Principles of treatment of ARVI. How long does ARVI last in adults?

Frequent illness, which affects children and adults, is ARVI. Doctors treat most patients for this disease. Largest quantity calls occur in winter period. However, in the hot summer there are people who unexpectedly contract the virus and are forced to seek help at the hospital.

All these people are interested in one question: how quickly can they get rid of symptoms and recover? It is definitely impossible to answer this question, and now you will understand why.

Doctors understand the desire of patients to quickly close sick leave and return to your old life. After all, at the time of illness it is difficult to lead a normal lifestyle. This is due to the fact that you have to give up many habits and spend most of your time in bed, observing bed rest.

The changes described above do not always make patients think about how long they will suffer from ARVI. Some patients, doubting the doctor’s professionalism, want to find out the exact timing. This is done to understand whether it is necessary to change medicines, because treatment does not produce results. It is difficult to answer the question about the maximum duration of treatment. The duration of a cold depends on:

  • pathogen virus;
  • severity of the disease;
  • presence of complications;
  • following the doctor's instructions.

Much depends on whether the patient complied with the instructions regarding bed rest. Most patients, hearing the words “ARVI” and “bed rest” in the same sentence, believe that this is a common warning that is not at all necessary to follow. As shown medical practice, people who conscientiously followed all the instructions of the attending physician get rid of colds faster.

If we talk about the average value, it does not last more than two weeks. But only if during treatment no complications were found that could affect the duration of the disease.

How long do adults and children get sick, is there a difference?

The course of the disease is difficult to predict because it depends on many factors. Doctors agree, and this is confirmed by statistics, that adults require less time to recover and complete cure from illness than for babies. Thus, it is known that the period of illness in children is 3-5 days.

Sometimes the recovery process takes up to 10 days. Adults can be completely cured in just 2-3 days. Adult patients get sick less often than children. This is explained by the fact that children’s bodies are more susceptible to viruses due to the fact that the immune system has not yet fully formed. Consequently, the body takes longer to cope with the virus.

How long does ARVI live in the body?

Almost every person is familiar with the main signs of the disease, which are used to determine the time when it is necessary to visit the hospital. These signs include:

  • runny nose;
  • sore throat;
  • general weakness;
  • body aches;
  • temperature rise.

But few people know that the virus appears in the body long before these signs appear. Doctors call this period of time the incubation period. It is completely invisible to the patient. It is difficult to determine the duration of this period. This mainly depends on many factors, such as the age of the patient, his condition immune system, the presence of other diseases, the type of pathogen, the degree of neglect of the disease. But still, doctors managed to determine the time frame for this process: in adults the incubation period lasts up to 5 days, in children it is much shorter.

How many days will it take to cure the disease?

IN in this case we shouldn't talk about general terms treatment of the entire disease. It is more appropriate to talk about how long it takes to treat a certain symptom of the disease. After all, for some it is ARVI common runny nose, and someone experiences all the “delights” of the disease:

  • Temperature. Most common symptom, which almost always accompanies the disease. Antipyretic medications will help combat it. It only takes a few hours to completely get rid of this symptom.
  • Cough. Doctors are well aware that there are many types of cough. Distinguish cold cough few patients suffer from bronchitis. Therefore, it is recommended not to delay your visit to the doctor if this symptom appears. But if we are talking about a cough characteristic of ARVI, it can be dealt with in 4-5 days.
  • Runny nose. The most unpleasant symptom, since it will take 7 to 10 days to heal.

The timing largely depends on the stage of the disease. Therefore, you should go to the hospital in a timely manner, and not wait for the cold to disappear over time. This won't happen.

Do they stay in the hospital with ARVI and for how long?

Many people, regardless of age, are afraid to go to the clinic because they do not want to end up in a hospital bed. Adults immediately calculate their losses, since they cannot work during this period, and they must pay hospital bills. Children are frightened by being in an unfamiliar and unpleasant place away from relatives. But is there any real cause for concern? Fortunately, the chances of ending up in the hospital with a diagnosis of ARVI are extremely low.

This is explained by the fact that the disease can be successfully treated outside the clinic. In addition, the number of sick people is very impressive, so many hospitals would simply be full. However, this does not mean that people who have been diagnosed with ARVI are never admitted to hospital. This happens only in two cases: if the disease has caused complications or the patient is infant. Thus, the clinic will definitely admit the baby along with the mother if the child is infected and the course of the disease causes concern to the pediatrician. In this case, mother and baby will need to spend 7-10 days within the clinic.

How long do viruses live in the external environment?

Often in the news you see reports that the percentage of cases colds increased significantly. This happens due to the fact that viruses that are pathogens respiratory diseases exist in the air for a long time - up to 21 days. The duration of their “life” depends on weather conditions.

What happens to the virus when it enters the patient’s body? The incubation period begins. Its duration varies from 1 day to 5. And while the ARVI virus is in the body, the patient does not suspect that he is infected. After all, no signs of the disease are observed. However, this does not mean that it does not exist. Although, sometimes an infected patient himself becomes a spreader of a viral infection, but does not get sick himself. This happens if the patient has a strong immune system. Thanks to this, the body manages to suppress the virus.

When reports appear that the virus is “walking” on the street, some citizens begin to wear masks. After all, in this way they hope to reduce the likelihood that they themselves will become infected. When they enter the room, they take off their masks and feel completely safe. And this is the main misconception. After all, ARVI viruses can “live” indoors. As a result of numerous studies, scientists have learned that the virus can survive on dense and hard surfaces (steel, plastic) for two days. If we are talking about soft, porous surfaces, then the lifespan of the virus on them is reduced to 8-12 hours. Therefore, it is recommended to clean such items regularly. In the office you will use special disinfectants, and do wet cleaning at home. And since the virus remains active even without being in external environment, doctors insist that the premises must be regularly ventilated. If possible, use special devices - air humidifiers.

To minimize the risk of infection, you should wash your hands regularly. And this should be done not only after contact with people, but also with any surfaces. The virus can survive on hands for about 15 minutes. Do you think this time is not enough to get infected? You are wrong! During this time, you will have time to “deliver” it to the mucous membrane. This means that the risk of infection will increase.

One of the main questions that arises for a person faced with ARVI is how many days will it last? And it doesn’t matter whether a person is trying to carry the disease on his feet, heroically infecting colleagues and everyone who had the misfortune of getting caught in transport; or honestly observes bed rest.

I want to know when will this end? Is it worth continuing to follow the doctor’s prescriptions, or have all the deadlines for treating acute respiratory viral infections long since expired, and it’s time to change medications, coming to grips with not the cold itself, but its complications.

How long does ARVI last?

In total, more than 250 viruses are known that cause acute respiratory infections, and in the same season their ratio constantly changes, so it is impossible to predict in advance how many days adults suffer from ARVI, the duration of a runny nose, cough and other symptoms. Far from it full list pathogens:

  • influenza (3 serotypes),
  • parainfluenza (5 types),
  • rhinovirus (more than 100 types),
  • adenovirus (49 types),
  • metapneumovirus,
  • reovirus (3 types),
  • respiratory syncytial virus (1 serotype),
  • coronavirus (4 types),
  • bocavirus (1 serotype),
  • enterovirus (70 types)

Moreover, any of the viruses can participate in the development of the disease either alone or as part of a mixed infection, when the body is simultaneously affected by several pathogens, or superinfection, when another virus joins the original virus after some time. In this case, the disease will be more severe and longer. That is why the question of how many days ARVI lasts does not have a clear answer.

Clinical manifestations

Despite the abundance of pathogens, no matter how long ARVI lasts, how long it goes through, the manifestations of the disease are expressed in the following syndromes:

  • Fever, or increased temperature.
  • Intoxication syndrome:
  1. lethargy, weakness;
  2. headache, dizziness;
  3. decreased appetite;
  4. photophobia;
  5. muscle aches, eyeballs, joints.
  • Asthenic syndrome:
  1. weakness, fatigue;
  2. sweating
  • Catarrhal syndrome:
  1. nasal congestion, sneezing, transparent discharge from the nose;
  2. conjunctivitis;
  3. sore throat, sore throat, hyperemia (redness), granularity of the pharynx, vasodilation (injection) of the pharynx;
  4. cough.
  1. shortness of breath, feeling of lack of air;
  2. increase in breathing rate
  • Dyspeptic syndrome:
  1. abdominal pain;
  2. nausea, vomiting, bowel dysfunction.

Which of these syndromes will manifest themselves, with what intensity ARVI will occur, how many days the fever will last, and so on, will depend on which particular virus caused the disease.

Manifestations of viral diseases


Outside of an epidemic, it accounts for no more than 4% of the ARVI incidence structure; during an epidemic, the frequency increases to 90%.

  • It begins suddenly, acutely.
  • Fever is high, up to 40 degrees, in severe cases and higher. It usually lasts 2-3 days; if it lasts longer than 5 days, it means bacterial complications have occurred.
  • Intoxication is pronounced.
  • Catarrhal syndrome - appears no earlier than 2-3 days of illness, is moderately expressed. Nasal discharge is scanty, cough is dry (the old name for influenza is “dry catarrh”).
  • Respiratory failure syndrome can occur in the very first days of the disease, in severe cases, as a sign viral pneumonia, a characteristic complication of influenza.
  • Asthenic syndrome is pronounced and can last up to 2-3 months after recovery.

Speaking about influenza as one of the causes of ARVI, the question here is how many days the illness lasts depends on the severity. Mild 7-10 days, moderate - about a month.


  • More often it occurs in late winter and early spring. Develops gradually.
  • The fever is moderate, often no more than 38, reaches a maximum on about the 3rd day of illness, and lasts about 5 days. Intoxication is mild.
  • Catarrhal syndrome is manifested by damage to the larynx and bronchi: rough barking cough, sore throat, behind the sternum.
  • Duration 7-10 days. The cough may last up to 2 weeks.

Adenovirus infection

Most often it develops in the summer-autumn period.

  • The beginning is acute.
  • The fever is moderate, up to 39, lasts up to 2 weeks, often in waves. Intoxication is severe.
  • Catarrhal syndrome is manifested by a characteristic combination of rhinitis - profuse runny nose, conjunctivitis (up to 8-12 days), pharyngitis (pharyngeal lesions).
  • In addition to the respiratory organs, the virus affects all lymph nodes, including those located in the intestinal mesentery (mesenteric), which is manifested by dyspeptic symptoms.
  • For mild flow adenovirus infection, which caused ARVI, the illness lasts up to 10 days.

Rhinovirus infection

Occurs in the autumn-winter period.

  • Fever is mild or absent, intoxication syndrome is mild.
  • Catarrhal phenomena predominate in the form of a profuse runny nose, the cough is minor, caused by irritation of the posterior pharynx, through which nasal discharge flows.
  • Duration 3-5 days.

Respiratory syncytial viruses

  • The disease develops gradually.
  • Fever is moderate.
  • Due to the fact that the virus quickly penetrates into lower sections respiratory tract, causing diffuse bronchitis, the phenomena of respiratory failure predominate: shortness of breath appears on exhalation, cyanosis may develop (blue discoloration of the nasolabial triangle, earlobes). The cough is persistent and intrusive.
  • In mild cases it lasts no longer than a week, in severe cases it can last up to 2-3 weeks.

Metapneumovirus infection

  • Can occur at any time of the year.
  • It starts gradually. Fever no more than 38.
  • Catarrhal syndrome is manifested by slight swelling of the nasal mucosa and scanty discharge.
  • The cough is dry, rare at first, but after 2-3 days it becomes obsessive and barking. Respiratory failure may develop.
  • Lasts from 4 to 12 days.

Enterovirus infection

Or "summer flu".

  • It begins acutely, the fever is high, and intoxication is severe. The face is hyperemic (red), injection of scleral vessels. The duration of the acute period is 2-4 days
  • Catarrhal syndrome is manifested by a runny nose and dry cough.
  • Dyspeptic syndrome often develops.
  • The total duration is 7-10 days.

Coronavirus infection

  • Prevails in the winter-spring season.
  • It begins acutely, fever and intoxication are mild or not expressed at all.
  • Catarrhal syndrome is manifested by copious watery discharge from the nose. In severe cases, severe acute respiratory syndrome(SARS) - when in the very first days the virus affects the lower respiratory tract and symptoms of respiratory failure occur.
  • Dyspeptic manifestations are possible due to damage to the gastrointestinal tract.
  • Typically, the illness caused by this pathogen lasts the same amount of time as nasal congestion lasts: with ARVI caused by coronavirus, it is 3-4 days.

Reovirus infection

  • The onset is acute, the fever is high, the intoxication syndrome is pronounced.
  • A characteristic combination of dyspeptic syndrome with catarrhal syndrome, which is manifested by conjunctivitis, nasopharyngitis (inflammation of the nasopharynx).
  • Duration 5-7 days.

Bocavirus infection

  • The fever is febrile and develops acutely.
  • Combined with manifestations of respiratory and digestive systems. Respiratory manifestations are most often expressed in the form of bronchitis and pneumonia. Damage to the gastrointestinal tract is manifested by dyspeptic disorders.
  • Duration 7-10 days.


An old saying goes: “if a runny nose is treated, it goes away in seven days; if not, it goes away in a week.” Much the same can be said about acute respiratory infections. How many adults suffer from acute respiratory viral infections does not, by and large, depend on the intensity of treatment or compliance with the regimen. But the sanitary and hygienic regime and adequate therapy will reduce the likelihood of developing a severe form of the disease or.

Sanitary and hygienic regime

This is the most important therapeutic factor in acute respiratory infection.

During fever, severe manifestations of intoxication, and asthenic phenomena, bed rest is necessary. Fortunately, you need to follow it not all those days, how long ARVI lasts in an adult, but until the temperature normalizes and the general condition. After this, bed rest is replaced by home rest.

The room where the patient is located should be well ventilated; it is advisable to maintain the temperature at 16-18 degrees. The patient himself should be wrapped just enough to make him comfortable: without overheating or hypothermia.

The air must be humidified, especially during the heating season. If there is no humidifier in the house, you need to cover the radiators with wet terry towels, which are changed as they dry. The mucous membrane of the respiratory tract fully fulfills its protective function only when well hydrated. In addition, cool, moist air reduces the intensity of coughing.


In order to reduce intoxication and replenish fluid loss caused by elevated temperature, it is necessary drinking plenty of fluids– at least 2 liters per day. Drinks should not contain alcohol; it is advisable to abstain from caffeine, or compensate for its dehydrating effect with an additional volume of liquid. The best option is pharmaceutical solutions for rehydration, mineral water, homemade fruit drinks, compotes. Foreign doctors recommend using Pepsi or Coca-Cola to restore fluid volume and electrolytes, but in our conditions these tips look too extravagant.

Food should be light, comfortable in temperature and consistency. You need to refrain from excessively fatty, spicy, salty foods. If you have no appetite, you can abstain from eating for several days until you feel the urge to eat.

What and how to treat?


Today there are only two drugs whose effectiveness against the influenza virus has been proven by properly conducted studies: oseltamivir and zanamivir. However, none of them is effective against other viruses that cause ARVI, so they can only be used on the recommendation of a doctor with a confirmed diagnosis of influenza. All domestic developments that are actively advertised at the moment do not have proven effectiveness and are unknown outside the CIS. Therefore, talk about etiotropic therapy SARS doesn't make sense yet.

Symptomatic therapy is used depending on clinical manifestations diseases.

Antipyretics are recommended for use at temperatures above 39 degrees. The entire range of antipyretics has approximately the same effectiveness and sufficient safety - provided that the recommended doses are observed and contraindications are taken into account.

You can remove nasal discharge and reduce swelling of the mucous membrane using sprays with saline solutions or "nasal douche". To do this, you need to dissolve a teaspoon of salt in a liter of water and rinse your nose with this solution or using an Esmarch mug. suspended 40 cm above the patient’s head, or using a syringe. The syringe stream should not be too intense. Excessive pressure can push infected mucus into the auditory tube, causing otitis media

With a profuse runny nose, irritating skin in the nose area or making it difficult to sleep, the condition can be alleviated with the help of vasoconstrictors. How many days to treat ARVI in adults with their help will become clear as the condition improves, but it is not recommended to use vasoconstrictors longer than a week in a row, due to possible addiction.

Irritation back wall rinsing with a decoction of chamomile, eucalyptus, mint can reduce severe pain; lozenges with anesthetics will help reduce severe pain.

Antitussives can only be used as prescribed by a doctor - their incorrect use can aggravate the situation.

As soon as a person notices the first signs of a cold, he is immediately interested in the question of how long it will take for him to recover. IN modern world no time to luxuriate in bed. Of course, I want to get rid of this illness as soon as possible and return to my usual way of life. What can we say about cases when children get sick? Every time parents look at the thermometer with the hope of seeing the cherished numbers 36.6.

In the doctor's office, the question is constantly heard about how long the cold lasts and how soon the patient will feel a surge of strength again. The answer to this question depends on many factors.

What is a cold?

In the medical reference book you will not find such a disease - “cold”. Usually, when this word is said, it means acute respiratory disease (acute respiratory disease).

About 50 percent of human diseases are caused by these two diseases.

ARVI is a more specific diagnosis. An experienced specialist can use a number of signs to determine whether bacteria or viruses are the cause of the disease. General analysis blood can confirm the doctor's diagnosis. It is viral infections that cause epidemics, because they are very easily transmitted by airborne droplets. By the way, the answer to the question of how many days a cold lasts will also depend on the pathogen.

Causes of the disease

At the moment, more than 200 types of different viruses are known that can attack the human immune system. Depending on where the disease has taken hold, a name will be given. If it's the top respiratory tract, then the disease is called rhinitis, laryngitis, etc. If the cold has reached the lower respiratory tract, then the name will be bronchitis, pneumonia or tracheitis.

In addition to viruses, colds can be caused by fungi and bacteria, which are easily transmitted from person to person. It is enough to be in the same room with a sick person, especially if he is sneezing or coughing, to get sick. So the question of how many days a cold lasts in an adult should be more specific. The timing depends on the area of ​​infection, as well as the cause of the disease.

Most often, a cold occurs if:

  • the body was hypothermic or overheated;
  • immunity was reduced;
  • Human for a long time experienced stress;
  • the diet was disrupted;
  • the patient has chronic diseases other systems;
  • I was very tired.

Cold symptoms in adults

Before answering the question of how long a cold lasts in an adult, you need to determine whether your illness is a cold.

You can independently understand that you have a cold by the following signs:

  1. Body temperature rises above 37 degrees. This is a normal reaction of the body to pathogens. As a rule, a change in body temperature includes several stages. Initially, the body adapts to retain heat. The skin may become slightly pale and sweat production decreases. The person may feel chills or trembling. In the second period, the temperature reaches its maximum and does not fluctuate. A person feels heat throughout the body, the feeling of chills disappears. At the last stage, the body begins to give off heat, and a decrease (smooth or sharp) in temperature occurs. The patient may notice increased sweating. Remember that an increase in body temperature above 40 degrees is a reason to cause ambulance. You should also consult a doctor if antipyretics do not help.
  2. Intoxication. The patient may feel body pain, weakness, and nausea. You may also notice sleep disturbances and frequent dizziness.
  3. Nasal congestion. Quite often, a cold begins with this symptom. Often swelling of the mucous membrane can be accompanied by sneezing.
  4. Sore throat. As a rule, this symptom comes immediately after a runny nose or simultaneously with it. The pain may be barely noticeable, then the patient may feel a slight soreness. In some cases, a person experiences severe painful sensations, the voice disappears and it becomes difficult to swallow.
  5. Cough. This symptom may be caused by mucus draining from the sinuses - such a cough does not pose any danger. But if the cough does not go away for a long time, this is a reason to consult a doctor. Only he can determine the affected area and understand which organs are affected by the disease.
  6. Rashes on the body. Enough rare symptom, but in some cases, patients experience small pinpoint hemorrhages on the skin and mucous membranes.

How long does a cold last in an adult?

If at the first signs of the disease all measures to eliminate it were taken, then significant improvements will occur within 4 days. It is worth understanding that at this time the patient can infect others. Therefore, during this period it is better to stay at home. Afterwards, it is advisable to wear a mask for another three days so as not to infect other people.

The question of how long a cold lasts in an adult without fever is quite difficult to answer.

For example, a runny nose usually goes away after 7-10 days. But quite often a person has to walk with a stuffy nose for a month. All of these are normal options, and you shouldn’t worry if nasal congestion lingers a little.

The cough may also remain for up to 3 weeks. True, this particular symptom is best monitored by a doctor, since the cause of cough can be various complications after illness.

The main thing is not to stop treatment after the temperature drops. After all elevated temperature body is only one of the symptoms of the disease, and its disappearance does not mean that you have recovered.

On average, a person can get colds 2-3 times during the year. Most often, the disease affects the body in winter and spring, when the immune system is weakened and the weather is unpredictable.

Symptoms of a cold in a child

Illness in a child is always a difficult period in the life of parents. Of course, it's hard to watch when a normally cheerful child becomes lethargic and moody. The main thing in this situation is not to panic and to recognize the first symptoms of the disease in time.

Signs of a cold in children include:

  1. Moody and apathy. The very first signs of illness in a child are changes in his behavior. Parents may notice how their child sleeps more, but still wakes up lethargic and groggy. From the very morning the child Bad mood, he may also refuse to eat. Usually this condition lasts for as many days as the cold lasts in children.
  2. Nasal congestion. If treatment is not started in time, then a prolonged runny nose will not take long to occur. If there is excessive nasal discharge, a cough may begin. At this moment, it is important to create a humid atmosphere in the child’s room so that it is easier for him to breathe.
  3. A fairly common symptom of a cold is a sore or sore throat.
  4. Temperature. In children it grows much faster than in adults. Parents need to measure it as often as possible. Children's body can calmly cope with a slight fever, so if the child’s behavior is normal, you should not immediately take medication. But, if you see a temperature above 38 degrees on the thermometer, be sure to bring it down with antipyretics. Try not to let your baby cry for long period time: as a rule, this makes the temperature rise even faster.
  5. Lymph nodes in the armpits and neck become enlarged.
  6. Herpetic rashes may appear on the lips and face.

How long does a child's cold last?

On average, the illness in children lasts 5-7 days. Moreover, some symptoms of a cold go away faster than others.

The temperature lasts for the first 3 days, not counting incubation period when, apart from lethargy and drowsiness, the child does not complain about anything. The cough may continue for a week, provided no complications have been detected. Severe nasal congestion usually disappears by day 4, but a slight runny nose may continue for another 3 weeks.

How long can it last? If we're talking about full recovery body and the disappearance of all symptoms, the process may take 2-3 weeks.

How to distinguish the flu from a cold

Before you find out how long a cold lasts without fever or with it, make sure that the disease is not the flu. This is very important, since the flu is more difficult to tolerate than a regular ARVI.

As a rule, the disease begins suddenly with a sharp rise in temperature to 38-39 degrees. Headache, fatigue, body aches appear. Diarrhea may begin, as well as nausea. The person experiences pain in the limbs and loss of appetite.

After common illness, which a person often endures on his feet, the body quickly comes to its senses. The flu uses up a lot of the body’s resources, so the patient may feel tired and lethargic for another month.

Symptoms indicating complications

It happens that the body is not able to overcome the infection itself, and it penetrates further, thereby complicating the course of the disease.

Main symptoms:

  • long, persistent dry cough;
  • pain in the heart area;
  • severe pain in the ears;
  • aching joints;
  • severe shortness of breath;
  • a cold does not go away within 2 weeks.

Even without the occurrence of the above symptoms, it is better if the disease proceeds under the supervision of a doctor.


Of course, everyone gets a cold sooner or later. But you can protect your body as much as possible and suffer from this disease much less often. All you have to do is follow simple rules.

  1. It is good to wash your hands after being outside.
  2. When sneezing or coughing, cover your face with a tissue or hand.
  3. Avoid touching your mouth, nose, or eyes with your hands (especially with unwashed hands) as little as possible.
  4. Take vitamins that strengthen the immune system.
  5. Refuse bad habits.
  6. Watch your diet, avoid heavy foods and restaurants fast food.
  7. Don't get overtired.
  8. Choose clothes that suit the weather outside.
  9. Arrange walks on fresh air as often as possible.

Follow these rules, and the question of how long a cold lasts will stop worrying you.

To summarize, it can be noted that common cold goes away without complications within a week. Some symptoms may linger, such as mild nasal congestion or cough.

Of course people have different immunity. Some people are able to tolerate a cold on their feet, while others need bed rest. There is nothing to worry about if the illness lingers a little. But you shouldn’t neglect your health: it’s better to seek help from a doctor who will help you get rid of all the symptoms and regain your usual rhythm of life!

The news is bad: on average people get sick with ARVI Prevention and treatment of the common cold: making sense of the evidence about a week, and before this time you will not fully recover. There are no medicines that can defeat a cold; all hope lies only in your body.

The good news is that during this entire period, while the immune system identifies, catches and destroys the infection, it is not necessary to suffer. There are effective ways smooth out symptoms. To the point that you even feel like a cucumber already on the second day of the disease. Of course, despite feeling good, you will still be sick inside. Nose good mood and it’s easier to fight the sore.

What is ARVI and how does it differ from influenza?

Both ARVI and influenza are respiratory viral diseases, so their symptoms are almost the same. But ARVI is a relatively harmless disease. But influenza is more contagious, tenacious and fraught with serious, sometimes fatal complications such as bronchitis, meningitis, encephalitis... Therefore, the approach to treating influenza should be more thorough.

The American Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) has developed Cold Versus Flu- a simple checklist that allows you not to make mistakes. Analyze your condition using the following parameters.

1. Onset of the disease

With ARVI, you get worse gradually. First, a runny nose may appear, then a slight sore throat, and a little later a slight fever...

The flu knocks you out instantly. Just 10 minutes ago everything was fine, and now the temperature jumps up, and you suddenly feel sick.

2. Temperature

With ARVI it is relatively low - 37–38 °C. When you have the flu, you have a serious fever: the temperature immediately reaches 38.5 ° C and higher.

3. Runny nose

With ARVI, it begins immediately. And often even before you realize that you are getting sick.

3. Rinse your nose with saline solution

The goal is the same: to keep the mucous membrane moisturized. Salt helps retain moisture, and the effect of such washing lasts longer.

Saline nasal sprays are worth taking with you if you have to go out. public places, where the concentration of the virus in the air may be increased. Use them at least once every hour and a half.

4. Ventilate the room

Viruses thrive in dry, warm, still air: they actively multiply, gain strength... Don’t give them this chance. In cool and moving air, viral particles become less comfortable, and the concentration of infection decreases sharply. Therefore, regular through ventilation is a sure way to make it easier for the body to fight ARVI and speed up recovery.

5. Take a walk in the fresh air

Naturally, if your health allows. The goal is the same: to be in moving cool air and not ingest new viruses.

6. Ease pain and discomfort

Painkillers will not affect the speed of recovery, but will help improve the condition.

If your throat hurts, reduce discomfort Rinsing with salt water will help. Dissolve about half a teaspoon of salt in a glass warm water and rinse. You can also try pharmaceutical sprays or lozenges against a sore throat.

If we are talking about general malaise- simultaneous discomfort in the nose and throat, headache - take a medicine based on ibuprofen or paracetamol. But do not overuse this: these drugs also reduce the temperature.

And temperature during ARVI is a good thing, because it helps the body fight the virus more effectively.

Help with nasal congestion vasoconstrictor drops for the nose - they relieve swelling and allow you to breathe freely again. Use the medicine in strict accordance with the instructions so as not to turn a runny nose and congestion into a chronic condition.

7. Rest

Lie in bed or on the sofa - best way help the body defeat ARVI as quickly as possible. While you are resting, your body does not have to spend energy on anything other than fighting infection.

Yes, in the modern world many “can’t afford to get sick.” But judge for yourself what is better: to spend a day or two at home and return to work healthy and energetic, or to survive a cold on your feet, stretching it out for up to three weeks and at the same time infecting at least a dozen others?

What treatment for ARVI will not help, but will only harm

Sometimes people think they are being treated, but in fact they are only undermining protective forces body. As a result, the illness lasts longer. This is what you absolutely cannot do during ARVI.

1. Taking antibiotics

They are antibiotics because they act on living (bio-) organisms - bacteria. But not for viruses.

By prescribing antibiotics for ARVI, a person loads the liver, which could cleanse the blood of the virus. Because of this, the period of goodbye to the infection may increase, that is, you will suffer from ARVI longer.

In some cases, a viral infection can cause bacterial complications, and then taking antibiotics is justified and necessary. But! Only a therapist can prescribe the drug. And only after tests that confirm the presence of a bacterial infection.

2. Taking antiviral drugs

There are no drugs whose effectiveness against ARVI has been proven. Taking these drugs, at a minimum, will not bring results, and at maximum, they will side effects can cause damage to health.

3. Young children taking over-the-counter cold medications

Such drugs have a number of side effects, sometimes quite serious. While an adult body may tolerate them without consequences, young children are more vulnerable. Therefore, before buying cough syrup or anything else “anti-cold” for your baby, be sure to consult with your pediatrician.

What treatment for ARVI is questionable, but may work?

These products are quite popular. But scientists are still not sure about them. Although some advantages have already been found.

Vitamin C

Taking it does not help prevent the disease. But in some cases it speeds up recovery. To do this, it is important to take vitamin C before the onset of a cold: it will then reduce the duration and severity of symptoms. Therefore, vitamins are recommended for those who have increased risk get sick with ARVI due to constant contact with other people - for example, teachers, preschoolers and schoolchildren attending overcrowded classes, conductors public transport and so on.


Here, too, the results are ambiguous. Some studies don't show Cold remedies: What works, what doesn’t, what can’t hurt There is no benefit from taking this herbal remedy.

But others show that echinacea-based drugs can reduce the duration and severity of unpleasant symptoms with ARVI.

To reach maximum effect, doctors recommend starting to take echinacea at the first signs of illness and continue for 7-10 days.


Some studies suggest that zinc tablets or syrups may reduce 5 Tips: Natural Products for the Flu and Colds: What Does the Science Say? duration of the cold by one day and reduce the severity of symptoms.

In any case, you should not prescribe these supplements yourself - be sure to consult with. Especially if you have any chronic diseases or are taking other medications: these conditions may increase side effects.

The peak incidence of acute respiratory viral infection occurs in the second half of winter. The name ARVI unites a whole group of colds that affect the upper respiratory tract. Pathogens are transmitted by airborne droplets and often cause serious complications.

Most people treat ARVI standard methods, suppressing the spread of the virus in the body. They set the goal to relieve symptoms and return to work faster, without thinking about the consequences of improper therapy. Doctors identify 5 common mistakes in treatment viral disease, which can greatly harm the health of children and adults.

The main causes and symptoms of ARVI

The main route of transmission of viruses that provoke the development of respiratory infections is airborne. With particles of saliva or fumes, pathogens enter human mucous membranes and multiply quickly in a warm and humid environment. Infection occurs after shaking hands or using household items of a carrier of the disease.

Symptoms depend on the type of ARVI pathogen:

  • Adenoviruses affect the respiratory and visual organs. After infection, inflammation of the larynx, trachea, and adenoids begins. Conjunctivitis often develops with purulent discharge from the eyes.
  • Influenza viruses are accompanied by a sharp rise in temperature, muscle weakness, and drowsiness. Gives dangerous complications/, disrupting work internal organs and systems (kidneys, brain, lungs).
  • Rhinoviruses cause heavy discharge mucus from the nose, causing acute rhinitis. Sinusitis, tonsillitis, and frontal sinusitis may occur against the background of the disease.
  • Parainfluenza involves inflammatory process trachea and bronchi, characterized rapid development: no more than a day passes from infection to the first symptoms.

ARVI is accompanied by a fever of 37.5 °C, runny nose and cough, body aches, severe weakness. To avoid complications, start treatment when the first signs appear.

Mistakes in the treatment of ARVI

At the first manifestations of an acute respiratory infection, do not rush to take handfuls of medications or use “grandmother’s” traditional methods and recipes. Useful tips doctors will help you avoid complications and speed up recovery without health consequences. Pay attention to the main mistakes indicated by therapists and infectious disease specialists.

1. Drink an antipyretic at any temperature

An increase in temperature is a natural reaction of the body to viruses and tissue intoxication. Taking antipyretic drugs slows down the functioning of the immune system and interferes with the production of antibodies to fight pathogens. Take the medicine in the following situations:

  • there is a risk of seizures;
  • sleep and appetite are disturbed;
  • suffer from severe headaches
  • body temperature is above 38°.

Take antipyretic drugs based on ibuprofen and paracetamol: they are different quick action, bringing down the temperature after 30–40 minutes. If the situation does not change, seek help from a doctor.

2. Tolerate high temperatures

Wanting to speed up recovery, adult patients tolerate temperatures above 38.5 °C, despite pain and weakness. At high rates the blood thickens and its composition changes. This impairs its movement through the vessels and reduces the oxygen content in the tissues. Violated heart rate, there is a risk of renal dysfunction. Therefore, periodically measure the temperature and monitor it over time.

3. Take medicine without following the dosage

Modern drugs have a relatively safe composition and rarely cause side effects subject to instructions. But in large quantities they can provoke dangerous violations. For example:

  • Aspirin causes Reye's disease, which is accompanied by cerebral edema and liver failure.
  • Ibuprofen affects the mucous membranes of the stomach and can cause bleeding, exacerbation of gastritis or ulcers.

When using antipyretics, record the time taken and calculate daily dose. Take your medications with you clean water without gas and lemon.

4. Take antibiotics without a doctor’s prescription

During treatment viral infections antibacterial drugs ineffective. But potent medications change the intestinal microflora and reduce immunity. This further weakens the body, increasing recovery time.

Remember that antibiotics for ARVI are prescribed only for complications: bronchitis, pneumonia, laryngotracheitis. Preliminary tests help identify the type of bacteria, choose the right medicine, and the duration of the course.

5. Avoid bed rest

Don't try to quickly return to work or household responsibilities. After acute stage the body needs time to restore the strength and energy spent fighting ARVI. Doctors recommend bed rest for at least 5–7 days to reduce the risk of complications. Otherwise, weakened immunity will not be able to resist new viruses, and the disease will return with renewed vigor.

* articles are intended for informational and educational purposes only and do not replace professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. Always consult your physician with any questions you may have about a medical condition.

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