A selection of quotes and statuses about graduation and graduates. Statuses about the last call Sad words for the last call to classmates

School years fly by very quickly. It would seem that yesterday’s first-graders have become graduates today. We offer you a selection of funny graduation statuses that will help you get through these exciting moments and lift your spirits. We have also selected parting words for you from great people who have achieved a lot in life. Let them help all graduates take a step into adulthood with confidence and make the right decision.

Graduation party opens the door to adulthood. This is the time when you have to choose a future profession, perhaps leave your parents' home and start an independent life. There are entrance exams, mastering a profession, new acquaintances and new opportunities ahead.

Every year the school graduates its students, everyone goes to different cities, each of them begins their own life. But, be that as it may, the school doors will always be open to every graduate. School will forever remain a second home, where everyone receives knowledge and makes friends. In order to re-immerse yourself in the carefree atmosphere of your school years and find out how your classmates are doing, there are alumni reunions. Some go to them to brag about their achievements, others sincerely miss their school friends.

A higher education institution is another place where a person spends the best years of his life, learns to make decisions independently and be responsible for his actions. Graduation at a university is no less significant event, because after studying, everyday work awaits, and besides, you again have to part with people who have already become so close. Only after training do you understand that tests, exams and tests are mere trifles compared to the tests that life has prepared.


We've become adults now
We can't get our childhood back.
School opened the door to life for us
And showed the way. (S. Mikhalkov)

Graduation is the beginning of adulthood.

A completely uneducated person can only rob a boxcar, while a university graduate can steal a railroad. (Theodore Roosevelt)

Schools produce everyone, universities produce the best...

Thank you, teachers,
Because the Earth is round,
For Troy and for Carthage,
For benzochloropropylene,
For ZHI and SHI, for twice two,
For your kind words,
Those that we now keep within ourselves.
We THANK YOU for everything!

We owe school knowledge only to teachers.

In the morning sky, tinted by the sun's rays, a small blue ball was flying - their common dream. (E. Gabova. book Prom Tale)

Balloons are a dream that graduates send to the heavens.

Graduation is like the Olympics - you wait four years, and three people are having fun while the rest are crying over their dashed hopes. (From the movie Graduation)

At university there are 4, and at school there are all 11...)

It was a dress rehearsal for the future first ball, which for most will never take place, a false promise of a future continuous celebration of life, which will also not happen, parting with school, which for everyone without exception was a joyful event, but on this day it was painted with false romantic colors. (L. Ulitskaya, book Green Tent)

At graduation, everyone talks about a bright future, but no one warns about the difficulties ahead.

It is very difficult to concentrate and not give in to the internal monologue that constantly sounds in your head. Twenty years after my own graduation, I finally realized that the liberal arts cliché about learning to think is actually deeper and more serious than I thought: learning to think means exercising control over how and what you think. you think. That is, learning to be sensible and knowledgeable enough to consciously choose what is worth attention and how to extract meaning from experience. Because if you can't learn to make these kinds of choices as an adult, then life will seriously screw you up. Remember that hackneyed expression that says: The mind is the best servant and the worst master. (David Foster Wallace, graduate speech)

Graduation is a journey into adulthood, only you find your ticket 20 years after it.

Don't be sad that you won't be returning to school,
Youth is a wonderful time,
All we can do is wish
I wish you happiness, peace and goodness.

Saying goodbye to school is always filled with sadness.

As you get older, you will realize that the definition of success changes with age. For most of you today, success is downing 20 shots of tequila. For me, the more important thing is the opportunity to live your life honestly and not be under pressure all the time, not trying to do what you don’t want to do. Live as an honest and compassionate person, contribute to some cause. In conclusion, I would like to say: follow your passion, stay true to yourself. Never follow a path trodden by someone, unless you find yourself in a deep forest, you are lost, and this path is your only salvation (Ellen DeGeneres, speech to graduates)

After school, graduates are driven by ambitions; after a while, by goals.

The beautiful white floor-length dress I wore to prom was in many ways similar to those worn here, and yet it could easily seem strange or vulgar. (A. Akulova, book Devil's Graduation)

When wearing a white dress to prom, graduates probably want to imagine themselves as a bride...

What does graduation mean to you?
This is the evening of farewell to childhood.
This is a holiday with an open soul
And a little wounded at heart.
This is the urge to go back
Where were you just yesterday?
This ball will spin until the morning,
So that you don't forget him.

Between childhood and adulthood there is one evening - Graduation.

Dear Graduates! Create your own compass and trust it. Take risks, don’t be afraid to make mistakes, remember, the one who first cuts a hole in the wall always makes mistakes. (Aaron Sorkin)

The one who does nothing makes no mistakes.


Last call: More than three thousand police officers are on heavy duty and protect Muscovites from drunken school graduates.

They have lived to see that they are no longer protecting them from scammers, but from graduates...)))

Boys are made into men by the army, and girls are made into women by graduation.

Men and women are made to test and age.

At the prom, young people, faced with a non-standard bra clasp, kiss until dawn.

You can learn anatomy at graduation better than in biology class...)

The longest graduation ceremony was recorded in Norilsk - the guys waited for the dawn for six months.

Well, at least you waited?)

Looking at some of the graduates, one can’t help but ask: where did they graduate from?

Imagine from school)

The more you achieve in life, the harder it is to ignore alumni reunions.

The alumni meeting is a reason to brag about your achievements.

Today, graduates will be fished out of fountains, oh, these kids.

They need to somehow put themselves in order, so they climb into the fountains...)

Why 3rd, there is also a 4th - those that are not prepared at all)

In general, many university graduates are suitable for the army, but only for war with a virtual enemy!

Suitable for training too... only part-time and distance learning...)

CHEF (looked into the water): Are you a university graduate?? Yes, you will miscarry him!!

Some students are graduated from educational institutions, others are thrown out...)

Rector at graduation: “After graduation, go to America. Let their economy collapse there.”

It’s immediately obvious that the university prepares real specialists!

If school is a prison, then we will soon have an amnesty.

When you begin to live an adult life, you understand that school is not a prison, but a heavenly place. And, if it’s a prison, then you’re ready to suffer your punishment in it again, but, alas, they won’t take you anymore.

School graduation is the only day in life when all parents chip in for alcohol for their children!

They chip in, and then reprimand them for going too far...)

Goodbye, oh school, oh resident evil. And hello to the institute, oh citadel of vice!

Where has virtue gone?)

And only after graduation you realize how much you’ve fallen in love with these idiots over the past 10 years...

The friendliest class is after graduation!)

Graduation is a holiday where everyone cries because they have to leave forever an institution that they dreamed of leaving with tears in their eyes for many years in a row...

You begin to truly love school and classmates only when the time comes to part with them.

Surveillance cameras captured the liquor store robbery - the only video from School 7's graduation.

At least something will remain as a memory...)

I remember my graduation party at the university, damn, I once thought that I should be ashamed of my graduation at school!

Wait, you haven’t even made it to the wedding yet...)

Chic outfits, warm words, beautiful bouquets, dawn... Soon all schools and universities will open the doors to adulthood for their students. Graduation is tears of joy and sadness, the understanding that childhood and youth are leaving, there are a thousand roads ahead, from which you need to choose one. Let every graduate make the right choice in life and find happiness!

Last call

He is the beginning, your last call...
Today he screamed so shrilly,
He sounded so exciting today,
That no one could contain their feelings,
He is the beginning, your last call!
He has revealed to you the paths to follow -
Don't lag behind, but walk ahead.
He opened the doors for you to that beautiful new life,
Where Work, Family and Love awaits you!!
Let it ring in your memory
Let him help you live and work and sing,
He gave each of you a ticket on the road -
Your last call, your beginning has begun.

The last bell is ringing
Familiar and unusual.
Here comes the last lesson -
Ordinary and unusual.

The teacher furtively wiped away a tear,
Holding flowers to your chest,
The tenth grader sighed enviously
Seeing you off from the line.

Lots of things to do on your way
There will be big and small
But remember - to everything that lies ahead,
School was the beginning.

And you will remember, believe me, more than once
On good days and in bad weather
Last call, and favorite class,
And the eyes of first-graders are clear.

You will dare in your life
Difficult and interesting.
I want to wish you to live it
You are restless and honest.

Today is a holiday at school.
Merry, sad holiday,
And the thick blue looked out the windows.
There's so much noise everywhere
And so many different rumors,
That I even felt a little dizzy.
Dressy girls
Smart boys
They will laugh loudly
Then they suddenly fall silent again.
And somehow unusual,
Both happy and sad,
In this elegant hall
We can sit and stand.

You graduated from school, boy, -
Don't subtract, don't add.
All that remains is to congratulate -
I unlearned it after all
Without much reproach
Until the last lesson,
Until the last call.
At the farewell ball in the hall
Decorated to the envy of everyone
You girls with tears
And lipstick.
Don't be sad that you didn't give it
Gold medal for you:
Passed the exams - a hero.
Even far from home
Follow Ohm's law.
But completely different laws
Life will teach you.
And more than once
There will be tears and lipstick,
But such is the lot of men.

V. Efremov

When you're only seventeen
Having parted from the student bench,
Sometimes it can be difficult to figure out:
Where to go, which road?

And let the first path along it be difficult,
So as not to turn towards side paths.
Let your conscience be everywhere for you
Your advisor and compass.

But even though we are parting ways with school,
There is no room for sadness and longing.
Still we remain in our hearts
Near the school desk and blackboard!

Now it's time to say goodbye,
The bell rings...
We will say: “School, goodbye,”
Everything has its time, everything has its time."
We are in no hurry to say goodbye
And a hundred times nicer now
We will become images and faces
Relatives of your teachers.
But the hour has come, we know it,
And at this special hour
We gratefully invite you
To the school ball, to the school waltz!..

We make noise, we rejoice, we are indignant,
We fall asleep with books in our hands.
You can't blame us for not blowing our minds,
We live for our conscience - not for fear.
Let not every knot here be untied,
Suddenly you open your mouth and become silent,
You can’t deny us sincerity, brother,
And you won’t catch us in calculations.
Everyone is so impetuous, so enthusiastic,
Try not to get involved with this.
Will teach us restraint later
A life of little indulgence.
How we stood firm on our ground,
They argued until they were hoarse and to tears.
Something was in vain, but something
The main thing is still serious.

Once very small
They took us to school
Our bows turned white,
The bouquets were blooming.

You were an affectionate mother,
With kindness, warmth and light.
We were happy in class
How can I forget about this?!

Ah, the gray horses are rushing -
The best years are carried away.
Teacher first,
How we miss you!

The school is calling you,
My heart still breaks for her,
And in the heart of that young people,
What is called your hope.

May your hopes come true
Everywhere on earth there is such a share,
Your ideals come to life now
The tribe is embodied by the young.

Years, parting is not a problem,
Memory will pave the right path to childhood.
You are a teacher for us forever.
The most important, the very, very first.

Oh, school, school, where are you?
Where are our childhood dreams?
And all of our teachers?
We part, loving you.
The last bell rang
He won't call us to class.
You all taught us how to live.
We should thank you
You will forgive us for our mistakes.
We will remember and love you,
Let's not forget our school
And your kind smiles.

Each of us is ready to convey to you
A thousand kind and affectionate words!
From your yesterdays, from yours today,
From your tomorrow's students!

Today we are on behalf of every heart,
On behalf of our happy youth.
On behalf of our sonorous childhood
We tell you - thank you!

You will always remain next to us,
Because we always need you.
This means you will never grow old.
Never! Never! Never!

We've become adults now
And childhood cannot be returned.
School opened the door to life for us
And showed the way.

And you still look with blurred eyes,
In anticipation of new paths and roads.
It will soon be heard throughout all the corridors
Sad, farewell, last call.
We can't escape these moments,
And each of us is familiar with this feeling.
And that means not only school childhood
He leaves us with this call.
Fairy tales end like a Christmas tree,
Dreams are cut off like a movie reel...
No longer relying on anyone's tips,
We must solve all problems ourselves.
Not every path will be smooth,
Not all trials will be easy,
And life lies before us like a notebook,
In which there is not a single line yet.
Ring over the past and over the present,
Over what I saved and what I didn’t save.
Ring over my passing childhood,
Sad, farewell, last call!

The sun is above the desk, summer is at your feet.
How long does it last, last call?
The universe doesn't fit in the windows,
The school watches, but itself shrinks.
Views fly over the distant helm,
With a sharp lancet, a mighty machine,
And over the country, like over an assembly hall,
The day is filled with blue and scarlet
School farewell crystal bell...

The end of school, and especially the last bell, is one of the most touching memories of our youth. Every person remembers this day, because to the ringing trill of a bell, the student says goodbye not only to school and teachers, but also to a carefree childhood. Excitement, slight sadness and enthusiastic anticipation of future events - all these feelings are crowded in the chest of every student. New friends, exciting adventures and such a responsible, but intriguing adult life await. And so that farewell to school and the last bell will be touching and beautiful, we have collected poems on this page that will help display the full power of emotions swirling like a whirlwind on this day.

The time has come when it's time for us to leave school,
It’s not just one-time sadness that languishes in us,
And a sign that the past cannot be returned.
Our first, best class ever!

From the outside and in first class it seems like a long time,
Well, now that it’s all over...
We know that years are fleeting.
And these years have come and time, date, deadline!

We will say thank you, dear school,
Yes, let's leave the school yard,
But despite all the troubles in life,
We will always remember you! ©

The last one - it doesn’t happen like that,
It seemed to us that this would be forever,
And now his trill is accompanying us,
And he shouts: “Bye, it’s time!”

Long roads await us all in life,
We will be scattered even across the country,
But we will remember our native school,
Of course, definitely, true about you!

Where we grew up, studied, matured,
Where was our home during all 10 school years?
Well, now congratulations on the last ringing,
And to everyone who is here, I send a big hello! ©

Where are our childhood dreams?
And all of our teachers? We part, loving you.
The last bell rang
He won't call us to class.
You all taught us how to live.
We should thank you
You will forgive us for our mistakes.
We will remember and love you,
Let's not forget our school
And your kind smiles.

The last bell rang
We are parting with you.
We are used to you as if we were our own,
And in our hearts we are with you.
And warmth, your care
They will keep us warm
In our class, believe me, everyone
You will never be forgotten!

The last bell rang
The young school ball will make noise,
The most important lesson lies ahead
On a note, what have you become?
It is not possible for us to know in advance
Let everything happen to us
Something important will happen
There will be joy and there will be sadness.
You can't lie to your memory,
No matter how strange it may seem now,
One day you will come to this door,
This is where your childhood remains.
The red maple will burst into flames
From the autumn school garden...
Don't forget, friends, names
Those who are with you today!

And you still look with blurred eyes,
In anticipation of new paths and roads.
It will soon be heard throughout all the corridors
Sad, farewell, last call.

We can't escape these moments,
And each of us is familiar with this feeling.
And that means not only school childhood
He leaves us with this call.

Fairy tales end like a Christmas tree,
Dreams are cut off like a movie reel...
No longer relying on anyone's tips,
We must solve all problems ourselves.

Not every path will be smooth,
Not all trials will be easy,
And life lies before us like a notebook,
In which there is not a single line yet.

Ring over the past and over the present,
Over what I saved and what I didn’t save.
Ring over my passing childhood,
Sad, farewell, last call!

It rang, it rang
Trill of the last call
Well, it's time to say goodbye
With the title of student.

All roads have spread out
In front of you at this moment
Choose! Go for it! Try!
And no worries, graduate!

You started here from the start
A fast run through life,
But old school desks
You will be remembered forever.

And as if at one with the green May
We want to find good words.
We wish you everything in life
And we say - have a nice journey!

Lots of things to do on your way
There will be big and small
But only for everything that lies ahead,
School was the beginning.

How time flies! Joy and anxiety!
We, for example, have entered the threshold.
Are you leaving the door today?
And there are many roads in front of you.

Which one to choose? Judge for yourself
Here you are, dear eleventh grade,
The teachers are exhausted, but with us
They will have to suffer more than once.

Our dear older guys!
You have completed eleventh grade.
They say you were younger once,
People like us went to first grade.

And now you are kind fellows from the picture.
Look at yourself from the outside:
Size 45 boots for you
And Uncle Styopina’s costumes are needed.

We are also gradually growing up:
Every month, every day and every hour.
Like you, we will become big too,
We will come to class for the last time like you.

We are, of course, younger
We still have to grow, grow,
But we dream too
Bring benefits to people.

You have gained a lot of different knowledge,
It just sometimes seems to teachers:
You didn't finish learning something on purpose,
So all that remains is for us to finish learning, to think out.

We understand perfectly
Your difficulties now:
Outside, spring is in full swing,
But you have exams.

Within these walls you managed
A lot to learn.
We would like to answer you
All exams are "A"!

You have mastered the shock
A hundred rules and sciences,
But there's still a little bit left
There are 1000 pieces at the institute!

On behalf of my parents, I want to congratulate you all.
Standing in front of me, catching the moment.
The last bell rings, the school path will glorify,
It will open the door, leading you into an adult life.

After all, 10 years, crushing the granite of science,
And choosing the pearls of knowledge in it,
Led by a mentor without boredom,
You began to understand a lot of things.

From the first letters looked for in the primer,
The teacher gave you his soul.
To the laws of life peculiar to the earth,
He brought you, placing you firmly on dry land.

I thank the patient teachers,
That our children were selflessly led.
Trying to fill the ranks, they are the first.
They taught us to love life so as not to pass by.

And I won’t forget to wish, of course,
Diligently multiply what is given.
To the joy of everyone, work selflessly.
And never forget the school walls.

He is the beginning, your last call...
Today he screamed so shrilly,
He sounded so exciting today,
That no one could contain their feelings,
He is the beginning, your last call!

He has revealed to you the paths to follow -
Don't lag behind, but walk ahead.
He opened the doors for you to that beautiful new life,
Where Work, Family and Love awaits you!!

Let it ring in your memory
Let him help you live and work and sing,
He gave each of you a ticket on the road -
Your last call, your beginning has begun.

In the rain or in the heat,
But in due time,
Every new spring
Last call!
It's like an exam
He sums it up
Ten school years.
He's the foreplay of the entrance
Into the infinity of roads,
He is in any weather
He will call you over the threshold.
He is beautiful, desperate,
Ready to become a springboard
He signals the beginning
The main steps in life.
How many promises it contains!
This ringing calls into the distance.
It contains the bitterness of farewells,
And there are a million hopes.
In rain or heat,
But in due time,
Every new spring,
Last call!

It's time to say goodbye to the school.
You're not leaving for the summer, forever.
You will only return to her in your thoughts,
Remembering my childhood years.
You have already outlined a bright path.
Don't accidentally scare away your luck
And you can’t turn off the right road -
Good luck to you at least a little bit.
We believe in your inevitable success -
And you will shine at the institute.
How at school I was a friend to everyone,
So you can become part of the new team
A student whose activity is visible
Who will help everyone, cheer them up,
Who has no equal in intelligence.
Student life will captivate you!
There is only a small step left,
To make it happen, I could become a student.
We believe that a happy day is not far away,
When you can read the lists,
What did you do, your dream came true
And you can continue to make plans...
Now is a difficult time for unrest.
But we are ready to support you.

Just one wish;
Everything requires effort,
Whatever path you choose in life.
You said goodbye to childhood.
Now I would like to find a way
To comprehend the main essence in life.
There is preparation for life,
Skill and dexterity
And God did not offend you with his mind.-
Health is strength
And so that there is happiness,
You must achieve it through hard work.
Work is the basis of life
For the benefit of the entire Fatherland,
Which means it will be good for you too.
Work or study
The goal is to be useful to people
And take place in your own destiny,
To be happy, successful,
May not be sinless in everything,
But love life with faith
Live in the heart
You deserve happiness!
And always be determined
Conquer any obstacles!

The sun is above the desk, summer is at your feet.
How long does it last, last call?
The universe doesn't fit in the windows,
The school looks on, but itself shrinks,
Views fly over the distant helm,
With a sharp lancet, a mighty machine,
And over the country, like over an assembly hall,
The day is filled with blue and scarlet,
School farewell crystal bell!

Sad statuses about school - farewell to school is a sad moment for many

Whenever the holidays come, we are always happy and don’t want to go back to school after the holidays. When the last bell rings, we smile and rejoice at it. And when we get to adulthood, we cry and miss school, because those times cannot be returned.

So sad... It seems like I just recently started first grade... And now graduation is very close...

The last bell has rung... only now it doesn’t remind you of another boring lesson, but calls you into adulthood.

The last call is a very sad sound when you realize that it is definitely the last one.

My teacher, wait a little, I want to be a child again. And... cancel the last call, I want to learn everything again. I never thought that I would miss school so much.

The schoolyard and the laughter of girlfriends The purest, most sonorous And they run through the warm puddles Barefoot girls And they are already rocking others Our school swing School, school, I miss How quickly we grew up....

Sometimes you really want to return to these native walls, run through these corridors, go into the classroom and look into the eyes of the teacher to say thank you... I miss school...

Don’t be sad that you won’t return to school, Youth is a wonderful time, I can only wish you happiness, peace and goodness.

One more month and goodbye school. Somehow 11 years have flown by unnoticed and now for the first time I want to stay in school, at least for another year.

School is over, I may never see you again, it’s so hard for me to realize this......

There is very little left... May 25th is coming soon... Everyone is so smart, beautiful, grown up... A little more and we will part forever... Sad

Goodbye school - goodbye childhood... I can’t believe that these years have flown by...

So, last week of school... I feel bad, I don't want to leave!

The bell rings for the last time for us. This is the last time we enter this class. Let the tears roll from your eyes. For the last time, for the last time...

Call for teacher. Stand up, all those who have just spoken. Tell everyone, we'll laugh too. Leave and come back normally. School, I miss you.

Graduation ribbons...white bows...white socks and aprons... It seems so fun... Graduation... Last night... Sad dawn together... and then we separate and will not be together again...

Tomorrow is the last First Call... and already somehow sadly realizing that he will no longer be in your life.

Goodbye to school, I drink to you... the years have flown by in a minute, there was the first bell, and now graduation! Now, I can’t hold back my treacherous tears... thank you for the fact that everything was serious!

Goodbye school, the last bell has rung. And the trees are closed for you

Sad statuses about school - Last call, simple tears. We give roses to teachers. And yet, school, we will love you...

I will really miss school! According to notes, even regarding conflicts with teachers. At the neighbor at the desk who put up with me, at the “booth” where almost the entire school ran to smoke

Graduation is coming soon... only now I realized how good it really is at school... appreciate this time.


(Short thumbnails

are played by graduates)


– Do you know why in our school they work practically only women?

– Because all the best is for children!

– GUO Commission gave our teachers are highly appreciated, but so that they more often gave away her children.

The good half teachers at our school writes comments in diaries, and the angry one also calls parents to school.

– We have seen from experience that what more absent-minded teacher, the better he is sows reasonable, good, eternal.

– Psychologists at our school have found that in school there is more and more difficult boys, but girls are all easier and easier...

“Did you hear that our sixth-grader bit a fifth-grader, and a year later the fifth-grader... also became a sixth-grader.”

– And in the humanities there are two eleventh-graders didn't share Guys, they’re not doing well with division; in our physics and mathematics department, girls don’t have such problems.

11 "A" speaks Russian, English, French better than anyone else at school... and in other lessons too.

A first grader approaches a student 11 "A" class.

– Zhen, how to draw a figure eight?

– Yes, it’s as simple as shelling pears: we take the infinity sign and in the Cartesian coordinate system we rotate it by an angle P/2.

– Only students 11 “A” were able to correctly decipher the name of the school position head teacher– Knownly a Smart Man!

– Once upon a time, with the help of a globe, scientists proved to everyone that the earth is round, and the boys of our class, with the help of a globe, can prove that the earth is empty!

- Anton! What subject did you like most at school?

- Director's cell phone! (Or something else.)

- Vova! How much is in your 11 "A" will there be medalists?

Apart from me, ten.

– Are you a medalist?

- No. That's what I said - not counting me!

– We propose to Sergei Nikolaevich (name of the school director) to be the first in the city to introduce in our school glossy cool magazines and also do school walls made of transparent material so that children do not smoke behind school.

– And in the literature lesson, Inessa Mikhailovna (the name of the literature teacher) taught us bad things.

- How is this?!!

– Inessa Mikhailovna (name of literature teacher), Nina Vasilievna (name of chemistry teacher)! Judge for us, what is T. Dreiser's book about? Titanium": about the discovery of the chemical element (metal) titanium or about a superhuman financier?

– Galina Leonidovna (name of physics teacher)! But the truth is our city Omsk named after Ohm? Otherwise I'll lose my bet.

– Nadezhda Ivanovna (name of the mathematics teacher)! We firmly promise you show off for the Unified State Exam in mathematics... with new gold earrings, chains and rings.

– Here’s some great advice Galina Gennadievna (the name of the computer science teacher) gave us: “If a thought doesn’t fit in your head, then archive it.”

“We have a sure sign in our class: if the night before the exam you lean out the window... and memorize all the tickets, you will definitely pass.

– Yes, our dear parents, not just put children on their feet... especially early in the morning.

Have you heard the good news? This year, graduates who did not pass the Unified State Exam will be able to take an ECG and fluorography.

Galina Petrovna, Galina Petrovna (name of biology teacher)! And Romka spent the whole night surfing websites gymnosperms plants!

Do you know why our physics student was given a biology teacher as a class teacher? Yes, because if a student is good at mathematics, physics, computer science, he will - botanist!

Only Galina Petrovna (name of the biology teacher), like a real biologist, knows how to raise a whole forest... hands.

There are 25 in our class goals smart and 250 goals scored into the opponent's goal. Our boys are the smartest football players (as well as basketball players, volleyball players, etc.). “Physics and Mathematics” can and should be deciphered as a physical education and mathematics class!