Signs of labor in a cat. Stress in a cat

Waiting for children is always accompanied by a certain trepidation; the birth of kittens is the same special process as the birth of a child. The owners of the expectant mother are worried and afraid to miss the first signs of the onset of labor in the cat. If the mating was planned, then the situation is simpler - the expected range is reduced to 24–72 hours, guess the “date X” of a cat who became pregnant on her own. In any case, when caring for a mother-murka, you need to know about the harbingers of childbirth and the events that will have to be experienced.

In a healthy animal, the process of pregnancy and childbirth occurs without the need for intervention or assistance. In purebred, small, problem cats, childbirth may occur with complications. In more developed countries, there is a special profession - zooobstetrician, a specialist responsible for the favorable course of childbirth, preserving the life and health of the mother and offspring. In “our realities,” all responsibility falls on the shoulders of the owners and general veterinarians.

On average, normal pregnancy cats last 60–65 days, but the period can vary by 7–10 days depending on the breed and body constitution of the expectant mother. Conventionally, pregnancy is divided into 3 stages:

  • Mating – 3 weeks: after mating, the cat experiences swelling of the mucous membranes of the genital tract, but this does not guarantee pregnancy. Distinct signs are observed from the third week:
    • Drowsiness, decreased appetite and activity.
    • Requires affection and attention.
    • Vomiting (no more than 3 times a day, no longer than 2-3 days).
    • Distinct pigmentation of the mammary glands - from light to bright pink.
    • An enlarged uterus, which can be detected by a veterinarian by palpation.
  • 4–6 weeks:
    • Rapid growth of “babies” and “rounding” of the cat. By week 6, the amount of fluid in the uterus increases, and the kittens begin to make their first movements.
    • Kittens can be “felt” when gently palpated.
    • The cat eats and sleeps more, otherwise behaves as usual.
  • 7–9 weeks:
    • Kittens are actively moving. The movements are clearly visible to the naked eye, especially if the cat is sleeping.
    • Swelling of the mammary glands, release of colostrum.
    • Some cats have whitish hair, which is normal.
    • Increased anxiety and making a “den”.

Important! “Nesting” is not observed in all animals. A cat with increased social activity will benefit from the foresight of the owners in arranging the place and helping during childbirth. You need to watch the “tied cats” especially carefully; hormones and a “naughty” character can lead the animal to a “breakdown” and rash actions, which can lead to abandonment of the kittens.

Read also: When does a cat's milk come in: normal and pathological conditions

Preparing for childbirth, behavioral changes

At normal course pregnancy and the absence of health problems, by the 50th day of the term the following set should be prepared in the house:

  • Sturdy box with low side. The cat should freely enter and leave the “nest” without clinging to the side with its belly.
  • Several pairs of sterile, latex surgical gloves.
  • Medical pipettes or suction, for forced cleaning of the respiratory tract if the kitten does not cough on its own.
  • Sterile or boiled thread.
  • Surgical or antiseptic-treated cosmetic scissors.
  • Liquid and powder antiseptics purchased at a veterinary pharmacy. Human drugs may be toxic to mother and kittens.
  • Clean cotton diapers, flannel. Several small terry towels for rubbing kittens.
  • Levomikol ointment or an analogue - in case of stoppage of fetal movement in the birth canal.
  • Clean water bowl.
  • Powdered infant formula from 0 months is a cat milk substitute.
  • Pre-agreed conditions for the veterinarian’s visit and a telephone number for remote consultation.
  • Oxytocin or analogue – stimulation of contractions and labor activity.
  • Sulfocamphocaine – stimulation of cardiac activity.
  • Potassium gluconate – support in case of prolonged labor. A solution of up to 10% can be administered subcutaneously; above that, only intravenously!

Take note! For fluffy and “hyper-clean” cats, be sure to prepare: dry and wet wipes, moisture-absorbing diapers. If you don’t provide the “fastidious” with cleanliness, she will wash herself, crawl from place to place, and childbirth will become an afterthought.

You may not need anything other than a box and diapers, but you need to be prepared for everything. From a behavioral point of view, changes may not be noticeable, especially for cats of the “noble” breed. From a physiological point of view, there are following signs approaching birth of a cat:

  • 24–72 hours before labor begins, body temperature drops to 37 °C.
  • Within 24–48 hours, the cat actively licks the genitals, the mucous membranes turn red or pink.
  • Not always - the mammary glands become very engorged, and the skin around the nipples becomes hotter.
  • The cat may become “disengaged” and inactive.
  • 4-8 hours before contractions, the cat “hunches over” - this is due to “training” contractions of the uterus. During this period, the pet becomes very worried and may “call for help” or hide.
  • A sharp decrease in appetite. Water or milk is consumed in normal quantities.

Important! A pregnant cat chooses where to build her nest. If the animal does not treat the box well and stubbornly settles down in the closet on your favorite shirts - give in, free up the space you like and arrange it comfortably, the cat will still do it in its own way. Some cats, especially first-time cats, give birth “wherever necessary” - be prepared.

Read also: Oxytocin during cat birth: characteristics of the drug and its effect

Harbingers of childbirth

Harbingers are considered to be changes in the animal’s vital activity within 24 hours before birth. The cat's uterus is arranged in the shape of the letter “Y” - the “horns” are the place of the kittens, the “tail” is the cervix. The main changes occur precisely in it, accompanied by discomfort or pain. Miscarriage and spontaneous childbirth are accompanied by the same symptoms, with one difference. Signs premature birth in cats, most often occur 1–2 times faster.

As soon as you notice your cat's anxiety, pay attention to the following aspects:

  • Most often, before the onset of contractions, a mucus plug comes out of the cervix - a small clot of a transparent, yellowish, greenish color, small brown inclusions are considered normal. You need to understand that the cork’s rejection may not be noticed. It can come out during urination or be torn off in parts - the cat licks itself, the discharge is unnoticeable.
  • During pregnancy, kittens lie according to the “compact” principle, and for proper birth they need to turn around with their heads down. Large “babies” may not have time to do this, but during the process there is active movement of the fetuses - the kittens turn and push, causing a lot of inconvenience to the mother.
  • The first contractions are barely noticeable, but can be felt if you put your palm on the cat’s stomach - the opening of the cervix begins, the process can take up to 8 hours.

Preparedness #1! Signs imminent birth in a cat - strong contractions, noticeable without palpation, the cat lies on its side or squats and arches its back - in the period from 5 to 60 minutes the first “baby” will appear.

The birth process - stages, possible problems

Once the cervix is ​​fully opened, the process of “expulsion” of the kittens begins. Remember without prejudice or arrogance - the cat is in pain, it has lost a lot of strength in contractions, the animal is very worried. It is important to follow the following rules:

  • Calm and support the animal no matter what happens.
  • Keep yourself in control, even if this is your first birth and you don’t really understand what’s going on. The cat senses your panic and confusion well.
  • Do not fuss, do not allow strangers, children, or other animals into the room.
  • Ensure supply fresh air into the room, but not a draft.
  • Offer to the cat warm water or milk, 90% of cats become thirsty during labor.
  • If you're worried that you won't be able to cope, enlist the support of another person. But (!) there must be one person directly next to the cat. The “Assistant” will help in case of complications.
  • Don’t be alarmed when a cat eats the kitten’s “place” - this is physiological correct process restoration of strength.

Procreation is one of the natural wonders and the main task for every living organism. But anyone important process, even completely natural, is not always easy. Cat owners often experience the birth of their pet. Some people blithely rely on nature and do not even interfere with the process. But if a cat is surrounded by caring and caring household members, she has a greater chance of being successful. safe birth and healthy offspring.

Should owners help a cat give birth?

Furry angels are often born in the home environment where the cat feels most safe. If the pregnancy proceeded favorably and the cat feels well, she will cope on her own - the owner can only quietly control the process. Healthy cats cope remarkably well even with the first birth, producing beautiful, strong offspring. But if there is the slightest risk for the cat or her cubs, it is recommended to take the “mommy” to the veterinarian - experienced doctors know how to minimize problems.

It’s great when the owners control the entire pregnancy and know the due date. Usually the cat's “position” lasts 60-70 days - this is enough time to read the entire important information and prepare for the birth process.

Attentive owners notice all the important changes in the condition a week before giving birth. pets are already at the ready. These are the most important days on which the cat should not be left unattended. If these are not the pet’s first kittens, then the owner, who has already gained experience, can easily notice the signs of an imminent birth. But how can you determine that a cat is about to give birth if she has never given birth to kittens? How should the owner behave and what should he do for the benefit of his pet, who is facing a difficult test?

First of all, you need to calm down the panic so that the animal does not become nervous and does not think that some kind of trouble has come to the house. The first signal of impending labor is the cat's rushing around the apartment in search of a place for the kittens. Usually the pet searches for 1-2 days, after which contractions begin.

How many kittens can a cat give birth to at one time?

It is impossible to telepathically predict how many babies a furry pet will bring. Usually there are 1-6 kittens in one litter, and it doesn’t matter whether it’s the first birth or the fifth. It is impossible to say for sure what exactly will affect the number of cubs. It could be anything:

  • individual characteristics of the cat's body;
  • health of the “mother in labor”;
  • hormonal balance;
  • weight of the animal;
  • age.

Already at 7-8 months, the cat is considered sexually mature and can become pregnant. However this is too much early age in order to safely carry all fertilized eggs and give birth to healthy kittens. Therefore, at such a young age, a cat’s pregnancy may fail, and among the cubs born, alas, not all may be alive.

The best age for giving birth to a cat is 1.5-6 years. During this period, the body is as strong and resilient as possible, and hormonal background stable“Older” cats sometimes also give birth, but generally no more than 2-3 babies at a time. Moreover, childbirth in older individuals occurs with complications, and the ability to conceive gradually disappears. By the age of 9, many cats cross the threshold of “fertility” and no longer bear offspring.

No matter how old the woman in labor is, the owners are not just worried about the number of new household members. Not everyone can leave their children in an apartment, and finding new owners is not so easy. That's why the owners fuss, not knowing how much kind hands they will have to look and what to do next.

Signs and symptoms of impending labor

When a cat's pregnancy begins to reach 2 months, tension increases in the house. The owners are worried: when will it be? You should take a close look at the pet. Only careful observation of the expectant mother will help determine that labor is about to begin. The signs of this are as follows:

  • The cat begins to lose her appetite, her movements become sluggish and limited. This is the most a clear sign that labor will begin soon.
  • Furry mommy looks for a secluded place, inspects the entire apartment, sniffs corners, even opens cabinets with his paw. Some owners prepare a box in advance for the woman in labor with a piece of a warm blanket inside, but the animal may not approve of it and continue searching.
  • A couple of hours before the birth process begins, the cat’s mucous plug comes out and vaginal discharge appears.
  • If you closely examine the belly of the expectant mother, you will notice how the nipples are swollen, as well as the colostrum that appears from them.

It is easier for women to put themselves in the place of a cat giving birth and imagine how she feels and how she is going through. But male owners usually have no idea what will happen and how. It is advisable for them to read special literature in advance, become familiar with the physiology of the cat, and then errors during obstetric care will be reduced to a minimum.

Labor has begun!

When your cat has her first contractions, she may scream loudly. This means the process has begun. But before the first newborn furbaby is born, the kitty has a lot to deal with. Much also depends on the behavior of the owner. The animal is already helpless and scared, and if household members run around and loudly discuss what is happening, this will cause great discomfort and suffering to the cat.

Childbirth in a cat goes through several stages:

  • The waters are receding.
  • The cervix and birth canal open.
  • The first cub appears (each next kitten will come out after 15-30 minutes).
  • The placenta emerges from the uterine cavity.

Cat birth is not uncommon, but the pet needs to be taken seriously. A loving owner will definitely go to the pharmacy in advance and buy the following products:

  • sterile gauze;
  • small towel;
  • scissors;
  • pipette;
  • warmer;
  • baby cream or Vaseline.

Beginning of labor

Even the most experienced owner must understand: sometimes unforeseen situations happen, and, it would seem, absolutely healthy cat I have to call a doctor at home. You must take this into account and have a phone number at hand, or better yet, arrange a meeting with the veterinarian in advance at home. Feline labor lasts up to 12 hours. And if this is the first birth, the pet, like a woman, will worry more and feel pain more acutely. Plus, the process itself may take a long time.

The onset of contractions frightens the cat: she begins to fuss, breathe quickly, and may scream in fear. The most important: Under no circumstances should you scold a cat, even if it begins to behave inappropriately. In a calm tone, you should call the pet by name several times, stroke it (if the cat allows it), try to calm it down or distract it with a toy. The animal must feel human protection.

Video "Precursors, the onset of labor in a cat, how to know that a cat has begun to give birth?"

What to do if the labor process is very weak?

If half an hour has passed after your water breaks and labor has not begun, this is a cause for alarm. The cat needs urgent help, but you can’t rush too much - careless and thoughtless actions can only cause more harm.

The owner can carry out a number of the following actions:

  • lubricate your fingers with Vaseline (baby cream);
  • very carefully insert your fingers into the pet’s vagina and try to pull the kitten by the shoulders with weak, screw-like movements (you can’t pull by the head, you can inadvertently break the baby’s neck and kill him);
  • support the pet’s abdomen with your other hand;
  • if the contractions have stopped, knead the pet’s back and tummy to stimulate a new effort.

These measures should only be taken when extreme cases! If 30 minutes have not yet passed after contractions, you cannot induce labor yourself.

And here comes the baby

As soon as the amniotic sac ruptures, it is time to wait for the arrival of your first baby. First, amniotic fluid comes out, which softens the birth canal. In a few minutes the first kitten should appear. Some pets give birth to their entire litter within 5 minutes of each other. Others need half an hour for each furry angel. It is impossible to predict how long it will take a cat to cope. But if 30 minutes have passed after the birth of the first kitten, and the brothers still do not leave the womb, you need to urgently take action.

The birth should end within 2-4 hours; after the birth of each baby, the cat, armed with natural instincts, begins to play the role of mother. She meets the kitten, sniffs it, and immediately licks its face. After which it gnaws the umbilical cord and eats all unnecessary amniotic membranes. The placenta leaves the uterus on its own. Owners should not be frightened by the fact that the cat eats the afterbirth. But it is important to know that if your pet has a gastrointestinal disorder, the placenta in the stomach may be to blame.

If not all babies are born, what should I do?

If your cat’s labor suddenly takes too long, you don’t need to immediately think about the bad. But it’s also not worth waiting until everything resolves itself. The first birth can be very long. If there are many kittens in the womb, the process may also take longer. But how can you tell if all the babies have come out? What if 1 or 2 are left inside, and the animal is not going to continue labor? So, when an owner should be wary:

  • The cat has strange behavior.
  • If you palpate the abdomen, you will notice a lump in it approximately the size of a kitten.
  • The cat's tummy does not "deflate".
  • The temperature increased to 39 degrees.
  • Appeared greenish discharge from the vagina.

It also happens that a mother simply decides to “rest” a little, having already produced 4-5 babies. And during the break, the cat calmly goes about her maternal business: licking the kittens, feeding them, eliminating the remains of the placenta. If the cat looks calm and content, everything is fine; after some time, the remaining kittens will definitely be born.

But if one or more of the above symptoms are present, then the presence of kittens in the womb can lead to big problems. The owner who notices something is wrong should urgently call a specialist. Every minute is worth it. Not only unborn kittens are at risk, but also the cat herself.

Maternal instinct

If the birth went well, the cat is happy, and the kittens are healthy, there is no reason to worry. Nature has built into the pet a program for caring for the offspring, which the cat will carry out within the allotted time. No one can take care of the little ones better than the mother herself.

But it wouldn’t hurt to look after the cat. The pet was very tired and spent a lot of energy and nerves on complex process childbirth Now she faces an equally difficult task - to produce all her offspring. A cat needs a rich, complete diet that contains as much protein as possible and everything healthy vitamins. The pet will share all this wealth with the kittens, feeding them with milk. By 3 weeks of life, babies can already eat on their own, and they can be placed in new hands.

Important facts

An owner planning to breed offspring from his pet should know that:

There are several tips that, if followed, will not only help you carry and give birth to healthy babies for the first time, but will also keep you calm and on your nerves:

  • A cat's pregnancy must be planned. And during the preparatory period, you need to consult a doctor, check for contraindications, possibly do a pelvic ultrasound and undergo some tests.
  • A primiparous cat must observe good physical activity , but without excessive loads. The objects she needs should be within reach so that the pet does not try to jump too high. There is no need to let a pregnant animal go outside unaccompanied.
  • The future mother's diet should be complete and balanced. Deficiency must not be allowed important elements: calcium, proteins, vitamins. Meat products and dairy products are required in the diet. Perhaps your doctor will recommend a vitamin complex. Do not neglect the recommendations if you want to get healthy offspring and keep your cat healthy.
  • IN last days pregnancy, purchase medications that may be needed during labor: Oxytocin to stimulate contractions, Gamavit to support the mother’s body, Ringer’s solution to prevent dehydration.
  • If you are as inexperienced in feline birth as your pet, then It's worth considering professional help. If contractions occur, you can call the veterinarian at home, this will help prevent unforeseen complications.
  • When self-assisting during childbirth, carefully study the entire theoretical basis to be ready to help, and not to panic at all. If health or life-threatening situations arise, seek medical help immediately.

Although labor is a natural process established by nature, the first time is always the most difficult, be it for a cat or for a person. After a couple of litters, your pet will become experienced enough to manage on her own. But it is better for a first-time mother not to be left without the support of a loving owner. And your task is to remain completely calm so that the inexperienced animal does not become even more nervous.

Childbirth in a cat is a simple physiological process. The animal’s body is designed in such a way that childbirth in a cat is easy and human intervention is usually not required. But in order to avoid possible complications, you need to have an understanding of childbirth so that, if necessary, you can help your pet. Today we will talk about how to help a cat during childbirth, how to take them at home, as well as the first symptoms, signs and possible complications associated with this process.

How long does labor last for a cat and how do you know when the process has begun? In the first phase, the cat begins to fuss in its equipped nest. During this period she may:

  • Breathing becomes faster;
  • Trembling appears;
  • Increase your heart rate.

Phase 1. How do cats behave before giving birth? The rushing cat constantly changes position, you can see milk coming out of the nipples. At the same time, the muscles of the pet's uterus contract. This phase can last up to 24 hours. If the first phase is delayed, this is already a reason to consult a doctor.

Phase 2. In the second phase, the animal begins to push. You may notice a greenish or fawn-colored discharge from the vagina. This is normal and means amniotic sac ruptures, and the body gets rid of the amniotic fluid.

From the beginning of the appearance of the kitten's head from the mother's womb to its full appearance, a little more than 10 minutes pass. If the delay lasts more than half an hour, this is a reason to call the veterinarian. Although you can help give birth to a pet yourself, let’s talk about everything in order.

A cat should be prepared for birth approximately a week before lambing. She should be put on a moderate diet, you can simply cut down her standard diet - this will help ease contractions. If there is a day or two left before lambing, then it is advisable to add easily digestible food to your pet’s diet:

During this period, you should monitor your cat's temperature daily. You can do this twice a day (morning and evening). As a rule, before the first phase, the temperature of the furry mother is kept around - 37°C. When labor begins, the temperature should rise to normal condition— (~38.5°C).

Setting up the place

How to prepare a place for childbirth? The cat anticipates the moment of approaching lambing on a subconscious level, and she begins to search for a place to give birth. Keep in mind that your pet's choice may fall on your favorite sweater in the closet or bed linen. Therefore, in order to avoid “surprises,” it is best to build a place for childbirth yourself.

A cat can easily ignore the proposed bed, guided by its preferences. Therefore, it must be constantly and monotonously placed there, and if the pet has chosen a certain corner for itself, then the “nest” can be moved there. But even if the cat gave birth where she wanted, the kittens can be moved to an equipped place. And the mother will inevitably move after them to the chosen nook.

If your cat is giving birth for the first time

Both physically and psychologically, the first birth of a cat is considered the most difficult. The expectant mother has a poor understanding of what needs to be done. She may be nervous, frightened and even panic, continuously calling for help with her meows.

Even a person experienced in these matters does not know what exactly needs to be done during this period. After all, it is still unknown:

  • How long will the contractions last?
  • How the animal will behave during childbirth;
  • How will the pet behave towards its offspring?

After all, each cat is a special living organism with its own principles and characteristics of behavior and physiology. Sometimes a cat needs the presence of its owner, in other cases it may see a potential threat in a person, will drive it away, and may even bite the hand that offers help.

At such moments, there is practically nothing you can do to help your pet. All that remains is to observe and hope for a successful outcome. If something does not go according to the standard scenario, then the cat needs help. In this case, it is best to enlist the support of an experienced specialist. Together it is easier to restrain a restless animal, and the veterinarian can also give the pet medicinal product, relieving pain, relieving stress.

The first signs and symptoms of labor beginning

How to determine the onset of labor in a cat? The cat behaves quite normally throughout the pregnancy cycle. She eats great and sleeps a lot. The playfulness, however, subsides a little, but this is only due to the enlarged tummy, which prevents him from frolicking to the fullest.

But when the day of the cat’s first birth comes and the first signs and symptoms appear, the pet’s behavior changes radically. Even an inexperienced person in this area will understand that this is that very day. The cat is acting restless:

  • Screams unnaturally;
  • Refuses to eat;
  • Walks endlessly from corner to corner;
  • Looks into the owner's eyes.

These are the main signs that signal a cat’s readiness to give birth. More precisely, this is a symptom of the first contractions.

How to deliver a cat?

  1. Lungs.
  2. Average.
  3. Heavy.

Each type has its own specific features, therefore, it is necessary to take birth in each specific case, starting from the category.

Easy birth

In this case, as a rule, the cat does not need outside help and it takes her no more than an hour to give birth to a kitten. All that is required from the owner is presence and observation. It is necessary to ensure that the cat does not crush the offspring, and also to check whether the afterbirth is released. In some cases, the afterbirth may come out a little later, at most the next day. If such a situation arises, you also need to monitor your pet’s discharge. They should not contain:

  • Pus;
  • Mucus;
  • Blood.

By the way, a small presence of blood in a cat’s urine after birth is normal.

Middle birth

If the process occurs with complications, then you need to help deliver the cat yourself at home. This can be a light stroking towards the uterus on the sides of the animal. If your pet is in no hurry to gnaw the umbilical cord, then you will need to do it yourself. To do this, you will need disinfected scissors and iodine. The umbilical cord must be cut so that a few centimeters remain before the navel, and the incision site must be treated with iodine.

Sometimes the first kitten may be born with an unruptured amniotic sac. In the vast majority of cases, the cat tears the shirt on its own. However, if she is in no hurry to do this, then she needs to take the situation into her own hands. To do this, with clean (treated) hands you need to tear the film, take out the baby and wipe him dry. There is one more in this procedure important aspect– you need to make sure that the kitten is breathing. After all, sometimes it respiratory tract may be clogged with mucus secretions.

If a newborn baby does not feed visible signs activity and does not make sounds, then you need to examine his mouth. If oral cavity clogged with something, then foreign bodies must be removed using suction. If this does not have any effect, the kitten should be turned upside down and a bottle of water should be applied to its body. warm water. When these manipulations do not help, then all that remains is to use the most radical method - water procedures. To do this, you will need to dip the baby upside down in cold water, and then repeat the process, but with warm water. This type therapy worked well, and many kittens lived full life thanks to such a seemingly crude intervention. It’s good if a woman in labor eats her afterbirth. It will not only stimulate the next contractions, but will also serve as a source of energy necessary for lactation.

Difficult birth

IN difficult cases your pet may need help. Therefore, it is highly advisable to ensure that a qualified person is present to control the situation.

  1. If the pet cannot lamb for more than five hours, then you can give her a Homovita injection; 0.5 cc is quite enough. If labor has not begun an hour after the injection, then in addition you can administer Oxytacin to your pet in the same amount. All this contributes to intensifying contractions. Along the way, the cat needs to be massaged, stroking its tummy towards the uterus.
  2. If the animal can barely move, then you can inject the pet with Calcium Gluconate. The volume of the administered drug depends on the weight of the animal.

You can also help a cat give birth as an obstetrician. Sometimes kittens do not come out as expected - this is a serious case and you need to help the animal resolve the situation. A newborn kitten should be turned, if necessary, and gently pulled by the skin while the pregnant woman pushes.

In some cases, even following all the prescribed recommendations and techniques to help stimulate labor, the cat is in no hurry to give birth. In such a situation, the help of a veterinarian is best help in giving birth to a domestic cat.

Stages of childbirth in a cat

How does a cat give birth? The first sign signaling the onset of labor in a cat is chaotic, still weak, but growing labor pains. During this period, which lasts several hours, the animal’s birth canal is prepared and opened.

Labor contractions increase until the cervix dilates. After this, their character changes. Now these are rhythmic attempts that contribute to the unhurried but confident movement of the cubs towards the exit. Gradually the rhythm intensifies, and periods of decline between rhythmic urges disappear. At this time, the first baby approaches the entrance to the pelvic ring, then passes it and, against the background of a sharp effort, the baby begins to smoothly emerge into the light.

The last contraction and here in front of you is a living kitten, sometimes still hidden by the amniotic sac.

Possible complications during and (or) after childbirth

WITH medical point vision difficult birth in cats are also called pathological. Complications can occur to a pet at any stage of labor and even after a seemingly successful lambing. Let's consider the main types of complications during childbirth in a cat and measures to prevent them.

The cat has bleeding (bloody discharge) after giving birth

What should you do if your cat has blood (blood discharge) during or after giving birth? Usually the owner only thinks that his pet is peeing blood after giving birth. In fact, there is nothing alarming about this phenomenon, and if a suspicious symptom goes away after a day or two, then bloody discharge you can forget.

But the causes of bleeding in cats after childbirth can be negative:

  • Accumulation of blood in the uterus;
  • Rupture of the uterus, vulva;
  • Broken stitches (after cesarean section).

Therefore, if immediately after birth it is noticed profuse bleeding lasting more than 10 minutes, then you need to take the animal to the veterinarian urgently.

The cat does not have milk after giving birth

Why does a cat have no milk after giving birth and what to do in this situation? Nature has thought of everything, including the independent ability of a cat to care for and feed its offspring. However, due to various circumstances, cats that have recently given birth may not have milk, or there may be too little milk for adequate feeding. This usually happens if the cat is stressed or has had a bad birth. Also, this problem often affects firstborns, shy and, on the contrary, overly aggressive animals. A cat may not have milk after giving birth due to a lack of maternal instinct.

  • First you need to take care of proper provision caring for the cat, creating a cozy and calm environment for it, conducive to the development of its maternal instinct. You should also take care of the nutritional value of the cat's diet: the food should be nourishing, but balanced. It is advisable to give a young mother more milk.
  • It would be nice if you could place bowls of cat food close to the “nest”. After all, many cats faithfully protect their babies and are afraid to go far from them for a long time. This affects the quality of nutrition, and therefore the amount of mother’s milk.

The cat developed a bladder after giving birth

Why did a cat develop a bladder after giving birth and what to do in this case? Most often, the amniotic sac, the membrane in which the kitten developed, bursts while still in the cat’s womb. But every rule has an exception. Sometimes you can see that a pet’s bladder has come out after giving birth - this means that the natural lambing cycle has taken a slightly different path.

If this does not happen, then the cat needs help and burst the bubble on its own. Naturally, all hygienic precautions must be taken before the operation begins.

The cat still has a belly after giving birth

There are three main reasons why cats may have a big belly after giving birth:

If your pet is on the verge of giving birth, but feels quite confident, then there is no need to stimulate the animal’s labor. But not every cat gives birth without complications. In some cases, animals cannot give birth on their own at all, so human help is the only chance for them to save their offspring, and sometimes even survive themselves.

The easiest way to stimulate labor in a cat is stroking abdominal cavity. In some cases, it is possible to administer drugs to a pregnant pet to intensify contractions, but this should be done only if necessary - when labor is delayed for an unnaturally long period of time.

Eclampsia in cats after birth

Eclampsia most often begins in the first weeks after birth. This is due to calcium deficiency, washed out of the animal’s body. Some cats are predisposed to eclampsia. And if your pet is at risk or has already had to deal with a similar problem in previous births, then a relapse is almost inevitable. In this case, you need to develop a diet for a pregnant cat with an increased dosage of calcium.

Postpartum cat care

What to do after giving birth to a cat? A new mother needs to be fed easily digestible food. The daily food should be divided into several parts and fed to the pet gradually. From time to time you need to force the animal to leave its “nest” in order to clean it, since some furry mothers do not leave their makeshift shelter for a long time. In addition to regular food, you need to feed your cat milk with added calcium, fish oil, phosphates. The animal must also be given unlimited access to water. After the mother cat stops feeding her cubs milk, you can switch her to a standard diet and reduce the amount of liquid given.

Still have questions? You can ask them to our site's resident veterinarian in the comment box below, who will respond to them as soon as possible.

  • Hello. My cat got pregnant and she's sick diabetes mellitus. She is 9 years old, this is her first pregnancy. Just a little time more than three weeks They offer to sterilize her, they say that this way the risk to her health is less. But I'm scared to decide to have surgery. Tell me, is there really less risk during sterilization than during childbirth? What risks await us (besides the standard ones for healthy animals) if we decide to continue the pregnancy and go into labor? And how can they be minimized? Thank you in advance.

  • You need to prepare in advance for lambing and receiving kittens. For these purposes you need:

    1.hand sanitizer

    2. blunt-tipped scissors and vessel clamps

    3.sterile pipette and disposable syringes

    4.solution of dermisol, betadine or alcohol

    5.surgical gloves

    6.sterile gauze pads

    8.sterile Vaseline

    9.toilet paper roll

    10.garbage bags

    11.clean blanket


    13.clock with second hand phone number

    It is quite possible that you will not need some of the things listed above, but nevertheless they should definitely be on hand.

    First contractions

    The fact that birth is approaching can be indicated by a drop in rectal temperature, by the cat’s refusal to eat, and by the appearance of scanty transparent mucous discharge from the loop. She also begins to build a nest, tearing up newspapers and other things, breathing heavily, meowing or purring loudly and pitifully.

    Approximately five days before the expected birth, you should begin measuring your cat's temperature in the morning and evening. With the beginning of the first stage of labor contractions, the rectal temperature drops to 36.7 * C (normal - 38.3 -38.9 * C).

    For a short time, the cat calms down, tries to lie down more comfortably, then gets up again, stomps around in one place and lies down again. Many cats feel real fear during their first birth and do not understand what is happening to them; some want to be close to the owner during childbirth and call on him for help; others retire out of sight; There are cats that lie on their sides and wait for lambing, withdrawing into themselves.

    If you have not trained your cat before birth to separate place, then she can climb into the closet or lie down on the bed. In this case, take the cat and move her to a place prepared for childbirth and try to create favorable conditions for her in this place (silence, peace, shade).

    The first sign of the onset of labor is the appearance of labor contractions - weak, chaotic, but gradually increasing. This is the period of preparation and revelation birth canal, which lasts for several hours in primiparous cats.

    The contractions increase until the cervix dilates, then they turn into rhythmic attempts that expel the fetus from the uterine ampulla through the vagina to the outside. The rhythmic contractions of the uterus are increasingly intensified, and the intervals between them are constantly becoming shorter. During pushing, the fetus approaches the entrance to the pelvic ring, passes it, and in the wake of the strongest pushing, the head erupts, emerging from the loop.

    The last contraction - and a kitten is born, hidden by the amniotic membranes. While the cat is laboring and the fetus is moving through the birth canal, you need to sterilize the scissors, vascular clamps, wash your hands well with soap, remove dirt from under the nails with a brush, dry your hands with sterile wipes, wipe them with alcohol and put them on sterile gloves. Then you should dry the instruments with napkins, wrap them in a clean paper towel and place them next to you.

    With the onset of attempts, you need to pick up a watch, writing paper and a pen. Note and record the duration of pushing and the intervals between them (prior to the birth of the kitten, pushing occurs every thirty seconds).

    If the pushing continues for an hour or more, but the kitten is not yet visible from the birth canal, or the pushing has become very weak or has stopped altogether, and scarlet marks have begun to appear from the noose. spotting, then call the vet immediately.

    Giving birth to a cat is an exciting and responsible event that requires a certain approach from the owner of the pet in preparation for this process. To do everything correctly and without mistakes, you need to figure out how a cat’s pregnancy proceeds and when does the moment of birth of kittens occur?

    As the pregnancy comes to an end, the owner must carefully prepare for the cat's birth, especially if it is the first. At least two weeks before the expected birth, it is necessary to prepare a place where expectant mother will take care of the kittens.

    Attention: The owner must remember that from the very beginning of pregnancy the cat should eat twice as much. It would be nice if the cat received additional vitamin supplements. Make sure that the animal is not exposed to stress.

    How to equip a “nest”?

    The place in which the cat will give birth and nurse her cubs should be as spacious and comfortable as possible.

    Even a thick cardboard box is suitable for this purpose, in which you need to put several layers of paper and disposable napkins. After birth, the “nest” is equipped with something warm, but not hot, so that the kittens do not overheat.

    You can also use special cat houses for the “nest”, which are arranged according to the same principle. If you are smart, you don’t have to purchase such a house; you can make it yourself.

    What should you have on hand?

    As soon as your cat goes into labor, you should definitely have the following things on hand:

    • disposable gloves;
    • antiseptic;
    • petrolatum;
    • threads;
    • clean scissors;
    • pipette;
    • number of a good veterinarian;
    • heating pad in warm water;
    • clean napkins;

    Attention: All necessary items, which will be needed during childbirth, it is better to prepare in advance.

    How to choose a place?

    To give birth to a cat comfortably and without unnecessary fuss, it is better to choose the room that is least used. It should be dry, warm, quiet. In the future, no one should disturb the mother cat.

    Therefore, walk-through rooms, as well as where children and other animals live, are excluded.

    How do they start?

    The signs of labor beginning are very pronounced. So, it is unlikely that you will not notice that your pet is giving birth.

    You can tell that labor is starting by the following symptoms:

    1. The cat is acting very excited and worried.
    2. The animal meows and follows on your heels.
    3. The cat often licks its own genitals.
    4. The animal's vagina appears swollen and inflamed.
    5. Yellow or bloody discharge may appear.

    It is not recommended to leave a cat alone at the time of birth. This event is quite painful and the animal will be very worried. During contractions, the owner can give a relaxing abdominal massage, stroke the cat and talk to it.

    How long do they last?

    Cat labor lasts from several hours to a day and a half. Both the first and second cases are considered completely normal from the point of view of the physiology of these animals. Childbirth also varies in complexity.

    This depends on the characteristics of the cat’s body and the number of pregnancies experienced.

    The following stages of the birth process are distinguished:

    1. First stage- it is characterized by contractions that can last for quite a long time. After the contractions are over, the attempts themselves begin, which contribute to the birth of kittens.
    2. Second stage- characterized by the birth of kittens itself. The cubs themselves are most often born head first. But there are often cases when a baby is born forward with his hind legs, which is also considered absolutely normal. Yes, on initial stage In the second stage, fluid from the amniotic sac first appears from the cat’s vagina. Only later do the kittens themselves appear.
    3. Third stage- the final stage in which the uterus contracts to normal sizes. IN mandatory The cat comes out with afterbirth. There should be as many of them as kittens were born.

    Attention: most often the cat eats the placenta. However, it is better not to let her do this to avoid vomiting and diarrhea.

    Even after the birth of the last kitten, do not rush to relax. You need to carefully monitor the cat and see if all the afterbirths have come out.

    If the number of placenta does not coincide with the number of kittens born, then this is a good reason to contact a veterinarian as soon as possible. A placenta that has not passed away can cause a serious inflammatory process.

    Problems that may arise during childbirth

    Childbirth is quite a complex process. They most often occur on days 63 or 65.

    Sometimes a cat needs human help, without which she or the kittens may die. If it is not possible to immediately consult a veterinarian, it is worth knowing what problems your beloved pet may have and how to help it.

    The kitten cannot be born

    The situation when a kitten cannot be born is not uncommon.

    There may be several reasons for this:

    • incorrect positioning of the kitten;
    • too much large sizes fetus;

    Another problem is that the kitten is born with its hind legs first. Usually, during a healthy birth, the kitten comes out head first. Otherwise, the birth of a baby may be difficult.

    The emergence of the fetus with its hind legs forward is usually characteristic of the first kitten. All subsequent kittens are born without any particular difficulties.

    Attention: Problems with giving birth to kittens can occur in cats that have previously broken their pelvic bones. In this case, difficulties with the birth of a kitten can even lead to the death of the mother cat.

    If the kitten comes out, but not completely, and the cat cannot give birth to it on her own, it is worth helping her with Vaseline. You need to lubricate the kitten and the cat's vagina well. Usually, after this the kitten comes out without problems.

    Attention: You should not pull the kitten by the head, paws or tail. This can injure the baby and even lead to his death or physical impairment.

    The cat does not release the kitten from the amniotic sac

    The cat must free the kitten from the amniotic sac within 1 minute. Since this does not happen, you urgently need to cut the bubble yourself with scissors.

    After which the actions should be as follows:

    1. The baby should be wrapped in a soft, clean cloth and lowered with his muzzle towards the floor.
    2. Holding the baby in your arms, the kitten's legs should be very slowly brought closer to the chest and straightened back.
    3. The action must be repeated about 10-15 times, after which the kitten begins to breathe.
    4. If the kitten's nose and mouth are burdened with amniotic fluid, it is worth sucking it out using a pipette or a small syringe.
    5. You need to wipe the baby with a rough towel and send it to the cat mother.

    If the kitten does not breathe even after all the manipulations done, then only artificial respiration mouth to mouth.

    At the same time, you should not inhale air into the kitten too persistently; you should understand that the volume of the baby’s lungs is very small and they can be damaged by excessive amounts of air.

    The cat does not chew the umbilical cord

    The problem when a cat does not gnaw the baby's umbilical cord also occurs. Most often this is due to the fact that the cat is very stressed and has become distracted due to childbirth. If the cat has not chewed the umbilical cord within a few minutes, you will need to cut it off yourself.

    To do this:

    1. It is necessary to tie the baby's umbilical cord with a thread at a distance of 4 cm from the tummy.
    2. Using sterile scissors, you need to cut off the umbilical cord next to the thread on the side of the abdomen.
    3. The area where the umbilical cord was cut must be wiped with an antiseptic.

    Attention: Under no circumstances should the umbilical cord be cut off in such a way that nothing remains of it. A piece of umbilical cord 3-3.5 cm long should remain. Over time, this small shoot will dry out and fall off on its own.

    The afterbirth does not come out

    If a cat’s afterbirth does not come out on its own, it also needs human help. It is necessary to wear gloves and carefully remove the afterbirth.

    If the afterbirth remains in the cat's body, this can lead to very dangerous consequences, rotting of the tissues remaining inside may begin, blood poisoning, and in the end the pet will die.

    If the placenta could not be removed independently and it never came out, the cat needs to be very short terms deliver to veterinary clinic, where doctors will remove remaining tissue and examine the animal.

    How to understand that labor is over?

    The cat's labor ends at the moment when she has given birth to all the kittens and all the afterbirth has come out.

    The only sure way to understand whether all the kittens have been born is to carefully palpate the cat’s belly. It is important not to confuse the kitten with the cervix, which can also be clearly felt after the birth is over.

    If one or more kittens can be felt in the abdomen, but the cat is not going to give birth to them after the next 3-4 hours, you should contact a veterinary clinic.

    When is it necessary to urgently contact a veterinarian?

    Cases when a pregnant cat needs urgent Care there may be several doctors:

    1. Pregnancy and gestation of kittens lasts more than 70 days.
    2. The cat has a fever.
    3. The first stage of labor lasts more than a day.
    4. If contractions are strong, the kitten does not appear within 20 minutes.
    5. The cat has a strong and very unpleasant odor coming from her vagina.
    6. The pet has a red discharge and it lasts more than 7-10 minutes.
    7. Strong contractions that last more than 2 hours, but kittens are not born.
    8. The kitten cannot be born and there is no way to help it on your own.

    These cases require urgent contact with a veterinarian. Only this can help preserve the fetus and the health of your pet.

    The birth of kittens is a positive and pleasant moment. However, the owner must remember that pregnancy and childbirth are a very exhausting and painful process, which can also provoke many diseases in your pet.

    Thus, after the birth and distribution of kittens, ask your treating veterinarian about further sterilization of your ward.

    This procedure will not only save the cat from false heat, but will also allow her to live a longer, happier and calmer life.