Why can't a child sleep during the day? The child does not sleep well during the day or at night, as he is accustomed to motion sickness

Why a newborn doesn’t sleep all day is a question that arises for many young mothers. Should you see a doctor? What should you do in this case? The answer to this question is ambiguous and depends on many factors.

All children should bye-bye: the benefits of sleep for a baby

The brain and nervous system of the newborn baby continue to develop. Unusual stimuli help you get used to a new environment. An immature brain processes information in small portions and needs constant rest. This is the reason for prolonged sleep.

If the baby yawns, is capricious and rubs his eyes with his fists, he wants to sleep - it’s time to help him. A little rocking and a lullaby always helps.

Let's figure out how much sleep a newborn should sleep during the day. They say the following: in the first days, the baby can stay awake for 15-30 minutes between feedings. Total duration sleepy state reaches 20 hours a day.

Every 30-40 days of growing up reduces it daily requirement rest for about an hour. From 9 months to one year daily norm– 1 time for 2 hours or 2 times for an hour and a half.

It is very important for infants to get a lot of sleep - chronic lack of sleep can slow down the development and growth of the baby.

This regime is not necessarily natural. It often happens that a baby sleeps little during the day. The periods of wakefulness are inconsistent, do not leave time for other activities, and take a lot of energy from the mother.

6 reasons for disturbing sleep

During the first year of life, the reasons for daytime may vary. The simplest and most common omissions are:
Wet diaper. Wet diapers are unpleasant for most young children. They prevent them from falling asleep soundly not only during the day, but also at night. need to be changed on time.
Intertrigo. due to an oversight of mothers, it appears in the folds of the legs, armpits, and behind the ears. Over time, a disturbing itching appears in these places.
Uncomfortable position in the crib. A twisted arm, hand, or too soft or hard bed do not contribute to falling asleep. read this article, and what kind of mattress you need for a baby - here.
Stuffiness in the room. A baby's lungs need a constant supply of fresh air. Lack of oxygen in an unventilated room, rare walks - everything affects daytime rest.
Freezing. – 20-23 degrees. Body thermoregulation in infants is imperfect. Besides, cold air, entering the lungs, cools the body, even if the baby is well covered. It is not recommended to place babies outside at temperatures below 10 degrees.
Shortage breast milk. Newborns up to 2 months old can sleep on an empty stomach. If the baby does not wake up for 4 hours, you need to wake him up for feeding.

As the newborn gets older, he sleeps little during the day if he is not full. We describe the signs by which you can determine that a child does not have enough milk in the article on.

More serious reasons why a baby does not sleep all day , related to health.

If a newborn wakes up every 5-7 minutes and stays awake for more than 5-6 hours, then he has obvious sleep disorders

These could be:

  • intestinal colic;
  • bloating;
  • overfeeding;
  • otitis;
  • runny nose, read how to rinse a baby's nose;
  • increased intracranial pressure;
  • high temperature;

Each symptom has its own manifestations, which must be learned to distinguish so that babies can sleep during the day.

Mikhailenko O.I., neurologist, Gorodskaya clinical hospital No. 34, Novosibirsk

We need a regime. Sign of healthy nervous system- desire for a regime. For a child, compliance is extremely important.

If the mother tries to adhere to this from the first days, then in the future the baby will fall asleep strictly according to the clock without the slightest effort from the mother. At the same time, he will sleep soundly and sweetly.

6 signs of sleep disturbance

Each cause has its own manifestations, which must be learned to distinguish so that babies can sleep during the day.
Stomach problems. If the baby does not sleep well during the day after feeding, this may be a consequence of overfeeding. This happens in the first two months, until the stomach has expanded to the required volume. Too fatty milk (after nuts, condensed milk) makes it difficult to empty the intestines and causes gas accumulation. Characteristic signs: hard, a little bloated belly, regurgitation. You can find out whether Plantex will help with stomach problems.
Colds in the form of otitis media and a runny nose will prevent even an adult from falling asleep. If, when you press on the ear, the baby reacts by shuddering or crying, then this means the first signs of inflammation of the middle ear. The baby doesn't know how to sleep with open mouth. If the nose is clogged, it will constantly wake up.
High ICP means severe headaches. The provoking factor for pressure surges is a sudden change in weather. The meteosensitivity of infants is already increased, and with this disease it is even more difficult for them.
Allergy. Eating by a nursing mother results in itching skin rashes. The rash appears primarily on the cheeks, crooks of the arms, legs, and buttocks.
Temperature. One of the signs of a temperature above 37.5 degrees is increased excitability. The adrenaline rush makes infants restless. For this reason, a newborn does not sleep all day unless he is sleeping.
Teething. If, and the fists are always in the mouth, most likely the cause disturbing sleep is . Cooling gels for children's gums will help ease the baby's condition.

Why doesn't the baby sleep and cry?

The baby cannot tell what is bothering him. Mom can guess that something hurts somewhere by looking like this: external signs like having trouble falling asleep, crying.

When a baby does not sleep during the day and cries at the same time, this causes serious concern. Anxiety and crying are caused by:

  • sick stomach;
  • ear problems;
  • headaches;
  • teething.

These painful manifestations do not allow you to calm down. The baby becomes capricious and whiny. Wants to sleep, but wakes up in pain.

Sometimes the baby does not sleep during the day due to overexcitation of the nervous system. Loud music, noise, conversations, bright lights - factors affecting well-being little man . Babies are sensitive to the external environment and to the mother’s well-being. The mother's nervousness will be transmitted to the baby and will cause anxiety and crying.

When a newborn does not sleep all day for no apparent reason and is capricious, then you need to pay attention to relationships in the family and the routine of life in the house.

Help me mom

An attentive, sensitive attitude towards the baby will help the mother determine why the baby does not sleep during the day. Its further actions will be aimed at eliminating interference and sources of alarm:

The baby needs his mother’s love from the very first day of his birth, which is why he sleeps better in his mother’s arms.
  1. If you suspect a cold, fever without medical care can't get by.
  2. A runny nose can be dealt with by changing your body position to an inclined one. Snot will not accumulate in the nasal passage, which will make breathing easier.
  3. Intestinal colic is very painful. Relief will come from a tummy massage, a warm diaper as a compress, or lying on your stomach. Read how to massage for colic.
  4. Defecation for a baby is not a simple process. A tight stomach is evidence of constipation. You need to help the baby, pressing his legs to his stomach (if he is not sitting), hold him in his arms (over 6 months).
  5. Allergic itching worsens in warm weather. Access to cool air, successive baths are means for temporarily relieving an attack, allowing you to sleep during the day.
  6. Swollen gums and saliva are symptoms of the eruption of the first teeth. The most acute period lasts from a week or more. At this time, children are restless night and day. Special pain-relieving ointments, gum massage, and biting cold objects help overcome painful phenomena. Here we provide additional information.

Slepenkov A.V., neurologist, medical center Alan Clinic, Izhevsk

Prolonged motion sickness in the arms (an hour or more) may indicate neurological disorders. For example, about intracranial pressure.

It has been proven that rocking normalizes the state of cerebrospinal fluid (brain fluid) and relieves headaches.

It is imperative to see a neurologist if your child has trouble falling asleep, sleeps restlessly, or constantly wakes up and refuses feedings.

Sometimes a newborn does not sleep all day and constantly asks for food. The first reason is lack of nutrition. To determine it, you need to weigh the baby before and after feeding to find out the amount of milk consumed. Then compare with the average standards for this age, and if necessary, introduce complementary foods.

Another explanation is reflex. The sucking process calms the nervous system. If children are worried about something, then the pain is muffled or peace and a sense of security are gained.

It also happens that a healthy, vigorous baby sleeps for 30 minutes during the day. Main indicator– the baby’s well-being and mood. No complaints about appetite, gaining weight, good mood– this amount of sleep is enough or there is not enough physical activity.

Sleep, my joy, sleep

In order for the baby to sleep soundly, sometimes it is enough to adjust the air temperature in the room, cover the baby warmly or, conversely, not wrap him up

The regime helps the formation conditioned reflexes in children from infancy.

For the little ones - motion sickness after eating. Motion sickness has a beneficial effect on the baby's condition. Rhythmic movements, close contact, and calm melody create a feeling of security.

The cause of sleep disturbance in a child under one year old may be different way getting ready for bed. One time they are carried in their arms, the other time they are immediately put into the crib. When it comes to going to bed, there should be stability and uniformity of rituals.
Recommendations on how to put your baby to sleep during the day:

  • ventilate the children's room;
  • reduce lighting (lower curtains, blinds);
  • mute the sound;
  • swing on your hands for 5-10 minutes;
  • sing a lullaby or talk affectionately.

Such techniques, used at the same time, in the same sequence, will help to organize the baby’s daytime rest.

Shipilova A.V., neurologist, Family Clinic LLC, Moscow

Prolonged crying for several days, when it is impossible to distract attention and calm, indicates the need for examination.

The sooner the pathology is identified, the faster and easier it is to heal.

Parents must understand that neglect of the child’s health can lead to very serious consequences. And the mother’s nerves will be fine when the cause of unhealthy sleep is eliminated and the baby finally begins to sleep soundly.


The background to why a newborn doesn't sleep all day , There may be objective and subjective factors. Objective – pathological phenomena. These include an anomaly intracranial pressure, colds, allergies. Subjective – violation of hygiene requirements, daily routine. Only by eliminating the cause can you establish a calm, healthy sleep for your baby.

Restless children's sleep at night - the problem is quite common. Many mothers and fathers dream that the child will get a good night's sleep and give them, the parents, at least 8 hours of sleep. Not all mothers and fathers know why their child sleeps poorly at night, often wakes up, shudders, and tosses and turns restlessly. With these questions, parents turn to an authoritative pediatrician and the author of books and articles about children’s health, Evgeniy Komarovsky.

About the problem

There are many reasons for children's sleep disturbances at night. This is an incipient disease, when its symptoms are not yet noticed by others, and emotional turmoil, an abundance of impressions.

The baby may sleep restlessly and often wake up and cry if it is cold or hot if it is overfed. Up to 4 months, the cause of night restlessness may lie in intestinal colic, up to 10 months and older child may have difficulty sleeping due to discomfort caused by teething.

A newborn and infant up to one year old may have difficulty sleeping if he is hungry. In all children, without exception, poor sleep can be a symptom of a serious illness - rickets, encephalopathy, or a neurological diagnosis.

Sleep deficiency is dangerous for a child's body. Due to constant lack of sleep, many organs and systems become unbalanced; the child experiences a deficiency of many enzymes and hormones that are produced precisely during sleep. Therefore, improving sleep is a priority task.

About children's sleep standards

Evgeniy Komarovsky puts a bold equal sign between the concepts of “children’s sleep” and “sleep of the whole family.” If the baby sleeps well, then his parents can get enough sleep. The whole family feels great as a result. Otherwise, everyone in the household suffers.

In pediatrics, it is customary to assess the quality of a child’s daily sleep according to certain average standards:

  • Usually newborn sleeps up to 22 hours a day.
  • Child aged from 1 to 3 months- about 20 o'clock.
  • Aged from 6 months The baby needs at least 14 hours of sleep, of which 8 to 10 hours should be at night.
  • one year old To stay healthy, a child must sleep at least 13 hours a day, of which about 9-10 hours are allocated at night.
  • If the baby from 2 to 4 years- The child should spend about 12 hours sleeping.
  • After 4 years- at least 10 hours.
  • At 6 years old The child should sleep 9 hours at night (or 8 hours, but then be sure to go to bed for another hour during the day).
  • After 11 years night sleep should be no less than 8-8.5 hours.

At the same time, Komarovsky reminds, it is necessary to take into account the hours that the child sleeps during the day. There are no uniform standards here, everything is quite individual. In general, a child under one year old needs 2-3 small “quiet hours” during the day. A child under 3 years old is one or two. The situation when a 2-year-old child does not sleep during the day is not very normal, since he is still too small to withstand the whole day without rest. If a child at the age of 5 refuses to nap during the day, this may well be a variant of the norm, since sleep largely depends on the temperament of the littlest person.

How to improve sleep?

Getting a good night's sleep is not as difficult as it seems at first glance . In this case, Evgeny Komarovsky offers ten “golden rules for healthy children’s sleep.”

Rule one

It is advisable to perform it as soon as you and your baby arrive from the maternity hospital. It is necessary to set priorities as quickly and irrevocably as possible. The child must intuitively understand that there is a time when everyone around him rests.

Komarovsky recommends immediately deciding what period of sleep is suitable for all household members. This could be from 9 pm to 5 am or from midnight to 8 am. The child should be put to bed at night at exactly this time (the time frame should not be shifted anywhere).

Discipline will be required from all family members and their own compliance with the established rules.

It is clear that at first the baby may wake up at night to eat. But by the age of 6 months, most babies do not need night feeding, and the mother will be able to get her 8 hours of sleep without waking up for her son or daughter’s meal.

Parents often complain that the baby sleeps only in their arms. As soon as he is transferred to his crib, he immediately wakes up and begins to express dissatisfaction. This case is the lack of discipline among the parents themselves. It is enough to remember that rocking in your arms does not in any way affect the health and soundness of sleep, it is just a whim of the parents themselves. Therefore, the choice is theirs - to download or not to download. Komarovsky’s opinion is that a child should sleep in his crib and go to bed at the same time.

Rule two

This rule follows from the previous one. If the family has decided what time night sleep should begin, then it’s time to think about the daily routine for the youngest member of the household. What time will he swim, walk, sleep during the day? Very quickly the newborn will get used to exactly the schedule that his parents offered him, and there will be no problems with sleep either day or night.

Rule three

You need to decide in advance where and how the child will sleep. Komarovsky believes that for a child under 3 years of age the most best option- your own crib, and up to a year it can easily be in the parents’ bedroom, because this way it will be more convenient for the mother to feed the baby at night and change clothes if the unexpected happens.

After a year, says Evgeniy Olegovich, it is best to allocate a separate room for the child and move his bed there (if, of course, such a possibility exists). Co-sleeping with parents, which many mothers and even fathers are now trying to practice, is not the best option. Evgeny Komarovsky believes that it has nothing to do with sleep soundly This kind of rest doesn’t have any benefits, and it doesn’t add health to either mom and dad or the child. And therefore it simply makes no sense.

Rule four

There is no need to use it if the baby’s daily routine is well thought out by his parents. But if a toddler tosses and turns a lot at night, sleeps in fits and starts of 30 minutes or an hour, and the doctors have not found any physical illnesses or neurological diagnoses in him, most likely he simply gets too much sleep during the day. Evgeny Komarovsky recommends not to be shy and resolutely wake up a sleepy baby during the day so that an hour or two is “gone” in favor of night rest.

Rule five

Sleep and food are the baby's basic needs in the first year of life. Therefore, parents need to find the right balance between them. To do this, Komarovsky advises optimizing your diet. From birth to 3 months, the baby may biologically need to be fed 1-2 times at night. From 3 months to six months - it is enough to feed once at night. After six months, there is no need to feed at night at all, says the doctor.

With the implementation of this rule in practice, the most problems arise in families who try to feed the child on demand. If there is a clear regimen or a frequently recommended mixed regimen (on demand, but at certain intervals - at least 3 hours), then the baby gets used to eating this way. But if, with every squeak, he is immediately given the breast, then you should not be surprised that the baby wakes up every 30-40 minutes and cries. He can do this simply because he simply chronically overeats and has a stomach ache.

It is best to offer your baby a light snack at the penultimate feeding, and the last time before going to bed at night, feed him a hearty and dense meal.

Rule six

To sleep soundly at night, you need to be tired during the day. Therefore, you need to take your child for more and more frequent walks. fresh air, engage in age-appropriate educational games, practice gymnastics, give massage and strengthen the baby. However, in the evening, a few hours before going to bed, it is better to limit active games and strong emotions. It’s better to read a book, listen to songs, watch (for a short time) your favorite cartoon. Komarovsky reminds that there is no better sleeping pill in nature than mother’s lullaby.

Rule seven

It regulates the microclimate in the room in which the child sleeps. The baby should not be hot or cold, he should not breathe too dry or too humid air. Komarovsky recommends adhering to the following microclimate parameters: air temperature - from 18 to 20 degrees, air humidity - from 50 to 70%.

The bedroom should be ventilated and the air clean. It is better to install special valves on the heating radiator in the apartment, which will prevent the air from drying out in winter.

Rule eight

To make your baby sleep more soundly, do not forget about a massage before an evening swim. Komarovsky recommends bathing itself in a large adult bathtub filled with cool water (no higher than 32 degrees). After such a procedure good appetite and healthy sleep are guaranteed.

Rule nine

Parents who want to get a good night's sleep should make sure their baby sleeps comfortably. Special attention You should pay attention to the quality of the mattress. It should not be too soft and squash under the weight of the baby. It is better if it is filled with environmentally friendly materials marked “hypoallergenic”.

Bed linen should be made from natural fabrics. You should not buy bright sheets and duvet covers with cartoon characters. It is much more useful for the baby if there are no textile dyes in the underwear, it will be normal white. Wash clothes with special baby powder and rinse thoroughly. A baby does not need a pillow until at least 2 years old, says Evgeny Komarovsky. After this age, the pillow should be small (no more than 40x60).

Rule ten

This is the most delicate rule, which Evgeniy Komarovsky himself calls the most important of the entire ten. Restful sleep It can only happen to a baby who is dry and comfortable. Therefore, you should be very picky when choosing a disposable diaper. It is better to give preference to expensive diapers with a “smart” absorbent layer, proven over generations and safe.

If parents are faced with the task of improving sleep for a child who has long outgrown diapers, then mom and dad will have to work hard. Firstly, the child will need to increase physical activity and significantly reduce the influx of new impressions (temporarily do not buy new toys, books or show new films). Sometimes it's worth giving up nap in favor of the night.

Parents of children who, as people say, have confused day and night should follow exactly the same tactics. Only a merciless daytime restriction of dreams will help transfer the child to a normal mode within a week, when he begins to rest at night.

Sleep is an integral part of infant, helping the developing body to rest. At the same time, parents often have situations where the baby has difficulty falling asleep at night, cries in bed, and is capricious.

As a result, the child does not get enough sleep and may be capricious during the day. What to do when a baby cannot fall asleep and toss around for a long time before going to bed at night - finding the source of the problem will help you figure this out.

Causes of poor sleep in babies

Faced with such a problem as a child’s lack of sleep in the evening, parents are often lost and cannot take adequate action without outside help. At the same time, the baby has difficulty falling asleep in the evening, but sleeps normally during the day.

It is important to know that the occurrence of difficulties with laying down indicates the presence of illness or a change in the baby's routine.

According to Dr. Komarovsky, the reasons may be as follows:

  • lack of desire to sleep in the baby;
  • the child has confusion with day and night;
  • the newborn is hungry, thirsty, or the baby is in pain;
  • the psychological and emotional mood of the parent - depression and overwork have a bad effect on the child’s ability to fall asleep;
  • feeling of discomfort - wet diaper, uncomfortable pajamas;
  • lighting and noise in the room - loud sounds and bright lights have a negative impact on the baby;
  • the newborn shows excessive activity and emotions before going to bed;
  • overexcitation is one of the main reasons for having trouble falling asleep at night.

According to Komarovsky, the factor why the baby does not fall asleep well may be the absence or change in the established bedtime routine. It is necessary to create an accurate daily schedule for the child based on his individuality. For example, bathing or reading will be associated with subsequent falling asleep.

Thus, the appearance of insomnia is possible during transitional moments. When the baby walks soon, he will talk or as his teeth grow. These moments should be waited out, sleep will return to normal.

If the situation in the room has changed or the baby is afraid to fall asleep alone at night, this can also provoke a difficult bedtime.

The effects of various ailments can interfere with healthy sleep:

  • asthma;
  • heartburn;
  • cold;
  • ear infection;

If you find out the true reason why your child has difficulty falling asleep at night, you can easily adjust bedtime.

Techniques for falling asleep independently

Very often, parents wonder how to teach their baby to fall asleep on their own? There are 4 effective techniques, which allow you to accustom your baby to falling asleep independently for the night.

Self-soothing method

This method contains a verbal and tactile influence on the child, helping to settle down on his own and be comforted when he wakes up.

What to do when the baby does not want to fall asleep on his own? It is necessary to prepare for bed at a certain time. To help your baby sleep, the following can help:

  • warm bath;
  • reading;
  • low lighting;
  • quiet soothing melody.

When it's time to sleep, you need to put the baby in the crib and stay close. Quietly leave if the baby has already fallen asleep. If the baby feels care and whimpers, you need to return. You can't pick him up, you have to talk.

The main goal of the method is that when the baby hears the mother’s voice, it calms down and falls asleep on its own. After a while, the baby will get used to the fact that when he gets up at night, he is not picked up. After 3 weeks of this regime, the baby will be able to sleep alone much longer than before.

The method is a long goodbye

This method is suitable for parents who cannot stand crying babies. How to teach him to fall asleep at night when the baby begins to become hysterical when his mother leaves the room?

It is recommended that the parent gradually move away from the cradle. When putting your child to sleep, you need to sit further a short distance every day until you completely leave the room. When the baby knows that his mother is near him, he will learn to sleep on his own without whims and fear.

It is necessary to put it in bed when the baby falls asleep, but is not yet completely asleep. You should sit so that the parent is visible. If the baby begins to cry and reach for your arms, you should pet the baby and whisper soothing words. It is worth picking up and reacting to crying with hysterics if the baby is very violent.

After the baby becomes calm, you can return to your previous place. You should leave the nursery once you are sure that he is sleeping. When the child wakes up again at night, it will be necessary to put him to sleep in the same way as in the evening. After 2 weeks, the baby will fall asleep in the room on its own.

The method is without tears

The principle of the technique is to evaluate and, if necessary, associative transformations that appear in infants associated with falling asleep at night. If you have developed the habit of falling asleep during breastfeeding or while rocking in your arms, then, of course, the baby will begin to whine when you put him in bed. How then can you train yourself to sleep at night?

If the baby falls asleep only in his mother’s arms, then the baby will need to change the associations that are associated with going to bed at night. The baby should try to fall asleep in different situations. It could be a car, with friends, or when rocking in a stroller. You can also choose a toy that the baby would later take with him to bed.

It is necessary to reduce the duration of night feedings and not run to the baby on demand. You should get used to distinguishing the sounds made by the baby in order to have an idea whether the baby is sleeping or not. When the baby gets up and starts crying, you need to breastfeed or formula feed.

Ferber technique

The professor’s method from an early age teaches the child to rely only on his own strengths in order to achieve the required comfort, and also develops patience and humility.

If your baby has trouble falling asleep, you should use the usual rules. This is taking a bath, feeding, lullaby. Then you need to put him in the cradle and go out. The baby may whine. Will need to come back and comfort with words or touch. There is no need to take the baby out of the cradle.

You should be prepared for the fact that you may have to do this large number once a night. With subsequent nights you will need to increase the time you are away.

If you need to calm your baby, it is better not to offer the breast or bottle. Enter the nursery only if she cries. After a while, the method will work. The habit of falling asleep independently at night appears.

If the baby does not fall asleep immediately in the evening, this may most likely indicate a reason bad sleep V daytime. It is always necessary to put the baby to bed before 9 pm so that the baby wakes up rested and full of strength the next morning.

If the baby has trouble falling asleep at night, the parent should try to determine the cause of the problem. If you detect one of the phenomena of a pathological dream, you need to consult a doctor.

  1. The violations continue for more than 3 months.
  2. Disorders lead to worsening mood and changes in behavior.
  3. There is a suggestion of sleep disordered breathing.

Having examined little patient, the specialist will first of all recommend setting up the installation. Provide a comfortable atmosphere in the room, comfortable clothing, eliminate noise and increased activity, establish daytime bedtimes, optimize feedings (it’s better to go to bed immediately after feeding).

A specialist can prescribe soothing drinks and teas for the baby. For colic, appropriate medications are prescribed on an individual basis.

In the case of impaired breathing in an infant, Komarovsky and other doctors recommend placing the baby on its side, changing position every 40 minutes. Do not wrap or overheat, as temperature increases the risk of delay respiratory process. And also ventilate the room before going to bed.

When struggling with poor sleep at night, parents can use traditional methods:

  1. If the baby sleeps restlessly at night, place valerian root in a bag at the head of the bed. A decoction of chamomile, which should be taken ¼ cup an hour before bedtime, will also help. To prepare, take a large spoon of the product and pour in 200 ml of boiling water. Add a small spoon of sugar and boil for 15 minutes. Serve warm.
  2. It is recommended to bathe children in decoctions of knotweed, tansy, immortelle, and elecampane. You will need 50 grams of any herb, boil in a water bath for 15 minutes, strain and add to the bath. You can also add aromatic oils.


To minimize the likelihood of changes in nighttime sleep, parents should adhere to a clear daily routine.

Place and raise the baby strictly on time. If you sleep longer than the allotted time, whims and frustrations are possible later. Do not overfeed before placing. Bathe your child in a warm bath with the addition of decoctions from medicinal herbs. Provide the room with sufficient fresh air.

It is important to identify in time the reason for the baby’s prolonged falling asleep at night and inadequate sleep and take the necessary measures. Healthy baby sleep is an integral part of good health.

Good day, dear parents. Today we will talk about a situation when a child does not want to go to bed. You will find out why this happens, consider individual options daytime, nighttime sleep, as well as quiet time in kindergarten. You will find out the reasons why your baby cannot fall asleep when he really wants to. Ways to solve the current problem will be considered.

Why do you need to sleep during the day?

Dreaming during the daytime is important for the full development of the little toddler. They have a beneficial effect on a good mood, the absorption of information, and remove the stress hormone cortisol from the body. Thanks to sleep during the day, the baby accumulates energy and gets physical rest. As children grow older, they gradually stop going to bed during the day. However, one must take into account the possibility of premature withdrawal, which can lead to serious stress on the baby’s nervous system. For parents to understand whether their little one is ready to completely give up daytime dreams, they need to pay attention to a number of signs:

  • the baby is in a good mood throughout the day;
  • due to the fact that the little one went to bed during the day, he cannot fall asleep for a very long time in the evening hours;
  • parents spend a lot of time trying to lull their baby to sleep during the day, sometimes they succeed, and at other times they are unsuccessful;
  • If the child does not sleep during the day, go to bed in a timely manner in the evening and sleep soundly throughout the night.

According to statistics:

  • at 3 years of age, 90% of children have daytime sleep;
  • in 4 – 50% five times a week;
  • at 5 years - 25%, on average 4 times a week;
  • at 6 years old - children give up daytime dreams.

Daytime sleep problems

Sometimes parents are faced with a situation where the child does not want to sleep during the day. In most cases, this is observed in children aged 2 years. The reasons for this behavior may be the following factors.

  1. Late awakening. This leads to the fact that the baby does not have time to get tired. If a child does not have a routine and wakes up at the time he wants, for example, at 10 o’clock, then the period of wakefulness is not enough to go to bed at lunchtime.
  2. Excess of emotions does not allow you to go to bed. This can happen when guests arrive in your home or when they try to put the child to bed, for example, at a grandmother’s.
  3. Uncomfortable bed. Perhaps the little one is hot under the blanket or he doesn’t like the new pillow, maybe he has grown up and is now cramped in the crib.
  4. Lack of active games and walks in the fresh air. The child does not expend energy in the required amount, so there is no need for daytime rest.
  5. Distractions. It is difficult for a child to fall asleep if the room is too cold or hot, the lights are on, or extraneous noise is heard.
  6. Child hyperactivity. Perhaps your little one is simply too active and, in principle, it is difficult for him to stay in one place for a long time and do nothing.

How to help your baby

  1. Be sure to walk in the morning and allow him to move more. It's good to spend energy and get tired, you can use or. You can have a great time and tire your baby out by jumping on a trampoline.
  2. Establish a daily routine. Wake up your baby early. It is advisable that waking up and going to bed always occur at the same time.
  3. Please ensure that the room has optimal temperature and humidity and that there are no irritating factors.
  4. Provide the child quiet games starting an hour before bedtime.
  5. If you still can’t get your baby to sleep, then don’t be nervous, scold or blackmail your child. It’s better to just do something pleasant, for example, draw together.
  6. You shouldn’t rule out the possibility that your child simply stopped sleeping during the day. In this case, his night sleep should increase, and his emotional state should be excellent.
  7. It must be remembered that children fall asleep more slowly than adults, especially during the day. Give your baby at least half an hour to do this.
  8. If your child gets too busy playing, carefully redirect his attention to a calm activity. You can play with the same toys, but in calmer games. And then move on, for example, to reading.
  9. Set an example for your child. An older brother or mother can lie down next to him.

My son, when he was 3 years old, had a period when he agreed to go to bed during the day only if I lay down next to him. So they fell asleep together.

  1. Explain to your child why it is so important to go to bed during the day.

Unwillingness to sleep at night

Probably, many parents are faced with a situation where the child does not want to sleep at night. What are the reasons for this behavior?

  1. Active and active games in the evening, just before bedtime. It could also be some new activity, for example, a child is looking at a new book, he is very interested in it, of course, he does not want to go to bed.
  2. Fear of staying in a dark room.
  3. A recent nightmare. The child may be afraid that this will happen again.
  4. The little one tries not to fall asleep as long as possible in order to spend more time with his mother. Especially if the child lacks her attention.
  5. If shortly before bedtime the baby was present during a quarrel or was in a noisy room.
  6. Can't sleep in a new place.
  7. Uncomfortable clothes or a hot blanket, an uncomfortable pillow.
  8. Incorrect temperature or high humidity in the room.
  9. The little one cannot sleep because he is thirsty or very hungry.
  10. The child may have trouble sleeping at night due to the onset of the disease.

At the age of 1, my niece often made scenes for her mother and did not want to sleep at night. So they stayed awake together until midnight. At the same time, Nastena felt great, was full of strength and energy, happily sat and drew.

How to solve the problem

  1. Create a bedtime ritual:
  • read fairy tales;
  • take a bath;
  • get a massage.
  1. Closer to bedtime, carefully switch your child’s attention to calm activities; do not give your baby new toys or books before bedtime.
  2. If necessary, lie down next to your little one.
  3. If you have a baby, leave the light on. This could be a night light or a light on in the hallway.
  4. Eliminate noise and bright lighting in the afternoon.
  5. Avoid quarrels and scandals in the presence of a child.
  6. If your baby has difficulty falling asleep in a new place, do not scold him; it is difficult for him to adapt.
  7. Create a daily routine. Make sure that your baby develops, goes to bed at the same time, and has a timely nap during the day.
  8. If the little one is hungry before going to bed, then the mother should think about how to feed him correctly during the day so that this does not happen.
  9. Buy a soft toy that will act as a child's sleep guard. Tell your baby that his new teddy friend came specifically to give him sweet dreams.
  10. If the little one does not fall asleep and is moping, perhaps something hurts. Be careful and, if necessary, show your baby to the doctor.


Some children who refuse to sleep during the day at home are happy to go to bed when they enter preschool. According to psychologists, this happens due to the fact that the baby finds himself in the company of other children and does not want to be different from them or simply follows the instructions of the teacher together. Other toddlers, on the contrary, easily go to bed at lunchtime at home, but not in kindergarten.

Why doesn't the toddler sleep?

  1. Change of environment and adaptation period. Parents should be prepared for the fact that the baby may not be able to go to bed during the day in kindergarten for the first month.
  2. Fear of separation from mother. Being in a preschool institution is already a serious stress for the toddler’s body; he experiences increased anxiety. The child may worry that if he goes to bed, he will miss his mother's return.
  3. Having daily sleep rituals. You will definitely encounter the problem that your child does not want to sleep in kindergarten if you have taught him to fall asleep to lullabies or with a bottle in his mouth.
  4. Late morning rise. It is possible that if there is not enough activity, the child will refuse to go to bed. It is important to know that before a kindergarten baby goes to bed during the day, he needs to walk for at least six hours.
  5. No routine on weekends. You may encounter the problem of sleep deprivation in kindergarten if your baby wakes up and goes to bed at a different time on weekends than on weekdays, and also if he doesn’t go to bed during the day.

What to do

  1. If the problem is in the adaptation period, then the baby will soon get used to it and everything will work out.
  2. If the little one is afraid of parting with his mother, you must follow these recommendations:
  • When visiting kindergarten in the first days, pick up your child before naptime, then after, but be sure to be in a good mood and it is advisable to go for a walk after that;
  • talk to your baby, explain that naps are just as important in the garden as at home;
  • don’t forget to tell your little one how much you love him, hug him and cuddle him often;
  • establish contact with the teacher, it is important for you to be aware of everything that is happening in the garden;
  • If a child has a favorite soft toy, then let him take it with him to kindergarten so that the baby can fall asleep more calmly, hugging his plush friend.
  1. If your little one falls asleep after performing certain rituals, then when he approaches kindergarten, cancel all customs and teach your child to fall asleep without it.
  2. Wake up your baby in the morning at a time so that he has at least six hours before his nap in the garden.
  3. Find out in advance what the routine is in the preschool institution, and teach your child to this routine. Do not forget to comply with it on weekends.

You can read the article about.

Tired baby can't sleep

Some children, when it is time to go to bed, remain cheerful and cheerful, and do not want to fall asleep at all. However, there are situations when a child wants to sleep, but cannot fall asleep. If at the same time parents notice that the baby is sleepy, moping, crying, most likely he has hyperfatigue. In such a situation, the following measures can be taken:

  • start putting your baby to bed as soon as you see that he is sleepy;
  • it is important that small child slept at least fifty minutes during the day;
  • lie down next to him so that the little one is calmer.

Remember that you cannot yell at your baby, and especially not at him for such behavior.

Now you know for what reasons a child may refuse daytime or nighttime sleep, as well as dreams in kindergarten. Follow the recommendations outlined in this article and everything will work out for you. The main thing is not to despair and never take it out on your baby if he refuses to sleep.

A baby, like no one else, needs healthy sleep. After all, lack of sleep can negatively affect the development of a child’s nervous system. Full sleep It is also necessary for a new mother, especially in the first months after childbirth - the climate of the family completely depends on her well-being and mood.

Did you know that only 20% of babies can fall asleep on their own, without the help of adults? And if you are reading this article, your baby is probably not one of the lucky ones.

Are you exhausted trying in vain to put your baby to sleep? Don't despair! You - good parent! Most likely, you just need to figure out why an infant cannot sleep. This is very important! If you do not eliminate the cause of concern, your actions will be ineffective, and putting an infant to sleep will be very difficult.

Therefore, in this article we will look at the main reasons that prevent normal falling asleep and restful sleep.

Hunger will never let your baby sleep peacefully. If the mother does manage to rock the hungry baby to sleep, he will definitely wake up soon. Feed him, let him be full!

Most often, the little ones are bothered by their tummy. When the baby grows up, and he digestive system learns to work without interruption, a new misfortune arises. This is teething. In such cases, your pediatrician will definitely advise what to do. Do not self-medicate. Trust a specialist!

Another reason may be uncomfortable clothing. Breasts are especially sensitive if the fabric is “pricked” or “scratched” in the area of ​​the seams. Because of the discomfort, they can cry restlessly for hours, exhausting themselves and you, but they will not be able to say so. Check all the baby's natural folds. Perhaps some speck that got from his clothes is haunting him. Also change your diaper. It's not very pleasant to fall asleep wet. Most children understand this truth from birth.

Remember about comfortable conditions in the room. In a stuffy, hot room, it is difficult not only for adults, but also for children to fall asleep. The air in the room should not be too dry or too humid. And if the house is cold, the child should be bundled up accordingly. He shouldn't be cold!
Overexcitement and excess emotions will also prevent the baby from falling asleep. Follow emotional state child.

Too much attention from adult relatives and others will be a burden to the baby. Fatigue often occurs in the absence of a sleep-wake schedule. Therefore, each mother, together with her baby, must develop her own regimen. Active children may have trouble with their hands while falling asleep and sleeping. It makes sense to swaddle a newborn baby tightly, along with the arms. Remove any light source that is too bright and isolate it from loud noises if possible.

Weather conditions are another reason why parents fail in the fight against insomnia. As you know, not only elderly or sick people, but also small children react to changes in weather. In this case, you just need to be patient, because you cannot eliminate this reason.

So, we have looked at the main reasons why an infant cannot sleep. Armed with this information, dear mothers, it will be much easier for you to put your baby to sleep.
Be patient and good luck!