Constantly nauseous but not. Pathology of the urinary system

Nausea like initial stage gag reflex, is the result of deviations in diet, infection in the intestines, various diseases digestive tract and pathological processes in the nervous system, dangerous metabolic failures, lack of vitamins, consumption medicines etc.

It is necessary to understand what to do with nausea, since everyone has experienced a similar feeling inside the esophagus and in the epigastric region.

Known large number serious factors that provoke intense irritation of mucosal receptors in various parts of the digestive tract, transmitting a signal to the vomiting center of the brain.

In this article we will talk about what to do if you feel sick.

Ways to eliminate nausea

Nausea in humans is a complex of painful sensations inside the pharynx and epigastric region. They include intense salivation, lethargy and tremors.

Very often, such symptoms are a harbinger of a gag reflex.

During the period of vomiting, the abdominal muscles begin to contract and gastric contents are thrown to the surface through the oral cavity.

A similar mechanism can trigger a special area in the brain stem, which is connected to receptors in the gastrointestinal tract.

If they are irritated or damaged, it starts gag reflex.

When the stomach is greatly distended under the influence of a significant volume of food or the formation of gases, the receptors signal a violation and vomiting occurs.

This reaction is formed during inflammatory process in the stomach, with ulcers.

The brain sends an impulse to the gag reflex without the help of receptors in the digestive system. This is observed in the process of motion sickness, diseases inner ear, high ICP, head trauma, anorexia, etc.

Nausea often occurs due to the following factors:

  • unexpectedly formed feeling of fear or anxiety;
  • aversion to food products;
  • excessive anxiety (for example, before an important event);
  • strong negative emotional shock.

When lightheadedness appears once, the following measures can be taken in order to restore proper well-being:

  • take validol (1 tablet sublingually until complete resorption);
  • moisten a cotton pad with ammonia and sniff;
  • quickly get out into the fresh air;
  • mix a small amount of water with 10 drops of peppermint infusion and consume;
  • do not drink water, but when such a need exists, take it in small sips.

When a patient vomits, the factor that provoked this phenomenon should be identified.

What to do during pregnancy

This is the simplest situation, since many women experience a similar phenomenon during pregnancy. Often, nausea during toxicosis is not associated with gastroenterological diseases.

Nausea and other adverse symptoms will result from changes in hormonal balance women in position.

There is an increase in estrogen, progesterone and cortisone, which reduce the number of contractions of the abdominal muscle tissue, as well as a short-term decrease in the production of gastrin by the gastric and pancreatic mucosa and motilin, which regulates the peristalsis of the digestive tract.

Should not be used in any situation medications. During fruiting, you should not use mint tablets, which are used to eliminate nausea and prevent the gag reflex, which can cause harm.

The plant contains sitosterol - a sterol plant origin, which reduces the absorption of cholesterol in the gastrointestinal tract and removes it from the body.

In addition, such anti-nausea pills should not be taken if you have low blood pressure.

Therefore, you need to counteract nausea during pregnancy using harmless methods:

  • Drink 150-200 g of ordinary water in small sips in the morning (on an empty stomach);
  • after sleep - lying in bed - eat rye crackers;
  • drink green tea with ginger and cranberry juice;
  • hold a piece of lemon in your mouth or chew pumpkin seeds.

What to do if your child is sick

Parents need to know what to do with nausea in children and remember that receptor sensitivity vestibular apparatus in a child it is extremely high and decreases over time and returns to normal only by the age of 12-13 years.

Therefore, they often get motion sickness in transport. 30 minutes before travel, the baby should be given an anti-nausea medication, which will begin to act 20 minutes after use.

Its effect lasts approximately 4 hours. Children 2-6 years old take 1/4 or 0.5 tablets, children 7-12 years old take 0.5 or a whole tablet.

A child often feels sick if he has worms. IN difficult situations in addition to nausea, gag reflex, pain V abdominal cavity and constipation, dizziness, headaches and nervous tics appear.

To diagnose and treat your baby, you need to consult with a specialist who prescribes the test. feces, and after it is carried out - appropriate anti-worm medications.

What to do if you have nausea and fever

Nausea and elevated temperature a person needs special attention, since this is a typical symptom of an intestinal infection (salmonellosis, dysentery or rotavirus gastroenteritis).

Many people wonder what they can drink for nausea with these diseases.

Nausea is not dangerous problem during of this disease, although nausea and the gag reflex themselves are considered initial signs penetration of infection into the body.

The main thing to do during diarrhea and nausea is to prevent life-threatening dehydration, which is caused by constant vomiting and severe diarrhea.

For these purposes, you can give the patient solutions of special powders that contain potassium and sodium salts (Regidron, Trihydron, Glucosolan, etc.).

Nausea with a gag reflex and headaches is a reason to call a doctor, since these are also symptoms of meningitis.

It is necessary to immediately consult a specialist, since there are all prerequisites to believe that the patient has high ICP, which is often associated with pathological processes such as hydrocephalus and cerebral tumors.

The first thing to do in case of nausea is to consult a doctor, since in order to eliminate the symptoms, it is necessary to establish what caused it.

What to do if you have diarrhea and nausea

Diarrhea and nausea (often with vomiting) are common symptoms of food intoxication.

You need to drink at least 2 glasses of regular warm water and provoke a gag reflex by irritating the root of the tongue.

This will free the stomach from unnecessary contents, including toxic substances.

When you can quickly eliminate nausea, there is no need to rush to take any food products: it is optimal to drink a cup of strong tea with sugar after 40 minutes.

In addition to this, in mandatory you need to take enterosorbent: Activated carbon, Carbolong, Sorbex, Polysorb or Atoxyl.

It is possible to eliminate diarrhea using a decoction of dried blueberries (1 tbsp. berries per 200 g of boiling water), water tincture from pomegranate peel, oak bark, plantain leaves (in the same ratio) or partitions walnut(10 nuts per 1 glass of water).

Desmol is considered an effective remedy that stops diarrhea - in tablet form and suspension.

The usual dose for adults is 30 g of suspension or 2 tablets. 6 times throughout the day, for children preschool age– 5 g of suspension or 1/3 tablet, children 6-9 years old – 10 g of suspension or 2/3 tablet. every 4 hours.

What to do about vomiting and nausea

Nausea and gag reflex are also considered a symptom of gastric ulcer, stenosis of the esophagus or pylorus, gastroparesis.

Signs also include stomach distension, the appearance of a large number of acute infections, migraine, sudden drop in blood pressure, traumatic brain injury.

Nausea with a gag reflex can occur during myocardial infarction, with renal failure in severe forms, etc.

Many people wonder what to drink for nausea and vomiting, which are associated with gastric distension.

Experts advise switching to consuming dry food products for a while and limiting liquid intake as much as possible.

Doctors associate faintness and a gag reflex with bile with a disorder of the motility of the bile ducts, with cholelithiasis or a kink in the gallbladder. In such situations, choleretic drugs are prescribed.

How to make anti-nausea medicine

There is no universal folk remedy for nausea, since there are many causes for such symptoms.

Various experts suggest the following methods on how to cook effective remedy for nausea:

  • The first medicine can be made from valerian root (1 tbsp), peppermint (2 tbsp), chamomile flowers (2 tbsp) and cinquefoil roots (3 tbsp). After mixing these herbs in the specified ratio, you can take 1 tbsp. l. of this mass and brew 0.2 liters of boiling water and leave for 2 hours. Next, the tincture is filtered, and then taken 3 times before meals - 50 g at a time.
  • To prepare another tincture for nausea you need to take 1 tbsp. l. dried chicory root and 2 tbsp. l. dried nettle leaves. They are steamed in 0.25 liters of boiling water, the container is tightly closed and infused until it cools down. Drink 2 tbsp. l. 3 times a day (half an hour before meals).

When nausea is a symptom of a disease, you need to find out the recommendations of a specialist and eliminate this phenomenon through joint efforts.

When the diagnosis is made, accurate diagnosis. You should not delay a visit to a specialist, since such a problem can signal a very serious problem. dangerous diseases in the body.

Nausea is one of the most unpleasant symptoms. Its one-time appearance most likely will not indicate serious pathologies. But if nausea appears regularly, you need to listen to this signal from your body and go through full examination. Why your health worsens and what to do when you feel sick, we’ll talk about this further.

Causes of nausea

Constant attacks of nausea and vomiting exhaust the body and worsen the quality of life. But the main danger of this unpleasant condition is the possible risks and consequences associated with the loss useful substances or, even worse, possible rupture of the mucosa due to the constantly created pressure. So it is extremely important to promptly identify the causes of nausea.

Main causes of nausea:

  1. Gastritis or ulcer. With these diseases, the feeling of nausea intensifies after each meal, accompanied by heartburn and a feeling of heaviness in the stomach.
  2. Gallbladder pathologies. Most often, the general clinical picture is represented by nausea while eating, flatulence, pain on the right and bad aftertaste metal in the mouth.
  3. Pancreatitis. The above symptoms in combination with intestinal disorder may also indicate inflammation of the pancreas. The only difference is that the desire to vomit appears after the food enters the stomach, but the amount of enzymes is not enough to digest it.
  4. Appendicitis. In such cases, the occurrence of nausea and vomiting does not depend on food. A clear sign– pain of a wandering nature with gradual localization with right side, mainly in the lower abdomen. Possible increase in temperature.
  5. Poisoning, intestinal infections. Nausea and stomach pain appear some time after eating, then increase until the first episode of vomiting appears. After this, the patient’s condition improves slightly, but the relief effect is short-lived. Besides common features intoxication (weakness in the body, fever, dizziness), diarrhea is noted.
  6. Violation of the vestibular apparatus. Attacks of nausea and dizziness are sudden in nature with a sudden change in body position, tilting the head. Concomitant symptoms may include tinnitus and headaches.
  7. Hypertension (high blood pressure). For chronic high blood pressure the appearance of nausea and dizziness is not related to food intake. The symptom is especially disturbing in the morning, but individual attacks can be observed throughout the day.
  8. Brain injuries and tumors.
  9. Mental disorders.
  10. Toxicosis in pregnant women. Morning sickness and vomiting is one of the first signs of pregnancy.

As you can see, there can be many reasons for constant nausea. And only qualified specialist Based on the diagnosis, it can help determine the origin of this syndrome. Therefore, when you feel sick frequently, it is strongly recommended not to self-medicate. Otherwise, the disease may progress to chronic form, which is difficult to treat. And if we are talking about brain diseases, then even the slightest delay can cost your life.

What to do if you feel nauseous

If there are constant attacks of nausea, the examination should begin with a visit to the therapist. After the initial examination General tests will be prescribed that will help clarify the picture of the disease. When all the results are ready, a referral is issued for additional consultations with specialized specialists.

If you cannot see a doctor, you will have to act on your own. First aid, if a person is feeling sick, should be aimed at eliminating not only the symptom, but also the cause. Therefore, you need to pay attention to all changes in the patient’s health status.

Nausea after fatty foods

If you feel very nauseous and vomit after a fatty dinner, there is pain under the rib on the right, and there are traces of bile in the vomit, most likely you are worried about an attack of biliary colic
. Before consulting a doctor, eliminate all fatty foods, sweets and spicy seasonings from your diet. Eat small meals up to 6 times a day. And be sure to drink water!

First aid for biliary colic is antispasmodic drugs (spazmalgon, no-shpa), domperidone (Motilium, Domrid) and pantoprazole (rabeprazole). Half an hour after taking the pills, you must eat, even if the nausea has not yet passed.

If the pain intensifies, the temperature rises and darkening of the urine is observed, call an ambulance immediately!

Nausea after spicy food and alcoholic drinks

Nausea and no severe pain under the rib on the left may indicate a malfunction of the pancreas
. Approved drugs: no-shpa, pankrinorm, cerucal. If vomiting and diarrhea occur, hospitalization is necessary.

The regular occurrence of symptoms of inflammation of the pancreas can greatly complicate life. Over time, abdominal pain will begin to bother you more and more often, after each meal. And without providing emergency assistance patient with acute pancreatitis Possible death.

Nausea due to food poisoning

The main difference between the symptoms of food poisoning and pancreatitis is the absence of abdominal pain
. In addition to nausea, the patient is worried occasional vomiting And loose stool mixed with mucus. High temperature in combination with these symptoms indicates entry into the body intestinal infection. In this situation, self-medication without diagnosing the causative agent of the disease will be ineffective and even dangerous.

For the treatment of nausea during normal food poisoning sorbents are used (enterosgel, activated carbon, smecta). If an infection is suspected, stopdiar or enterofuril is taken. The patient is also advised to drink plenty of fluids to prevent dehydration due to diarrhea.

If you have food poisoning, do not take imodium or loperamide. Active ingredients drugs block the natural elimination of toxins from the body, which is why nausea and other symptoms of intoxication can only intensify.

Nausea and pain in the lumbar region

Severe nausea, vomiting, and pain in the lower back extending to the hip may be a sign renal colic
. Its causes can be different - from inflammation of the ureter to the formation of a tumor. Therefore, with frequent attacks, it is necessary to undergo diagnostics to eliminate possible risks of developing nephrosclerosis.

The only thing that can help in this situation is antispasmodic drugs in combination with analgesics. They, of course, will not eliminate the attack of nausea, but they will relieve the painful sensations. If half an hour after taking the medications there is no improvement, and nausea and vomiting only get worse, call an ambulance.

Nausea and dizziness

Symptoms accompanying nausea can say a lot about the true causes of this condition. If you feel nauseous, but not vomiting, but at the same time you feel severe weakness in the body and feeling dizzy, perhaps we are talking about the following conditions:

  • Decreased hemoglobin levels in the blood. Treatment involves an iron-containing diet and taking ferrum preparations.
  • Hypoglycemia (low glucose levels). To get rid of nausea, you need to eat something sweet or drink tea with sugar.
  • Low blood pressure. In case of hypotension, a cup of strong brewed coffee or tea helps to cope with attacks of nausea and dizziness.
  • Depletion of the body caused by a lack of nutrients and vitamins. Balanced diet, reception multivitamin complexes and compliance with the work and rest regime will allow you to get rid of frequent attacks nausea.

If you are worried about nausea and headache, the following diseases cannot be excluded:

  • Migraine. With migraines, the pain is usually concentrated on one side of the head. There is nausea, but no vomiting. All other indicators (temperature, breathing, speech, physical activity) remain normal. Ergotamine-based medications will help get rid of nausea and headaches.
  • High blood pressure. Nausea, black spots before the eyes and pain in the back of the head are symptoms of a jump in blood pressure. First aid - drugs of the captopril group.
  • Encephalitis and meningitis. Both diseases have an infectious etiology and have a distinct severe symptoms intoxication. In both cases, hospital treatment is indicated.

Stroke! If, in addition to nausea, there is a speech disorder and motor activity, the patient complains of numbness in the arms or legs, loses consciousness, do not waste time on self-medication. Only in a hospital can they provide qualified assistance. And the sooner this is done, the greater the chances of minimizing the consequences.

What to do when you feel sick in transport

Complaints about motion sickness in transport are a very common occurrence. If every trip in a car is invariably accompanied by nausea, you should consult a neurologist. The doctor will help you choose gymnastic exercises for training the vestibular apparatus and medications that alleviate your condition during travel.

You cannot buy generic tablets “for motion sickness in transport” on your own. These drugs have too large a list of side effects and contraindications for you to mindlessly take them every time you have to go somewhere.

General recommendations on how to get rid of nausea in transport:

  • do not ride on an empty stomach or immediately after eating;
  • do not sit in the last seats, choose seats as close to the driver as possible;
  • position yourself so that you are facing forward;
  • do not read books or use your phone/tablet while driving;
  • If possible, keep windows open to allow access fresh air;
  • Take sour or mint candies with you on the road.

If you still feel inexorably nauseous, you need to get out of the car and breathe in fresh air. In the absence of contraindications you can take an anti-nausea pill (Dramine and others) half an hour before your intended trip. But this should be a one-time thing and in the most extreme cases.

There is no need to fight the body, drowning out nausea with all kinds of pills. Listen carefully to this signal and begin to take measures to identify the cause of these attacks. The earlier the disease is detected, the easier it is to treat.

Nausea and its causes are familiar to almost every second person on our planet. This is for everyone, without exception, very unpleasant feeling, radiating into the chest cavity and into the oral cavity. As a rule, a rush of nausea occurs accompanied by chills, with an increase in temperature, excessive sweating, increased salivation and even decreased blood pressure. All this occurs during an attack of nausea.

1 Unpleasant sensations

The causes of nausea can vary. And they are not always a link with some specific disease. Nausea and vomiting can be a short-term and rare occurrence, or a sign of illness. But it is very difficult to determine for sure, especially in the first stages of a vomiting state.

Causes of constant nausea:

  • systematic overeating, that is, eating everything that has a high concentration of fat;
  • as one of side effects as a result of taking medications. Nausea and vomiting occur, as a rule, due to the ingestion of a large amount of toxins contained in the drugs;
  • as a result of psychogenic attacks on the subconscious in the form of fear, anxiety, fear and hysteria;
  • if a person suffers seasickness, it is also called kinetosis. It is its presence that is mainly the main cause of nausea and even vomiting;
  • during pregnancy female body hormonally changes. In this state, a woman begins to feel sick in transport, she is haunted by a feeling of nausea from smells, from foods, and so on. In this case, the manifestation of nausea in women, or, as they also say, toxicosis, is provoked by pregnancy, which, as a rule, goes away in the second half of the term;
  • You may feel sick from smoke, burning, toxic evaporation of harmful substances;
  • Nausea and vomiting can also be a consequence of sunstroke, overheating in the sun, that is, hyperthermia.

If all the time constant nausea without vomiting, then after a while it goes away as independently and imperceptibly as it appeared, and, accordingly, no treatment is required. It is another matter if nausea and vomiting is more serious and is a sign of a serious illness. There are many diseases, the main symptom of which is nausea and vomiting. In addition, this may be the first sign of disease. So this cannot be ignored.

2 Possible diseases

All diseases are different. They all have their own symptoms, and each patient feels its course in his own way. Attacks of nausea can be associated with the digestive system, nervous system, reproductive system, cardiovascular system, endocrine system.

Nausea often appears along with diseases of the digestive system and can be associated with serious pathologies.

Serious diseases of surgery:

  • pancreatitis;
  • appendicitis;
  • acute intestinal obstruction;
  • stomach bleeding;
  • cholecystitis.

Chronic diseases:

  • hernias;
  • gastritis;
  • ulcers;
  • colitis;
  • chronic form of pancreatitis;
  • enterocolitis;
  • Crohn's disease;
  • gallstone disease.

As well as defects in the form of stenosis, atresia, defects associated with the development of the pancreas.

Infections such as gastroenteritis viruses, toxic infections, helminthiases.

Liver diseases - hepatitis, cirrhosis, individual intolerance to certain types of foods.

In addition, nausea can often be a clear sign diseases that are not associated with food intake and processing.

Nausea occurs with pathologies of the central nervous system, which include the following phenomena:

  • tumors in the brain;
  • brain infections;
  • encephalitis;
  • meningitis and meningococcal infection of the brain;
  • intracranial pressure.

The unpleasant feeling of nausea in women and men can be caused by diseases cardiovascular system. This includes a number of diseases:

  • hypertension;
  • heart failure;
  • heart attack

Diseases associated with the ear are Meniere's disease, diseases of the labyrinth of the ear.

Also, an unpleasant sensation often accompanies patients with diabetes mellitus and its varieties, such as:

  • ketoacidosis;
  • thyrotoxicosis;

A kidney patient periodically feels nausea during attacks urolithiasis or with renal failure.

Besides all these diseases severe nausea and vomiting accompanies oncological diseases, and after chemotherapy or radiation therapy, nausea and vomiting may also occur. In this case, the main role in the appearance of pre-vomiting sensation is played by an imbalance of blood electrolytes and migraine.

3 Why mild nausea occurs

There is mild nausea when a person has been poisoned, when diabetic ketoacidosis or hemorrhage occurred, and even with cardiovascular pathology, liver failure and in case of sepsis.

It happens that nausea and vomiting does not appear on its own, but has a number of symptoms. In this case, a frequent accompaniment of nausea may be abdominal pain, belching with an unpleasant clayey odor, diarrhea, chills, trembling, skin rashes, yellowness skin, dizziness, severe fatigue, weak legs, and so on.

The accompanying symptoms should be taken especially seriously. It could be:

  • black stool;
  • blood in vomit;
  • every day severe pain in the abdominal area;
  • lack of air;
  • elevated temperature;
  • drowsiness;
  • headache appears every day;
  • fainting;
  • pulling muscles.

Nausea for no reason, and even nausea without vomiting - all this may indicate that a disease is developing in the body, which can even end fatal. If any of these symptoms appear, you should see a doctor.

A qualified specialist, first, must listen carefully to the patient. If necessary, ask him those questions, the answer to which could establish a diagnosis. For example, what did he eat and when, in what quantities, are there any diseases, did he hit his head, and so on.

If there is nothing that would clearly indicate the cause of nausea, then the doctor prescribes examinations. The direction of diagnosis depends on the symptoms of nausea.

In addition, during the interview, the doctor clarifies whether the patient has taken any medications or not. It should be borne in mind that most medications have a number of side effects, such as nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, rash, dizziness, etc.

5 Medicines, side effects

Nausea without vomiting can be caused by medications such as:

  • analgesics;
  • cardiovascular drugs;
  • hormonal drugs;
  • antibiotics;
  • antitumor drugs;
  • narcotic drugs.

It is also worth knowing that if the patient, in the event of any illness, took narcotic drugs, regardless of the dosage, in case of withdrawal, in almost 99% of 100, nausea occurs and vomiting may occur.

Objectivity in the examination is the key to a successful diagnosis and treatment. If none of the options can help establish the cause of nausea, then the doctor prescribes a laboratory examination.

6 Laboratory examination of the patient

TO laboratory research applies:

  1. General blood test.
  2. Stool analysis.
  3. Study of intestinal microflora.

With the help of this study, you can determine the presence of other diseases or discard their likelihood, and prescribe treatment. For example, based on the results of a general blood test, you can determine the presence of a disease such as anemia or leukocytosis, there is peptic ulcer stomach or disease associated with duodenum. The result of the test for the presence of electrolytes, urea and creatine is carried out to identify kidney diseases. Regarding biochemical analysis, then in this case it is possible to determine the level of protein, blood albumin and bilirubin. The glucose level shows the likelihood of developing diabetes mellitus. Tested antibodies in the blood help identify the functioning of the pancreas.

Feces are examined in case of suspected diseases of the digestive system. The intestinal microflora is examined in order to determine the presence of intestinal dysbiosis.

Further treatment is investigated and determined taking into account clinical picture and taking into account the patient's age. The examination is carried out especially carefully in cases where nausea has been present for quite a long time, especially in women who complain of bouts of vomiting and are of childbearing age. The first study that the doctor prescribes is a pregnancy test. After all, pregnancy can cause similar discomfort associated with the restructuring of the body.

But sometimes there can be different reasons other than pregnancy.

In some cases, a urine test, toxicology test, and culture may be necessary. If nausea in women is related to work endocrine system, then a consultation with an endocrinologist and a blood test for the presence of hormones is carried out first.

Once the cause is established, the doctor, if this is his profile, will prescribe appropriate treatment. If the disease is not related to the qualifications of the doctor to whom the patient turned, the patient is referred to other specialists to make an accurate diagnosis.

7 Treatments

Nausea goes away on its own for no reason. It's another matter if it is a sign of a disease. Then, along with the elimination of the cause of its appearance, its treatment occurs. The main thing is to ask for help in a timely manner.

Here's how you can relieve nausea:

  • if the cause is the sun, sea, food, then, first of all, the very effect of the harmful factor is eliminated;
  • if the patient suffers from seasickness, scopolamine in the form of a patch, which is attached to the surface of the skin 5 hours before going to sea, will help cope with nausea and weakness;
  • During pregnancy, all that can be used by a woman for nausea is meclozine. This drug can be used in the form of suppositories. In this case, its constituent components bypass the liver and enter through the blood veins in the rectum directly into the blood.

You can try to treat signs of nausea in everyone except pregnant women using old fashioned methods.

All you need:

  1. Drink water with fresh lemon juice. To do this, every morning, on an empty stomach, you need to drink a glass of warm water with the addition of a teaspoon of fresh lemon juice.
  2. Green tea prepared with herbs or dried ginger tea.
  3. An attack of nausea will be eased by juice from fresh potatoes, which you need to drink a tablespoon three times a day.
  4. Brewed dill seeds per 1 glass of water 1 tsp. seeds that are brewed, infused for 2 hours, filtered and consumed in equal portions in 3 doses.
  5. Decoctions and infusions prepared on the basis of traditional medicine recipes will perfectly cope with surging nausea. Moreover, there is now quite a lot of information about the usefulness and harm of this or that product.

If frequent nausea and vomiting is not a disease, it is quite easy to cope with. To do this, there is no need to immediately start taking medications.

In most cases, nausea after eating indicates chronic or acute disorders in the human body. The attack can be either short or long with uncontrollable vomiting. To diagnose a concomitant illness or find out the cause of nausea, a consultation with a doctor, an analysis of symptoms and a complete examination of the patient are required.

The main causes of nausea after eating

The problem can arise against the background of some illness or separate condition. There are several main causes of nausea:

  • diseases of the digestive tract (cholecystitis, duodenitis, peptic ulcer of the intestines and stomach, pancreatitis);
  • overdose or side effects from taking medications;
  • toxicosis during pregnancy;
  • development of cancer;
  • strong emotional arousal, stress;
  • pathologies of the vestibular apparatus;
  • helminth infection;
  • intestinal infection in case of poisoning;
  • food allergies;
  • unbalanced diet (fasting, overeating, dieting, frequent consumption of fatty, spicy food and confectionery).

Nausea can also be caused by other causes not related to food. This sunstroke, high blood pressure, migraine, concussion, appendicitis attack, etc.

Gastroenterologists note that patients are increasingly seeking help for nausea and pain in the stomach after eating. The problem may arise due to an inflammatory process, nervous overstrain etc. If during an attack there is heartburn, burning, heaviness in the stomach, then this indicates the development of a peptic ulcer.

Common causes of nausea after eating:

Frequent attacks of nausea after eating

Nausea is an unpleasant condition that appears in the upper abdomen, closer to the diaphragm. It often occurs immediately after eating. In isolated cases, there is no need to worry, but systematic attacks indicate a disruption of the digestive tract.

Dizziness and nausea after eating

There are many reasons why you feel dizzy and nauseous after eating. Here are the most common ones.

  1. Vestibular neuritis. The disease most often develops against the background of previous illnesses respiratory system and is characterized by ear congestion, imbalance, panic attacks, and vomiting.
  2. Meniere's disease. The causes of the anomaly are still not fully understood; doctors claim that the disease is a consequence of infections and injuries. This disease causes prolonged attacks of nausea, dizziness, vomiting, and hearing loss. Symptoms disappear after 10 days to 2 weeks, but after a certain period of time they return.
  3. Migraine. This condition not only provokes a severe headache, but also dizziness, loss of balance, nausea, vomiting, and photophobia. The disease develops due to poor blood supply to the brain, especially to those areas that are responsible for the functionality of the vestibular apparatus.
  4. Hormonal imbalance. Such changes are more typical for women whose hormone levels change with each menstruation, pregnancy, or menopause. With iron deficiency and unstable hormonal background The brain does not receive enough oxygen, causing nausea and dizziness.

Food aversions are not uncommon, so it is recommended to consult a doctor. A neurologist, therapist, endocrinologist, gastroenterologist, psychotherapist and even a nutritionist will be able to identify the cause of this condition.

The main provocateurs of nausea from any type of food:

  • toxicosis (chemical, food or drug poisoning, pregnancy);
  • nervous tension, depressive state, psychotic disorder;
  • drug, household or food allergies;
  • hormonal changes (pathologies of the pituitary gland, hypothalamus, thyroid gland);
  • infectious diseases;
  • internal ailments (lupus, rheumatoid arthritis, etc.);
  • dysfunction of the gallbladder, liver, pancreas (colitis, gastritis, duodenitis);
  • abnormalities of metabolism and protective functions of the body (gout, diabetes, hemochromatosis);
  • helminths;
  • viral illnesses (flu, HIV, hepatitis, cancer).

Most likely the problem is superficial if the person does not have a rash, pain syndrome, dizziness, sudden weight loss, increased body temperature.

Why do you feel sick after eating during pregnancy?

Nausea is a companion of almost all women who are pregnant. As the fetus grows, the body begins to adapt to this position. From the second to the third month, nausea in the morning is considered normal and indicates normal development child. From 12 to 15 weeks, women who are carrying two children or are sick complain of nausea. From the 16th week, doctors determine toxicosis if attacks of nausea and vomiting exceed 6 times a day.

Causes of nausea during pregnancy:

  • emotional tension, stress;
  • unbalanced diet;
  • pathologies of the endocrine system;
  • bad habits or abrupt refusal of them;
  • gynecological diseases, inflammation of the appendages;
  • neurological diseases.

With normal fetal development and the health of the expectant mother, nausea should disappear by the second trimester.

Help with nausea

An attack of nausea can occur at any time, so people prone to this symptom should reconsider their lifestyle and know what medications can be taken during unpleasant reflex sensations.

Nausea is directly related to the functioning of the digestive system. Wrong image life and bad habits in the form of alcohol abuse, smoking, inactivity negatively affect functionality gastrointestinal tract. As a result, nausea, indigestion and other health problems occur.

Diet and nutrition correction

Healthy eating is correct selection products, control of their quality and safety. But this also applies to eating food at the same time, in moderate portions and excluding all harmful products for the digestive tract. Acute attack nausea becomes a signal of health problems, so after it you need to give up sweet, fried, spicy, fatty foods. Ideally, the daily amount of food is divided into 5 meals, but without too cold or hot dishes.

Tablets that can be used to eliminate and prevent the symptom will quickly help you overcome nausea. An unpleasant sensation occurs during pregnancy, poisoning, or traveling in transport. This type of medication is prescribed to combat nausea of ​​various origins. The main components of the medications have antihistamine, antiemetic and anticholinergic effects. Their pharmacokinetics is complete dissolution in digestive system. The effect of the tablets begins 20-30 minutes after administration and lasts up to 6 hours.

If you have nausea during pregnancy, you need to consult a doctor so as not to harm the baby. self-treatment. In case of severe toxicosis, you need to donate everything necessary tests and on their basis a medicine is prescribed. Typically, Polysorb, Polyphepan, and Essentiale Forte are used in a short course. For toxicosis, experts recommend using Splenin, it is effective on early. Pregnant women are prohibited from drinking Etaperazine and Torekan.

Anti-nausea medications have contraindications. It is better for people with individual intolerance to the components of the tablets to avoid taking them. Medicines are prohibited for children under the age of two years of age. To avoid negative effects consultation with a doctor is required. In case of overdose medicines dry mouth, drowsiness, general weakness, and headache occur. At large doses, accommodation disturbance is observed.

Preventing vomiting after eating

To prevent attacks of vomiting, you need to avoid overeating and stop using alcoholic drinks, fried food in large quantities. If you have ailments of the digestive tract, you should follow special diet, which facilitates the digestion process and minimizes discomfort. Vomiting is often a consequence of poisoning, so it is necessary to carefully monitor the quality of the products consumed. In case of serious illnesses such as cancer, pathologies of the nervous system, etc., you should urgently consult a doctor who will determine therapy.

When to see a doctor

If the attack of nausea after eating passes soon, then there is no need to worry. If the unpleasant condition does not go away within a week, you should go to the hospital. The most alarming associated symptoms are diarrhea and vomiting with blood, prolonged diarrhea, confusion, sharp pain in the abdomen, weakness, severe thirst, increased body temperature above 39 degrees.

If there are no other symptoms besides nausea, the specialist will ask the patient to keep a diet diary. To put correct diagnosis sometimes additional studies and tests such as x-rays are necessary, general analysis urine and blood, ultrasound, endoscopy, food allergen test.

A specialist will talk about the causes of nausea in the following video:

Nausea after eating is a reaction of the human body to certain disorders or diseases. Depending on the provocateur of the appearance of such a condition, it needs to be dealt with differently. The treatment of some ailments requires therapy under the supervision of a physician, but other causes can be eliminated independently.

Nausea causes an unpleasant sensation in upper section abdomen, oral cavity, causing discomfort, further provoking the human body to gag reflex.

Nausea occurs when irritated nerves transmit information to the vomiting center located in the cerebral cortex. There are many places in human body, from where short-term signals can come. Nausea is a common condition of the body that accompanies a large number of diseases and situations. A feeling of nausea can be caused by overeating, eating more than normal, pregnancy, or motion sickness.

Nausea - defensive reaction body, signaling problems in the state of the body, warning a person about the need to visit a doctor. It is not causeless, not a disease, it is a symptomatic phenomenon. The causes of occurrence are signs of disease of the organs of the human body.

Possible diseases that cause nausea:

During pregnancy

All the time on early stage pregnancy doesn't make the stomach feel tight, but the woman is already feeling sick various reasons, without poisoning. The symptom is caused by: the smell of food, the aroma of perfume, unpleasant gas exhaust, the type of food - there are different numbers of reasons during the day. The phenomenon is called toxicosis. The reasons for its appearance are varied. There is an opinion among the people: the appearance of toxicosis means pregnancy with a “boy”. In real life, the omen comes true in half the cases. The presence of toxicosis is due to the normalization of hormone levels in the pregnant mother; nausea and vomiting reduce the level of hormones at the right time. Toxicosis continues for a week or more.

When overeating

May occur when eating too much food. A person (usually a man) limits his food intake when he begins to feel nauseous and does not feel full. The symptom of nausea is the urge to vomit, the body will feel relief after vomiting. Violation of the diet leads to serious consequences gastrointestinal diseases. A balanced and limited diet eliminates the symptom and allows you to live without pain.

When motion sickness occurs - kinetosis

Some people feel bad when moving different types transport, whereas outside transport they do not feel sick. When motion sickness occurs painful sensations: nausea, vomiting, pale skin, panic attacks and increased salivation. The cause is vestibular sensory system. During travel, the connection between vision, muscles, vestibular apparatus, and the main organs of human orientation in space is disrupted, leading to motion sickness syndrome.

IN extreme situations more than seventy percent of the population are susceptible to kinetosis. To treat the symptom you need integrated approach: daily training, playing sports, performing walking exercises aimed at strengthening the vestibular system. In severe cases, you can resort to drug method solutions by taking pills.

When taking medications

Many medications have pronounced side effects; prolonged use can cause nausea. The best known are antibiotics and anti-influenza drugs.

During menstruation

The cause of nausea is hormonal imbalance woman's body or increased water content. In women, intracranial pressure increases. Excessive anxiety, frequent dizziness, periodic pain in the abdominal area.

When following a diet

There is a metabolic disorder from unbalanced food. Each of the food elements is needed by the body during its existence, which means that excluding one of them from the diet leads to metabolic disorders.


Beginning of treatment – ​​recovery water-salt balance, establishing the cause of occurrence. The next stage is etiological treatment, eliminating the cause of the disease. Treatment may involve taking medications, surgery. If the origin of the disease cannot be established, prescribe pathogenetic therapy, aimed at the mechanism pathological process, often chronic therapy is lifelong. If it is not possible to eliminate the cause of the original source, nausea does not go away for a long time, use symptomatic treatment. Antiemetic drugs are used.

Drug therapy suggests using:

To determine the medications, dosage, and time of administration, you should consult a doctor. Taking medications without a reason is not recommended. There may be side effects, patients have severe or mild intolerance to pharmacological components.

Some known remedies have some antiemetic properties. Traditional medicine suggests using the following means:

  • Green, black tea with lemon after meals.
  • Mint candies.
  • Do potato juice and accept it. A small dosage before meals is recommended.
  • Herbal decoction with mint or lemon balm, before meals, three times a day.
  • A weak solution of potassium permanganate or activated carbon, before meals, in cases of food poisoning.

How to treat depends on the cause of nausea and the individual person.

An independent field of medicine that studies the process of nausea and vomiting is called emetology. Comes from the Latin word emesis - vomiting. An entire section covers the physiology of nausea and vomiting, antiemetic therapy, methods of prevention and localization of various diseases, which allows you to fight cancer, constantly block symptoms and avoid nausea during the course of chemotherapy and radiation therapy.