Why do holes appear in teeth, what types are they and what do they look like in the photo, what to do? Methods for solving dental problems.

A hole in a tooth is a consequence of vigorous activity pathogenic bacteria, breeding in oral cavity. The appearance of a black hole is most often accompanied by painful sensations and deterioration in the appearance of the damaged tooth. The absence of any discomfort is not a reason to neglect a visit to the doctor. Only a dentist can identify the extent of tooth damage and prescribe appropriate treatment.

Why do holes appear in teeth?

Healthy teeth have a smooth surface and are free of irregularities and bumps. With irregular hygiene, a plaque consisting of food debris forms on the crowns - a favorable environment for the proliferation of harmful bacteria.

Plaque that is not removed in a timely manner becomes harder and over time turns into tartar, which is not so easy to remove with a toothbrush. Pathogenic bacteria provoke the development of caries and its further progression - this is how a small hole appears in the tooth (we recommend reading:). Over time, it increases in size and affects the deep layers of enamel and dentin (see photo).

Reasons for visiting the dentist

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You should visit the dentist regularly - do this at least 2 times a year. By skipping another visit to the doctor, you can bring your teeth to a state where their preservation is no longer possible. The main reasons why you should visit a dentist:

  • the deadline for regular preventive examinations has arrived;
  • painful sensations;
  • bleeding gums;
  • loss of a tooth or its parts;
  • bad breath.

How do you know if a nerve needs to be removed?

A living tooth, not devoid of pulp, which consists of nerves, vessels and tissues, is much better than a “dead” one. Removal of the nerve (called depulpation) is indicated in the following cases:

Situations in which nerve removal is not performed:

  1. The tooth is slightly affected, the carious area looks small, the pulp is not inflamed. It is recommended to install a filling.
  2. Inflammation of the pulp due to penetration of caries. The solution depends on how deeply the tooth is affected. The dentist will remove the caries and place a temporary filling, and after a few days he will open it. If the tooth is healthy, the inflammation has disappeared, and painful sensations missing - a permanent filling is placed.

It is necessary to understand that the decision to remove the nerve or preserve it should be made only by a doctor. Taking advantage modern methods diagnosis and after reviewing the patient’s medical history, the dentist prescribes adequate treatment depending on the diagnosis.

Treatment of a damaged tooth

The treatment regimen for a diseased tooth directly depends on the degree of its “negligence.” In the initial stages of caries, simple grinding of the damaged area without the use of anesthesia is sufficient, since the process is absolutely painless.

If the enamel and dentin have significant damage, filling is indispensable. In severe cases, when conservative treatment ineffective, depulpation is performed.

Treatment of caries

Treatment of caries consists of removing the affected areas of the tooth using dental equipment and subsequent filling. The approach to eliminating this problem will directly depend on the depth of damage to the diseased tooth:

Treatment of caries usually consists of the following stages:

Treatment of pulpitis

A signal for the appearance of pulpitis and immediate contact with the dentist is an acute pulsating toothache. Under no circumstances should you tolerate and wait for the pain will go away by itself.

Treatment methods for pulpitis can be divided into the following groups:

If the patient asked for medical care on early stage the development of pulpitis and nerve removal can be avoided. Great value has an age (than younger man, the higher the likelihood of cure using conservative methods).

Depulping is carried out using local anesthesia. The dentist first removes the pulp itself, and then removes the neurovascular bundle from the canal (in parts or completely). After this, the doctor cleans and expands the canals using special needles and treats them with an antiseptic. The last stage is filling.

Pulp removal entails negative consequences for the tooth: it becomes brittle and changes its color to duller. It is important to try to preserve the nerve at all costs, so if you experience even a slight toothache, you should immediately consult a dentist.

Preparing for the nerve removal procedure

Nerve removal is a procedure that involves surgery, so it’s important to prepare for it in advance. In order for depulpation to be high-quality and effective, it is important to go through several preparatory stages:

  1. interview the patient and obtain full information about existing symptoms;
  2. examine the oral cavity and identify a tooth susceptible to decay;
  3. prescribe an x-ray for a detailed examination of the canals;
  4. make sure you are not allergic to the selected type of anesthesia.

How to kill a nerve yourself?

If you can’t get to the dentist, you can try folk remedies for nerve devitalization at home:

If the procedure was successful and the nerve was killed, do not neglect a visit to the dentist. It is important to consult a doctor no later than after 2 weeks. Otherwise it may start inflammatory process caused by infection.

Preventing holes in teeth

To prevent holes from appearing in your teeth, it is important to adhere to the following rules:

  • carry out oral hygiene regularly;
  • use only high-quality toothpastes and apply additional funds cleaning (dental floss, rinses, gels);
  • visit the dentist at least 2 times a year;
  • Carry out hygienic teeth cleaning at least once a year;
  • use chewing gum after meals if you cannot brush your teeth;
  • reduce consumption of sweets;
  • include in diet more vegetables and fruits with tough fibers.

Nature created man with even and smooth teeth, but daily use food leads to the formation of plaque on them, where bacteria multiply successfully and quickly. Regular brushing of teeth can at least somehow combat this. But neglect of hygiene procedures leads to the appearance of holes in the teeth and the development of caries. It all begins imperceptibly and painlessly with the formation of a small spot on the tooth. The whole difficulty lies in the fact that the first stage is asymptomatic, and even an experienced dentist may not notice the beginning of the destructive process.

Then it arises superficial caries, and if at the first stage the patient still has no pain, then now the first ones appear, still tolerable, but quite discomfort. And when the pain intensifies, caries enters the third stage. It is at this stage that a small hole in the tooth becomes visible. If you do not go to the doctor, then the hole will quickly increase in size, and over time it will turn black. This is deep caries that will kill the tooth in short term, and only a visit to the doctor can correct the situation.

It is important to know that there is a risk of destruction of neighboring teeth. And the main thing is that no amount of oral care, even the most thorough, will help. Such measures are only suitable for the prevention of caries. In the sense that if plaque had been removed in time using a toothbrush and dental floss, the chances of avoiding a hole in the tooth would have been much greater. In addition, it is very important to know some facts about this problem:

  1. The main enemy of teeth is sugar and everything that contains it. This does not mean that you need to completely give up sweets and juices, but at least not abuse them.
  2. Acidic fruits and berries cause holes in teeth due to the destruction of protective enamel.
  3. With age, the risk of caries increases, despite all preventive measures.
  4. Timely explanation of the importance of dental care will help delay the appearance of holes in your child’s teeth. But the hole is even baby tooth will have a bad effect on the health of all the child’s teeth, which means you shouldn’t postpone a visit to the dentist.
  5. Interestingly, most often holes appear not on the teeth, but between them, almost in the gums. This is due to the fact that this is the favorite place for pathogenic bacteria, and these are also the most inaccessible places for cleaning procedures.

How can medicine help?

If you find even the smallest hole, rush to the dentist. If it is treated in time, it will be possible to save not only one tooth, but also prevent the spread of the disease throughout the entire oral cavity.

Treatment methods are as follows:

  • First of all, the specialist will carry out hygienic procedures to clean and disinfect all teeth;
  • if necessary or at the request of the patient, injection anesthesia is given;
  • the doctor carefully removes tooth tissue infected with caries and treats it with special solutions;
  • if we are talking about a filling, then first the required hole is drilled for it;
  • when the hole is too deep, an insulating lining is first placed inside the tooth to protect the pulp;
  • the prepared hole is sealed with material for filling teeth, selecting the desired shade;
  • the filling is corrected and polished.

Those who are terrified of dentists need to understand the risks from possible complications. For example, the final stage of caries is considered to be pulpitis and periodontitis. And this already requires surgical treatment. Anesthesia is also not a solution to the situation and leads to the destruction of the nerve in the tooth and its rotting. Definitely, no self-medication will give results, but will only take away valuable time. After all, the more neglected the tooth, the more difficult it is to save it.

Little secrets

A few interesting points that everyone who wants to have a healthy smile needs to know.

  1. Don't forget to brush your teeth twice a day, morning and evening.
  2. Throw away the old brush and replace it with a new one at least once a quarter.
  3. Give preference to soft and medium-hard brushes. Hard ones injure the gums and often cause bleeding.
  4. To make cleaning your teeth easier, buy a rounded brush with a narrow nose.
  5. Electric is recognized as the best in the world toothbrush, so if there is such an opportunity, buy yourself exactly this one.
  6. You need to brush your teeth not only outside, but also inside, and also pay attention to cleaning your tongue.
  7. The brush movement mechanism is an angle of 45 degrees, light circular movements without pressure.
  8. Cope with unpleasant smell from the mouth helps remove plaque from the tongue. This should be done from base to tip, and not vice versa.
  9. Scheduled visits to the dentist every six months - great way prevention.

And remember that beautiful teeth are the pride of every person. But only proper care And timely treatment capable of producing such a result.

Such a phenomenon as a hole in a tooth should be eliminated as soon as possible in the dental office, even if the tooth has not yet begun to ache.

This is visual evidence of the result of dental disease. Therefore, you should know what to do if it appears.

How does such a hole appear?

Healthy enamel is even and smooth . But if you don't clean off the leftover food, then a special film will form on it - plaque, the components of which include bacteria. This film will harden over time, and the pathogens in it will release acid that destroys the enamel. As a result, a person will develop a disease called caries.

First a small hole appears. Then gradually it increases in size. That is, the destruction of enamel occurs in the following stages:

Why does a hole appear in a tooth?

The appearance of such a hole is influenced by the following factors:

Hole in a child's tooth

Even if the teeth are still baby teeth, they are also susceptible to caries. From them, pathogenic microorganisms transfer to the child’s permanent teeth, which have just come out.

Therefore, you need to take care of your baby’s mouth. This should be done with a toothbrush and floss.

How to cure a hole in the enamel at home?

A hole in the enamel may not always hurt, but it must be treated, otherwise the pain will become chronic, and this is done by a dentist. If it is not yet possible to see a specialist, to alleviate the patient's suffering(but not cured!) can be done at home.

What can you do at home in such a situation? First, you should clear your mouth of any leftover food. Then you need to take a painkiller (this is especially true when not only pain appears, but also a fever).

If swelling occurs, you should rinse your mouth with baking soda or apply ice to the sore spot for 15 to 20 minutes.

There are also “grandmother’s” recipes:

Also, if a hole in a tooth is very visible when you smile, but has not yet started to hurt, then it can be disguised. For temporary cosmetic effect, similar to filling, there is a special toothpaste, which is called Apadent. But then you should still go to the dentist!

Treatment in a dental office

If a hole in a tooth begins to hurt, then delaying treatment is simply stupid, because then it will need removal! Only a doctor can help here. The specialist will conduct standard procedure treatment:

  1. Thoroughly treat the oral cavity (remove plaque and tartar).
  2. If necessary (or at the request of the patient), he will perform an injection with an anesthetic drug so that the patient is not afraid of the treatment procedure and does not suffer from pain.
  3. He will remove the infected tissue with special dental devices, and then cover the exposed tooth walls with a bur or an antiseptic, which will stop the growth of bacteria and prevent the recurrence of the disease.
  4. Drill out a cavity for filling.
  5. He will make a filling by selecting a material (metal, plastic, ceramics, cement, composite composition) that matches the natural color of the enamel of a particular person. In case of deep caries, a healing pad to remove the inflammatory process from the nerve.
  6. Will adjust the shape of the filling to prevent discomfort while chewing food.


For prevention purposes, you need to do the following:


A hole that appears in a tooth, even if it has not yet begun to hurt, needs to be treated by a dentist. The doctor’s experience and qualifications influence the outcome of treatment. And the material from which the fillings are made also affects their effectiveness. healing process. In a budget hospital I use cement fillings, which are cheap. A commercial clinic uses high-quality composite material to ensure a natural appearance of the filling. Doctors do not recommend using metal. It should be remembered that treatment must be done in a timely manner, this will help prevent complications.

The formation of any defect on the teeth is always an unpleasant discovery. Especially if the cause of its appearance is one’s own negligence or inattention to oral care. It is these reasons that most often appear when a hole forms in one or more teeth - which can transform into a serious and “expensive” problem.


A hole in a tooth on the side or on the chewing surface most often forms for a reason. But what causes it to appear? There are many factors, the most common of which are:

Associated symptoms

Even before a hole appears, a hole may appear in the tooth. When cold food or liquid comes into contact with it, the tooth reacts with an unpleasant feeling, which cannot yet be called pain, but can no longer be attributed to normal state. The same reaction is observed for sour and sweet foods.
After a carious cavity has already formed, it appears from the mouth. It is caused by the accumulation of food particles in the hole and soft coating, which decompose under the influence of bacteria.

Gradually the cavity increases, and the tooth begins to react acute pain to thermal and chemical effects (contact with cold, heat acidic environment etc.). This is the beginning of pulpitis - inflammation of the pulp, which may be followed by the need for its removal.


The choice of treatment tactics is influenced by several factors:

  • Degree of tooth decay. If there is a hole in the tooth that forms a large cavity that reaches the pulp, depulpation may be used. During this procedure, the doctor removes the pulp, rinses it and thoroughly cleans it. root canals, after which they are sealed. Upon completion of all manipulations, the anatomical shape of the tooth is restored using restoration dental materials. If the walls of the tooth are destroyed, or they are critically thinned into the root canals, it can - a screw design designed for strength artificial crown, which is created from polymers. Also in this case, an inlay can be used - an “internal” dental crown prosthesis, which is installed in the tooth cavity and covered with filling materials on top.
  • Tooth location. Hole in front tooth side or front requires application aesthetic methods restoration. For this purpose, photopolymer materials are used, which allow you to accurately recreate the shape, size and color of the tooth. For multiple carious cavities or holes formed by old chips on a tooth, after filling it is recommended to install special overlays - veneers or lumineers. These structures are made from the finest dental ceramics, which are highly durable and durable, while perfectly imitating the texture, color and light refractive characteristics of your own enamel. Such linings perform both an aesthetic function and a protective one - they prevent tooth decay.
  • Functionality of the tooth. A hole in a wisdom tooth on the side, on top, or in any of its sections is most often an indication for. This is due to the fact that third molars do not perform any functions and are subject to rapid wear, which makes their treatment and preservation impractical. The exception is when one or more teeth are missing in front of the wisdom tooth, which makes the third molar a potential “support” for a future bridge. In this case, if the third molar has completely erupted, the doctor may decide whether it needs treatment.


To maintain dental health, a set of rules has been developed that will help prevent the development of not only caries, but also other dental diseases:

  • Brush your teeth at least twice a day and use a properly selected brush and toothpaste.
  • After snacking, especially sweet and starchy foods, rinse your mouth thoroughly with clean water.
  • Clean the spaces between teeth with a special floss.
  • In case of malocclusion or “crowded” teeth, use an irrigator after brushing your teeth - a hole in the side of the front tooth or in its cervical part is often formed when the teeth are unevenly located, which does not allow them to be thoroughly cleaned with a brush alone.

This is what we call the “fruits” of the work of carious bacteria. They are found in abundance in the mouth and have a destructive effect on teeth. Holes should be treated immediately after they appear, and not when the teeth begin to hurt. Therefore, it is recommended to visit the dentist once every six months, because the notorious holes are difficult to detect on your own. This may be a mild reaction to hot and cold, sweets. But it is already evidence that not everything is in order with the chewing organs, that holes are formed there, sometimes reaching the nerves. So, more about the development of the problem and its elimination.

Development of holes in teeth

Our teeth are ideally smooth and even. But over time, and by eating food, a film forms on them. It is a plaque of food debris and bacteria. If you do not clean it off your teeth, it will harden and become stronger due to the active proliferation of pathogenic bacteria. Their vital activity is the appearance of holes in the teeth and further development caries. It is characterized by certain stages of development. The initial one is the appearance of a small spot on the teeth, which may not be noticed when a person examines the oral cavity. These spots are brown or white. The danger of the first stage of caries is that the person does not yet experience any pain syndromes.

Next, superficial caries develops. At this stage, the person already feels discomfort and pain. But they are tolerant. But the hole itself appears already at the third stage of caries and at first it is small. But the person already feels pain. Then, if he does nothing, the hole gets bigger, even if he brushes his teeth twice a day. It expands and deepens, becoming black. Then the person feels pain syndrome more often. Dentists call this stage deep caries. And if you do not seek medical help, then microbes (causative agents of caries) penetrate the pulp and kill the tooth from the inside. The danger of this stage is that neighboring teeth can also be damaged. It is a mistake to believe that more careful oral hygiene will prevent the development of caries. No toothbrush can remove and clean out microcracks. Tooth decay will continue. By the way, dental practice shows that sometimes double holes can appear on the teeth, including the front ones.

But using special dental floss and a toothpick after eating will help prevent the development of this kind of problem. They will remove its remains from the interdental space.

Preventing and treating holes in teeth

It should be understood that holes often form between teeth. After all, they are tightly adjacent to each other, pieces of food get stuck in the cracks, and it is impossible to remove them with a brush. As a result, the process of decay and tooth damage begins. Therefore how additional measure Dentists recommend using dental protection special means. These are not only threads, but also mouth rinses, chewing gum. But the latter should not be chewed for more than five minutes after eating.

Timely visits to the dentist is preventative dental care. Because only a doctor can detect a hole in a tooth on initial stage, save the tooth, make its treatment easier, without the use of anesthesia.

The more actively the bacteria “host” the chewing organs, the more more difficult teeth restore. And delaying a visit to the doctor, fear, fear is just a creation additional problems. For example, perhaps purulent inflammation gums with loss of a natural tooth. Modern dentistry allows you to easily and comfortably treat the masticatory organs at the initial stage of caries. If a person comes to the dentist between the first and second stages of caries, then the pulp at this time is not yet damaged. Therefore, anesthesia is not needed at all, because the nerve is not damaged and the tooth does not hurt yet. This is why you need to go to the dentist twice a year, when nothing is bothering you.