Rules for self-gastric lavage. Effective and quick cleansing of the stomach and intestines at home

It is difficult to overestimate the importance of cleansing the stomach for general health and normal functioning of the body. In what specific cases are cleansing procedures indicated and how to carry them out correctly so as not to harm the gastrointestinal tract?

Clean house for food

Stomach cleansing - the most important procedure, which usually begins the multi-stage process of general cleansing of the body. Mucus, toxins and wastes accumulating in the stomach complicate digestion and create a breeding ground for pathogenic microflora, which in turn provokes inflammation and the development of various infections. The reason for such stagnation may become

  • unhealthy diet
  • other rule violations healthy image life,
  • disorders of the normal functioning of the gastrointestinal tract,
  • weakening of the immune system and general tone of the body.

If for some reason self-cleaning of dirt does not occur naturally, you should carry out “spring cleaning” in the stomach from time to time. Traditional medicine offers proven, effective and safe methods for this.

Forced cleansing of the stomach is also indicated in some critical situations:

  • when overeating;
  • when eating low-quality foods;
  • in case of poisoning;
  • in case of allergies;
  • with alcohol intoxication.

For the purpose of prevention, it is advisable to carry out stomach cleansing procedures once or twice a month. In combination with regular proper nutrition This will not only significantly improve the health of the body and normalize the functioning of all its systems, but also get rid of extra pounds, improve appearance and improve performance.

Methods and recipes for cleaning the stomach at home

Natural cleansing

Forced cleansing procedures may not be necessary if you are responsible about the quality of your diet. It is not difficult and very effective - you just need to forget about fatty, fried, canned, rich and too high-calorie foods. Instead of this unhealthy food, fill your diet with fruits, vegetables, fermented milk and other natural products, for which your stomach will thank you!

Choose the menu that suits you best and don’t forget about fasting days; do not overeat and drink at least two liters of clean water a day - these simple rules will help you maintain a healthy body and good spirits for a long time.

Rinsing with clean water


  • boiled heated water - 3 liters.


  1. Drink warm water in small sips, slowly, until your stomach feels full.
  2. At the first signs of nausea, lean over a sink or basin and, pressing on the stomach area, induce vomiting,
  3. Empty your stomach completely.
  4. Repeat the procedure on an empty stomach, after morning bowel movements, once every two weeks.
  5. Gastric lavage helps a lot in case of emergency- in case of poisoning or overeating.

With calamus root


  • chopped calamus root - 2 tablespoons;
  • water - 1 liter.


  1. Pour boiling water over the chopped rhizome.
  2. Cool the infusion to 40 degrees.
  3. In the morning, on an empty stomach, drink calamus tea.
  4. Induce vomiting.
  5. In this way, cleanse the stomach 4–5 times weekly until the water coming out of it becomes clear, without brownish impurities. Then you can rinse the stomach monthly for prevention.

With birch mushroom


  • chopped fresh chaga mushroom - 1 cup;
  • boiled water - 1.2 liters.


  1. Fresh birch mushroom mince or grate.
  2. The dried mushroom should first be soaked overnight in water at room temperature, then lightly squeezed and chopped.
  3. Pour the resulting slurry over warm boiled water for two days.
  4. Squeeze the chaga almost dry and filter the infusion.
  5. The finished infusion can be stored in the refrigerator for no longer than three days.
  6. Portion folk remedy Divide into six equal parts and drink two days, half an hour before each meal.
  7. Carry out the procedure once or twice a month.

With cabbage juice


  1. Every morning, on an empty stomach, drink fresh white cabbage.
  2. Cabbage juice should be squeezed no more than half an hour before consumption.
  3. You should start taking it with small doses - from one tablespoon, gradually increasing the volume of consumption to one glass.
  4. Having brought the dose to the maximum, you can reduce it in the reverse order.

With buckwheat and kefir


  • buckwheat - 5 tablespoons;
  • low-fat kefir - 0.5 liters.


  1. The folk remedy should be prepared every evening for ten days.
  2. Pour kefir over buckwheat, stir and leave overnight at room temperature.
  3. In the morning, divide the raw “porridge” in half: for breakfast and dinner.
  4. Take the first part on an empty stomach, the second no later than an hour and a half before bedtime.
  5. Treatment consists of three courses of treatment with ten-day breaks.
  6. “Green” buckwheat is more preferable to cleansing the stomach than fried buckwheat.

With pine tea


  • pine needles - 5 tablespoons;
  • boiled water - 0.5 liters.


  1. Grind the needles and pour them into water.
  2. Put on fire and boil for ten minutes.
  3. Infusion time is ten hours.
  4. Drink pine decoction from morning to evening every half hour, two or three sips.
  5. Brew a portion in the evening medicinal tea the next day.
  6. Please note: while taking the drink, the urine should become cloudy - this is an indicator that the treatment is going correctly.
  7. You need to continue drinking the folk remedy until the urine becomes clear.

With bay leaf


  • laurel leaves - 10–12 pieces;
  • boiling water - 0.3 liters.


  1. Mash the bay leaves a little and place in a thermos.
  2. Pour boiling water over it.
  3. In a day the infusion will be ready.
  4. Drink it before meals, two tablespoons three times a day.

With potassium permanganate


  • potassium permanganate crystals;
  • boiled water.


  1. First do concentrated solution: dissolve a pinch of potassium permanganate crystals in a glass warm water and strain thoroughly.
  2. Boil and cool five to six liters of water.
  3. From this volume of water make a light pink solution of potassium permanganate.
  4. In case of poisoning, drink in small sips to induce vomiting.
  5. In cases acute poisoning double the volume of water.
  6. Rinsing is carried out in succession in several stages.

With soda


  • baking soda - 3 teaspoons;
  • water - 3 liters.


  1. Prepare soda solution in lukewarm water.
  2. Divide the prepared volume into two parts and drink during the day and evening, stimulating the urge to vomit.
  3. Washing against the background of a light diet for two to three days effectively relieves intoxication of various types.

With salt


  • boiled water - 1 liter;
  • table salt crystals - 1 tablespoon.


  1. Stir salt in water, drain or strain.
  2. Drink in small sips.
  3. The folk remedy draws toxins from the blood through the gastric mucosa.
  4. Can be used both in extreme cases and for prevention, once every two weeks.

With activated carbon


  • activated carbon - 40–50 tablets;
  • boiled water.


  1. Crush activated carbon tablets and dissolve in a glass of boiled water.
  2. Take two tablespoons of charcoal “chatter”, stir them in a glass of clean water at room temperature and drink immediately.
  3. Stimulate gagging by pressing with a spoon or fingers on the root of the tongue.
  4. Drink at least three glasses of the cleaning solution at the first suspicion of poisoning.

With castor oil


  • castor oil - 1 tablespoon;
  • lemon juice - 2 tablespoons.


  1. Warm the oil slightly before serving.
  2. Drink castor oil in the morning before breakfast.
  3. To enhance the cleansing effect, drink with lemon juice.
  4. The optimal dose of the folk remedy is one drop of oil per kilogram of the patient’s weight.

Methodology of Nadezhda Semyonova

Cleansing the body radically changes life for the better

The essence of Semyonova’s method is that a person must first change his priorities in his diet, eliminating animal products from the diet and switching to separate meals. At the same time, the body is cleansed in several stages. The first stage of comprehensive cleansing, which is completely logical, is general cleaning gastrointestinal tract.

To cleanse the gastrointestinal tract, it is necessary to correctly use effective tools

Over the years of life, kilograms of toxic ballast accumulate in the gastrointestinal tract of an adult! Undigested food remains, layers of almost petrified feces, dead intestinal tissue is an ideal habitat for pathogens. Pathological “accumulations” rot, ferment and decompose, literally poisoning a person’s life. Only by ruthlessly getting rid of all such garbage can you normalize digestion and saturate the body with the necessary and truly beneficial elements for it.

Following the method of Nadezhda Semyonova, enemas with a large volume of water, lemon juice and apple cider vinegar wash out harmful deposits from the intestines: waste, toxins and helminths.

Morning enemas are done every other day - on an empty stomach, immediately after bowel movement; For two liters of boiled water at room temperature, add one tablespoon of high-quality apple cider vinegar or freshly squeezed lemon juice.

The result of this cleansing stage is getting rid of old dysbiosis, which is also facilitated by regular use garlic: one clove is enough an hour before each meal.

Thus, against a background of healthy separate power supply happens first and the most important stage cleansing the body - cleansing the gastrointestinal tract.

Cleansing according to Nadezhda Semyonova’s method - video


Gastric cleansing procedures should be carried out with caution in case of increased blood pressure, chronic diseases cardiovascular system, peptic ulcer. Women should refrain from gastric lavage during pregnancy and during menstruation. It is necessary to strictly follow the procedures and dosages of drugs so as not to disrupt the normal functioning of the stomach, especially during exacerbation of its chronic diseases.

Do not neglect the advice of a gastroenterologist - this is especially important in the case of cleansing the stomach by vomiting. It's simple and effective procedure, but if used incorrectly, it can do much more harm than good. For example, cause an imbalance in the microflora of the stomach or a certain addiction to this manipulation, when symptoms of indomitable vomiting appear - a disease that is very difficult to cure.

You also need to carefully consider each cleansing recipe for individual intolerance to its components and possible allergies to them. Children can have their stomach cleansed only in case of emergency and under the supervision of a doctor.

Gastric lavage is often used in medical practice, but it can be done at home.

Indications for this procedure may include poisoning, digestive problems, as well as dyskinesia or high level stomach acidity.

How to properly perform gastric lavage and what solutions can be used is described below.

Standard rinsing method

Before performing gastric lavage, if this is necessary in case of poisoning, the patient will need to be seated. Before the procedure, about 2 liters of water are prepared, as well as a deep container for vomit.

The water must be used warm and the entire volume must be drunk at once, after which the legs are placed together, left hand placed on the stomach and pressed, but not hard. In this position, you need to lean forward slightly.

With your other hand you need to artificially induce vomiting and to do this, just put your fingers on the root of the tongue. After this, the water used will have to come back out.

If everything is done correctly, the water should be cloudy. After gastric lavage, there may remain bad taste sour. In this case, it is recommended to make a solution.

To do this, add 1 tsp per 0.5 liter of water. soda, everything is drunk and vomiting is caused again. This is a secondary gastric lavage that is required to reduce the level of stomach acidity.

After the procedure, you need to drink Levomycetin in the amount of 1 tablet.

Washing technique

In addition to the above example, you can use other methods of gastric lavage at home.

True, to carry out the operation you need to use a device that is made of a thick rubber tube, about one and a half meters long. The tube itself should have a large diameter, as well as a funnel with a capacity of up to a liter.

Before using such equipment, the funnel and tube must be boiled to kill all germs and bacteria. The device can be stored in a regular bag.

Gastric lavage using this method requires the use of 10 liters of water, and there is no need to boil it. The patient should be seated on a chair so that his back is completely leaned against the back of the chair.

After taking the starting position, the following manipulations are carried out:

  1. It is necessary to tilt the patient's head forward several times and cover the front of the body with a rag or other cape.
  2. You need to place a basin or bucket on the floor near your feet.
  3. One person must insert the tube into the patient. To do this, it descends along the root of the tongue, after which it is directed down the stomach with gentle and light movements. All movements must be in concert with the patient’s swallowing reflex.
  4. It is prohibited to use fast and sudden movements when inserting the tube, and you should not force it in either.
  5. When the tube is in the stomach area, a funnel is placed on the other side through which water is poured. The funnel should be placed so that no air gets in.
  6. Initially the funnel is held below the level of the patient's mouth, and when it is filled with water, it will need to be raised until the water is at the very edge of the funnel, after which it is lowered into the basin. Thus, gastric lavage is carried out at home.

During the similar procedure It is forbidden to allow water to completely escape from the funnel. If this happens, a lot of air will begin to enter the stomach cavity, which will significantly complicate rinsing.

After successful completion, the tube is carefully removed, the mouth is rinsed and everything is wiped with a towel.

Wash products

  1. Potassium permanganate solution. For rinsing, you need to use a light solution, and for preparation, just add a few crystals to the water and completely dissolve them. After preparation, the solution is filtered to eliminate small crystals, otherwise there may be a burn to the esophagus. Potassium permanganate is not used for digestive system disorders.
  2. Brine. Excellent for rinsing in case of poisoning. It is easy to make at home; add only 2 tbsp to 5 liters of water. salt.
  3. Soda solution. This product is excellent for cleansing the stomach in children under 3 years of age. To create it, just add 1 tsp to 1 liter of water. soda Similar remedy used for washing in case of poisoning. Soda is good to use not only for food poisoning, but also in case of acid poisoning. The remedy can stop negative influence poison on the body.
  4. Liquid made from lemon juice or acid. It is recommended to use the solution in case of alkaline poisoning, since the acid or juice can stop the effect of the alkali, and therefore will not allow it to affect the body.
  5. Sorbents. For cleansing, you can use sorbents that are suitable for children and adults. They can absorb all poisons, toxins and other substances, and also easily remove them from the body.

Making a solution is very simple, you need to take 8 tablets of activated carbon and put the powder in 3 liters of water, after complete dissolution, drink the product.

Above are the most effective means that can be used to cleanse the gastrointestinal tract at home.

Washing the child

To cleanse a child’s body in case of various types of poisoning, it is necessary to know what exactly the child was poisoned with.

At home, you can use water or the above solutions, but cleansing the body differs from the above methods.

The rinsing solution can be administered to the child through oral cavity, and then artificially induce vomiting. Cleansing can also be carried out by introducing the product through the anus.

To rinse a child's stomach, it is best to use a product made from soda or potassium permanganate, although you can use a sorbent.

How to administer solutions through the mouth and induce vomiting is already clear, but parents may not know the rules for cleansing through an enema and this method needs to be discussed in more detail:

  1. Initially, you need to select the dosage of the solution. IN in this case you need to use the volume based on the age of the baby. For example, if a child is 9 months old, then no more than 0.8 liters of solution can be used, if the child is over a year old, then a liter of the product is allowed, from 3 years old - 3 liters.
  2. Second important factor is the temperature of the injected product, which should be 36 degrees, but a deviation of 1 degree is allowed.
  3. To perform cleansing, the child is placed on one side.
  4. The enema is filled with the necessary liquid for cleansing, the end is lubricated with oil or Vaseline and inserted into the anus.
  5. The enema should be administered in such a way that it cleanses not only the rectum, but also the stomach itself.
  6. At the very end, the solution is injected in full.

The child needs to lie in the starting position for 2-3 minutes, then transfer him to the potty.


It is not always allowed to do gastric lavage; there are cases when, without medical care can't get by. You will need to avoid gastric lavage at home in the following cases:

  1. In case of poisoning with various petroleum products, for example, gasoline. In case of poisoning of this kind, rinsing can only be done through a tube to avoid burning the mucous membranes and organs.
  2. The procedure cannot be performed if the patient is unconscious. To do this, tracheal intubation is initially performed.
  3. It is forbidden to carry out gastrointestinal tract bleeding; this can be determined by blood clots in the stomach contents.
  4. You cannot do gastric lavage if you have abdominal pain.
  5. Prohibited during pregnancy, heart and vascular diseases, ulcers, epilepsy, as well as affected mucous membranes of the mouth or throat.

It should be remembered that gagging leads to strong muscle contraction, which, when poisoned and washed, can only worsen the condition of patients.

It is better to cleanse the stomach not at home, but to use the help of doctors.

In life you need to be prepared for anything. As for health - information about help in emergency situation will not be superfluous. If exists real threat health and life - you should not hope that a medical worker will be nearby, or an ambulance will arrive instantly. Any close person may intentionally or accidentally drink a chemical solution or pills that are not their own. You need to act immediately.

How to help a person perform gastric lavage in case of poisoning? Don't despair! You just need to remain calm and remember a few simple rules of conduct.

Where does first aid for poisoning begin?

The thought of the possibility of poisoning should arise in relation to every person who is in a comatose state, when unreasonable convulsions appear, if his consciousness is confused.

First, try to find out what was drunk or eaten if the person is conscious and reacts adequately to the situation. If there is an assistant, let him urgently call an ambulance (the person will need to be taken to the intensive care unit in any case).

These first steps should be carried out as follows:

  • the type of chemical that poisoned a person determines further treatment tactics;
  • specialized assistance will definitely be needed, and it is not always possible to transport the victim to a hospital;
  • sometimes, in trying to act independently, you can waste a lot of time and not save a person’s life;

In such situations, everyone is driven by a well-founded fear that the victim can be harmed or made even worse. But most often there is no time to think, so you will have to make every effort to help.

Options for gastric lavage at home

How to do gastric lavage at home? First, you need to remember all the possible medical lessons that you have ever taken in your life: mutual aid courses at school, specialized classes at a college or institute. Even a minimum of information can help. There are two main methods for cleaning the stomach at home:

  • gastric lavage using a tube.

Any of these benefits can be done at home. For this it is enough to have no large number liquids (water at room temperature, sodium chloride solution or other specific liquid for rinsing) and a gastric tube (this rubber tube is only found in a specialized first aid kit of an ambulance, but sometimes, by luck, it can also be in the possession of the victim or his assistants). It is advisable that the procedure be carried out by at least two people, so assistance will be provided faster and of better quality.

Tubeless gastric cleansing method

The probeless method is used if poisoning mild degree and the person is conscious. It is most often used in adults and older children. This method is also suitable for helping yourself.

How to perform such gastric lavage at home in case of poisoning, step by step:

  • the victim immediately drinks from 500 to 700 ml of liquid or more;
  • then the root of his tongue is irritated with a spatula or a regular spoon to provoke a gag reflex;
  • if necessary, such actions are repeated.

Such help is especially indicated for people who have taken chemicals simultaneously with food. This method is recommended for use by conscious victims in case of any poisoning, except:

  • acute gasoline poisoning;
  • kerosene;
  • turpentine;
  • strong acids;
  • alkalis;
  • many oxidizing agents.

Such substances can repeatedly damage the digestive and respiratory system on the way back!

After this procedure, it is advisable to rinse the stomach additionally through a probe, since the toxic substance sometimes remains in the folds of the mucous membrane of the digestive organs and can cause harm.

Gastric lavage using a tube

This procedure will require special skills and additional equipment. As a last resort, you can use a printed manual or the help of a specialist (by calling a doctor you know or ambulance). Gastric lavage through a tube at home is a relatively safe, but at the same time responsible procedure. If done incorrectly, complications are possible:

  • rupture of the stomach, esophagus;
  • vomit will end up in respiratory tract and will lead to suffocation.

For the procedure, you will need a special gastric tube - this is a thick rubber tube with a diameter of 1 cm (a thin one can have a diameter of 4 or 5 mm) and a length of 70 cm. The end of the probe is rounded and has two holes.

If poisoning is suspected, the following procedure is performed.

  1. It is better to rinse when the affected person is in a sitting position. For this, the person is seated on a chair, the body is covered as much as possible with oilcloth.
  2. His head is tilted, you need to ask the victim to relax and not move his tongue.
  3. A probe is gradually introduced through the mouth (from the edge of the teeth to the sternum, namely, to its xiphoid process).
  4. It is important to make sure that the tube does not enter the trachea (you will hear breath sounds, a cough will appear, lips and facial skin will turn blue).
  5. The probe is inserted until gastric contents appear from the upper edge of the funnel, which will need to be taken for examination.
  6. Liquid is gradually introduced. How to rinse the stomach in case of poisoning? For adults use plain water room temperature, but not more than 18 °C, for children younger age It is better to use saline solution.
  7. For one rinse, it is enough to pour 500–700 ml of water (this is the norm for an adult).
  8. The stomach is washed using a siphon: when pouring water, the funnel is located below the level of the stomach, then it is raised.
  9. After filling, the funnel is lowered, the rinsing water is drained and the stomach is filled with water again. So, you should do it before the appearance clean waters. This procedure in general can take five liters or more.

Next, the victim should be immediately taken to the hospital, regardless of his health. At the same time, do not forget the jar of gastric contents, which were collected to examine its composition in the laboratory - this often saves a person’s life.

Emergency gastric lavage in case of poisoning is normally carried out by medical workers, but when it comes to life loved one, you don’t have to choose. The procedure itself is not complicated - the only problem is deciding to carry it out.

It is important to know how to rinse the stomach at home. After all, the need for this may arise due to intoxication or diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. In some cases, stomach cleansing does not require hospitalization of the patient; it can be done at home. But first you need to get advice from a specialist regarding how to properly cleanse the stomach with an enema and probe from waste, toxins and other harmful substances. How to cleanse the stomach and intestines of them?

When should rinsing be done?

There are two types of washings. The first is carried out in medical settings, the second - in diagnostic purposes. Therapeutic cleansing of the stomach is carried out during intoxication harmful substances, food poisoning and gastritis, which provoke strong mucous discharge. A diagnostic type of lavage is done for diseases of the gastrointestinal tract and, if necessary, to identify the causes of inflammation in the abdominal cavity. Cleaning the abdominal cavity with Polysorb is also useful when overeating.


  • food poisoning, alcohol and drug intoxication;
  • poisoning with harmful substances (for example, acids);
  • need to empty gastrointestinal tract;
  • gallbladder disease (dyskinesia);
  • increased acidity of gastric secretion;
  • vomiting;
  • overeating;
  • penetration of toxins into the lumen of the abdominal cavity.


Cleaning the abdominal cavity of a patient at home is prohibited if he is unconscious or poisoned by petrochemical products - kerosene, gas, etc. Such substances can have a burning effect. In addition, contraindications to performing the procedure at home include:

  • spicy painful sensations in the abdominal cavity;
  • high blood pressure;
  • bleeding in the stomach;
  • heart attack, heart disease.

First aid

  1. Acid poisoning. Soda composition – effective remedy during intoxication. A two percent solution with soda will help save the victim. Soda powder should be quickly diluted in liquid and drink a glass of soda mixture.
  2. Alkali intoxication. You need to quickly clean the abdominal cavity with a solution of citric acid. The product must be diluted in warm boiled water. The patient must drink the composition.

Abdominal lavage at home

Sometimes in case of overeating you can use mineral water, the drug "Polysorb", activated carbon or an enema.

Techniques for gastric lavage at home

Contents of the article: classList.toggle()">toggle

Gastric lavage is medical procedure, which is carried out to cleanse the body of toxins and various toxic substances. Gastric lavage can be performed both at home and in a hospital.

This manipulation is included in the algorithm for providing first aid in case of poisoning and infectious diseases Gastrointestinal tract. How to rinse the stomach at home? To do this, you need to know all the nuances and methods of the procedure.

Home rinsing methods

There are 2 ways to cleanse your stomach at home: tubeless, also called “restaurant”, and tube-based.

The probeless method is the simplest and is recommended to be performed at home. It does not require medical knowledge. This method can be used to rinse the digestive organs in adults and older children. This procedure is a self-help method for mild poisoning, that is, a person can rinse his stomach independently without outside help.

Contraindications to the probeless method are::

  • Young children;
  • Unconscious state of the patient;
  • Cramps.

Algorithm for gastric lavage at home using the “restaurant” method:

  • Prepare a large volume of liquid at room temperature. It could be boiled water, saline, soda solution, water with added Activated carbon or potassium permanganate. Liquid volume is about 6 - 7 liters;
  • Give the victim fluid to drink. Moreover, you need to drink about 500 milliliters at a time. This will help fill the entire organ and flush all its folds;
  • Induce vomiting. To do this, you need to influence the root of the tongue. You can use a spatula, spoon or fingers. Press on the root of the tongue and thereby induce gagging;
  • After the person has emptied the stomach, the procedure should be repeated. It is necessary to rinse the organ until the rinsing water is clean.

The probe method is more complex and at the same time more effective.

To cleanse the digestive organs at home using a probe, a person requires certain medical knowledge and the availability of special equipment:

  • Gastric tube;
  • Funnel;
  • Container for collecting rinsing water.

Algorithm for gastric lavage using the tube method:

  • The patient is seated on a chair, his torso is covered with oilcloth to avoid contamination by vomit;
  • A gastric tube is inserted through the mouth until the contents of this hollow organ emerge from the tube;
  • A funnel must be attached to the rubber tube;
  • The washing liquid is poured into the funnel in a volume of 500 milliliters, and the funnel is raised. When all the liquid has been filled in, the funnel is slowly lowered and the contents of the stomach are poured out;
  • The procedure is continued until clean wash water appears.

Saline solution for poisoning

Saline solution is used for gastric lavage in case of food, alcohol and drug poisoning. It is also used to carry out therapeutic cleansing. Salt prevents the absorption of toxins into the blood. This tool removes toxic substances and bacteria from the body faster and at the same time prevents the development of severe dehydration

To prepare the saline solution you will need:

  • 5 liters of warm water;
  • 2 tablespoons table salt.

Another recipe for making saline solution:

  • 5 liters of warm water;
  • 1 teaspoon salt;
  • 1 tablespoon sugar;
  • 0.5 teaspoon of baking soda.

Related articles

Salt must be well dissolved in water. Otherwise, irritation or even damage to the mucous membrane of the esophagus and digestive organs from salt crystals may occur.

Contraindications to the use of saline solution are:

  • Peptic ulcer of the stomach and duodenum;
  • Ulcers and open damage esophagus.

How to rinse a child's stomach at home

The method of gastric lavage is selected depending on the age and condition of the child.

Probeless gastric lavage at home can be performed for a child from 6 years of age. For young children (from birth to 6 years), lavage using a gastric tube is indicated.

The technique for cleansing the gastrointestinal tract at home in children is the same as in adults. However, there are definitional nuances that must be taken into account.

Gastric lavage at home in children under one year old is a serious and responsible procedure that should only be performed by a person with medical education and relevant skills.

When cleansing, it is necessary to correctly calculate the volume of liquid, which depends on the age of the child.:

  • Infants under 1 year of age will need from 500 to 700 milliliters;
  • From 1 year to 1.5 years – no more than 800 milliliters;
  • 2 years and older - from 1 to 2 liters.

The solution that is used to lavage the child’s stomach is also of great importance. The type of solution depends on the age of the child:

How to do gastric lavage in a hospital

Upon arrival of a person with poisoning at the hospital, he mandatory cleanse the stomach.

Washing in a hospital is carried out using the probe method, this will require:

Algorithm and technique for gastric lavage in a hospital:

  • Explain to the patient the process and necessity of the procedure, obtain his consent;
  • Make the person sit or lie on their side;
  • Measure the length to which the probe must be inserted (from the earlobe to the xiphoid process);
  • Lubricate the sealed end of the probe Vaseline oil and insert it into the oral cavity. Advance the probe carefully. If the patient has the urge to vomit, then it is necessary to allow him to breathe through his nose;
  • Attach the funnel to the probe. Fill it with liquid and slowly lift it, after which the funnel also slowly lowers to the level of the organ. The rinsing water is poured into the basin. The procedure will be repeated until the wash water is clean.

It should be remembered that during lavage one should not allow all the water from the funnel to go into the stomach. In this case, air will get into it.

Recovery after rinsing

After cleansing the digestive organs at home, it is necessary to restore the body, and especially the gastrointestinal tract. The patient is prescribed bed rest and undergoes a set of recovery measures: