The benefits and harms of apricot kernels. Apricot kernels - benefits or harm and why apricots are valued

Common apricot is a tree 5-8 m in height. Bears juicy, yellowish-red fruits with sweet pulp in June-August. For his own purposes, a person uses apricot fruits, its seeds, apricot gum (stains of a yellowish mass on the trunks). Gum is used in medicine for the production of blood-substituting fluids. Fruits have not only great taste, but also have many useful properties.

Apricot kernels also have a healing effect, the benefits and harms of which should be known to those who are going to use them for therapy.

People have known about the benefits of apricot kernels for a long time, because it was brought to Russia from the West back in the 17th century, and since then it has taken root well in warm regions. Siberian apricot, the most frost-resistant of all varieties, is common in Eastern Siberia.

Chemical composition

Apricot kernels are rich in vitamins and nutrients
What are the benefits of apricot kernels? They are eaten like any other nut. Depending on the variety, each seed contains from 35 to 60% oil. In my own way chemical composition it is similar to peach oil.

Apricot kernels are very high in calories: 100 g of product contains 520 kcal.

Raw seeds are rich in:

  • nutrients;
  • water;
  • vitamins C, E, P, group B;
  • microelements (iron);
  • macroelements (K, Ca, Mg and others).

This composition provides medicinal properties, and that's what kernels are useful for apricot kernels:

  • Vitamin B15 contained in the product lowers cholesterol and benefits the liver;
  • K, Ca, Mg improve heart function, promote nerve impulses;
  • Iron increases hemoglobin.

Blackberries will also help increase hemoglobin and normalize blood composition.

The seeds also contain the glycoside amygdalin, lactase, and hydrocyanic acid. Processed in various ways seeds continue to save beneficial properties. The daily intake of the product for an adult is 20-50 g, for children - no more than 25 g. We should not forget that apricot kernels can bring both benefit and harm - if they are overdosed.

Not too long ago, a vitamin was discovered in these nuts, indexed B17. There is still controversy about its ability to suppress the growth of cancer cells. Some experts believe that the vitamin contained in apricot kernels brings not only benefits, but also harm.

How are they useful?

Apricot kernels can help overcome many diseases. Even in ancient China, oil extracted from the seeds was used to treat skin and joint diseases. To the question of whether they are harmful or not, we can answer the following: if you take apricot kernels correctly, their benefits are fully revealed, and there is practically no harm to the human body.

A significant benefit of apricot kernels for the body is the prevention and treatment of malignant tumors. It is believed to be destructive cancer cells The cyanide contained in vitamin B17 works. For healthy cells in small quantities this compound is not dangerous; its effect is only aimed at atypical cells. A drug called Laetrile was even created, which contains apricot cores. However, US scientists believe that the drug is too toxic and does not have sufficient effect on cancer cells. Thus, the question of whether apricot kernels are beneficial or harmful for cancer is not completely closed today.

The composition of the seeds determines the beneficial properties of apricot kernels. The substances contained in them can have a positive effect on the urinary, respiratory system, increase immunity. Products made from apricot nuts have an expectorant effect.

Apricot kernel kernels alleviate the condition of:

  • bronchitis and pneumonia;
  • cold;
  • jade;
  • decreased immunity.

The apricot kernel is beneficial, but it can also cause harm to the body if used incorrectly.

Benefit or harm?

When using the core of the fruit for treatment and prevention, you need to remember that the apricot kernel has both beneficial and harmful properties, as it contains a number of substances, an overdose of which can cause undesirable consequences. Thus, cyanide contained in the kernels has a negative effect on malignant cells and promotes healthy development. An overdose of cyanide leads to the suppression of vital functions and healthy cells, which has a detrimental effect on the entire body.

It is dangerous to eat bitter seeds. Bitterness indicates content excess quantity amygdalin and hydrocyanic acid. When poisoned by these substances, the brain suffers and the functioning of the central nervous system deteriorates.

For more information about whether apricot kernels are beneficial or harmful, watch the video:

Remember that eating seeds in large quantities will not bring benefits. Those who use apricot kernels for their beneficial properties should not forget about contraindications and reasonable measures, and be attentive to their well-being.

Poisoning manifests itself:

  • the appearance of bitterness and metallic taste, sore throat;
  • vomiting;
  • increased heart rate and breathing;
  • headache, dizziness.

At similar symptoms Seek help from doctors, do not self-medicate.

Contraindications for use

In order not to harm your body, you should know not only about the benefits and harms of apricot kernels, but also about contraindications to taking them.

Use is undesirable for:

  • gastrointestinal diseases;
  • diabetes mellitus;
  • allergies;
  • bradycardia.

In case of the listed pathologies, fruit seeds should be taken with great caution. An overdose should not be allowed: it is better to divide the drug into several doses than to take the whole daily norm at one time. Otherwise, apricot pits will bring harm, not benefit.

Taking raw seeds for oncology

The benefit of raw apricot kernels is the prevention of cancer. It’s better to start by eating 1 seed three times a day. If discomfort are absent, the dose can be increased without exceeding 50 g per day. Prevention should be carried out daily all year round.

How to take apricot kernels for cancer: the dose needs to be significantly increased. Begin treatment with 5-10 seeds per day. They are taken throughout the day. The dose is individual for each person, so it is very important to monitor your well-being. To improve the taste, add a little honey.

To facilitate the work of the pancreas during treatment, it is necessary to take enzyme preparations or eat half a pineapple daily.

When asked whether apricot kernels are useful for oncology, doctors find it difficult to give a definite answer. Experts are of the opinion that this method Treatments are best combined with traditional ones.

You will learn more about whether apricot kernels can fight cancer from the video:

It may be useful for you to know that burdock root is also successfully used for cancer. Read more details

When to use medicinal infusions

The seed can be consumed not only in its raw form. Infusions from apricot kernels are beneficial, and there is no harm from their use.

To get rid of cramps and colds, use the infusion according to the following recipe orally.

  • 10 g grains;
  • 100 ml water.

Crush the kernels and pour boiling water over them. Leave for 3 hours. The strained product is taken 3 times a day, 50 grams each. The infusion is used to treat conjunctivitis as a lotion. The product is also used externally for diseases of the skin and joints.

Chestnut tincture will also help cure sore joints.

Thermally processed apricot kernels are beneficial, and harm is observed only if the dosage is not observed.

Jam with seeds added: what are the benefits?

Apricot jam with kernels retains the beneficial properties of fresh ingredients. However, during the cooking process the amount of nutrients decreases. Therefore, jam should be perceived as a healthy dessert rather than a medicine.

In small quantities, the delicacy is useful for pregnant women, the elderly, children, and patients with heart problems.

Apricot oil

What is useful about apricot kernels is the large amount of oil they contain. They knew how to extract it in ancient China, and it was very expensive.

Today, apricot seed oil is available to everyone.

If you prefer to be treated natural means, it can be used to treat skin diseases, respiratory tract, joints, colds.

The question of whether apricot kernels are healthy can be answered in the affirmative. However, we should not forget that everything is good in moderation. If the recommended dosages are not followed, apricot kernels will not bring benefit, but harm to the body. To avoid undesirable consequences, approach treatment responsibly.

Similar materials

Apricot is a unique fruit in taste and health benefits, its popularity among adults and children is understandable: juicy, fragrant, with delicate sweet flesh, it is not only pleasant to eat, but it is also very good for health. Residents of Central Asia especially highlight the value of this fruit, since not only the apricot pulp is used in various variations, the apricot kernel itself is a treasure trove useful vitamins and substances that are successfully used in cosmetology and medicine. Science does not deny the fact that not all the features of the apricot kernel have been fully studied, therefore medical and cosmetology research centers are constantly working in search of new properties of this substance.

Apricot kernels: what are they?

The apricot kernel is similar in design to plum and peach kernels; many, after eating this fruit, throw them away as unnecessary, not suspecting that the oil contained in the kernel has special healing properties.

Chinese healers first drew attention to the properties of oil to heal joints and skin diseases. Only members of the emperor's family were able to use the product for healing procedures, this is explained labor-intensive process removal of valuable substances from the kernel of the fruit. Startling healing effect forced to develop mining technology healthy oils in a more accessible and simplified version, today it is well-established production in many medical and cosmetic centers in European countries.

Apricot kernels: benefits

Apricot kernels contain substances that have unique healing properties. What is the notorious uniqueness of the substances that are present in the core?

A substance that prevents biological aging of the body, namely tocopherol, significantly inhibits the process. There are also saturated and unsaturated fatty acids: oleic, linoleic and palmitic. But it is linoleic acid that helps in weight loss. The first studies in Norway yielded amazing results: a group of people taking drugs with the addition of a set of fatty acids exceeded the percentage of weight loss, compared to a group that did sports exercises for an hour and a half every day.

What other value do apricot kernels have? Their benefits are very great, since the core composition contains rare vitamins: PP, B 17, F, phospholipids, magnesium and potassium salts, calcium, phosphorus, iron, sodium. Vitamin B17 is unique and very rare, its benefits on the effects of cells human body invaluable.

Apricot kernels against incurable diseases

Vitamin B17 contains cyanide, which is known to be harmful to the human body in large doses, but the amount that an apricot kernel contains, if the dosage is calculated correctly, when ingested into the body, heals cells affected by cancer. When the substance enters healthy cells, cyanide is simply converted into carbohydrate, which, in turn, causes absolutely no harm. Essentially, it is a natural chemotherapy that kills and destroys cancer-infected cells.

What other diseases can apricot kernels cure?

Probably few people know, but apricot kernels also cure other diseases. Bronchitis, whooping cough, nephritis, diseases cardiovascular system- all these diseases can be cured by apricot kernels. By taking crushed raw seed kernels, you can get rid of worms with high effect.

Gaining weight with apricot kernels

The calorie content of apricot kernels is very high; people who, for a number of reasons, have decided to gain the weight they need, can include apricot kernels in their diet. Great content oils with a quickly absorbed effect promote weight gain. There is a category of athletes who use this product to improve performance.

Cooking and apricot kernels

Dried or roasted apricot kernels are used by chefs in the production of milk and yoghurt products, butter creams, ice cream, various fillings and caramels. Some types of apricots contain about 70% oils and at the same time have sufficient sweetness; it is these properties that make it possible to replace the more expensive ingredient - almonds. The specific taste and smell make it possible to use apricot kernels for the production of glazes and syrups, which are used in the manufacture of cakes and pastries.

Cosmetology: application features

Cosmetologists have long used the healing properties of seeds in the manufacture of a number of preparations and creams that are used during massage sessions. The material is also used in the manufacture of shampoos, the task of which is to eliminate dandruff and strengthen hair.

The oil present in the kernel of the seed has healing properties, therefore, its use in special creams and balms is understandable. Cosmetics manufacturers often use apricot oil in the form of additives in expensive products for caring for the skin of the body, face and hands. All kinds of scrubs, lotions and creams are proof of this.

Apricot kernels: harm

When eating apricot kernels, you need to remember that this is a substance that has high percentage amygdalin, which in high concentrations is harmful to the body. The daily dose of kernels for an adult should not exceed more than 20 pieces, and for children, respectively, 10. The concepts of benefit and harm have blurred boundaries, there is no need to tempt fate by experimenting on your body.

Apricot kernels: how to cook correctly

Do not rush to throw away apricot seeds after eating the pulp of the fruit, just collect them and store them in a dry place. When a sufficient number of seeds have been collected, they can be boiled for further use, since the presence of valuable vitamins and substances does not allow you to simply throw them in the trash.

How to cook apricot kernels? You need to add salt to the water where the seeds were previously placed, let it sit for a while and then cook. Once the seeds begin to open on their own, the cooking process can be stopped. Further, the seeds can be used for your own purposes at your discretion: by using them as food additives in baked goods, cakes, finished products. Apricot kernels are added when preparing apricot jam, the taste of which is distinctive. It is important to remember that you need to use apricot kernels in moderation, then there will be maximum benefits.

Recipes that use apricot kernels

How else can you use apricot kernels? Not many people know the recipes for their preparation. It must be remembered that this is a high-calorie product, so cooks remember the golden rule in using ready-made kernels: too much can have undesirable results. There are many recipes where apricot kernels add irresistible flavor.

In just half an hour you can prepare a very tasty plum biscuit with nuts. The name alone is appetizing, and if you consider that preparation and cooking will not take much time, the desire to try cooking the dish will only increase.

Butter, water, flour, sugar, salt, chicken egg, walnuts, plums and apricot kernels - that's all you need to make the dish. For 200 g of salted flour (1 pinch), add 100 g butter, which is best kept in the refrigerator and then simply cut into pieces. Added ice water(50 ml), place the dough in a bag and put it in the refrigerator. Place the apricot kernels and walnuts, already toasted and chopped, separately and sprinkle them over the cakes. Beat one egg with 100 g of sugar until fluffy. Roll out the dough, which was previously stored in the cold, and starting from the middle, thin layer sprinkle with a mixture of nuts. Plums are placed in the very center. The formation of the galette is completed by folding the edges, pouring the beaten egg over the plums and baking the whole thing until golden brown at 180ºC in the oven. An excellent tea party is guaranteed.

Apricot is a fruit whose country of origin is still unknown. Thus, some scientists suggest that the plant originally grew in Armenia, others are inclined to Kazakhstan. Now trees of this fruit can be seen where there are appropriate climatic conditions for them.

Some information about the fruit

Over the course of several hundred years, a number of varieties of this plant have been developed that are well adapted to frost-resistant climates. The trees can be up to a hundred years old. They can be seen in warm countries. Apricot fruits are somewhat reminiscent of peach, which are also similar in color. Orange fruit indicates that it contains carotene, which is necessary for the human body. It contains useful microelements, vitamins, tannins, phosphorus, calcium, essential oils.

As a rule, apricots are eaten in fresh or dried. It should be noted that in any form the fruit is very useful and retains everything useful substances.

What is the composition of apricot kernels?

One of the main components of the fruit is amygdalin. Today, there are a lot of questions and opinions about whether treating cancer with apricot kernels is a myth or reality. So, the B17 content in the fruit is compared to the chemotherapy procedure, but not harmful to health. Therefore, most people have a question: “Apricot kernels for cancer - how to take them when fighting this disease?” You will see the answer to this question in our article.

In addition, the seed of this fruit contains components such as proteins and acids, phospholipids and essential oils, and various microelements.

Also, amygdalin itself contains which is harmful to the human body when consumed in very large quantities. One of interesting facts kernels is that the more bitter they taste, the more toxic substances they contain. In this case, it is advised to take bones with a sweet component, as they are the most useful and valuable in quality.

Can apricot kernels be eaten?

There is a judgment that states that there was a Tibetan settlement. Here residents took several kernels of the fruit every day. As far as researchers know, none of the settlers were sick oncological diseases. And women gave birth even at the age of 55, which was not outlandish and harmful to their health, despite their rather advanced age.

According to statistics, those who consume these components of the fruit even in mature age have excellent physical condition and mind.

Regarding the effectiveness of treating cancer with apricot kernels, traditional medicine has been using them for quite a long time. And not only with this disease. But also for pneumonia and asthma. In addition, apricot kernels are an excellent remedy to satisfy hunger. A few pieces are enough for a person to work actively, without thinking about food, for three hours.

Why do apricot kernels taste bitter?

Having tried several types of grains of this fruit, you can note that some of them have a sweetish taste, while others have the opposite. But even in the first case, the presence of bitterness is felt.

Scientists say that this is a consequence of the presence of toxic substances in them. Only their concentration is different. In the case when the apricot kernel is sweet with a slight bitterness, it can be eaten in the absence of contraindications.

If you come across a seed with very bitter contents, then you don’t need to eat it. Since it is this terrifying taste that indicates a large amount of hydrocyanic acid in it.

What is the difference between almonds and apricot kernels?

It would seem that these are one and the same thing. But telling a representative of Central Asia about this will make them smile. Yes, because they are absolutely two different things, although they are similar in the composition of nutrients.

The difference between them is as follows:

  • the almond kernel is elongated and oval, while the apricot kernel is slightly flattened and roundish;
  • almonds are larger in size than the grain of our fruit;
  • the color of the first is more saturated compared to the first core.

Almonds are more popular than apricot kernels. They can be purchased at any chain of stores. It also contains a little more useful microelements than the kernels of an orange fruit.

Apricot kernels: benefits and harms, beneficial properties

The kernels of this fruit are considered interesting in various discussions by scientists due to its heterogeneous composition. Most people, having eaten apricot pulp, throw away their seeds along with the contents, not understanding their benefits.

The kernels of this plant are used both in perfumery and in medicine and cooking. They are used for pneumonia, bronchitis, apricot kernels are not a well-studied topic, so in traditional medicine the substance is used in small quantities.

Cooks, as a rule, use kernels to decorate a dish and to give it a specific taste.

IN folk medicine Urbech is made from the contents of apricot kernels. It consists of grains, honey and butter. This remedy is very good for colds and is used to strengthen the immune system.

The harm of apricot kernels is that they contain a lot of sucrose. For this reason, people with diabetes mellitus and those prone to obesity should not use it. Another contraindication is the presence of the substance cyanide in it, which is subsequently converted into hydrocyanic acid. By eating apricot pulp and nuts, this poison can be neutralized. But if consumed in large quantities, you can get food poisoning.

Also, doctors do not recommend using this product for pregnant women or people with problems thyroid gland, with liver diseases. Children should not eat more than ten kernels per day, provided that they do not have allergies. In this case, you need to consult a specialist and take an antihistamine.

Apricot kernels against cancer: how to take them for prevention and during illness?

Amygdalin and pigmatic acid, present in the kernels of the fruit, are substances that have a detrimental effect on cells affected by oncology. Scientists have proven that moderate consumption grains leads to inhibition of the growth of affected tissues and to their regeneration.

Despite the fact that some researchers talk about the dangers and likelihood of toxic poisoning by nuclei, this phenomenon is rare. As stated, they should be taken in small quantities. Apricot kernels for cancer, how to take them? Firstly, kernels only from wild plants, which grow further away from the road. Secondly, for the effectiveness of apricot grains, they are destroyed before direct consumption. You only need to eat raw kernels. And the brighter their color, the more useful substances they contain.

How much apricot kernels should I take for cancer? The number of grains depends on the person’s body weight. There should be one kernel per 5 kg. If the patient develops unpleasant symptoms, then the number of grains should be reduced. They must be eaten on an empty stomach.


Apricots were cultivated on the territory of modern Armenia more than two thousand years ago. The fruits of this tree have been loved by many since childhood, but not everyone knows about the beneficial properties of apricot seeds. We always throw away the bones and don't eat the core of any fruit, but the power of nature is concentrated within the fruit.

Let's look at all the beneficial properties of apricot kernels, determine when they are beneficial and what, and when they are harmful, and you should not eat them.

Are they good for health and why?

Apricot kernels are a valuable storehouse of proteins and fats. The latter are enclosed in the seed in the form of useful vegetable oil, which is valuable dietary product and is easily digestible.

The oil contains unsaturated fatty acids: linoleic, linolenic, oleic, - and saturated acids: stearic, palmitic, myristic, - which are powerful antioxidants. Squeezing kernels is rich in provitamin A, ascorbic acid, vitamins E, P, group B.

Rich in seeds and minerals: , and magnesium, necessary for the functioning of the heart muscle and the conduction of nerve impulses, included in the composition of cell membranes, without which it is impossible for all physiological reactions of the body to occur, serving integral part hemoglobin.

Kernel oil, due to its expectorant properties, effectively treats coughs in respiratory diseases, whooping cough.

Apricot kernels contain a lot of dietary fiber, which absorb toxins in the intestines, increasing its tone and normalizing the functioning of beneficial microflora. They also have anti-inflammatory and bactericidal effects.

One of the B vitamins found in seeds is pangamic acid (B15). It dilates blood vessels, which is useful for people suffering high blood pressure, has enveloping and antibacterial properties, saturates cells with oxygen, which helps eliminate harmful toxins, reduces, has a beneficial effect on kidney function and, improves metabolic processes and strengthens the immune system.

This vitamin-like substance charges the body with energy due to its ability to be deposited in the liver and muscle tissue high-energy glycogen. Pangamic acid reduces cravings for alcohol.

The most important property of apricot kernels is their ability to resist the plague of the 21st century - cancer - thanks to the vitamin B17 they contain, also called laetrile, or amygdalin. In moderate quantities this substance improves tolerability radiation therapy . Scientists have proven that daily use seeds serves as a good cancer prevention.

For oncology

Consists of one cyanide component, one benzoaldehyde and two glucose components. The first two substances are extremely harmful and carcinogenic. In addition, benzaldehyde in the presence of hydrocyanic acid salts becomes a hundred times more toxic. What is the contradiction?

In bound form (as part of laetrile), these molecules are completely safe. Break down vitamin B17 into its component parts and thereby release harmful substances Only the enzyme beta-glucosidase is capable, the content of which is minimal in healthy cells, and enormous in cancer cells. Therefore, hydrocyanic acid and benzaldehyde are released only in malignant tumors and kill them at any stage of the disease.

See more about apricot kernels and oncology in this video presentation:

In what form and how is it best to consume?

To prevent cancer, you need to consume at least 3 seeds (three times a day), but always all year round, so that there is not a single day off. The number of cores accepted at one time can be gradually increased, but daily dose should not exceed 50 g(30 pieces).

To improve the functioning of the heart and blood vessels, the seeds can be eaten both raw and dried, as well as fried. Lightly roasting or lightly baking in the oven reduces the bitter taste.

Potential danger and how to avoid it

It is hydrocyanic acid and its salts - cyanides - that determine the anti-cancer properties of apricot kernels. Cyanides are toxic to malignant tumors, however in large quantities they can harm humans.

However, there are practically no people who have suffered from eating these grains, but there are plenty of patients who have died from cancer. Most best advice– listen to your body. A large number of seeds eaten at a time produces an unpleasant astringent sensation in the mouth.

You should not eat bitter seeds: they contain a very high concentration of hydrocyanic acid.


Bones have not only beneficial properties, but also contraindications. They should be taken with caution for diseases of the stomach, intestines,, and also during a slow heartbeat.

Reception for allergy sufferers

Of course, people with allergies should take apricot seeds very carefully. Here It is important not to overdo the dose: It is better to consume one seed three times a day than to take the entire daily requirement at once.

However, one should not give up eating seeds altogether, because any disease, be it a runny nose or cancer, overtakes us only when the immune system is weakened. And it decreases with a lack of vitamins.

Apricot itself is one of the strongest allergens. Allergies to these fruits manifest themselves in typical skin itching and rash, nausea, suffocation, red eyes, runny nose. At severe course allergies, you should stop taking seeds and fruits.

For pregnant women and children

Regular consumption of apricot kernels saturates the body with vitamins, glucose, silver ions and other minerals. High iron content helps the production of hemoglobin, which always decreases during pregnancy. These beneficial substances are also indispensable for the growth of children.

Find out everything about whether it can be eaten just like that, how best to prepare it and much more.

The benefits of red viburnum are described in detail in another article - about bright berries.

Fruit waste – this is the definition most often given to apricot kernels, the benefits and harms of which are not taken into account. Many people don't even realize how much wide application Apricot kernels are used in medicine, cosmetology and cooking. What's special about apricot kernels and what's the best way to use them?

Composition of apricot kernels

The seeds contain:

  • vitamins (B17, PP);
  • minerals (iron, potassium, phosphorus, calcium, magnesium);
  • hydrocyanic acid;
  • 0 g protein, 27.7 g fat, 56.3 g carbohydrates (per 100 g kernels).

Speaking about the benefits and harms of apricot kernels, one cannot fail to mention the oil made from them. Moreover, the kernels of some varieties contain up to 70% edible oil. This product, in turn, is rich in:

  • fatty acids (linoleic, palmitic, oleic);
  • phospholipids;
  • vitamins (A, C, B, F);
  • tocopherols.

The calorie content of apricot kernels is 440 kcal per 100 g of product. Therefore, they are often recommended to athletes to consolidate mass.

Apricot kernels: beneficial properties and contraindications

The presence of vitamin B17 turns apricot kernels into natural “killers” of cancer cells. This vitamin contains cyanide, which helps destroy cancer cells.

The more bitter the seed, the more vitamin B17 it contains.

It is important to know both the beneficial properties and contraindications of apricot kernels. In particular, apricot kernels contain hydrocyanic acid, which becomes poisonous in large quantities. Strong bitterness indicates a high concentration of organic poison. The reason for the bitter taste of amygdalin is a source of hydrocyanic acid. Therefore, uncontrolled consumption of apricot kernels can cause poisoning. The problem can be caused by taking 20-40 g of the product.

The damage to the kernels is minimized if they are pre-boiled or dried in the oven. Under the influence high temperature harmful components will be destroyed.

Old apricot cores can be dangerous. The fact is that the cyanide content increases over time. Therefore, taking them is not recommended.

Apricot kernels are contraindicated for:

  • diabetes mellitus;
  • liver diseases;
  • problems with the thyroid gland;
  • pregnancy.

Signs of poisoning usually appear within 5 hours after taking the product. A wide range of symptoms can indicate poisoning. First of all, this is: lethargy, headache, nausea and stomach cramps. In severe cases, convulsions, fainting, or acute heart failure may occur.

Application of apricot kernels

Apricot kernel oil is the basis of many medicines. The bones themselves are considered natural “chemotherapy.” But it is important to know how to take apricot kernels for cancer. Cyanide, which is contained in the nuclei, destroys cancer cells in small doses, but from large quantity healthy cells begin to suffer.

You can consume no more than a few kernels per day. It is best to supplement their intake with your favorite fruits.

Apricot kernels, brewed as tea, are used for cardiovascular diseases. They are also useful for bronchitis and upper respiratory tract diseases. The high calorie content of apricot kernels allows us to recommend them as food supplement under heavy physical exertion.

Widely used in cosmetology. The substances contained in it have a beneficial effect on the skin, slowing down the process of its withering and improving the condition of nails and hair.

Is it possible to eat apricot pits? The answer, of course, is yes. Moreover, apricot kernels are often used by confectioners to make glaze, caramel, sweets, yoghurts, creams, ice cream, waffles and various pastries. The kernels of some apricot varieties are used as a substitute for almonds.

The harm and benefits of apricot kernels are closely related to the health status of a particular person. Therefore, before starting to use of this product Be sure to consult your doctor.