Why is alkaline phosphatase elevated in a dog's blood? Biochemical blood test - Veterinary nephrology clinic VeraVet. Veterinarian at home

Biochemical analysis blood is necessary to get an idea of ​​​​the work internal organs the animal’s body, determining the content of microelements and vitamins in the blood. This is one way laboratory diagnostics, which is informative for the veterinarian and has a high degree of reliability.

Biochemical analysis involves laboratory testing of the following blood parameters:


  • Total protein
  • Albumin
  • Alpha globulins
  • Betta globulins
  • Gamma globulins


  • Alanine aminotransferase (ALAT)
  • Aspartate aminotransferase (AST)
  • Amylase
  • Phosphatase alkaline


  • Total cholesterol


  • Glucose


  • Total bilirubin

Low molecular weight nitrogenous substances


Urea nitrogen

Residual nitrogen


Inorganic substances and vitamins


There are certain standards for biochemical blood analysis. Deviation from these indicators is a sign of various disorders in the functioning of the body.

The results of a biochemical blood test can indicate diseases that are completely independent of each other. Only a professional - an experienced and qualified doctor - can correctly assess the animal’s health status and give a correct, reliable interpretation of the biochemical blood test.

Total protein

Total protein is an organic polymer made up of amino acids.

The term “total protein” refers to the total concentration of albumin and globulins found in the blood serum. In the body, common protein performs the following functions: participates in blood clotting, maintains a constant blood pH, carries out a transport function, participates in immune reactions and many other functions.

Norms of total protein in the blood in cats and dogs: 60.0-80.0 g/l

1.Increasing protein may be observed with:

a) acute and chronic infectious diseases,

b) oncological diseases,

c) dehydration of the body.

2.Low protein may be when:

a) pancreatitis

b) liver diseases (cirrhosis, hepatitis, liver cancer, toxic liver damage)

c) intestinal disease (gastroenterocolitis), dysfunction of the gastrointestinal tract

d) acute and chronic bleeding

e) kidney disease, accompanied by significant loss of protein in the urine (glomerulonephritis, etc.)

f) decreased protein synthesis in the liver (hepatitis, cirrhosis)

g) increased protein losses due to blood loss, extensive burns, injuries, tumors, ascites, chronic and acute inflammation

h) cancer.

i) during fasting, intense physical exertion.


Albumin is the main blood protein produced in the liver of an animal. Albumins are classified into a separate group of proteins - the so-called protein fractions. Changes in the ratio of individual protein fractions in the blood often provide the doctor with more significant information than just total protein.

Albumin is 45.0-67.0% in the blood of cats and dogs.

1.Increased albumin in the blood occurs when dehydration, loss of fluid from the body,

2.Lower content albumin in the blood:

a) chronic diseases liver (hepatitis, cirrhosis, liver tumors)

b) intestinal diseases

c) sepsis, infectious diseases, purulent processes

f) malignant tumors

g) heart failure

h) drug overdose

i) occurs as a result of starvation, insufficient intake of proteins from food.

Globulin fractions:

Alpha globulins are normal 10.0-12.0%

Betta globulins 8.0-10.0%

Gamma globulins 15.0-17.0%

Betta globulins: 1.Faction promotion – for hepatitis, cirrhosis and other liver damage.

Gamma globulins: 1.Faction promotion for cirrhosis, hepatitis, infectious diseases.

2. Decrease in fraction – 14 days after vaccination, in case of kidney disease, in immunodeficiency states.

Types of proteinograms:

1. Type of acute inflammatory processes

A marked decrease in albumin content and an increased content of alpha globulins, an increase in gamma globulins.

Observed when initial stage pneumonia, pleurisy, acute polyarthritis, acute infectious diseases and sepsis.

2. Type of subacute and chronic inflammation

Decrease in albumin content, increase in alpha and gamma globulins

Observed when late stage pneumonia, chronic endocarditis, cholecystitis, urocystitis, pyelonephritis

3. Type of nephrotic symptom complex

Decrease in albumin, increase in alpha and beta globulins, moderate decrease in gamma globulins.

Lipoid and amyloid nephrosis, nephritis, nephrosclerosis, cachexia.

4. Type of malignant neoplasms

A sharp decrease in albumin with a significant increase in all globulin fractions, especially beta globulins.

Primary neoplasms various localizations, metastases of neoplasms.

5. Type of hepatitis

Moderate decrease in albumin, increase in gamma globulins, sharp increase in beta globulins.

For hepatitis, the consequences of toxic liver damage (improper feeding, improper use of medications), some forms of polyarthritis, dermatoses, malignant neoplasms hematopoietic and lymphoid apparatus.

6. Type of cirrhosis

Significant decrease in albumin with a strong increase in gamma globulins

7. Type of obstructive (subhepatic) jaundice

A decrease in albumin and a moderate increase in alpha, beta and gamma albumin.

Obstructive jaundice, cancer of the biliary tract and head of the pancreas.


ALT (ALT) or alanine aminotransferase is a liver enzyme that is involved in the metabolism of amino acids. ALT is found in the liver, kidneys, heart muscle, and skeletal muscles.

When the cells of these organs are destroyed, caused by various pathological processes, ALT is released into the blood of the animal's body. ALT norm in the blood of cats and dogs: 1.6-7.6 IU

1.Increasing ALT - a sign of serious illness:

a) toxic liver damage

b) cirrhosis of the liver

c) liver tumor

d) toxic effect on the liver of medications (antibiotics, etc.)

e) heart failure

f) pancreatitis

i) trauma and necrosis of skeletal muscles

2.Decreased ALT levels observed when:

a) severe liver diseases - necrosis, cirrhosis (with a decrease in the number of cells synthesizing ALT)

b) vitamin B6 deficiency.


AST (AST) or aspartate aminotransferase is a cellular enzyme involved in the metabolism of amino acids. AST is found in the tissues of the heart, liver, kidneys, nerve tissue, skeletal muscles and other organs.

The norm of AST in the blood is 1.6-6.7 IU

1.Increased AST in the blood observed if there is a disease in the body:

a) viral, toxic hepatitis

b) acute pancreatitis

c) liver tumors

e) heart failure.

f) for skeletal muscle injuries, burns, heat stroke.

2.Decreased AST levels in the blood due to serious illnesses, liver rupture and vitamin B6 deficiency.

Alkaline phosphatase

Alkaline phosphatase is involved in the metabolism of phosphoric acid, breaking it down from organic compounds and promoting the transport of phosphorus in the body. The highest levels of alkaline phosphatase are in bone tissue, intestinal mucosa, placenta and mammary gland during lactation.

The normal level of alkaline phosphatase in the blood of dogs and cats is 8.0-28.0 IU/l. Alkaline phosphatase affects bone growth, so its content is higher in growing organisms than in adults.

1.Increased alkaline phosphatase may be in the blood

a) bone disease, including bone tumors (sarcoma), cancer metastases to bone

b) hyperparathyroidism

c) lymphogranulomatosis with bone lesions

d) osteodystrophy

e) liver diseases (cirrhosis, cancer, infectious hepatitis)

f) tumors of the biliary tract

g) lung infarction, kidney infarction.

h) lack of calcium and phosphates in food, from an overdose of vitamin C and as a result of taking certain medications.

2.Decreased alkaline phosphatase levels

a) with hypothyroidism,

b) bone growth disorders,

c) lack of zinc, magnesium, vitamin B12 or C in food,

d) anemia (anemia).

e) taking medications can also cause a decrease in alkaline phosphatase in the blood.

Pancreatic amylase

Pancreatic amylase is an enzyme involved in the breakdown of starch and other carbohydrates in the lumen of the duodenum.

Pancreatic amylase norms - 35.0-70.0 G\hour * l

1. Increased amylase - symptom of the following diseases:

a) spicy, chronic pancreatitis(inflammation of the pancreas)

b) pancreatic cyst,

c) tumor in the pancreatic duct

d) acute peritonitis

e) diseases biliary tract(cholecystitis)

f) renal failure.

2.Reduced amylase content may occur with pancreatic insufficiency, acute and chronic hepatitis.


Bilirubin is a yellow-red pigment, a breakdown product of hemoglobin and some other blood components. Bilirubin is found in bile. Bilirubin analysis shows how the animal's liver works. Bilirubin is found in blood serum following forms: direct bilirubin, indirect bilirubin. Together, these forms form total blood bilirubin.

Norms total bilirubin: 0.02-0.4 mg%

1. Increased bilirubin - a symptom of the following disorders in the body:

a) lack of vitamin B 12

b) liver tumors

c) hepatitis

d) primary cirrhosis of the liver

e) toxic, drug-induced liver poisoning


Calcium (Ca, Calcium) is an inorganic element in the animal body.

The biological role of calcium in the body is great:

Calcium supports normal heart rhythm, as does magnesium, calcium promotes overall cardiovascular health,

Participates in iron metabolism in the body, regulates enzyme activity,

Promotes normal functioning of the nervous system, transmission nerve impulses,

Phosphorus and calcium in balance make bones strong,

Participates in blood clotting, regulates the permeability of cell membranes,

Normalizes the functioning of some endocrine glands,

Participates in muscle contraction.

The normal level of calcium in the blood of dogs and cats: 9.5-12.0 mg%

Calcium enters the animal’s body with food; calcium absorption occurs in the intestines and metabolism in the bones. Calcium is removed from the body by the kidneys. The balance of these processes ensures a constant calcium content in the blood.

The excretion and absorption of calcium is controlled by hormones (parathyroid hormone, etc.) and calcitriol - vitamin D3. In order for calcium absorption to occur, the body must have enough vitamin D.

1. Excess calcium or hypercalcemia can be caused by the following disorders in the body:

a) increased function parathyroid glands(primary hyperparathyroidism)

b) malignant tumors affecting bones (metastases, myeloma, leukemia)

c) excess vitamin D

d) dehydration

e) acute renal failure.

2.Lack of calcium or hypocalcemia - a symptom of the following diseases:

a) rickets (vitamin D deficiency)

b) osteodystrophy

c) decreased thyroid function

d) chronic renal failure

e) magnesium deficiency

f) pancreatitis

g) obstructive jaundice, liver failure


A lack of calcium can also be associated with the use of medications - antitumor and anticonvulsants.

Calcium deficiency in the body is manifested by muscle cramps and nervousness.


Phosphorus (P) - necessary for the normal functioning of the central nervous system.

Phosphorus compounds are present in every cell of the body and are involved in almost all physiological chemical reactions. The norm in the body of dogs and cats is 6.0-7.0 mg%.

Phosphorus is part of nucleic acids that take part in the processes of growth, cell division, storage and use of genetic information,

phosphorus is contained in the bones of the skeleton (about 85% of the total amount of phosphorus in the body), it is necessary for the formation of the normal structure of teeth and gums, ensures the proper functioning of the heart and kidneys,

participates in the processes of accumulation and release of energy in cells,

participates in the transmission of nerve impulses, helps the metabolism of fats and starches.

1. Excess phosphorus in the blood, or hyperphosphatemia, can cause the following processes:

a) destruction of bone tissue (tumors, leukemia)

b) excess vitamin D

c) healing of bone fractures

d) decreased function of the parathyroid glands (hypoparathyroidism)

e) acute and chronic renal failure

f) osteodystrophy

h) cirrhosis.

Phosphorus is usually higher than normal due to the use of anticancer drugs, which releases phosphates into the blood.

2. Lack of phosphorus must be regularly replenished by eating foods containing phosphorus.

A significant decrease in the level of phosphorus in the blood - hypophosphatemia - is a symptom of the following diseases:

a) lack of growth hormone

b) vitamin D deficiency (rickets)

c) periodontal disease

d) impaired absorption of phosphorus, severe diarrhea, vomiting

e) hypercalcemia

f) increased function of the parathyroid glands (hyperparathyroidism)

g) hyperinsulinemia (in the treatment of diabetes mellitus).


Glucose is the main indicator of carbohydrate metabolism. More than half of the energy our body expends comes from the oxidation of glucose.

The concentration of glucose in the blood is regulated by the hormone insulin, which is the main hormone of the pancreas. With its deficiency, the level of glucose in the blood increases.

The glucose norm in animals is 4.2-9.0 mmol/l

1. Increased glucose (hyperglycemia) with:

a) diabetes mellitus

b) endocrine disorders

c) acute and chronic pancreatitis

d) pancreatic tumors

e) chronic liver and kidney diseases

f) cerebral hemorrhage

2.Low glucose (hypoglycemia) is a characteristic symptom for:

a) diseases of the pancreas (hyperplasia, adenoma or cancer)


b) liver diseases (cirrhosis, hepatitis, cancer),

c) adrenal cancer, stomach cancer,

d) arsenic poisoning or overdose of certain medications.

A glucose test will show a decrease or increase in glucose levels after exercise.


Potassium is found in cells and regulates water balance in the body and normalizes heart rhythm. Potassium affects the functioning of many cells in the body, especially nerve and muscle cells.

1. Excess potassium in the blood - hyperkalemia is a sign of the following disorders in the animal’s body:

a) cell damage (hemolysis - destruction of blood cells, severe starvation, convulsions, severe injuries, deep burns),

b) dehydration,

d) acidosis,

e) acute renal failure,

f) adrenal insufficiency,

g) increasing the intake of potassium salts.

Typically, potassium is elevated due to taking antitumor, anti-inflammatory drugs and some other medications.

2. Potassium deficiency (hypokalemia) is a symptom of disorders such as:

a) hypoglycemia

b) dropsy

c) chronic starvation

d) prolonged vomiting and diarrhea

e) renal dysfunction, acidosis, renal failure

f) excess of adrenal hormones

g) magnesium deficiency.


Urea - active substance, the main breakdown product of proteins. Urea is produced by the liver from ammonia and is involved in the process of concentrating urine.

In the process of urea synthesis, ammonia is neutralized - a very toxic substance for the body. Urea is excreted from the body by the kidneys. The normal level of urea in the blood of cats and dogs is 30.0-45.0 mg%

1. Increased urea in the blood - a symptom of serious disorders in the body:

a) kidney diseases (glomerulonephritis, pyelonephritis, polycystic kidney disease),

b) heart failure,

c) obstruction of urine outflow (bladder tumor, prostate adenoma, bladder stones),

d) leukemia, malignant tumors,

e) severe bleeding,

f) intestinal obstruction,

g) shock, fever,

An increase in urea occurs after physical activity, due to the intake of androgens and glucocorticoids.

2.Urea analysis in the blood will show a decrease in urea levels in case of liver disorders such as hepatitis, cirrhosis, hepatic coma. A decrease in urea in the blood occurs during pregnancy, phosphorus or arsenic poisoning.


Creatinine is the end product of protein metabolism. Creatinine is formed in the liver and then released into the blood, participating in the energy metabolism of muscle and other tissues. Creatinine is excreted from the body by the kidneys in the urine, therefore creatinine - important indicator kidney activity.

1.Increased creatinine - symptom of acute and chronic renal failure, hyperthyroidism. Creatinine levels increase after taking certain medical supplies, with dehydration, after mechanical, surgical muscle damage.

2.Decreased creatinine in the blood, which occurs during fasting, decreased muscle mass, during pregnancy, after taking corticosteroids.


Cholesterol or cholesterol is an organic compound, an essential component of fat metabolism.

The role of cholesterol in the body:

cholesterol is used to build cell membranes,

in the liver, cholesterol is a precursor to bile,

Cholesterol is involved in the synthesis of sex hormones and in the synthesis of vitamin D.

Cholesterol norms in dogs and cats: 3.5-6.0 mol/l

1.High cholesterol or hypercholesterolemia leads to the formation atherosclerotic plaques: cholesterol attaches to the walls of blood vessels, narrowing the lumen inside them. On cholesterol plaques are formed blood clots that can break off and enter the bloodstream, causing blockage of blood vessels in various organs and tissues, which can lead to atherosclerosis and other diseases.

Hypercholesterolemia is a symptom of the following diseases:

a) coronary heart disease,

b) atherosclerosis

c) liver disease (primary cirrhosis)

d) kidney diseases (glomerulonephritis, chronic renal failure, nephrotic syndrome)

e) chronic pancreatitis, pancreatic cancer

f) diabetes mellitus

g) hypothyroidism

h) obesity

i) shortage growth hormone(STG)

2.Lower cholesterol occurs when fat absorption is impaired, fasting, or extensive burns.

Low cholesterol may be a symptom of the following diseases:

a) hyperthyroidism,

b) chronic heart failure,

c) megaloblastic anemia,

d) sepsis,

e) acute infectious diseases,

f) terminal stage liver cirrhosis, liver cancer,

g) chronic lung diseases.

Biochemical and clinical tests Our specialists will take blood from the patient to establish and clarify the diagnosis at your home. Analyzes are done on the basis Veterinary Academy, deadline next day after 19-00 o'clock.

Every owner who sincerely cares about the health of their pet is obliged to regularly examine it. The development of the disease is indicated by an increase in alkaline phosphatase.

Elevated alkaline phosphatase in dogs

Alkaline phosphatase is an enzyme that provides hydrolysis esters phosphoric acid.

The largest amount is contained in:

  1. Intestinal mucosa.
  2. Placenta.
  3. Liver cells.

The largest amount of the enzyme is found in liver cells.

When cells die and the permeability of cell membranes increases, alkaline phosphatase enters the blood. It can be detected during a biochemical analysis.

Normal alkaline phosphatase ranges from 8.0 to 28.0 IU/l.

Main reasons

An increase in the levels of this enzyme is not a reason for comprehensive examination animal.

Alkaline phosphatase increases in pregnant dogs.

According to veterinarians, in young dogs the change in indicators in big side is not a pathology.

This is because their skeleton is still growing. But also an increase in alkaline phosphatase is not considered a deviation from the norm in pregnant bitches and in animals after fractures.

The level of this enzyme increases when a dog is given:

  • non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs;
  • anticonvulsants;
  • steroid hormones.

Husky and alkaline phosphatase

There is no need to worry as a Husky owner either. This is a feature of the breed.

Elevated alkaline phosphatase is a feature of the Husky breed.

Development of pathologies

A change in the parameters of this enzyme is observed when:

  • bone tumors;
  • , causing inflammation;
  • feeding fatty foods;
  • calcium deficiency;
  • lung;
  • Cushing's syndrome;
  • oncological process in the mammary gland;
  • tumor pathologies of the biliary tract;
  • kidney infarction;
  • liver pathologies;
  • osteodystrophy;
  • lymphogranulomatosis, accompanied by damage to bone tissue;
  • hyperparathyroidism.

Fatty foods affect changes in enzyme levels.

An increase in alkaline phosphatase in four-legged animals is not a direct symptom of a particular disease. The animal's body may simply be sending signals that it needs help.

What to do

Clarification of the reason why alkaline phosphatase levels have changed occurs in a veterinary clinic using special equipment. First of all, the doctor directs the animal to undergo ultrasound examination liver and kidneys. If necessary, an x-ray is prescribed.

You need to take tests once a month.

This will help more accurately and quickly determine the cause of the increase in enzyme levels. At this time, you need to thoroughly worm the dog. The corresponding medications are taken at the rate of 1 tablet/10 kg.

After this, the veterinarian carries out the following manipulations:

  1. Visual inspection.
  2. Feeling the abdomen.
  3. Inspection of the coat.

The animal owner must give a detailed answer about what and at what time he feeds his pet. The number of servings also matters.

The veterinarian needs to be told about the dog's diet.

Features of therapy for elevated levels of alkaline phosphatase in the blood of a dog

In most cases, the dog is prescribed medications that stabilize the functioning of the liver. After completing the therapeutic course, the animal is again sent to. If enzyme levels increase, the doctor resorts to urgent surgery. The affected organ is completely removed.

The dosage of Essentiale is prescribed by a veterinarian.

During the passage postoperative period alkaline phosphatase may also increase.

But this is considered the norm. At the end of this period, the indicators decline.

After the operation, the dog owner undertakes to scrupulously adhere to the veterinarian’s recommendations. If the factor provoking an increase in alkaline phosphatase levels was liver pathology, the pet should be given Essentiale. The dosage is prescribed by the veterinarian individually.

Home care

During the postoperative period, you need to feed the dog only its usual food.

You can give your dog boiled chicken.

  1. You shouldn’t suddenly switch from “natural” food to special “medicinal” food from well-known manufacturers. . You can feed the animal boiled chicken. A small amount of rice is allowed. If the dog is treated with branded food, the portions should be temporarily reduced.
  2. It is not recommended to suddenly change living conditions . Acclimatization may adversely affect the condition of your four-legged friend.
  3. It is important to avoid conflict situations with family members . A dog is an excellent psychologist who subtly senses the owner’s mood. can sharply worsen her condition and provoke an increase in enzyme levels.
  4. You need to walk your pet more often . It is recommended to avoid noisy places. If the dog has been training on the playground, you should refrain from training for now. The walk should be carried out at a calm pace. Overwork is strictly contraindicated.

Proper preparation for research

8 hours before the study you need to stop feeding. Any food can contribute to a distortion of the picture.

The results of the study may be affected by the stress that the dog experiences during the test. For this reason, it is recommended to undergo the examination several times, observing time intervals.

  • In order to avoid stress, it is recommended to invite a veterinarian to your home. If the analysis is carried out in comfortable conditions, the doctor will receive a more accurate result.
  • 3–4 days before the study, it is recommended to reduce physical activity four-legged friend. You should avoid visiting the dog park in favor of a leisurely walk.
  • If the owner gives his pet medications, the veterinarian must be informed about this. In this case, blood is drawn before taking medications.
  • The analysis result can be obtained the next day. If the need arises, a repeat study is prescribed.

Preventive measures

If the cause of the increase in alkaline phosphatase was liver disease, then at the end of the therapeutic course the doctor undertakes to inform the dog owner regarding the prevention of relapse.

You should monitor your dog's diet.

Need to pay special attention animal nutrition. It is advisable to give him only low-fat, balanced food from trusted manufacturers. It is believed that the dog will not eat too much. This is wrong. Portions should be small.

Video about deciphering a blood test in dogs

Lactate dehydrogenase is commonly understood as an enzyme without which glycolysis and glucose transformation are impossible. For convenience in medical practice it is designated LDH.

Lactate dehydrogenase is contained in all cells of the body, but most of all it is found in platelets and red blood cells, pancreas, kidneys, liver, heart muscle, and skeletal muscles.

The role of glycolysis in the body

Glycolysis - important process, which occurs in many cells of the body. In particular, it is necessary for the body in terms of energy production (ATP). Energetically, it is not as beneficial as the respiration process (Krebs cycle), but it has an undoubted advantage - it can proceed without access to oxygen under anaerobic conditions.

A biochemical blood test for LDH is not specific: an increase in lactate dehydrogenase can indicate either serious pathologies or not. pathological processes, in particular, active muscle work.

Thus, this analysis cannot provide comprehensive information about what exactly is disturbed in the body and is not recommended for diagnosis.

Reasons for increased LDH

The normal level of LDH in the blood of dogs is 23-220 units/l. It should be taken into account that the indicators may be influenced by the method and equipment used in the laboratory. Due to the existing correlation between the condition of the organs and the level of lactate dehydrogenase in the blood. Critical indicator LDH has not been established.

An increase in LDH in the blood often indicates serious illnesses, which are characterized by the destruction of cells containing this enzyme:

  • myocardial infarction (a rare pathology in dogs);
  • leukemia;
  • necrotic processes:
  • pancreatitis;
  • hepatitis;
  • anemia;
  • skeletal muscle injuries;
  • some skin diseases;
  • neoplasms (malignant, benign);
  • nephritis.

A slight increase in the enzyme in the blood is observed in pregnant bitches, newborn puppies, and also after intense exercise. physical activity. This is considered normal and should not cause concern.

Sometimes indicators can increase due to factors not related to the dog’s health, for example, due to incorrectly carried out procedure for taking the analysis and its storage, application medications(valproic acid, sulfisoxazole, caffeine, etc.) and hemodialysis.

This also suggests that this analysis is of no diagnostic value.

Diagnostics in a veterinary clinic

As mentioned above, the list dangerous diseases, in which an increase in lactate dehydrogenase is observed, is quite wide. However, they are diagnosed by other methods, including taking a medical history.

In case increase in LDH in the blood serum is insignificant and the dog feels well, its behavior has not changed, then it is not advisable to find out the reasons for the increase. As we know, there are many natural factors that can affect performance.

Treatment method and prognosis

Since there are many signs that affect the increase in LDH, treatment will be aimed at eliminating the cause that provoked the change in indicators. Identifying the underlying disease will give a positive result.

If a dog has been diagnosed with a heart attack, then it is given drugs that normalize blood circulation and support heart function in in good condition. Ensuring the flow of oxygen, reducing the load on the heart are necessary elements therapy.

For pancreatitis, the animal is prescribed digestive enzymes, anesthetics, plasma drips, and a strict diet. If treatment is ineffective, the question arises of intensive rinsing. abdominal cavity. In severe cases, surgery is performed to remove the damaged organ (pancreas).

At cancerous tumors treatment is carried out in a complex. Aggressive methods of influencing the tumor (radiation and chemical therapy) and removing the cancerous tumor are brought to the fore.

The prognosis will depend on the stage at which treatment was started.

Iron deficiency anemia develops against the background of a lack of iron, therefore, foods enriched with this element and vitamin and mineral supplements should be introduced into the dog’s diet. It is advisable to switch the animal to premium dry food with a high iron content. In addition, the pet is given walks in the fresh air.

What to do at home

Diseases characterized by lactate dehydrogenase require serious treatment prescribed by a veterinarian. There can be no talk of any self-medication, because the so-called traditional methods you can only make the situation worse. The dog owner is required to strictly follow the veterinarian's instructions and ensure for a pet quality care and a nutritious diet.

Glycolytic intracellular (cytoplasmic) enzyme lactate dehydrogenase (LDH, LDH), which accelerates the reaction of converting lactic acid into pyruvic acid, and also catalyzes the reverse reaction ( reversible reaction oxidation of L-lactate to pyruvate), is present without exception in all tissues of the human body. Highest content LDH is observed in the heart, liver and kidney parenchyma, skeletal muscles, red blood cells, where the enzyme is presented in the form of five isoenzymes (isoenzymes): LDH-1, LDH-2, LDH-3, LDH-4, LDH-5. The electrical mobility of these isoenzymes fully corresponds to that of globulins - α1, β1, γ1, γ2. The main concentration of LDH is concentrated inside the cells; serum is noticeably inferior in this regard.

In an adult who does not complain about his health, the total activity of lactate dehydrogenase in the blood serum normally ranges from 0.80 to 4.00 mmol/(h·l) or 38 to 62 U/l (at 30°C).

Distribution of fractions in plasma. Age and norm

The first fraction (LDH-1 or HHNN tetramer) originates primarily in the cardiac muscle and is significantly increased in the blood serum with myocardial damage.

The second, third, fourth fractions (LDG-2, LDH-3, LDH-4) begin to actively enter the plasma when pathological conditions, accompanied by massive death of blood platelets - platelets, which occurs, for example, in the case of such a life-threatening condition as pulmonary embolism (PE).

The fifth isoenzyme (LDG-5 or MMMM tetramer) comes from the cells of the liver parenchyma and is released into the blood plasma in large quantities at the acute stage of viral hepatitis.

Due to the fact that different types tissues accumulate and release different concentrations of LDH, fractions of lactate dehydrogenase isoenzymes are distributed unevenly in the blood plasma:


Serum concentration

LDH-1 17 – 27% (0.17 – 0.27 relative units)
LDG-2 27 – 37% (0,27 – 0,37)
LDG-3 18 – 25% (0,18 – 0,25)
LDG-4 3 – 8% (0,03 – 0,08)
LDG-5 0 – 5% (0,00 – 0,05)

The activity of lactate dehydrogenase in red blood cells (erythrocytes) is 100 times higher than the levels of the enzyme contained in the blood plasma, and increased values ​​​​are observed not only in pathological conditions, but also in a number of physiological conditions, for example, pregnancy, the first months of life or excessive physical effort on their part also contribute to an increase in LDH activity. Significant differences normal levels this indicator are also determined by age and gender, as evidenced by the table below:

Meanwhile, the normal values ​​for blood LDH are always approximate; they should not be memorized once and for all for the reason that the analysis can be performed at a temperature of 30°C or 37°C, the level is calculated in different units (μkat/l, mmol/( h·l), U/l or U/l). But if there is an urgent need to independently compare your own results with the normal variants, then it will be useful to first inquire about the institution that performed the analysis, the methods of its implementation and the units of measurement used by this laboratory.

Excretion of lactate dehydrogenase isoenzymes (LDH-4, LDH-5) by the kidneys does not exceed the level of 35 mg/day (excretion rate).

Reasons for increased LDH

The level of LDH activity is increased in almost any pathological process that is accompanied by inflammation and death of cellular structures, therefore the reasons for the increase in this indicator are primarily considered to be:

  • Acute phase of myocardial infarction (more than detailed description changes in the LDH spectrum during necrotic myocardial damage will be presented below);
  • Functional failure of the cardiac and vascular system, as well as the respiratory system (lungs). Involvement of lung tissue in the process and the development of circulatory failure in the pulmonary circulation (LDH levels are increased due to the activity of LDH-3 and, to some extent, due to LDH-4 and LDH-5). Weakening of cardiac activity leads to circulatory disorders, symptoms of congestion and an increase in the activity of LDH-4 and LDH-5 fractions;
  • Damage to red blood cells (pernicious and hemolytic anemia), causing a state of tissue hypoxia;
  • Inflammatory processes affecting the lungs, as well as the renal or hepatic parenchyma;
  • Pulmonary embolism, pulmonary infarction;
  • Acute period viral hepatitis(V chronic stage LDH activity, as a rule, does not leave the normal range);
  • Malignant tumors (especially those with metastasis), localized mainly in the liver tissue. Meanwhile, a strict correlation, unlike myocardial infarction (than larger size focus, the higher the activity of LDH) there is no trace between the progression of the oncological process and changes in the spectrum of lactate dehydrogenase;
  • Various hematological pathologies (polycythemia, acute leukemia, granulocytosis, chronic myeloblastic leukemia, anemia caused by vitamin B12 deficiency or folic acid deficiency);
  • Massive destruction of platelets, which is often caused by blood transfusions that are not provided with sufficient selection for individual blood systems (for example, HLA);
  • Diseases of the musculoskeletal system, primarily damage to skeletal muscles (injuries, atrophic lesions, mainly at the initial stage of disease development).

LDH and cardiac muscle necrosis

The study of the glycolytic enzyme has a very important diagnostic value in case of damage to the heart muscle, therefore it is one of the main enzymatic tests that determine myocardial infarction on the first day of the development of a dangerous necrotic process localized in the heart muscle (8 - 12 hours from the onset pain syndrome). The increase in enzyme activity occurs primarily due to the LDH-1 fraction and partly due to the second fraction (LDH-2).

After a day or two from a painful attack, the level of LDH in the blood reaches its maximum values ​​and in most cases remains highly active for up to 10 days. It should be noted that the activity is directly dependent on the area of ​​myocardial damage (the larger the size of the lesion, the higher the indicator values). Thus, myocardial infarction, initially diagnosed using laboratory tests such as determination of creatine kinase and the MB fraction of creatine kinase, can be confirmed within a day by this enzymatic test (LDG is elevated and increased significantly - 3 - 4 ... up to 10 times).

In addition to increasing the total activity of lactate dehydrogenase and increasing the activity of the LDH-1 fraction, to identify acute heart attack myocardium, the LDH/LDH-1 or HBDG (hydroxybutyrate dehydrogenase) ratio and the LDH-1/LDH-2 ratio are of particular value. Considering that the GBDG values ​​in the acute period of the disease change significantly upward, and the total activity of lactate dehydrogenase will be reduced relative to the rather high LDH-1 values, the LDH/GBDG ratio will noticeably drop and will be below 1.30. At the same time, the LDH-1/LDG-2 ratio, on the contrary, will tend to increase, tending to reach 1.00 (and sometimes even cross this line).

Other reasons for changing odds

The above parameters, in addition to necrotic damage to the heart muscle, are also subject to changes in the case of other serious diseases:

  • Hemolytic anemia of various origins (LDG/GBDG decreases and becomes below 1.3);
  • Megaloblastic anemia (the content of the first fraction significantly exceeds the concentration of the second);
  • Conditions accompanied by increased cell destruction (acute necrotic process);
  • Neoplasms localized in the glands of the female and male reproductive system: ovarian dysgerminoma, testicular seminoma, teratoma (here only an increase in the concentration of LDH-1 is noted);
  • Renal parenchyma lesions.

Thus, the main culprits, and therefore the main reasons for changes in the concentration of the described indicators in the blood serum, can be considered conditions associated with the destruction of liver and kidney parenchyma cells, as well as blood cells (platelets, erythrocytes).

Some nuances

To study LDH in the blood, 1 ml of serum is sufficient, which is obtained from blood donated, as for any other biochemical test, in the morning on an empty stomach (however, if there is a question about diagnosing acute MI, then these rules, of course, are neglected).

At laboratory research LDH hemolysis leads to distortion of analysis results (overestimates them). And when exposed to heparin and oxalate, the enzyme activity in the serum, on the contrary, will be reduced compared to the real blood LDH values. To prevent this from happening, you should start working with the material as early as possible, first of all separating the clot with formed elements from the serum.

Video: specialist about LDH

Nimodipine - benefits and rules of use

Nimodipine is special drug, which belongs to the group of blockers of slow pores passing through the body calcium channels. At the pharmacy medicine can be found under the name Nimotop. This is a fairly popular and sought-after drug, which is characterized by a large number of advantages.

Advantages and effectiveness of the drug

Nimodipine has proven itself ideal in the treatment of various conditions associated with the rapid development of ischemia of blood vessels and arteries of the brain. The reason for this may be ischemic stroke or intracerebral bleeding.

With such phenomena, that is, with blockage of the vessels supplying the brain with blood, the body begins to respond to the pathology by narrowing the blood vessels in order to reduce the intensity of bleeding. This process in turn can cause rapid occlusion of numerous vessels, often seriously increasing the extent of overall vascular damage present in the brain.

Nimodipine helps to relax the brain vessels that were previously spasmed from an attack, passing through healthy organs and those that surround the area of ​​hemorrhage that occurred during an exacerbation of the disease.

The drug is available in liquid form. It is prescribed during periods of pathological aggravated conditions. The product is produced and prescribed in the form of standard tablets, which are prescribed during recovery.

The main advantage of the drug is the ability to relax the muscles belonging to the blood vessels, as well as their effective expansion. Other positive effects of the drug include:

  1. Improvement general condition vessels passing through the brain;
  2. Normalization of blood supply to the head;
  3. Increasing the tolerance of numerous neurons to the dangerous state of vascular ischemia;
  4. Effective stabilization of the functioning of nerve cells;
  5. In case of acute failure of general cerebral hematopoiesis, the process of pathological perfusion of previously affected and also severely ischemic tissues in the body improves;
  6. If you administer the drug at the beginning stage of a stroke lesion, you can reduce total quantity complications;
  7. Reducing the number and complexity of failure associated with the rupture of a congenital vascular aneurysm inside the skull;
  8. Efficiency in the prevention and medical treatment of migraine of vascular origin;
  9. Reduces age-related phenomena such as memory impairment, loss of emotionality and manifestations of initiative, and also reduces general emotional lability.

The medicine quickly reduces TPSS and daily blood pressure. In some cases, acute reflex tachycardia occurs. Dilatation of the main coronary vessels and arteries. All this automatically increases blood flow and increases myocardial oxygenation processes.

Taking the drug does not suppress the sinus and atrial nodes, and also has a weak negative inotropic effect.

Composition and form of implementation

Main active component Nimodipine is the substance of the same name that is part of the drug. The product is available in the form of a solution for infusion and standard tablets. In the second case, these are round tablets coated with a smooth, light yellow coating. On one side of the tablet there is the SK sign, on the other there is the manufacturer’s logo. The tablets are sold in durable cardboard packaging.

The solution is characterized by a transparent structure and light yellow tint. Available in 50 ml glass bottles made of dark, light-proof glass. One package contains one or five bottles, as well as a connecting tube.

The general shelf life of the drug is approximately 5 years. To ensure that the product does not lose its therapeutic characteristics, you will need to store the product in a dry and thoroughly darkened place at room temperature no higher than 27-30 degrees.

Pharmacology of the drug

The drug is a special derivative of 1.4 parts of Dihydropyridine. This is a special yellow crystalline powder that is difficult to dissolve in ordinary clean water. Among the main effective pharmacological properties Vasodilating, neuroprotective, and anti-aggregation effects can be noted.

After taking the drug, its main substances bind in a special way to nearby membrane receptors. This effect regulates the function of numerous L-category calcium channels. At the same time, the drug effectively inhibits the slow flow of calcium ions into the depolarizing position, thereby reducing the amount of calcium in the body’s cells.

The main components of the drug are very quickly absorbed into the gastrointestinal tract. A positive effect is achieved after an hour from using the tablet form. If the drug is administered intravenously, positive impact occurs almost instantly, after 3 minutes.

Main contraindications

Nimodipine is indispensable for acute and chronic ischemic failure of the blood circulation produced in the brain; doctors prescribe it during a crisis, for various neurological disorders caused by acute spasm of numerous arteries and vessels.

Usage options and general dosage

Inside medicinal product in tablet form is used without chewing. You just need to take the tablets with a small amount of water. Nimodipine solution is administered intravenously as a drop or intracisternally. If you have been diagnosed with acute cerebral ischemia, the drug is taken approximately 30 mg about 4 times a day strictly for one month, no more.

If necessary, drug therapy can be repeated only after a break indicated by the doctor. Here are the basic rules for using the drug depending on the pathology or health condition of the patient:

  • At effective treatment for various ischemic failures, in case of hemorrhage, the drug is prescribed intravenously in the form of a therapeutic infusion. Initially, the drug is administered at a dosage of 5 ml/hour for 2 hours;
  • With relatively favorable tolerability and complete absence acute hypotension, the drug is prescribed in a volume of 10 ml/hour;
  • If a person has a body weight below 70 kg or with unstable blood pressure, the drug is prescribed in a minimum dosage of 2.5 ml/h;
  • The drug is prescribed intravenously in special cases. for preventive purposes. The drug is taken approximately 4 days after bleeding appears and is used for two weeks;
  • The infusion solution is launched into the veins through a central medical catheter inserted into the veins while simultaneously starting the infusion pump, as well as the drip stopcock.

For better absorption of the drug, the solution should be administered with 5% glucose, 0.9% sodium chloride, and Ringer's solution is also used. To increase the effect of the infusion, Mannitol and regular blood are often used. To effectively dilute the administered medication, it is necessary to ensure that the volume of liquid administered throughout the day is at least 1000 ml.

After completing the main infusion therapy, the drug is taken orally in a total dosage of about 60 mg approximately 6 times a day. Similar treatment is carried out over one week. There should be at least 4 hours between daily doses.

Precautionary measure

If a person has impaired renal function, there is a possibility of encountering progression of the disease, which requires prompt discontinuation of the drug. effective therapy. You need to take the drug very carefully for such common pathologies as:

  • Different types of liver disease;
  • All forms of alcoholism;
  • Epilepsy;
  • Children under 14 years old.

If the patient has a failure of general liver function, if it slows down general exchange substances in the body, you will need to reduce the dose in full ratio with the degree of development of developing hypotension. In such situations, the doctor may completely cancel the prescribed tablets or solution. Therapy is also discontinued if there is a rapid decrease in blood pressure or increased headache.

There is no need to refuse treatment if it was planned surgery with anesthesia. To the people professional activity which is directly based on increased concentration and extremely clear attention, as well as drivers, the drug should not be used.

Important instructions

It is not recommended to administer Nimodipine solution immediately after exposure to natural light. It is prohibited to add the solution to a special infusion container or combine it with other medications.

If daylight is exposed or exposure to artificial lighting is noted, injections will need to be applied within no later than 10 hours. This rule is relevant if certain protective measures have not been taken in the form of glass syringes or special connecting darkened tubes.

With special parenteral medical introduction You will need to use exclusively special systems with the included polyethylene tubes.

Possible side effects

With effective treatment with Nimodipine, certain side effects often occur. Among the most important of them are:

  • Tachycardia and irregular heartbeat, heart failure are often observed, ECG abnormalities occur, anemia develops, and thrombosis formations can be noted;
  • There is a strong headache, emotional instability and depression often develop, and dizziness may appear. Nervous agitation, aggressiveness, and debilitating sleep disturbances are common;
  • Crash in musculoskeletal system– acute painful spasms in the muscles;
  • Disorders in genitourinary organs– swelling of the periphery, serious weakening of kidney function, acute increase in the volume of substances such as creatinine and urea;
  • Problems in the gastrointestinal tract - pancreatic cramps and pain, dyspepsia of various types, all forms of hepatitis, an increase in LDH is observed.

Often the use of the drug manifests itself in skin allergic reactions. This may be severe redness on the surface of the skin, the appearance increased sweating, acute or chronic dermatitis. Among side factors You can note the manifestation of shortness of breath and other forms of breathing failure.

Interaction with other medications

If you take Indomethacin, Cimetidine and other sympathomimetic drugs simultaneously with Nimodipine, you may experience a significant weakening general action. The manifestation of the enhanced manifestation of modern hypotheticals is greatly enhanced.

The rapid manifestation and subsequent development of various side effects seriously increases when taking such cardiac drugs of the category of cardiac glycosides or various drugs that contribute to the formation of hypokalemia. These include medications such as Quinidine, Carbamazepine, Cyclosporine, Theophylline, Valproate, as well as Lithium Salt, Beta-blockers.

When using nephrotoxic drugs, that is, Aminoglycoside, Cephalosporin and Furosemide, there is a risk of impaired renal function. It is strongly not recommended to use the product with other calcium channel blockers in the body. This applies to drugs such as Amlodipine, Diltiazem, and also Verapamil.

At intravenous use with beta-blocker medication, the patient may experience a serious decrease in blood pressure, with an increase in specific adverse inotropic effects, as well as a general general acute decompensation in the heart.

IN medicinal solution There is 23.7% pure alcohol present, therefore you should not combine the solution and tablets with medications classified as incompatible with alcohol.

Overdose and its symptoms

Accidental overdose of Nimodipine can significantly reduce blood pressure. Symptoms of acute cardiac bradycardia or tachycardia appear. IN intestinal tract Nausea and intestinal and gastric disorders of various etiologies may occur.

In particular difficult situations carried out intravenous administration drugs Dopamine or Norepinephrine, effective symptomatic treatment is also prescribed.

Cost and reviews of the drug

Nimodipine is sold at a fairly high cost, which optimally correlates with the positive characteristics of the drug. Nimodipine tablets 100 pieces of 30 mg each can be purchased for 1100 rubles.

The solution in the amount of 5 ampoules of 50 ml is sold at a price of 3,000 rubles. If you are confused by the cost of the drug, you can pay attention to the most popular analogues of Nimodipine - Nemotan, Nimopin, Brainal and Dilceren.

The drug collects only positive reviews online. Here are some introductory examples:

Sergey, 53 years old “I took an analogue of the drug Nimotop. After the accident, I could not move independently. After the first injection of the medicine intravenously, my legs began to work and I was able to walk. I completed the course of treatment and had no side effects.”

Elena Vladimirovna, cardiologist “Nimodipine is used quite widely among doctors. We prescribe it for a reason large quantity positive pharmacological effects. After using the drug, the load on the heart is significantly reduced, vascular muscles relax, and blood properties are normalized.”

Alexey Alexandrovich, 41 years old “About two years ago I suffered a stroke, the doctor prescribed me Nimodipine. The medicine has helped me perfectly, my blood pressure just drops a little from time to time. This is not a critical side effect, which for me personally is quickly eliminated by drinking strong coffee.”