The use of bay leaves in folk medicine. Natural remedy - bay leaf: benefits and harms, recipes and rules of use against joint pathologies

A good housewife will always have a bay leaf in her kitchen. This overseas spice, whose homeland is the subtropics, is so popular in our country that we can rightfully call it our own. Just look: we add bay leaves to pilaf and shurpa, fry meat with it and prepare sauces, season soups and jellied fish. What can we say about all kinds of pickles and marinades, the preparation of which is not complete without aromatic “laurel”.

What will be surprising for many is the fact that bay leaf is not only a valuable spice, but also a unique gift of nature, which humanity has used since time immemorial to treat various diseases and ailments.

Today we use “laurel” exclusively in cooking, but there were times when this wonderful foliage was actively used to improve digestion and increase appetite, used as a diuretic, and used to treat the stomach and joints, rheumatism, paralysis and colds. Today you can improve your health with the help of bay leaves, you just need to know how and from what diseases this spice helps.

Valuable composition of bay leaf

The fact that laurel is a unique plant is evidenced by the fact that this evergreen tree, a symbol of the Mediterranean, lives up to 1000 years! This phenomenon can only be explained by unique composition this plant. Scientists have discovered valuable substances in leaves fatty acids, among which vinegar and valerian, many essential oils And tannins. Moreover, bay leaf is a valuable source of vitamins A, PP, C, B vitamins, as well as minerals necessary for all living organisms, including manganese and iron, zinc, copper, selenium, potassium and many other substances.

But more importantly, the foliage of the laurel tree is a storehouse of phytoncides - biologically active substances characterized by the ability to kill pathogenic bacteria and suppress growth pathogenic microflora. It is these substances that provide the healing effects of laurel on a variety of organs and systems of our body.

Where is bay leaf used?

First of all, let’s say that to treat with this wonderful seasoning it is necessary to choose high-quality raw materials, olive color and exudes a strong aroma. A bay leaf stored for more than six months is not suitable for these purposes, because over time it loses its aroma and becomes bitter. And now we present recipes of traditional medicine that will help you in a variety of life situations.

1. Indigestion. In case of such a problem, you need to drink 4-5 drops of juice from a fresh bay leaf and wash it down with a glass of water. In just a few minutes the stomach will start working and that’s it. unpleasant symptoms indigestion will immediately go away.

2. Flatulence. If your stomach reminds you of itself all day long with gas formation and rumbling in the stomach, pour four bay leaves into 100 ml of slightly cooled boiled water and leave for twenty minutes. Take this remedy in the morning and evening until the problem disappears.

3. Bee sting. If you are bitten by a bee, wasp or any other insect, you can cope with the resulting irritation on the skin using a regular “laurel leaf”. Just chew a bay leaf, apply the green mass to the bite site and secure it on top with a bandage or plaster. In this case, unpleasant itching and redness at the site of the bite will quickly go away.

4. Diseases oral cavity. People who struggle with gingivitis, stomatitis and periodontal disease, or those who have bad breath, benefit from chewing the spice in question between meals. In just a week you will notice how the gum inflammation gradually goes away.

5. Insomnia. Many will be surprised, but the aroma of bay leaves perfectly calms the nerves and causes drowsiness. If you suffer from insomnia, simply sew bay tree leaves into your pillow. You will see, literally from the very first night you will quickly fall asleep and sleep until the morning with a sound, restful sleep. By the way, this aromatic pillow is suitable not only for adults, but also for children.

6. Severe cough. If you have a cough, grind a couple of bay leaves to a powder, mix a pinch of this remedy with a teaspoon of thick honey and keep the prepared pill under your tongue until it melts. Take 3-5 of these pills a day and your cough will soon disappear.

7. Toothache. You can fight unbearable toothache not only with the help of analgesics that are harmful to the body, but also with the help of a bay tree leaf. Just grind the bay leaf in a coffee grinder to a powder, pour in 2 tsp. of such raw materials with a glass of water, bring the mixture to a boil and simmer over low heat for 5–7 minutes. Use the cooled product to rinse your mouth every 15 minutes until the pain subsides.

8. Spasmodic pain. For spastic pains, you also cannot do without a bay tree leaf. It is enough to chop 5 oblong leaves, pour 300 ml of boiling water over them and keep them in a closed thermos for 3 hours to get a natural and effective pain reliever. Drink the strained liquid in small sips for 12 hours, and within two days the pain will be all that is left of your memories.

9. Salt deposition. In case of excruciating pain in the joints caused by salt deposition (the proliferation of osteophytes), the first traditional medicine to come to the rescue is bay leaf. To do this, prepare the following decoction: 5 bay leaves are poured with 500 ml of boiling water and sent to the fire, where they are cooked for 10 minutes over low heat. Add 1 tsp to the strained broth. honey and juice of half a lemon. The finished product should be taken in doses, in small sips, so that all the medicine is consumed during the day. The course of treatment lasts 14 days, the same amount of time is given for a break, after which the therapy is repeated.

10. Foot fungus. The appearance of fungus on the feet, which is accompanied by damage to the nail plates and the appearance unpleasant odor, can be treated with bay leaves. For this purpose, place ten leaves in a bath, pour 500 ml of boiling water over them and let the water cool slightly. Baths with ready-made infusion taken for 20 minutes three times a week, preferably before bed, until the fungus is completely gone.

11. Purulent inflammation in the ear. The appearance of inflammation in the ear is a serious problem that needs to be addressed by a doctor. However, after consulting with a specialist, you can deal with purulent inflammation using bay leaf. You just need to dig in sore ear 2 drops of bay leaf decoction or apply compresses with this remedy. This decoction is prepared simply: 10 bay leaves pour 200 ml hot water, place in a thermos and let brew for 5 hours.

12. Kidney failure. At serious problems with kidneys, your doctor may recommend a decoction of bay leaves, and all because this spice has a pronounced diuretic effect. To prepare it, just pour 1 tsp. crushed raw materials with a glass of water and keep on fire for about ten minutes. After this, the product should be allowed to brew for two hours and you can take it 1 tbsp. twice a day. The course of treatment with this medicine should be agreed upon with the attending physician.

13. Diabetes mellitus. At high level blood sugar, traditional healers advise taking the following decoction. Pour five leaves of this seasoning with a glass of boiling water, place the finished mixture in a thermos and let it brew for 1 day. Take this remedy three times a day, ½ glass before meals. The duration of treatment with this remedy is usually 3 weeks, but after consulting with your doctor, you can repeat the therapy after a month. By the way, this recipe It will help both “diabetics” and people who would like to normalize carbohydrate metabolism.

14. Help with weight loss. Normalizing the process of carbohydrate metabolism has helped many people lose weight. That's why if you want to get rid of extra pounds, pay attention to the following recipe. In the evening, chop 5-7 laurel leaves and pour them with a glass of cool water, leave to infuse until the morning. The next day, boil this water for literally fifteen minutes and let it brew under the lid for another half hour. After straining the decoction, you can take half a glass before each meal, but no more than 4 times a day. You need to drink this remedy for 7 days, after which you need a two-week break and a repeat course. According to doctors, 4 such courses are allowed per year. By the way, you can add a pleasant taste to the broth by adding various spices, from cinnamon and cardamom to nuts and honey.

15. Skin diseases. Bay leaf is an excellent remedy against skin diseases, especially if the lesions are caused by pathogenic microbes. To treat, simply grind a few bay leaves into dust using a coffee grinder, then pour in 1.5 tsp. such powder with a glass of olive oil and let the product brew for 7 days in the refrigerator. The resulting laurel oil can be applied to the affected areas of the skin twice a day until the problem is completely eliminated. By the way, this medicine will come to the rescue with allergic rashes, skin irritation and even bedsores.

16. Improved skin condition. In addition to treatment skin diseases, bay leaf can improve the condition of your epidermis, restore softness and silkiness to your skin, and even whiten it a little. This is not difficult to achieve, just take a bath with laurel decoction once a week. It is easy to prepare, just brew 8 laurel leaves in 0.5 liters of boiling water and let the product brew, and before taking a bath, pour the prepared decoction into the water.

17. Hypertension. You can fight high blood pressure not only with medications, but also with folk remedies, in particular, laurel leaves. For this purpose, 4 sheets are poured with a glass of boiling water and infused for 24 hours. Use ready-made product You need half a glass in the morning and evening for two weeks. Following the course of treatment, a break of a month is necessary, after which repeated therapy can be carried out. By the way, this recipe is suitable only for those whose blood pressure does not rise above 160 x 90 mmHg. For those who suffer from more high pressure, experts recommend adding a pinch of dried dill to the bay broth.

18. Pneumonia. In case of bronchitis, inflammation or pulmonary tuberculosis, the following recipe will help you. In an enamel container, pour 15 bay leaves into 400 ml of water, bring to a boil and cook for 10 minutes. Then the hot solution is poured into a porcelain teapot, covered with a terry towel over the head and the warm vapors of bay leaf essential oils are breathed through the teapot spout. By the way, this remedy is great for sinusitis. Breathe hot air in this case follows with the nose, alternately with one and the other nostril.

19. Barley. A stye that appears on the eye can be cured literally within a day if you apply the following treatment. Select three large bay leaves, pour a glass of boiling water over them in a teapot and after 10 minutes start drinking the hot drink like tea. Take this remedy every hour, constantly brewing new leaves. You need to drink 6-8 such cups per day and the barley will ripen at night and completely disappear by the morning.

20. Eliminating bacteria indoors. If you have a patient with an infectious disease at home, you can rest assured that the air in the room is simply teeming with pathogenic microbes. To eliminate them and prevent infection of other family members, boil 12–15 bay leaves in water and leave the container with this solution in the room. Soon, a pleasant aroma will spread throughout the house, which will be provided by essential oils, and all bacteria will disappear.

Contraindications for bay leaf treatment

Despite all the benefits of this spice for human health, it is worth noting that bay leaf-based products are not suitable for everyone. For example, pregnant women, people suffering from stomach or duodenal ulcers, as well as patients with severe diabetes mellitus You should not treat with bay leaves. Remember that the effect of this seasoning on the body is quite strong, and therefore before using products based on it, it would be a good idea to consult a specialist.
Good health to you!

All the most useful things are in familiar things. Bay leaf– a spice familiar from childhood, which gives a special aroma to first and second courses, and is added to homemade preparations. But aromatic raw materials are valued not only for their taste - they are widely used in home medicine and have valuable medicinal properties.

Chemical composition, benefits of bay leaf

A distinctive feature of the bay leaf is its sharp, persistent aroma, which comes from its constituents. The spice is also characterized by the presence of:

  1. Phytosterol, which reduces cholesterol levels in the body.
  2. Butyric acid, which improves metabolism.
  3. Formic acid, which stops decay processes, is a folk preservative and antibiotic.
  4. Vitamins A, groups B, C, PP.

Also, laurel cheese is rich in other acids - acetic, lauric, capronic, which have a beneficial effect on immune system, blood circulation. The spice enriches the body with micro and macro elements - calcium, potassium, phosphorus.

For what female diseases is bay leaf used?

The reproductive system in women is subject to enormous stress, resulting in diseases of the ovaries, cervix, and vaginal dysfunction. They can be eliminated medicines, overloading the liver and kidneys. Bay leaf is a useful alternative to medications in the treatment of female diseases. Based on it, the following products are prepared:

  1. Decoction for douching: 1.5 l. Add 15 medium laurel leaves to boiling water and boil for 10 minutes. When the water has cooled a little, strain the broth and douche with it twice a day. The product will help get rid of chronic thrush.
  2. Infusion with other spices: 1 liter. Add 12 bay leaves of water and boil. After cooling, add spices to the ingredients (a pinch each): ground ginger root, cinnamon, red pepper. Take the infusion for 2 days, 1 tbsp. after meals in the morning and evening. The product will help with inflammatory processes ovaries.
  3. Decoction for internal use: 10 sheets aromatic spice pour 1 liter. water, boil and take 1 tsp. 5 times a day. The decoction is taken for amenorrhea - when breastfeeding has stopped and menstruation does not occur.

Start reception folk remedies based on laurel is possible only after consulting a doctor who will attest to the safety of the method.

Bay leaf for men

Not only women's diseases can be cured with bay leaves. Disorders in the male genitourinary system are also eliminated with the help of an aromatic spice. Dry leaves can be generously added to dishes and relaxing baths.

To relieve tension, reduce painful sensations in the perineal area in men, you need to infuse 15 bay leaves and 3 tbsp. l. chamomile flowers in 1 liter of water, then strain and add to the bath.

Treatment of childhood diseases with laurel

An aromatic spice is added to baby food even in kindergarten. In moderate quantities, bay leaf helps the child fall asleep - you just need to place a dry leaf at the baby's head.

Bay oil prepared at home can speed up the healing process of wounds in children. Oil recipe: Grind 20 g of bay leaf into powder, pour 200 ml. olive oil(you can take refined sunflower oil), leave for 7-10 days in a dark place.

Children can get the most benefits from laurel when:

  1. Allergic reactions.
  2. Diathesis.
  3. Peeling after sunburn.

In each of the three cases, you need to prepare a tincture: pour boiling water over 15 sheets, while kneading them. To enhance the effect, you can add a few drops of essential oil tea tree, fir, horsetail grass. Infuse the components for 1-2 hours, then moisten a cotton swab with the infusion and wipe the problem areas with it. Use until irritation completely disappears.

Weight loss products based on laurel leaves

At correct use bay leaf can not only awaken appetite, but also cleanse the body of fats, toxins, etc. Based on aromatic plant infusions and decoctions are prepared, to which they are added to enhance the effect different types pepper: white, cayenne, allspice.

Eliminate runny nose with bay leaf

During the period of exacerbation respiratory diseases(spring, autumn) adults and children suffer from a runny nose. A bay leaf can help solve an unpleasant problem in just 1-2 days. To do this, you need to prepare a decoction: pour 3 medium spice leaves into 200 ml. boiling water, after 15-20 minutes of infusion, you can bury your nose. The product can only be used within 24 hours after preparation.

No less effective are inhalations and compresses, which will help cope not only with a runny nose, but also with sinusitis. For a compress, you need to moisten a piece of gauze with the prepared decoction (as for a runny nose), apply it to the bridge of your nose, temples, maxillary sinuses. For inhalation, the same decoction is used, but with the addition of 3 drops of tea tree and the zest of 1 lemon.

Contraindications for taking bay leaves

A seemingly familiar spice can be harmful to some categories of people, even in small doses. Pregnant women and nursing mothers are strictly contraindicated from consuming laurel decoctions, infusions and dishes with a high content of this spice. During pregnancy, the substances that make up the aromatic raw materials increase blood circulation and stimulate contraction of the uterine muscles, which can cause bleeding and miscarriage.

At breastfeeding essential oils and resins enter the child’s body through milk, destroy the immature immune system and can be fatal.

Another category of people who are contraindicated to consume bay leaves in large doses are diabetics. On initial stage diabetes mellitus, this spice slightly reduces the level of glucose in the blood, but with complications from the kidneys, stomach and heart, bay leaf only aggravates the situation. Also, diabetics with chronic constipation and Crohn's disease should not use the spice.

Medicinal properties of bay leaf

The medicinal properties and contraindications of bay leaves are our topic for today. We will also tell you about its use in traditional medicine recipes and bay leaf treatment.

Bay leaf is best known to everyone as a seasoning for a huge number of dishes. But its value lies in large quantities useful components. It contains various B vitamins, as well as C, PP, and valuable microelements.

Noble laurel- an ancient plant, for some time sacred, with a rich history and shrouded in numerous beliefs. Who does not know the laurel wreaths that have crowned the winner since the times Ancient Greece? A laureates various awards, the titles of which originated precisely from our now modest Lavrushka?

Myths, legends, protection from magic, a means to have a prophetic dream - what else was admired and what was surprising? beneficial properties attributed to bay leaves by great-grandfathers...

Medicinal properties of bay leaf

The most widely known beneficial properties of bay leaves are:

  • Natural antibiotic.

It contains phytoncides in large quantities, which have antibacterial effect. Laurel is not inferior in this coniferous trees. Therefore, it is relevant for people suffering from respiratory diseases. In addition, unlike it, no allergic reactions have been observed. It is also recommended for the prevention and treatment of tuberculosis.

He is easy to care for.

  • Antiseptic and its anti-inflammatory effect.

Bay leaves contain significant amounts of tannins. This explains their antiseptic effect and stopping the inflammatory response.

Bay leaf decoction

So, for young children, bathing in water with a small amount of bay leaf decoction is recommended for prickly heat, skin manifestations diaper dermatitis, other pathological skin manifestations.

However, along with its beneficial properties, it has a drying effect. Therefore, if the skin is excessively dry, then the decoction should not be strong, or you should use a moisturizer along with washing with bay decoction.

The anti-inflammatory effect of bay leaf is also relevant in the treatment of arthritis. It relieves inflammation, relieves pain and swelling.

Due to its antiseptic, antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties, bay leaves are used for diseases of the oral cavity. A decoction of it is recommended for stomatitis.

In addition, it stops bleeding gums, heals small wounds and ulcerative defects.

  • Strengthening immune properties.

Thanks to its vitamin composition, it promotes...

  • The antispasmodic properties of the plant relieve pain in the intestines.
  • It is worthwhile to include soups, borscht with bay leaves in your diet more often, or even drink a decoction of it in courses for hypertensive patients, since the product can lower blood pressure.
  • It is also recommended for diabetics - it lowers blood glucose levels. To do this, laurel powder, ground in a coffee grinder, is taken three times a day on the tip of a knife.

Bay leaf in folk medicine - how to drink, use in recipes

  • For strengthening the immune system.

You need to take 15 laurel leaves in 1.5 glasses of water. Place the container with them on the fire and cook, stirring, for 5 minutes. Then remove from heat and pour the broth into a thermos. Leave it for 4 hours. You can leave it to infuse in a container, wrapping it warmly. Then you need to strain.

  • The same decoction is used for cleansing, bay leaf removes waste and toxins from the body.

Treating joints with bay leaves - cleaning, cleansing

Widely known cleaning joints with bay leaves. Only it must be done after cleansing the intestines and liver, otherwise, when cleansing the joints, too many toxins may be released into the blood at once and it will be difficult for the body to cope with them.

Over the years wrong image In life, joints become inactive, salts are deposited in them, and cleaning really helps you look younger and begin to move more actively and painlessly.

During the procedure, it is advisable to eat a vegetarian diet; at least, you will definitely have to do without classic protein products - meat, eggs, dairy.

The cleansing course is not very long - only three days, you need to drink the decoction 2 tablespoons every half hour. (in the evening, brew a dozen medium-sized leaves with 250 ml of boiling water, keep on low heat for 5 minutes, let it brew overnight in a thermos).

After 2 months, you can repeat it, if the condition of the joints and bones is close to depressing, if everything is more or less, cleansing is repeated once a year.

In addition to cleansing the joints, after using this remedy, the condition of blood vessels also improves, and metabolism is activated.

There is another video recipe for cleansing joints and bones with bay leaves with slightly different proportions:

  • At arthritis, rheumatism, gout.

It is recommended to prepare a decoction of bay leaves according to the recipe described above and drink it all in small sips per day. It is strictly not recommended to drink the entire volume in one gulp. Drink also for 3-4 days. Then take a break for a week.

Bay leaf tincture

Bay leaf tincture is used for , and even throat cancer.

You need to chop the bay leaves. You should get a full glass. Pour into another glass container and pour half a liter of vodka. The mixture should be infused in a dark place for half a month. Use the product 30 minutes before meals, take a spoonful three times a day.

  • From teenagers and others skin problems (acne, age spots) . 25 leaves need to be boiled for 5 minutes in half a glass of water. Then leave in a thermos for about 5 hours, or leave warmly wrapped overnight. The resulting product is used as a lotion for wiping the skin to narrow pores, even out skin tone, and eliminate pigmentation.

If a person has, then adding a spoonful of vodka to the solution will help. Thus, bay leaf is valuable both as a culinary additive and as a medicine.

What else is bay leaf good for?

If you regularly wash your hair with bay decoction (30 grams of leaves per liter of water), it will promotes greater thickness and shine, relieves dandruff, helps with seborrhea.

  • Foot baths with bay leaf decoction will relieve sweaty feet.
  • Oil with laurel extract (1 tablespoon of leaves is poured into 200 ml of olive oil and infused for 2 weeks) will help with exacerbations of osteochondrosis. Before bedtime, they rub the painful areas.
  • A mild diuretic effect was observed.
  • This product can also be used for inhalation; essential oils actively evaporate and help with coughs (expectorant properties), runny nose, and even “pierce” the nose with. A couple of leaves are enough for a liter of steaming liquid.

The smell of bay leaves repels cockroaches and prevents moths from living freely.

The benefits of bay leaves for the human body are wide and varied, but let’s also talk about the potential harm of this plant.

Bay leaf contraindications

Not for everyone treatment will do bay leaf - it also has contraindications.

  • Large doses can lead to poisoning;
  • tincture of bay leaf strengthens thoroughly, you need to keep this in mind for hemorrhoids, poor digestion(chronic constipation, “lazy bowels”);
  • Pregnant women should not be treated with laurel (it can provoke unnecessary activity of the uterus and, accordingly, miscarriage) and small children;
  • You should approach this type of treatment with caution if you have problems with metabolism, stomach and duodenal ulcers;
  • for exacerbations of liver, heart and kidney diseases.

Selection and storage

The shelf life of bay leaves is 2 years, after which the aroma is no longer the same, and bitterness appears when internal use. Naturally, it must be stored in a hermetically sealed container, like all products saturated with aromatic oils.

I don’t recommend buying in opaque packages - since I already threw away a pack with fragments of yellow twisted leaves covered with black dots. In fact, it is better to buy a bunch of brooms in season at the market, while they are fresh and fragrant, and dry them yourself at home.

Bay leaf is known not only in culinary arts, but also as a water flavoring agent. It was once used to wash hands before meals.

Only in early centuries AD laurel was used as a seasoning. It began to be used to make puddings, desserts, and was added to figs, baked apples and figs.

Lavrushka is native to the Mediterranean. This is the only place where many varieties of trees are found. Now it is grown by the Spaniards, Italians, Turks, Portuguese, Caucasians, and in the Crimea. It grows in subtropical climates.

It will germinate only under the sun's rays, because darkness and cold will not give it the opportunity to do this. If you really want, you can grow it in your own pot.

The leaves of this plant begin to be collected after 3 years of cultivation in the period from November to February. It can be stored for a very long time, but only in a dry environment. From fresh leaves make oils that have antibacterial effects.

A long time ago in Greece, houses were decorated with leaves of this tree, which refreshed the room. They sewed laurel branches into mattresses, wanting to see déjà vu. People even believed that laurel leaves could protect against lightning strikes.

The tree was sacred to people; its wreaths were placed on the heads of ancient Greek champions. By the way, the word “laurel” gave the name to the winners as “laureate,” that is, “famous for laurels.”

Useful and healing properties of bay leaf

2) The leaf contains enzymes that are important for us. These include foods containing potassium, zinc, iron, selenium, manganese and copper.

3) It contains vitamins of such groups as A, PP, B and C. This allows it to become a powerful antiseptic.

4) Eating laurel leaves will prevent diseases such as cancer.. They help increase immunity and are endowed with reinforcing substances.

5) Infusions from the leaves cleanse the body of toxins and salts, and also help digestion function as it should.

6) The leaves contain substances that help prevent fungal infection. They encourage a person to eat normally.

7) When preparing a decoction, the active properties affect stones, congestion in the joints, and inflammation in the form of cholecystitis.

Painkillers and anti-rheumatic substances allow the leaf to be used for arthritis, myositis and neuralgia. To do this, use leaf oil and bean ointment from the fruits of the tree.

8) Leaf has a good effect on work urinary tract and relieves insomnia. It has an astringent effect.

9)For diabetes, bay leaves have glucose-lowering effects.

10) The leaf helps heal diaper rash and bedsores. To do this, you need to make baths.

11) The infusion, unlike the decoction, has a gentle effect on the body, which makes it possible to recover from diarrhea.

12) Laurel phytoncides kill many microbes. If you periodically chew the leaves, you can cure even severe inflammation of the oral cavity and sore throat.

When you add a little honey, you can effectively cure.

13) Laurel leaves are excellently used in cosmetics, since phytoncides do not allow skin irritation. They, like peeling, make it possible to cleanse fragile skin of excess sediment and keratinized cells.

Also, decoctions of bay leaves are useful for oily skin and are effective in case of enlarged pores on the face.

The anti-inflammatory substances in the leaves of the spicy plant help get rid of acne. To do this, prepare tinctures from liquid and alcohol. Then wipe the face with a moistened cotton wool at night and in the morning.

14) The soothing and cleansing effect helps to cure allergies, dermatological disorders and diathesis. The leaves help especially well with allergic skin disorders. Baths are prepared for this.

Aromatherapy is performed using essential oils from the leaves. Only 4 drops of oil are needed here. By inhaling its aroma, a person can calm down nervous system, lose insomnia and depression.

His performance will also improve. Essential oil steam is an excellent antiseptic.

15) Laurel oil is used even when a person suffers from sinusitis. Antibacterial substances essential oils cure tuberculosis. They stop the growth of the wand and increase the protective power in case of illness.

In case of education bad smell from the oral cavity, it will be enough if you chew a leaf (preferably several times a day). Just then don’t eat or drink for at least an hour.

16) healing for otitis media. The resulting substance is dripped into the ear, 4 drops at a time. The decoction is also used orally, 3 tablespoons three times a day.

17) Two steamed laurel leaves are effectively used for cough inhalation. They disinfect the lungs.

18) An infusion of leaves helps reduce sweating of the extremities. Up to 40 leaves are steamed, and the baths are used before going to bed.

19) The leaf has a great effect on the condition of the hair. The rinse will help remove dandruff and also increase hair growth.

20) Laurel is an excellent cure for alcoholism. For this you will need 2 bay leaves and lovage root. All this is poured with 250 g of vodka. Leaves for two weeks.

If an alcohol dependent person drinks this drug, he will feel aversion to alcohol.

21) Laurel is healing for weight loss, but only if there are actually fat deposits. Take a cinnamon stick, 5 bay leaves and boil in 1000 ml of liquid for about 15 minutes.

You should drink a glass of the decoction three days in advance on an empty stomach. It will remove glucose from the blood, accelerate fat burning, and reduce appetite.

22) Laurel leaves can be used to prepare a decoction to induce menstruation. It is drunk several times a day. To do this, take 10 leaves and boil them in 400 g of liquid for five minutes without covering.

You need to leave it in a thermos for about 3 hours and drink it chilled.

23) To prevent infection, many people wear a ceramic medallion into which they instill 2 drops of oil. You can also throw a couple of leaves of this plant into your pockets.

Oils are rubbed into the skin to increase blood circulation, reduce inflammation and relieve pain in case of bruises and sprains. For acute respiratory viral infections and bronchial diseases, oils should be rubbed upper section back and chest.

Bay leaf is an excellent disinfection of your place of residence. The air will be cleared of microbacteria, and the room will acquire a pleasant aroma. The leaf smell frightens moths and cockroaches. Only in this case you need to use fresh leaves.

Bay leaves can act as a nanny for your children. When your baby cries and doesn’t want to sleep, you need to put a few sheets of paper in his crib. Usually after this the children calm down and fall asleep immediately.


Leaves should not be used for ulcers or severe form diabetes

In case of infertility, decoctions will help increase the chance of fertilization. Only during pregnancy it should not be used.

The uterine muscles can contract, which in most cases provokes a worsening of the situation. It is also prohibited to use it if you are prone to constipation.

If you can’t find a minute to prepare a decoction, try adding the leaf to your food. At regular use Your kidney function will improve.

Bay leaf is a popular seasoning, without which it is difficult to imagine any dish. Housewives boldly throw it into soup, sauce, gravy and marinade, which makes these dishes more refined and tasty. Its spicy aroma and bitterness add zest to stewed meat, baked fish and boiled vegetables. Where bay leaves are used, the benefits and harms, people's reviews, as well as unusual recipes that help in the treatment of diseases - all this is outlined in the article brought to your attention.

General information

Laurel is an amazing, unique and versatile product. It costs a penny, but it brings so much joy to cooks who conjure their concoctions both in the home kitchen and in an expensive fashionable restaurant. This seasoning is overseas: bay leaves came to the Slavic lands from distant subtropics. The benefits and harms of the plant were immediately appreciated by Russians, who began to conduct real experiments, using it not only for cooking, but also in cosmetology, folk medicine and even for weight loss.

The homeland of the laurel is Asia, as well as southern part Balkan Peninsula. It is on these lands that it successfully grows and is exported to countries around the world. The shape of the leaves is slightly pointed; they grow not on a bush, but on a large tree, which sometimes reaches a height of as much as 15 meters! The crown of the plant is very wide and rich, so from one green space you can get huge amount product. By the way, the leaves are collected in winter, and the ripening period falls at the end of autumn.

A little history

The bay leaf, the benefits and harms of which were described by the ancient Greeks, received its recognition precisely in Hellas. It was also popular in ancient Rome, where it was called a sacred and inviolable tree. The plant was considered an attribute of Apollo. Myths say that the handsome god was unrequitedly in love with the nymph Daphne, who hated men. Tired of persecution, she asked the Pantheon to free her from her obsessive gentleman. The gods fulfilled the request in a very original way, turning the girl into a laurel tree. Since then, the plant has been under the personal protection of Apollo.

Soon, representatives of Hellenic art decided to organize competitions among themselves: the so-called Pythian Games, following the example of the Olympic Games. But instead of sports disciplines, creative directions were presented here: theater skills, painting, music playing, poetry recitation, and so on. And since Apollo was the patron of art, the games were dedicated to him, awarding laurel wreaths to the winners. Since then it has become a symbol of triumph and celebration.


At first, the Greeks attributed an exclusively occult role to the laurel. They believed that leaves placed under the mattress gave a person prophetic dreams. In addition, the plant, they believed, could protect the home from evil spirits and evil spirits. Later they noticed that its aroma refreshes the room well, so they hung dried bunches near the window and door for this very purpose. Once in Europe, it became an instrument traditional healers for the treatment of various diseases. And only then did people realize to add bay leaves to dishes as a seasoning. The benefits and harms of the plant began to be actively studied by specialists different areas life.

Bay leaves have become popular primarily due to their ability to preserve taste and aromatic qualities for a long time. They were added to brines, broths, game dishes, and used to add a pleasant smell to salted lard and vinegar. At the same time, the main rule for using laurel was derived - moderation. After all, it was noticed that its excessive amount makes the dish bitter. Long cooking of the plant can also spoil the taste, so it is added 5 minutes before the food is completely cooked.

Healing properties

The ancient philosopher Hippocrates described in his works what benefits and harms a plant such as bay leaf has, how to take the remedy and treat with it. He argued: the plant contains many trace elements, tannins and phytoncides, so it can be used for joint pain, nervous tension, and shortness of breath. Nowadays, laurel is used in folk and official medicine with increased blood pressure, swelling, arthritis and rheumatism. It helps reduce excessive sweating and boost immunity.

The medicinal properties of bay leaf are also manifested in its diuretic, antibacterial, antifungal and diaphoretic effects on the body. The spice has become a prophylactic for tuberculosis, stomatitis, colic, and various psychosomatic disorders. The leaves improve digestion, remove toxins and waste, and increase appetite. This is an excellent remedy for sinusitis, in addition, the plant is used to treat sprains and bruises.


There aren't that many of them. Firstly, bay leaf is very poisonous and allergenic plant. Therefore, when using it, you need to follow a strict dosage - one or two leaves per small pan of food. People who are prone to allergic reactions, it is better to completely abandon the spice. Secondly, it is better for young mothers who are breastfeeding to also temporarily refrain from using the plant for culinary, medicinal and even for cosmetic purposes. It significantly affects the taste of milk, making it bitter and tasteless. Pregnant women are also at risk - the spice increases the activity of the uterus, which threatens miscarriage or premature birth.

Since many diseases are cured by bay leaves, the benefits and harms of the plant also appear in medicine. For example, patients with kidney, liver, cardiovascular system, it is better to find an alternative to this seasoning. For those patients diagnosed with kidney failure or protein metabolism disorders, it is better not to even touch the leaf. This is fraught with serious consequences.

Treatment of joints and diabetes

Many people are saved by a decoction of bay leaves: the benefits and harms of this liquid are similar to the positive and negative properties of an unused leaf. For example, it helps with joint pain. To do this, you need to mix 10 grams of the dried plant and 300 ml of water, bring to a boil and simmer over low heat for 3-4 minutes. Then cool, strain and drink a glass once a day for three days. If you leave the broth in a thermos for 6 hours, you can use it to cleanse your joints. You just need to take it orally in small quantities: every 20 minutes for 12 hours. The course usually lasts three days, after which a break is required. You will instantly feel light on your legs.

For complex and serious illnesses Bay leaf also helps. The benefits and harms of diabetes, for example, are described in any reference book. It is known that the disease harms blood vessels, provokes the development of heart attacks, strokes, vision problems, and gangrene. And treatment with the plant helps to minimize the possibility of these complications. The decoction is an excellent remedy to normalize carbohydrate metabolism and blood sugar levels.

A few more recipes

Bay leaf infusion is used to treat a number of other diseases. The benefits and harms of this unique elixir are no secret: you can learn about these subtleties after consulting a doctor. And it is imperative to consult with a specialist so that self-medication does not provoke the appearance of unnecessary complications. If doctors give " green light", then you can use the decoction for otitis media. To do this, add 5 leaves to a glass of water and bring to a boil. Leave for 2 hours. Afterwards, instill liquid in the ear - 3 times a day. You should also take the infusion orally - three times a day, one tablespoon.

The decoction also helps with flu and colds, it strengthens the immune system and mobilizes protective forces body. It is prepared like the previous one, only after boiling it is poured into a thermos and left for 4 hours. Then filter and drink 1 tbsp. l. several times a day. The recipe is not suitable for people suffering from constipation. For sinusitis, a cloth is moistened in the decoction and applied to the bridge of the nose, but if a person has diseases of the genitourinary system, he takes sitz bath with this liquid. The recipe is also good for the treatment of skin diseases, for sweating of the feet and stomatitis - the affected area should be washed or rinsed.

Use in cosmetology

The medicinal properties of bay leaves are used for many dermatological problems. Increased fat content skin, pigment spots, acne, pimples and allergic rashes - all this can be gotten rid of with the help of a strong infusion from the plant. They need to wipe their face several times a day. In addition, this product tones the epidermis well, restores its freshness and youth, fights the first wrinkles, and also reduces the damage caused by chemical components of cosmetics. By freezing the decoction in the form of cubes, you can wipe your face with them - this will tighten the pores and remove excess shine. And this is only a small fraction of the possibilities that bay leaf infusion has, the benefits and harms of which are described above.

Very popular in cosmetology and bay oil. On the contrary, it will be the best helper for people with dry skin. After heating the oil, rub it on the face, hands, and décolleté area. The product helps smooth out wrinkles and gives the skin healthy looking and shine. It is also effective in the fight against dandruff and dry hair: the oil makes curls vibrant, shiny, and elastic.

And these are not all the beneficial properties of bay leaves. They say that if you chew the leaves, you can eliminate bad breath for a long time. Compresses from the infusion help even with facial distortion and paralysis, and they also cure vitiligo. And to relieve an attack of suffocation, it is enough to take a few sips of the decoction. Also, bay leaves, placed in small jars in the corners of the apartment, repel flies, cockroaches, bedbugs and other unpleasant neighbors. If you put it next to the crib, the baby will stop being capricious and will fall asleep well.

Laurel leaves are also used in the fight against overweight, since they are excellent at removing from the body excess liquid, have diuretic and cleansing properties. True, it's only additional remedy for weight loss: proper nutrition and no one canceled sports activities. As you can see, bay leaf, the benefits and harms of which are now known to us, will help get rid of many cosmetic problems, will heal from a number of diseases and even help you say goodbye to the hated kilograms.