Admissions department of City Clinical Hospital 1 named after Pirogov. Areas of work of the department

The Diagnostics and Consulting Department provides outpatient and outpatient services on the basis of a compulsory health insurance system (paid and free).

Patients can make an appointment with an appropriate specialist for the following problems: cardiological, allergic, therapeutic, gynecological, neurological, surgical, surgical-coloproctological, urological, ophthalmological, otorhinolaryngological, endocrinological (including in cases of pregnancy). In addition, advice can be obtained from the heads of ophthalmology, urology, traumatology departments and other employees of the institution.


Consultations: urological, surgical, gynecological, traumatological, orthopedic, endoscopy procedures. Reception is also carried out maxillofacial surgeons and neurosurgeons. Outpatient surgeries are performed at the day hospital.


The Breast Clinic provides high-tech, high-quality diagnostic services oncological diseases and pathological problems of the mammary glands. The clinic’s specialists have been trained in oncological and surgical specializations, and are also professionals in ultrasound and radiation diagnostics. This is convenient, since instead of involving a system of interaction between doctors from different departments, you can effectively combine diagnosis and treatment. Thus, the leading doctor on site has all the necessary information about each patient.

Department of Therapy, First Gradskaya Clinical Center

The therapeutic department provides the following consultations: cardiological, endocrinological, allergological, gastroenterological, therapeutic and hematological.

Department of Ophthalmology

Urgent help with ophthalmological problems, highly professional consultations, provision of treatment, all types of diagnostic services, laser correction and microsurgery for diseases of varying severity, surgical outpatient care for diseases of the eyelids (formations) and pathologies of the eyeballs.

Department of Neurology

Diagnostics here are carried out by highly professional specialists. Only the very best are used in this department. modern views examinations. The department's specialists treat diseases that affect the central and peripheral nervous systems. A special massage procedure is used for this. After the examination, medications are prescribed if pathology is detected.

Otorhinolaryngology (ENT)

The department's doctors provide consultations and urgently help patients, specializing in the treatment of acute and chronic sinusitis, nasal polyps, tonsillitis in varying degrees of manifestation, laryngitis and pharyngitis problems in chronic and acute stages. The ENT department has all the necessary equipment to carry out modern diagnostics if the patient suffers from chronic or acute hearing loss.

Diagnostic examinations of the CDC of the first city hospital

This area of ​​the hospital conducts almost all types of ultrasound examinations (heart muscle, vascular system, internal organs, examination of internal organs), and also owns the most modern methods carrying out X-ray examinations, cardiological and neurological functional techniques.

What does each department of the City Clinical Hospital No. 1 do?

The gynecological department deals with:

  • Extended colposcopy;
  • Endometrial biopsy (aspiration).

The surgical and proctology departments deal with:

  • Electrocoagulation therapy benign neoplasms;
  • Sigmoidoscopy;
  • Biopsy of the rectum;
  • Removing fecal stones;
  • Rectal dropper;
  • A simple proctological medicinal bandage;
  • Proctological purulent bandage.

The endoscopic department deals with:

  • Esophagogastroduodenoscopic diagnosis;
  • Videoesophagogastroduodenoscopic diagnosis with biopsy;
  • Videoesophagogastroduodenoscopic diagnosis using NBI effects and magnification;
  • Videoesophagogastroduodenoscopic diagnosis with chromoscopy;
  • Video esophagogastroduodenoscopic diagnosis with express urease test for Helicobacter pylori infection;
  • Injection prophylaxis gastrointestinal bleeding when thrombosed vessels are detected at the bottom of the ulcers.

The urological department of the clinical center of the 1st city hospital deals with:

  • Massages of the prostate gland, taking juice from the prostate;
  • Cystoscopic procedures;
  • Cystoscopy procedures with biopsy taking;
  • Cystoscopic procedure, with removal of the ureteral internal stent;
  • Urofluometry;
  • Treatment of erectile dysfunction with electrical stimulation;
  • Transrectal low-intensity laser stimulation;
  • Transperineal prostate biopsy under TRUS control;
  • Bougienage of the urethra;
  • Replacing cystostomy drainage;
  • Urofluometry.

The colonoscopy department deals with:

  • Videocolonoscopy examinations;
  • Video colonoscopic examinations (NBI effects and magnification);

The operating outpatient urology department deals with:

  • Wedge resection for urethral polyps.
  • Plastic correction (penile frenulum).
  • Hydrocele of the testicle (surgical intervention).

The outpatient operating department of surgery of the CDC City Clinical Hospital 1 named after Pirogov deals with:

  • Fibroids, lipomas, etc. (removal operations);
  • Laser coagulation of neoplasms (benign);
  • Laser excision of neoplasms (benign).

The outpatient surgical department of proctology deals with:

  • Polypectomy;
  • Thrombectomy;
  • Fistulas (excision operations);
  • Paraproctitis (opening);
  • Coccygeal tract (excision without suturing);
  • Desarterization of hemorrhoidal formations (with ultrasound control);
  • Hypertrophied anal fimbria (excision operations);
  • Ligation of hemorrhoidal formations using latex rings;
  • Sclerosis of hemorrhoidal formations.

Allergological direction:

  • Beret skin tests with allergens;
  • Practices immunization specific methods.

The ophthalmology department of the first city hospital deals with:

  • Perimetry;
  • Ocular equipoise;
  • Accommodative volume;
  • Exophthalmometry;
  • Elastotonometry;
  • Gonioscopy;
  • Ophthalmoscopic examinations;
  • Ophthalmochromoscopy;
  • Biomicroscopy;
  • By samples;
  • Scarification and extinguishing of inflammation in the cornea;
  • Skiascopic examination;
  • Demodex;
  • The procedure for taking a nasal tear sample (color);
  • Shortened tonographic manipulation (Nesterov);
  • Glass power measurement (dioptrimeter);
  • The choice of glasses (complex) for glasses (cylindrical, spherocylindrical and others);
  • Nasolacrimal canal probing;
  • Contact lenses (their selection);
  • Eyelid massage;
  • Parabulbar, subconjunctival injection;
  • Retrobulbar injection;
  • Lacrimal ducts (washing them);
  • Paravasal blockade
  • Rinsing (jet) of the conjunctivitis cavity in cases of burns and the presence of multiple foreign bodies;
  • Color perception and its determination;
  • Stereo-ophthalmoscopy;
  • Retinal tears;
  • Ophthalmotonometry;
  • Tonometry;
  • Convergence and its definition.

The operating outpatient (or ophthalmology) department deals with:

  • New growths of the eyelids, as well as their removal (papillomas, atheromas, etc.);
  • Removal of chalazion in city hospital 1 cdc;
  • Pterygium, as well as its surgical treatment;
  • Inversions or inversions of the eyelids, elimination of such pathologies.

The neurological department deals with:

  • Massages;
  • Oxygen cocktails.

The otolaryngology department deals with:

  • The procedure for washing tonsil lacunae;
  • The procedure for washing the sinuses with the movement of the liquid medium, punctures
  • Pneumatic massages;
  • Abscess openings;
  • Freeing the sinuses, ear and throat from foreign fluids;
  • Liberation from benign formations in the ears, throat and nose;
  • Laryngeal infusions (laryngitis);
  • Intranasal blocks (rhinitis, sinus polyposis);
  • Getting rid of sulfur plug formations.

The Ultrasound Department of the Clinical Clinical Hospital No. 1 named after Pirogov examines:

  • Renal, adrenal and retroperitoneal region;
  • Bladder;
  • Prostate gland.

The department also deals with:

  • Ultrasound Dopplerography of the area of ​​the veins of the spermatic cord;
  • Ultrasound examinations of the breast;
  • Ultrasound examination of the thyroid gland;
  • Ultrasound examinations of the liver, gall bladder and bile ducts, pancreatic glands (hepatobiliary system);
  • Ultrasound examinations to search for free fluid in the abdominal cavity;
  • Ultrasound examination of the salivary glands;
  • Ultrasound examination of the pleural cavity;
  • Ultrasound examination of the soft tissue area (one anatomical zone);
  • Ultrasound examinations of the genitals female organs;
  • Ultrasound examinations during pregnancy (first trimester);
  • Ultrasound examinations during pregnancy (II and III trimester);
  • Doppler ultrasound of the systemic interaction of the mother with the placenta and fetus;
  • Echocardiography;
  • Ultrasound scanning(duplex) brachiocephalic artery of the extracranial section (cervical vessels);
  • Ultrasound transcranial duplex scanning (cerebral vessels).

Functional diagnostic examinations in City Clinical Hospital 1 CDC using SCHILLER, MARS, Neurotravel, MVN, NeuroSoft and BIOSS equipment include:

  • Electrocardiogram (12 leads) using a six-channel manual electrocardiograph;
  • Holter monitoring with a duration of 16 hours;
  • Electrocardiological monitoring (24 hours), duration - 24 hours;
  • Arterial pressure monitoring (daily);
  • Monitoring of bifunctional daily ECG and blood pressure;
  • A comprehensive research format without drug tests of all external respiration functions;
  • Electrocardiological additional examinations (3 leads);
  • Electrocardiological examination of the palate;
  • Treadmill Test ( treadmills);
  • Comprehensive format for studying the function of external respiration using drug tests;
  • Examination of the functional characteristics of external respiration with and without the use of a bandage (indications for surgical treatment of ventral large hernias);
  • Electroencephalographic examination with functional tests;
  • Electroencephalographic examination using sleep deprivation;
  • Rheoencephalographic examination with functional tests, taking into account head rotations;
  • Doppler ultrasound examination of the lower extremities (arteries);
  • Determination of the ankle index;
  • Doppler ultrasound examination of the upper extremities (arteries);
  • Echoencephaloscopic examination;
  • Doppler ultrasound examination of extracranial arteries in pulsed mode;
  • Ultrasound Doppler examination of the vessels of the head in pulse mode.

The X-ray department is engaged the following types examinations:

  • X-ray examination of the chest (internal organs);
  • X-ray examinations of the chest (one projection of organs, overview);
  • X-ray examinations of the chest (two projections of organs, overview);
  • X-ray examinations of the laryngeal region;
  • X-ray of the digestive system:

1. X-ray examination of the abdominal cavity (survey);

2. X-ray examinations of the stomach (traditional technique) and radiographic examinations of the stomach (traditional technique);

3. Irrigoscopic examinations

  • X-ray of bones and joints:

1. X-ray examinations (one projection) vertebral region And peripheral parts skeleton;

2. X-ray examinations (two projections) of the spinal region and peripheral parts of the skeleton;

3. X-ray examination of the skull (two projections);

4. X-ray examination of the sinuses (paranasal sinuses);

5. X-ray examination of the temporomandibular joint;

6. X-ray examination of the lower jaw area;

7. X-ray examination of the nasal bones

8. X-ray examination of the bone of the temporal region;

9. X-ray examination of the clavicle area

10. X-ray examination of the shoulder blades (two projections);

11.Spine studies (functional)

12. X-ray examination of the pelvic bones

  • X-ray examination of urological and gynecological nature:

1. Urographic (intravenous)

2.Ascending cystographic


  • X-ray examination of the breast:

1. X-ray (or survey) examination of the mammary gland in 2 projections (direct and oblique);

2. X-ray (or survey) examination of the mammary glands (1 projection);

3. X-ray examination of the mammary glands (targeted);

4.X-ray examination of the mammary glands (targeted) with the possibility of direct magnification of the X-ray image;

5. X-ray examination of the axillary area (soft tissue).

Address: CDC 1 GKB Leninsky Prospekt 10 k.2

Pirogov Clinic – ambulance № 1

City Clinical Hospital No. 1 named after. N.I. Pirogov is a multidisciplinary medical institution where patients are provided with care every day and around the clock. The Pirogov Hospital is not only one of the best in Russia, but also the oldest - it was founded in 1802, that is, it is already more than 200 years old!

Today, the Pirogov Clinic in Moscow is three medical institutions located together, each of which has its own history. The first of them is the Golitsyn hospital for the poor, which arose in 1802 on the basis of the will of Prince Golitsyn. 31 years later, in 1833, the 1st City Hospital was built here, nearby; it was built exclusively at the expense of the city.

It was also known as an asylum for the poor, and the only patients who could receive medical care These are people who have no income. All services here were provided absolutely free. And finally, in 1866, a hospital for typhoid patients appeared, called “Shcherbatovskaya”. In 1919, the 1st Gradskaya and Golitsynskaya hospitals merged into one, on the basis of which the Moscow hospital for the wounded appeared in 1941. In 1959, Shcherbatovskaya joined the 1st City Hospital, in this composition it still exists today. Today, the Pirogov Clinic in Moscow is a leading multidisciplinary medical, scientific and educational institution in Russia. First of all, it adheres to its principles, which were established many years ago and are inviolable:

The main goal of the institution is to preserve and strengthen the health of patients who come to the clinic;

An integrated approach to the treatment of any disease;

Highly qualified staff consisting of specialists in their field;

Application latest technologies in work, the use of progressive methods and techniques;

Using the experience gained over many years of practice;

Individual approach to each patient, taking into account all his characteristics;

Guaranteed results in any, even the most difficult cases.

The Pirogov Hospital in Moscow is famous for its quick and lasting results, and deservedly bears the title of one of the best institutions in the country.

Clinic named after Pirogov is one of the best medical institutions in the country

The Pirogov Medical Center in Moscow combines clinical medicine and scientific work - and this is what allows us to achieve the best results and produce the most effective treatment. There are many branches here:

Consultative and Diagnostic Center (CDC City Clinical Hospital 1) - in the Pirogov hospital you can get a comprehensive examination of the body in a fairly quick time. If the need arises, it is possible to gather a council of doctors.

Ear, nose and throat clinic – the hospital diagnoses and treats diseases of the ear, nose and throat, and provides surgical treatment.

Emergency room - the emergency room of the Pirogov Clinic provides not only first aid, but also performs operations, as well as postoperative rehabilitation and recovery.

Rheumatology Center 1st City Hospital named after. Pirogova in Moscow today diagnoses all known diseases of joints and connective tissues.

The Ophthalmology Department is a department with extensive experience in the diagnosis and treatment of eye problems and diseases.

Phlebological (vascular) center - this department solves problems and pathologies venous vessels.

First City Clinical Hospital named after. N.I. Pirogov in Moscow - a quick and effective solution to any problems.

Head Department of Ph.D. Kotov S.V. If the theater begins with the director, then the medical department begins with the Director. As far as I could see, he not only personally performs a significant percentage of the most complex operations, but also takes the time, during daily rounds, to meaningfully delve into the medical history of each patient and, moreover, give practical recommendations colleagues regarding

about further tactics of their treatment.

It is necessary to note such an important point. When choosing treatment tactics for his patients, Head. The department prefers options that combine radical treatment with the maximum possible preservation of the full quality of their life. As an illustration I will give concrete example. In the room with me was a very elderly patient (79 years old), suffering from multiple large bladder stones. It is likely that any other doctor, faced with a similar case - very difficult both from the point of view of the stage of the disease and from the point of view of the patient's age - would prefer a technically simple and, most importantly, absolutely risk-free option for his professional reputation, suggesting leaving everything “as is”, limiting itself to installing the tube through abdominal wall, which would deprive the patient of natural urination for the rest of his life. Instead, according to the decision of the Head, the patient successfully undergoes a technologically very complex, two-stage endoscopic surgery, aimed at the complete elimination of stones and, at the same time, allowing you to maintain a full quality of life.

Deputy Head Department and his right hand Ph.D. Perov R.A. - our ward doctor. In my opinion, both professionally and administratively, he is close to getting rid of his current prefix “deputy” in the foreseeable future, which I sincerely wish him, and also thank him for finding the time to answer (despite his intense busyness) , to our questions (probably sometimes redundant or stupid), trying to speak to us in an intelligible language, “on the fingers” explaining various medical problems.

Doctors. Most of the department's employees are graduates of leading domestic universities; Moreover, a number of them have academic degrees from the same universities or are preparing to defend their Ph.D. dissertations. Moreover, they do this not in the comfortable conditions of full-time graduate school, but in the conditions of everyday intense clinical work. During their very difficult duties, they promptly respond to our requests and complaints (I had the opportunity to see this personally!) and, moreover, they try to do everything for the patients to the maximum. Again, a concrete example. Late on Sunday evening, the doctor on duty I.A. Arbuzov. calls his colleague on his day off in order to consult with the patient he operated on and clarify how best to deal with this patient before the operating doctor himself goes to work. I would like to believe that the example given is not isolated, but reflects the work standards established in the department.

The doctor who operated on me is a candidate of medical sciences, chief researcher of the Research Laboratory of Innovative Technologies in Urology of the State Educational Institution Russian National Research Medical University named after. N.I. Pirogova – Zenkov S.S. A highly qualified specialist and a very sensitive, responsive person. Even before my hospitalization, he promptly responded to my correspondence appeal, found time to delve into the results of preliminary examinations, and, after I was admitted to the department and underwent the necessary additional examination, literally in a few hours, with the grace of a true Master, he saved me from the problem, for 16 years which gave me a very serious headache. What has been said above especially contrasts with all the previous long years, during which other (often very famous and “titled”!) specialists were limited to various kinds of “profound” doubts and reasoning, the dry residue of which each time came down to the conclusion: “don’t wake up Likha, while it’s quiet!”

Unfortunately, when describing my situation, one cannot help but note one question that is very alarming for me and other patients with ICD. This is the recent liquidation of the specialized urological Department of X-ray diagnostic and treatment methods that existed for many years in the structure of the City Clinical Hospital, and now the X-ray surgery room that remained after its liquidation, which ultimately led to the “dissolution” of this direction within the 36th urological department.

Such an administrative decision, regardless of the motives that determined it, causes outright bewilderment and deep regret. Typically, the development of any innovative, high-tech areas of medicine (and urology is by no means an exception here!) is subject to the exact opposite logic, that is, it follows the path of specialization and is formalized in the form of appropriate independent structural units (departments) with the necessary staff.

As practice shows, it is precisely this approach that creates the necessary conditions for systematically increasing the volume, quality and efficiency of services provided to patients, which are highly in demand by us (I know this well from my many years of “patient” experience) and, at the same time, are still very scarce even in Moscow (in due to the lack of specialists with the necessary qualifications and practical experience, appropriate equipment and other necessary infrastructure), high-tech services in the field surgical urology. It is this approach that allows us to increase the professionalism of specialists already working in this field (especially young ones), as well as systematically train new professionals, reducing their current shortage.

And vice versa: what is happening in GKB-1 with urological X-ray surgery now, i.e. an attempt to willfully transform ward doctors into some kind of “generalists”, supposedly capable of perfectly mastering a wide range of operations that are quite heterogeneous in nature and, at the same time, very complex, risks leading to a decrease in their professionalism and, as an inevitable consequence, to a decrease in the quality of the operations they perform operations. In this regard, I would very much like the Administration of City Clinical Hospital No. 1 to find an opportunity to delve into this issue and reconsider the decision made regarding the liquidation of the Department of X-ray surgical methods of diagnosis and treatment.

Nurses. On each shift, two nurses are on duty in the department. And this is for 30 patients, half of whom are either comprehensively prepared for upcoming operations or are being cared for after operations. As a result, throughout the day the nurses have practically not a single free minute and, in addition, approach postoperative patients several times a night. However, in my memory, there has never been a case where one of them did not promptly respond to patients’ requests, despite the fact that they had enough planned work (injections, dressings, IVs, preparing patients for operations, instructing them By various issues etc.), and the majority of patients in the department are elderly and not always reserved and patient people. So the work of nurses deserves the highest praise.

Wards and living conditions for patients. With all due respect to the rich history and traditions of GKB-1, one cannot help but admit that wards for eight people, combined with a shortage and leaking ceiling of “common areas”, is obvious nonsense, which comes into sharp contradiction with its status as one of the leading multidisciplinary medical centers RF. If in the times of V. Bazhenov and M. Kazakov this was the same indispensable norm as movement using horses harnessed to carts and sleighs, now it is intolerable. However, this question is again addressed to the Hospital Administration.

L. Kirillov,