Diet rules during remission and during exacerbation of cholelithiasis. Dietary considerations in the presence of gallstones

Stagnation of bile in gallbladder makes it thick. In this condition, salts precipitate, creating fertile ground for the formation of stones in the bladder itself and in the bile ducts. This process is called. The basis for the progression of the disease is inflammatory process organ and ducts, and the culprit is poor nutrition. Disturbed metabolism, the release of cholesterol and salts contribute to the formation of stones. As effective treatment, along with taking medications, follow a special dietary regimen.

Diet conditions for diseases of the biliary organs

You can reduce cholesterol levels and improve the flow of bile in the body with a properly organized diet. A diet for gallstone disease is a special diet that limits the consumption of fats and fully provides proteins, carbohydrates, and nutrients. It is necessary to follow a dietary diet for gallstone disease according to the following rules:

The diet for gallstones may vary. It all depends on what stage the disease is at: a period of remission or exacerbation.

Products allowed

The diet for gallstone disease is based on the inclusion in the menu of products that contain:

  • Pectin is the basis of intestinal microflora, combines toxins and removes them from the body. Characterized by anti-inflammatory and enveloping processes.
  • Amino acids that stimulate the metabolism of cholesterol, lipids, remove fatty acids from the liver.
  • Fiber, magnesium, calcium.
Lean meat (veal, beef, chicken, rabbit) is acceptable in the patient’s diet.

List of acceptable products:

  • rye, bran bread yesterday's, crackers;
  • Porridges (oatmeal, rice, buckwheat, semolina) are prepared in water. For sweet soups, you can add milk;
  • boiled pasta;
  • lean meat (veal, beef, chicken, rabbit);
  • lean fish;
  • seafood (seaweed, shrimp);
  • nuts, dates, sunflower or pumpkin seeds;
  • unrefined vegetable oil;
  • butter added only to cooked foods;
  • first courses without broth (soup, borscht, dairy dishes);
  • products containing pectin (carrots, beets, pumpkin);
  • garlic (reduces cholesterol);
  • vegetables containing starch (potatoes, zucchini, cucumbers);
  • milk, fermented milk products, low-fat cottage cheese, cheese (limited quantity);
  • bananas, baked apples, dried fruits;
  • marmalade, pastille, jelly;
  • compote, jelly, rosehip infusion, diluted juice, corn silk for decoction.

Prohibited use

  • It is impossible to include in the cooking process foods that stimulate increased production of bile, fats that burden the liver and cholesterol.
  • Oxalic acid (sorrel, tomato), nitrogenous substances provoke the deposition of salts and the formation of stones. Products containing them cannot be added to recipes for cooking.
Prohibited foods for illness.

We will find out which products are prohibited from the following list:

  • freshly baked bread, pastries, cakes;
  • high-fat dairy products;
  • eggs (only with doctor's permission);
  • bouillon;
  • fatty meat, lard;
  • pearl barley, millet and barley porridge;
  • cabbage, tomatoes, sorrel, spinach, onions, radishes, rhubarb;
  • any mushrooms are prohibited;
  • smoked meats, canned food, offal, sausage;
  • spices. Let us separately dwell on the root of ginger, which has healing properties. Along with the removal of toxins, ginger promotes the movement of stones, which is dangerous for patients with gallstone disease;
  • hard spicy cheeses;
  • fast food;
  • tea, coffee;
  • raw fruits and berries.

Why is it necessary to follow a diet, the consequences of violation

A properly designed diet can prevent the formation of gallstones. Patients who adhere to prescribed nutrition reduce the risk further development diseases, reduce symptoms during exacerbation.

A diet for gallstones leads to normal cholesterol levels in the blood and helps get rid of problems with bowel movements.

Recipes prepared from lightweight products relieve the stomach, gall bladder, and pancreas and allow them to work in a relaxed mode, getting rid of excess fats and increasing intestinal microflora.

Diversity healthy food strengthens the immune system, as a result, good mood And sound sleep. Ignoring dietary recommendations leads to exacerbations of the disease and frequent colic. Prolonged blockage of the ducts leads to swelling of the organ, accompanied by severe colic. The duration of the process can lead to cirrhosis of the liver.

The constant presence of an organ in an inflamed state is complicated by additional diseases. TO dangerous complications refers to bladder cancer, pancreatitis in chronic or acute form. Once formed, gallstones can migrate, forming intestinal obstruction. The described complications are life-threatening for the patient, so gallstone therapy includes an important condition - diet.

Gallstones or cholecystitis are a fairly common pathology. gastrointestinal tract. Except drug treatment, patients suffering from this disease must adhere to special dietary recommendations. Diet for gallstones helps increase the duration of remission and get rid of the need surgical intervention.

Gallstone disease - common pathology Gastrointestinal tract. In women, gallstones are several times more common than in men.. IN lately this disease occurs even in children.

Calculous cholecystitis occurs when there is stagnation in the biliary tract. The process of gallbladder malfunction occurs as follows: bile, which is produced in the liver, is collected in the gallbladder, then bile ducts enters the intestines, helping in the digestion of food. When the balance of bile components is disturbed, hard flakes begin to form, which turn into gallstones. The stone, ending up in the ducts, clogs the hole, which becomes the cause acute attack accompanied by pain.

Video on the topic:

The occurrence of stones in the gallbladder is usually influenced by the following factors:

  • non-compliance with recommendations proper nutrition, overeating or starvation;
  • absence physical activity, sedentary work, inactive lifestyle;
  • diabetes mellitus;
  • metabolic disorders that lead to excess weight;
  • pregnancy period;
  • pathologies of the gallbladder, liver, and other organs of the digestive system.

Treatment should begin as quickly as possible to prevent a deterioration in the patient’s health, which can lead to complications, even death.

The importance of diet

Diet for gallstones is considered an important component of the treatment process. The diet must be followed both during periods of exacerbation and during periods of remission (which helps to prolong the remission).

A special diet helps normalize the functions of the liver and gall bladder, stabilizes cholesterol levels, and normalizes the functioning of the digestive system. Vitamins and minerals present in the diet during the diet boost immunity and also help solve the problem excess weight(helps lose weight). Violation of the diet and non-compliance with the diet can sharply aggravate the disease.

Chronic cholecystitis gallbladder often occurs with accompanying pathological disorders in the stomach, pancreas, liver, intestines, with nervous and cardiovascular diseases, and corresponding symptoms occur. For the treatment of hepatitis, acute and chronic cholecystitis, gallstones, there is a special diet - “Table number 5”.

Features of the diet for cholelithiasis (GSD)

It is advisable to eat according to a schedule during the diet for gallstones. Strict adherence to the diet helps the timely release of bile from the gallbladder.

When dieting, you need to eat often, at least 5 times a day. This helps improve the digestibility of foods and prevents problems associated with intestinal motility (for example, the likelihood of constipation is reduced). It is not advisable to eat a lot immediately before bed.

To prevent bile formation from being stimulated and the gastric mucosa not to be irritated, food during the diet should be warm (25 - 60 degrees).

During an exacerbation of the disease, it is preferable to boil or bake foods, trying to prevent the formation of a crust. Fried foods are prohibited, as carcinogenic substances and oxidized fats that are formed during this process can cause an attack of the disease.

Calorie content daily ration during the diet there should be no more than 2000-2500 kcal, the ratio of carbohydrates, fats and proteins should be 300-350: 80-90: 80-90 g.

Important! The most important provocateur of exacerbations is considered to be the consumption of fried and very fatty foods.

During the diet, it is strictly prohibited to consume strong stimulants of pancreatic and gastric secretion (spices or foods high in cholesterol and with essential oils), refractory fats. Base dietary ration must be from plant foods.

The diet for gallstone disease consists of foods with a high fiber content to prevent constipation and normalize intestinal motility. When dieting, it is good to prepare dishes from foods that are rich in pectin - this substance prevents the deposition of cholesterol on the vascular walls, dilutes bile, and stabilizes the intestinal microflora.

What is allowed and what is prohibited during the diet

How to eat with cholelithiasis? Which foods are allowed and which are prohibited during a diet for gallstones can be seen from the table:

Allowed foods on the dietProhibited foods on the diet
Beef, veal, rabbit, chicken and turkeyMeat, mushroom, fish broths and soups, jellied meat
Low-fat fish, preferably river fish - cod, pike, pike perch, carp, hakePork, goose or duck meat, lard By-products: kidneys, liver, tongue
Other seafood: shrimp, mussels, squid, kelpMeat, canned fish, smoked marinades: fish and meat, pickles, sausages, frankfurters, ready-made semi-finished products (dumplings)
Durum wheat pasta dishes prepared without saucesSea fish: beluga, sturgeon, salmon, mackerel, catfish, stellate sturgeon
Porridges made from oats, buckwheat, rice, semolina, boiled in waterCereals: barley, pearl barley, millet
Bread, slightly stale or in the form of crackers, of any variety, including white, baked pies filled with cottage cheese, apples, meat, fish from simple test Animal fats, margarine
Bran bread, dry biscuitsVegetables with a high content of acids or essential oils: rhubarb, radish, sorrel, white cabbage, radishes, green onions, garlic, spinach
Vegetable decoctionsEgg yolks, hard-boiled or fried, quail eggs
Eggs (whites only) or “in a bag”, steam omeletFatty fermented milk products - cream, cottage cheese, fermented baked milk, sour cream, as well as full-fat milk and fatty cheeses
Low-fat fermented milk products (sour cream, cottage cheese, cheeses - Dutch, Russian), milk soupsLegumes (beans, peas)
Vegetables with high content pectin or starch: potatoes, tomatoes, pumpkin, cauliflower, zucchini, carrots, beets, green peas, tomatoes (in small quantities without exacerbation), sauerkraut, not very sourPastries from shortcrust and puff pastry, freshly baked bread, brown bread, pancakes, pastries, cakes
Butter, unrefined vegetable oil in small quantities, fish oilMustard, vinegar, mayonnaise, hot sauces, pepper, horseradish, ginger, soy sauce
Sweets: fruit mousses and jelly, marshmallows, marmalade, marshmallows, honey, nuts, seedsSpicy herbs: basil, dill, coriander
Fruits: pomegranates, bananas, papaya, kiwi, sweet apples (preferably baked), watermelons, melon, strawberries, avocado, dried apricotsChocolate, ice cream
Compotes and jelly from dried fruits, fresh berries, juices (diluted), especially carrot, tomato, beetroot, rosehip decoction, weak tea (especially green), alkaline mineral waterFruits and berries in fresh: raspberries, grapes, currants, gooseberries, cranberries, mangoes, cherry plums, all types of citrus fruits (oranges, tangerines, grapefruits, lemons), sour apples and plums, dates
Dill, parsley, bay leaf, vanillin, cinnamon, clovesCoffee, chicory, strong tea, cocoa, carbonated drinks, kvass, flax seeds

The diet for gallstones also takes into account the fact that in most cases patients have other concomitant diseases digestive system - gastritis, pancreatitis, and some foods can provoke fermentation and inflammation of the organ.

If it is not possible to give up broths and soups containing meat during a diet, then it is permissible to cook such dishes using lean meat and dilute them heavily with water or vegetable broth.

Drink as permitted by diet mineral water without gas (“Slavyanka”) is good half an hour before meals. Coffee lovers who cannot give it up at all should at least reduce its concentration during the diet, drink it not on an empty stomach and with milk.

Drinking alcoholic beverages is strictly prohibited.

If gallstones are present, it is recommended to follow a magnesium diet. This type of nutrition relieves abdominal pain in patients and stabilizes intestinal function.

With such a diet, it is supposed to include foods containing magnesium in the diet at least 4 times a day. This diet consists of 3 cycles, each lasting 2–3 days.

At first (2-3 days) they drink only warm drinks - tea with sugar (small amount), diluted juices, rosehip decoction. Do not exceed the norm - 2 glasses per day. You should drink in small sips, often, but no more than 2 tablespoons of broth at a time.

On the fourth day of the diet you can eat no large number jelly or porridge, after the next three days meat, fish and low-fat cottage cheese are added to the diet. When the third cycle ends, the patient is transferred to the diet prescribed for the presence of gallstones.

Sample menu for a week for gallstones:

Day of the weekBreakfastLunchDinnerDinner
MondayPorridge from oatmeal, tea with cookiesCarrot and beet salad, juiceBorscht without meat, boiled chicken, side dish - rice, juiceBoiled chicken, seaweed salad, juice, banana
TuesdayCottage cheese casserole with sour cream, rosehip decoctionOatmeal soufflé with prunes, rosehip infusionBuckwheat soup, fish baked with vegetables, teaStewed cod, beet salad (boiled) with nuts
WednesdayPorridge with buckwheat, cookies, tea with lemon,Chicken breast salad with boiled potatoes, black currant jellyMilk soup with pasta, steamed cutlet, mashed potatoes, juiceBaked veal and boiled potatoes as a side dish, compote
ThursdayPasta seasoned with butter, cookies, tea with lemonCurd casserole with nuts and dried apricots, teaSoup with oatmeal and vegetables, boiled rabbit, cauliflower side dish, rosehip infusionTurkey souffle with cauliflower, tea, cookies
FridayCottage cheese with sour cream, jelly, carrot and apple saladBiscuit dry yogurt biscuits,Rice soup, baked fish with pumpkin puree, dried fruit compoteRabbit meatballs, boiled pasta, juice
SaturdayChicken soufflé with semolina, tea, marmaladeSemolina porridge with banana, cookies, compoteVegetarian cabbage soup, steamed meatballs, juiceSeafood casserole with rice, tea, carrot salad
SundayPasta pudding with dried apricots and raisins, baked apple, teaPasta casserole, baked apple, juicePotato puree soup with croutons, hake soufflé, berry jellySteamed turkey cutlets, baked pumpkin, cookies, tea

For an afternoon snack, you are allowed to drink kefir, fermented baked milk or jelly, no more than a glass, and eat cookies or dried biscuit (100 g). A few hours before bedtime, you can have an apple (grated) or a banana, you can drink juice or kefir (1 glass).

During the day it is recommended to drink mineral water (Borjomi).

Questions on the topic

What is allowed to eat while on a diet if cholelithiasis accompanied by chronic pancreatitis?

The recipes for both diseases are the same, since they are associated with a malfunction of the digestive system.

Can I use turmeric if I have gallstones?

Yes, you can. Turmeric is a spice that has a number of beneficial medicinal properties, it helps remove toxins from the liver and helps increase the functionality of the organ. It is also used for other diseases of the digestive system. For pancreatic stones, turmeric is used as choleretic agent of plant origin.

IN dietary nutrition Is ginger allowed to be used for gallstone disease?

Ginger is harmful for cholecystitis; it promotes the movement of stones.

One of the most common causes of gallstone disease is improper eating behavior: fasting or, conversely, overeating, unbalanced diet, abuse of fried, fatty and other heavy foods. Therefore, it is not surprising that the key to victory over the disease is a diet for gallstones.

Calculation of calorie content of foods

Products in alphabetical order

Why do stones form in the gallbladder? How to treat the disease?

Gallstone disease is a fairly common disease. It has no age: stones in the gall bladder and ducts are diagnosed in children and adults. According to medical statistics, every third woman and every fourth man among the inhabitants of Europe and America is given a sad diagnosis.

The causes of neoplasms are malfunctions endocrine system or stagnation of bile.

At risk are:

  • people with overweight or obesity;
  • pregnant women;
  • people leading a sedentary lifestyle;
  • patients suffering from liver disease, cholecystitis or biliary dyskinesia;
  • people who regularly and long-term take hormonal drugs.


Gallstone disease - to remove or not. Diet.

Nutrition for cholelithiasis. Clinic "Tibet"

Diet. Gallstone disease.


Stones formed from calcium salts, bilirubin or cholesterol interfere with normal operation organ, and once in the ducts, they impede the outflow of bile. The patient experiences severe pain during an attack of biliary colic.

Treatment of cholelithiasis can be conservative, using pharmacological and herbal medicines, but sometimes there are indications for surgical intervention. Dietary recommendations are one of the first places in prolonging the remission of biliary colic or with passive stone carriers.

What can you eat if you have gallstones?

The main goals of the diet for gallstones are:

  • gradual reduction in body weight to individual normal levels;
  • strict limitation (but not complete exclusion) of the consumption of foods high in cholesterol: animal fats, fried foods, trans fats, etc.
  1. Meals should be fractional. Ideally, the patient should take up to 200 g of food 5-6 times a day. It is necessary to have a clear schedule that should be followed day after day. The fact is that thanks to this, the outflow of bile will be regular, easy and fast, thus, it will be possible to prevent an attack of biliary colic.
  2. The basis of the menu is animal protein: lean beef, white meat of chicken, turkey and rabbit, chicken and quail eggs, hard cheese, and lean fish.
  3. Cereals should also be present in the diet. It is advisable to boil buckwheat, oatmeal, millet and rice with a minimum of salt and without oil. IN as a last resort You can add a small amount of reduced fat butter to the dish.
  4. From use vegetable oil and even more so, you should refrain from frying on it. It has a strong choleretic effect.
  5. There is no ban on vegetables, fruits and juices made from them. They can be eaten raw or cooked, but not salted or pickled. The only exceptions are sorrel, spinach, onions, and garlic, which can aggravate the disease.
  6. Fatty meat and offal should absolutely not be eaten.
  7. Store-bought confectionery and baked goods can be eaten in very limited quantities.
  8. To provide the patient’s body with a sufficient amount of vitamins and minerals, it is recommended to drink rosehip infusion, consume fresh salads from beets and carrots, pumpkin porridge and pumpkin seeds.

What diet is recommended if stones or gallbladder have been removed?

Removal of stones from the gallbladder occurs simultaneously with the organ itself by open abdominal surgery or laparoscopy.

In both cases, after surgery, a strict diet is recommended, especially in the first few days after removal of the gallbladder. Power control postoperative patient carried out by medical staff.

For 6-8 weeks after surgery, the patient’s menu mainly contains:

  • mashed potatoes;
  • pureed lean soups;
  • boiled fish, chicken and veal;
  • 1 egg per week or steamed egg white omelet;
  • fruit jellies, baked fruits;
  • juices and compotes without sugar;
  • wheat or buckwheat cereals;
  • fermented milk products;
  • white bread, crackers, biscuits.

A diet for gallstones or after their surgical removal turns into a way of life, because the quality of life and health of the patient depends on compliance with the instructions. Don't worry about what you can or can't eat. From the permitted products you can cook very delicious dishes. Their recipes are published on the Internet.

When a person is diagnosed with chronic or acute cholecystitis(cholelithiasis), adherence to diet is one of the most important conditions for extending the period of remission after treatment. The diet also includes compulsory program recovery after surgical treatment diseases.

Chronic cholecystitis is an isolated pathology only in exceptional cases. In most cases, the inflammatory process in the gallbladder leads to pathological disturbances in the functioning of the pancreas, intestines, liver, stomach, and is also accompanied by nervous and cardiovascular diseases.

For acute and chronic hepatitis, cholecystitis and gallstones, doctors have developed special diet, which is called table No. 5.

The physiological needs of the body require that the daily diet have a calorie content of 2000-2500 kcal. The average ratio of proteins should be 80-90 grams, fats – 80-90 grams and carbohydrates – 300-350 grams.

The main information that every patient following a diet with gallstones should know:

    the most powerful provocateurs of exacerbation of the disease are fatty and fried foods;

    Avoid eating large amounts of food (overeating);

    food should be consumed warm (neither hot nor cold);

    meals should be small but frequent (at least 6 times a day);

    It is strictly forbidden to consume refractory fats and strong stimulants of gastric and pancreatic secretion - products with essential oils, products with high cholesterol content, extracts, spices;

    the main diet should consist of fruits and vegetables;

    All dishes should be cooked boiled, steamed, or sometimes baked.

Fruits that can be consumed if you have gallstones and cholecystitis

Diet No. 5 excludes the consumption of sour fruits and berries, so it is necessary to avoid cherry plums, mangoes, sour plums, sour apples, cranberries, all types of citrus fruits, and gooseberries.

Many patients are interested in the permissibility of eating grapes and bananas for cholecystitis. The latter can be consumed, and you can also eat papaya, avocado, strawberries, melon, watermelon, and sweet varieties of apples. There are some doubts regarding grapes, since the majority of patients, in addition to cholecystitis, have other pathologies of the gastrointestinal tract (pancreatitis, gastritis), and, as is known, grapes and some other products (kvass, black bread, cabbage) can cause processes fermentation, which leads to inflammation of organs.

Therefore, the most important condition for following any diet is increased control of your condition, and if discomfort appears after taking any product, you should analyze the amount of its consumption and in the future eat less or completely abandon the questionable product.

Vegetables that can be eaten for cholecystitis

There are no restrictions regarding the consumption of vegetables for cholecystitis. You should use white cabbage raw with caution if the patient has pancreatitis, but even then you can eat raw cabbage only in small doses. However, it is worth remembering that if the pancreas is disrupted, you need to eat cabbage baked or boiled. Fans of fermented products should choose a sourdough that is not particularly sour. You can safely consume zucchini, potatoes, pumpkin, beets, carrots, and peas. You should not overuse tomatoes; you can only eat them during periods between exacerbations and only peel them. Eating salted and pickled tomatoes is prohibited. Regarding legumes, table No. 5 excludes them, however, during the period of remission you can eat these products in limited quantities.

Drinks you can drink if you have gallstones

Regarding food, it is clear that it should be steamed, boiled, baked and not be hot, spicy, fatty or fried. Drinking also has its own characteristics. You can safely drink rosehip decoction, beet juice(to get rid of toxins, beet juice should stand in the refrigerator for about 3 hours), tomato and carrot juice, diluted fruit juices, jelly, compotes, fruit teas. It is extremely useful to drink mineral water that does not contain gases “Slavyanovskaya”, “Smirnovskaya”. In this case, it is best to take it 30 minutes before meals. Also useful is weak green tea, however, not packaged.

If you have cholecystitis, you should avoid coffee, especially instant coffee; this also applies to chicory, which, contrary to the beliefs of many, has an adverse effect on the gastric mucosa, which is no different from the effect of coffee. If, in addition to gallstones, the patient is diagnosed with pancreatic or stomach diseases from chicory, cocoa and coffee should be completely abandoned; if this is impossible, their consumption should be limited or drunk not on an empty stomach and diluted with milk.

It is strictly forbidden to drink very cold, ice-cold drinks, and the dangers of alcohol even for healthy body Enough has already been said to understand that in case of cholecystitis, this product should be completely abandoned. It is allowed to drink 50 grams of dry wine on holidays, but this can only be done in periods between exacerbations. You should not forget to listen to your own body when taking any food.

What foods can and cannot be eaten with cholecystitis?

Bakery products

Today, a large number of families purchase home bread machines to make their own bread. Freshly baked products are not recommended for consumption for patients with cholecystitis; it is better to wait a day or two and eat the bread in a dried form; it is also worth noting that the bread should not be rich. If you have stones in your gall bladder, you should avoid all shortbread and puff pastry products. All pancakes, pancakes, cakes, and pastries should be excluded. In addition, given the tendency of industrial confectionery production to use cooking fats (mainly palm oil), which are practically poisonous, it is quite obvious that consuming store-bought baked goods is dangerous even for a healthy body. However, you can safely eat yesterday’s baked goods made from rye, peeled, wheat flour and bran bread. In addition, pies made from simple dough with apples, meat, cottage cheese, and fish are safe.

Soup with steep broth

Steep broths made from mushrooms, duck, chicken, fish, and meat have a negative impact on the entire digestive system. It is necessary to exclude such broths from the diet and switch to vegetable soups. If it is very difficult to refuse such broths, then as an alternative you can use highly diluted broths from lean meats. Based on them, you can later prepare borscht, beetroot soup, soups, and cabbage soup.

Fatty meats – fatty chicken, beef, lamb, pork, duck, goose

Fatty meat must be completely removed from the diet. Meat products can only be prepared using lean rabbit, poultry, beef, and boiled, and such dishes should be consumed in limited quantities. You can use boiled meat in the form of minced meat to prepare steamed cutlets, meatballs, casseroles, and each piece of meat must be chewed thoroughly.

Sausages, sausages

Today the most convenient and affordable product are semi-finished meat products, which are presented in abundance on the shelves of shops and supermarkets. These products are the most harmful because they are highly chemicalized: they are stuffed with additives of unknown origin, preservatives, flavor enhancers, and are dangerous not only for people with gastrointestinal problems, but also for absolutely healthy citizens. You should not hope that “diet sausages” and “children’s sausages” do not contain the above “ingredients”. Such foods should be completely excluded from the diet in case of pancreatitis or chronic cholecystitis. You need to understand that the name of such products is just a marketing ploy.

Seeds, honey and nuts for cholecystitis

If there is no allergy to bee products, then consuming honey for cholecystitis is allowed. Regarding seeds and nuts, the restrictions are only in purchasing unrefined products and cleaning them immediately before consumption, and in moderate doses.

It should be remembered that the shelled nuts presented on the shelves of domestic stores cannot be eaten. During cleaning, processing and transportation, they undergo oxidation of the fats they contain and become rancid. Oxidized fats in nuts create additional stress on the gallbladder, liver and pancreas. The issue with pine nuts, which are imported from China, is especially acute. It is strictly prohibited to use them for cholecystitis.

Eggs, fish

By analogy with meat, fatty fish (salmon, sturgeon, beluga, sturgeon, catfish) should be excluded from the diet, and pike, hake, carp, cod, pike perch can be safely used for cholecystitis. Do not forget that fried food is prohibited if there are gallstones, so you need to cook the fish boiled, baked or steamed. Research has repeatedly proven that when fish is fried, it loses all its beneficial properties, so the diet not only prevents exacerbations, but also allows you to get all useful substances from fish.

There are practically no restrictions regarding eggs. They can be eaten in a bag or soft-boiled, as part of an omelet or other dishes. The only limitation is fried eggs and hard-boiled eggs.

Dairy products

Milk soups with cereals and pasta have exceptional benefits. It is forbidden to consume fatty sour cream, cheeses, fermented baked milk, cream, cottage cheese, and milk. You can drink milk if you have cholecystitis, especially if you add it to tea; you can also eat mild cheeses (Russian, Dutch), low-fat sour cream, low-fat cottage cheese, and condensed milk.

However, it is worth remembering that the domestic market is full of low-quality goods, so even “homemade” dairy products may contain various additives. Tons of palm oil are exported to Russia, which is exclusively harmful product, even in other products.

And today palm oil It is added to butter, ice cream, cottage cheese, cheese and other dairy products, and the presence of such oil in chocolate, confectionery, and baked goods no longer surprises anyone. But this type of oil is very harmful to the gastrointestinal tract.

What to do in such a situation? It is necessary to purchase only high-quality products from trusted manufacturers and not to chase cheap products, since a low price is a direct indication of the use of various substitutes. This also applies to cakes, ice cream and glazed cheese curds. Their production does not use natural cream and milk, but dry substitutes, which undergo numerous chemical treatments during production. Such products cause significant harm to the human body and gall bladder. It is very difficult for the pancreas and liver to cope with such ingredients.

Marinades, canned food, smoked meats

Any canned food smoked fish, sausages, canned fish and pickled vegetables are prohibited for consumption with cholecystitis.

Plant products

Sorrel, radish, spinach, garlic, radishes, and green onions should be excluded from the diet. Seasonings you should not use include ginger, mayonnaise, hot ketchup, mustard, horseradish, pepper. Allowed spices include bay leaf, cloves, cinnamon, vanillin, parsley, and dill.


Crumbly and semi-viscous porridges, especially buckwheat and oatmeal, have exceptional benefits. If you wash the cereal in the evening, pour boiling water over it and add salt, and use it warmed up in the morning, this is best way preservation of vitamins and useful properties these products. Also, to diversify the menu, you can prepare casseroles from pasta and cereals, make puddings, pasta and vegetable side dishes.

When a person is diagnosed with acute or chronic cholecystitis, gallstone disease, one of the most important conditions prolongation of remission after treatment or for six months after surgical intervention, diet is required. Chronic cholecystitis is almost never an isolated disease, and the inflammatory process in the gallbladder is often accompanied by pathological disorders in the stomach, liver, intestines, pancreas, cardiovascular and nervous diseases.


During the acute period of the disease, the patient is prescribed a light, gentle diet designed to relieve symptoms and remove bile. This diet lasts about two weeks. After this period, a person with gallstones can use another diet option. It takes a long time and can last for several years. Approximate diet one day on the diet of the first option:

Breakfast – protein omelet, tea with milk, semolina porridge(150 grams).

Second breakfast – steamed meat cutlets, buckwheat with olive oil, tea.

Lunch – boiled chicken (about 100 grams), pureed buckwheat (150 grams), rice soup, milk jelly.

Dinner – mashed potatoes (150 grams), 80 grams of fish, milk tea.

Diet day of the second option:

First breakfast – buckwheat with butter (150 grams), unsweetened curd pudding (100 grams).

Second breakfast – a sour apple.

Lunch – 500 grams of vegetable soup, 50 grams of lean meat, one stewed carrot.

Afternoon snack – rosehip decoction, a handful of unsweetened crackers.

Dinner – some boiled fish, boiled potatoes (150 grams), 200 grams of cabbage and carrot cutlets.

Before bed - kefir.

During exacerbation

To get rid of pain, you need to eat according to the example of this menu:

We have breakfast with buckwheat porridge on water, drink green tea;

For lunch we drink juice with cookies;

We have lunch with vegetable soup, salad and 100 g of meat;

We have an afternoon snack with sweet fruits;

We have dinner with boiled fish, vegetable puree and a cup of tea.

For inflammation

Most doctors are inclined to believe that during the period of exacerbation and active treatment For inflammation of the gallbladder, you need to fast for a couple of days, and then do a couple more fasting days. This will be especially useful for those people who are overweight. Fasting days you can periodically get tired in order to reduce weight.

Types of diets for fasting days.

Curd and kefir. You can consume up to a liter of kefir, up to 300 g of low-fat cottage cheese and sugar in the range of 50-100 g per day).

Rice-compote. One and a half liters of compote, rice in the form of porridge or slimy soup prepared from 50 g of dry rice.

Watermelon or grape. Two kilograms of ripe berries. Use in 6 doses in one day.

Fruit. Up to 2 kg of ripe apples. Such unloading is useful for people who have a tendency to rotting processes in the intestines.

After the pain and other symptoms subside, diet No. 5 is prescribed for the treatment of cholecystitis. For cholecystitis, this nutrition is the main one. According to this diet, the body should receive 100 g of complete proteins and fats per day. Vegetable and animal fats in equal quantities. The amount of carbohydrates is approximately 400 g. Energy value up to 2900 Kcal. You should eat small portions of food - this is called fractional meals. This diet promotes better flow of bile. If you take a large amount of food at once, the rhythm of bile secretion is disrupted, biliary tract contract and a painful attack occurs.

What foods should you eat?

Various soups: vegetable, fruit, dairy.

Meat. Preference should be given to lean varieties of beef, chicken, turkey, and rabbit. You can eat doctor's sausage and low-fat ham.

Boiled or steamed fish: hake, cod, perch, bream, pike perch. You can also use soaked herring.

Raw and cooked vegetables and fruits in the form of salads. You can bake vegetables.

Pasta products are allowed in this diet: vermicelli and noodles.

One chicken egg once every two days. The egg can be boiled (soft-boiled) or as an omelet.

Dairy products. If milk is well tolerated, it can be consumed whole, as well as in various dishes. Fermented milk products, cottage cheese and dishes like soufflé, dumplings are good. Cheeses can be mild (Yaroslavl, Russian). For preparing dishes, you can use parsley or dill, sour cream in small quantities. You can add a little butter or vegetable oil to the finished dish.

Drinks It's not strong sweet tea or coffee, berry, fruit or vegetable juices.

For cholecystitis

The main principle when planning a diet is to adhere to small and frequent meals. You need to eat at least 5 times a day, but in small portions.

The following products are allowed:

Buckwheat, rice and oatmeal;

Berries, fruits, fresh herbs and vegetables. During cholecystitis with constipation, it is recommended to take them pureed or in the form of freshly squeezed juices;

Low-fat meat and fish dishes;

Vegetable oil. Cream is also possible, but in small quantities; it is recommended to add it to hot porridge immediately before serving;

Low-fat dairy and fermented milk products;

Eggs or white omelettes.

The diet for gallstones excludes:

products made from fine flour, pasta;
fatty meat, fish;
canned food in oil;
internal organs of animals (liver, stomach, lungs, kidneys);
sorrel, spinach;
garlic, radish, turnip, onion, radish.

From the list of drinks, you should avoid coffee, alcohol of any strength, sour juices (lemon, orange), and sweet drinks with gas.