Causes of blood discharge from the urethra in women.

Blood from the urethra in women and men is important symptom, which is often associated with serious medical problems. Whether the blood is microscopic or visible to the eye, proper medical evaluation is necessary.

Blood in urine is known from medical point vision as “hematuria”. Sometimes other descriptions are used, such as traces of blood in the urine, or visible blood in the urine. When blood in urine is microscopic, the severity is measured as red blood cells on a high power field under a microscope. Typically, more than 3-5 red blood cells per field of view is considered abnormal. With more than 20-50 red blood cells, there is often a significant urological or medical problem.


Laboratory tests to evaluate hematuria should be based on clinical history and physical examination. Urinalysis is extremely important for patients with dark or abnormally colored urine because several substances can discolor the urine and cause hematuria.

Urinalysis test strips are currently one of the most useful and sensitive tools for detecting hematuria. This test can detect trace amounts of hemoglobin (rather than the presence of red blood cells) and myoglobin.

Urinalysis is extremely important for patients with dark or abnormally colored urine

Since some substances in the urine can give a false impression of the color of the urine and the presence of blood in it (some dyes or drugs, beets, oxalates), confirmation of the presence of blood requires microscopic examination urine for the presence of red blood cells and.

The absence of red blood cells and leukocytes in the blood, despite positive test on the dipstick, indicates hemoglobinuria or myoglobinuria.

Other cellular elements in the urine sediment (eg, white blood cells) indicate infection urinary tract. In the latter case, a urine culture must be performed to identify the causative organism. Crystals, bacteria, protozoa and other elements may also be observed.

Other tests

Phase contrast microscopy: thorough research urine for the presence of a significant number of dysmorphic red blood cells suggests the presence of a renal (glomerular) source of hematuria. A urine sample that predominantly contains eumorphic red blood cells suggests an extrarenal (nonglomerular) source.

Urea nitrogen/serum creatinine: elevated levels nitrogen and creatinine levels indicate significant kidney disease.

Hematologic and coagulation studies: White blood cell counts and, occasionally, platelet counts may be performed in selected patients with a clear history of bleeding.

For culture sensitivity when receiving infection urinary tract it is necessary to obtain a urine sample of medium or clear urine

Urinary calcium: Measurement of urinary calcium excretion may be useful in identifying hypercalciuria as the cause of hematuria. Calcium excretion of more than 4 mg/kg per day or a urinary calcium to creatine ratio of more than 0.21 are considered abnormal.

Serologic tests: Measurement of serum complement levels is important if a glomerular cause of hematuria is suspected. Low levels serum complement levels are observed in post-infectious glomerulonephritis, systemic lupus erythematosus, bacterial endocarditis and membranoproliferative glomerulonephritis. A high level of antireptoptosin indicates a recent streptococcal infection.

Urine culture: For culture sensitivity when getting a urinary tract infection, a urine sample of medium or clear urine must be obtained.

Visible blood from the urethra usually indicates a significant medical and urological problem. Most adults with microscopic or invisible blood in their urine also have an underlying problem that requires diagnosis and treatment. While often the problem is not too serious, such as a UTI, other times it can be more serious, such as kidney stones or cancer bladder.

Microscopic hematuria

Finding microscopic red blood cells in urine is quite common in women. It is usually discovered incidentally during a routine urine test. If diagnosis is made by urine dipstick test, the test must be confirmed by microscopic examination to ensure that red blood cells are present.

Hematuria may be of glomerular or non-glomerular origin. Urine brown and dysmorphic (small deformed, sometimes fragmented) red blood cells and proteinuria indicate glomerular hematuria. Reddish or pink urine, passing blood clots and red blood cells normal sizes indicate non-glomerular bleeding.

Brown urine and dysmorphic (small deformed, sometimes fragmented) red blood cells and proteinuria indicate glomerular hematuria

Potential causes of microscopic hematuria include the following:

  • thin basement membrane disease;
  • Alport syndrome;
  • IgA nephropathy;
  • hemolytic-uremic syndrome;
  • post-infectious glomerulonephritis;
  • membranoproliferative glomerulonephritis.

Visible blood from the urethra

If blood in the urine is visible to the eye as pink or red urine, no further tests are needed to confirm the presence of blood in the urine. Visible blood in the urine is usually a self-diagnosed diagnosis.

Even if bleeding from the urethra in men and women stops on its own, a thorough evaluation by a urologist is recommended.

If there are any changes in the color of urine, you should immediately consult a urologist

The causes of such hematuria vary depending on age and underlying risk factors and may include the following:

  • mechanical trauma (masturbation);
  • menstruation;
  • foreign bodies;
  • urinary tract infection;
  • hypercalciuria;
  • coagulopathy;
  • tumors;
  • medications, toxins (non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, anticoagulants, cyclophosphamide, ritonavir, indinavir);
  • anatomical abnormalities (hydronephrosis, polycystic kidney disease, vascular malformations).
  • Blood in urine in women

    Common causes of hematuria or bloody urine in women include:

    1. Cystitis, urinary tract infection (UTI), kidney infection and pyelonephritis.
    2. Kidney stones and ureteral stones can usually cause microscopic hematuria, but sometimes more blood is leaked into the urine.
    3. Bladder lesions, polyps, masses, including bladder cancer and bladder carcinoma.
    4. Hematuria may be the first sign internal medicine kidney (glomerular disease).
    5. Kidney cysts, including polycystic kidney disease.
    6. Renal masses and kidney cancer.
    7. Bladder stones.
    8. Ureteral cancer.
    9. Transit cell carcinoma of the upper tract and lower tract.
    10. Urethral tumors are masses of polyps and diverticula.
    11. Urethral cancer.
    12. Radiation cystitis may occur in women with a history of pelvic radiation for cervical or uterine cancer.
    13. Chemotherapy hemorrhagic cystitis (cyclophosphamide).
    14. Bowel cancer invading the bladder.
    15. Metastatic cancer to the bladder from other places.
    16. Locally invasive cancer bladder and urethra from the ovaries of the uterus and cervix.

    Blood from the urethra in men

    Common causes of hematuria in men include:

    1. Stones in the kidneys, bladder and ureter.
    2. Prostatic infection (prostatitis)
    3. Prostate enlargement.
    4. Bladder cancer.
    5. Prostate cancer.
    6. Acute tubular necrosis and nephropathy.
    7. Kidney and bladder infections (cystitis).
    8. Injury to the kidneys or bladder or urethra.
    9. Kidney tumors and cysts.
    10. Idiopathic cystitis.
    11. Hemospermia.
    12. Polycystic kidney disease.
    13. Tumors and masses of bladder polyps.
    14. Urethral cancer.
    15. Colon cancer.
    16. Metastatic cancer to the bladder.

    Treatment of urethral blood is aimed at the underlying cause responsible for producing visible or microscopic hematuria.

    Discharge of blood from the urethra in a woman is always a pathology, with the exception of timely menstruation. This manifestation is especially dangerous, since the pelvic organs are closely related to the function of childbirth. Blood from the urethra in women indicates problems genitourinary system. Therefore, it is important to promptly establish the cause of such an unpleasant symptom and seek help from a specialist.

    Some physiological features

    Urine formation occurs in the kidneys. Next, it enters the ureters and accumulates in the bladder. During urination, the sphincter relaxes and urine moves down the urethra. The intensity of bladder emptying is controlled by the abdominal muscles. By contracting, they increase pressure on the organ. In women, unlike men, the urethra is wide and short, therefore infectious diseases easily and quickly penetrate into: the urethra; ureters; kidneys

    One of the most common symptoms of most diseases of the genitourinary system is the discharge of blood from the urethra in women. Pathology can be determined by the color of urine. Interspersed with blood, it takes on a pinkish or orange-red hue.

    Blood from the urethra in women after urination

    It is better to prevent any disease initial stage. Therefore, if you find blood from the urethra in women after urinating, immediately make an appointment with a good gynecologist or urologist. He will prescribe appropriate treatment. Also important role play in the fight against illness preventive measures. Compliance with them will reduce the risk of complications and relapse. For prevention, it is worth keeping the pelvic organs warm, not overcooling, consuming less fatty and spicy food. In addition, it is imperative to maintain and strengthen the immune system and maintain genital hygiene.


    Normally, blood should not be present in the urine. If you observe characteristic inclusions and color, then this is direct evidence that changes are occurring in the body. Often, bleeding from the urethra in a woman is accompanied by concomitant symptoms. Characteristic following symptoms: itching during urination; nagging pain in the lower abdomen; purulent discharge from the urethra; sensation of a “glued” urethra.

    Such manifestations may be present all or occur individually to varying degrees. In any case, if characteristic symptoms are detected, you should seek help from a specialist.

    Causes of blood appearing when urinating

    The discharge of blood from the cavity of the urethra in men from the cavity of the penis can develop for a variety of reasons, but most often this symptom manifests itself with urethritis. Urethritis is a pathological condition characterized by the development inflammatory process in the cavity of the urethral canal. Most often this pathology develops in men over thirty years of age.

    With urethritis, the main and one of the first symptomatic signs is hemorrhage from the cavity of the urethra. The risk group also includes males who lead a promiscuous lifestyle and often engage in dubious sexual contacts.

    Etiological factors that may be key in the appearance of this symptom

    Blood from the urethra in men can appear either uncontrollably or during urination.

    The appearance of blood from the urethra may be associated with diseases such as:

    Groin pain
    1. Traumatic injuries to mucous membranes or muscular membranes organs of the urinary system such as the kidneys, ureters or bladder. An injury such as a fracture of the penis can also cause bleeding due to trauma to the final part of the urethral canal. When exposed to trauma from outside the body, rupture of both micro circular arteries and large diameter vessels occurs, which provokes massive hemorrhage.
    2. Inflammatory and other infectious processes in the pelvic cavity and urethra lead to irritation of the mucous membranes with subsequent development ulcerative formations. Under the influence inflammatory factors general microcirculation is disrupted with ruptures of small vessels. Inflammation of the urethra is most often provoked by bacteria such as gonococci and chlamydia, transmitted through sexual contact with infected person or a carrier of bacteria.
    3. At urolithiasis Blood may also be released from the urethra; this phenomenon is considered quite rare. Since stones consist of salt components, they can form for a long time in the kidneys, ureters and bladder. Under the influence intra-abdominal pressure During the act of urination, the stones mix and injure the mucous membrane and small vessels of the local bloodstream.
    4. Bloody discharge from the urethral cavity is a pathogenetic symptom of malignant processes in the glandular tissue of the prostate gland. Due to the invasive nature of prostate carcinoma, tumor tissue grows into the walls of the urethra, thereby injuring the membranes.
    5. Blood from the urethral canal can also appear as a result of excessive physical strain. This condition occurs in guys who work in industries with difficult working conditions or engage in strength sports.

    A condition such as the appearance of blood from the genital organ can predict serious diseases such as urethritis, prostatitis, oncological pathologies, injuries and others. In order to detect pathologies in a timely manner, you should immediately seek qualified medical help.

    How is differential diagnosis carried out?

    Differential diagnosis for hemorrhage from the urethra is carried out with the aim of excluding or confirming oncological pathology, and for comparison, diseases that may lead to the occurrence of this symptom.

    Correct diagnosis will allow the patient to be diagnosed in a timely manner and begin pathogenetic therapy. First of all, each patient undergoes general laboratory tests of peripheral blood and urine; this is necessary for a general assessment of the condition of the body and the functioning of the organs of the urethra.

    Tests show the degree of anemia developed during bleeding, and whether there are any inflammatory processes in the body of a sick man. Blood, protein casts and other impurities that should not be contained normally appear in the urine. An important point in carrying out diagnostic measures is to collect an anamnesis of life and disease, it is necessary to find out from men the reasons with which he associates the onset of his disease, which can help in making a diagnosis.

    The following methods can be used as instrumental diagnostic methods:

    Diagnostic measures
    • Ultrasound diagnostics of the organs of the retroperitoneal space and the pelvic cavity will allow you to assess the condition of the organs of the urinary system, identify stones or signs of bleeding and peritonitis.
    • Computed and magnetic resonance imaging allows you to obtain high-precision images with layer-by-layer sections of the area human body down to the millimeter. This type instrumental method research is carried out with the aim differential diagnosis oncological diseases and determining the prevalence of metastasis of the malignant process.
    • Endocrine urography is a diagnostic method used for visual examination of the mucous membrane of the urethra and allows you to determine the focus of hemorrhage, erosion, ulcers and traumatic injuries vascular wall.

    How are therapeutic measures carried out?

    Treatment of such a symptom as the appearance bleeding from the urethra and the presence of blood and pain syndrome when urinating completely depends on what served etiological factor and what disease is this condition a symptom of?

    As conservative therapy The following groups of drugs can be used:

    Therapeutic measures
    1. Antibacterial medicinal substances are used if the cause of the pathology is bacterial pathogens. The type of antibiotic is selected taking into account the type bacterial pathogen and its pathogenetic properties. The most common are third-generation cephalosporins and second-generation macrolites. In combination with antibacterial drugs probiotics are prescribed for recovery normal microflora intestines.
    2. If the cause of the disease is urolithiasis, patients are prescribed drugs from the group of antispasmodic and diuretic drugs.
    3. In order to eliminate the manifestations of pain, patients are recommended to take non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs.
    4. Correction of functioning immune system is carried out with the help of immunostimulants, and vitamin therapy will restore vitality after drug therapy.

    Conservative treatment includes not only drug correction, but also implies:

    • compliance with the rules of a regular diet;
    • giving up bad habits;
    • limiting physical activity;
    • full or partial bed rest;
    • attending physiotherapeutic procedures and prostate massage;
    • use of special therapeutic exercises.

    Surgical treatment methods are used only if bleeding is caused by damage to the urethra that cannot be corrected during trauma to the mucous membrane. Benign or malignant oncological process also require only surgical intervention.

    Tactics surgical intervention is divided into two main varieties: Radical surgery, performed through external abdominal access with removal of the pathological focus, revision and sanitation of body cavities.

    An endoscopic operation, which is performed using special equipment, is carried out through the urethral canal without incisions in the soft tissue.

    Timely treatment will prevent the development of specific complications and guarantee a positive prognosis for a full recovery.

    Blood when urinating in women, accompanied by pain - a condition that is medically called hematuria. The causes of the pathology are varied, but almost always we are talking about disorders in the genitourinary system and kidneys. All of them require seeing a doctor. Comprehensive examination and timely treatment will help stop pathological process and prevent the development of complications.

    The true cause of burning sensation and blood in women when urinating can only be determined by test results. There are more than one hundred and fifty diseases that are characterized by similar symptoms.

    Similar symptoms are typical for a number of diseases.

    They should not be ignored, as they may be a serious pathology requiring urgent medical intervention.


    In women, this is one of the main reasons for frequent and painful urination, accompanied by blood. Additionally, there is a burning sensation and pain in the abdomen. Such signs are characteristic of pathologies affecting the bladder. They cause inflammation of the bladder mucosa, and this process is provoked by pathogenic microorganisms. The urine is often bad and pungent odor. If left untreated, blood, mucous and purulent discharge appears in it.

    Cystitis can be acute or chronic. In the second case, exacerbations are replaced by periods of remission. Unpleasant symptoms are observed in the acute phase. Cystitis is often diagnosed in women who have just started sex life. IN in this case its cause is changes in the natural microflora of the vagina.


    Inflammation affecting the urethra, which allows urine to exit the body. The female urethra, unlike the male one, is much shorter and is adjacent to the vagina, diseases of which can provoke the development of urethritis. Characteristic symptoms diseases developing in women: cutting pains and blood at the end of urination, itching and burning, rarely unpleasant discharge.

    Characteristic: cutting pain and blood at the end of urination, itching and burning, rarely unpleasant discharge

    The disease occurs as a result of exposure to microbes or infection through unprotected sexual contact. Blood and pain are noted after urination. It is very important to undergo timely treatment, since inflammation develops quickly and affects other organs of the urinary system.


    Pain after urination may indicate... This is very serious illness, which can cause the development renal failure and even the death of the patient. Often a complication develops after a cold that a person suffered on his feet.

    Pyelonephritis is characterized by nagging pain in the kidney area

    In addition to pain, the following manifestations are noted:

    • pain in the groin;
    • nagging pain in the lumbar region;
    • increase in temperature;
    • intoxication of the body;
    • general weakness.


    The inflammatory process that develops in the genitals can occur for a variety of reasons. The main one is the proliferation of pathogenic bacteria. Other provoking factors include: long-term use antibacterial agents, hormonal imbalance, mechanical injuries, allergic reactions. All such ailments are manifested by symptoms such as:

    • unusual discharge;
    • redness of the mucous membrane;
    • pain during bowel movements;
    • general malaise.

    The inflammatory process is accompanied by itching of the genitals

    Diseases affecting the internal genital organs are one of the reasons why women experience pain and blood in the urine when urinating.

    Other reasons

    Bleeding and pain felt after emptying the bladder may be a consequence various violations. Among the most common are:

    NeoplasmsUnpleasant symptoms are usually observed during late stages. Women complain of pain in the uterus; as the tumor grows, the amount of blood in the urine increases, and the discomfort becomes unbearable
    Uterine prolapseOccurs if the patient constantly lifts heavy objects. When the ligaments that hold the organ in the desired state are stretched, the vessels of the bladder are damaged. In this case, after a bowel movement, the lower abdomen hurts
    Injury to the bladderWhen mechanical action is applied to the bubble, its emptying is accompanied by copious discharge blood. In such a situation, you need to urgently go to the doctor. This is the only way to avoid negative consequences
    Cervical erosionIt manifests itself as bloody discharge and pain when urinating. If left untreated, the ulcers become deep, causing blood vessels to burst and bleeding.

    When carrying a child, many women complain of pain in the bladder area. The reason may be factors such as:

    • organ infection;
    • movement of stones and sand during urolithiasis;
    • compression of the organ by the uterus in the last trimester of pregnancy.

    Pain during urination in pregnant women may be due to squeezing internal organs

    If a woman has pain in peeing and urine comes out with blood, she needs to see a doctor immediately, otherwise the infection will spread to the kidneys. Self-treatment unacceptable, since many medicines Contraindicated for expectant mothers.

    If women experience blood and pain after urinating, the doctor will first conduct a survey. As a rule, such pathological conditions manifest themselves with rather unpleasant symptoms:

    • excretion of urine in small portions;
    • frequent urination;
    • general weakness;
    • high temperature, etc.

    To diagnose diseases, it is necessary to pass clinical analysis blood and urine

    In most cases, we are talking about cystitis, which is important to distinguish from renal colic. It is characteristic of urolithiasis, when sand or stones begin to move through the urinary tract. Pain is felt at the beginning and throughout the entire act of bowel movement. If women experience blood when urinating with pain, the doctor may use comprehensive examination. It will help exclude other diseases and assess the degree of neglect of the pathology. As a rule, the patient is prescribed ultrasound examination, laboratory tests blood and urine.

    This symptom most often accompanies prostate disease and is associated with pressure from the bladder on the prostate gland. Some time after visiting the toilet, the pain subsides, but does not completely disappear. At intimacy, prolonged sitting position painful sensations are intensifying.

    Another sign of prostate damage is frequent urination, which is caused by the effect of an enlarged prostate gland on the bladder or the spread of the inflammatory process. If you have difficulty defecating, it may be a prostate tumor. In this case, urine is released in a thin stream or drops. In addition, men may experience pain at the end of urination.

    In men, blood when urinating is often associated with prostate damage.

    If the prostate is inflamed, the patient is prescribed antibiotics, muscle relaxants, agents that relax muscles and normalize the outflow of urine. Vitaprost and Prostamol successfully cope with this task. Therapy in each specific case is prescribed individually and only by an experienced specialist.

    Before carrying out therapy, the doctor must determine the causes of pain and blood from the urethra in women. Depending on this, the optimal treatment regimen is selected - it requires mandatory use. Most often this is Uroprofit, which has excellent antimicrobial properties. The drug normalizes urination, improves kidney function, and reduces the risk of relapse of the disease. The patient may also be prescribed:

    1. Furagin.
    2. Nitroxoline.
    3. Liprokhin.
    4. Proxacin et al.

    Uroprofit has an excellent antimicrobial effect

    To remove unpleasant symptoms It is advisable to drink a lot of fluid - pathogenic microorganisms will leave the body along with urine. If your doctor allows, you can apply a warm heating pad to your stomach. With cystitis, the patient should remain in bed and avoid hypothermia. All harmful foods should be excluded from the menu.

    Prescriptions can be a good addition to basic therapy alternative medicine. Healing herbs are used to prepare decoctions and infusions:

    1. Parsley seeds - add to boiled water, ready-made product drink during the day.
    2. Horsetail and chamomile – mix and brew. This infusion quickly relieves acute pain.
    3. Yarrow – pour boiling water over it, leave for thirty minutes, use several times a day.
    4. Lingonberry leaves, lingonberries and cranberries - they are used to make infusions, compotes and fruit drinks, which should be drunk as often as possible.

    Herbal decoctions help in treatment

    Herbal treatment gives a good effect if you take them as often as possible, alternating between different formulations.


    To prevent women from experiencing pain and bleeding when urinating, they must first of all avoid hypothermia.

    During urination, you may sometimes feel a burning sensation, it may be painful, or droplets of blood may be visible in the urine. These are signs that can be caused by both serious illnesses and minor causes. Also, bleeding occurs in completely healthy women. Urine with blood in women, the causes of which lie in diseases, is usually not the only sign of illness. In progress medical examination Additional manipulations and diagnostic procedures may be used.


    Detection of blood when urinating with or without pain, burning discomfort This is already a good enough reason to schedule a visit to the doctor. The presence of blood in the urine may not be a symptom of the disease. Infectious and inflammatory processes in the body are often accompanied by a slight increase in body temperature, usually within 37-38 degrees. But in some cases the temperature can rise to 39 degrees. The person also feels weak, capricious, Bad mood and lack of appetite.

    Injuries that result in such severe tissue damage that the bladder begins to bleed are accompanied by severe pain, nausea, sometimes vomiting.

    If these symptoms occur, you should immediately call an ambulance team.

    Sexually transmitted diseases, as a rule. When urinating, accompanied by burning, itching or painful sensations. In some advanced cases, in addition to bloody discharge, pus gets into the urine. Therapy should be carried out immediately. The first reaction to the appearance of blood from the urethra is usually fear. Peeing in blood is really scary, but every woman should understand that the disease should be treated as early as possible.

    Causes of illness

    Blood when urinating in women may have nothing to do with urinary tract disease. The doctor’s main task, first of all, is to find the cause of the malaise, that is, to find out why traces of blood were found in the urine. There is enough large number diseases and pathological conditions, which provoke the appearance of bloody discharge:

    • Blood clots in the urine in women occur when oncological diseases bladder or during menstruation. Drops and clots may also appear simultaneously.
    • Blood from the urethra in women is characteristic of urethritis. This disease can be suspected if the patient went to the toilet, and the appearance bloody discharge occurred at the end of the urination process.
    • If spotting appear at the end of urination in women, this may be a symptom of urolithiasis. Urinating can be painful, and the laboratory will likely find traces of stone deposits in the urine.
    • Cystitis usually accompanies painful urination. However, even frequent urination with blood does not mean that the problem is cystitis. To confirm the disease, a doctor’s consultation and test results are required.
    • Blood in a woman's urine may appear due to menstruation. It gets into the discharge during toilet procedures. Also, sometimes women experience urine with blood clots for the same reason. This is not a violation.
    • The appearance of bloody urine in women due to vaginitis is also not associated with bladder diseases. This disease is an inflammation of the vaginal mucosa.
    • The female feature is such that bleeding fluid may be a consequence of the onset of sexual activity. Gap hymen usually causes minor damage, but bleeding may occur after some time.
    • Progressive erosion of the cervix may cause red discharge when urinating. With this pathology, the layer of the mucous membrane is damaged and ulcers form.

    Urine examination

    What to do to find out the reasons for the appearance of blood in the urine? The first test that the doctor prescribes in this case is a urine test. The sample is collected independently at home and delivered to the laboratory or clinic.

    • An increased density indicator means that a woman has high level sugar in the body. Low rate says that there's blood coming out in urine due to renal failure.
    • Bleeding from the urethra is a reason to measure the amount of protein in a biological sample. Its normal content is negligible and amounts to 0.033%. An increase in the value of the indicator indicates the development of an inflammatory process in the girl’s body.
    • Measuring the number of leukocytes and red blood cells during urethral bleeding is carried out to analyze infectious process(the norm will be exceeded).

    Additional diagnostics

    To confirm the diagnosis and initiate appropriate treatment, it may be necessary additional examination. The ultimate goal of carrying out additional manipulations is to make sure 100% that the diagnosis is correct. In addition to urine analysis, the following studies are performed:

    • Ultrasound abdominal cavity. The procedure may also be called a pelvic ultrasound. Ultrasound allows you to assess the shape and condition of internal organs and identify pathology.
    • Clinical and biochemical tests blood. The study is carried out for the presence of leukocytes ( leukocyte formula), hemoglobin level and blood clotting (ESR, coagulogram). Biochemistry can reveal deviations in the concentrations of hormones, enzymes and other substances.
    • Computed tomography (CT). Using modern equipment, detailed scanning of organs is carried out, which makes it possible to identify even the smallest abnormalities.

    Blood is an important component of the body and if bleeding occurs, some kind of injury or disorder is likely occurring. Hematuria cannot be ignored; if even a drop of blood appears in the urine, you should immediately consult a doctor. If you have pain in the urethra, you can go to your local physician. After the initial examination and laboratory testing, the patient may be referred to another specialist.