Why does he always feel sleepy? Consequence of endocrine disorders

Why does lethargy accompany us at the workplace, in transport and even at home in the evenings? This question is acute for everyone modern man, because sometimes you want to do so much, but you end up with so little. Having noticed this condition, we cannot understand in any way what the reason is. This is not surprising, because there may be several of them. But, first things first.

Artificial extension of daylight hours

If a person just can’t understand why and doesn’t have the strength, to begin with, you should take a close look at your own lifestyle. Moreover, in the 21st century people were able to extend their daylight hours as much as possible. Artificial light, as well as radiation from monitor screens mobile devices affect the retina of the eye, which leads to sleep rhythm disturbances. Therefore, if you don’t know why you constantly want to sleep, the reasons may lie on the surface. You just don’t get enough rest at night, and your sleep can’t be called complete. Remove computers, laptops, tablets and cell phones from the bedroom. Form a habit of not using electronic devices at least an hour before going to bed. If this is not possible, at least don't go to bed until after midnight.

Chronic lack of sleep

Some people think that they can control everything in this world, they can take on extra work and get very little sleep at night. In this case, the reason also lies on the surface. If a person, asking himself the question of why he constantly wants to sleep during the day, looks at the total time of his night sleep, it will not be so difficult for him to track the cause of his condition. Our body is very delicate, but at the same time a perfectly tuned mechanism. that work in the brain, are responsible for daily cycles.

And if, say, only five hours are allotted for nighttime sleep every day, at first you can combat drowsiness with the help of caffeine and energy drinks. However, very soon the body itself will go into a drowsy state, because it needs to somehow compensate for the lack of rest. We have already dealt with some reasons indicating why you constantly want to sleep. Treatment in in this case no need. Just stop raping your body. Take an unscheduled day off and relax to your heart's content. Better yet, add an extra hour and a half to your daily night sleep.

Food influence

Some people are used to having a hearty and hearty lunch, taking first course, second course, compote and various pastries from the canteen at work. And then my colleagues treated me to homemade cabbage rolls. In this case, you shouldn’t be surprised why you constantly want to sleep. The reasons may lie precisely in rich, high-calorie food. As soon as you take food, you immediately begin to feel sleepy.

The fact is that the digestive organs now need increased blood supply to process food. Blood flows are redistributed and tend to gastrointestinal tract, while depriving the brain. That's why nerve cells brain for a certain period, while there is increased digestion of food, are forced to function in an economical mode. Try an experiment and next time stick to just soup during your lunch break. It is likely that habitual sleepiness will never occur.

Winter period

Of course, people could not become like bears, who hibernate for a long time throughout the winter. However, the causes of winter sleepiness mainly lie in the climatic features of the season. Why do we constantly want to sleep and lethargy accompanies us during cloudy winter days? In fact, cold winter air is thin and contains much less oxygen than the body requires for normal functioning. During this period, daylight hours decrease, and the sun appears from the sky somewhat reluctantly. In apartments, the air becomes dry due to central heating being turned on at full power. That is why regular ventilation is necessary, especially at night.

Food in winter also has its own characteristics. We no longer consume as many seasonal vegetables and fruits as in summer, preferring to replace plant foods meat and baked goods. This trend is especially relevant during periods of critical frost, when the body needs additional calories. However, some imbalance in diet and insufficient consumption of fresh vegetables and fruits can cause vitamin deficiency. If it’s winter, and you’ve already guessed why you constantly want to sleep, and you don’t have the strength to fight these symptoms, try taking a course of multivitamins. Don't forget how important oxygen is during this time, so try to get out more. fresh air. If the body feels that it is not receiving enough oxygen and important nutritional elements, it begins to slow down your metabolism, which leads to constant fatigue. And, as we already know, a lack of oxygen and vitamins leads to a decrease in brain activity, and therefore to increased drowsiness.

Why do you always want to sleep and feel lethargic? Impact of rain

In addition to the fact that in our country there is a rather long period when winter dominates, all other seasons of the year are often accompanied by prolonged rains. As we already know, bright light and sun promote activity and wakefulness. However, it is not only the lack of bright lighting that can explain increased drowsiness. In rainy weather, atmospheric pressure drops sharply, as well as the concentration of oxygen in the air masses. And we are already aware of what is leading to " oxygen starvation».

Taking medications

We continue to identify the reasons associated with increased sleepiness. Are you taking anti-anxiety medications, antidepressants, or allergy medications? Then don’t be surprised why you always want to sleep. What to do if medicines Is there any way to cancel? Unfortunately, potential side effects are specified in the instructions. You just have to wait until the course of treatment ends. You can also discuss the existing problem with your doctor and try to replace the drug with a similar medicine that causes less drowsiness.

Hormonal changes during pregnancy

The overwhelming number of women preparing to become mothers are faced with the acute problem of severe drowsiness, this is especially typical in the first trimester. Why do you constantly want to sleep during pregnancy? Let's figure it out. Women who are carrying a child under their hearts constantly complain of ailments. In the first trimester, the body gets used to hormonal changes and adjusts to new rhythms of work. Led by women hormonal levels there is capricious progesterone. It is impossible to avoid this change, because it is hormones that help in successful gestation. Therefore to constant drowsiness you just need to get used to it, it will go away as soon as the body is completely rebuilt.

We should not forget about the colossal expenditure of a pregnant woman’s internal resources. The body devotes all its energy to restructuring the functioning of organs, as well as ensuring the normal functioning of the developing embryo. Getting used to a new state, stress, new emotions, expectations, fears and worries all affect the emotional background and lead to rapid fatigue expectant mother. This is why a woman constantly wants to sleep. And by the middle of the day her condition can only be compared to a broken trough. Therefore, during pregnancy, it is better to adhere to a strict routine and set aside an hour or two for a relaxing daytime nap. The body will certainly thank you.

Effect of motion sickness

If you notice that you constantly feel sleepy during public transport, even if you slept well the night before, this is also not surprising. Scientists say that the reflexes that we were endowed with in infancy are to blame for everything. Our parents constantly rocked us to sleep and developed this amazing habit. According to psychologists, this habit does not disappear anywhere even in mature age and we tend to fall asleep during long trips in cars, trains or buses.

Constant exposure to stress

Don't forget that sleep helps reduce the effects of psychological stress. Therefore, if you don’t know why you constantly want to sleep, and weakness has appeared, but at the same time you live under the influence negative emotions, with constantly increasing pressure and impairment heart rate, consult your doctor for appropriate recommendations. You probably just need to be prescribed medications to normalize your blood pressure or sedatives. You shouldn’t delay this, because sometimes people mistakenly attribute drowsiness to their own laziness. But if a person is physically and emotionally healthy, then the constant craving for a pillow disappears.

Lack of interest in work

Have you noticed how people often yawn when they are unbearably bored? Anything that doesn't pique our interest can easily make us sleepy. But if the work is uninteresting, then there is simply nowhere to go. You will want to sleep all the time. In an unloved job, a person does not feel motivated to develop and improve skills. In addition, not seeing any brightness in life, in the evenings people often look for solace at the bottom of a glass, thereby relieving tension and dissatisfaction. This is a very common misconception. Better than alcohol, you can cheer yourself up by walking, playing sports, meeting with friends and listening to good music. In the event that interest in existence itself disappears, it is difficult to limit oneself to the doctor’s recommendations. This requires a complete restructuring of the lifestyle and a deep analysis of what is happening.

Why do you constantly want to sleep and feel lethargic? Causes of a pathological nature

In fact pathological character carry many diseases. Vitamin deficiency, anemia, insomnia, hormonal changes and even depression go hand in hand with serious illnesses. If you notice chronic drowsiness and have tried all the familiar methods to eliminate it, but it still does not disappear, consult a doctor for full examination. Many of us rarely carry out diagnostics, and the presence of serious diseases is attributed to simple fatigue. Serious pathologies significantly deplete the body's internal resources. Cancerous tumors, autoimmune lesions, allergic processes, neurological diseases - all this requires modern and high-quality therapy under the supervision of competent specialists.

Lack of permanent mode

Irregular sleep patterns and sleep from time to time lead to disruption of the internal balance in the body. This is no wonder, because the body never knows how much time it will have. People in creative professions who have a flexible work schedule, as well as people overburdened with responsibilities, are especially prone to such interruptions. Workaholics jokingly say how incredibly sorry they are that there are only 24 hours in a day. People who work in shifts also have to put up with intermittent rest. All this is wrong for the body, and if you care about your own health, you will have to think through your daily routine in any case.

How to treat excessive sleepiness?

We have found out quite a lot of reasons that can cause a regular desire to sleep. If you are a person who is concerned about why you constantly want to sleep and feel lethargic, we will now tell you what to do. Before eliminating the cause, it is necessary to determine its source. But there are some general recommendations, which can be used by absolutely all our readers.

So, let's get to work! Start by establishing a clear sleep schedule and removing all extraneous devices from the bedroom. You must normalize your routine and sleep enough time. Understand that in your desire to get as much done as possible in a day, pushing work back to a later time, lies reverse side. You simply reduce your own productivity, feeling lethargic throughout the day from constant lack of sleep. In addition, sooner or later the body will rebel, and this condition will result in something more serious. If, with a busy work schedule, you can’t find the required 8 hours of sleep at night, you can use a short 20-minute nap during the day as compensation. Don't forget also about the correct balanced diet and regular oxygen supply to the brain, so spend more time in the fresh air.

Vacationers in holiday homes and sanatoriums enjoy saturating their bodies with oxygen using special health-improving oxygen cocktails. You can learn from their experience, especially since now purchasing such a cocktail within the city is not a problem. Now you have learned everything on the topic: “Why do you constantly want to sleep and lethargy?”, the reasons have been identified, and you are aware of countermeasures. Don't forget to follow our advice, and if you can't overcome drowsiness, consult your doctor for help.


Vigor during the day can be “provoked” by morning 10-minute exercises. Choose the optimal and simple set of exercises for yourself, which must include aerobic and breathing exercises. During the day, try to lead an active lifestyle. If you have sedentary work, spend half your lunch break walking around the surrounding area. In this case, ideally it is good to get to work on foot or by bicycle.

However, if this is not possible, jog in free time. Physical inactivity is the scourge of the modern intellectual. It provokes slow blood circulation, as a result of which all internal organs suffer, including the brain. Go with a group of friends to the park for the weekend and engage in outdoor game sports. This will improve your mood and provide invaluable benefits to the body.

Everything floats as if in a fog, the computer monitor, text, walls and colleagues. You are at work, but two forces are fighting - drowsiness and the need to get work done. If you begin to feel drowsy more often at work, there are reasons for this, be it overwork, lack of sleep, stress, or just laziness.

It's time to adopt methods that will allow you to cheer up if you feel drowsy in the middle of the working day.

Massage or workout

If you know how, give yourself a massage of your ears, neck and hands. It also helps to stand up and start stretching - first your back, then your legs and arms. If you are embarrassed by your colleagues, go to the restroom. A five-minute exercise for the eyes can invigorate you; you need to close your eyes and move your eyes counterclockwise and clockwise, then eyes closed"look" up and down. Then close your eyes tighter and open your eyes. After some time, repeat the exercise.

But first of all, take care of your night's sleep. Do everything so that you can sleep comfortably and well - if necessary, buy a new good mattress, pleasant satin bedding, and a comfortable pillow. The better your sleep at night, the less you will feel sleepy during the day.


Everyone knows the invigorating power of herbs and herbal combinations. You will be invigorated by lemongrass tincture or ginseng tincture. You can ask them at the pharmacy. They are usually not expensive.

Another key point in the use of tinctures for drowsiness: it is worth understanding that if you have not slept one or two hours from your norm and take a herbal tincture for drowsiness, this is one thing, but if you have not slept for a day, it would be wiser to abstain from energy drinks and tinctures and go to bed.

Essential oils have invigorating properties

Sage has a particularly invigorating effect. In most cases, essential oils are poured into a special lamp and set on fire, and since not all of your colleagues will be happy with the smells, there may be disputes over the advisability of lighting something in the office. It’s better to clarify in advance who will be against odors essential oils in the office. Some oils can be simply applied to the skin, for example on the wrist, and the aroma will be with you for a long time during the day. Another advantage of oils is that they are good antidepressants.

Green tea

Many people recommend drinking green tea when feeling sleepy at work. It is recommended to buy high-quality green tea, find out the nearest store that sells green tea by weight and go choose a type of tea, consultants will help you. Like herbs, tea can affect the body in different ways, so next time you drink green tea, monitor your state of alertness. If you notice an increase in strength, then this method of combating drowsiness is suitable for you. Experts say that the caffeine content in some types of tea is even higher than in coffee. Tinctures can be effectively combined with green tea and get an even more invigorating effect.


During periods when vegetables, fruits and sun become scarce in our lives, take a complex of vitamins. Vitamins work most effectively if you combine them with healthy eating and sports. Even after 15 minutes of exercise (running, strength training or yoga) you will experience vitality in your body. Cheerfulness will remain with you throughout the day and, most likely, will be enough for the next one.

Look for new and enjoyable methods to combat sleepiness. Don't let me environment and stress can make you indifferent to the world around you and your health!

Drowsiness is a feeling of lethargy, fatigue, desire to sleep or, at least, to do nothing. This is a condition that normally occurs as a result of severe physical or mental fatigue.

Physiological drowsiness is a signal from the brain that it needs a break from the flow of information, that the inhibitory systems have turned on the protective mode and reduce the speed of reaction, dull the perception of all external stimuli and block the senses and cerebral cortex into a dormant mode.

Signs of drowsiness are:

  • decreased acuity of consciousness, yawning
  • decreased sensitivity of peripheral analyzers (blunted perception)
  • decrease in heart rate
  • decreased secretion of the exocrine glands and dryness of the mucous membranes (lacrimal - sticking of the eyes, salivary -).

But there are also situations or conditions in which drowsiness turns into a pathological deviation or even a serious problem in a person’s life.

So why do you always want to sleep?

The main causes of constant drowsiness:

  • Fatigue, both physical and mental
  • Oxygen starvation of the cerebral cortex
  • Strengthening inhibitory reactions in the central nervous system and their predominance over excitation, including against the background medicines or toxic substances
  • Brain pathologies with damage to sleep centers
  • Traumatic brain injuries
  • Endocrine pathologies
  • Diseases internal organs leading to the accumulation in the blood of substances that suppress the activity of the cerebral cortex

Pay attention to what kind of house you live in: whether there are cell towers or power lines nearby, and how often and for how long you talk on the phone. mobile phone(cm. ).

Physiological drowsiness

When a person is forced to stay awake for a long time, his central nervous system forcibly turns on the inhibition mode. Even within one day:

  • when the eyes are overloaded (sitting for a long time at the computer, TV, etc.)
  • auditory (noise in the workshop, office, etc.)
  • tactile or pain receptors

a person may repeatedly fall into short-term drowsiness or the so-called “trance”, when his normal daytime alpha rhythm of the cortex is replaced by slower beta waves, typical of fast phase sleep (while falling asleep or dreaming). This simple technique of immersion in a trance is often used by hypnotists, psychotherapists and scammers of all stripes.

Drowsiness after eating

Many people are drawn to sleep after lunch - this can also be explained quite simply. The volume of the vascular bed exceeds the volume of blood that circulates in it. Therefore, there is always a system of blood redistribution according to a system of priorities. If the gastrointestinal tract is filled with food and works hard, then most of the blood is deposited or circulates in the area of ​​the stomach, intestines, gallbladder, pancreas and liver. Accordingly, during this period of active digestion the brain receives less oxygen carrier and, switching to economy mode, the cortex begins to work less actively than on an empty stomach. Because, in fact, why move if your stomach is already full.

Trivial lack of sleep

In general, a person cannot live without sleep at all. And an adult should sleep at least 7-8 hours (although historical colossi like Napoleon Bonaparte or Alexander the Great slept for 4 hours, and this did not prevent one from feeling invigorated). If a person is forcibly deprived of sleep, he will still switch off and may even sleep for a few seconds. To avoid wanting to sleep during the day, sleep at least 8 hours at night.


Another variant of physiological drowsiness is the body’s reaction to stress. If on early stages stress people are more likely to suffer from increased excitability and insomnia (against the background of the release of adrenaline and cortisol by the adrenal glands), then with long-term action stress factors, the adrenal glands are depleted, the release of hormones decreases, and the peak of their release shifts (so cortisol, released at 5-6 in the morning, begins to be maximally secreted by 9-10 o'clock). Similar conditions (loss of strength) are observed with or against the background of long-term use of glucocorticoids, as well as with rheumatic diseases.


In pregnant women in the first trimester against the background hormonal changes, toxicosis, and in the last trimester, when the cortex is naturally inhibited by placental hormones, there may be episodes of prolonged night sleep or daytime drowsiness - this is the norm.

Why does my baby sleep all the time?

As you know, newborns and children up to six months spend most of their lives sleeping:

  • newborns - if the baby is about 1-2 months old, he will not have any special neurological problems and somatic diseases, it is typical for him to spend up to 18 hours a day in his sleep
  • 3-4 months - 16-17 hours
  • up to six months - about 15-16 hours
  • up to a year - how much a baby up to a year should sleep is decided by the state of his nervous system, the nature of nutrition and digestion, the daily routine in the family, on average it is from 11 to 14 hours per day.

A child spends so much time sleeping for one simple reason: his nervous system is underdeveloped at the time of birth. After all, the complete formation of the brain, completed in utero, simply would not allow the baby to be born naturally because the head is too big.

Therefore, while in a state of sleep, the child is maximally protected from overloads of his immature nervous system, which has the opportunity to develop further in a calm mode: somewhere to correct the consequences of intrauterine or birth hypoxia, somewhere to complete the formation of the myelin sheaths of the nerves, on which the speed of nerve impulse transmission depends .

Many babies can even eat in their sleep. Children under six months of age wake up more and more from internal discomfort (hunger, intestinal colic, headache, cold, wet diapers).

A child's sleepiness may no longer be normal if he or she is seriously ill:

  • if the baby vomits, he has frequent loose stool, long absence chair
  • high temperature
  • he fell or hit his head, after which some weakness and drowsiness, lethargy, pale or bluish skin appeared
  • the child stopped responding to voices and touches
  • does not suckle or bottle for too long (much less urinate)

It is important to urgently call an ambulance or take (carry) the child to the emergency room of the nearest children's hospital.

As for children over one year old, then their causes of sleepiness that go beyond the usual are practically the same as in infants, plus all somatic diseases and conditions that will be described below.

Pathological drowsiness

Pathological drowsiness is also called pathological hypersomnia. This is an increase in sleep duration without an objective need for it. If a person who previously got eight hours of sleep begins to nap during the day, sleep longer in the morning, or nod off at work for no objective reason, this should lead to thoughts about problems in his body.

Acute or chronic infectious diseases

Asthenia or depletion of physical and mental strength of the body is characteristic of acute or severe chronic, especially infectious diseases. During the period of recovery from illness, a person with asthenia may feel the need for longer rest, including daytime sleep. Most probable cause In this condition, there is a need to restore the immune system, which is facilitated by sleep (during it, T-lymphocytes are restored). There is also a visceral theory, according to which during sleep the body tests the functioning of internal organs, which is important after an illness.


Close to asthenia is the condition experienced by patients with anemia (anemia, in which the level of red blood cells and hemoglobin decreases, that is, the transport of oxygen to organs and tissues by the blood deteriorates). In this case, drowsiness is included in the program of hemic hypoxia of the brain (together with lethargy, decreased ability to work, memory impairment, dizziness and even fainting). Most often manifested (with vegetarianism, bleeding, against the background of hidden iron deficiency during pregnancy or malabsorption, with chronic foci of inflammation). B12-deficiency anemia accompanies stomach diseases, stomach resections, fasting, and tapeworm infection.

Atherosclerosis of cerebral vessels

Another reason for oxygen starvation of the brain is. When the vessels supplying the brain become overgrown with plaques by more than 50%, ischemia appears (oxygen starvation of the cortex). If this chronic disorders cerebral circulation:

  • then, in addition to drowsiness, patients may suffer from headaches
  • hearing and memory loss
  • unsteadiness when walking
  • at acute disorder blood flow, a stroke occurs (hemorrhagic when a vessel ruptures or ischemic when it thromboses). The harbingers of this formidable complication can be disturbances in thinking, noise in the head, and drowsiness.

In older people, cerebral atherosclerosis can develop relatively slowly, gradually worsening the nutrition of the cerebral cortex. That's why large number In old age, drowsiness during the daytime becomes an obligatory companion and even somewhat softens their departure from life, gradually worsening cerebral blood flow so much that the respiratory and vasomotor automatic centers of the medulla oblongata are inhibited.

Idiopathic hypersomnia

Idiopathic hypersomnia is an independent disease that often develops in young people. It has no other cause, and the diagnosis is made by exclusion. A tendency to daytime sleepiness develops. There are moments of falling asleep during relaxed wakefulness. They are not so sharp and sudden. Like narcolepsy. Time to fall asleep in the evening is shortened. Waking up is more difficult than normal and there may be aggression. Patients with this pathology gradually weaken social and family ties, they lose professional skills and ability to work.


  • This is a variant of hypersomnia with increased daytime sleep
  • more restless night's sleep
  • episodes of irresistible falling asleep at any time of the day
  • with loss of consciousness, muscle weakness, episodes of apnea (stopping breathing)
  • patients are haunted by a feeling of lack of sleep
  • hallucinations may also occur when falling asleep and waking up

This pathology differs in that, unlike physiological sleep phase REM sleep occurs immediately and often suddenly without prior slow falling asleep. This is a lifelong disease.

Increased drowsiness due to intoxication

Acute or chronic poisoning of the body, to which the cortex and subcortex are most sensitive, as well as stimulation of the reticular formation, which provides inhibitory processes with various medicinal or toxic substances, leads to severe and prolonged drowsiness not only at night, but also during the day.

  • Alcohol is the most popular household poison. After the stage of excitement during intoxication moderate severity(1.5-2.5%0 alcohol in the blood), as a rule, the sleep stage develops, before which there may be severe drowsiness.
  • Smoking, in addition to vascular spasm, leads to a deterioration in the supply of oxygen to the cerebral cortex, promotes constant irritation and inflammation of the internal choroid, which provokes not only the development atherosclerotic plaques, but also potentiates their cracking with thrombosis of the vascular bed, including cerebral arteries. Therefore, for about 30% of smokers, constant drowsiness and loss of energy are constant companions. But while throwing bad habit drowsiness may also be a concern
  • Psychotropic substances(neuroleptics,) cause severe drowsiness, which becomes chronic with prolonged use of drugs or addiction to them. Also long-term use sleeping pills (especially barbiturates) and high doses lead to drowsiness due to the activation of inhibitory processes in the central nervous system.
  • Drugs (especially morphine-like drugs) also cause drowsiness.

CNS depression due to diseases of internal organs

  • Chronic heart failure
  • Liver diseases

Hepatocellular failure in liver cancer, chronic hepatitis makes it difficult to wash blood from protein metabolic products (see). As a result, the blood begins to contain high concentrations of substances that are toxic to the brain. Serotonin is also synthesized, and a decrease in sugar in brain tissue is observed. Milk and pyruvic acid, causing swelling of the cortex and hyperventilation of the lungs, resulting in a deterioration in blood supply to the brain. As poisoning increases, drowsiness can develop into coma.

  • Intoxication due to infections
  • Neuroinfections

Neuroinfections due to influenza, herpes, and fungal infections can be accompanied by headaches, fever, drowsiness, lethargy and specific neurological symptoms.

  • Dehydration
  • Mental disorders

Mental disorders (cyclothymia, depression) and neurological diseases may lead to drowsiness.

Endocrine causes

  • Hypothyroidism is the most typical lesion of the endocrine glands, which develops severe drowsiness, impoverishment of emotions and loss of interest in life - this is (after surgical or radiation removal thyroid gland). A drop in the level of thyroid hormones affects all types of metabolism, so the brain is starved, and the accumulation of fluid in the brain tissue leads to swelling of the convolutions and a deterioration in the integrative abilities of the brain.
  • Hypocorticism (adrenal insufficiency) leads to low blood pressure, increased fatigue, drowsiness, loss of body weight, decreased appetite and stool instability.
  • Diabetes mellitus not only affects vessels of different sizes (including cerebral ones), but also creates conditions for unstable carbohydrate balance. Fluctuations in blood sugar and insulin (with unbalanced therapy) can lead to both hypo- and hyperglycemic, as well as ketoacidotic conditions that damage the cortex and cause an increase in encephalopathy, the program of which includes drowsiness during the daytime.

Brain injuries

A concussion, brain contusion, hemorrhage under the meninges or into the substance of the brain can be accompanied by a variety of disorders of consciousness, including stupor (stunning), which resembles a prolonged sleep and can turn into a coma.

Lethargic sleep

One of the most interesting and mysterious disorders, expressed in the patient falling into a long-term sleepy state, in which all signs of vital activity are suppressed (breathing slows down and becomes almost undetectable, the heartbeat slows down, and there are no reflexes of the pupils and skin).

Lethargy in Greek means oblivion. A variety of peoples have a lot of legends about people buried alive. Usually lethargy (which is not pure form sleep, but only by a significant inhibition of the work of the cortex and vegetative functions organism) develops:

  • for mental illness
  • fasting
  • nervous exhaustion
  • in the background infectious processes with dehydration or intoxication.

N.V. Gogol suffered from a similar disorder. He repeatedly fell into prolonged pathological sleep throughout his life (most likely due to neurotic disorders and anorexia). There is a version that the writer, who was bled by stupid doctors against the background of either typhoid fever, either a severe loss of strength after starvation and neurosis from the death of his wife, did not die a natural death at all, but only fell into a prolonged lethargy, for which he was buried, as allegedly evidenced by the results of the exhumation, in which the head of the deceased was found turned to one side and coffin lid scratched from inside.

Thus, if you are worried about causeless fatigue, drowsiness, the causes of which are very diverse, you need the most thorough diagnosis and consultation with a doctor to clarify all the circumstances that led to such disorders.

Some people notice a loss of energy, feel sleepy and tired. Even if you follow a schedule of work and night rest, you still may not feel rested; some people constantly want to sleep. What is the reason for this problem, and how can it be overcome?

Main causes of drowsiness

There are different physiological reasons why do you want to sleep during the day? In rare cases, they can adversely affect human health and life; the main factors are:

  • insufficient, poor night's rest. Even if a man or woman sleeps 8 or more hours at night, he may still constantly feel tired and want to take a nap during the day. This phenomenon can occur due to night awakenings, as well as due to light, not sound sleep;
  • Excessive fatigue may be the reason why you want to sleep. If you are constantly overtired physically or emotionally during the day, or exhausted at work, then at night you will not get enough sleep for eight hours. During intensive and labor-intensive work for full recovery strength at night the body will require sleep longer;
  • as a result of insufficient lighting and heat. When it is cold and cloudy outside in winter or in the first weeks of spring, indoors often turn on artificial lighting. During this period, the body poorly distinguishes day from evening, so a person often lacks strength and energy, apathy and fatigue occur;
  • freezing. IN winter period cold weather, when body temperature decreases, fatigue appears, you want to sleep and weakness occurs;
  • pregnancy is one of the common reasons why a woman constantly wants to sleep. In this case, the body experiences increased load, this is an explanation for the drowsiness. If you constantly want to sleep during pregnancy, then you need to consult a doctor who can prescribe effective vitamin therapy or some other means;
  • low blood pressure. As atmospheric pressure decreases, it decreases blood pressure a person, therefore there is a desire to sleep and weakness;
  • sleeping pills or any other medications that cause lethargy and drowsiness;
  • Overeating often leads to a desire to sleep. This happens because the body needs energy to digest the food consumed, as a result of which the brain receives less blood than usual, there is a slight oxygen starvation, so you want to sleep a lot.

Various diseases

There are various health problems that cause constant sleepiness.
Among such diseases are:

  • viral, infectious diseases occurring in chronic or acute form. Such diseases manifest themselves in the fact that a man or woman is constantly tired, lethargic, and has no energy. This happens because immune system spends a lot of energy fighting infection;
  • depression, stress. With these problems, apathy appears and strong desire fall asleep who are defensive reaction brain to the difficulties that arise. In order not to experience these problems, the brain wants to switch off as quickly as possible;
  • anemia. When a person has anemia, an insufficient amount of oxygen reaches the internal organs and tissues of the body, and as a result, one begins to feel drowsy;
  • atherosclerosis blood vessels is one of the reasons why you constantly want to sleep. This disease also causes headaches and tinnitus;
  • intoxication. If a man or woman drinks alcohol or smokes excessively, the consequence is disruption of night sleep. Alcohol and smoking lead to insufficient oxygen supply to the brain, which is why lethargy and fatigue appear;
  • vitamin deficiency, that is, a lack of vitamins and microelements in the body, especially often manifests itself when it is cold, in winter and spring;
  • idiopathic hypersomnia explains why a man or woman constantly wants to sleep. If a complex form of this disease occurs, it is called narcolepsy.

In addition to all of the above, there are other diseases that negatively affect the nervous system and lead to lethargy, fatigue, such diseases include: heart failure, liver and kidney pathologies, vegetative-vascular dystonia, heavy bleeding, increased body temperature, oncological diseases, diabetes mellitus, hypothyroidism, and others.

Methods to combat drowsiness

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There are many different ways what to do and how to deal with constant drowsiness and fatigue:

  1. Have a cup of coffee. Strong, hot coffee invigorates the body, fills it with energy, but you should not abuse this drink and take it more than 1-2 times a day.
  2. Wet your neck and wash with cold water.
  3. Brew strong black tea. This drink contains various substances, helping the body to invigorate.
  4. Do a warm-up, move around. You can walk down the street, go out onto the balcony, do a little exercise, stretch your arms, legs, neck and back, or just get up and walk around the house.
  5. Ventilate the room. Many have noticed that fresh air promotes energy flow and invigorates. It is very important to ventilate the room in which you have to stay for several hours a day so that there is enough oxygen in the room. You need to open the windows even in winter, when it’s cold outside.
  6. Change the type of activity. If you feel sleepy monotonous work, during which you need to be focused and attentive, then you can do something active for 10-15 minutes, this helps many people when lethargy and the desire to sleep constantly arise during the day.
  7. Watch your diet. It is necessary to eat more fruits and vegetables, you should not overeat, it is better to eat less, but more often, preferably eat light meals, less chemicals and fast foods.
  8. Applying ice to your temples and forehead for a short time helps many people fight fatigue.
  9. Citrus fruits are good for invigorating. You can place lemon or orange oil nearby for a few minutes. If you don’t have such oil, you can eat an orange or put a slice of lemon in your tea.

Traditional methods

Regardless of the cause of severe fatigue in a person, you can try the following simple remedies:

  • pour a small spoon of dried chamomile flowers into 200 g. milk, boil and leave on low heat for 15 minutes. When the broth has cooled, you need to add a spoonful of honey to it and drink it half an hour before bedtime;
  • fill the glass with crushed walnuts, mix with lemon passed through a meat grinder. Add a glass of honey to the resulting mixture, use a tablespoon 3 times a day;
  • pour a glass hot water 5 gr. Icelandic moss, which is then boiled for 5 minutes. The broth cools down, it must be drunk a day, you should not drink more than 30 grams at a time.

Taking vitamins

What to do if you want to sleep? You can go to the pharmacy and buy the following vitamins:

  1. Pantocrine is a remedy that very effectively improves performance and adds energy to a man or woman.
  2. Longdaisin quickly eliminates drowsiness and apathy.
  3. Modafinil increases the body's endurance and improves brain function.
  4. Enerion is usually taken if a person is too tired at work.
  5. Berocca Plus contains vitamins B and C and effectively combats the desire to sleep and weakness.
  6. Bion 3 energizes the body and helps eliminate lethargy and weakness.
  7. Alphabet Energy is a complex of vitamins and microelements that have a tonic effect, improve blood circulation in the brain, and normalize energy metabolism and increasing performance.

What else to pay attention to

What to do if you are already tormented by lethargy and weakness? It is necessary to analyze the daily routine, it is advisable that every day the time to fall asleep and the time morning awakening. Before going to bed in the evening, you should not drink strong tea or coffee, and it is also advisable not to watch TV a couple of hours before going to bed, especially violent films, scenes of violence, thrillers and intense pictures, and you should also not watch the news before going to bed. which are not very positive. An hour before bedtime, it is advisable to turn off all the lights in the house.
It is necessary to pay attention to how much fluid the body receives per day. If you drink little water during the day, you will become dehydrated, leading to lack of strength and drowsiness. An adult, man or woman, should consume about 1.5–2 liters clean water during the day.
When weakness appears, you need to analyze how much time per day you can spend in the fresh air. It is advisable to walk outside as often as possible or do some activities outdoors, rather than indoors.
The next thing that deserves attention is sleeping place. If a person is uncomfortable resting on the bed at night, for example, because the mattress is too hard, the pillow is small or, on the contrary, large, the blanket is too thin or too warm, then sleep will be restless, intermittent, and it will not be possible to rest properly during the night. In addition, if the bedroom is very stuffy, hot or, on the contrary, cold, this leads to disruption of night rest. At night there should be no extraneous sounds or noises; the bedroom should be dark. Before going to bed in the evening, you can drink sedative collection from chamomile, mint, lemon balm and motherwort. These natural ingredients calm the nervous system, help you relax and calm down.

Important! Scientists report that poor quality, insufficient sleep at night can be the reason why a constant headache occurs, lethargy occurs, and some may even experience suicidal tendencies.

When to see a doctor

If you become drowsy and tired chronic form, and you can no longer cope with them on your own, you should immediately go to the hospital. In addition, if a person suspects the development of any disease that causes lethargy, then it is necessary to go to see a doctor. A qualified physician will conduct an examination and perform the necessary diagnostic procedures to determine the cause of drowsiness. You may need to take blood and urine tests, which can help the doctor make the correct diagnosis.
It is important to go to the hospital if a person has any psychological illnesses, disorders or depression. They require specialist consultation and mandatory medical intervention. Trying to cure them yourself is usually useless, sometimes even dangerous.

What not to do

If you are constantly tired and apathetic, you cannot go to the pharmacy on your own and buy medications at your own discretion; often this does not solve the problem, but only aggravates it. In addition, the nervous system cannot be constantly stimulated energy drinks, strong tea or coffee. These drinks can invigorate the body, they do not eliminate the root cause of hypersomnia, in addition, they create the body’s dependence on these stimulants, as a result of which a person can no longer live normally without these dopings.


So, a person may feel tired and constantly sleepy various reasons, which can be external, physiological or pathological. The first step is to find out why this problem occurred, then you can try to fix it yourself folk ways or other methods described in this article. But if the weakness and drowsiness does not go away, there are also some other negative symptoms, for example, headaches, poor health, pain in the internal organs, etc., then you need to go to the hospital as soon as possible so that an experienced doctor can diagnose and prescribe effective treatment existing disease.

Hello dear readers. The problem of constant sleepiness is probably familiar to everyone. Some people feel sleepy only after a heavy lunch, while others fall asleep right in the middle of the working day. Of course, each organism is individual, so everyone will have their own reasons for constant or temporary drowsiness. Basically, the problem of drowsiness is attributed to some weather conditions, and this or that weather affects each person in its own way. Some people fall asleep from the excruciating summer heat, while for others the cold is main reason sleep. As you know, during sleep, body temperature rises significantly, which means that it is with the help of sleep that our body tries to warm up. But that's just external factors, affecting our condition, so we should not attribute all sins only to the weather. After all, the cause of such a problem does not always lie on the surface.

In addition, the problem of constant drowsiness may arise due to any abnormalities in the functioning of the body.

And this, in turn, may indicate serious diseases that are hidden under such a harmless symptom.

The reason could be anything, but this does not mean that you need to turn a blind eye to the problem of drowsiness.

Of course, if this is a temporary phenomenon that repeats depending on the time of year, then there is no reason to worry.

But if the symptom arose quite unexpectedly and is permanent, then it is better to seek help from a specialist.

In any case, you need to listen to your body, because this is the way it tries to signal about any malfunctions in one of its systems.

17 reasons why you always want to sleep

There are quite a few reasons for this manifestation, but most of them depend, nevertheless, on the individual characteristics of the organism. Therefore it is necessary to highlight common reasons occurrence of such a problem.

We can easily cope with some of them on our own, but there are also cases in which we simply cannot do without the help of a specialist.

There are two main reasons for drowsiness:

  1. Physiological.
  2. Pathological.

Physiological drowsiness manifests itself, most often, after overwork, and it can be both physical and psychological.

And sometimes both overwhelm a person, and he simply falls off his feet even at the very beginning of the day.

In this state, all a person’s daily responsibilities and goals are dulled against the backdrop of a great desire to simply lie down and take a nap.

Naturally, performance is reduced to a minimum, because the body has no strength left.

It is known that during sleep the human body recovers, so during illness we can sleep for at least a day. Thus, all energy will be directed only to fighting the disease.

So, after a hard day at work, we only need rest so that the body has time to regain strength before the morning.

Some people, trying to have time to redo all their affairs, or to make money more money, they may not sleep at night and do things that they did not have time to do during the day.

At the same time, a person feels quite cheerful, especially when a cup of coffee is at hand.

But this state is deceptive, and after a couple of such nights, you will simply fall into a long hibernation, which will ruin all your plans for the near future.

Factors that provoke the occurrence of physiological drowsiness

Drowsiness after eating

She has probably overcome everyone at least once in her life. Moreover, it usually occurs after a heavy lunch.

The fact is that our stomach gets enough large number food after sleep, since we usually don’t eat much for breakfast.

So, the digestive organs begin to work in an enhanced mode, and therefore, most of the blood flows to this system.

Thus, the brain does not receive enough oxygen, which means that its natural reaction will be sleep.

Constant lack of sleep

Of course, it may seem to us that we are already accustomed to sleeping for 5 hours, and everything seems to be fine. And we supposedly don’t notice the fatigue that is constantly with us.

But sooner or later, sleep will still overtake us, and we will still have to get enough sleep. Even if it seems that this lifestyle is not so bad, you should not think that it will not affect your health in any way.


Usually accompanied by lack of appetite and insomnia, which is why we lose main source energy, besides, the body does not have time to recover.

In addition to all this, significant damage is caused to our nervous system, which should also be restored at least in a dream.

This condition can last from several days to a week, after which the body itself will give a signal that it needs rest.


In the first months one of characteristic symptoms It is precisely drowsiness that few people pay attention to, because, probably, everyone suffers from constant lack of sleep.

In the last trimester, hormones slow down processes in the brain, which is why the woman is constantly in a sleepy state.

Daily routine failure

Mostly people who work from home suffer from this problem, because they do not have a clear working day.

Because of this, they can work until late at night, and sometimes all night, as a result of which it happens that a person sleeps during the day and works at night.

This may seem convenient at first, but later a slight malaise can develop into malfunctions of some body systems.

Side effects of certain medications

If, when you start taking any medications, you experience a symptom of drowsiness, you should immediately read the instructions for the drug.

If drowsiness is affecting your performance, it is best to ask your doctor to change the prescribed medication to another one.

Insufficient sunlight or cold

Usually in the winter season it is more difficult for us to wake up in the morning, and we go to bed much earlier. This is due to the fact that it starts to get dark quite early, and the morning, due to cloudy weather, seems dark.

Causes of pathological drowsiness

If you at least know approximately what could be the reason for the constant lack of sleep, then, in general, there is nothing to worry about. After all, you can always correct the situation by organizing your daily routine.

But if drowsiness appears on its own, and you do not see any prerequisites, then this may indicate more serious problems health problems that no longer manifest themselves.

People often confuse pathological and physiological fatigue, and this happens due to a frivolous attitude towards their own health.

Sometimes we just don't want to notice small health problems until more serious symptoms appear.

If every day you get enough sleep, but already in the afternoon you again have the desire to lie down for a nap, then, most likely, this is how the body is trying to tell you that some disruptions have occurred in its work.

So, our body is trying to restore its strength, because other than this, there are no other ways. There are insidious diseases that early stages do not manifest themselves in any way, and if they do manifest themselves, we simply do not notice these symptoms. Thus, the body tries to cope on its own, knowing that at this stage no one will help it.

Each of the diseases is life-threatening, so it is better to take it seriously. You see how simple drowsiness can indicate such terrible diseases.

Why do you always want to sleep? What to do if you feel lethargic

Depending on the cause of your sleepiness, you may be able to try to relieve the symptoms on your own.

Of course, if the reason for the constant desire to sleep is any illness, then they are unlikely to help you simple methods fight against sleep.

How to deal with constant sleepiness?

Here you definitely need to see a doctor who can determine the disease. Thus, you will be prescribed treatment aimed at a specific disease, and therefore at drowsiness, which is its symptom.

But if you are sure that your drowsiness and lethargy arose only due to lack of sleep or stress, then you will have to deal with it yourself.

Therefore, here are some tips that will help you stop the constant desire to sleep:

Drink more water, there's enough common cause drowsiness is precisely dehydration of the body.

Drop everything you're doing and run outside to bask in the sun. This way you will be able to recharge your energy, and the light is unlikely to help you fall asleep.

Physical exercise will also help cope with drowsiness, because during exercise blood pressure is rising, which means we won’t have time to sleep. You can do a little warm-up right at your workplace.

Talk more about topics that can attract your attention. Listen to music that will make you tap your foot to the beat. The main thing is not to listen to classics or melancholy music, otherwise you will sleep like a baby right at your desk, or rather, on it.

Eat in moderation, because it is during overeating that we tend to fall asleep. The body cannot cope with such a volume of food, so all its forces are concentrated on digestion, and at this time the brain gradually falls asleep.

The smell of mint and citrus will definitely keep you awake, so you can buy a couple of bottles of essential oils from these plants.

Eat more nuts, because they are the main source of energy, and besides, such a snack will definitely not interfere with brain function.

Massage your earlobes or stretch your fingers. Even such simple exercises will help cope with annoying daytime sleep.

Start making jokes at work during your lunch break. Colleagues will definitely appreciate your humor, and laughter will help you forget that a minute ago you actually fell asleep.

Well, if your sleep is much stronger than all these methods, and you are already tired of fighting, then what can you do but not succumb to your enemy? Take a nap for 15 minutes and after that, you will definitely feel better.

Drowsiness does not always indicate fatigue or lack of sleep, so you should not ignore such a symptom.

Especially if there are no prerequisites for its occurrence. Therefore, it is imperative to figure out why you constantly want to sleep. And what to do if there is constant lethargy, because serious illness It does not appear immediately, so you should not wait for it to happen.

Listen to your body, because even simple sleepiness can protect you from the serious consequences of a serious illness.