Forest development project. Development of a forest development project (FDP) Forest development project for a linear facility

When leasing any forest plot, it is mandatory to draw up a forest development project (Appendix 4). Forest Development Project is the basis for the use, protection, protection and reproduction of forests located within the boundaries of the leased area.

Until August 2012, this document for the construction of linear facilities was drawn up for a period of no more than 10 years, but not less than the term of the forest plot lease agreement. In the current legislation, on August 1, 2012, Order No. 69 of February 29, 2012 “On approval of the composition of the forest development project and the procedure for its development” came into force, according to article 30 of which the forest development project should be developed for a period of no more than 10 years - for all types of forest use, with the exception of the types of forest use defined in Articles 43-45 of the Forest Code Russian Federation, but the validity period of the forest development project should not exceed the validity period of the corresponding forest lease agreement, forestry regulations of the forest district (forest park).

For types of forest use defined by articles 43-45 of the Forest Code of the Russian Federation, Forest development projects are drawn up for the duration of the forest plot lease agreement.

Article 45 of the Forest Code of the Russian Federation: Use of scaffolding for construction, reconstruction, and operation of linear facilities.

The general provisions of the forest development project include information about the tenant and the lessor (details of both parties to the lease agreement).

The section with information about the forest plot includes a description of the boundaries of part of the forest plot, a list of data on the lease of forest blocks, spatial location, distribution of the area of ​​the forest plot by type of intended purpose, distribution of the area of ​​the part of the forest plot from the forest fund lands and non-forest lands, taxation characteristics of the part of the forest plot. In addition, this section establishes restrictions on the use of part of the forest area, provides characteristics of existing specially protected natural areas and objects, and also provides information on the presence of rare and endangered species of forest plants, forecast indicators of the condition of part of the forest area by the end of the contract rent.

The section on the construction, reconstruction, operation of power lines, communication lines, roads, pipelines and other linear facilities includes the main parameters and regulatory use of scaffolding to carry out work. The rationale and characteristics of the projected types and volumes of work, the characteristics of existing and designed objects, the projected volume of forest cuttings on part of the forest plot (if forest cutting is necessary), and the territorial location of part of the forest plot are calculated.

The forest development project includes a section on the creation of forest infrastructure, which states that the construction of forest infrastructure elements is not provided for on the leased site. In addition, one of the sections defines the provisions on measures for the protection, protection and reproduction of forests. The section contains information on the distribution of the territory of a part of a forest area by fire hazard class, data on the average fire hazard class, justification and characteristics of the projected types and volumes of measures for fire prevention in forests, data on the availability and needs of fire equipment, information on the presence of negative impacts on forests, justification and characteristics of the types and volumes of planned sanitary, health and extermination measures.

The section on measures for the protection of objects of the living world, water bodies includes characteristics of water bodies and objects of the living world, the projected types and volumes of measures for the protection of water bodies and objects of the living world.

Forest Development Project

Forest Development Project has become an important document, without which you cannot begin to develop forests, even if you have a lease agreement - advice and recommendations.

A forest development project must not only be drawn up, but also undergo a state examination, on the basis of which it will be approved by orders of the authorized executive body of the constituent entity of the Russian Federation in the field of forest relations.

Article 88 of the Forest Code establishes that “persons to whom forest plots are provided for permanent (indefinite) use or lease, constitute a forest development project.” Forest development in accordance with Article 12 of the Forest Code is carried out in order to ensure their multi-purpose, rational, continuous, non-exhaustive use.

“The composition of the forest development project and the procedure for its development” was approved by order of Rosleskhoz dated February 29, 2012 N 69. The forest development project contains information on the permitted types and projected volumes of forest use, measures for the protection, protection and reproduction of forests, on the creation of forest and timber processing infrastructure, for the protection of wildlife and water bodies, and in cases provided for in Part 1 of Article 21 of the Forest Code of the Russian Federation, also on measures for the construction, reconstruction and operation of facilities not related to the creation of forest infrastructure.

The procedure for developing a forest development project



Who is developing the project?

A forest development project is developed by persons to whom forest plots are provided for permanent (indefinite) use or lease, in accordance with Art. 12 Forest Code of the Russian Federation.

Reasons for developing the project?

The basis for developing a forest development project is:

lease agreement for a forest plot, the right to permanent (indefinite) use of a forest plot;

forestry regulations of the forest district (forest park);

materials of the state forest register;

data from forest management and other special surveys;

territorial planning documents.

What types of forest uses is the project being developed for?

The development project for a forest plot is drawn up only for those types of forest use that are permitted in accordance with the lease agreement for the forest plot or the right of permanent (indefinite) use of the forest plot.

Duration of the project?

A forest development project is developed for a period of up to 10 years, not exceeding the validity period of the corresponding forestry regulations of the forest district (forest park). For the types of forest use defined by Articles 43 - 45 of the Forest Code of the Russian Federation, forest development projects are drawn up for the duration of the forest plot lease agreement.

At whose expense is forest taxation carried out?

When developing a forest development project, it is allowed, at the initiative and at the expense of the tenant (user), to carry out forest taxation in the established order to identify, record and evaluate the qualitative and quantitative characteristics of forest resources.

Composition of the project?

The forest development project is drawn up in the form of text, tabular and graphic materials (including cartographic ones).

How are changes made to the project?

Amendments to the forest development project are permitted when forestry regulations are changed.

Number of project instances?

The forest development project is submitted to the authorized state authority or local government body in three copies on paper and one in electronic form.

The forest development project consists of general and special parts.

The general part of the project is compiled for all types of forest use provided for in Article 25 of the Forest Code of the Russian Federation.

A special part of the forest development project - the section "Organization of forest use" includes subsections corresponding to the types of permitted use of forests provided for by the lease agreement for a forest plot or the conditions for granting a forest plot on the right of permanent (perpetual) use.

Order of Rosleskhoz dated February 29, 2012 N 69 established the following requirements for the content of sections of the forest development project (we give in abbreviation).

Expertise of the forest development project

It should be taken into account that the forest development project is subject to state or municipal examination in the manner established by the authorized federal executive body (from Article 89).

Expertise of forest development projects

State examination is carried out

Municipal examination is carried out

The authorized body of state power of the subject of the Russian Federation in forests, the powers for which are transferred to the subject of the Russian Federation

The authorized federal executive body in forests, the powers for which have not been transferred to a constituent entity of the Russian Federation

The authorized federal executive body in forests located on defense and security lands, lands of specially protected natural areas

Municipal authority in forests located on municipally owned lands

A report on the use of forests (information on the volume of withdrawn forest resources, their commodity structure, other information) is submitted by citizens and legal entities engaged in the use of forests to state authorities and local governments (Article 49).

In order to implement the Forest Code of the Russian Federation and decrees of the Government of the Russian Federation, Rosleskhoz has issued orders that establish the composition of a forest development project and the procedure for its development, rules for the use of forests for construction, reconstruction, operation of power lines, communication lines, roads, pipelines and other linear objects , the procedure for using forests to carry out work on geological exploration of subsoil, for the development of mineral deposits and other regulatory documents that are posted on the official website of Rosleskhoz.

“The procedure for state or municipal examination of a forest development project” was approved by order of Rosleskhoz dated December 22, 2011 N 545. The purpose of the Examination is to assess the compliance of the forest development project with the forestry regulations of the forest district (forest park), the forest plan of the constituent entity of the Russian Federation and the legislation of the Russian Federation.

The procedure for state or municipal examination of a forest development project (hereinafter referred to as the Procedure) was developed in accordance with Article 89 of the Forest Code of the Russian Federation (hereinafter referred to as the Forest Code of the Russian Federation) and establishes the requirements for conducting a state or municipal examination of a forest development project.

2. State or municipal examination of a forest development project (hereinafter referred to as the Examination) is carried out by state authorities and local governments within the limits of authority in accordance with Articles 81 - 84 of the Forest Code of the Russian Federation.

3. The purpose of the Expertise is to assess the compliance of the forest development project with the forestry regulations of the forest district, forest park, forest plan of the constituent entity of the Russian Federation, as well as the principles of rational use and conservation of forest biological diversity and the legislation of the Russian Federation.

4. To conduct the Expertise, state authorities and local government bodies form expert commissions. The expert commission must include at least two representatives of public associations.

5. Persons to whom forest plots are provided for permanent (indefinite) use or lease (hereinafter referred to as Forest Users), to conduct an Examination of a forest development project, submit to state authorities or local government bodies a written application with the attachment of a forest development project on paper in two copies in bound and numbered form and in electronic form.

The application shall indicate:

a) information about the Forest User:

  • full and abbreviated name, legal and actual address, bank
  • details - for a legal entity;
  • surname, first name, patronymic, address of residence, details of identification document
  • personality - for a citizen or individual entrepreneur;

b) date, registration number of the lease agreement or permanent (indefinite) right

use of a forest area;

c) location, area of ​​the forest plot, type and period of use of forests.

6. Submitted materials are registered by government authorities or

local government bodies, which check them within 3 days from the date of registration

completeness. If the requirements specified in paragraph 5 of this Procedure are not met,

the materials are returned to the Forest User.

7. Expertise of a forest development project is carried out within 30 days from the date of receipt

materials. The period for conducting the Examination may be extended depending on the content

forest development project, but not more than 10 days.

8. In the process of conducting the Expertise, the Forest User may be asked

additional information and clarification on the activities provided for by the project

forest development.

9. The examination is drawn up in the form of a conclusion approved by state bodies

authorities or local governments. The conclusion of the examination may be

positive or negative.

10. A positive conclusion from the Examination is issued if there is compliance

Russian Federation.

11. A negative conclusion from the Examination is issued in case of non-compliance

measures for use, conservation, protection and

forest reproduction, purposes and types of forest development, forestry regulations

forestry, forest park, forest plan of a constituent entity of the Russian Federation, legislation

Russian Federation and must contain an indication of specific provisions,

contradicting the legislation of the Russian Federation, as well as not complying

forestry regulations of the forest district, forest park, forest plan of the subject of the Russian Federation


12. State authorities or local governments within 7 days

after approval of the Expertise conclusion, it is sent to the Forest User.

13. The use of forests in the presence of a negative expert opinion on a forest development project is not allowed.

14. The validity period of the positive conclusion of the Expertise is established for the duration of the forest development project.

15. Changes and additions made to the forest development project are subject to Expertise in accordance with the requirements established by this Procedure.

Forest Declaration and Forest Use Report

Even if there is an approved state or municipal examination of a forest development project, you cannot begin to develop a forest plot, since a declaration on the use of the forest plot must be filled out at least ten days in advance.

The requirements for filling out the declaration are established in Article 26 of the Forest Code: “Persons to whom forest plots are provided for permanent (indefinite) use or lease, submit annually to state authorities, local governments within the limits of their powers, a forest declaration (statement) on the use of forests in accordance with the forest development project.”

“The procedure for filling out and submitting a forest declaration” was approved by Rosleskhoz order No. 18 dated January 17, 2012 “On the forest declaration,” which says: "2. The forest declaration is submitted annually by persons to whom forest plots are provided with the right of permanent (indefinite) use or lease (hereinafter referred to as the forest user), to the state authority or local government body that provided the forest plot (hereinafter referred to as the authorized body), no less than 10 days before the start of the intended period of use of the forest plot.

3. The forest declaration must contain information about all types of forest use that are provided for by the lease agreement, the decision of the state or municipal body authorized to provide forest plots for permanent (indefinite) use, the forest development project on the forest plot transferred for use for the declared year.

4. The following information is included in the forest declaration:

a) full name of the forest user - legal entity, its legal address, telephone number; for an individual (including an individual entrepreneur) - last name, first name, patronymic, residential address, telephone number;

b) date and number of the agreement (decision of the authorized body on the provision of a forest plot for permanent (indefinite) use);

c) declared period;

d) the name of the body that approved the conclusion of the state or municipal examination of the forest development project, and the date of approval.

5. Information on the types and volumes of forest use is indicated in the annex to the forest declaration (according to one of the two forms attached to the forest declaration form, depending on the type of forest use).

The forest declaration and its annex are signed by the forest user.

The forest declaration is drawn up in two copies. The first copy is kept by the forest user, the second copy is submitted by the forest user to the authorized body.

If a forest declaration is found to be inconsistent with the form and established requirements for its content, the forest development project, or the information contained in the forest declaration is unreliable, the authorized body shall send the forest user a written notice of refusal to accept it, containing the rationale for the refusal.

If changes are made to the forest development project, the forest declaration must be brought into conformity with the forest development project.

Filling out the forest declaration is carried out strictly according to the form, which is given in Appendix No. 2 to the order of Rosleskhoz dated January 17, 2012 No. 18 “On the forest declaration.”

The procedure for transferring forest fund lands to other categories of land, including the inclusion of forest lands within the boundaries of settlements - tips and recommendations in the book -


Forest development project

leased forest plot

"Syktyvkar LDK"


Syktyvkar 2008


The forest development project is aimed at ensuring multi-purpose, rational, continuous, sustainable use of forests in accordance with permitted species, as well as the development of the forest industry. The forest development project was developed by the Limited Liability Company "Komigeoinform" for a period of years.

The Project includes measures for timber harvesting, reforestation, improving the quality and productivity of forests through thinning, protecting forests from fires, protecting forests from diseases and pests, developing forest infrastructure, protecting water bodies and wildlife.

All forestry activities are designed in accordance with the current forestry legislation and forestry regulations of the Mezhdurechensky and Vyysky forestries. The production activities of Syktyvkar LDK are based on the principles of sustainable forest management. Therefore, when developing the Forest Development Project, the relevant requirements for voluntary FSC certification were taken into account.

The development of forests is carried out in compliance with their intended purpose and the useful functions they perform. Exploitation forests are subject to development for the purpose of sustainable, most efficient production of high-quality wood and other forest resources, their processed products, ensuring the preservation of the useful functions of forests. Protective forests are subject to development in order to preserve the environment-forming, water-protective, protective, sanitary-hygienic, health-improving and other useful functions of forests with the simultaneous use of forests, provided that this use is compatible with the intended purpose of protective forests and the useful functions they perform.


"Syktyvkarsky LDK" harvests wood from a forest plot in the Mezhdurechensky forestry of the Forestry Committee of the Republic of Kazakhstan and the Vyysky forestry within the Gavrilovsky and Vyysky district forest districts of the Arkhangelsk region. The possible annual volume of wood harvesting (calculated cutting area) is 343.6 thousand m3 of marketable wood. The total area of ​​the leased forest plot is hectares. The forest area is located within the Selogvozhsky and Verkhnee-Vashkinsky district forest districts.

The company harvests wood using cut-to-length technology using harvester-forwarder complexes of the PONSSE trademark (Finland). Harvesting is carried out by 7 complexes of logging equipment (7 harvesters, 7 forwarders). The wood harvested by the enterprise is transported to processing sites by rail.

The road network in forest areas is not sufficiently developed. The company is engaged in the construction, repair and maintenance of the road network, which makes it possible to develop previously inaccessible forest areas and ensure the implementation of a range of works for the protection, protection and reproduction of forests.

The company employs 220 permanent workers and employees, of which 180 are residents of settlements in the Udora region.

Forest management goals

Long-term forest management goals:

· stable and profitable production activities for the production of competitive forest products, aimed at obtaining the maximum amount of added value from each unit of forest resources;

· maintaining the environment within the limits that ensure the ecological, cultural and economic comfort of the local population, the preservation of forest biodiversity;

· ensuring the social needs of the enterprise’s employees and the development of the social sphere in the area of ​​the enterprise’s operation.

Medium-term forest management goals:

· full development of the estimated cutting area;

· maximum use of the enterprise's production capacity;

· creation and development of wood processing and deep wood processing facilities;

· ensuring high-quality reproduction of forest resources, conservation of soil and water resources during forest management;

· development and implementation of a system for preserving biodiversity in the lease area;

· creating additional employment and improving the social sphere for the local population.

informational and regulatory

forestry base

The information base for forest management is the forest management materials of the Mezhdurechenskoye forestry (forestry enterprise) as part of the Project for the Organization and Management of Forestry, departmental forest management maps (tablets), taxation descriptions of forest plantations. To account for current changes, materials from the annual forest fund accounting are used. In addition, the enterprise is currently introducing advanced methods for organizing and using forest information based on Geographic Information Systems (GIS), Earth remote sensing data (aerospace images), and GPS global satellite navigation system.

The forestry activities of the enterprise comply with the norms and requirements established by the regulatory framework of forestry as part of the following documents:

1. Forest Code of the Russian Federation No. 000 - Federal Law dated December 4, 2006;

2. Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated January 1, 2001 No. 000 “On approval of Fire Safety Rules in Forests”;

3. Order of the Ministry of Natural Resources of the Russian Federation dated June 8, 2007 No. 000 “On approval of afforestation rules”;

4. Order of the Ministry of Natural Resources of the Russian Federation dated January 1, 2001 No. 000 “On approval of reforestation rules”;

5. Order of the Ministry of Natural Resources of the Russian Federation dated January 1, 2001 No. 000 “On approval of forest care rules”;

6. Order of the Ministry of Natural Resources of the Russian Federation dated July 9, 2007 No. 000 “On approval of the procedure for organizing and implementing forest pathological monitoring”;

7. Order of the Ministry of Natural Resources of the Russian Federation dated January 1, 2001 No. 000 “On approval of sanitary safety rules in forests.”

8. Russian national standard for voluntary forest certification according to the Forest Stewardship Council scheme.

9. Other regulatory documents in force in the territory of the enterprise’s activities.

Information about rented forest areas

"Syktyvkarsky LDK" leases forest plots for timber harvesting on the territory of Mezhdurechenskoye forestry within the Selogvozhsky and Verkhnee-Vashkinsky district forest districts. Administratively, forest areas are located within the boundaries of the Udora administrative region of the Komi Republic. And Vyisky forestry within the Gavrilovsky and Vyisky district forest districts. Administratively, the forest areas are located within the boundaries of the Vekhne-Toemsky administrative district of the Arkhangelsk region. The list of leased forest areas is given in Table 1.

Table 1

List of leased forest areas


The condition and characteristics of forest resources in the leased territory are determined by the totality of its natural and geographical conditions, among which the main ones are climate, geographical location of the territory, relief, soils, the level and consequences of anthropogenic impact, the impact of natural emergency factors (forest fires, hurricanes, floods, disease outbreaks and forest pests).

The lease area is located within the East Russian Plain of the Scandinavian-Russian province of the Eurasian region of temperate forests. According to forestry zoning, leased forest areas are located within the taiga forest growth zone, the northern taiga forest region of the European part of the Russian Federation.

Taiga is a temperate coniferous forest. They are characterized by a simple tiered structure; the tree layer (rarely two) is formed mainly by spruce and pine. In admixture there are soft-leaved species (birch, aspen, gray alder, willow). The shrub, grass-shrub and moss-lichen layers of the forest plant community have a diverse composition and different development, which is mainly due to the type of forest.

Leased forest areas are characterized by a high degree of forest cover. Forest lands occupy 95.6% of the area, of which forested lands account for 97.2% of the forest land area and 93.0% of the total area of ​​the site.

The leased area is dominated by humid and damp types of forest growth conditions. The most common are long-moss, blueberry and peat-swamp forest types. The combination of forest conditions and forest types on the territory determines the relatively low productivity of forests. The average quality class is V (4.8), the average increase in wood per 1 hectare of forested land is 0.8 m3 per year.

The forest area is dominated by coniferous plantations, which make up 74% of the forested area, including the predominant species: pine - 16%, spruce - 58%. Deciduous trees account for 26%, including the dominant species: birch - 25%, aspen - 1%.

The age structure of forest plantations is as follows. Young forests occupy 24% of the forested area, middle-aged forests - 18%, ripening forests - 2%, mature and overmature forests - 56%. A high proportion of mature and overmature forests provides favorable conditions for forest exploitation. The average reserve per 1 hectare of mature and overmature plantings is 146 m3. A significant area is occupied by young forests, which is associated with the restoration of forests in clear-cut areas of previous years.


"Syktyvkar LDK" leases forest areas for the purpose of timber harvesting. Timber harvesting is a business activity associated with the cutting of forest plantations, their skidding, partial processing, storage and removal of wood from the forest. Wood harvesting rules are established by the authorized federal executive body. One of the fundamental requirements for forest management and forest exploitation is continuous and sustainable forest management. It is prohibited to harvest wood in a volume exceeding the estimated cutting area (permissible volume of wood removal), as well as in violation of cutting ages.

Wood harvesting is carried out by cutting down mature and overmature forest plantations, as well as in the process of forest maintenance felling.

Felling of mature and overmature plantings

In accordance with current legislation, felling of mature and overmature plantings is carried out through selective and clear felling. Selective felling in mature and overmature forest stands on the leased territory is not planned due to the low percentage of plantings in the operational stock that allow selective cutting. However, the design of specific types and methods of felling of forest plantations is carried out through a field survey during the allocation and taxation of cutting areas. It should also be noted that clear-cutting imitates the natural course of development of spruce plantations, which predominate in the leased territory, therefore their use is environmentally justified provided that reforestation of the clear-cut areas is ensured with economically valuable species.

In lichen, lingonberry, blueberry fresh, oxalis forest types, felling is carried out in the summer, and in forest types on excessively moist soils (wet blueberry, long-moss, grass-sphagnum) - in winter, or with measures to preserve the soil from erosion.

When forming and recruiting cutting areas for felling mature and overmature plantings, their development, the tenant must comply with the following basic provisions: not to exceed the permissible area of ​​the cutting area and the number of cuts per 1 km of the side of the forest block, observe the timing and methods of joining cutting areas.

When carrying out clear cuttings of mature, overmature forest plantations, the mandatory conditions are: preservation of viable undergrowth of valuable species and the second layer, ensuring restoration of the forest in cleared areas, leaving sources of contamination or artificial reforestation by planting forest crops within 2 years after cutting. During the felling process, stable promising trees of the second tier, all isolated areas of young growth and other immature trees of valuable tree species, are also preserved within the cutting area.

Forest maintenance fellings

Wood harvesting is carried out during forest maintenance felling. When caring for forests, forest stands of any age are felled, aimed at improving the species composition and quality of forests, increasing their resistance to negative impacts and their ecological role. In production forests, forest care activities are aimed at achieving the goals of sustainable, most efficient production of high-quality wood and other forest resources, their processed products, while ensuring the preservation of the beneficial functions of forests. In protective forests, forest care activities are aimed at achieving the goals of preserving the environment-forming, water-protective, protective, sanitary-hygienic, health-improving and other useful functions of forests.

Depending on the age of forest plantations and maintenance goals, the following types of forest maintenance fellings are carried out:

· thinning aimed at creating favorable conditions for the proper formation of the trunk and crown of trees;

· through-cutting aimed at creating favorable conditions for increasing tree growth.

Thinning and through cuttings are designed in economically valuable plantings, i.e. pine and spruce. Thinning and through cuttings are carried out throughout the year. In order to preserve them, thinning in forest plantations with berry trees (lingonberries, blueberries, etc.) is recommended to be carried out under snow cover. Forest maintenance fellings are carried out in accordance with the standards of the forest maintenance felling regime.

Logging technology

The technology used for developing logging sites depends on the cutting method and the type of logging machines used. Currently, the enterprise uses advanced cut-to-length technology for developing cutting areas, based on the use of multi-operational forestry equipment: harvesters - for felling, delimbing and bucking trees; forwarders – for skidding, stacking and loading of logs.

The development of cutting areas is carried out in accordance with technological maps, which provide for strict compliance with silvicultural requirements and recommendations for the conservation of biodiversity when using felling, delimbing, crosscutting machines (harvesters) and loading and skidding machines (forwarders).

To clean cutting areas from logging residues, a combined method of clearing the cutting area is used. Cleaning is carried out simultaneously with the workpiece. The branches and the apical part of the trunk are placed on skids and pressed down with a tractor to reduce soil damage and prevent erosion processes. For waste left at the felling site to rot, the branches on the tops of the trunks of felled trees should be cut off, large branches and tops should be divided into segments no more than 2 - 3 meters long and pressed tightly to the ground. On poor soils, it is allowed to leave logging residues in apiaries in places without undergrowth. In forests with moist soils of any mechanical composition, as well as fresh loamy soils, wood skidding in the spring, summer, and autumn periods is allowed only along skids reinforced with logging residues.

information on annual timber harvest volumes

The annual volumes of timber harvesting are calculated in accordance with the maximum permissible volume of timber removal (calculated cutting area). The estimated cutting area on the leased territory must provide:

· sustainable and rational use of forests to meet the needs of the forest market for wood;

· relative uniformity of the main use and profitability of the enterprise over a long period without sharp fluctuations;

· obtaining the maximum amount of wood and necessary technical raw materials per felling turnover;

· improvement of the species composition and age structure of the forest fund;

· preservation and enhancement of water protection, protective and other useful natural properties of plantings;

· conservation of biodiversity and ecological functions of forests related to environmental protection.

Forests of high conservation value (HCVF) located within spawning protection zones, water protection zones, specially protected forest areas (SPF), as well as low-productive plantings - mature and overmature forests with a reserve of 50 m3 per 1 ha or less - are excluded from the use calculation.

The annual estimated cutting area for felling mature and overmature forest plantations (the main use) is 343.6 thousand m3 of marketable wood.










The total area of ​​forest areas that are particularly important for the survival of the local population is 3798 hectares, which is 1.6% of the forest area.

Regarding this type of HCVF, the enterprise decided to abandon logging in these areas.

· Sending workers, fire equipment, vehicles and other means to extinguish forest fires in the manner established by the legislation of the Russian Federation.


The territory of Mezhdurechenskoe forestry belongs to the zone of medium pathological threat. The sanitary condition of the forest area is satisfactory. No areas of mass reproduction of forest diseases and pests were noted during forest management.

Based on the dynamics of pest outbreaks in past years, the greatest danger comes from needle- and leaf-eating insects, vascular diseases, damage to coniferous undergrowth, crops, young trees by wild and domestic animals, stem and root rot.

The pests and diseases existing in the plantations do not pose a threat of mass drying out. To maintain forests in satisfactory sanitary condition, the enterprise carries out a number of appropriate measures:

· Supervision of the emergence and development of forest pests and diseases through forest pathological monitoring (provided by the Federal Forestry Agency);

· Annual forest pathological examination (under the general guidance of forest rangers;

· Informing state authorities and local governments about the need for forest pathological examinations carried out by the Federal Forestry Agency;

· Taking measures to maintain natural enemies of harmful insects - red ants and birds (preservation of anthills, nests, burrows and other animal habitats, leaving hollow trees (without fungal fruiting bodies) during all types of felling, preservation of undergrowth);

· Purchasing visual aids, literature on forest protection, carrying out events to promote forest protection;

· Carrying out sanitary and health measures when identifying forests in need of them;

· Clearing forest plantations of clutter when forest plantings are damaged as a result of the negative impact of wind;

· When developing cutting areas and cutting road routes - preventing the movement of logging residues to the edges of the forest (forest wall), timely cleaning of cutting areas from logging residues.


Cut down, dead, damaged forests are subject to reproduction. Forest reproduction is carried out through reforestation and forest care. Forest reproduction is the process of recreating a forest with all its characteristic properties, similar to the previous one (cut down, dead, damaged) or different from it. The goal of forest reproduction is the timely restoration of cut down, dead, damaged forests on unforested lands, improving their species composition, increasing forest productivity, etc. At the same time, reproduction of forest resources must be ensured in the shortest possible time, the most effective in silvicultural, economic and environmental terms way, as well as improving the quality and increasing the productivity of forests, increasing their environment-forming, water-protection, protective, sanitary-hygienic, health-improving and other useful functions.


"Syktyvkar LDK" takes all necessary measures for the timely restoration of cut down, dead, damaged forests on unforested lands. Every year, 2,354 hectares are developed by clear felling on the leased territory. Reforestation in these areas, depending on the state of the undergrowth of valuable forest tree species, is carried out through natural, artificial or combined reforestation in accordance with the Reforestation Rules.

The main method of reforestation is natural reforestation. To achieve this, measures are taken to preserve the undergrowth of valuable forest tree species during logging operations. The technologies used make it possible to ensure that the amount of undergrowth and young growth of valuable forest tree species is preserved from destruction and damage, no less than that provided for during the allocation of cutting areas. Undergrowth affected by pests, underdeveloped and damaged during logging is removed at the end of logging operations or during logging. The safety of undergrowth and young growth in apiaries after the development of a cutting area should be at least 70% of the original amount in clear felling. In order to promote natural reforestation, sources of seeding are preserved - individual trees, seed groups, clumps, seed strips. If necessary, work is carried out to mineralize the soil. Every year, natural reforestation can be ensured on 90% of the area of ​​clear-cutting areas.

If the amount of viable undergrowth of valuable tree species is insufficient for reforestation, artificial reforestation is carried out by creating forest crops (5% of the area of ​​clear-cutting areas), or combined reforestation (5% of the area of ​​clear-cutting areas), which is carried out through a combination of natural and artificial reforestation .

Forest care

In order to increase the productivity of forests and preserve their useful functions, the enterprise maintains forests by cutting down some trees and shrubs, carrying out agroforestry and other measures. The goals of forest maintenance fellings are:

· improvement of the species composition of forest plantations;

· improving the quality and sustainability of forest plantations;

· preservation and strengthening of the protective, water protection, sanitary and hygienic and other useful properties of the forest;

· reduction of growing time for technically mature wood;

· rational use of wood resources.

When reproducing forests, depending on the age of forest plantations and maintenance goals, the following types of forest maintenance fellings are carried out:

· lightening aimed at improving the species and quality composition of young trees and the growth conditions of trees of the main tree species (age of up to 10 years);

· clearings aimed at regulating the density of forest plantations and improving the growth conditions of trees of the main tree species, as well as continuing the formation of the species and quality composition of forest plantations (age: 11-20 years).

The annual volumes of forest maintenance fellings are determined based on the silvicultural need for these activities, economic efficiency and accessibility. In the coming period, thinning for forest regeneration on leased forest plots is projected at the rate of 52 hectares per year.


On the territory of the leased forest area there are medium and small water bodies, the main ones are shown in Table 4. For the protection of water bodies, designated water protection zones . A water protection zone is an area adjacent to the waters of rivers, lakes, reservoirs and other surface water bodies, where a special regime of economic and other activities is established in order to prevent pollution, clogging, siltation and depletion of water bodies, as well as to preserve the habitat of animals and flora. Depending on the length of the river (stream), the width of the water protection zone from the coastline is established: up to 10 km - 50 m, from 10 to 50 km - 100 m, from 50 km and more - 200 m.

Within water protection zones, coastal protective strips are established, in the territories of which additional restrictions on environmental management are introduced.

Forests in water protection zones are excluded from the calculation of use and are not subject to forest exploitation.

Within water protection zones it is prohibited:

· carrying out aeronautical chemical works;

· use of chemical means to control pests, plant diseases and weeds;

· placement of warehouses for pesticides, mineral fertilizers and fuel and lubricants, sites for refilling equipment with pesticides, livestock complexes and farms, storage and burial sites for industrial, household and agricultural waste, cemeteries and cattle burial grounds, wastewater storage tanks;

· parking, refueling, washing and repair of the vehicle fleet;

· timber harvesting;

· flushing out floodplain lakes and oxbow lakes, extracting local building materials and minerals, constructing new and expanding existing industrial and social facilities.

Within coastal protective strips, in addition to the restrictions for water protection zones, it is prohibited:

· plowing of land;

· application of fertilizers;

· storage of dumps of eroded soils;

· movement of cars and tractors, except for special purpose vehicles.

Table 4

Characteristics of water bodies

Name of object/where

flows into

Area (for lake), ha

River length, km

Features of the security mode

object (zone width, m)

spawning protection

water protection









V. Kyrel/Chim


Oyya (Y)/Vashka

Continuation of table 4


Rochvozh/ Yya (Y)











M. Shocha/Shocha


Hunting in the forests of the Mezhdurechenskoe forestry is of both commercial and sporting (amateur) nature and is regulated by the “Rules of Hunting and Sport Fishing in the Komi Republic” (1990)

The main objects of commercial hunting are wild fur-bearing animals, wild ungulates and partly upland game. The main objects of sport hunting are game birds, hares, and ungulates, which are shot under sporting licenses. The main species of hunting fauna in the forestry areas are elk, white hare, wood grouse, black grouse and hazel grouse.

When carrying out forestry work, it is necessary to coordinate the interests of hunting and forestry.

Preserving the care of individual hollow trees during logging will help create conditions for the settlement of birds that are valuable and useful for forestry - the three-toed woodpecker, greater and lesser spotted woodpeckers, redstarts, great tits, flycatchers, and owls, which en masse destroy forest pests. Prohibition of all types of forest felling during the bird nesting period will improve protective nesting and feeding conditions for game fauna. The use of logging residues to feed beavers, hares and moose will increase the feeding quality of hunting grounds. Exclusion from logging of forests with capercaillie leks and beaver settlements (if detected) will contribute to the conservation of wood grouse and beavers and an increase in their numbers.

The territory is located within the distribution areas of rare and endangered wild animals and birds listed in the Red Book of the Russian Federation. Both endangered species such as the golden eagle, white-tailed eagle, lesser lesser swan, and gyrfalcon, as well as rare species such as the osprey and peregrine falcon, are subject to protection. The gray crane and the common migrating whooper swan also require special care and protection.

In accordance with the Forest Code of the Russian Federation, forest use and forest management activities in forests must be carried out taking into account the need to preserve favorable conditions for the habitat of wild animals. At the same time, the number of animals in forests must be regulated within the limits of the density permissible for forest lands so that animals do not cause damage to forestry. No negative impact of wild animals on the state of the forest fund has been recorded.

When designing forestry activities and forest management in forestry for conservation purposes, the following is additionally provided:

· mapping of capercaillie currents and reservoirs inhabited by beavers to fully identify specially protected areas;

· refusal to produce forest crops on grouse and capercaillie leks;

· restriction of work in nesting areas of upland game and areas where young wild animals are concentrated in the spring and summer;

· limiting the use of pesticides and mineral fertilizers;

· refusal for 5-10 years from the production of forest crops in part of the cleared areas with abundant regeneration of aspen and other species.

The reservoirs located on the leased territory are home to more than 20 species of fish. The most typical for all bodies of water: pike, roach, perch, ide, crucian carp, burbot, ruff. The most valuable commercial fish are salmon, nelma, whitefish, and grayling.

All rivers and lakes are public water bodies. Recreational fishing for personal consumption is permitted here free of charge. The exception is rivers that are spawning grounds for valuable salmon and sturgeon, where fishing is prohibited throughout the year.

The conservation of biodiversity and wildlife is facilitated by the rules and regulations of logging, the main ones being:

· the annual volume of cut wood is limited by the volume of the estimated cutting area, the size of which is calculated according to the principle of sustainable and continuous forest management;

· the sizes and areas of cutting areas do not exceed the permissible limits;

· the contiguity of cutting areas is taken into account, i.e. after afforestation of the felled area, work can be carried out in neighboring areas adjacent to the sides of the cutting area;

· specially protective forest areas are preserved, which increase the untouched forest area, the largest of which are water protection zones along the banks of streams, rivers, swamps, protective strips along roads, farmland and populated areas;

· development of the cutting area is carried out according to rules that promote the speedy regeneration of the forest. Seed trees (clumps, strips) are preserved. Where forest conditions allow, selective felling is planned as the most environmentally friendly;

· disturbed lands (quarries, industrial sites, equipment parking areas, etc.) upon completion of their use are subject to mandatory reclamation (both technical and biological, i.e. with the planting of forest crops).

In addition to the current rules and regulations, the following measures are provided:

· constant monitoring of wildlife objects, including game animals, by the tenant’s specialists conducting logging operations, and informing the relevant district services about changes and violations occurring;

· development of cutting areas is carried out in such a way that there is always a green corridor for animal migration;

· when organizing clear cuttings on a forest plot, a reasonable combination of clear and selective cuttings is preferable (the specific cutting method is determined when allocating plots), which leads to a mosaic arrangement of plantings of different ages, species composition, density, as well as the presence of multi-tiered stands of trees and open lands (unafforested clearings ).

All this significantly improves the feeding and protective properties of the animal habitat, including hunting grounds, and indicates the preservation of high quality animal habitat.

In the forest area, timber harvesting is not carried out in water protection zones, which will preserve the habitats of aquatic and semi-aquatic animals, including rare species. Rare birds of prey and owls inhabit open wetland habitats, where there is no disturbance during the breeding season during work.

If forest plantations with capercaillie and grouse leks are discovered, these areas should be excluded from the calculation of forest management.


The social policy of the enterprise is aimed at maintaining the social well-being of the population, as well as maintaining the infrastructure of the Udora region. To achieve this, the following measures are being taken:

· Giving priority to the local population when forming the staff of the enterprise;

· Mandatory compliance with standards in the field of labor protection and protection of workers' rights;

· Providing the local population with firewood;

· Routine repairs and snow removal (in winter) of public roads;

· Other events.


The planned activities are aimed at achieving long-term and medium-term forest management objectives. The activity of the enterprise is related to the implementation of planned activities: timber harvesting with clear and selective felling, carrying out forest maintenance fellings and measures for the protection, protection and reproduction of forests. For clear cuttings, which have the greatest negative impact on the forest environment, and for selective cuttings, restrictions are established on the area and timing of the contiguity of cutting areas. The established restrictions are effective, and in most cases ensure the conservation and reproduction of biological resources and the dynamics of improving the species composition, and the protection of forest soils from erosion.

A prerequisite for timber harvesting is the preservation of undergrowth of valuable species, young growth and the second tier, ensuring the restoration of forests in cleared areas, leaving sources of contamination, and in order to increase biodiversity, individual valuable trees (hollow trees, etc.) are preserved. In clearing areas where it is impossible to ensure natural or combined reforestation, artificial reforestation is planned - by planting forest crops.

Forests of high conservation value have been identified on the territory, measures have been taken to preserve them, as well as to protect Red Book species and biodiversity in general. A significant proportion of forests not involved in economic activities ensures the conservation of the most significant forests in terms of biodiversity, ecological, environment-forming, and environmental functions.

To minimize the negative technogenic impact and at the same time carry out economic activities, compliance with a number of provisions and rules adopted in the Forest Development Project is called upon.