The need for physical activity in preschool children. Country of origin

Zhanna Barysheva
Organization of a system of work to develop the needs of preschool children in physical activity


Full physical development and health of the child is the basis personality formation. In the Charter of the World Organizations Health says that health is not only the absence of disease or infirmity, but also complete physical, mental and social well-being.

According to research by experts, 75% of adult diseases originate in childhood. Year after year, the number of adults suffering from cardiovascular and respiratory diseases, musculoskeletal diseases is increasing. musculoskeletal system, which is a direct consequence of physical inactivity, which is a kind of disease, the definition of which is threateningly: “Dysfunction body with limited physical activity" This terrible disease is observed not only in adults, but it is becoming younger and it is worth talking about already in preschool childhood.

Physiologists note that movement is an innate, vital human need, which is why its complete satisfaction is important, especially in preschool age, When all basic systems and functions of the body are formed. So, for sedentary people children More often there is a lag in motor and neuropsychic development and they are more susceptible to colds.

Thus, the intensity and nature of psychophysical development children, health depends on them motor activity.

Creating a healthy lifestyle for a child in a preschool educational institution is the fundamental basis for his full upbringing and development. A healthy lifestyle involves inclusion children to motor culture through targeted physical education. Moving, children learn about the world around them, learn to love and purposefully act in it.

The task of creating all the necessary conditions for the children of my group to grow up physically healthy and strong is one of the most important. Today, life places increased demands on children. This means that it is necessary form a generation with higher morals, mental abilities and physical development. One of the most important areas of physical education is children's need for physical activity.


Started this work from studying various modern programs, such How: "Security Fundamentals" preschool children» N. N. Avdeeva, "I am a man" S. Kozlova, "Hello" M. Lazareva, "Movement day after day" M. Runova, "Healthy preschooler» Yu. Zmanovsky. All programs are aimed at protecting and strengthening physical and mental health preschool children. I took it as a basis motor activity as a source of health children.

I have identified the main directions work:

The first step was to create conditions for development and recovery children. Done in the group "Path of Health", physical education area, card index of outdoor games, breathing exercises, awakening exercises, finger games.

The next task was organization of work on physical activity of children during the day. In his work I proceeded from that that's just motor activity, hardening provide health, energy, not to mention a good mood.

Therefore, it is very important to rationally organize group mode to keep children on the move as much as possible.

The first stage of the pedagogical process - "Morning" - is the most saturated with educational and health-improving tasks. In the morning I try to plan small or medium games activity. But at the same time, when planning outdoor games, I definitely take into account what activities will happen after breakfast. If classes involve long-term static postures (mathematics, speech development, fine arts), then I plan games of medium and greater mobility. If there is a physical education lesson, then I plan a calmer final game.

For hardening body, increase children's performance after a night's sleep and regular physical training in order to improve the muscular system and respiratory systems Morning exercise is very important. I spend it in various form: traditional, play, gymnastics using various objects.

In physical education classes I plan the relationship between the process of teaching the basic types of movements and development motor needs qualities and abilities children.

children practicality.

Among the elders activity


formation motor activity.

At development content of educational tasks, I pay attention to the development of independence, activity and communication, as well as on formation of emotional, moral and volitional sphere.

At the same time, a distinctive feature of classes in the senior group is the emphasis on solving educational tasks formation accessible knowledge about the basics of physical culture and a healthy lifestyle. I solve these problems in close connection with the development motor qualities and abilities children, and also formation of the need for physical activity. To achieve optimal physical activity of children during physical education classes I program the optimal volume, duration and intensity of exercise; distributing it taking into account the state of health children and their physical readiness, individual capabilities;

To prevent fatigue and reduce performance I take dynamic breaks. They help relieve stress children during prolonged static stress. I also conduct physical education sessions, finger and body games.

The 2nd stage of the pedagogical process is “Walk”. Walk during the day organized twice: morning and evening. A walk is a favorable time for individual working with children and organizing their independent physical activity.

When planning walks, I carefully select games for walks, taking into account age of children. The games include various types of movements: running, throwing, jumping and interesting motor play tasks. Children enjoy playing story games and games with objects. In the elders preschoolers Games such as relay races, games with rules, and elements of competition are popular.

Dosed running and walking for a walk is one of the ways to train and improve endurance, the most valuable health quality. At the beginning or end of the walk, I jog, for example, around the kindergarten building, after which I need to start walking. Right organized the walk is completely satisfying children's need in independent actions when getting acquainted with the environment, in new vivid impressions, in free active movements in the game. During a walk, close communication between a child and an adult takes place. The teacher has the opportunity to clarify, consolidate the knowledge acquired by children in the classroom, and teach certain skills.


Senior preschool age is the most important period for formation of motor activity(YES). Children 5-7 years old have a rich creative imagination and strive to satisfy their biological need for movement. This allows them to master complex program material on movement development.

By the time you enter school, you have children should be developed basic motor skills in walking, running, jumping, throwing, climbing, some types of sports exercises and games. Insufficient development of any motor qualities in a child reduces his ability to assimilate new motor actions, as well as his motor activity. In this regard, it is necessary to provide in the planning of program material for physical education classes the interrelationship of the process of teaching the main types of movements and development motor qualities and abilities children.

Distinctive features of elders preschoolers are educational activity, interest in everything new, bright, high emotionality. Therefore, during classes there should be a clear children's organization, discipline based on strict compliance with tasks, commands, and instructions of the teacher. At the same time, children should be given a certain freedom and independence of action that stimulates their creativity and initiative.

Every activity for a child is about learning about the surrounding reality through movements that should bring joy. Enrichment is important children ideas and knowledge about the purpose and methods of using different types of movements, the similarities and differences in strength, speed, their practical expediency.

In the elders preschoolers control and assessment of motor skills tasks are aimed at stimulating each child to improve results, increase activity, the joy of physical exercise.

The peculiarities of conducting physical education classes are to ensure a differentiated and individual approach to children, taking into account their health status, level motor readiness and motor activity.

At each lesson, as a rule, a complex of interrelated problems is solved. tasks: health, educational and educational.

Health objectives are aimed at formation a healthy lifestyle and fostering a conscious attitude towards expressing one’s motor activity.

At development content of educational tasks, it is important to pay attention to the development of independence, activity and communication, as well as on formation of emotional, moral and volitional sphere children in the process of motor activity.

At the same time, a distinctive feature of classes in senior age groups is an emphasis on solving educational tasks: mastery of the necessary program material for the development of movements, formation accessible knowledge about the basics of physical culture and a healthy lifestyle. These tasks are solved in close connection with the development motor qualities and abilities children, and also formation of optimal motor activity.

The effectiveness of physical education classes in preschool institution is largely determined by the understanding of their significance, which consists in to:

Satisfy natural biological child's need for movement;

Ensure the development and training of all systems and functions of the body child through specially motor activity organized for a given age and physical activity;

form skills in different types of movements;

Promote development motor qualities and abilities of the child;

Stimulate the functional capabilities of each child and intensify children's independence;

Create optimal conditions for diversified development children: revitalization mental activity, search for adequate forms of behavior, formation positive emotional and moral-volitional manifestations children.


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Reading time: 7 minutes. Views 5.4k.

The physical development of a child is an important function of a preschool educational institution. Today, the preschool program is no longer about physical education, as such, but about physical development in general, which involves the development of motor activity, physical qualities of preschoolers, knowledge of one’s body, its functions, the purpose of its main parts, the capabilities of the body, to develop within the framework of individual capabilities, own potential.

An important pedagogical condition that determines the activity of children and optimizes the motor mode in a preschool institution and at home is the development of their interest in systematic physical exercise.

Developing an interest in movement

The selection of interesting and accessible physical exercises, the use of simulation and game tasks contribute to the development of a child’s interest in the movements that he is learning. Preschoolers happily jump like “bunnies”; walk with a clear step, like “athletes on parade”; they walk along the log, like “tourists on a bridge over a stream.”

The child has a natural need to move. At an early age it occurs in connection with objective activities, later it is realized in a variety of games, physical exercises and feasible work.

Considering the fatigue of children from monotonous movements, and the fact that they still do not know how to appropriately regulate their activities, it is necessary to observe changes in movements alternating with short-term rest.

The development of interest in movements in preschool children is facilitated by imitation and game tasks, story-based physical education classes, conversations about physical education and sports, excursions to the stadium, watching thematic filmstrips and films about big-time sports and famous athletes, sports festivals and Olympiads in educational institutions, etc. .

Musical accompaniment of movements in children

Considering that emotions are the core of a child’s development, parents need to take care of the constant positive attitude of their pupils in physical education classes, while using various forms and methods of teaching children movements at home.

This problem can be solved by providing musical accompaniment to children’s movements, introducing elements of dance exercises, as well as exercises from oriental health systems; the use of facial and pantomimic movements, organizing and conducting non-standard physical education classes, etc.

A remarkable effect is obtained by using plot complexes in preschool educational institutions and at home during morning exercises, conducting physical education classes in the form of pedestrian crossings to a park, forest, river using natural materials.

Physical activity of children during walks

Preschool children enjoy the figure procession. You can start with it for physical exercise while walking or hiking. Marching perfectly organizes and unites children, develops a sense of rhythm, generates interest in movements, and activates not only the motor sphere, but also the physiological system.

Marching attracts children with the unusual movements and skills while walking, the originality of turns, formations and changes, especially when it is performed to music.

One of the ways to develop children's interest in physical exercise and physical education skills is through walks, excursions to the stadium, watching athletes train, visiting school sports fields and a swimming pool. Interesting conversations with children about what they saw, meetings in kindergarten with athletes and coaches will enrich students with knowledge about the importance and role of physical education and sports in human development and strengthening his health.

Filmstrips and films about big-time sports and famous athletes, about seasoned people living in the north, visiting sports competitions at the stadium, holding physical education events in educational institutions, children’s participation in public events at the stadium, looking at paintings on sports themes help to increase interest in physical education events , development of relevant skills.

Formation of physical skills in nature

Exercises in the lap of nature for a growing organism acquire special value, since they contribute not only to the development of interest in movements, but also increase efficiency and reduce the level of childhood morbidity.

The widespread use of natural factors: terrain (ascents, descents, jumping over potholes, etc.) teaches children to overcome natural obstacles, promotes the formation of strong motor skills, develops physical qualities, and cultivates moral and volitional character traits.

Periodic holding of these events makes physical education not only useful, but also pleasant, fun, relaxed, and musical. Positive emotions and the smells of natural materials cause great joy in children, heighten sensations, awaken thoughts, activate motor actions, and contribute to the development of physical skills. Activities in nature have the maximum impact on children's interests and are an effective part of the motor regime.

Forms and methods of developing motor skills in children

The development of children's interest in performing movements indicates that the use of various forms of work, methods and techniques, means, various movements and skills, the use of optimal ways to perform them, motivation of motor activity of preschoolers, increase their interest in physical education classes, morning exercises, outdoor games and games and sports-related exercises.

During the execution of movements, the desire to do them quickly, efficiently, and deftly, like real athletes, is activated. When improving basic movements and skills in games, the competition method has a significant effect. The use of this method causes a great positive response in children: joy, pleasure, laughter, screaming.

Emotional uplift, according to L. Grimak, “turns on the muscles and awakens the brain.”

Ensuring children's motor activity during the day and determining the volume of motor activity indicate that all the work done to develop children's interest in systematic physical exercise ultimately ensures sufficient motor activity for preschoolers, which is the key to normal child growth.

The role of outdoor games in the development of motor skills

Outdoor games, organized by the teacher, and a variety of independent games, as well as exercises and games of a sports nature that are performed by children during walks, are essential for creating a full-fledged motor regime.

Increasing physical activity during games also helps children communicate. The games in which they take part as a subgroup are longer and more active than individual games.

These are mainly games of average mobility that were previously learned with children. At this time, you can also offer some children training with a ball or jumping rope (older children). Those children who show independence should be encouraged to repeat exercises that they enjoy on their own initiative.

With older children, sports games and relay races should be held more often.

It is necessary to expediently distribute the physical activity of children during their stay in a preschool institution. The second half of the day requires special attention, when preschoolers often carry out sedentary and quiet activities. The state of well-being of children should be monitored, providing individual guidance to their activities.

Individual lessons to develop motor skills

Individual work should also be aimed at activating sedentary children and improving the physical and motor fitness of weaker preschoolers.

The teacher provides some of them with assistance in performing exercises, and reminds others how to do them, encourages them and evaluates motor actions. Some children are encouraged to rest, preventing them from becoming tired and overheated from physical activity.

A special approach is required for children whose motor activity is limited after illness. You should consult your doctor about what exercises they can do and what games they can actively participate in. Gradually, these children are offered more intense movements and dynamic games. It is necessary to ensure that children practice more often in those methods of performing movements that they know less well.

Thus, motor activity is of exceptional importance for the formation of a child’s habit and need for systematic physical exercise and affects his all-round development.

Along with consolidating and improving various motor actions, children develop a sense of collectivism, develop sociability, goodwill towards their comrades, and self-confidence.

3. Goal setting.

4. Project implementation:

  • Project stages
  • Health activities.
  • Subject development environment.
  • Interaction with parents

5. Project monitoring.

6. Conclusion.

7. List of used literature.

1. Introduction.

The National Doctrine of Education considers promoting a healthy lifestyle as one of the main objectives of education. Preschool childhood is a unique period in a person’s life when health is formed and personality develops. Preschool education is currently faced with the acute question of ways to improve the work to promote health, develop movements and physical development of children.

This issue is regulated by the following regulations:

The Federal State Educational Standard for Preschool Education, approved by order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation (Ministry of Education and Science of Russia) on October 17, 2013 N 1155, defines as one of the most important tasks: the protection and strengthening of the physical and mental health of children, including their emotional well-being; formation of a general culture of children’s personality, including the values ​​of a healthy lifestyle.

The teaching load and training schedule for students are determined on the basis of the Sanitary and Epidemiological Rules and Standards of May 15, 2013.

One of the diverse factors influencing the health and performance of a growing organism is physical activity. Motor activity is a natural need for movement, the satisfaction of which is the most important condition for the comprehensive development and upbringing of a child. Only physical activity has a beneficial effect on the body. The need of children of senior preschool age for physical activity is quite high, but it is not always realized at the proper level - the duration of classes with a predominance of static poses increases (computer games, watching cartoons, designing, etc.). In this regard, it is children of this age who can already form bad habits of a sedentary lifestyle. It should also be remembered that older preschoolers do not yet know how to correlate their desires with their true capabilities, which can lead to an overestimation of their strengths and lead to undesirable consequences (overwork, nervous overexcitation, injuries). All this indicates that it is necessary to ensure a rational level of motor activity in children, which can be achieved by improving the motor regime in kindergarten.

In accordance with this, the search for new means and methods of increasing the effectiveness of physical education and health work in preschool institutions, creating optimal conditions for the comprehensive harmonious development of the child’s personality is of particular relevance.

2. Analysis of the situation.

An analysis of existing programs and recommendations for preschool institutions, according to physical education experts, has shown that there is now a certain bias towards the educational component, which undoubtedly affects the health of a preschooler, which directly depends on the level of his physical activity. When analyzing the daily routine of children of primary preschool age, factors limiting the motor activity of children were identified.

The program “From birth to school” by N. E. Veraksa, T. S. Komarova,

M. A. Vasilyeva 2014 325-390 minutes per week are allocated for organized educational activities in the senior group of kindergarten: 125-150 minutes for “Physical Education” and “Music”. The remaining 200-250 minutes are devoted to activities when children spend most of the time in a static position (at tables, on the carpet, standing), and this increases the static load on certain muscle groups and causes their fatigue, which affects the health of children.

Thus, the strength and performance of skeletal muscles decreases, which entails poor posture, spinal curvature, flat feet, and delayed age-related development of speed, agility, coordination of movements, endurance, flexibility, and strength.

Physical fitness (the physical fitness of children is characterized by a set of developed motor skills and basic physical qualities) of preschool children was assessed in the process of pedagogical testing using a generally accepted set of tests (Chemeneva A.A.).

As a result of the examination, it was found that more than 50% of children have functional deviations from the musculoskeletal system (impaired posture, deformities of the feet) and in this regard, when testing physical fitness, the majority of subjects recorded low results in exercises characterizing the level of development of muscle strength , trunk and flexibility.

Thus, according to the diagnostic results, the general motor mode does not contribute to achieving the proper level of motor activity in children. Thus, the number of children 5-6 years of age who have a more favorable level of physical activity was 35% of the total number of those examined, and 65% are hyperactive and sedentary children.

A survey of parents of children who attend kindergarten (Appendix 3) revealed the following problem: it turned out that parents have insufficient knowledge of how to improve the child’s health through physical exercise, hardening, and outdoor games. They often protect their children from physical exertion (“don’t run, don’t jump, don’t climb, otherwise you’ll fall, sit”), even from healthy competition in outdoor games.

Strengths of the “+” object (for problem solving)

Weaknesses of the object

“-” (to solve problems)

  • I have a higher education
  • I use innovative computer technologies in my work
  • For the full organization of the motor regime, our kindergarten has the following material and technical base: sports equipment, exercise machines, and a sports ground.
  • I don't know new technologies.
  • Our kindergarten does not have a gym.
  • The subject-development environment in our kindergarten is poorly represented.
Our city has a fitness center and a swimming pool. It is possible to organize classes and sports and recreational activities after agreement with parents.
  • Parents are uninitiative in the development of their child’s motor activity.
  • In families, the subject-development environment is poorly represented.

In this regard, there is a need to improve the motor mode of children, which will contribute to the maximum development of each child and the mobilization of his activity and independence.

Arises problem: how to ensure a rational level of physical activity in children 5-6 years old.

Hypothesis: the formation of the need for motor activity in children 5-6 years old can be achieved only with a targeted, well-organized motor regime in kindergarten in combination with physical education and health technologies.

It is necessary to organize the motor regime with physical exercises, to provide such a rational combination of different forms of organization and forms of motor activity, so that the total volume of the child’s motor activity is at least 60% of the time spent in the preschool educational institution.

3. Goal setting.

Target project: to develop a system for developing the need for physical activity in children 5-6 years old.


1. Study scientific and methodological literature on the formation of motor activity.

2. Select a system for monitoring and questioning parents.

3. Study the health status of children based on the analysis of individual medical records.

3. Program the optimal volume, duration and intensity of physical activity; distribute it taking into account the state of health of children and their physical fitness, individual capabilities.

4.Develop and organize information work with parents.

5. Identify the effectiveness of the work performed.

Expected results:

1. Methodological literature was studied and a monitoring and questioning system was selected.

2. The level of competence of parents in matters of physical development of children has been determined and information work with parents has been organized.

3. A comprehensive assessment of the physical condition of children was carried out based on indicators of health, physical development and physical fitness of children 5-6 years old.

4. The optimal volume, duration and intensity of physical activity is programmed

5. The level of physical activity of children aged 5-6 years has increased.

4. Project implementation.

Project implementation stages

Event Deadlines Responsible Resources
1. Study of the regulatory framework. 1.06.2014 – 1.07.2014. Alexandrova E.Yu.
2. Study of scientific and methodological literature 1.07.14-30.08.14 Alexandrova E.Yu.

Program “From birth to school” by N. E. Veraksa, T. S. Komarov.

Raising a healthy child based on the traditions of the Chuvash people. , .

“Physical education for preschoolers” by L.D. Glazyrin.

Health-saving technologies in preschool educational institutions

Kashtanova T.V.

Morgunova O.N.

Physical education and health work in preschool educational institutions.

Ovchinnikova T.S. Motor game training for preschoolers.

Penzulaeva L.I. Health-improving gymnastics for preschool children

Runova M.A. Motor activity of a child in kindergarten

3. Study of the health status of children based on the analysis of individual medical records 1,09.14-15.09.14

Alexandrova E.Yu.

Vladimirova N.I.

Individual medical records of children.
4. Conducting pedagogical diagnostics and questioning of parents. 15.09.14-30.09.14 Alexandrova E.Yu. Program “From birth to school” N. E. Veraksa, T. S. Komarova
5. Health-improving measures aimed at increasing physical activity have been developed. 1.10.14-1.11.14 Alexandrova E.Yu.
6. Application of health-improving measures in practice. Organized work with parents 1.11.14-15.05.15 Alexandrova E.Yu.
7. Identification of the effectiveness of the work performed. 15.05.15-30.05.15

Alexandrova E.Yu.

Vladimirova N.I.

Health activities.

Introducing children to physical education was carried out through the use of developmental forms of health-improving work.

To create a holistic system for increasing motor activity, it is very important to organize the motor activity of preschoolers. Based on the identification of physical education and health forms, we have compiled an improved model of the motor regime, which is presented in Appendix No. 4.

In the regulated activities of children, the leading place in the organization of the motor regime in work with preschool children is given to entertaining motor activities (hereinafter referred to as EMC). We believe that a necessary condition for organizing optimal DR (motor mode) is to show sincere interest in children, help in overcoming difficulties and failures, joy in successes, and performing exercises against the backdrop of the child’s positive responses.

To achieve optimal DA in children during organized educational activities for the development of movements and the formation of physical qualities:

The optimal volume, duration and intensity of DA were selected; distributed it taking into account the state of health of the children and their physical fitness, individual capabilities;

Plan goals throughout the year, taking into account the level of development of children's DA;

In the introductory part of educational activities, it is planned to avoid long aimless movements, give clear, concise instructions, and think over musical accompaniment that will create a positive emotional mood;

When performing a set of general developmental exercises, pay special attention to children’s posture and breathing. Provide the name of the exercises, change of starting positions for each exercise, varied use of methods (demonstration by the teacher or child, verbal explanation, etc.), rhythmic accompaniment (music, sound, counting, word).

It is necessary to include various types of activities in the structure of educational activities: breathing and movement exercises, psycho-gymnastic studies, self-massage, exercises aimed at preventing flat feet and developing correct posture. The plots of Russian and Chuvash fairy tales were used in constructing educational activities.

In the work it is planned to use the following methods:

  • gaming, competitive;
  • method of creative tasks;
  • problem-based learning;

And also the following methods:

  • rational use of physical education equipment, different ways of organizing children;
  • concise explanation and clear demonstration of exercises;
  • activation of children's mental activity;
  • creating a situation for the manifestation of determination and courage;
  • use of musical accompaniment;
  • variability of outdoor games, methods of complicating them.

Morning exercises are one of the important components of the motor regime; its organization is aimed at raising the emotional and muscle tone of children. Daily physical exercise promotes the manifestation of certain volitional efforts, developing a useful habit in children of starting the day with morning exercises. Morning exercises are carried out daily before breakfast for 6–12 minutes. Outdoors or indoors (depending on environmental and weather conditions). The content of morning exercises includes various formations and formations, various types of walking, running, jumping with a gradual increase in the motor activity of children. Morning exercises include balance and coordination exercises, outdoor games and basic developmental exercises, as well as elements of breathing exercises.

The morning exercise complex is designed to be repeated over two weeks. The duration of morning exercises corresponds to the age of the children, and we use musical accompaniment during the exercise.

Every day, in the process of children’s organized educational activities and as needed, the teacher conducts physical education (for 3–5 minutes) depending on the type and content of activities for the development of speech, drawing, the formation of elementary mathematical concepts, mainly at the moment of signs of fatigue appearing children.

The introduction of a motor warm-up during a break between educational activities allows children to actively relax after mental stress and forced posture. It is advisable to include 3-4 exercises, as well as voluntary movements of children using a variety of physical education aids. At the end of the warm-up, do a relaxation exercise for 1-2 minutes.

To organize physical activity during the day with children, it is necessary to carry out outdoor games and physical exercises while walking. Outdoor games serve as a method of improving motor skills already mastered by children and developing physical qualities. We selected outdoor games with different contents with rules (plot and non-plot) and sports games (elements of sports games) - football, hockey, as well as games of high, medium and low mobility. Games such as “Traps”, “Dashes”, “Sly Fox”, “Ball School”, fun with sleds, cycling.

During a walk, it is advisable to use one of the forms of non-traditional health improvement for children - health running (dosed) - it gives children an emotional charge of vigor and spiritual balance; trains breathing, strengthens muscles, bones, joints. We conduct recreational running with a small subgroup of children (5–7), taking into account the physical level of the children’s fitness.

Health jogging is carried out 2 times a week on days when there is no physical activity. When conducting recreational running, we take an individually differentiated approach. Thus, children 5–6 years old with high and average levels of motor activity are asked to run 2 laps, and those with little mobility are asked to run 1 lap.

We finish the health run by gradually slowing down the pace and switching to normal walking with breathing exercises, then muscle relaxation exercises (2-3 minutes):

After a nap, it is important to improve the mood and muscle tone of each child, as well as take care of the prevention of posture and foot disorders. This is facilitated by a complex of gymnastics after daytime sleep, which is variable in nature; depending on this, its duration will also change (from 7–15 minutes).

Gymnastics of a gaming nature consists of 2-3 exercises such as “Stretching”, “Cogs”, “Athletes”.

Warm-up in bed and a set of exercises. Children gradually wake up to the sounds of melodic music, lying in bed, for 3-4 minutes, perform 4-5 general developmental exercises. Teachers offer exercises from various positions: lying on your side, on your stomach, sitting. After this, the children walk, gradually turning into running - they run out of the bedroom into a well-ventilated group with a temperature of 17–19 degrees.

In the joint activities of children and adults, such forms as organizing sports and leisure activities, holidays, and holding Health Day are planned.

Various holiday themes were selected: “We are athletes”, “Olympic Games”, “Fun starts”, “Winter-winter”, “Kingdom of magic balls”, “We need cleanliness for health”, etc.

Along with physical education holidays, physical education activities were selected: “Curious little goats”, “Young firefighters”, “Little mice”, “What you can ride”, etc.

Once a quarter, a Health Day (week) is held in all age groups during the school year.

In addition to organized types of physical education classes in the daily routine of children of senior preschool age, independent motor activity occupies a significant place.

In organizing independent activities of children, for the development of motor abilities and creativity of children, it is advisable to use an innovative form of physical development of children - the “hour” of motor creativity, when they themselves have the opportunity to choose the type of motor activity, sports equipment, partner, and so on, in other words, children can feel like masters in the gym, master its space.

The lack of external regulation allows them to evaluate their own actions as successful or unsuccessful. Moving independently in the gym helps reduce tension, indecisiveness, and stiffness, and develops confidence in one’s abilities, in one’s safety and involvement in the common cause.

For an hour of motor creativity, various types of movements are used, from outdoor games well known to children to joint activities with adults or peers in a complexly organized physical space.

An hour of motor creativity is held in the afternoon in the gym under the direct supervision and with the active participation of a teacher and a physical education specialist.

It is also necessary to note the work during the summer health period.

Active participation in entertainment enriches children with new experiences and provides an opportunity to acquire motor skills and abilities.

How to spend summer walks in an interesting way? We posed this question to the employees. From the variety of activities, it is first planned to take general physical training, which is carried out daily (30 minutes) and consists of two parts (health warm-up and developmental exercises).

In order for general developmental physical training to be systematic, develop a plan based on the days of the week.

– Monday – various types of throwing, jumping, crawling, climbing, balance exercises;

– Tuesday – lesson on the development of motor physical qualities;

– environment – ​​games with balls, “Ball School”, elements of sports games;

– Thursday – summer fun (playing with rolling pins, playing hopscotch);

– Friday – various hikes, entertainment.

In this regard, adjustments are possible, taking into account the motor experience of children, their interests, and material resources; include sports exercises on bicycles, scooters, folk games, etc.

Fun games are essentially physical exercises in a playful form with or without musical accompaniment.

National-regional component.

In this area of ​​work, it is planned to use the pedagogical technology “Batyr’s Games” (“Pattăr Văyisem”). Through children's games, preschoolers learn about the past of their people. The names of the games themselves suggest what they did and what kind of lifestyle our ancestors led. For example, the games “Archery” (Ukhăran pemelle), “Horse Match” (Lashalla), “Plowing” (Akara), “Chicken Match” (Chăkhălla), “Blind Ram” (Sukkăr takalla"), "Frisky squirrels" ("Çivĕch pakshasem"), "Fishermen" ("Pulăçsem"), "Protect the flag" ("Yalava sykhla"), "Needle and thread" ("Yĕppipe çippi"), "Shtandar- stop!" (“Shtantărla”) and many others. (Appendix 5)

Almost all games are designed for the participation of a group of children, which forces each participant to equally submit to the will of all players. There are many different games to test your collective strength. A team of players is formed as the game progresses, the final stage of which is the struggle to drag players from one group to another. In this case, the pulled player no longer fights for his team, but for the one that pulled him. These are games such as “Moon and Sun” (Uyah e hevel), “Tiliram” (Al tatmalla)

The games are planned to be held daily at scheduled times and will help maintain children’s physical activity.

Working with children in this direction involves the obligatory holding of traditional national calendar and ritual holidays. For example, such holidays as Çăvarni (Maslenitsa). Teachers and children dress up in colorful sundresses and bright scarves. Children ride sleds and compete in agility and speed in sports relay races. At the height of the celebration, “massed educators” appear - Maslenitsa woman and grandfather (çăvarni karchăkki). They play games with the children, lead round dances and treat the children to pancakes - “ikerchĕ”. At the beginning of June, it is advisable to hold a children's "Akatuy" in kindergarten, where children reflect their vivid impressions in games, songs, competitions, and dances (for example, running in sacks, tug-of-war, a fair of creative children's works, trying out khuplu, for lunch sharkku-roast ), received at an adult mass party.

Holidays are included in calendar and thematic planning in the form of entertainment.

Subject development environment

To implement the tasks of physical education and health work in preschool educational institutions, the following conditions have been created: Material conditions: external - sports ground on the street, health corners in groups.

Our preschool educational institution does not have a hall for various forms of physical activity. Instead, we organized work to conduct classes at the city sports and recreation complex once a month.

In kindergarten groups there are health corners that are equipped with the necessary equipment: several gymnastic benches, sports mats, gymnastic walls, inclined boards, ribbed boards, ladders for stepping and developing balance, rubber mats, massage mats for the prevention of flat feet, foot massagers, non-standard "play lane" equipment, balls, hoops, sandbags, skis, ropes, skittles and other necessary equipment. All this makes it possible to include a large group of children in the work, which ensures high motor density of classes;

Sports ground for outdoor activities;

There is a card index of outdoor games with the necessary attributes;

There is a large card index for the development of basic types of movement, a card index of physical education minutes and finger games.

Interaction with parents.

The effectiveness of work to improve children's health depends on clear, coordinated work with parents.

In accordance with these basic provisions, the system of working with families includes:

  • To help parents familiarize themselves with the results of diagnosing the child’s health status and psychomotor development;
  • To promote familiarization with the content of physical education and health work aimed at the physical, mental and social development of the child.
  • Formation of practical skills in health improvement, breathing exercises, self-massage, various types of hardening.

To implement these tasks, it is planned to use in kindergarten:

  • Information in parent corners, in mobile folders, consultations, parent meetings.
  • Open days for parents to view educational activities in the gym; on the sports ground, hardening procedures.
  • Organize and conduct joint sporting events, holidays and entertainment, such as “Dad, Mom and I are a sports family”, Defender of the Fatherland Day, etc.

5. Project monitoring.

At this stage, it is planned to summarize the results of optimizing motor activity in children of senior preschool age using physical education and health technologies.

The physical fitness of children is assessed according to the following parameters: running 10 m from the start (s), running 30 m from the start (s), shuttle running (s), standing jump (cm), running jump (cm), number of squats in 30 With.

A physical fitness rating scale is used to evaluate test results.

Age, years, month Fitness level
higher above average average below average short
100% and above 85-99% 70-84% 51-69% 50% and below
5 points 4 points 3 points 2 points 1 point
Pull up boys
6,0-6,5 3 and above 2 1,5 1 0
6,6-6,11 4 and above 3 2 1 0.5 and below
7,0-7,5 4 and above 3 4 1,5 1 and below
Raising the body per second, once every 30 seconds Girls
6,0-6,5 24 and above 20-23 16-19 10-15 9 and below
6,6-6,11 25 and above 21-24 16-20 11--15 10 and below
7,0-7,5 28 and above 23-27 18-22 12--17 11 and below
Standing long jump (cm) Girls
6,0-6,5 110 and above 99-109 88-98 74-87 73 and below
6,6-6,11 120 and above 109-119 98-108 84-97 83 and below
7,0-7,5 123 and above 111-122 99-110 81-98 90 and below
Standing long jump (cm) Boys
6,0-6,5 122 and above 109-121 96-108 80-95 79 and below
6,6-6,11 128 and above 115-127 102-114 86-101 85 and below
7,0-7,5 130 and above 117-129 104-116 88-103 87 and below

Monitoring is scheduled for May 2015.


Thus, only a year-round, systematic approach to the organization of physical education, health, treatment and preventive activities will effectively contribute to the strengthening and preservation of the health of pupils, will give positive dynamics to the health of the child’s body, and will allow achieving positive results: increasing the level of physical fitness, increasing the health index of children, positive dynamics in distribution by health groups, prevention and correction of deviations in the physical development of pupils. Proper organization of a health-preserving environment and the introduction of a model for children’s health will help to minimize the static component in the daily routine of our pupils, as well as help to increase the motor activity of each child and his comprehensive psychophysical development.

6. List of used literature.

1. From birth to school. Approximate general educational program for preschool education / Ed. N. E. Veraksa, T. S. Komarova, M.A. Vasilyeva. – M.: MOZAYKA-SYNTHESIS, 2014.

2. Glazyrina L.D. Physical education - for preschoolers. Older age. Manuals for preschool teachers. Institutions. – M.: Humanitarian Publishing House. VLADOS Center, 2000

3. Gavryuchina L.V. Health-saving technologies in preschool educational institutions. Publisher: Sfera, 2008

4. Kashtanova T.V. Organization of a health center in an educational institution : practical guide. M.: 2002.

5. Kuznetsova M.N. A system of comprehensive measures to improve the health of children in preschool educational institutions. M.:ARKTI, 2002.

6. Makhalova I.V., Nikolaeva E.I. Raising a healthy child based on the traditions of the Chuvash people. – Cheboksary, 2003.

7. Makhalova I.V., Nikolaeva E.I. The sun is shining and invites us to play. Folklore physical education classes and holidays in kindergarten. – Cheboksary, New Time, 2006.

8. Makhaneva M.D. Raising a healthy child. A manual for practical workers in kindergartens. Institutions.-M.: ARKTI, 1999.

9. Morgunova O.N. Physical education and health work in preschool educational institutions. Voronezh, 2005

10. Ovchinnikova T.S. Potapchuk A.A. Motor game training for preschoolers. "Speech", 2009.

11. Penzulaeva L.I. Health-improving gymnastics for preschool children.-M.: 2004

12. Runova M.A. Motor activity of a child in kindergarten.

13. Yakovleva T. S. “health-saving technologies of education in kindergarten” - M.: School Press, 2006.

Senior preschool age is a period of intensive formation of all organs and systems of the body. It is at this age that those personal properties, motor qualities, skills and abilities of the child develop that serve as the basis for his normal physical and mental development, functional readiness for school, and health formation.

The fundamental component of personality in the pedagogy of personality-oriented education and training is considered to be the priority of health, which is reflected in the Constitution of the Russian Federation, the Fundamentals of the Legislation of the Russian Federation on the protection of the health of citizens, the Law of the Russian Federation “On the sanitary and epidemiological welfare of the population,” and the Federal State Educational Standard for Preschool Education.

Currently, the problem of the health and physical development of preschool children has acquired particular relevance and social significance. According to the Research Institute of Hygiene and Health of Children and Adolescents of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences, over the past 10 years there has been an unfavorable trend in changes in health indicators of the younger generation.

An analysis of studies on the development of motor abilities and qualities of children (E.A. Vavilova, N.A. Notkina, V.I. Zueva, etc.) indicates that almost 40% of older preschoolers have a lower than average level of development of motor abilities. Insufficient physical activity of children, especially during the period of intensive growth, when the accelerated development of the skeleton and muscle mass is not supported by appropriate training of the circulatory, respiratory, and thermoregulatory systems, is one of the reasons for the deterioration of the health of older preschool children and a decrease in their vitality. In this context, it becomes clear that preserving and strengthening the health of the younger generation is becoming a priority task. To solve it, joint efforts of all subjects of the educational and health process in kindergarten and family are necessary.

Outstanding teachers believed that “movement is the most important condition and means of comprehensive development, including speech.” The functioning of the respiratory, cardiovascular systems, the state of the musculoskeletal system, the coordinated work of all organs and systems largely depend on the condition of the muscles, the performance of which is associated with the organization of motor activity. “Motor activity is a natural need for movement in children, the satisfaction of which is the most important condition for the harmonious development of a child and his state of health. Therefore, increasing physical activity during the day contributes to his need for movement.”

The motor activity of a preschooler must correspond to his experience, interests, desires, and functional capabilities of the body. But it should also be taken into account that “Optimal motor mode is the most important condition for a healthy lifestyle.” Therefore, we need to take care of the organization of children’s motor activity, its diversity, as well as the fulfillment of the main tasks and requirements for its content. “Children should move at least 45-50% of the entire waking period, which allows the child’s body to fully meet the biological need for movement. Of no small importance in the work on physical education of preschoolers is the development of interest in motor activity, since interest is a means of engaging learning, a strong motive. Interest in the motor exercises being learned and interest in the game causes an emotional uplift in children.

Observing the activities of the children in my group and conducting a survey among parents, I came to the conclusion: children are in motion for much less time than is necessary for their full physical development; parents are not sufficiently aware of the importance of physical activity. During epidemics and due to unfavorable environmental factors, children get sick. What determined the goal of my work: “Development of motor activity in children of senior preschool age.” To implement it, I set the following tasks:

Enrich the composition of movements and the content of motor activity in general;

To foster in children a conscious attitude towards performing motor actions;

To develop readiness and interest in participating in various types of motor activities;

Support individual, joint motor activity of children;

Develop initiative, independence, activate creativity in all forms of motor activity;

To increase the competence of parents in matters of promoting children's health.

When determining priorities in the daily routine, it was found that the first place in the motor mode of children belongs to physical education and recreational activities. These include: individual work, morning exercises, outdoor games and physical exercises during walks; physical education minutes and dynamic pauses in joint activities, as well as problematic situations, etc.

I use various types of gymnastics: warming up in bed and self-massage, play-based gymnastics using sports equipment, jogging on massage mats. “Morning exercises are one of the most important components of the motor regime of preschool children, aimed at improving the health, developing the physical qualities and abilities of children, and consolidating motor skills. Morning exercises are also valuable because preschoolers develop a useful habit of performing various movements every morning. Over time, it turns into a need and remains with a person for the rest of his life.” In my work I use plot complexes and complexes with objects (ribbons, balls, braids, sticks, cubes, hoops). Children do their own morning exercises with interest. I get acquainted with the algorithm for carrying out physical exercises in didactic games: “Come up with a movement”, “Show what is drawn”, “Put the cards in order”. Encouraging the activity of each child, I try to develop in them the desire to study, play more and more. What helps me with this is the maximum convergence and integration of two types of children's activities - the development of movements and play activities. The children are happy to take on the role of the game: “Firemen”, “Monkey on a Tree” (climbing a gymnastic ladder), “Auto Racing” (rolling a ball between objects), “Vanka-Vstanka” (exercises to develop the abdominal muscles). Also in the morning I offer familiar games of low and medium mobility. Children love to play round dance games; they are bright, imaginative, with a dynamic plot, and anyone can play them. Interesting content, a relaxed atmosphere, a joyful atmosphere, musical accompaniment, and artistic expression contribute to the activation of children's physical activity.

The second place in the motor mode is occupied by joint physical education activities - as the main form of teaching motor skills and developing optimal motor activity in children. Various types of physical education classes are conducted with children (game, story-based, thematic, based on children’s interests, complex), the structure of which also includes rhythmic, dance movements, and productive activities. To increase interest in physical activity, I organize experimental and cognitive motor activities . For example, after sleep, during a conversation and doing exercises on various muscle groups, children come to the conclusion that all human muscles should be strong.

I pay a lot of attention to organizing physical activity while walking. Before the walk, I ask what games the children would like to play, and create the conditions for them: support for initiative, creativity, and the necessary equipment. “Long-term repeated cyclic exercises are considered as the most important component of the motor regime of a growing organism, which at the physiological level contribute to the normalization of the cardiovascular and respiratory systems, as well as increasing mental and physical performance, creating and strengthening a positive background.” Therefore, for a walk I plan walking, jogging, skiing, cycling and scootering. Researchers testify that recreational running in the air at a medium pace is the most important means of developing the general endurance of preschool children. During a recreational run, I take into account the children’s health status, their physical activity, desire and mood. It is important that students get the most out of running training.

An important role in the motor mode is played by children’s independent acquisition of motor experience, during which the child receives additional motor load. For this purpose, the group has equipped a young athlete center with a set of sports equipment for boys and girls, manuals, hats, as well as non-standard equipment (mats, health tracks, pebbles, targets, massagers, etc.) - this is always an additional incentive for physical activity . I use sports equipment rationally: use the minimum amount of equipment to make the most of it. To create conditions for the development of independent motor activity, the principle of combining the sports environment and the subject-environmental environment is taken. Children use all sports equipment in story games.

Working with reference chart cards allows you to select movements for each child individually and promotes the development of self-control skills. For example, for children with high motor activity, I select movements that require precise execution. I replace those movements that are not recommended to be performed according to medical prescriptions or in which the child has difficulty. I encourage children to want to do things on their own.

Using the method of creative tasks, I gradually lead children to inventing outdoor games and organizing them independently. I suggest coming up with an exercise, a game. The child performs them alone, in a group, in a column, in a line, with and without objects. As a result, he develops the ability to realize his plan. Providing children with freedom to choose exercises, motor tasks, sports equipment and participants in joint activities has become a prerequisite for the manifestation of activity and initiative.

Awareness of movements ensures the possibility of their rational and economic use, execution with the least expenditure of effort and the greatest effect.

“Working with parents is a responsible, difficult and important moment that requires special attention. Before you begin any work with parents, you need to create a trusting and friendly atmosphere. Get to know the parents, explain to them the essence of the upcoming work, arouse their interest in the problem, and provide the necessary information. Only in a favorable psychological environment will people behave naturally, at ease and treat their work with great responsibility.” Parents are our helpers, like-minded people, so I try to actively involve them in the life of the group, using various forms: consultations: “How to interest a child in physical education”, instruction “Doing exercises on your own”, sports activities: “Meadow of favorite games”, “Dad, Mom, I am a sports family”, open days, information materials: “Model of motor mode”, “The influence of movement on the development of intelligence”, round table “What benefits does a child’s participation in morning exercises give”, workshop “Determining muscle strength in children groups”, health projects: “Health is fine, thanks to exercise”, “World of movement”, summarizing family experience on the topic “Healthy Family”, presentations on sports topics, business game “Ways to expand physical abilities in children”, creation of the “Tree” model health”, involving parents in morning exercises, outdoor games, and attending physical education classes. One of the innovative forms of interaction between a preschool institution and the families of pupils is the organization of a parent-child weekend club “Young Skier”. The project is being implemented in stages. At the first stage, a cross-country skiing coach from the “Flying Skier” children's and youth sports school comes to our group, talks with the children, prepares the ski track on the territory of the kindergarten together with the parents, and teaches skiing skills. At the second stage, families of pupils go to the ski base every Saturday, where they continue to learn the elements of downhill techniques and play outdoor games on skis. The third stage includes skiing and hiking, relay races, and city Spartakiads.

Visiting sports facilities, classes of the creative association “Zdorovyachok” (station of young naturalists), participation in city sports competitions, meetings with interesting people: a doctor, choreographer, athlete, coach increase children’s interest in physical education.

The effectiveness of my work is evidenced by a decrease in morbidity rates, children are more willing to attend sports clubs, and the interest of students and parents in a healthy lifestyle has increased. Children show stable positive results in mastering movements, the culture of performing movements has improved; children act as initiators of physical activity.

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3. The basis for the organization of motor activity, which contributes to the achievement of emotional well-being and the development of physical qualities of children 4-5 years old, is a systematic, activity-based and individually differentiated approach.

4. The organization of motor activity, which contributes to the achievement of emotional well-being and the development of physical qualities of children 4-5 years old, is an interaction between subjects of the educational process, including diagnostic, managerial and organizational-executive stages, implemented during the child’s stay in a preschool educational institution.

Approbation and implementation of research results was carried out in the process of presenting material at international, all-Russian, regional conferences, at meetings of the departments of natural science and methods of teaching it in primary grades, pedagogy and psychology of childhood, physical education of the Ural State Pedagogical University, as well as during the daily pedagogical activities of an instructor-teacher of children's programs.

The main results are reflected in the author’s publications, including journals recommended by the Higher Attestation Commission of the Moscow Region and the NRF: “Bulletin of the Pomor University”, “Bulletin of the Kostroma State University named after. N.A. Nekrasov”, “Theory and practice of physical culture”, “Modern problems of science and education”. A total of 14 works were published.

The results of the dissertation research on the problem were accepted for implementation in the educational process of preschool educational institutions of the Sverdlovsk region.

Structure of the dissertation. The dissertation consists of an introduction, two chapters, a conclusion, a bibliography including 230 sources (of which 13 are foreign authors), 16 appendices. The work is illustrated with 12 drawings and 11 tables. The volume of work is 178 pages.


In the introduction the relevance, purpose, object and subject of the research are substantiated, the theoretical and methodological foundations are defined, the hypothesis and objectives of the research are formulated, the scientific novelty, theoretical and practical significance of the research for pedagogical science are reflected, and the provisions put forward for defense are stated.

The first chapter, “Theoretical foundations for achieving the emotional well-being of preschoolers 4-5 years old through motor activity,” presents the features of the physical and mental development of children 4-5 years old, problems of development of the emotional sphere of preschool children and a model for organizing motor activity in a preschool educational institution that contributes to the achievement of emotional well-being and the development of physical qualities of children 4-5 years old.

From the analysis of the developmental characteristics of preschool children, it was revealed that there are some gender differences that manifest themselves in the physical and mental development of children, in the formation of physical qualities, as well as general patterns of the process of formation of mental gender, therefore, there is a need for a differentiated approach in the upbringing of boys and girls.

From the psychological characteristics of the development of preschool children, the social situation of development, and emerging neoplasms, one of the most important conditions for the normal development of a preschool child follows - the achievement of emotional well-being. By the age of four, the child psychologically goes beyond the family; the child’s world, as a rule, is already inextricably linked with other children and people. It is at this age that children develop a need for communication, an increased need for recognition from others, and a desire to earn praise. And how well these needs are satisfied, how emotionally well the child lives during preschool childhood, his further development depends.

The idea of ​​emotional comfort was addressed by such great teachers as V.G. Belinsky, Ya. A. Komensky, N.I. Novikov, J.-J. Russo, I.G. Pestalozzi, K.D. Ushinsky, L.N. Tolstoy and others. At the beginning of the twentieth century. in domestic psychology and pedagogy, the value of emotions in human life is scientifically proven, the development of positive emotions, which are the most important condition for successful learning and education, is scientifically proven (V.M. Bekhterev, P.P. Blonsky, L.S. Vygotsky, V.V. Zenkovsky, N.N. Lange, etc.). Currently, the problem of the emotional well-being of a preschool child has become the subject of research by colleagues, students and followers of A.V. Zaporozhets (L.A. Abramyan, A.D. Kosheleva, G.G. Filippova and others).

In the specialized literature, there are several definitions that correlate with the concept of “emotional well-being.” In the psychological dictionary of M.I. Dyachenko interprets the concept of “emotional state” as “a special state of consciousness, a state of subjective emotional comfort-discomfort (I feel good, I feel bad), as integral sensations of well-being and ill-being in certain subsystems of the body or the whole organism as a whole.”

The concept of “emotional well-being” is correlated with the concept of “emotional well-being”, defined as a child’s feeling or experience of emotional comfort - discomfort associated with various significant aspects of his life. I.B. Kurkin and T.K. Marchenko understands the emotional well-being of a preschool child as a favorable neuropsychic state of the child, manifested in good and rapid adaptation, adequacy of the child’s behavior to environmental conditions and events, socially acceptable ways of self-affirmation and self-expression, a positive emotional background, an optimistic attitude, the ability to have emotional empathy, a friendly attitude towards other people, uniform and timely development of mental processes.

In his works A.D. Kosheleva notes that a preschooler experiences emotional well-being in a preschool “when he comes to kindergarten in a good mood and during the day it hardly changes; when his activity is successful or is experienced by him as successful thanks to the attentive attitude of those around him; when there is no experience of danger from the environment; when there are friends with whom you want to play and who mutually show interest; when the child is treated well by the teachers and everyone around him.”

According to G.G. Filippova, the emotional well-being of a child is an indicator of the optimality of his development and mental health, in particular, and consists of “the emotions of pleasure - displeasure as the content of the predominant background of mood; experiencing comfort as the absence of external threat and physical discomfort; experiences of success - failure to achieve goals; experiencing comfort in the presence of other people and situations of interaction with them; experiences of others’ assessment of the results of a child’s activity.”

All these definitions characterize the manifestations of emotional well-being, but, in our opinion, they do not sufficiently reveal the reasons for its occurrence. Based on the definition of emotional well-being of junior schoolchildren proposed by N.Yu. Sergeeva, we have formulated the author’s definition of the emotional well-being of a 4-5 year old preschooler, understood as a positively colored emotional state of the child, characterized by a feeling of comfort, security, success, arising from the satisfaction of his fundamental needs for safety, love, self-expression and communication.

Taking into account the achievements of age-related physiology and neuropsychology, the child’s body is considered as a single self-regulatory system in which physiological, psychological and functional processes controlled by higher nervous activity interact. Modern psychophysiological studies confirm that physiological and mental are functions of the same reflex reflective activity; many functions of the central nervous system depend on muscle activity (N.I. Kasatkin, I.P. Pavlov, I.M. Sechenov, N.M. Shchelovanov, etc.). Thus, when developing the physical qualities of children, it is necessary to consider not only the physical component, but also the emotional state of the child.

At the same time, many researchers emphasize that the need for movement, for physical activity among peers is one of the necessary in preschool childhood (I.A. Arshavsky, E.N. Vavilova, A.V. Keneman, D.V. Khukhlaeva etc.). And the need must be realized - then it evokes positive emotions, strengthens feelings of joy, and the experience of pleasure. Restraining a child’s motor activity causes changes in his emotional well-being, sometimes leading to “explosive” emotional reactions. If quiet activity alternates with a variety of games, walks, and physical exercises, this leads to an improvement in the emotional state and, therefore, contributes to the development of the child’s physical qualities.

Motor activity is any muscle activity that manifests itself through the natural biological need of a growing organism for movement (L.P. Matveev). Due to physical qualities, a person’s motor activity receives its full manifestation in purposeful motor activity. By motor activity we understand the purposeful manifestation of a person’s motor activity, aimed at solving specific problems (E.Ya. Stepanenkova).

Based on the interdependence of the physical and emotional development of a child, as well as the deterioration of children’s health in recent years, the task of developing and testing the organization of motor activity that contributes to the achievement of emotional well-being and the development of physical qualities of children arises. We have proposed a structural-functional model for organizing the motor activity of preschoolers aged 4-5 years, which includes the following components: goal, principles, methodological approaches, content component, types of motor activity, means of physical education, methodological techniques, result (Fig. 1). This model is based on the following methodological approaches:

The systematic approach (L.Yu. Gordin, V.S. Ilyin, V.M. Korotov, B.T. Likhachev, A.V. Petrovsky, Yu.P. Sokolnikov) makes it possible to consider the organization of motor activity of children in preschool educational institutions in the system , which involves working with staff, parents and children. Only with a systematic organization and interconnection of all components of the model is the effect of achieving emotional well-being and developing the physical qualities of children possible. In accordance with the requirements of FGT, the organization of motor activity affects both the free activity of children and joint activity with an adult.

The activity approach (B.G. Ananyev, L.I. Bozhovich, L.S. Vygotsky, A.N. Leontiev, S.L. Rubinshtein, etc.) involves bringing children’s motor activity to the forefront, using their personal potential in the holistic process of organizing the motor activity of preschool children.

The individually differentiated approach (E.N. Vavilova, E.S. Vilchkovsky, Ya.A. Komensky, V.M. Pokatilo, T.A. Repina) involves taking into account gender role differentiation, as well as various indicators and levels of children’s emotional well-being when organizing motor activity.

The positions presented in this chapter became the basis for conducting experimental research work.

The second chapter, “Organization of motor activity that ensures the emotional well-being and development of physical qualities of children 4-5 years old,” provides a description of the experimental research work, within the framework of which the organization of motor activity was tested.

At the diagnostic stage A diagnosis was made of the level of development of physical qualities and the level of emotional well-being of children in basic kindergartens aged 4 to 5 years. The level of development of physical qualities (coordination, speed-strength, flexibility, strength) was determined as the average value based on the results of children performing control exercises proposed by Zh.K. Kholodov and V.S. Kuznetsov.

Taking into account the criteria for assessing the emotional state of a child in a preschool educational institution

A. S. Belkin and indicators of the emotional well-being of younger schoolchildren developed by N. Yu. Sergeeva, in our work the following indicators of the emotional well-being of a 4-5 year old preschooler were identified: activity, predominantly positive background mood, confidence, adequate anxiety, communication with adults, communication with peers.

Based on the above indicators, analysis of psychological and pedagogical literature and experience of working with preschool children, three levels of emotional well-being of a 4-5 year old child were identified: insufficient, acceptable, optimal (see Table 1).

Table 1

Levels of emotional well-being of a 4-5 year old child

Indicators Levels
Inadequate Acceptable Optimal
1.Activity Indifferent, does not show emotional involvement in activities Included in the game after motivation; encouragement of only certain actions causes mild pleasure Shows activity in games with children, easily gets involved in joint activities with adults
2.Mostly positive background mood Has a depressed, depressed, sad mood, pessimistic attitude Has unstable, changeable mood, is irritated and agitated at times Has a cheerful, cheerful mood, optimistic attitude
3. Confidence Afraid of starting new activities. If self-esteem is higher or lower than real capabilities, there is overconfidence or uncertainty Often does not doubt his abilities, subject to external support and assistance. Has inadequate self-esteem Does not doubt his abilities, boldly begins new activities, has adequate self-esteem
4. Adequate anxiety Has increased anxiety, full of gloomy fears, fears that can manifest themselves in aggressiveness, apathy, depression Has severe anxiety Has adequate anxiety, shows looseness and freedom of self-expression
5. Communication with adults Denies the possibility of coming into contact with an adult, practically does not use facial expressions, gestures, or plastic movements Sometimes she rejoices at coming into contact with an adult, using facial means of communication and expressive movements, sometimes she denies the possibility of it Rejoices when an adult addresses him, takes initiative, shows rich facial expressions and gestures, expressive movements
6. Communication with peers He practically does not respond to suggestions from his peers, often shows conflict and hostility towards them, and has no skills in joint activities. Shows selective benevolence, is often caring and attentive towards some and sharply hostile, unfair towards others, selectively ready to cooperate He himself takes the initiative to contact his peers, speaks lively, strives to communicate, knows how not to get lost in communication situations