Signs of normal menstruation. Signs of menstruation: symptoms at different periods of life

Most women are familiar with the symptoms premenstrual syndrome. Many of them suffer not so much from the ailments of menstruation itself, but from the condition that precedes it. The reason for it all is hormonal changes, occurring in the body on the eve of menstruation. The functioning of various organs is disrupted, as well as nervous system. This leads to headaches, depression, and irritability. It is necessary to know what physiological processes they are associated with. Then it may be easier to cope with unpleasant symptoms.

After ovulation, the so-called luteal phase begins, which precedes the onset of menstruation. Preparation for it begins in the body in advance. Under the influence of hormones, changes occur in the condition of the mammary glands and genitals. The brain and central nervous system react to hormonal processes.

For most women, this results in characteristic symptoms before menstruation. For some, they begin 2 days before menstruation, for others – 10. Disorders appear with varying degrees of severity. With the coming critical days they disappear. These symptoms are grouped under common name premenstrual syndrome (PMS). It has been noticed that PMS is stronger in women who suffer from gynecological or other diseases.

Work in night shift, impact harmful substances, lack of sleep, poor nutrition, troubles and conflicts - all these are factors that increase ailments before menstruation.

Note: There is a theory that discomfort before menstruation is the body’s reaction to the lack of conception, which is the natural completion of the physiological processes occurring in the female reproductive system.

Signs of approaching period

Manifestations of PMS may vary for each individual woman. The nature of the manifestations is influenced by heredity, lifestyle, age, and health status. The most obvious signs that your period is approaching include the following:

  • irritability;
  • depressed state, feeling of inexplicable melancholy, depression;
  • fatigue, headaches;
  • fall blood pressure;
  • inability to concentrate, deterioration of attention and memory;
  • sleep disturbance;
  • constant feeling hunger;
  • painful sensations in the chest;
  • the occurrence of edema and weight gain due to fluid retention in the body;
  • indigestion, bloating;
  • nagging pain in the lower back.

Distinguish light form the course of PMS (the presence of 3-4 symptoms that disappear with the onset of menstruation) and the severe form (the appearance of most symptoms simultaneously 5-14 days before menstruation). It is not always possible for a woman to cope with severe symptoms on her own. Sometimes only hormonal medications can help.

Types of PMS

Depending on what signs predominate in a woman before menstruation, there are following forms PMS.

Edema. With this form, women feel pain in the mammary glands more acutely, their legs and arms swell, and itchy skin, increased sweating.

Cephalgic. Every time before menstruation, dizziness, nausea, vomiting, and a headache radiating to the eyes appear. Often such symptoms are combined with heart pain.

Neuropsychic. Symptoms such as depressed mood, irritability, tearfulness, aggressiveness, and intolerance to loud sounds and bright lights predominate.

Krizovaya. Before menstruation, women experience crises: increases blood pressure, the pulse quickens, the limbs go numb, pain appears in the chest area, and the fear of death arises.

Causes of various PMS symptoms

The severity of PMS manifestations depends mainly on the degree of hormonal changes and the state of the nervous system. An important role plays a psychological role. If a woman is active, busy with interesting things, then she does not feel the symptoms of the onset of menstruation as acutely as a suspicious pessimist, suffering from the mere thought of upcoming ailments. Every symptom can have an explanation.

Increased body weight. On the one hand, its cause is a decrease in the level of estrogen in the blood in the second phase of the cycle. By accumulating adipose tissue capable of secreting estrogens, the body compensates for their deficiency. There is also a deficiency of glucose in the blood, which leads to an increased feeling of hunger. For many women, eating delicious food is a way to distract themselves from troubles and worries.

Changes in mood. The cause of aggressiveness, irritability, anxiety, and depression is the lack of “pleasure hormones” in the body (endorphin, serotonin, dopamine), the production of which decreases during this period.

Nausea. Before menstruation, the uterus enlarges slightly due to the growth and loosening of the endometrium. At the same time, it can put pressure on the nerve endings, the irritation of which causes the gag reflex. Taking hormonal medications and contraception. If a woman constantly has such a sign before her period, then perhaps this remedy it is contraindicated for her. It needs to be replaced with something else.

Warning: Nausea before your expected period can be a sign of pregnancy. With this in mind, a woman should first of all do a test and visit a doctor to clarify her condition.

Pain in the lower abdomen. A slight nagging pain in the lower abdomen is considered normal before menstruation, if the woman does not have cycle disorders, there are no pathological discharge and other signs of genital diseases. If the pain is severe and does not subside after taking painkillers, then you must definitely go to the doctor and undergo an examination to find out the causes of the pathology.

Increase in temperature. Before menstruation, the temperature can normally rise to 37°-37.4°. The appearance of a higher temperature becomes a sign of the presence inflammatory process in the uterus or ovaries. As a rule, there are other signs of disturbances that force the woman to visit a doctor.

The appearance of acne. This symptom occurs before menstruation as a result of endocrine disorders, intestinal diseases, decreased protective forces body, disorder fat metabolism substances due to changes in hormone production.

The appearance of edema. Hormonal changes cause the process to slow down water-salt metabolism in the body, which leads to fluid retention in the tissues.

Enlargement of the mammary glands. Progesterone levels increase and the body prepares for possible offensive pregnancy. The ducts and lobules swell, blood circulation increases. Breast tissue stretches, causing dull ache while touching it.

Video: Why does your appetite increase before your period?

Under what conditions do similar manifestations occur?

Women often confuse the symptoms of PMS and pregnancy. Nausea, dizziness, enlargement and tenderness of the mammary glands, and increased leucorrhoea are characteristic of both conditions.

If there are symptoms and your periods are late, then you are most likely pregnant. To make sure that this is exactly the case, it is recommended to take a blood test for human chorionic hormone levels (hCG is formed after pregnancy).

Similar symptoms also appear when endocrine diseases, formation of mammary tumors, use of hormonal drugs.

Symptoms of approaching first menstruation in adolescents

Puberty begins in girls aged 11-15 years. Their character is finally established only after 1-2 years. A girl can find out about the imminent onset of her first menstruation by characteristic manifestations. Already 1.5-2 years before the onset of this event, a teenage girl begins to develop white discharge. Immediately before the first menstrual period, the leucorrhoea becomes more intense and thin.

A slight nagging pain in the ovaries may occur due to their growth and stretching. PMS often manifests itself quite weakly, but there may also be deviations comparable in nature to the manifestations of PMS in adult women. One of characteristic features Teenage PMS is the formation of acne on the face. The reason is fluctuations in the level of sex hormones, the influence of this process on the condition of the skin.

Video: Signs of approaching menstruation in girls

Manifestations of PMS in premenopausal women

After 40-45 years, women experience the first signs of aging and a decrease in the level of sex hormones. arise menstrual irregularities, metabolism slows down, and often worsens chronic diseases genitals. The condition of the nervous system worsens. As a result, the manifestations of PMS intensify even more.

Many women of this age experience severe headaches, dizziness, increased sweating, increased heart rate, mood swings, and depression before menstruation. Often such manifestations of PMS are so painful that to alleviate the condition, it is prescribed hormone therapy drugs that regulate the content of estrogen, progesterone and other hormones in the body.

Menstruation is an integral part of every woman’s life. They indicate that everything is fine with the female body, and their absence may indicate pregnancy. The first signs of menstruation are special sensations that are directly related to the natural restructuring that occurs in women every month.

Approximately 45% of women note that the older they are, the more severe the symptoms. As a rule, signs appear 10 days before the start of menstruation.

Women report fatigue, general malaise, vomiting, depression and aggression.

Some ladies become unbearable during PMS and cause a lot of trouble to their loved ones due to their aggressive and irritable state.

Although the symptoms of the onset of menstruation may be different for all women, there are many common signs.

The first signs of the onset of menstruation in women, what are they:

  • feeling depressed and tearful;
  • anxiety;
  • aggression;
  • hopelessness;
  • headache;
  • malaise;
  • a great desire not to see anyone;
  • absent-mindedness, it is impossible to concentrate and concentrate;
  • excessive sleepiness;
  • insomnia;
  • flatulence
  • the appearance of swelling;
  • The breasts become sensitive and are felt.

As a rule, several symptoms occur simultaneously. If the signs before menstruation cause a lot of discomfort, you need to visit a doctor who will prescribe appropriate therapy. It is worth understanding in detail all the signs of the onset of critical days.

“Beastly” appetite before menstruation

Extra pounds are a sore subject for every woman. Before your period starts you should expect heightened feeling hunger and very. Of course, the same female hormones are to blame. During this period, the body is deficient in serotonin, the hormone of joy.

In order for all processes to return to normal, a lot of carbohydrates are needed, which is why the feeling of hunger appears. To avoid gaining weight, you need qualified help from a nutritionist and endocrinologist. The principle is to eat small, frequent meals. Drink more water, eat fresh fruits and vegetables, as well as dairy products.

The appearance of acne before the onset of menstruation

A week before the start of menstruation, many women experience marks on their facial skin. This symptom is considered individual, but the frequency of its manifestation is 95%.

Does vomiting indicate the onset of menstruation?

The cause of vomiting is increased level female hormones during this period. Vomiting often worsens when taking contraceptive drugs. This may indicate that the product was chosen incorrectly.

Nausea can also occur due to the design of the uterus. Before menstruation, it increases and puts pressure on nerve centers which provoke vomiting.

It can also occur with excessive physical exertion.


The body begins to prepare for conception, and a decrease in progesterone is noted. If fertilization does not occur, menstruation begins. A large number of women do not notice that they have a headache.

More sensitive ladies complain about such signs. Worthy of attention water-salt balance, if it is abnormal, it can cause headaches. Separate attention should be paid to the development of depression.

Frequent bowel movement

This is this common occurrence. Sometimes emptying may be accompanied by pain in the urinary canal. A deviation is considered to be if a woman urinates more than 10 times a day.

Frequent urge to urinate may be caused by hormonal imbalance, formations in the bladder, stones in urinary tract, neuroses, diabetes, uterine prolapse and fibroids.

But if you always want something “small,” maybe you have . This is a bladder disease.

If the urge appears only a week before your period, this is a signal that menstruation will begin soon.

What if you have symptoms but no periods?

There are situations when women experience the first signs a week before the start of menstruation, but still don’t have their period. This situation may indicate pregnancy. But even before the expected menstruation begins, the test is unlikely to clarify anything. The hCG level at this stage of pregnancy is too low. Only a blood test for the level of “pregnancy hormone” can accurately determine pregnancy.

If it is prolonged, you need to do a test, and if it is negative, you need to immediately visit a gynecologist.

The problem and causes may be different: diseases, malfunctions metabolic processes, stress, hormone imbalance, etc.

In any case, if there are all the signs that your period is about to start, but it doesn’t, you should be wary. It's not a fact that this is dangerous disease or pathology, but it is still worth contacting a gynecologist for advice.

Why erroneous symptoms appear:

  • Often, pain before menstruation can occur if a woman has been diagnosed.
  • Symptoms such as before menstruation may occur with endometriosis, a progressive adhesive disease.
  • Pain that a girl mistakenly perceives as signs of menstruation is called acyclic and may not be associated with menstruation.
  • One more possible reason, when a week before menstruation all the signs of the approaching critical days appear, spotting may even begin, is ectopic pregnancy. This pregnancy is “wrong” and it is very dangerous for the woman’s life, so you need to visit in time.

What measures to take when there are signs of imminent menstruation, but your period does not begin? Contact a doctor who will prescribe effective treatment. With amenorrhea everything premenstrual symptoms may persist, but menstruation is completely absent. And this condition can last up to six months.

Why does your stomach hurt before your period?

Almost every woman before the onset of menstruation feels a lingering pain in the lower abdomen, possibly bloating and intestinal dysfunction. These sensations appear 5–7 days before the onset of menstrual flow.

What reasons can provoke pain in the lower abdomen before menstruation?

Main reasons:

  • low level of endorphins in the blood;
  • available ;
  • stress, depression;
  • gynecological anomalies;
  • infections reproductive organs.

If the pain is severe and unbearable, call an ambulance immediately.

Treatment of unpleasant symptoms

Typically used symptomatic therapy, helping to eliminate discomfort and unpleasant sensations. The gynecologist must conduct a survey, prescribe the necessary laboratory tests, which will help to establish the cause of obvious signs.

If the symptoms are related to hormonal levels, hormonal therapy is used, the course lasts approximately three months. Infectious diseases need antibacterial treatment. In order to prevent bleeding before menstruation, curettage is performed.

Can be prescribed to relieve swelling of the extremities.

You can also make your life easier during this period. Start leading healthy image life, do regular physical activity, reduce salt and flour consumption. Avoid coffee and alcohol.

Avoid foods that can cause fluid stagnation in the body. In order to withdraw excess liquid Your doctor may prescribe diuretics.

In fact, every woman is already accustomed to the signs of menstruation. But if they become very pronounced, you need to urgently visit a doctor to avoid unpleasant consequences that can cause the development of pathology.

Menstruation represents spotting, which occur once a month. If pregnancy occurs, they stop. The menstrual cycle is the period of time from the first day of one period to the first day of the next. On average it lasts about 28 days, although it can be longer or shorter. The main role here is played by the regularity of the arrival of critical days. In the middle of the cycle, ovulation occurs: a mature egg, ready for fertilization, leaves the follicle and moves along fallopian tube into the uterine cavity. During ovulation, the probability of becoming pregnant is very high, so every woman should know when her next period will begin. Often the cycle gets confused, and determining the date of arrival of critical days is very difficult.

How to recognize ovulation

Ovulation occurs approximately in the middle of the cycle; a woman can determine this process by certain signs. When the egg leaves the follicle, a hormonal surge occurs in the body. The basal temperature increases by 0.5-0.8 degrees, this increase can last up to last day cycle. Measure your temperature in the morning after waking up without getting out of bed. The thermometer must be inserted into anus for 8-10 minutes. It is better to write down the thermometer in a specially designated notebook, this will make it easier to track the regularity of your cycle. When measuring basal temperature It is important not to forget to record the date of measurement and the day of the cycle.

Premenstrual syndrome (PMS)

PMS is a combination of its own personal feelings, which indicate the approach of menstruation. The cause of symptoms of premenstrual syndrome is hormonal changes in the body. Each time these signs can be expressed to a greater or lesser extent. Premenstrual syndrome lasts from two to several days.

PMS symptoms are divided into psychological and physiological. Psychological symptoms: drowsiness or insomnia, unmotivated touchiness, anxiety, fear, aggressive behavior, sharp changes moods. Physiological signs: nagging pain in the lower abdomen and lower back, headache, dizziness, increased appetite, nausea, swelling of the mammary glands, the appearance of acne on the face, a slight increase in body temperature, loss or increase in libido.

If a woman notices the manifestation of any symptom from these two groups, she should not immediately label herself as “PMS”. It is necessary to monitor any symptoms for at least three months, then it will be possible to draw conclusions whether it is PMS or not. Don't forget that premenstrual syndrome won't last forever. If symptoms greatly complicate life, interfere with work and communicate with people, you need to take action. A good obstetrician-gynecologist will tell you the condition, and the support of your family will give you strength.

Harbingers of the very first menstruation

The onset of menstruation is not a sign that a young girl’s body is completely ready for pregnancy and childbirth; it is just a sign that pregnancy is possible. Usually, a girl's first period (menarche) begins at the age of 11-14 years. This period varies greatly due to several factors. The date of menarche is influenced by health status, diet, physical and mental development, history of illness, hereditary factor, stressful situations etc. Some signs indicate the approach of the first menstruation: nagging pain in the lower abdomen (previously unfamiliar), nausea, headache, frequent mood swings, fatigue, apathy or aggression.

There are other signs of puberty, and therefore the imminent onset of menarche: the girl’s figure becomes more rounded, the volume of the hips increases, leucorrhoea (discharge from the vagina) appears, the work of sebaceous and sweat glands.

The first menstruation is called menarche, a sign that a woman's body has reached puberty and can become pregnant. Although modern teenagers are well aware of this topic, it is very important for parents to explain to the girl in advance how to behave and what to do during her first period.

Dates of the first menstruation

Not always the first to indicate ovulation, during the formation period menstrual cycle There may not be ovulation.

Most often, the first menstruation begins at 12-14 years, although the norm is much wider - from 9 to 17-18 years. These terms are very individual and depend on many various factors: heredity, health conditions, conditions environment. So, for overweight girls, menarche occurs earlier, and for fans of active sports later. For residents of the southern regions, the onset occurs as early as 10-11 years, while for northern women it usually occurs later.

Smoking, drinking alcohol, strict diets, drugs, abuse of unhealthy and fatty foods slow down sexual development and can delay the onset of menarche.

The menstrual cycle is not established immediately, but over the course of one to two years. At first, your periods are very unstable, with large and different time intervals. Both the blood volume and the duration of menstruation are gradually regulated.

What to do during your first period

The harbingers of the first menstruation are characteristic vaginal discharge - leucorrhoea, which becomes more abundant and viscous. Sometimes PMS symptoms appear several months before the first menstruation - mood changes, apathy or tearfulness appear, and headaches occur. If a girl is aware of these symptoms and listens to her body, then menarche will not be an unpleasant surprise. But for many who are not ready for changes in their body, the first menstruation takes them by surprise, causes fear and leads to stress. From the age of 11-12, you need to be prepared for such changes - for example, it is advisable to carry a pair of pads and clean panties with you just in case.

IN early age It is recommended to use pads rather than tampons; sometimes even thin tampons designed specifically for young girls can tear or damage the hymen. Gaskets should be selected with medium absorbency; on the one hand, this will help avoid difficult situations if blood is flowing generously, on the other hand, the girl will learn to change hygiene products often enough so that bacteria do not multiply. Not all teenagers at this age are liberated enough to not be afraid to buy hygiene products on their own. At first, it is advisable for the mother to give pads to her daughter.

If the first menstruation is accompanied by pain and cramps, you need to reduce physical activity and eat healthy food. If the pain is too severe, it is advisable to tell your parents about it and consult a gynecologist.

Every girl aged 12-14 years begins puberty. The first signs are considered to be menstruation, which can often frighten a child if he is not promptly informed about what this process is, how it occurs in the body, and for what reason it occurs.

Manifestation of the first menstruation

According to standards, the first ones occur between the ages of 12 and 14, but there are cases when age-related deviations occur. And in case of critical days, and when they do not come, parents should pay attention to this and go to the gynecologist. Often there is nothing wrong with this, since everyone has their own physiological characteristics of the body. But still, in order to avoid the possibility of inflammation and disease, it is better to consult a specialist.

12 months before the onset of her first menstruation, a girl may experience leucorrhoea. They have no distinct color or odor and are simply a sign that puberty originates. Approximately 3-4 months before the onset of your period, leucorrhoea can change its color, become abundant and thick. There is nothing wrong with this, the main thing is to explain to the child in time how to use panty liners so that unpleasant situations do not arise in life.

Pain in the lower abdomen may often occur. These are the first signs that may soon begin menstrual days.

Despite the fact that the first critical days do not entail significant changes in hormonal levels, premenstrual syndrome still occurs. It manifests itself in the form of headaches, changes in the emotional background, and the occurrence of aggression.

Features of menstruation and hygiene products

In the first year, the menstrual cycle is just establishing itself, and critical days last for 3-5 days, but no more. Interval between critical days is approximately 26-29 days. Sometimes it can extend up to two months. If there are no critical days within three months after the first manifestations, you should consult a doctor.

Painful sensations may appear in the very first days; under no circumstances should you give your child painkillers on your own. It is necessary to contact a specialist so that he can prescribe medications that will not harm teenage body.

It is necessary to choose the right hygiene products, namely pads. It is not recommended to use tampons, since the vagina is formed during puberty, and foreign objects can cause harm correct formation. It is best to consult a gynecologist who will tell you which pads to choose.

Menstruation is an important period in the life of every girl. And therefore, the mother must approach the conversation responsibly and explain all the necessary nuances.

Menstruation is a process accompanied by discomfort. The symptoms of menstruation vary from woman to woman. Some people do not feel the changes occurring in the body at all, but for others it is a whole problem that complicates their usual way of life.

Girls' first menstruation

Basically, the first (regula) in girls occur between the ages of 11 and 16 years. Approximately two years before the onset of the first menstruation, behavior, mood and physical condition girls undergo significant changes. Her figure takes on rounded shapes and becomes more feminine.

The roots of the hair on the head quickly become fat, and some girls develop dandruff. The work of the sebaceous and sweat glands increases, as a result of which the skin may appear acne. The external genitalia also increase slightly in size, and the hair on and in armpits become harder and darker.

Vaginal discharge (leucorrhoea) becomes abundant 3-4 months before the first appearance. They can be liquid, viscous, clear or white, and with or without odor. During this period, a girl may experience frequent headaches, a feeling of apathy, resentment, and aggression for no apparent reason. Some girls may experience nagging pain in the lower abdomen immediately before bleeding appears.

Signs of menstruation in a woman

The second and all subsequent monthly periods will depend on the length of the woman's menstrual cycle. This allows you to calculate the beginning of the next regulations. A normal menstrual cycle is considered to be a cycle of 28 to 35 days, starting from the first day of menstruation.

Speaking about the signs that precede the appearance of regula, we can note other manifestations associated with certain sensations of a woman. It is curious that these signs manifest themselves differently in all women, but may not appear at all.

One of the most common signs of your approaching period is chest pain. Female breast 1-2 weeks before menstruation it slightly increases, becomes more sensitive and “heavy”. Sometimes a woman experiences pain when touching her breasts.

A few days before the start of menstruation, acne may appear on the face, which usually goes away immediately. A couple of days before menstruation or on the first day of the cycle, a woman experiences pain in the lower abdomen, and the abdomen itself becomes slightly swollen. It is worth noting that pain manifests itself individually in each woman.

Many women before the onset of regulation note in themselves following symptoms: fatigue, apathy, despondency, general lethargy, tearfulness, absent-mindedness. Some representatives of the fair sex in connection with hormonal changes organism before or during the experience of frequent changes in their mood: from aggression to laughter and despondency.

Tip 5: What to do if your child’s temperature persists

If a child has a rise high temperature, then you can knock it down with paracetamol and ibuprofen. If necessary, these two components can be alternated. If the temperature does not go down, the doctor may give the child lytic injection.

An increase in temperature is the body’s reaction to attacking viruses and bacteria. It is believed that if a child does not have a tendency to have convulsive reactions, then you should not try to reduce the temperature below 38.5 degrees. If the baby is registered with a neurologist and is under 8 months of age, then antipyretic medications can be given as soon as the thermometer reaches 38 degrees.

How to lower the temperature?

Today in stores, basically all drugs are divided according to active substance. Paracetamol and ibuprofen relieve fever. Despite the fact that both drugs are approved for use in pediatrics, modern research shows that the second component is more effective. In addition, it does not have a negative effect on the child’s liver. If you cannot bring down your baby’s temperature, it is advisable to use medicinal antipyretic drugs in suppositories. They begin to act much faster. In some cases, it is advisable to combine these two components, that is, alternate them.

What to do before the antipyretic begins to act?

A cool compress will help relieve the child’s condition and also temporarily reduce the temperature. A little vinegar is added to the water (there should be enough of it so that you can easily taste the liquid). The compress is placed on the forehead, wrists and ankles. Periodically wipe the baby's body with a damp cloth. The temperature of the liquid should be about 36 degrees. This method can only be used by children who have not previously had seizures or neuralgic diseases. Another condition is that your hands and feet must be warm. If they are cold, then this is a sign of vasospasm and the help of a doctor is definitely needed.

Please note that while the child has a high temperature, you should not wrap him up too much: it is best to leave him in just his swimming trunks. Pediatricians do not recommend keeping your baby in diapers at this time.


If you called a doctor, the child will most likely be given an injection of analgin and diphenhydramine. This remedy brings down the temperature very quickly. But it is not recommended to do such an injection yourself. In some cases, a lytic injection is given. In this case, the medicine contains analgin, diphenhydramine and papaverine. After it, the temperature drops to normal levels within 15 minutes. This procedure is carried out no more than once every six hours.

Before critical days, PMS occurs - premenstrual syndrome, which is often observed in girls. And sometimes the question even arises - what is less pleasant: yourself or PMS?

And such curiosity is quite appropriate, since most of all unpleasant processes occur precisely in the premenstrual period and the signs of PMS become obvious. The so-called ones are similar to some as many as ten Egyptian plagues, while others do not notice them at all.

In the second case, everything is in order, since if the symptoms are reduced, it means that the body is close to the “healthy” status. The only thing that can cause concern is complete absence symptoms and any signs of PMS– this is no longer normal. In the first case, everything is different.

What kind of organism - such are the symptoms and by which a woman determines imminent attack menstruation. And even more precisely their shape. Unfortunately, this statement is partly true.

What is meant by an individual characteristic of the body may turn out to be nothing more than a disease. In order to figure out “what happens, to whom and how?” Let's look in more detail at the main signs and symptoms that occur before menstruation. And then we will consider the severe form of these symptoms, giving vivid examples that explain this phenomenon. So…

Main symptoms before menstruation

First, let's make a list of the main symptoms that occur in the fair sex before their critical days.

Nine out of ten women during their pre-period period:

  • worry (over trifles and without reason);
  • I change my mood (very unexpectedly and dramatically);
  • they lose their temper over trifles (sometimes irritability is an understatement);
  • internal shaking (feeling of tension inside).

Six out of ten women during PMS:

  • often and before the onset of menstruation;
  • are subject to swelling (due to fluid retention this is not surprising);
  • experience unpleasant sensations, and even (this is often the case before breast swelling);
  • gain weight (due to increased appetite, no other reaction of the body should be expected).

Four out of ten women before their period:

  • headache;
  • dizzy;
  • rapid fatigue is observed;
  • increased heart rate.

Two out of ten women:

  • cannot make up their minds;
  • they constantly forget something;
  • experience (often progressing to vomiting);
  • become depressed;
  • they cry over trifles (often/rarely and senselessly).

Here is a small top of PMS ailments various groups women. In most cases, these are mental problems and should not cause much concern. Unless, of course, we assume that all this is caused hormonal imbalance and these are not exactly symptoms of PMS. And if this is the case, then run to a consultation with a gynecologist, dear ladies.

Why do you feel sick before your period?

Nausea is the most common symptom most ladies.

This phenomenon is caused by female body nothing more than an enlarged uterus. It swells, thereby squeezing the nerve areas, which leads to this feeling.

Don't worry when it appears before your period. This is the first sign of the imminent onset of menstruation.

Why do breasts swell?

There are some other symptoms before menstruation. For example, most women with PMS experience nipple swelling and discomfort. It even gets to the point of painful sensations. In the second phase of PMS, the breasts increase in size.

All this is expressed by a failure in production. In addition to it, there is another hormone responsible for the normal functioning of the body - progesterone. The production of which is also subject to failures.

Many women are afraid of gaining weight with the next arrival of their periods. This is expressed during the premenstrual cycle.

There is nothing wrong with this phenomenon. In view of hormonal imbalances The body does not produce the substance serotonin well. Thus, the balance of nutrients in the body is disrupted. The result is that you crave carbohydrates. In other words, for everything that is tasty and harmful. Unfortunately, these are not salads and mineral water.

Doctors don’t see anything wrong with the delay. On the contrary, this need must be satisfied, because the body is in dire need of useful substances and microelements.

But here you should stick to strict rules - eat often, but in small quantities. And it is necessary to give preference to fruits, vegetables and dairy products.

Internal genital organs

It is not uncommon for ladies to experience pain in the ovaries. It is not surprising, since they swell - hence the disease.

In addition to the ovaries, the endometrium also changes temporarily. Peeling off from the walls, it causes pain and discomfort in the vaginal area.

The cervix also changes. First opening up, then lowering slightly, she does not leave her activity unattended.

All of the above are normal phenomena. However, if the sensations are very different from those observed during the previous cycle, then this is the right ticket to a consultation with a doctor.

Grand total

Regardless of PMS symptoms, every lady is simply obliged to visit once a year. I would like to add that observation by a doctor is a mandatory procedure.

Do you experience any problems, pain, panic attacks– anything that causes concern is a reason to visit a specialist’s office.

The same applies to healthy ladies who do not experience any difficulties. Every periodic examination by a doctor is necessary.

Always be healthy and in good spirits.

The signs of menstruation are individual for each woman. Even siblings may experience a different set of symptoms on the eve of their approaching menstruation. The intensity and severity of each manifestation differs, which is due to physiological characteristics body and the presence of concomitant diseases.

The development of each sign has its own clinical explanation and does not pose a threat to health. The exception is when the symptoms are severe and reduce the woman’s quality of life.

Signs of menstruation

Menstruation is part of the life of any woman between the ages of 12 and 45. Every woman, even if she doesn’t monitor her cycle, always feels her period approaching. A week before their onset, changes develop in the body, which are called premenstrual syndrome. All women experience these symptoms, to varying degrees of severity. Their presence is a variant of the norm, provided that they are not associated with disorders in the body.

Regulation reproductive system carried out at the organic, biochemical and physiological levels. With PMS, changes are observed in the functioning of several systems and organs of the female body:

  1. 1. Nervoussystem: headaches, general malaise, increased fatigue, some aggressiveness, decreased mood, anxiety, emotional lability, absent-mindedness.
  2. 2. Genital organs: brownish scanty discharge from the genital tract, pain in the lower abdomen, breast enlargement and tenderness.
  3. 3. Other internal organs: phenomena of flatulence, nausea, swelling, increased appetite, frequent urge to urination.
  4. 4. Leather: appearance of rashes.

After menarche, when the menstrual cycle stabilizes, girls experience approximately the same signs of the onset of menstruation. But the set of symptoms of premenstrual syndrome and the degree of their severity changes.

Symptom Reason for appearance
HeadacheAn increase in estrogen causes fluid retention and swelling of tissues, including the brain, causing headache. Hormonal changes cause changes in the central nervous system
Increased fatigueWhen the central nervous system is disrupted by hormones, the nutrition of soft tissues and muscles changes. Metabolic products and excess fluid accumulate in the body
Aggressiveness and emotional instabilityThe changes are caused by the production of the hormone progesterone, which affects emotional sphere central nervous system. Increased excitability is short-term in nature, after which it gives way to tearfulness and loss of strength
Brown scanty vaginal dischargeThey can be a symptom of ovulatory bleeding and are often observed in adolescents and premenopausal women.
Pain in the lower abdomenThe pain is caused by the rejection of the functional layer of the endometrium, rarely by abnormal position of the uterus. Also the reason may be various diseases, adhesive process or cysts
Painful engorgement of the mammary glandsDue to increased progesterone production, proliferation (growth) of the glandular epithelium and breast enlargement occur. And an increase in estrogen levels causes swelling and compression nerve endings
FlatulenceDue to the rush of blood to the pelvic organs, intestinal motility is weakened, which causes indigestion
NauseaThe enlarged uterus compresses the nerve endings of the celiac (solar) plexus
SwellingEstrogens promote fluid retention, and if a woman is obese - hormonal background even more saturated, since adipose tissue- estrogen depot
Increased appetiteIncreased progesterone synthesis causes an increase in appetite, preparing the body for pregnancy. The level of “stress hormones” (cortisol, ACTH) increases - energy consumption increases, causing a constant feeling of hunger
Frequent urge to urinatePressure is applied to the enlarged uterus bladder. On the day your period begins, the removal of accumulated fluid begins
Skin rashesUnder the influence of estrogens, sebum production increases, which is combined with existing gastrointestinal pathologies, smoking, vitamin deficiency, and stress. All this causes acne

Monitoring your feelings can be supported by keeping a menstrual calendar, in which you should mark the time started PMS, the first day of menstruation and its duration. This will allow preventive measures to relieve symptoms several days before they appear.

Precursors of menstruation in different periods

Most often, a woman experiences several of the above symptoms. With age, the warning signs of menstruation become more pronounced and their number increases. Because of this, a woman may be forced to consult a specialist.

PMS during puberty

The first menstruation - menarche - appears at the age of 11 - 14 years and is a manifestation of puberty. About a year before this, the girl began to develop transparent discharge from the vagina, which become abundant immediately before menarche, the growth of pubic hair is determined.

Women experience emotional lability and irritability, which is more likely associated with pubertal hormonal changes than with menstruation itself.

Features of menarche:

  • the appearance of discharge - usually scanty, brownish in color;
  • duration - 2-5 days, with most heavy discharge in the first 2 days;
  • minor pain in the lower abdomen;
  • dyspeptic disorders - nausea, vomiting, stool disorders.

In the future pain syndrome may become more pronounced, especially in the first couple of years, when the menstrual cycle begins to develop. Painful engorgement of the mammary glands also subsequently appears.

Postmenopause in women - symptoms and recommendations from doctors to improve quality of life

Periods after childbirth

There are no periods during pregnancy. Even after childbirth, it takes some time to restore hormonal levels. Menstruation appears after 2-3 months if a woman does not breastfeed. After caesarean section The physiology of the menstrual cycle proceeds in the same way as after natural childbirth.

If there was a spontaneous termination due to a missed pregnancy or a habitual miscarriage, the restoration of the cycle occurs in the same way as after physiological gestation. While it was developing, the woman’s hormonal background underwent some changes. Typically, menstruation resumes a month after a frozen pregnancy or abortion.

The speed of cycle recovery is influenced by many factors: sleep disturbances, poor nutrition, late or early birth, concomitant diseases, postpartum complications.

Features of the first menstruation after childbirth:

  • exuberant character large number blood clots;
  • the occurrence of pain if menstruation was not accompanied before pregnancy painful sensations, and vice versa - painless menstruation, if they were not such before childbirth;
  • the appearance of precursors - nausea, swelling, dizziness, emotional lability.

After childbirth, a woman’s body undergoes some irreversible changes, which indirectly or directly influence the course of premenstrual syndrome. The structure of the reproductive organs and the concentration of hormones change. Often, during the birth of a child, complications arise that require emergency treatment. surgical interventions, ruptures are sutured, pelvic adhesions are formed.