulate tissue regeneration and improve blood supply, physiotherapeutic methods are used, such as ultrasound therapy, laser treatment, magnetic therapy and other measures. From unconventional methods, designed to enhance the effect of the main treatment, the most popular are acupuncture, vacuum therapy and treatment with leeches.

Finger protection

It is much easier to think about preventing negative changes in the body than to treat them later. Need to know that poor nutrition, nicotine addiction and alcohol consumption cause various diseases of blood vessels and joints, and also entail a lot of health problems. Need to stick healthy image life, avoid hypothermia of the extremities, give the body sufficient physical activity and take frequent breaks during work activities.

If you constantly or only sometimes have numbness in the thumb on your right hand, this does not mean that one of the diseases described in this article is developing. In fact possible reasons- mass, only the most common pathologies are named here. For the sake of maintaining your health, do not try questionable methods on yourself and get help qualified specialists during.

You should not panic or start self-medicating if your thumbs are numb. The same applies to other fingers on the limbs. This alarming symptom requires immediate contact with specialists to identify the cause of the ailment and prescribe adequate traditional treatment.

Causes of numbness in fingers

Let's take a look at common pathologies, one of the symptoms of which is paresthesia of the fingers.

Wrist lesion

Due to the features professional activity Many people experience numbness in their fingers caused by carpal tunnel syndrome. Anyone who is forced to overload their hands and fingers for a long time is susceptible to this disease. This can happen when typing, embroidering, carpentry or painting. Office workers often suffer, whose work seems stress-free at first glance. Due to overload and swelling of the tendons in the wrist, the median nerve is pinched. In this case, the person notes a loss of sensitivity, tingling localized in the fingers or the entire hand. At night, so-called goosebumps, pain, cramps, and burning may appear. The movement of the thumb may be limited and the wrist may become swollen. This pathology is also called tunnel syndrome.


By analyzing the nature of the numbness of the fingers, it is possible to identify in which vertebrae of the neck the pinching occurred. First, determine whether you have a pathology called cervical osteochondrosis. This is quite easy to do. Move your head to the sides, bending over and touching each shoulder with your ear. If you experience pain or any discomfort when bending to both or one side, it means that you definitely have this disease. When, with such bends, movements are limited or sounds are heard, for example, crunching, we can also say with confidence that osteochondrosis is developing or has already taken root in the neck. We talk about this disease here because it is often accompanied by numbness in the fingers.

If pinched nerve root, localized in the area of ​​the 6th cervical vertebra, there is a loss of sensitivity in the thumb. The middle and index fingers. If numbness in other fingers bothers you, then it is caused by other adjacent vertebrae of the neck.

Many sources recommend contacting chiropractors for such problems. True, not every specialist is endowed with sufficient capabilities to help you. Know that a real chiropractor must have at least 3 diplomas. The first document is a diploma indicating full training in medical institute. The second diploma must confirm the specialization of a neurologist. And the third should indicate that this is a person who specializes as a chiropractor. Unprofessional treatment leads to disastrous consequences.

Numbness of the thumbs: is often a side effect of pregnancy, and can also act as a symptom of osteochondrosis, carpal tunnel syndrome, stroke, diabetes, injuries, spinal dysfunction, rheumatism, thrombosis, pathological changes in the joints, diseases endocrine system, intervertebral hernia, micronutrient deficiency, Raynaud's syndrome, multiple sclerosis

Numbness of fingers during pregnancy

Let's consider why a woman in a state of bearing a child may be bothered by this serious symptom. Women often complain that their thumbs are numb because they suffer from the tunnel syndrome described above. To avoid this trouble, expectant mothers need to correctly create a daily routine, massage the body, practice special exercises, spend a lot of time outside and, if possible, move as much as possible without being in a static position for a long time.

In pregnant women, swelling may form on the body, resulting in naturally paresthesia of the fingers occurs. To combat edema, it is necessary to follow medical recommendations, adjusting your diet and drinking regime as early as possible.

During pregnancy, you cannot lead an immobile lifestyle, as this greatly increases the risk of developing osteochondrosis and even more dangerous disease osteoporosis. In both cases, among the concomitant disorders, a pinched nerve is noted, which manifests itself in the form of paresthesia of the fingers. The same is true for arthrosis developing in the cervical spine.

If while carrying a child female body is underpaid important vitamins or minerals necessary for normal life, a deficiency is formed, causing negative consequences. In most cases, to proper nutrition needs to be added special drugs containing vitamin complexes.

Preventing finger numbness

Simple preventive measures will be useful for healthy people. To exclude pathologies of blood vessels and joints that cause a number of severe consequences, stick to proper diet food, give up forever nicotine addiction and completely eliminate any alcohol. During intense work, breaks are needed, ideally every 45 minutes. To maintain normal blood circulation in your hands and throughout the body, do not forget that each of us needs physical activity. If you don’t have time for active physical activity, choose a simple short set of exercises for yourself and perform them regularly.

If a person has numbness in his thumbs or any other part of his body, he needs to be taken to the hospital as quickly as possible. In case of impaired sensitivity of the fingers, in addition to osteochondrosis and tunnel syndrome, one of the following health conditions may occur: stroke, diabetes mellitus, rheumatism, thrombosis, intervertebral hernia, pathological changes in joints, multiple sclerosis, Raynaud's syndrome, deficiency of microelements and vitamins, pathologies of the endocrine system, dysfunction of the spine, injuries.

Foot pain brings at least a state of discomfort to a person, since a short-term loss of sensation in the foot is most often replaced by pain and a tingling sensation. Unpleasant. Therefore, those who are faced with a similar problem are interested in the question of why their big toes go numb. Now let's try to figure it out in detail.

Many people are confident that everything will go away on its own. Although the moment when the left leg goes numb may be the first “bell” that signals some serious diseases. You should definitely consult a doctor and not self-medicate.

So why do the big ones go numb?

There can be quite a lot of reasons for this. Most often these are vascular diseases lower limbs. And also diseases such as scoliosis, osteochondrosis, radiculitis, and other neurovascular injuries, such as sciatic nerve entrapment, or intervertebral hernia.

If your finger goes numb right leg, such a phenomenon may also indicate various diseases related to metabolism. It is advisable to change your diet, exclude hot spices, fast food, reduce the amount of salt consumed to a minimum, or better yet, give it up altogether.

Why do my big toes go numb? This may be due to “former” injuries, that is, fractures of a joint or bone of a finger (or fingers). In general, even a seemingly minor injury to the legs can inflame the nerve fibers that are “responsible for numbness.”

The reasons for this feeling can be very serious illnesses, such as migraine, diabetes, alcoholism, multiple sclerosis. As well as nerve damage, either having hereditary roots or resulting from joint deformation.

Consequences various factors numbness of the toes (if you do not consult a doctor in time and eliminate negative influence, failure to take the necessary measures) can lead to disability and even amputation.

Trivial reason

But don’t panic and get scared in advance! After all, banal corns can also be the cause of numbness in the thumbs. They are most often found among female representatives who love too high heels. It is necessary to abandon such shoes before the corn affects not only the big toe, but the entire foot and leads to unbearable pain.

The reason, which occurs not only in women, but also in men, is tight, uncomfortable and incorrectly selected shoes. Many people neglect convenience for the sake of beauty and end up with pain as a result. This reason discomfort can be easily eliminated by choosing the right shoes in size.

It is important to note that in addition to all the listed reasons, there is one more - lack of essential vitamins and microelements. Most often, this phenomenon occurs in the off-season, when the body needs additional nutrition.


In any case, only a doctor can answer the question of why the big toes go numb. Only a competent specialist, having carried out necessary examinations, will be able to prescribe treatment.

What causes numbness in the toes and how to deal with it?

Pain and numbness of the toes causes suffering and discomfort in everyday life. Why do they arise? painful sensations in your toes and how to help yourself – we’ll tell you in this article.

Why do my toes hurt and go numb?

Many people experience pain and numbness in individual toes. It is believed that uncomfortable shoes are the main factor in causing discomfort in the feet. Is this always the case?

Let's try to figure it out. It turns out that many diseases signal their presence in the form of painful manifestations and numbness of the fingers.

Paresthesia - loss of sensitivity individual areas body, especially limbs. This painful condition characterized by:

  • feeling of numbness
  • tingling sensations
  • appearance of tactile crawling “goosebumps”

IMPORTANT: The phenomenon of numbness in the extremities of the legs may indicate serious problems in the human body: from problems with musculoskeletal system to endocrine diseases, in particular diabetes mellitus.

Numbness of the toes can be temporary or chronic.

Paresthesia passing

This type of sensitivity disorder is associated with mechanical impact on the superficial nerve of the foot. This happens in the following cases:

  • compression (wrong and uncomfortable shoes)
  • blow (traumatic injury)
  • disturbance of blood flow in a given place (prolonged uncomfortable posture during sleep or wakefulness)

When these influencing factors are eliminated, the feeling of pain and numbness in the limbs goes away on their own.

IMPORTANT: Statistics show: 90% of cases associated with numbness in the legs are associated with spinal problems.

Chronic paresthesia

Symptoms of numb toes may be caused by pathological processes in the body:

  • tumor diseases
  • infectious diseases
  • neurodegenerative changes (hereditary and acquired diseases)
  • autoimmune processes (lupus erythematosus, multiple sclerosis, rheumatoid arthritis, diabetes, etc.)

Numbness and pain in the extremities of the legs can be observed with alcoholic and diabetic polyneuropathy, atherosclerosis, Raynaud's disease, intervertebral hernia. osteochondrosis and other diseases.

IMPORTANT: If you regularly complain of numbness and pain in your toes, you should consult a doctor for examination. These symptoms often accompany serious health problems.

Examination and diagnosis

Complaints of pain and numbness in the toes require a comprehensive examination with laboratory tests and special equipment.

General and biochemical analysis blood allow to identify or exclude such serious diseases in the patient as diabetes mellitus, malignant diseases, polyneuropathy, inflammatory processes and their locations.

Hardware diagnostics uses following methods examinations:

  • magnetic resonance imaging (MRI)
  • radiography
  • dopplerography

Diagnosis and treatment methods

If you have paresthesia of the legs, you should be examined by doctors: a neurologist, an orthopedic traumatologist or a vertebrologist. Based on laboratory and hardware tests, the doctor can diagnose correct diagnosis and prescribe a treatment regimen.

As a rule, treatment is aimed at eliminating foci of inflammation, removing pain, restoration of normal blood circulation in the extremities, relieving nerve compression and normalizing vascular processes.

Complex therapeutic measures boils down to:

  • drug treatment (anti-inflammatory, painkillers and blood circulation improvers)
  • hardware procedures (physical therapy, laser therapy, cryotherapy)
  • surgical interventions (advanced hernias and strangulations)

Therapeutic joint exercises, manual therapy, massage, reflexology are an additional set of measures that speed up the healing process.

Why do the tips of my big toes go numb?

Numbness in the tips of the big toes is most often caused by insufficient blood circulation and impaired innervation of the numb areas. This discomfort is associated not only with wearing uncomfortable shoes, but is also a signal of trouble in the spinal column or initial stages many serious pathologies.

One way or another, persistent numbness in the tips of the big toes is a cause for concern and requires a medical examination to determine the cause of this pathology.

Why does my middle toe go numb?

Problems with the lumbar spine may be accompanied by periodic, long-term numbness in the middle toe. If this is not due to tight shoes and uncomfortable body position while working, you should consult a doctor for a comprehensive examination.

Foot baths and light massage toes help restore blood circulation and restore sensitivity to a numb toe.

Why does the little toe go numb?

The little toes can become numb and lose sensation for many reasons. If numbness is associated with wearing shoes with tight and narrow toes, then this problem can be solved.

But long-term numbness of the little finger can be caused by many diseases associated with vascular disorders, infectious processes or other pathologies:

  • osteochondrosis lumbar region spine
  • radiculoneuritis
  • tumor formations
  • diabetes mellitus
  • spinal tuberculosis

Why does my ring toe go numb?

Numbness of the ring toe is most often associated with uncomfortable shoes. The so-called Chopart joint or arch joint of the foot is compressed by tight shoes and when walking, swelling of the ligaments and poor circulation occur. There is a loss of sensitivity and numbness in the ring finger.

If this discomfort is not associated with wearing tight shoes, you should contact a specialist and undergo an examination.

Why do my toes go numb at night?

Night cramps in the calves are accompanied by involuntary muscle spasms or contractions. A person experiences severe pain, burning sensation, crawling sensation, numbness of the toes.

The causes of seizures may be:

  • muscle fatigue
  • lack of Mg and Ca in the body
  • B vitamin deficiency
  • stress and nervous tension
  • monotonous sedentary work
  • various diseases (osteochondrosis, polyneuritis, diabetes mellitus, cancer)

Periodic numbness of the toes at night is a harbinger of problems in the body. Carrying out analyzes and medical consultation will help you start treatment on time and avoid complications.

Why do my toes go numb when walking?

Complaints about numbness in the fingers when walking and running, especially over long distances, are justified and caused by the following reasons:

  • uncomfortable shoes
  • consequences after traumatic injuries: dislocation and subluxation with sprain ankle joint, overstrain of muscles and ligaments of the arch of the foot, etc.
  • pinched muscle nerve of the thigh
  • vascular pathology (calf thrombosis)

If you experience symptoms of numbness in your fingers when moving, you should see an orthopedic doctor.

Why do my fingers go numb after chemotherapy?

  • A course of chemotherapy is a difficult test in the treatment of people with cancer. As a rule, the procedures cause discomfort and have a number of side effects.
  • One of the manifestations of chemotherapy is hyperesthesia. This side effect causes numbness of the sole, foot and fingers after a chemotherapy course
  • Such phenomena can be relieved by prescribing appropriate doses of B vitamins under mandatory medical supervision.

Special leg exercises and massage of the feet and toes help restore sensitivity in the feet.

What to do if your big toe is numb?

Several physiological factors can cause paresthesia of the big toe. Having excluded these circumstances, the problem goes away on its own. But the symptom of numbness can inform about serious illnesses. Therefore, a qualified medical examination is recommended.

Tight shoes are one of the reasons for foot discomfort

Physiological factors of thumb numbness

  • Uncomfortable and tight shoes can cause numbness in the big toe. Staying in high heels for a long time also causes foot discomfort. In these cases, there is a disruption in blood flow in the foot due to compression of blood vessels.
  • Paresthesia can be caused by an extremely uncomfortable position for a long time, when it is difficult to move the toes. This is possible during long trips in transport, or with an uncomfortable seat at the workplace.
  • Poor positioning of the legs while sitting can also cause numbness syndrome. Thus, crossing your legs and throwing one leg over the other contribute to squeezing of blood vessels, and as a result - numbness of the big toe
  • Freezing feet can also cause pain and paresthesia in the toes

Changing shoes and massaging the toes and feet relieves paresthesia if it is caused by these reasons.

If you eliminate factors that can provoke loss of sensitivity, then the symptoms of paresthesia disappear without consequences. Changing shoes and proper posture while working usually relieves foot discomfort.

IMPORTANT: Smoking and drinking alcohol are bad human habits that over time negatively affect the elasticity of blood vessels and blood flow in general. There is not enough blood flow to the big toes, which can lead to loss of sensation. In the future they may develop serious problems with the vessels of the legs.

Pain and numbness of the thumb as a signal of illness

The human body is a single whole. All organs are interconnected and the failure of a single circuit can cause serious disruptions in the functioning of the entire body.

IMPORTANT: The innervation of the big toes comes from spinal column in the area of ​​the fourth and fifth lumbar vertebrae. Therefore, any problems with the spine: strangulated hernias, various injuries and fractures can affect the big toes in the form of pain and numbness.

Diseases in which there may be phenomena of paresthesia of the thumb

At persistent symptoms loss of sensation in the thumb should be sought medical assistance For full examination. Diseases that most often lead to pain and paresthesia of the thumb:

Osteochondrosisdystrophic changes in intervertebral discs. Radiography will reveal this pathology.

Atherosclerosis- vascular disease caused by narrowing of the lumen of the arteries due to the formation of cholesterol deposits on the inner surface of the vessels. The femoral artery affected by atherosclerosis can cause loss of sensitivity in the fingers, and then in the entire limb.

Cancerous tumors or metastases in the spine.

Raynaud's disease- damage to the smallest arteries and arterioles of the feet. Pathology has a genetic predisposition.

Polyneuropathy- disorder of peripheral physiology nervous system due to pathological metabolic processes and other factors. Diabetes mellitus, uremia, alcohol syndrome may cause loss of sensation in the toes.

Gout- a painful condition of the joints and adjacent tissues caused by metabolic disorders and salt deposits. The disease affects more overweight men who use in their diet large number meat food.

Tuberculosis and others infectious diseases spine, leading to its deformation.

Varicose veins veins of the lower extremities - venous insufficiency, caused by dilation of the veins and weakening of their tone.

Sciatica neuralgia (sciatica)- a disease that causes pinching of a group of large spinal nerves. Sciatic nerve passes through the toes, its inflammation can cause the symptom of numbness.

Arthritis and arthrosis- diseases that cause inflammation and deformation of joints.

Intervertebral hernia develops by rupture of the intervertebral disc. The protrusion in the form of a hernia compresses the nerve root, causing pinching. The inflammatory signal may manifest as paresthesia.

Posible physical activitygood prevention for leg diseases

A collection of tips: how to avoid paresthesia of the fingers

  1. Try to use comfortable and practical shoes made from natural materials with a small heel in everyday life.
  2. Keep your feet warm in inclement weather
  3. Avoid prolonged static postures in the workplace that restrict movement
  4. Strengthen muscle corset, go in for sports
  5. Should be used in the diet healthy food and watch your weight
  6. Foot baths and foot massage at night are good prevention of paresthesia of the toes
  7. Eradicate from your life bad habits causing vasospasm: smoking and consumption

Video: Numbness of limbs

Numbness in the fingers of the right hand most often occurs due to impaired blood supply to the hands and problems with the spine. This symptom is also included in clinical picture many diseases that can lead to very serious consequences, such as amputation of a limb or death.

Treatment for numbness in the fingers of the right hand is prescribed based on the diagnostic results. The set of factors causing hypoesthesia can be divided into six main groups:

  • Injuries;
  • Spine pathologies;
  • Joint inflammation;
  • Circulatory disorders;
  • Nervous system lesions;
  • Diseases of endocrine origin.

Causes of numbness in the fingers of the right hand

The causes of numbness in the fingers of the right hand can be partly determined by which fingers are numb. For example, if hypoesthesia occurs in the index or middle finger, it may be due to injury or inflammation elbow joint, and numbness of the ring or little finger most likely indicates disturbances in the functioning of the cardiovascular system. In any case, if numbness, tingling or pain appears in the fingers, then you need to contact a neurologist and determine accurate diagnosis to avoid complications.

The causes of numbness in the fingers of the right hand can be injuries such as a bruise, sprain or fracture. Excessive tension in the muscles of the cervical-collar region also leads to numbness, for example, due to incorrect positioning of the head and neck while working at a desk or due to an uncomfortable sleeping position.

The following diseases require systematic treatment:

  • Osteochondrosis of the cervical spine;
  • Intervertebral disc herniation;
  • Rheumatoid arthritis;
  • Poor circulation in the hand;
  • Thrombosis of the upper limb;
  • Ischemic stroke of the intervertebral artery;
  • Carpal tunnel syndrome;
  • Raynaud's disease.

Numbness of the fingers of the right hand due to osteochondrosis

Numbness of the fingers of the right hand can be observed with osteochondrosis of the cervical spine, protrusion and intervertebral hernia.

Degenerative-dystrophic changes in the spine are characterized by a decrease intervertebral discs and loss of elasticity of the fibrous ring. This leads to the so-called radicular syndrome. Most often, when the roots are pinched, the pain radiates from the neck along the shoulder blades and the radial surface of the forearm to the hand. The localization of pain and numbness in the fingertips, both right and left, directly depends on which root is subject to compression:

  • C6 – in the thumb;
  • C7 – in the index, middle and innominate;
  • C8 – in the little finger.

Hypoesthesia is also possible in the absence physiological changes cervical spine, for example, with a forced position of the body for a long time.

With osteochondrosis, the fingers most often go numb on one hand. Treatment consists of eliminating inflammation and swelling, but sometimes surgery is required.

Numb fingers due to rheumatoid arthritis

Numbness of the fingertips, both right and left, can be accompanied by rheumatoid arthritis. This disease is characterized by damage to several joints of the hand at the same time, similar to polyarthritis. In this case, the wrist joints, as well as small interphalangeal and metacarpophalangeal joints, are affected symmetrically.

The main symptoms of rheumatoid arthritis in the affected area are:

  • Persistent impairment of flexion-extension (contracture);
  • Fusiform and S-shaped joint deformity;
  • Bone growths between the phalanges;
  • Muscular atrophy;
  • Local increase in temperature;
  • Redness and swelling;
  • Numbness of the fingers of the right hand at night;
  • Morning stiffness;
  • It's a dull pain.

Deterioration of health in the form of weakness, weight loss and periodic fever with rheumatoid arthritis accompanies the development of articular syndrome. Over time pathological changes affect the respiratory and cardiovascular system, gastrointestinal tract and kidneys.

Numbness in the fingers due to poor circulation

Numbness of the fingers of the right hand can occur as a result of various circulatory disorders, in particular with the following diseases:

  • Thrombosis of the upper limb;
  • Blockage of blood vessels in the brain;
  • Ischemic stroke of the intervertebral artery.

If, after hypoesthesia, increasing pain appears in the hand, this may indicate a blockage large arteries thrombus. Termination of normal blood supply without treatment is fraught with the development of necrosis and loss of limb.

If there is numbness in the fingers and toes of the right hand, as well as weakness, nausea and headaches, then this may be a sign of left-sided ischemic stroke. It develops over several days, which makes it possible to recognize it in time and prevent paralysis right side bodies.

Blockage of the vertebral artery, with sufficient collateral circulation, can be asymptomatic, but in some cases it causes a large infarction in the medulla oblongata and cerebellum.

Numbness of the fingers of the right hand due to malfunctions of the nervous system

Some lesions of the nervous system may be characterized by numbness in the fingers of the right hand. Hypesthesia occurs with carpal tunnel syndrome and Raynaud's disease.

Carpal tunnel syndrome affects the functioning of the hand and wrist. When the median nerve is pinched in the carpal tunnel at the sites of innervation, pain occurs. Typical numbness in the fingers of the right hand at night and early morning. The pain can radiate down the arm to the shoulder and neck. Over time, the finger flexor muscles weaken and atrophy, resulting in almost complete incapacity of the limb.

Raynaud's disease is caused by a disorder nervous regulation vascular tone, resulting in small blood vessels narrow in response to external stimuli, for example, in the cold. The first attack of the disease can be triggered by previous infections, as well as overwork or hypothermia. Raynaud's disease can also be a complication of brain injury or severe psycho-emotional shock. The disease has three stages:

During the first stage, at which the development of the disease often ends, under the influence of cold or stress the skin becomes cold, turns white, and then turns blue due to a violation of trophism. After a few minutes, the blood supply is restored and the symptoms disappear. After an attack, paresthesia or numbness in the fingertips of the right hand appears. With symmetrical lesions, indicating a neurological origin of the disease, symptoms are observed on both hands.

Further development is characterized by an increase in the duration of attacks, increased pain and swelling. Subsequently, a deep disruption of tissue nutrition causes ulcers, necrosis and gangrene. Often all three stages can affect adjacent fingers of the same hand.

Whatever the etiology of numbness in the fingers of the right hand, treatment of the root cause must be started as soon as possible, since some diseases have very serious consequences.

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