Why do they grind their teeth? Why is bruxism dangerous?

Bruxism (Greek for “grinding”) can occur in both adults and children, and the causes, respectively, and treatment may be different. To understand why people grind their teeth in their sleep (usually at night, but sometimes during the day), and how to get rid of this scourge, you should read the article to the end.

Why does a person grind their teeth in their sleep, causes and treatment of Bruxism ^

In most cases, the reasons why a person grinds his teeth in his sleep are psychogenic in nature, which is why treatment of Bruxism is carried out by a psychotherapist or psychoanalyst.

However, teeth grinding can occur due to dental problems, neurological problems, sleep disturbances, bad habits, traumatic brain injury, brain tumors, genetic predisposition, infections of the upper respiratory tract and nasopharynx, due to improper use of antidepressants, tranquilizers and psychotropics...etc.

Once upon a time there was an opinion that a person grinds his teeth because of helminths (worms, tapeworms...), due to which the level of B vitamins in the body drops, which affects the psyche and leads to grinding of teeth in sleep. This opinion has been refuted by medical research.

A person suffering from Bruxism, if he does not have, say, a husband (wife) ... a child with a parent, may not even realize that he grinds his teeth at night in his sleep ... You can understand only by indirect signs - abrasion of tooth enamel, wounds on the inside cheeks, wounds on gums, headache, lack of sleep and lethargy upon awakening, tension and soreness in the jaws, etc.

Causes of Bruxism in adults and children ^

The main causes of bruxism in both adults and children may be the same. But in children, for example, when they are teething, there may be itching in the mouth - hence the clenching of the jaws and grinding of the teeth.

Bruxism in adults^

The main causes of bruxism in adults:

  • Brain tumor, traumatic brain injury;
  • Epilepsy (or predisposition to it);
  • Neurosis, stress syndrome, whimsy, inferiority complexes, phobias and depression;
  • Parkinson's disease;
  • Neuropsychic stress (physical stress);
  • Abuse of alcohol, tobacco, caffeine;
  • Improper use of antidepressants, psychotropic drugs, tranquilizers, sleeping pills and other drugs (also drug use);
  • Disease trigeminal nerve;
  • Cervical osteochondrosis;
  • Malocclusion, poor quality filling, surgery into the oral cavity, poorly fitted dentures, braces;
  • Disturbance of sleep phases, due, again, to nervous experiences or brain pathology;
  • Resentments, fears, feelings of guilt, hatred, envy and other emotional experiences accumulated in the depths of the psyche;
  • Psychiatric pathology;
  • Infections of the upper respiratory tract and nasopharynx.

Bruxism in children^

Children may grind their teeth in their sleep because their gums itch during teething. The cause of bruxism in children may be genetic inheritance, complicated childbirth, or maxillofacial anomaly.
Psychotrauma, strong nervous shock and frequent stress, mental and physical stress, unhealthy emotional climate in the family, can cause the development of teeth grinding in a child at night.

Treatment of Bruxism^

Of course, in order to accurately determine why a person grinds his teeth in his sleep, he needs to first contact a neurologist and/or psychotherapist. So that the specialist conducts research, determines the cause of involuntary night teeth grinding and prescribes adequate treatment.

Bruxism itself is not a pathology. Grinding of teeth, usually at night, in a dream, is a consequence of some internal problem- in the body or psyche (usually the latter). Therefore, it is not at all difficult to cure (get rid of) harmful teeth grinding.

However, in most cases, you can get rid of bruxism on your own and no longer grind your teeth. To do this, you need to do some actions (exercises) every evening before going to bed:

  • To relieve neuropsychic, emotional, stress and physical tension, perform relaxation exercises using psychotraining or self-hypnosis, also use relaxing breathing with the diaphragm;
  • In the evening, physically load your jaw muscles - eat solid food (vegetables, fruits...);
  • Expose yourself to less stress, eat properly and balanced, work and rest in proportion;
  • It is advisable to get rid of bad habits (eliminate smoking, alcohol, psychostimulants...);
  • Start a healthy lifestyle

If the consequence of the fact that a person grinds his teeth in his sleep is a more serious psychological factor (neurosis, stress disorder, depression, phobia, panic attacks, serious sleep disturbances, etc., then the help of a psychoanalyst or psychotherapist is simply necessary - you will no longer be able to get rid of nighttime teeth grinding on your own.

If, after seeing specialists, it turns out that the cause of Bruxism is not psychogenic factors, then you should consult an appropriate specialist about treatment.

Consequences of night teeth grinding^

Grinding teeth during sleep has its negative consequences for human health, in particular for the teeth themselves and the oral cavity.
The main consequences of untreated bruxism:

  • Erasure of tooth enamel and development of caries;
  • Malocclusion, and at the same time chewing food, digestive system disorders and diseases gastrointestinal tract;
  • Gum diseases;
  • Displacement of the lower jaw and changes in the appearance of the face;
  • Neurological problems;
  • Neurotic and emotional-psychological problems

Psychological assistance for teeth grinding during sleep and/or during the day

Many people do not consider grinding or grinding their teeth as a serious problem. for a long time ignore her. However, teeth grinding (or bruxism) is not at all harmless. It leads to abrasion of the upper part of the tooth and the appearance of ulcers on the mucous membrane.

The appearance of characteristic sounds is possible during the day or at night. A person produces them unconsciously, often without even noticing them. Usually the people closest to you are the first to sound the alarm. Having noticed the “signals” of the body, it is necessary to undergo an examination, identify the cause of their appearance, and begin treatment.


What is bruxism called?

Involuntary clenching of the jaws, clicking, clattering, and knocking of teeth is called bruxism. Its occurrence is associated with spasm of the masticatory muscles, accompanied by uncontrolled clenching of the jaws. Friction occurs between tightly clenched teeth, which manifests itself as grinding. Sometimes this disease is called odonterism or Carolini phenomenon. Its manifestations are most noticeable at night, when a person does not control himself. The attack can last from 10 seconds to a minute.

Scientists have found that teeth grinding occurs in almost 50% of children under 7 years of age. Its appearance is due to the imperfection of the child’s nervous system, which is subject to constant stress. It is believed that there is no need to worry about this; with age, the problem will disappear without outside intervention.

At the same time, parents should take a closer look at the baby; perhaps he is in a state of emotional discomfort. Problems at school or with peers, and too strict control by adults often cause stress. It is considered one of the main causes of the disease. Among adults, about 15% are susceptible to bruxism. Often people don't even know about this problem.

A characteristic feature of “bruxers” is the habit of constantly gnawing on something. For some it is pencils or nails, for others it is more substantial objects, for example, a TV remote control. This manifestation is usually perceived as a bad habit. It is believed that willpower will help cope with it. Unfortunately, will alone is not enough. You need to contact a specialist.

What symptoms help identify bruxism?

During the day, a person himself can pay attention to the characteristic sounds emerging from his mouth. Moreover, due to strong compression“fatigue” of the jaws occurs. Nocturnal bruxism is much more difficult to detect. It often causes sleep disturbances and interferes with the sleep of loved ones.

Main symptoms:

  • creaking, grinding noise made by teeth;
  • muscle pain in the cheeks or temples;
  • the joint becomes inflamed, the mobility of the lower jaw is limited;
  • enamel sensitivity increases;
  • teeth become mobile;
  • the dentition is deformed;
  • sleep is disturbed, chronic fatigue appears.

These manifestations are often unexpressed. A person may not pay attention to them for many years. Subtle signs of bruxism include tinnitus, neck pain, and clicking in the jaw. After sleep, a feeling of “brokenness” and numbness in the jaw may appear. In addition, frequent biting of the cheek mucosa causes wounds.

Doctors often diagnose bruxism when a patient seeks prosthetics. Its presence is indicated by the shortened size and uneven edges of the crown. Implants and other structures cannot be installed until bruxism is eliminated.

Why does the disease develop?

Dentists name several causes of bruxism. One of them is the habit of gnawing or chewing. hard objects: pencil, pen. Although it can most likely be attributed to the consequences of the disease.

Experts say stress is the likely cause of teeth grinding. Strong clenching of the jaw is a normal reaction to it. Overexcitation of the body occurs when there is increased brain activity, strong anticipation of something, or taking stimulants (alcohol, drugs). If, having returned to a calm state, a person cannot control his jaws, it means that nervous tension remains.

In addition to stress, night or daytime teeth grinding is a consequence of dental anomalies (bad bite, missing teeth), Parkinson's or Huntington's disease, and insomnia. Strong clenching of teeth is typical for people whose work requires increased attention and precise movements (surgeon, watchmaker).

Problems in dentistry

If left untreated for a long time, bruxism can cause various dental problems. The first of these is the gradual abrasion of the enamel. As a result, the likelihood of caries increases and tooth sensitivity increases. If a person does not undergo treatment for years, the teeth can be worn down to the roots. At the same time, the durability of orthopedic structures is sharply reduced.

Quite often, bruxism causes the development of tooth mobility, exposure of the neck, and malocclusion. Teeth grinding causes the jaw muscles to be constantly tense. This causes painful sensations, the appearance of characteristic clicks when swallowing.

Consequences of nervous system disorders

Neurosis, long-term stress that contributes to the depletion of the nervous system, often causes bruxism. A person’s sleep is disturbed; at night his nervous system continues to work intensively and does not relax. Usually a person grinds his teeth in the phase REM sleep. The process is often accompanied by muscle twitching, eye movements, and walking. Some people talk while doing this and may experience urinary incontinence (enuresis).

  • Neurotoxins act as activators of negative manifestations. These include alcohol, bee and snake venoms, caustic chemicals (for example, nitro paint), nicotine. The danger of neurotoxins is associated with their negative effect on nerve endings. The natural detoxification mechanism practically does not work against them. Being retained by the liver, they are not excreted, but are reabsorbed by the nerve fibers.
  • Regular night grinding of teeth is harmful mental state person. Its appearance indicates the inability of the nervous system to relax. As a result, a person cannot rest normally, his psyche is disturbed. Constant lack of sleep contributes to rapid fatigue, which gradually leads to depression.
  • Close people suffer no less than the patient himself. Being around him makes it difficult to completely relax. Strange sounds at night prevent you from getting a good rest. All this does not help improve the atmosphere in the house and leads to irritation and quarrels.

The danger of inflammation of the facial joints

Constant tension of the facial muscles gradually leads to their inflammation. In this case, the functioning of the joints of the lower jaw is disrupted, clicks appear when opening the mouth, biting off a large piece or yawning. Chronic inflammation accompanied by constant nerve impulses. They are responsible for the involuntary spasm of the masticatory muscles, which moves the lower jaw. This movement is accompanied by a characteristic creaking sound.

This process creates a vicious circle: the joint becomes inflamed, muscle spasm, supporting inflammation. In this case, the problem worsens, leading to a deterioration in the normal ratio of joint surfaces.

Or maybe helminths (worms) are to blame for the creaking?

To exclude this cause, you need to get tested for helminths. In general, doctors are not inclined to associate bruxism with worms. The reasons for its appearance in children are the same as in adults: stress, dental abnormalities. To accurately determine the cause, you should consult a doctor. After a detailed examination, he will be able to prescribe treatment.

Principles of treatment

Having noticed in yourself or loved one manifestations of bruxism, you should first consult a dentist. After examining the oral cavity, he will determine the degree of damage and the presence of problems with the bite. If necessary, the dentist will refer you to an orthodontist, neurologist or psychologist.

  • As with any other disease, the effectiveness of treatment depends on the correct diagnosis. Electromyography is used for diagnosis. It allows you to use special sensors to record muscle activity in an active and calm state. Having revealed the degree pathological changes, the doctor will suggest effective treatment.
  • The first task that a specialist has to solve is to prevent grinding. For this purpose, special mouthguards or splints are used that prevent teeth grinding. They have a special design, different from the one used to straighten teeth. If a patient experiences bruxism during the day, he or she is fitted with daytime mouth guards. They are invisible, but do not allow the teeth to close together and prevent them from abrasion. For severe muscle strain, the doctor uses injections of relaxing agents (for example, Botox) or hypnosis.
  • Further treatment depends on the cause of bruxism. If it is associated with disturbances in the emotional state, measures are taken to eliminate stress and reduce its consequences. This could be taking antidepressants or muscle relaxants. If grinding occurs as a result of a malocclusion or loss of part of the teeth, consultation and assistance from an orthodontist, orthopedist or implantologist will be required.

Effective treatments

Bruxism often becomes a manifestation of a complex of problems associated with both the emotional state of a person and dental disorders. Correction of malocclusion is carried out using plates, braces, caps.

To select treatment, the doctor must carefully examine the patient. Only by identifying the cause of the disease will he be able to prescribe effective procedures.

The main treatment measures include:

    It helps saturate the brain with oxygen, relieve nervous tension, and improve sleep. Walks shown fresh air, simple physical exercises.
  • Elimination of stressful situations. It is necessary to reconsider your lifestyle and attitude to various situations. A person needs to learn to relax, to escape from everyday problems.
  • Diet. The patient is advised to avoid stimulating drinks (coffee, alcohol), heavy foods. It is beneficial to drink plenty of fluids, eat food, rich in vitamins, microelements.

An important part of treatment is to teach the patient to relax the muscles. Hot and cold compresses, massage, and special exercises help him with this. The ability to relax will help you cope with emotional stress. Even in the frantic pace of modern life, you need to find time to relax and do what you love. To protect damaged enamel, dentists recommend using remineralizing pastes and special rinses.

Traditional methods

If the cause of bruxism is a malocclusion, missing teeth or other dental problems, folk ways you can't get rid of them. In cases where the habit of grinding teeth appears due to nervous overstrain, stress, traditional medicine will help relax the body and eliminate the effects of stress. It is better to use them after a visit to a neurologist, who will tell you effective recipes, training camps, exercises.

To restore the nervous system, decoctions of herbs that have a relaxing, calming effect are often used - chamomile, valerian, string. They take baths with them and take them internally. For the bath, make a decoction of a mixture of herbs: three tablespoons per liter of water. A soothing composition will help relieve tension and prepare for sleep. Heat a cup of milk, add a teaspoon of turmeric and honey to it, and drink slowly.

On general condition massage has a positive effect on the body. You can do it yourself. Oil with valerian will help increase the effectiveness of massage. Mix a teaspoon for it vegetable oil and 20 drops of valerian. The mixture is used to massage the forehead, cheeks, and neck.

Slow walks in the evenings and reading before bed will help you cope with insomnia. It is better to give preference to quiet literature. You can place a saucer near the bed into which you can add 2-3 drops. essential oil– tangerine, bergamot, rose, geranium. To relax your jaws, you can apply a warm towel to your cheeks half an hour before bed. It is recommended to work hard with your jaws in the evening: gnawing on a carrot, apple, or other hard vegetable or fruit.

Kalinov Yuri Dmitrievich

Reading time: 5 minutes

Many of us have experienced teeth grinding while sleeping in ourselves or our loved ones. According to statistics, approximately 8% of the adult population and 15–20% of younger and older children grind their teeth at night. school age. And if a person can control himself during the day, then at night in a dream everything happens involuntarily. Why do they grind their teeth in their sleep? Is this phenomenon dangerous, and is it possible to get rid of it? Let's talk.

What kind of illness is this?

Bruxism is the medical term for teeth grinding. Grinding of teeth occurs involuntarily, and often a person himself does not notice such grinding of teeth. People usually learn about nocturnal bruxism from relatives.

In order to find out what is the cause of teeth grinding during sleep in adults, the doctor may recommend electromyography. During this procedure, special sensors are attached to the patient’s face, which should record the electrical potentials of the person’s facial muscles. Doctors are primarily interested in those areas that are directly responsible for chewing.

Even before visiting a doctor, a person can observe his body and see the problem on his own:


The reasons why people grind their teeth in their sleep can be different:

Quite often, people experience the phenomenon of teeth grinding in their sleep. It manifests itself in both adults and children (even the smallest - infants). This phenomenon has received different names– odonterism, bruxism. The second term is more common in medical definitions.

Teeth grinding is actually a serious problem if it occurs frequently and is repeated with a clear frequency, as it can lead not only to dental disorders, but also to gastroenterological ones. Therefore, it requires detailed consideration and discussion.

Why does a person grind his teeth in his sleep - the reason

Therefore, many lonely people either never realize about the problem at all, or find out about it after a visit to the dentist. Because of this, the actual number of patients with this problem is actually much higher.

In many cases, it is difficult to determine the actual cause of the onset of the disease. It could be therapeutic, dental and often neurological problem depending on the circumstances that lead to it.

Before considering the causes of bruxism, we need to talk about the symptoms that are most likely to be observed in patients:

  • Joint and muscle pain in the jaw and facial muscles.
  • Headaches and migraines in the morning.
  • Pain from strong voltage muscles in the neck, shoulders and upper back.
  • Ringing and pain in the ears.
  • Lack of sleep, stress and exhaustion due to bad sleep, the appearance of insomnia.
  • Malnutrition and improper functioning of the digestive system.
  • The appearance of high sensitivity and irritability of the eyes.
  • Depression.

The most common and possible causes of bruxism


Many dentists name one of the first reasons pathological bite(improper closure of teeth) and incorrectly installed fillings. In the second case, the problem is solved by a dental therapist and practically does not cause any complications if it was identified within a not too long time from the moment of its appearance.

A malocclusion is more difficult to correct, but it is also possible. This may take a long time, sometimes up to 10–12 months.

In addition, this should include the absence of some teeth, which can lead not only to bruxism, but also to serious disturbances in the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, if this is not addressed immediately after tooth extraction or traumatic loss.


This includes pathologies of general structure jaw joints, the jaws themselves and the facial part of the skeleton.

These are congenital defects that in most cases are diagnosed at a fairly early age, when correction is possible without applying too much effort.

Stress and nervous overload

A lot of things can fall into this category. All kinds stressful situations, constant nervousness due to problems at work or personal problems, bad habits, including excessive drinking, smoking (the effect of nicotine on the body is important here), personal reactions to caffeine, and so on.

All these factors can cause an increase in brain activity, which causes uncontrolled and spasmodic contraction of the muscles responsible for jaw movement.

Other diseases

The tendency to bruxism often manifests itself in people suffering from Huntington's disease(a combination of mental disorders and involuntary uncontrolled movements of various muscle groups) and Parkinson's(tremor, muscle stiffness and inelasticity).

In the event of a sudden sharp appearance of bruxism in adults, it is imperative to get tested for epilepsy, since this disease may also be one of the causes of the problem in question.


Bruxism can also manifest itself as a display habit of clenching teeth very tightly for some people. Most often, these are specialists whose work requires extreme concentration and the performance of many small and very precise movements, for example, watchmakers, jewelers, surgeons, neurosurgeons and many others.


There is a widespread non-medical opinion that severe teeth grinding during sleep and worms, or rather, their presence, are directly related. After much research it was almost completely refuted.

As you know, they are responsible for the normal functioning of the nervous system. This may be the cause of bruxism in some cases, due to the individual characteristics of the body.

Bruxism in a child

Most of the reasons coincide with those listed above, but there are some that can only occur in children or are very different from adults in their content. Let's look at them in more detail.

Stressful situations and overexcitement

Children have a more fragile and susceptible psyche. This leads to the fact that even a situation that, according to adults, should not be paid any attention to, can become a serious stress-forming factor.

For example, the birth of another child in the family, moving to another apartment, or troubles in kindergarten.

Sleep disturbance

There are many types of sleep disorders, in particular their depth, some of which may be the cause of childhood bruxism. Doctors usually classify this problem as being in the same class as somnambulism and nightmares.


In most cases (about 80%), children grinding their teeth in their sleep is a consequence of enlarged adenoids.


Sometimes children can adopt this habit from adults or simply inherit it. This most often occurs in boys.

Teeth cutting

The appearance of bruxism can be noticed even in very young children, infants. Sometimes this is due to unpleasant sensations which occur during teething. At the same time, the gums itch and itch.

In a dream, a child cannot get rid of this in any other way than by clenching his jaw and trying to scratch his gums. Because of this, sharp grinding sounds appear. All this happens unconsciously.

In addition to the usual treatment methods, which will be discussed below, additional ones are also recommended for children.

Firstly, it is necessary pay attention to what psychological environment is created for the child in different areas of his life. If he goes to kindergarten or school, then it is worth talking with educators and teachers. In the home environment, there can also be a reason for stress and an uncomfortable child’s mental well-being.

Secondly, it is necessary organize a clear and correct daily routine, nutrition etc. Okay spend more time walking outside.

Sufficient and reasonable age-appropriate physical loads(sports sections, exercises, just hiking etc.) are also extremely important. This helps solve many psychological problems and their consequences.

Thirdly, it is necessary we need to reconsider how evening time is spent. It is then that the child can receive the main stress on the psyche. It is recommended to spend the next few hours before bedtime without a lot of active games, loud conversations, computers and TV.

Children feel much better if you just read a book to them, talk, listen to a calm good music, better even the classic one.

Fourthly, it is necessary to control the time allotted for sleep. If teeth grinding occurs at night, pediatricians recommend trying to put your child to bed an hour earlier. If this method does not give results, you should still continue - it definitely won’t be superfluous.


Bruxism, if it occurs regularly, every night, for several minutes, may lead to severe abrasion (chipping) of tooth enamel down to the next layer.

This leads to both the appearance of severe caries and constant inflammation, loosening of teeth, and malocclusion.

It's even possible changes in the structure of the jaw joints. These are dental problems, but they can also cause poor digestion and general abnormal condition of the body.

Sleep disturbances and incomplete rest worsen psychological comfort, increase susceptibility to stress, and so on.

Since the problem of bruxism is recognized as a medical problem, it is worth solving it together with doctors, relying on their advice.

Solving the issue of psychological stress

This item includes identifying the cause of stress, acquiring the ability to relax(music, books, sports, etc.), taking sedatives(often weak), psychologist consultations.

Therapy that will help not only identify stress, but also develop skills to effectively overcome it and successfully overcome many conflict situations, is also part of the treatment in many cases.

Wearing a mouth guard

Such devices are extremely individual. Using an impression, the dentist makes them for each patient separately. However, wearing a mouth guard is not actual treatment. This simply helps to cope with teeth grinding at night for a while, but does not solve the problem itself.

Read more about mouthguards for bruxism here - their types, manufacturing procedure and cost.

In conclusion, you will find a video that tells you what people suffering from bruxism need to do:


Cause of teeth grinding

It is not uncommon for people to become aware of a problem when they begin to experience headaches accompanied by pain in their teeth or jaw. Some find out they have problems with teeth grinding when their dentist sees damage from the condition in the form of marks on their teeth. Whether or not you have been experiencing teeth grinding symptoms for a long time, it is important to get rid of them.

How to stop teeth grinding

Here are the top 10 ways to prevent teeth grinding.

A Warm Compress Reduces Teeth Grinding

Applying moist heat to the jaw area is one of the best ways to prevent teeth grinding and jaw clenching. The heat will help relax your jaw and mouth muscles.

  • Soak a towel (gauze, rag) in hot water and squeeze out excess water.
  • Wrap a damp cloth around the jaw area.
  • Do this twice a day to relax your jaw muscles and prevent daytime teeth grinding.
  • If you want, you can take a warm bath before bed. The heat from the water can temporarily relax your jaw muscles and reduce nighttime grinding.

Massage against teeth grinding

Gently massage the muscles of the neck, shoulders and face in a circular motion for a few minutes a day before bed. This helps relieve tension in the chewing muscles. Thus, it reduces pain and helps reduce grinding.

Full body massage, stress massage, all these procedures will also be useful, since stress, as a rule, is the main cause of teeth grinding.

Valerian will stop night teeth grinding

Valerian has muscle-relaxing properties that will help you relax and enjoy deep sleep. When you sleep better, there is less chance of teeth grinding.

  • Mix a few drops of valerian essential oil and one teaspoon of olive oil and massage those areas of the jaw and neck that are close to the jaw.
  • Also, drink valerian tea regularly.

Lavender and night noise in children

Lavender has a calming effect on nervous system due to its bioactive components. In addition, it induces relaxation and helps you sleep better.

Mix three or four drops of lavender essential oil with one teaspoon of almond or olive oil. Use this oil to massage the jaw and neck area closest to the jaw. Do this once during the day and again before bed and nighttime grinding will be a thing of the past for children.

Herbal tea as a cure for teeth grinding

If you are tense or stressed, you are likely to have disrupted sleep. Have a cup herbal tea before bed. Warm herbal tea will have a relaxing effect on your body.

When you are relaxed from the inside, there is much less chance that you will “grind” your teeth in your sleep. In addition, a warm cup of herbal tea helps deep sleep and relaxes the facial muscles.

Green tea and chamomile tea are the best herbal tea options to combat teeth grinding. You can use bagged green tea or chamomile tea. If you want to do everything according to science, here is the recipe:

  • Fill a cup with two teaspoons of dried chamomile flowers with hot water.
  • Let brew for five minutes.
  • Strain and add a little lemon juice and honey.
  • Drink this tea for teeth grinding one or two hours before bed.

Turmeric and milk - an amazing folk recipe for teeth grinding

Turmeric and milk when combined with each other can help control the problem of teeth grinding to a great extent. Milk contains the aromatic alpha amino acid tryptophan, an amino acid that helps you relax and enjoy sound sleep. In addition, the calcium in milk helps maintain dental health. Adding turmeric to milk will enhance the milk's anti-grinding benefits while also reducing the pain of dental grinding.

  • Heat one cup of milk.
  • When the milk boils, add one teaspoon of turmeric powder.
  • Stir slowly until the milk turns a mustard color.
  • Remove the turmeric milk from the heat and add one tablespoon of honey.
  • Drink the drink daily about 30 minutes before bed.

Calcium and magnesium will stop crying and teeth grinding

Teeth grinding can also be reduced or stopped by daily dietary supplementation with calcium and magnesium, which are both essential for muscle function and nervous system health.

In addition, these minerals maintain the strength of teeth. When there is a deficiency of calcium and magnesium in the body, this can cause teeth grinding, spasms, cramps, tension and other muscle pathologies.

  • Take calcium and magnesium powder in a 2:1 ratio every day. Start with 600 mg calcium and 300 mg magnesium. You can gradually increase the dose to 1000 mg of calcium and 400 to 600 milligrams of magnesium.
  • Dissolve powdered supplements in an acidic liquid such as orange juice or grapefruit juice. Drink daily for two months.

Vitamin C against teeth grinding in children and adults

Vitamin C is very important for your body to function properly. This vitamin is also necessary for the production of the key neurotransmitter dopamine, which regulates mood.

It also plays a key role in movement control smooth muscle. Vitamin C deficiency has shown that it can affect the production of adrenaline and norepinephrine, which in turn affects the nervous system and even causes stress.

  • Take vitamin C after consulting your doctor.
  • Also, try including in your diet more products, rich in vitamin C.

Deep breathing will reduce teeth grinding at night

Deep breathing exercises are another way to prevent teeth grinding. These breathing exercises will help you relax before bed. Deep breathing also relieves tired muscles. The more relaxed you are, the less likely you are to suffer from teeth grinding in your sleep.

One hour before bed, practice various deep breathing exercises.

Exercise can prevent teeth grinding at night

Exercising regularly at least three times a week will help reduce stress and calm your body. Regular exercise can improve immune system and blood circulation, overall body functioning, which will enhance your ability to cope with stressful situations. Exercise also helps you sleep better.

After eating dinner, take a walk in the garden or engage in some other gentle exercise to help relieve some of the tension and stress that can cause teeth grinding. Also, avoid taking stimulants such as tea, coffee, or alcohol before bed as they may make the problem worse.

Using these simple tips and recommendations, you can easily prevent teeth grinding. However, if the problem is serious, consult a doctor. You may need to wear a mouth guard or other protective dental device (a jaw splint) while you sleep to prevent damage to your teeth from grinding.


What is bruxism called?

Involuntary clenching of the jaws, clicking, clattering, and knocking of teeth is called bruxism. Its occurrence is associated with spasm of the masticatory muscles, accompanied by uncontrolled clenching of the jaws. Friction occurs between tightly clenched teeth, which manifests itself as grinding. Sometimes this disease is called odonterism or Carolini phenomenon. Its manifestations are most noticeable at night, when a person does not control himself. The attack can last from 10 seconds to a minute.

Scientists have found that teeth grinding occurs in almost 50% of children under 7 years of age. Its appearance is due to the imperfection of the child’s nervous system, which is subject to constant stress. It is believed that there is no need to worry about this; with age, the problem will disappear without outside intervention.

At the same time, parents should take a closer look at the baby; perhaps he is in a state of emotional discomfort. Problems at school or with peers, and too strict control by adults often cause stress. It is considered one of the main causes of the disease. Among adults, about 15% are susceptible to bruxism. Often people don't even know about this problem.

A characteristic feature of “bruxers” is the habit of constantly gnawing on something. For some it is pencils or nails, for others it is more substantial objects, for example, a TV remote control. This manifestation is usually perceived as a bad habit. It is believed that willpower will help cope with it. Unfortunately, will alone is not enough. You need to contact a specialist.

What symptoms help identify bruxism?

During the day, a person himself can pay attention to the characteristic sounds emerging from his mouth. In addition, due to strong compression, “fatigue” of the jaws occurs. Nocturnal bruxism is much more difficult to detect. It often causes sleep disturbances and interferes with the sleep of loved ones.

Main symptoms:

  • creaking, grinding noise made by teeth;
  • muscle pain in the cheeks or temples;
  • the joint becomes inflamed, the mobility of the lower jaw is limited;
  • enamel sensitivity increases;
  • teeth become mobile;
  • the dentition is deformed;
  • sleep is disturbed, chronic fatigue appears.

These manifestations are often unexpressed. A person may not pay attention to them for many years. Subtle signs of bruxism include tinnitus, neck pain, and clicking in the jaw. After sleep, a feeling of “brokenness” and numbness in the jaw may appear. In addition, frequent biting of the cheek mucosa causes wounds.

Doctors often diagnose bruxism when a patient seeks prosthetics. Its presence is indicated by the shortened size and uneven edges of the crown. Implants and other structures cannot be installed until bruxism is eliminated.

Why does the disease develop?

Dentists name several causes of bruxism. One of them is the habit of gnawing or chewing hard objects: a pencil, a pen. Although it can most likely be attributed to the consequences of the disease.

Experts say stress is the likely cause of teeth grinding. Strong clenching of the jaw is a normal reaction to it. Overexcitation of the body occurs when there is increased brain activity, strong anticipation of something, or taking stimulants (alcohol, drugs). If, having returned to a calm state, a person cannot control his jaws, it means that nervous tension remains.

In addition to stress, night or daytime teeth grinding is a consequence of dental anomalies (bad bite, missing teeth), Parkinson's or Huntington's disease, and insomnia. Strong clenching of teeth is typical for people whose work requires increased attention and precise movements (surgeon, watchmaker).

Problems in dentistry

If left untreated for a long time, bruxism can cause various dental problems. The first of these is the gradual abrasion of the enamel. As a result, the likelihood of caries increases and tooth sensitivity increases. If a person does not undergo treatment for years, the teeth can be worn down to the roots. At the same time, the durability of orthopedic structures is sharply reduced.

Quite often, bruxism causes the development of tooth mobility, exposure of the neck, and malocclusion. Teeth grinding causes the jaw muscles to be constantly tense. This causes pain and characteristic clicking sounds when swallowing.

Consequences of nervous system disorders

Neurosis, long-term stress that contributes to the depletion of the nervous system, often causes bruxism. A person’s sleep is disturbed; at night his nervous system continues to work intensively and does not relax. Typically, a person grinds their teeth during REM sleep. The process is often accompanied by muscle twitching, eye movements, and walking. Some people talk while doing this and may experience urinary incontinence (enuresis).

  • Neurotoxins act as activators of negative manifestations. These include alcohol, bee and snake venoms, caustic chemicals (for example, nitro paint), nicotine. The danger of neurotoxins is associated with their negative effect on nerve endings. The natural detoxification mechanism practically does not work against them. Being retained by the liver, they are not excreted, but are reabsorbed by the nerve fibers.
  • Regular night grinding of teeth harms a person’s mental state. Its appearance indicates the inability of the nervous system to relax. As a result, a person cannot rest normally, his psyche is disturbed. Constant lack of sleep contributes to rapid fatigue, which gradually leads to depression.
  • Close people suffer no less than the patient himself. Being around him makes it difficult to completely relax. Strange sounds at night prevent you from getting a good rest. All this does not help improve the atmosphere in the house and leads to irritation and quarrels.

The danger of inflammation of the facial joints

Constant tension of the facial muscles gradually leads to their inflammation. In this case, the functioning of the joints of the lower jaw is disrupted, clicks appear when opening the mouth, biting off a large piece or yawning. Chronic inflammation is accompanied by constant nerve impulses. They are responsible for the involuntary spasm of the masticatory muscles, which moves the lower jaw. This movement is accompanied by a characteristic creaking sound.

This process creates a vicious circle: the joint becomes inflamed, and muscle spasm appears, which maintains the inflammation. In this case, the problem worsens, leading to a deterioration in the normal ratio of joint surfaces.

Or maybe helminths (worms) are to blame for the creaking?

To exclude this cause, you need to get tested for helminths. In general, doctors are not inclined to associate bruxism with worms. The reasons for its appearance in children are the same as in adults: stress, dental abnormalities. To accurately determine the cause, you should consult a doctor. After a detailed examination, he will be able to prescribe treatment.

Principles of treatment

If you notice signs of bruxism in yourself or a loved one, you should first contact your dentist. After examining the oral cavity, he will determine the degree of damage and the presence of problems with the bite. If necessary, the dentist will refer you to an orthodontist, neurologist or psychologist.

  • As with any other disease, the effectiveness of treatment depends on the correct diagnosis. Electromyography is used for diagnosis. It allows you to use special sensors to record muscle activity in an active and calm state. Having identified the degree of pathological changes, the doctor will offer effective treatment.
  • The first task that a specialist has to solve is to prevent grinding. For this purpose, special mouthguards or splints are used that prevent teeth grinding. They have a special design, different from the one used to straighten teeth. If a patient experiences bruxism during the day, he or she is fitted with daytime mouth guards. They are invisible, but do not allow the teeth to close together and prevent them from abrasion. For severe muscle strain, the doctor uses injections of relaxing agents (for example, Botox) or hypnosis.
  • Further treatment depends on the cause of bruxism. If it is associated with disturbances in the emotional state, measures are taken to eliminate stress and reduce its consequences. This could be taking antidepressants or muscle relaxants. If grinding occurs as a result of a malocclusion or loss of part of the teeth, consultation and assistance from an orthodontist, orthopedist or implantologist will be required.

Effective treatments

Bruxism often becomes a manifestation of a complex of problems associated with both the emotional state of a person and dental disorders. Correction of malocclusion is carried out using plates, braces, caps.

To select treatment, the doctor must carefully examine the patient. Only by identifying the cause of the disease will he be able to prescribe effective procedures.

The main treatment measures include:

  • Moderate physical activity. It helps saturate the brain with oxygen, relieve nervous tension, and improve sleep. Outdoor walks and simple physical exercises are shown.
  • Elimination of stressful situations. It is necessary to reconsider your lifestyle and attitude to various situations. A person needs to learn to relax, to escape from everyday problems.
  • Diet. The patient is advised to avoid stimulating drinks (coffee, alcohol), heavy foods. It is useful to drink a lot of fluids, eat foods rich in vitamins and microelements.

An important part of treatment is to teach the patient to relax the muscles. Hot and cold compresses, massage, and special exercises help him with this. The ability to relax will help you cope with emotional stress. Even in the frantic pace of modern life, you need to find time to relax and do what you love. To protect damaged enamel, dentists recommend using remineralizing pastes and special rinses.

Traditional methods

If the cause of bruxism is a malocclusion, missing teeth or other dental problems, there is no way to get rid of them using folk methods. In cases where the habit of grinding teeth appears as a result of nervous tension or stress, traditional medicine will help relax the body and eliminate the effects of stress. It is better to use them after a visit to a neurologist, who will suggest effective recipes, preparations, and exercises.

To restore the nervous system, decoctions of herbs that have a relaxing, calming effect are often used - chamomile, valerian, string. They take baths with them and take them internally. For the bath, make a decoction of a mixture of herbs: three tablespoons per liter of water. A soothing composition will help relieve tension and prepare for sleep. Heat a cup of milk, add a teaspoon of turmeric and honey to it, and drink slowly.

Massage has a positive effect on the general condition of the body. You can do it yourself. Oil with valerian will help increase the effectiveness of massage. For it, mix a teaspoon of vegetable oil and 20 drops of valerian. The mixture is used to massage the forehead, cheeks, and neck.

Slow walks in the evenings and reading before bed will help you cope with insomnia. It is better to give preference to quiet literature. You can place a saucer near the bed, into which drop 2-3 drops of essential oil - tangerine, bergamot, rose, geranium. To relax your jaws, you can apply a warm towel to your cheeks half an hour before bed. It is recommended to work hard with your jaws in the evening: gnawing on a carrot, apple, or other hard vegetable or fruit.


What is bruxism

A condition in which a person begins to grind their teeth while sleeping is called nocturnal bruxism. Many suffer from it, but only a few are aware of the problem. This is due to the fact that some people live alone and there are no loved ones nearby who can notice this pathology and talk about it.

Bruxism is a kind of chewing activity, muscle spasm, which is expressed in the form of grinding, knocking of teeth, as well as rubbing and clenching and is often accompanied by a specific grinding sound.

An attack of bruxism can last from 10 to 60 seconds and repeat at regular intervals. During an attack, breathing becomes difficult, the heartbeat quickens, and blood pressure rises.

Teeth grinding can occur at any time of the day, although most people experience it at night. The thing is that during the day a person can consciously stop grinding his teeth, but in a dream he is not able to control his muscles.

Many women claim that their husband grinds his teeth at night. This is confirmation that this syndrome occurs more often in the male half of the population.

Diagnosis of bruxism

To diagnose the problem, a consultation with a dentist is necessary. The specialist will immediately notice characteristic signs after examining the oral cavity.

  1. One of the basic symptoms is a significant change in the shape of the tooth and erased enamel.
  2. Ulcers may appear on the mucous membrane.
  3. Increased sensitivity of teeth.
  4. Destruction of prostheses.

Additional methods for diagnosing bruxism:

  • The use of brooks checkers - mouthguards made from a cast of the jaw. I help not only establish the fact of bruxism, but also identify the teeth most susceptible to stress.
  • Electromyography – the doctor analyzes the functioning of the masticatory muscles.
  • Polysomnography - examines the performance of the brain in a sleeping state, pulse rate, respiratory rhythm, sleep stage, and records the moments of bruxism attacks.

Possible complications

Bruxism is a disorder that does not appear immediately, but entails severe consequences. The teeth that suffer most from this problem are:

In addition, bruxism is accompanied by the following unpleasant symptoms:

  • morning headache;
  • discomfort after waking up in the jaw, shoulders, neck, back;
  • pain while eating;
  • tinnitus;
  • drowsiness, persistent fatigue;
  • pain in the ears, sinuses;
  • loss of appetite;
  • insomnia, interrupted sleep.

The consequences of bruxism can be a deterioration in the psycho-emotional state, the development of an inferiority complex, the appearance of isolation, and irritability. In addition, after a night's rest, the patient cannot fully regain his strength. As a result, the syndrome develops chronic fatigue And depressive states.

Causes of bruxism

Pathology occurs by various reasons. To find out how to get rid of teeth grinding in your sleep, you need to identify them by contacting various specialists, including a dentist, psychologist, neurologist, osteopath, gastroenterologist and otolaryngologist.

  • Psychological reasons. It is believed that in the vast majority of cases, teeth grinding indicates emotional instability, long-term stress And affective states. All this manifests itself in muscle contractions that are invisible to the person himself.
  • Neurological disorders. Bruxism may be accompanied by tremor, epilepsy, enuresis, apnea, and damage to the trigeminal nerve. Almost always, such a disease is observed in combination with other sleep disorders, such as somnambulism.
  • Dental reasons – abnormal structure or diseases dental system. It is important to choose suitable dentures, braces and deal with dental abnormalities.
  • Osteopathy states that through teeth grinding, the human neuromuscular system tries to combat the blockage of cranial sutures and restore the disturbed craniosacral rhythm.
  • Gastroenterological causes of bruxism - gastroesophageal reflux disease, sometimes - poor nutrition, abuse of alcohol, nicotine, caffeine.
  • Otolaryngological causes - problems with nasal breathing due to a deviated nasal septum, enlarged adenoids, allergic or chronic runny nose.

To accurately determine the provoking factors, it is carried out comprehensive diagnostics the whole body.

Teeth grinding in childhood

Many children suffer from teeth grinding from the moment their first teeth erupt until they are 6–7 years old. This may disturb the child's sleep.

Common myth: tooth grinding is caused by helminths. In most cases, these 2 problems are in no way related.

Experts identify several main causes of childhood bruxism:

Much less often, children's bruxism can indicate epilepsy. Sometimes the problem of teeth grinding is passed on from parents, and statistically it is more common in boys.

If your child constantly grinds his teeth while sleeping, it is important to pay attention to his general health to rule out serious illnesses.

The procedure will be the same as for adults: visit the dentist, contact the above-mentioned specialists.



Grinding of teeth during sleep in an adult can be accompanied by such disorders as:

  • temporary cessation of breathing;
  • a sharp decrease in blood pressure;
  • bradycardia;
  • decreased heart rate.

Let’s take a closer look at why teeth grind in their sleep. When a person is awake, as a rule, he does not grind his molars, but clenches his jaw very tightly. This process is uncontrolled, and the person does not pay attention to the fact that his muscles are tense. What is bruxism and how to stop grinding your teeth?

Family members will tell you that you have bruxism

If a person can diagnose daytime bruxism himself, then nighttime manifestations are usually indicated to him by the sleep-deprived faces of loved ones who listen to the terrible grinding of teeth at night, which prevents normal sleep. How can you stop grinding your teeth in your sleep, and most importantly, restore peace of mind to those around you?

If a person grinds his teeth while sleeping, he experiences the following symptoms:

  • Morning pain in facial and jaw muscles ah faces;
  • Inflammatory process in the joints leading to difficulty moving the lower jaw;
  • Increased sensitivity due to abrasion of tooth enamel;
  • Bite deformation;
  • Chronic fatigue syndrome resulting from sleep disturbances;
  • Morning migraines, as a result of overstrain of the facial muscles.

During grinding, the structure of the teeth and the condition of the muscles are disrupted. If you are considering crowns or implants, tell your dentist

There are several reasons why teeth grind at night. In most cases, they require treatment and examination by a neurologist; some require a visit to the dentist. The cause of bruxism may be:

  1. Neurological nature;
  2. Dental diseases;
  3. Inflammation of the temporomandibular joint;
  4. Brain injuries.

Sometimes it takes years to identify the cause of bruxism. A person does not perceive the disease as a signal from the body, and only relatives who have lost their nerves force the “creaky” person to consult a specialist.

Isn't it time to check if your nerves are ok?

Chronic neuroses, prolonged depression, nervous exhaustion, and psychological stress are one of the most common causes of teeth grinding during sleep. Everyone knows that when falling asleep, a person’s nervous system stops straining, thereby getting rid of third-party information. The brain should rest during sleep, but due to neurological problems, a person does not relax completely during sleep. He is experiencing problems that arose in daytime. Because of this, jaw spasm occurs. What are the reasons for grinding your teeth not in your sleep, but when you are awake? It's all because of nerves...

Teeth grinding at night usually occurs during REM sleep. At the same time, the person actively moves eyeballs and muscles contract involuntarily. You should definitely visit a neurologist if, in addition to grinding your teeth in your sleep, you also talk, snore, walk, and have enuresis.

If you see a person who, at a moment of nervous tension, begins to involuntarily chew on a toothpick, match, pen, pencil or nails, you can conclude that this person definitely grinds his teeth at night.

Often, the reason for grinding teeth in a dream is related to the type of activity. Contact with varnishes and paints poisons the body. Toxins coming from outside destroy cells of the nervous system and disrupt the normal functioning of neurons.

Alcohol and smoking abuse have a negative effect on the nervous system. If your loved ones have told you that teeth grinding at night is becoming more and more frequent, you should consider quitting smoking and giving up alcohol.

Stressful situations make a person clench his jaw tightly. This is a kind of response of the body to an irritant. Have you noticed that when you are irritated, you strongly tense all the muscles of your jaw?

According to neurologists, teeth grinding serves as a serious signal to the body, which manifests itself as a disruption of the nervous system. Epileptic seizures may occur during sleep mild form. If you do an MRI of the brain, then in such people you can see foci of epileptic seizures, or a predisposition to them. Very often, spasm of the jaw muscles can occur due to damage to the trigeminal nerve.

Dental diseases are the cause of unpleasant creaking

Problems of a dental nature are also a consequence of teeth grinding during sleep in an adult. Predecessors can be:

  • Incorrectly installed seal;
  • Malocclusion;
  • Lack of teeth;
  • Inconsistency in the size of braces or dentures;
  • Inflammatory process in the jaw joint.

A filling installed above the required level leads to the fact that, while relaxing in sleep, a person cannot fully close his jaws. Trying to do this, a person involuntarily begins to select a comfortable position for the jaws, which is the cause of teeth grinding in sleep.

The same is true with dentures and braces. Inadequate closure of the jaws causes discomfort in the sleeper, the upper and lower jaw upon contact causes teeth to grind.

A malocclusion prevents the teeth from occupying the correct place in the jaw. When the jaw muscles relax, they take a comfortable position, and the bite takes its usual position. Due to lack of coherence in actions, a person begins to clench his jaw. This is one of dental reasons grinding of teeth at night. Malocclusion can be judged by the presence of dental imprints on the tongue after sleep.

An incomplete set of teeth in the mouth leads to malocclusion. During sleep, the muscles relax, the teeth take position according to the bite, and since they are missing, the jaws shift. The brain receives a message that the physiological position of the jaws is disturbed and gives a signal to correct it this disease, as a result, teeth grind against each other.

Inflammatory diseases of the temporomandibular joint lead to disruption of normal function. This can be understood by a strong clicking sound when opening the mouth or yawning. The inflammatory process of the jaw joints increases nerve pulsation, causing spasm of the masticatory muscles and grinding. The muscles contract involuntarily and teeth grinding occurs.

Why is bruxism dangerous?

Nighttime teeth grinding is dangerous if it becomes the norm rather than an accident. If people often grind their teeth in their sleep, this leads to:

  1. Thinning of dentin;
  2. Tooth decay;
  3. Loss and loosening of teeth in the oral cavity;
  4. Crunching of jaw joints;
  5. Disruption of the nervous system;
  6. Misunderstanding on the part of loved ones;
  7. Frequent headaches.

It is necessary to diagnose bruxism in an adult as early as possible. Grinding of teeth in sleep, causes and methods of elimination, we will consider below.

How to get rid of night grinding - treatment and prevention

Bruxism in adults has no specific treatment. What should I do to stop the squeaking? How to cure bruxism?

Before treating bruxism, you should undergo a full examination by a dentist, orthodontist and neurologist. Based on the collected medical history, specialists will give an opinion and recommend how to properly treat bruxism in adults.

To get rid of the disease, dentists recommend wearing mouth guards. Sometimes, wearing braces is recommended to straighten the bite. If you find a seal installed above the required level, then you need to grind off the excess filling material. Perhaps this was it main reason Why does an adult grind his teeth in his sleep? To relax the jaw muscles and get rid of grinding at night, Botox injections are recommended. They paralyze the facial muscles and prevent them from contracting for a long time.

If there are deviations in the functioning of the nervous system, the patient is examined, after which the patient is asked to undergo a series of examinations:

  1. MRI of the brain;
  2. Computed tomography (CT).

To stabilize the functioning of the nervous system and get rid of creaking in adults, antidepressants are prescribed, sedatives. Often a psychotherapist advises getting rid of bruxism and mental disorder hypnotic sleep.

It is very important to teach a person relaxation gymnastics in combination with therapeutic procedures. Exercises aimed at relaxing the muscles of the neck and jaw will help prevent teeth grinding at night. Warming compresses can be used to relieve muscle spasms. This procedure has limitations: if there are signs of an infectious or purulent process in the body, you cannot heat it. In the absence of contraindications, compresses are applied to the cervical-collar area and the lower jaw.

In order to get rid of the night grinding, doctors recommend deceiving the body. During the day you need to train your jaw muscles. Eat more raw vegetables and fruits that take a long time to chew. Eat nuts, they will be good not only for your muscles, but also for your brain.
As preventive measures recommended:

  1. Exercises for muscles before going to bed;
  2. Soothing herbal tea;
  3. Compliance with the work and rest regime;
  4. Long walks in the fresh air, it is better to go to the forest;
  5. Rational nutrition;
  6. Regular ventilation of the room;

Now you know why people grind their teeth in their sleep. The main causes of squeaking are neurology, stress and depression. Treatment of bruxism comes down to following a daily routine, good nutrition and spending time in the fresh air.

Grinding of teeth during sleep, or bruxism, occurs unconsciously and periodically. Usually, after some time it passes and does not cause harm to human health. But it also happens when bruxism manifests itself again and again, causing huge amount problematic situations. When does teeth grinding in a dream develop into a real problem and what methods help combat it?

ICD-10 code

F45.8 Other somatoform disorders

K03 Other diseases of dental hard tissues

Reasons for grinding your teeth in your sleep

Often the cause of teeth grinding at night in children and adults is the common habit of chewing something during hard work (for example, schoolchildren chewing pencils). Stressful situations should also be highlighted here. In humans, jaw clenching is a natural reaction to any unpleasant events. When a person clenches his teeth and grinds, it signals the body that he is overexcited. This can happen in the background emotional stress, taking various pathogens (coffee, amphetamine). But, if teeth grinding in a dream appears for no apparent reason, it means the patient has problems with nerves and emotional instability.

In addition to nervous tension, a person may grind his jaw during a night's rest if he has malocclusion, there are missing teeth or, conversely, there are additional sets of them. Bruxism occurs in people who have Parkinson's or Huntington's disease. Another reason may be an unusual type of insomnia, where a person is unable to fall into deep sleep.


Severe clenching of the jaw, when teeth rub against each other, occurs with bruxism, usually at night. Therefore, grinding teeth in a dream is considered not only dental problem, but also the cause of improper rest. This disorder can affect all people. Previously, it was believed that grinding teeth during sleep was a reflex. Therefore it was not seen as a problem. Today, scientists have classified bruxism as a bad habit. The pathogenesis of teeth grinding during sleep is the gradual wear and tear of the jaw.

Symptoms of grinding teeth in sleep

The main feature of bruxism is the fact that a person grinds his teeth unconsciously, on a subconscious level. During the day, it is much easier to notice the grinding sound, but in a dream the patient does not control himself and does not know that the disease is already progressing. Of course, strange sounds can be heard by loved ones, who are usually the first to notice teeth grinding. But, if a person lives on his own, is it possible for him to find out about the disease on his own? The first signs of teeth grinding in a dream are a change in the size or shape of the crowns. A lot of irregularities and shortening appear. Ulcers may appear on the inside of the cheeks because when clenching the jaw, a person bites the skin. Some people experience mouth pain, migraine-type headaches, and tinnitus after sleep.

Teeth grinding during sleep in adults

Adults usually grind their teeth during a night's rest due to various unpleasant situations. They excite the nervous system during the day and this results in a similar problem. Many people are simply not used to showing bad emotions, which develops into a similar problem. When nervous experiences reach their peak, it spills out unconsciously.

Grinding of teeth in children's sleep

Complications and consequences

It’s important to understand right away that when grinding teeth at night, a person puts a lot of strain on his jaw. Therefore, such patients often have depleted enamel, increased sensitivity teeth and caries appears faster. To prevent this from happening, you need to visit a professional dentist. He will prescribe special individual mouth guards that you will need to wear at night.

The consequences of grinding your teeth in your sleep can be more serious. The temporomandibular joint often becomes inflamed, which leads to its pathologies. This can be explained by constant jaw tension.

Complications of grinding teeth in sleep

Due to the fact that a person constantly strains his jaw, complications arise from grinding his teeth in his sleep. Among them is the fact that the muscles responsible for the chewing function contract. Spasms appear. Also, strong and constant friction of teeth against each other leads to chips and damage to their surface.

Diagnosis of teeth grinding in sleep

The fact that a person suffers from bruxism is usually established by the patient himself or his family. Among other things, the dentist can also identify some indirect symptoms. The most common diagnostic method (objective) is the production of special aligners, which help determine whether there are any occlusal obstructions. After a person wears a mouthguard for one night, it is handed over to a specialist for examination. This way the dentist can see which teeth are bearing the load.

Teeth grinding during sleep is also diagnosed using electromyography and polysomnography. Electromyography is based on the study of neuromuscular transmission and activity of the jaw muscles. Polysomnography is a set of examinations that are carried out while a person is sleeping. In this way you can detect large number various pathologies.


The most common test for bruxism, especially in children, is to test for the presence of helminths (worms) in the body. It is also worth taking tests to help determine possible increase adenoids, because in this case the child may also grind his teeth in his sleep.

Instrumental diagnostics

Instrumental diagnosis of teeth grinding during sleep involves polysomnography, installation of bruxcheckers and electromyography. Most dentists prefer to use comfortable and lightweight bruxcheckers. With their help, you can quickly and easily identify bruxism. They are created based on an individual impression of the jaw, so they help to get a really good result.

Thanks to electromyography, it is possible to effectively assess a person’s masticatory muscles and their tone, how symmetrical chewing is and what their maximum force is when tense. With the help of such instrumental diagnostics, you can also observe the dynamics of teeth grinding during sleep and evaluate its strength. It allows you to install best methods treatment.

Polysomnography is performed in the most advanced cases, when it is necessary to check the patient’s brain activity during sleep. Also, thanks to this method, you can learn about the phases of sleep and the activity of the masticatory muscles.

Differential diagnosis

First of all, the dentist tries to create a complete picture of the pathological abrasion of tooth enamel in the patient’s relatives and analyze it. It is interesting that, according to new data, bruxism is often diagnosed with pathological hereditary abrasion. To put accurate diagnosis, it is necessary to examine at least three generations of relatives.

Treatment for teeth grinding in sleep

Treating teeth grinding during sleep is a difficult task, since first of all you need to find out why bruxism develops. Recommends suitable methods dentist But at the same time, the patient also needs to independently monitor the following:

  1. Try to ensure that your jaw is in the correct position throughout the day. Normally, the upper and lower rows of teeth should not touch. If you notice involuntary contractions, immediately try to relax.
  2. Avoid putting yourself in situations that may cause stress. Bruxism is a reaction to negative emotions. In such cases, yoga, massages, relaxation, and light exercises will help you.
  3. Try to “load” your jaws with special physical exercise, then they will relax in their sleep. The usual one will help you with this chewing gum. Chew it on one side of your jaw for 10-15 minutes, then move it to the other.

Special applications are used to protect teeth and treat bruxism at night. Physiotherapy, which includes laser treatment and the use of warm compresses, also helps.

How to get rid of teeth grinding in your sleep?

One of the causes of bruxism is nervous tension and stress, so it is recommended to visit a psychologist or neurologist. If the stressful situation disappears, the muscles can relax on their own. In some cases this does not happen, then you need to contact conservative methods and take special medications. Remember that you can completely get rid of grinding your teeth in your sleep in a year, at best.


Bruxism caused nervous disorders, can be treated with sedatives. But such medications can only be taken after a full examination by a doctor, as they can be addictive and have contraindications. Please note that teeth grinding in sleep cannot be cured with medications alone. An integrated approach is required. Botox injections or even hypnosis can help with bruxism. Among the most common remedies for grinding teeth during a night's rest are:

  1. Bayu-Bai - this drug also has a form for children's use. This is a dietary supplement that has a calming effect. Bayu-Bai is used orally three times a day. The drug must be held in the mouth for a few seconds and only then swallowed. Children are prescribed 10 drops, adults - up to 15. There are no special contraindications; sometimes there may be hypersensitivity to the composition of the medication.
  2. Valerian (in tablets and tinctures) has a mild sedative effect. It is based on herbal ingredients, but is not recommended for children, as it can cause excitement instead of calm. Thanks to valerian, natural sleep comes faster. Needs to be taken internally. Only a doctor can determine the dose. Among the main side effects drowsiness, lethargy, and low performance can be identified.
  3. Novo-passit is a combination drug that has a sedative effect. Adults and children over 12 years of age take 1 tablet orally three times a day. Sometimes the doctor may increase the dose to two tablets. Side effects often include nausea, heartburn, vomiting, diarrhea, dizziness and drowsiness, and allergies. Should not be taken by children under 12 years of age with myasthenia gravis.
  4. Phyto Novo-sed is a red or dark brown tincture with a pleasant aroma. Has a sedative effect. Should not be taken by patients with progressive systemic diseases, epilepsy, pregnant or lactating mothers. Adults take half a teaspoon of the drug, which is diluted in water three times a day.

They also take vitamins with calcium, magnesium, ascorbic acid, B vitamins.

Traditional treatment for grinding teeth in sleep

  1. To learn how to effectively relieve tension in the masticatory muscles, you can try self-massage or relaxing the muscles of the neck and mouth. There are special techniques and exercises that will help you with this.
  2. It is worth reviewing your diet, giving up too invigorating drinks and hard foods, and drinking plain water.
  3. Some people recommend chewing some hard fruits or vegetables (carrots, apples) before going to bed.
  4. Self-directed psychotherapy.
  5. Overlay warm compresses to places of pain in tense cheekbones.

Herbal treatment

  1. Among folk remedies You can highlight rinsing the mouth with a decoction of chamomile. It will help relieve tension. To prepare such a solution, you need to take 200 ml of boiled hot water and 1 tablespoon of dried herb. Leave for about 10 minutes and strain. Take before bed.
  2. For 200 ml of water, take 2 tablespoons of perforated St. John's wort, boil, and leave for another 10 minutes on low heat. Then let the product sit for about half an hour. Strain and add the same amount of water. Take up to three times daily.
  3. Take mint, trifoli leaves, hop flowers, valerian root and add water. Take three times a day before meals.


Homeopathic medicines in lately show quite effective results in the treatment of bruxism in adults and children. But you should first contact a homeopathic doctor, who will prescribe you best drug in your individual case. The main advantage homeopathic medicines is that they are completely harmless even for small children.

The most common homeopathic medicines:

  1. Dormikid – for children from 0 to 6 years old. Take for two to four weeks until the squeak goes away. The tablet is usually dissolved in water.
  2. Belladonna 9 CH – suitable for both adults and children. Before going to bed, you need to take three granules to relax your muscles.
  3. Camomilla 9 CH – usually prescribed 9 granules per day. Divided into three doses of three granules.
  4. Kalium Bromatum 9 CH – taken before bed in a dosage of 5 granules.

Surgical treatment

There is no surgical treatment for teeth grinding during sleep. Recently, botulinum toxin injections have become very popular, which helps to partially relax the masticatory muscles. The principle applies here: the smaller the size of the muscle, the less tension it creates. One botulinum toxin injection lasts for three to four months. During this period, a decrease in the size of those muscles that are not involved in contractions is noticed.


Grinding your teeth in your sleep is a rather complex disease that is difficult to overcome without the help of a professional. If bruxism is not treated promptly, it can lead to quite serious consequences and injuries. In addition, creaking means that a person is emotionally unstable, which can develop depression, unconscious attacks of anger, stress, and irritation.