When bending the knee, a crunching sound occurs. Physiological crunch or not dangerous

Crunch in various parts musculoskeletal system- the first bell of the beginning or spine, which is not yet accompanied by other unpleasant sensations, but hints that the body is malfunctioning, and the process of tissue degeneration has already begun and is rapidly developing.

Crunching in the knees is no exception. This is a sign that you need to pay attention to and begin treatment depending on the diagnosis. Why do your knees crack, what are the causes of this phenomenon, what to do, what treatment needs to be taken, which doctor should you consult for advice - you will read about all this in this article.

Causes of crunching knees

Knee crunching can occur when different situations: when walking, squatting, running, turning. One thing experts in the treatment of such problems say for sure is that a crunch in the knee joint cannot simply occur without a reason, unless it is an episodic case. Why can there be a strong crunching sound in the knees, and why is this symptom dangerous for health?

If your knees crack, this is a sign of an incipient disease. knee joint or the presence of injury, which may include:

  • age-related changes bone structure;
  • in the knee joint;
  • lack of calcium in bones;
  • degenerative changes in soft tissues;

Treatment of crunching and pain in the knee joints is carried out by the following specialists:

  1. Therapist - most likely, he will be the first person you will have to contact to find out the cause of the clicking in the knee, for which you will need to take a necessary tests and get a referral to a highly specialized doctor who will take on.
  2. Neurologist to whom you will have to contact for elimination neurological problems, for example, when the nerve roots in the knee are pinched.
  3. An orthopedist if the cracking in the knee is the result of clubfoot, flat feet or dysplasia.
  4. Osteopath, if you need manual treatment (for example, to relieve the tone of the knee muscles).
  5. A traumatologist who will treat injuries (fractures, sprains).
  6. A chiropractor whose function will be recovery after treatment. It will help to complete your knee treatment.
  7. Surgeon, if conservative treatment is not possible. IN in this case you will have to get rid of the crunch in the knee joint by surgical intervention(stitching, ).

If you know exactly the factors that cause clicking in the knee, you have results in your hands necessary research and you can independently determine which doctor to see, then the help of a therapist is not needed.

Treatment of the knee joint

Treatment for the knee joint will depend on the diagnosis that caused the cracking sound in the knee. How to treat, in what doses, for what period to prescribe the medicine - this should only be determined by a doctor. Self-medication, and even more so without research results, not only threatens disability, but is also fraught with death.

How quickly you can get rid of unpleasant signs will depend on the degree of neglect of the disease and diagnosis.

If, apart from cracking in the joints, no other symptoms are observed, then treatment will not take much time, and its outcome will be favorable.

It is more difficult if the cracking in the joints appeared a long time ago (several years ago), there is additional symptoms: pain, heaviness, swelling and redness. In this case, treatment will take a long time. You may have to try more than one medicine to not only get rid of the crunching, but also to eliminate pain, stiffness in movement and deformation.

What to do if the cracking in the joint appeared a long time ago, and the pain has just begun to bother you? Necessary:

  • to ensure rest for the joint, you can apply a tight (but not compressive) bandage;
  • Do not allow hypothermia under any circumstances;
  • You can drink it or apply it to get rid of pain.

Depending on the diagnosis, they may be prescribed the following drugs and methods:

If conservative technique turned out to be powerless, then they are used for treatment surgical methods, involving the restoration of the knee through surgery. You can get rid of the crunch in the knee joint through surgery thanks to artificial ones, suturing the meniscus,.


If you notice the appearance of any sounds in your knee joint, then the first thing to do is to visit a doctor before additional symptoms appear. The specialist will prescribe treatment with minimal losses to the body. The sooner therapy is started, the more favorable the prognosis. It is possible to stop the destructive processes occurring in the knee joint, but it is not possible to restore tissue that has begun to deteriorate. Therefore, prompt consultation with a doctor is important for success in treatment. Ignoring symptoms is not best solution problems that can lead to disability and complete immobility.

Treatment of the knee will depend on the diagnosis, the degree of neglect of the disease, the age and individual characteristics of the patient’s body. After therapy, you will have to reconsider your lifestyle and give up bad habits, normalize your physical activity, get rid of excess weight.

Problems with joints, in particular with knees, can take a person by surprise even in at a young age. The reason for this is often degenerative joint disease with the gradual destruction of cartilage tissue. It would seem that this is an aging disease, but the process of degeneration often makes itself felt even before the first wrinkles appear. Why do my knees crack and how to deal with it? — we’ll try to give a detailed answer in this article.

Anatomy of the knee

To begin with, let's look at knee anatomy. The knee joint is the largest joint in the human body. Its structure is due to the connection of several large bones: tibial, fibular and femoral. All together they form a single joint. The outer part of the knee is “covered” by the patella (patella), which protects the bones from lateral displacement when walking.

Responsible for uniform load distribution during movement meniscus, consisting of cartilage tissue. The strong structure of the knee joint is formed by ligaments located in the joint capsule. This seemingly complex structure supports the entire body weight when we stand, walk or run. Therefore, in order to move freely and easily in old age, your knees need to be protected, as they say, from a young age.

Why do my knees crack?

Do you know the feeling of crunching in your knees or other joints? Most likely yes. Many of us love to crack our fingers. But what to do if an unpleasant crunch appears in the area kneecaps? Should I worry about this? Let's try to understand the main causes of crunching in knees.

First of all, clicks can indicate two things: either everything is fine with the knee joint, or something is already happening in it. dystrophic processes. Let's consider both of these options.

So, those cases when the clicking of your knees can don't pay much attention:

  • Physiological reasons. With active movement of the joint, formations are formed in the joint fluid. carbon dioxide bubbles. The bursting bubbles make a clicking sound. It is important to be able to distinguish clicks in the knees from a strong crunch, which may indicate the presence of pathology;
  • The knee ligaments touch the edge of the bone when moving. This is a kind of norm in adolescence;
  • Flexible joint. Clicking in the knees is also normal in this case. If you've worked out or stretched before, you're probably familiar with the clicking sounds you make when you move.

Concomitant symptoms against the background of crunching in the knees, in the presence of which you should be wary:

  • Crunching with unpleasant sensations;
  • Increased pain when moving the joint;
  • Redness and increased temperature of the skin in the joint area;
  • Swelling of the skin on the knee;
  • Limitation of mobility.

And a painful crunch often indicates insufficient ligaments. This problem in young people later leads to the appearance of a very serious disease - arthrosis of the knee joint.

The appearance of joint pain and the development of arthrosis of the knees

Below we present the main risk factors that significantly increase the risk development of arthrosis along with an unpleasant crunch.

Low amount of lubrication in the knee joint

Articular knee joint lubrication or synovial fluid is a kind of shock absorber between the two bones that form the knee. If this liquid becomes insufficient in a number of ways various reasons, friction occurs, gradually leading to bone destruction.

In order to prevent deformation of cartilage tissue It is recommended to drink enough water, since it forms the basis of synovial fluid. Correct drinking regime accelerates metabolic processes in the joint capsule, which again prevents the development of arthrosis and other degenerative processes.

In addition to water consumption, it plays a special role for joints. It is especially important to distribute it correctly throughout the entire musculoskeletal system.

Swimming is very useful in this regard, as it eliminates the vertical load on the knees and at the same time allows knee ligaments lubricate well.

It is worth noting that static exercises when muscles and joints are tense and motionless, they are highly not recommended. This causes severe overload of the knees and often only worsens the condition of arthrosis.

Poor nutrition and synovial fluid production

We are what we eat. This phrase is also great for joint health. The water we drink and the food we eat also goes towards production of synovial fluid and the formation of strong ligaments. If a person does not receive the required amount of food or water, cartilage cells simply cannot form. The situation is worsened by poor nutrition . Nutrients from harmful products They are more likely to destroy the joint rather than build it.

Frequent consumption of semi-finished products and processed meat in the form of sausages, frankfurters, sausages and smoked meats, oddly enough, increases the risk of arthrosis against the background of an unpleasant crunch in the knees.

The fact is that such products, when they enter the body, are deposited in the form of various organic salts. The “favorite” place for their deposition is the knees and other joints. All salts retain water, and since joint lubrication consists of it, the knee starts to swell due to the activity of these same salts.

Smoked meat is the most dangerous for bone health. In addition, products that have passed through the smokehouse cause cancer of the digestive organs. So it’s better to think about prevention in advance various diseases and completely eliminate the consumption of such foods.

How nutrition helps restore health
knee joints

Nutrition is the foundation knee joint health. Therefore it must be rich in minerals and also support daily norm proteins, fats and carbohydrates.

In order to eat wisely, you must adhere to the following food intake rules:

  • Fractional meals 4-6 times a day. This admission scheme nutrients helps to better “accelerate” metabolic processes throughout the body. The same applies to joints;
  • Supplement your diet natural vitamins . Complex "Apitonus P" contains a lot useful vitamins and microelements that will protect your joints from destruction;
  • Monitor your vitamin contentD in your food. If you do not meet the daily requirement of these useful components (and this is quite difficult to do when consuming regular food), you should additionally take calcium supplements. Natural products “Osteomed” and “Osteomed Forte” meet the body’s needs with 100 points. Both drugs work well against arthrosis and its initial manifestations – crunching and clicking in the knees;
  • Growth of cartilage tissue is very important for the formation of a strong joint, so we can recommend that a person eat jellied meat. For the growth of new chondrocytes – cartilage cells – new generation drugs are used – “Hondro-Vit” and “Dandelion P”.

Diseases of the gastrointestinal tract and
development of arthrosis of the knee joint

Arthrosis and the preceding crunch in the knees may well be a consequence diseases liver . So if she's not well, development of arthrosis of the knee joint won't keep you waiting long.

Let us turn to how cartilage tissue grows. In the knee, like in any other joint, there is a so-called periosteum– a kind of storage of stem cells. They will subsequently undergo transformation either into bone cells ( osteocytes), or into cartilage tissue ( chondrocytes). So, the command for such a transformation is carried out by liver. The growth of bone cells and joint tissues almost directly depends on its condition.

Now that you are convinced that gastrointestinal health and arthrosis are inextricably linked, you may be wondering how to protect your liver from harmful effects from outside? It's actually quite simple. You need to stick proper diet nutrition, eat small meals and drink enough water.

It is recommended to use as a preventive measure for liver diseases. natural complexes « GoldHealer » And "Calendula P" - natural hepatoprotectors, protecting the body from the harmful effects of toxins that enter the gastrointestinal tract along with food. Also an undeniable advantage of these dietary supplements is their choleretic and anti-inflammatory effects.

Permanent physical impact, created due to its own weight, increases stress on bones and joints. Opposite condyles of the femoral and tibia are getting closer to each other. In this state The meniscus wears out faster due to the resulting axial pressure.

Everyone knows that extra pounds hanging on the body lead to a whole bunch of diseases: starting from cardiovascular problems and ending with joint pain. However, not every obese person can “take the bull by the horns” and finally do at least something to lose weight.

Nobody said losing weight was easy. The main thing here is to start. In order to get rid of fat mass you need to follow one simple rule: you must consume fewer calories than you expend. It is compliance with this rule that is a fundamental factor for losing body weight.

Calorie counting

Counting calories consumed and burned is very important for a person losing weight. So we stock up on calculators and scrupulously count energy value products. In addition, using a special table you need to determine the level of energy you consume. To do this, you need to know your current body weight and compare it with the type of activity you use to lose weight. The data from the table is presented for 1 hour.

Let's say you weigh 80 kg and want to get rid of it by swimming. According to the table, you will burn 526 kcal per hour. When doing water aerobics, 606 kcal will be consumed in 1 hour. And we calculate this for any type of activity.

It is not for nothing that the above calculation was given specifically for water sports. Swimming and exercises in the pool completely eliminate axial load from the spine and knee joints. Thus, you can play sports without harm to your health.

Right balanced diet and well-chosen physical activity is only half the success. Without a plan and strict discipline, it is difficult to lose weight. There will probably be times when you want to give up everything and return to your usual lifestyle and unhealthy diet. However, this will not add any benefit to your health, and your joints will not be happy either.

Natural adaptogens

Don't lose heart. Even athletes have moments of fatigue from constant stress and poor recovery against the background of low-carbohydrate diets. But they learned to deal with it, and you can too. This was made possible thanks to natural adaptogens"Leveton P" And "Elton P", which have been used for years even Olympic champions.

"Leveton P" gives the body the strength to overcome heavy physical exertion and perform intense work. Elton P increases your stamina by several points. Influencing the body in conjunction, both dietary supplements are very good for weight loss, especially when the forces lost in the “battle” with overweight, running out.

No strength? Tired of stress? "Leveton P" and "Elton P" will give you the mindset to defeat unnecessary fat.

Nutrition plays a special role in reducing fat mass

A diet forces a person to restrict himself in calories for a fairly long period of time. Hunger is almost always a bad companion that is not so easy to get rid of.

Out of habit constant feeling hunger with dietary restrictions will lead to constant fatigue. This is understandable, because the body gradually switches to a new energy supply mode - part of the calories is consumed from its own fat. Some people losing weight increased appetite in the evening and does not allow you to fall asleep at all until there is something satisfying in your stomach.

How to overcome this unfortunate hunger without harming your figure? The answer is simple - natural supplements from the series « Kilo Light » .

You can get a beautiful, toned figure and healthy joints without starving yourself and going crazy physical activity. "Kilo-Light" comes to the rescue of those who want to be in great shape all year round, every day and every minute.

Kilo-Light supplements are taken in combination, depending on the time of day. "Kilo-Light" (morning) will help you wake up and give boost of energy even without breakfast. With “Kilo-Light” (day), you definitely won’t indulge in high-calorie snacks throughout the day. "Kilo-Light" (evening) contains tryptophan, which will help you fall asleep quickly, so now you don’t have to think about the contents of the refrigerator throughout the night. "Kilo-Light" is real appetite regulator, helping to keep your hunger at bay.

The influence of mental state on the formation of arthrosis

Stress factors, oddly enough, are also involved in arthrosis formation. Crunching in the knees may well be associated with activity cortisol– a stress hormone that has destructive impact on cartilage tissue.

Mood swings and frequent fears cause spasms. They have a negative effect on the meniscus, which, in turn, is gradually destroyed. This makes the joint more fragile. In this case, cortisol itself adds fuel to the fire, which seriously thickens the synovial fluid. Because of this, all knee mobility is impaired.

Managing stress is a difficult task, but it can still be done. Helps you get rid of negative stress natural remedy "Nervo-Vit" natural healer , which has the power of 4 soothing herbs. Nervo-Vit contains only the most necessary components. Nothing extra. The perfect combination motherwort, lemon balm, valerian And cyanosis blue has an excellent effect on nervous system person, gently calming the whole body. By taking the Nervo-Vit complex, you will save your nerve and joints from harmful influence stress hormones.

High heels are associated with dystrophic
processes in the knees

High-heeled shoes look beautiful and visually lengthen a woman's legs. However, in pursuit of beauty and fashion, a long wearing shoes hurts your joints. Moreover dystrophic processes in the knees can begin long before the appearance of external age-related changes. Due to high heels, the center of gravity of the body shifts, and the leg muscles are subjected to non-physiological stress. It’s worth saying here that if you still can’t part with high heels, at least for prevention you need to take "Dandelion P" , since in this drug medicinal plant is contained completely, that is, together with the roots, which implies a high content of substances that enhance blood circulation around the joint. And this is precisely what has a beneficial effect on his health.

To prevent arthrosis and unpleasant crunching in the knees, it is better to use shoes with a high platform infrequently. It is advisable to choose shoes with flat soles. It would also be a great option to purchase orthopedic insoles, which will more correctly regulate the height of the foot.

Prevention of arthrosis

  • When staying for a long time in one place while standing or sitting take breaks for warming up. The best thing to do in this case is to get up and walk around. If this cannot be done, shift while standing still. Alternately transfer the load from one leg to the other. In this simple way you will get rid of stagnation occurring in your knees;
  • Try not to jump. When landing on your feet, even from a low height, the load on the spine and knee joints increases 4 times. Jumping is especially contraindicated if a person already has discomfort when walking and that same alarming crunch occurs;
  • Exercise and healthy eating are in great ways combating crunch and arthrosis of the knee joint;
  • Gymnastics aimed at preventing arthrosis should be carried out in at a slow pace. All movements should be smooth, without unnecessary overload.
  • Take natural products periodically medicines for the prevention of arthrosis: "Osteomed", "Dandelion P", "Osteovitis".

If you experience an unpleasant crunch in your knees, it is recommended to visit an orthopedic doctor who will prescribe you diagnostic measures. These may include: radiography of the knee joint, general and biochemical blood tests, ultrasound, MRI and computed tomography . When pathologies in the knee joint are detected, the doctor usually refers you for additional diagnostics. Treatment of knee joint diseases involves therapeutic exercises, massages, corrective diet and taking natural supplements. In this case, in terms of price and quality, natural « Hondro Vit » And "Dandelion P" , affecting the growth of new cartilage cells.

Crunching in the knees may indicate incipient arthrosis

Arthrosis is a serious disease that is often diagnosed in young boys and girls. This is usually due to increased loads, fast pace of life, unhealthy diet and overweight.

It is difficult to suspect arthrosis right away, especially at a young age. In this regard, doctors cannot diagnose accurate diagnosis. One of the signs by which one can complain about the presence of diseases of the knee joint is the appearance of an unpleasant and even painful crunch in the knees. If you notice such a sign, run to see a doctor. The diagnostic measures taken will help in time prevent the appearance beginning arthrosis at a young age.

There is probably no person in the world who has not at least once in his life encountered such a phenomenon as a crunch in the knee area. While squatting, walking quickly, or simply bending a limb. Some people don’t pay any attention to this, while others immediately panic. Both reactions are inadequate. Before you get seriously concerned, you need to understand, Well, to understand this, you need to at least pay attention to this symptom. However, it may not mean anything at all.

Physiological crunch and the circumstances of its occurrence

Experts distinguish two types of crunching in the knee joints - physiological and pathological.

If your knees crunch when doing squats or other types of loads and this happens quite rarely, then most likely we are talking about the physiological nature of the phenomenon. This crunch is not accompanied by pain, the knee joint looks as usual - no swelling is observed. The person does not experience any other discomfort other than purely psychological.

For own peace of mind You can, of course, get examined, but if your knee cracks once a year, you shouldn’t worry.

Pathological crunch

It shows itself completely differently pathological crunch joint It occurs not during active, but during passive movement. When the knee crunches when bending, which is done by the limb not independently, but with outside help: for example, a person bends his leg with his hands or a doctor does this during an examination. The symptom may also occur when the leg is extended or the toes are bent to the maximum.

Often the crunch in such cases is accompanied by unpleasant clicks or even a creaking sound. The knee joint may become painful, swollen, and lose mobility. Sometimes the skin around it turns red and the overall body temperature rises. The phenomenon is regular and requires mandatory medical intervention.

There are many reasons for pathological and physiological crunching. The most common ones will be discussed below.

Safe causes of crunching

The most common answer to the question of why a knee cracks may seem unexpected to many. And it sounds like this: “The bubbles just burst!”

The thing is that the knee joint is washed by a certain fluid (synovial). It has a certain composition (molecular, aqueous and gas). The movement of the joint naturally changes the state of this fluid, namely its temperature and pressure. The dissolved gases begin to bubble and burst. This usually happens unnoticed by the owner of the knee joint. But sometimes (with sudden movements, for example) it can appear as clicks.

It is completely safe and does not indicate any disease. But it’s important to remember: the key word here is “sometimes.” If the crunching bothers you often, it is better to be safe.

Another safe cause of crunching knees is a ligament or tendon touching a bone. This happens in cases where the bone protrudes a little, which can be a congenital phenomenon, or it can be age-related. Often observed in children and adolescents, whose bodies grow and develop rapidly, but unevenly.

Crunching in the joints is also accompanied by the aging process, when the composition of tissues changes. This is considered the norm.

Some people have a birth defect in which the knee joint is equipped with weak ligaments. This provides a person with a great stretch and gives him the chance to become an outstanding acrobat or gymnast. But it periodically provokes a crunch.

Inflammatory processes

If your knee crunches when bending (especially passively), this may be a symptom of such serious diseases inflammatory in nature, such as arthritis, arthrosis, bursitis, tendonitis, deforming osteoarthritis and others. They can almost completely immobilize a person and make them permanently disabled.

Those whose knees are swollen, often crunch, and are in severe pain should be especially wary. You can’t wait a day to go to the doctor.

Sedentary lifestyle

This reason in itself is not scary. But its consequences can be quite serious.

People who lead a sedentary lifestyle, whose work, for example, involves sitting at a computer, may often notice that their knee creaks when walking.

You could say that nature is sending a warning signal: the body is becoming decrepit, muscles and ligaments are atrophying, urgent physical rehabilitation, otherwise there is a risk of turning into a real ruin. And then serious illnesses will begin to fall.

Strong physical activity

Another explanation for why the knee cracks. The situation is well known to athletes who have overdone exercise and people who carry heavy loads. It may pass without consequences, or it may cause, for example, arthrosis.

Injuries and damage

Knee crunching is often experienced by people who have suffered joint injuries in the past. The latter weaken and crackle at the slightest tension.

The meniscus of the knee joint is most susceptible to injury. - it is damaged or torn due to a sudden load that coincides with the process of its rotation and extension. This often happens to athletes. A meniscus injury is accompanied by joint pain, swelling, increased body temperature, and characteristic clicking sounds.

Damaged joints need to be taken care of, because they are in a weakened state and run the risk of being injured again.

Diagnosis of knee joint diseases

To find out exactly why your knee is crunching, you should visit a doctor. This can be either an arthrologist or an orthopedist.

The doctor will prescribe necessary examinations, after which the patient will receive an answer to his question.

As a rule, diagnosis begins with the most simple methods. The doctor conducts a conversation about the presence or absence of previous knee injuries, examines the joint, and studies the nature of the clicks. Next, routine blood tests are prescribed, as well as ultrasound examination, computed tomography or MRI.

These available funds, as a rule, provide comprehensive information. And only in extreme cases when there are grounds for serious suspicion, the doctor may send his patient to biochemical analysis blood or test to detect rheumatoid factor. They are done to exclude arthritis, see general condition internal organs and accurately determine the cause of the crunching in the knees.

Due to pathologies, my knees crack. How to treat?

Treatment for a crunch in the knee depends entirely on what causes this phenomenon. If a person has led an almost immobile lifestyle for many years and suddenly decides to go in for sports and notices that his knees are crunching when squatting, his main task is not to stop there. Moderate physical activity and regular exercise will eliminate the problem: the joints will become stronger, and this symptom will go away. Therefore, if your knees crunch when squatting, then there is no need to give up the sport at all.

Athletes who have overloaded their knees will benefit from rest. People suffering from obesity or some diseases that indirectly provoke problems with the knee joints should deal with the root cause of their troubles: go on a diet, eliminate ailments...

If we are talking about such serious diseases as arthritis, arthrosis, etc., then the course of treatment is expected to be complex and lengthy. It includes taking antihistamines, hormonal, anti-inflammatory drugs, magnetic therapy, physiotherapy, as well as the external use of ointments with warming components. In some particularly difficult cases, it may be necessary to install an endoprosthesis.

Injuries, in particular a damaged meniscus of the knee joint, quite often require surgical intervention. And only if the gap is insignificant, you can get by conservative methods: medications that relieve swelling and pain, anti-inflammatory drugs, cooling bandages and bandages that fix the joint, as well as therapeutic exercises.

Traditional medicine also knows a lot of ways to deal with problems of the knee joints. For example, she suggests relieving swelling and pain using mint, eucalyptus and fir baths. Another remedy is made from the leaves of white cabbage, plantain and chestnut. They need to be taken in equal quantities and turned into a homogeneous paste, which is applied to the sore knee in the form of a compress for four to six hours. They say it helps a lot.

There are many recipes, but any of them must be agreed with your doctor.

Prevention of cracking knees

As you know, any problem is easier to prevent than to solve. This also applies to diseases of the knee joints, accompanied by crunching. Treatment can be expensive, exhausting and, by the way, not harmless (after all, we treat one thing and cripple another). But prevention won’t take up a lot of resources, and it certainly won’t cause harm.

  • Women are not recommended to wear high heels for more than six hours a day.
  • People whose professional activity associated with constant sitting in a chair, it is recommended to get up from it more often and walk around the office, and in your free time from work, go to the pool, ride a bike or just run around the house.
  • If, on the contrary, the work involves heavy loads on the knee joints, you need to allow them to rest whenever possible.
  • If there is a risk of joint injury, knee pads should be worn.
  • Exercises such as “scissors” and “bicycle” are good for knee joints. They develop them and make them more durable.
  • Hypothermia of the joints should not be allowed - this can trigger inflammatory processes.
  • Any viral infections It is necessary to urgently treat them - they can provoke arthritis, arthrosis and other insidious ailments.
  • Hormonal and endocrine diseases They can also “hit” the knees. They need to be eliminated in the bud.
  • Magnetic therapy, heating, electrophoresis, etc. not only treat joint diseases, but also reduce the risk of their occurrence.
  • Joints also love to eat well. It will help their health balanced diet with sufficient amounts of proteins, fats and carbohydrates. Calcium is especially important for joints.

Knees are essential element human body, which performs many functions and carries a huge load. Therefore, taking care of them is the duty of everyone who wants to live full life. Healthy joints They don’t hurt, they move well, they don’t swell, and they don’t crunch “viciously.” And if sometimes they crunch, it’s for preventive purposes. So that they are not forgotten...

With the modern, dynamic rhythm of life, people are often inattentive to their own health and do not notice important symptoms that indicate problems in the body. One of these symptoms is pain and crunching in the knees.

Treatment, if timely, helps prevent the development of serious illnesses which this unpleasant phenomenon can cause.

With the modern, dynamic rhythm of life, people are often inattentive to their own health and do not notice important symptoms. One of them is pain and crunching in the knees.

Causes of pain and crunching in the knees

The causes of knee problems often lie on the surface. So, let's look at the most common of them.


Excess weight is a serious test for joints and blood vessels. The knee joint is designed to bear a certain load, and every couple of kilograms overweight increases the load on it by 10 kg.

Pay attention! Excessive weight, in its own way negative influence on the knee joints, comparable to acquired serious injuries.

Excess weight is a serious test for joints and blood vessels.

Uncomfortable shoes

When wearing incorrectly selected shoes, the load on the knee occurs unevenly, this may be the reason discomfort in the joints.

Features of the diet

Lack of some minerals, vitamins, as well as insufficient intake drinking water may cause pain and crunching in the knees.

The treatment is simple - you need to take a vitamin-mineral complex prescribed by your doctor and eat well. And also do not overuse salty, spicy or sweet foods.

The treatment is simple - you need to take a vitamin-mineral complex prescribed by your doctor and eat well.

Carrying heavy things

Heaviness, like excess weight, creates a serious load on the movable joints of the bones and has a destructive effect on them. This point is especially important for women, since their joints are not suitable for heavy work.


The most serious cause of pain and crunching in the knees is various diseases. With their treatment, as a rule, the discomfort in the knee area also goes away.

Such ailments include:

  • violations in endocrine system, namely, diabetes and thyroidism;
  • diseases in which salts are deposited in the joints (gout, kidney failure);
  • arthrosis is a disease of the joints in which they atrophy cartilage tissue. This common disease causes restriction in joint movement and pronounced pain;
  • other joint diseases. These include: bursitis, meniscopathy, arthritis.
  • infections (chlamydia, salmonellosis, pneumonia, bronchitis).

Other causes of pain and crunching in the knee joint include injuries or any physical damage to the knee. So, malunion bones after a fracture, or cracks can cause serious pain even at rest.

Common reasons This problem is also caused by age-related or congenital changes in joints and a sedentary lifestyle.

Important to know! Arthrosis in 15% of cases begins with symptoms such as pain and crunching in the knees. Treatment for this disease is long and requires strict diets.

Why does crunching occur (what can crunch)

A crunch in the knee is not always a pathology. In the absence of pain, the crunch, in most cases, does not pose a danger.

In order to understand why your knees crack, a review of the joint structure is necessary. It is a hinge connecting bones, which consists of a head, ligaments and a socket. All its parts are lubricated by synovial fluid, which contains air, namely carbon dioxide.

In order to understand why knees creak, it is necessary to review the structure of the joint.

When the knee bends or extends, the pressure in the joint changes, causing air bubbles to burst, creating a characteristic crunching sound. After some time, the synovial fluid again accumulates carbon dioxide.

Fast or forceful movements often cause crunching and pain in the knees. This occurs when the ligament of the joint touches the bone.

So the clicking sound is not necessarily a symptom dangerous disease, in some cases, this is a normal process associated with physiology.

Fast or forceful movements often cause crunching and pain in the knees. This occurs when the ligament of the joint touches the bone.

Treatment methods

Treatment methods for pain and crunching in the knee should be prescribed by a doctor. The doctor will conduct the necessary examinations and identify the cause, based on which he will prescribe effective medications.

There are two methods of treatment: drugs from the pharmacy and folk remedies.

Drugs from the pharmacy

Medical drugs help reduce pain syndrome and relieve swelling. To alleviate pain, analgesics are used in the form of tablets or injections.

"Ibuprofen." Its advantages are that it has a good analgesic effect and is low cost.

Basic medications for the treatment of knee joint diseases:

Attention! Any medicine has contraindications and side effects. Before use, you should read the instructions and consult your doctor.

Pain and crunching in the knees can be treated with local anesthetics in the form of ointments, gels and creams.

The most common of them:

All ointments are used externally, rubbing with light movements into the area of ​​the sore joint until completely absorbed.

They have their advantages: they act locally, increase nutrition of the joint due to a rush of blood, and do not affect the digestive organs.

In addition to these methods of treating sore knees, the doctor can prescribe special gymnastics , which takes place under the supervision of instructors with medical education and wearing a bandage.

In addition to these methods of treating sore knees, the doctor may prescribe special exercises.

Traditional methods of pain relief

If there is no severe pain, then the pain and crunching in the knees can be relieved with the help of treatment with traditional medicine.

Infusions of various herbs

Ledum, juniper and hops are infused in alcohol for one week. The resulting product is rubbed into the affected area twice a day.

Herbs have an anti-inflammatory effect and relieve swelling knee joint.

Herbs have an anti-inflammatory effect and relieve swelling of the knee joint.

Orange juice compress

To prepare a compress, use the juice of one fruit and mix it with 100 ml vegetable oil. Gauze soaked in the solution is placed on the knee and wrapped in plastic wrap. The compress is wrapped and left for two hours.

This The method is used for 10 days, he shoots well painful sensations.

Orange is not only healthy fruit, high in vitamins, but also an excellent folk remedy for treating joints.

Chalk compress

This method is used to relieve pain in the knee joint, as well as to enrich the body with calcium.

It’s easy to prepare: just mix finely ground chalk and yogurt. The consistency of the compress should resemble toothpaste.

The product is applied to the knee, cover with a protective film, insulate and leave for 12 hours.

A chalk compress is used to relieve pain in the knee joint, as well as to enrich the body with calcium.

Honey rub

To prepare the product you will need honey, glycerin and alcohol solution Yoda. All components are mixed in equal quantities. The resulting mass is used as an anesthetic cream, rubbed into the knee twice a day.

Thanks to alcohol and iodine, honey penetrates the skin better and heals the sore joint.

Infusion of common parsley

This remedy is effective if the cause of crunching in the knees is liver disease.

Finely chopped parsley leaves are placed in a thermos and poured with milk brought to a boil.

Finely chopped parsley leaves are placed in a thermos and poured with milk brought to a boil. The medicine is infused for 12 hours, after which it is divided into three equal doses. The product is taken orally in the morning, afternoon and evening.

The next day, a new infusion is brewed. The duration of treatment is 7 days.

Pay attention! For such unpleasant symptoms like pain and crunching in knees, treatment folk remedies will give results only with long-term use.

When self-medication is dangerous

Symptoms such as severe and frequent pain and crunching, limited joint mobility, soft tissue swelling of any intensity should be a reason to urgently consult a doctor.

In some cases, self-medication of pain and crunching in the knees can lead to dangerous complications: development serious illnesses and even disability.

Prevention of pain and crunching

In order to avoid discomfort in the knee and prevent the development of serious diseases, it is enough to follow simple rules.

Movement is necessary to improve the nutrition of the cartilage tissue of the joints. Yoga, swimming, race walking.

TO preventive rules include:

Poor lifestyle, diseases, birth defects joints can cause pain and crunching in the knees.

Treatment should be selected individually, after consultation with a doctor, in this case, you will get rid of the trouble quickly and for a long time.

This video will introduce you to how to rehabilitate your knees and treat pain.

From this video you will learn the main causes of pain in the knee joints.

In this video for you useful information how to fix it in 10 minutes knee pain without the use of medications.

They occur not only in old age, but also at a young age. One of alarms is a crunch in the joints. If your knees crunch, what should you do in this case?

This condition does not cause any particular inconvenience at first, but it cannot be ignored, since a crunch may indicate the onset of serious diseases leading to disability. Crunching in the knees is often accompanied by swelling and pain.

To understand why your joints are cracking, you need to see a doctor. Doctors name the following reasons for this phenomenon:

  • excessive stress on the knees, such as when playing certain sports or lifting heavy objects;
  • low physical activity and sedentary work;
  • constant wearing of high-heeled shoes;
  • excess body weight;
  • eating large quantity sweet, spicy, salty dishes;
  • lack of vitamins;
  • salt deposits;
  • joint injury;
  • the beginning of the development of arthrosis;
  • congenital increased mobility.

You find that your knees are creaking. What to do first? First you need to change your lifestyle.

Review your diet - exclude sweet, spicy, salty foods. Eat more fruits, vegetables, foods rich in calcium, cook dishes with cartilage, drink non-carbonated mineral water, take vitamins.

Do not lift or carry heavy objects, avoid sports where you need to jump a lot - volleyball, basketball. Give your joints a rest after heavy exercise.

If your lifestyle is sedentary, and as a result your knees are cracking, what should you do? Sitting less in front of the TV screen and at the computer, sign up for a swimming pool or take daily walks. Physical education with moderate load has a great effect on the condition of the joints. The exercises “scissors”, “bicycle”, and gymnastics in water are especially useful. Motor activity strengthens the leg muscles, improves blood circulation, elasticity and mobility of the knee joint.

At sedentary work try to get up and move more often, preferably walking to work. Wear comfortable shoes with heels no higher than 4 cm. And, of course, reduce weight, which is a destructive load on the knees.

Joints are afraid of the cold, so you need to keep them warm. If a crunch appears in the knee, you need to make compresses from vegetable oil and orange juice before going to bed, and wrap it well at night sore spot. The sauna will help relieve fatigue and tension in the joints. After prolonged stress on your legs, it is good to take a warm bath and rub your knees with cream or ointment with bee venom.

The sooner you start taking measures when a crunch occurs in the knee, the longer it will take for arthrosis to develop. This disease often has hereditary predisposition, A Not healthy image life, hypothermia, poor nutrition, excessive loads, injuries and other unfavorable factors only accelerate its onset. If it is arthrosis that causes your knees to crack. What to do then? Arthrosis is incurable disease, but on initial stages it can be paused.

In this case, you need to start treatment for crunching in the joints from a rheumatologist. The doctor will conduct an examination using x-rays or tomography and determine the severity of the disease. Arthrosis requires integrated approach. Usually, medications are prescribed to relieve pain and inflammation, electrophoresis is prescribed, it is recommended to eat right, maintain a healthy lifestyle, avoid calcium deficiency, and maintain a normal weight. Used for the treatment of arthrosis modern drugs, restoring cartilage and restoring elasticity to joints.

In advanced stages of the disease, surgical intervention is often necessary. The operation consists of replacing damaged joint to artificial.