Professional teeth cleaning using the air flow method. What are we dealing with? Its standard package includes

Popular hygiene procedure. It allows you to make the enamel whiter and serves as the prevention of caries.

Brushing your teeth using the Air Flow method is safe and painless. After it, a feeling of freshness remains in your mouth for a long time, and your smile becomes snow-white and attractive.

Maybe it’s time for you to do a flow cleanse too, but you just don’t know about it yet? From the article you will learn everything about this procedure and will be able to decide whether it will benefit you.

Air Flow is a technology for abrasive professional cleaning of tooth enamel. The Air Flow technique allows you to remove plaque from those places where the brush does not penetrate: in the interdental crevices and recesses of the enamel layer.

The name of the technology translates as “air jet”. Despite the name, cleaning is not done with air, but with calcium bicarbonate or, more simply, baking soda.

Soda is supplied from the tip of a special apparatus under high pressure. It is first mixed with water and air, resulting in the formation of a kind of soda aerosol.

Hitting the enamel, the smallest particles of soda knock down mineralized deposits, and the water-air mixture washes them and the soda itself off the surface of the tooth.

Often aromatic substances are added to the mixture, giving it a pleasant smell and taste and freshening the breath.

All reviews indicate that, despite the continuous supply of water to oral cavity, cleaning Air Flow does not cause any discomfort.

A nozzle is inserted into the mouth to suction the water so that the patient does not have to choke or swallow the soda mixture.

Moreover, there are frankly enthusiastic reviews regarding this procedure. All patients note high efficiency method. The water-air-abrasive mixture goes around each tooth, cleaning out deposits everywhere.

The results of cleaning last a long time; there are reviews that even after a year, the teeth remain as bright, clean and healthy as immediately after brushing.

If you have darkening of the enamel in the form of tartar, then Air Flow will help restore your teeth to their original appearance.

How does Air Flow professional cleaning work? The patient enters the office wearing shoe covers and sits in a regular dental chair.

They put a waterproof bib on it and begin cleaning. The cleaning itself takes about 30 minutes.

The dentist directs the jet not at the gum, but away from it, holding the nozzle at an angle of 30 - 60 degrees. Finally, the patient is asked to rinse his mouth and brush his teeth. professional paste using an electric toothbrush with a rubber tip instead of a regular toothbrush.

The size of soda particles is so small that it allows them to penetrate into the interdental spaces, but at the same time they do not injure the gums.

But if the gums are “weak”, then they may experience slight bleeding. In case of increased sensitivity of the gums, the doctor may suggest local anesthesia, which consists of treating the soft tissues with a cotton swab soaked in lidocaine.

The sensations from the procedure are pleasant, similar to those experienced when massaging the gums. The impact of soda particles on the mucous membrane is not felt at all, but the bubbles of foam are very pleasantly felt.

After the cleaning is complete, your dentist may suggest a fluoride varnish. This drug protects against painful sensations, which may occur in the first days after cleansing.

Fluoride varnish envelops the teeth like a film and comes off on its own after a few days. It should be taken into account that until the fluoride varnish comes off from the teeth, it will give the enamel a yellowish tint.

Who needs teeth cleaning?

Why do you need professional Air Flow cleaning: just for beauty or for protection against caries? Or so that dentures and fillings last longer?

The correct answer is that the entire body needs Air Flow cleaning. Teeth are not only “ business card"and organs for grinding food.

The dentofacial system is connected with all digestive organs and affects their work. Healthy teeth without tartar and other foci of infection - this is a guarantee not only beautiful smile, but also general health.

Everyone, without exception, needs professional teeth cleaning with Air Flow. Everyone has deposits on their teeth.

For some they represent soft coating, and for some they have already managed to mineralize and turn into tartar.

Any deposit on the teeth is a place where microbes accumulate and a potential source of infection. If you do not clear the enamel of stones in time, then over time gum inflammation will begin, and then periodontitis.

Surprisingly, many people do not even suspect that without professional cleaning their teeth are in serious danger. Periodontitis does not manifest itself in any way at first.

Its first noticeable symptoms are bad breath and slight bleeding of the gums.

To solve the problem, simply remove all deposits regularly - this guarantees the absence of periodontal disease.

Direct indications for Air Flow cleaning:

  • cleaning or ;
  • cleaning ceramic bridges;
  • enamel lightening;
  • cleaning the tooth before microdiagnostics or mineralization.

Air Flow cleaning is a harmless procedure, but it also has a few contraindications:

  • diseases of the lungs and bronchi, including asthma;
  • allergy to soda or aluminum (sometimes an aluminum compound is used instead of soda in devices);
  • weak, thinned enamel;
  • numerous unfilled carious cavities;
  • spicy .

Contraindications for Air cleaning Flow - pregnancy and lactation.

After cleaning Air Flow, you must refrain from smoking and consuming products containing natural or chemical dyes for at least a day.

These contraindications must be observed, otherwise the enamel will quickly lose its newly acquired whiteness.

The fact is that approximately 24 hours after brushing, it easily and quickly absorbs everything that gets on the surface of the teeth.

Which cleaning is better - ultrasonic or jet?

Modern dentistry offers a choice of several methods of professional teeth cleaning. No less than Air Flow, .

Therefore, a legitimate question may arise - which method is better? If we rely on the reviews of doctors, we can conclude that Air Flow cleaning is useful for those whose teeth have turned yellow from smoking, and ultrasonic cleaning is better at preventing caries.

During ultrasonic cleaning, tartar is crushed and washed away with water. Ultrasound not only cleanses the enamel of contaminants visible to the naked eye, but also kills germs and bacteria living under the gums and in the spaces between teeth.

Ultrasonic cleaning does not have a mechanical or chemical effect on the tooth surface. This method is considered completely safe for enamel, since the scanner does not come into contact with it.

However, ultrasonic cleaning is not for everyone. The method is contraindicated in patients with pacemakers and heart disease. Ultrasound waves can damage dental implants and bridges.

The Air Flow procedure will not help get rid of large tartar, it only removes soft plaque. Ultrasonic cleaning removes even the hardest deposits.

The optimal cleaning method is a combination of these methods, when large mineralized deposits are removed in a targeted manner ultrasound scanner, and then carried out finishing abrasive jet.

The table gives comparative characteristics two methods.

UltrasoundAir Flow
EffectRemoval of tartar, including from under the gums, prevention of cariesRemoving pigmentation, cleaning enamel before whitening or installing braces
Who is it shown to?EveryoneFor everyone, especially smokers, coffee and strong tea lovers
For whom it is contraindicatedPeople with implants artificial crowns and bridgesPeople with deep caries chronic diseases respiratory system, weak enamel
FrequencyOnce every six monthsOnce every six months
Duration40 minutes30 minutes
ResultWhitening enamel, sterilizing tooth surfaces, relieving inflammationEnamel lightening, plaque removal, tartar prevention

Dentistry today offers a third method of cleaning enamel - with a laser. Laser cleaning allows you to very carefully clean your teeth from soft and mineralized plaque and, in addition, whiten them.

The disadvantage of the procedure is that it cannot be called cheap and accessible. Not every clinic has equipment for laser cleaning.

Doctors say professional Air Flow cleaning -mandatory procedure, which should be carried out every 6 to 12 months.

If you have long forgotten natural color your teeth, then be sure to go to Air Flow. Indeed, in this case, for a reasonable and very affordable amount, you get the maximum benefit - all the reviews say so.

One of the important factors influencing the aesthetics and attractiveness of our smile is the color of our teeth. To maintain their whiteness and health, it is very important to carefully and properly care for them. And for this, toothpaste and brush alone are not enough.

Doctors recommend periodically performing professional teeth cleaning which is successfully performed in dental clinics. Mechanical cleaning is already quite outdated. It has been replaced by more advanced Air Flow technology, which does not damage the enamel or injure the gums.

The result of the Air Flow cleaning procedure: before and after photos

Professional teeth cleaning Air Flow

The name of the device of the Swiss company EMS Air Flow (“Air Flow”) is translated from English as “air flow”. In modern dental practice This very useful device is designed for removing soft plaque and pigmentation from the surface of teeth (including artificial structures: crowns, veneers, dental implants).

The principle of hygienic cleaning Air teeth Flow consists of softening plaque and removing it from the enamel surface.

The Air Flow system acts on plaque with a strong jet consisting of a special medicinal mixture based on abrasive, water and compressed air. This solution is supplied under pressure, thoroughly cleaning surface pigmentation and plaque in hard-to-reach areas of the oral cavity.

The abrasive base is sodium bicarbonate ( baking soda), therefore this procedure does not pose any danger to human health. The soda crystals are too small to cause damage. tooth enamel, but they are excellent at removing plaque.

Air Flow teeth cleaning system

Description of the ultrasonic cleaning procedure

  1. The patient must wear a special cap and safety glasses, place a saliva ejector under the tongue, and lubricate the lips with Vaseline to prevent them from drying out.
  2. The dentist directs the tip of the Air Flow device at an angle of approximately 30-60 degrees to the teeth and, without touching the gums, in a circular motion cleans every tooth. The medicinal mixture is supplied through 2 channels of the tip: internal and external. Soda and air enter the tip through the internal channel, and water through the external channel. After combining all the components, a powerful stream of particles bursts out, which quickly and effectively cleans teeth. The pressure force of the abrasive solution on the enamel is adjustable.
  3. The waste material is collected with a special dental vacuum cleaner.
  4. At the end of the cleaning, a special protective coating is applied to the tooth enamel, prolonging the effect of the procedure.

When cleaning with the Air Flow device, both dense dental plaque, soft subgingival plaque, and biofilms with harmful bacteria are removed. In addition, pigmented areas are cleaned, pathological granulations are removed from periodontal pockets, and the surface of the teeth is polished.

During the cleaning process, the organic film covering the tooth is lost, so the first couple of hours after the Air Flow procedure:

  • Smoking is not recommended;
  • You should refrain from drinking certain drinks: coffee, strong tea and colored carbonated drinks.

Depending on the condition of the periodontal tissues and the type of dental plaque, the frequency of visits to the hygienist for teeth cleaning varies from 3 to 6 months.

Benefits of Cleaning

The advantages of this method include:

  • The procedure for brushing teeth with the AirFlow device absolutely painless, therefore, during its implementation, patients do not feel physical discomfort.
  • Powder used for Whitening Air Flow, finely dispersed and soft-shaped, which means it does not scratch enamel and does not disrupt its structure.
  • Cleaning is carried out under strictly limited pressure, therefore soft fabrics periodontal tissue is not damaged.
  • After professional cleaning, Air Flow occurs lightening the enamel by 1-2 tones, returning teeth to their natural whiteness.
  • The procedure is short in duration, requiring only one visit to the dentist and only 30-45 minutes time.
  • Unlike chemical methods whitening, cleaning using the Air Flow method causes less harm hard tissues tooth because does not break protein bonds. After such cleaning there is no need to carry out a course of remineralization.
  • After the procedure almost no increase in sensitivity to chemical, tactile and temperature stimuli.
  • This technology gives ability to clean hard-to-reach interdental spaces. Air Flow is the only suitable cleaning for those with crowns, braces and implants.
  • Due to the fact that the main abrasive substance in Air Flow technology is soda, this procedure never does not provoke the development of allergic reactions.
  • Brushing your teeth with the Air Flow device is excellent prevention development of caries and gum disease. Teeth are whitened by removing tartar, plaque and harmful bacteria, which provoke many diseases of the oral cavity.

Cleaning with the Air Flow system is especially effective at cleaning tartar: photos before and after the procedure


  1. Asthma and chronic bronchitis. For people suffering from these diseases, there is a risk of difficulty breathing during the procedure.
  2. Air Flow is contraindicated in patients suffering from intolerance to citrus smell and taste.
  3. Air Flow plaque removal will not benefit people on a salt-free diet because the abrasive contained in the solution contains salt.
  4. An obstacle to the use of this method is some periodontal diseases.
  5. Contraindications include thin enamel and increased tooth sensitivity.
  6. Air Flow technology is not recommended for use by children, nursing mothers and pregnant women.

What to choose: whitening or Air Flow?

The Air Flow method is often credited with whitening properties. However, at its core, teeth cleaning using Air Flow technology is not true whitening, radically changing the color of teeth, but serves only as an additional hygienic procedure that returns the natural color of the enamel.

Many people will have a question - what to choose: real teeth whitening or cleaning with the Air Flow method?

If you are satisfied with the natural color of your tooth enamel, then the Air Flow technique is great way transform and maintain oral hygiene.

If you are unhappy with your natural color, you can make your teeth truly snow-white by lightening them 7-10 shades. IN in this case photo whitening, laser whitening or chemical teeth lightening is indicated.

Air Flow teeth cleaning can also be done as a additional method polishing after ultrasonic whitening- this combination allows you to achieve even more best results. Ultrasonic enamel whitening allows you to effectively remove hard stone and deposits on the gums, causing development a range of health problems.

After using AirFlow, ultrasonic teeth cleaning and other technologies, your teeth will become smooth, clean and sparkling white.

Professional oral cleaning performed qualified specialist, will create favorable conditions for maximum effective implementation daily hygiene procedures.

The main reason for the development of many dental pathologies is bacterial plaque. It accumulates on the teeth in the form of various deposits.

A large mass of it is present in the interdental crevices, dental pockets and on the gum line; it freely penetrates into the enamel through its pores, leading to its darkening and changes in structure.

Solving this problem is quite simple - you need to undergo a professional hygiene procedure for the entire oral cavity. The most popular method of cleaning teeth today is treating them with an Air flow device.

This technology has long been used in European countries. It is aimed at eliminating any type of plaque and deposits from the tooth surface that cannot be properly cleaned with a classic brush.

The procedure also solves the problem of darkening of the enamel by removing pigment from its pores, preventing periodontal inflammation and the accumulation of purulent mass under the old filling.

A similar result is achieved through the direct impact of the air-water mixture on problem areas. The mixture contains fine abrasive particles that effectively remove dirt and plaque from the enamel without harming it. They are powerless only against old deposits that have degenerated into tartar.

The procedure is performed with a special device that can simultaneously spray air, water and powder. This cleaning composition is supplied under pressure, but the force of its supply can be adjusted: increased or decreased.

Powder composition

The powder used for cleaning is created from different components, and if desired, it can be given a special aroma and taste. The manufacturing company today produces 3 of its brands, each of which has its own characteristics:

  • "classic"- finely dispersed, low-abrasive powder, the main component of which is sodium bicarbonate. Designed to eliminate supragingival and pigmented deposits, cope with the “smoker's plaque”. Has a pronounced anti-inflammatory effect. Its particles have a size of 65 microns.
  • "soft"- has smaller particles than in the previous brand - 45 microns. Its area of ​​application is soft polishing of the tooth surface, plaque removal, prevention and treatment of periodontal diseases.
  • "perio"- glycine-based powder, used to clean out periodontal pockets, clean the subgingival area of ​​the crown and the surface of the implants. Particles of 25 microns in size do not damage dentin and enamel and are highly soluble in water.

The special tip of the device through which the mixture is fed, and the correctly selected size of powder particles, guarantee high quality cleaning and safety of the procedure.

Indications for use

The main indicator for which it is necessary to clean Air Flow is pronounced pigmentation of the enamel due to frequent consumption of strong tea, red wine, coffee and smoking.

Besides this, The procedure is performed in the following situations:

  • in the treatment of orthodontic pathologies in order to reduce the number pathogenic flora in hard-to-reach areas;
  • for the prevention of caries, periodontal disease and periodontitis;
  • at chronic inflammation dental pockets;
  • before professional whitening;
  • if braces, implants, veneers, prostheses are worn or before their installation;
  • before fluoridation and filling;
  • with improper closure of teeth;
  • with insufficient oral hygiene.


The technique cannot be carried out for those categories of patients who have the following restrictions:

  • pulmonary pathologies: asthma, chronic bronchitis, tuberculosis;
  • high sensitivity of teeth;
  • advanced caries;
  • severe thinning of the enamel;
  • upon admission medical supplies affecting water-salt metabolism;
  • kidney disease (with exacerbation);
  • diseases of the tongue, periodontal disease;
  • allergies to flavorings and baking soda;
  • children's and adolescence up to 15 years.

The procedure can be performed with great caution on pregnant women and nursing mothers.


The undoubted advantages of the method include the following characteristics:


According to experts and patients, the most significant drawback is the fact that the device cannot remove hard old stones. To get rid of them, it is necessary to resort to additional procedures (for example, ultrasound).

The method is not a full-fledged whitening procedure, since it can only return the teeth to their original natural shade. In other words, if the enamel was naturally yellow, it will not be possible to make it white.

If cleaning is carried out on a patient with hypersensitive gums, then the procedure in isolated cases can disrupt their integrity, and for 2-3 days after it soreness and slight bleeding may be observed.

And of course, patients note that cleansing has a short-term effect and for the effect to last, it must be repeated at least 2 times a year.

All of the above disadvantages, according to customers dental clinics, are not considered significant. Most of them, having tried cleaning on the device once, are satisfied with the result and are ready to repeat it periodically.

Description of the device

It was developed by EMS from Sweden. The name “Air Flow” itself is translated into Russian as “air flow”, which explains the principle of its operation: softening of plaque and its subsequent removal by a directed flow of a mixture of air, powder and water.

Its standard package includes:

  • polishing tip;
  • head with two nozzles;
  • 2 needles for cleaning channels;
  • hoses for polishing and water;
  • pedal for control;
  • box for sterilization.

The device has an ergonomic modern design, a durable body, buttons built into the handle make the procedure easier, the tip holder has a lock and can rotate freely (rotation angle 360 ° ), the mixture supply force can be changed using the regulator. The handle has special grooves that make it easier to grip and hold with your hand.

Each element of the device is made of lightweight and safe materials.

The essence of its work is as follows: the powder used is poured into a container located on the handle. The device itself contains 2 containers with built-in pumps. One container is designed to supply liquid, the second – air.

These components flow through a tube into the cavity, where they are mixed with the powder, and under pressure through a special tip the resulting mixture is applied to the enamel.

How is the procedure performed?

The cleaning technology is quite simple. The procedure lasts no more than 30 minutes and is carried out in the following sequence:

  1. To prevent the mucous membrane on the lips from drying out during manipulation, the patient’s lips are lubricated with Vaseline.
  2. Put on the eyes special glasses, on the head - a disposable cap.
  3. A saliva ejector attachment is placed at the bottom of the mouth. It is necessary to remove fluid that will accumulate during the procedure. If a dental vacuum cleaner is used instead of a saliva ejector, its attachment is located in the treated area.

    During the procedure, the jet with washed deposits is immediately absorbed into the nozzle, almost without reaching the mucous membrane.

  4. The procedure always begins with treatment of the lingual surface. upper units, the tip is positioned to the enamel at an angle of 40-60° (the magnitude of the angle depends on the position of the units being treated and the area of ​​influence).
  5. Initially, the interdental spaces are cleaned using top-down movements. Next, the lingual surface and cutting part are cleaned in a circular motion.
  6. The vestibular surface is cleaned using the same rule.
  7. Upon completion of the procedure, the dentist begins grinding the dental surfaces. To do this, he uses a leveling mass, which is then washed off with water.
  8. The enamel is dried well, and then a gel containing fluoride components is applied to it. The action of this gel is aimed at reducing sensitivity, strengthening and restoring the enamel structure.

Important: during the procedure, the dentist must prevent the jet from getting on the mucous membrane and gum tissue, and choose the correct angle of the tip to avoid injury. Therefore, it is necessary to contact a doctor who has sufficient experience with the Air Flow device.

Painfulness of the procedure

One of the advantages of the procedure is its safety and painlessness. But some patients who underwent cleaning with the device noted discomfort and increased sensitivity of the gums and teeth for 2-4 days. This condition is explained by the individual characteristics of the body. Each person experiences this manipulation differently.

If before cleaning the gums and teeth reacted to external irritating factors, then this reaction will only intensify after the procedure. Therefore, it is necessary to warn the doctor about this fact so that he can reduce the power of the supplied flow in problem areas.

The same applies to allergies. To freshen breath and create comfort, one of the flavors is added to the powder.

The company produces several types, the most popular of which are the flavors of apple, lemon, cherry, orange, strawberry, mint and blackcurrant. Perhaps the patient may have a reaction to one of them. Therefore, if there is a tendency to allergies, it is better to avoid adding them altogether.

Another nuisance can await the patient after cleaning: slight bleeding of the gums. Its appearance is associated with two reasons. Firstly, the plaque was very close to the dental neck, and when it was removed, the gum tissue was affected. Secondly, the lack of professionalism of the doctor, who, by incorrectly adjusting the power of the jet, damaged the gums.

When cleaning, the protective film is removed from the enamel. It will begin to recover on its own only after a few hours, and will be fully formed after a day or two. Therefore, in order not to harm the enamel and preserve the result of the procedure, on the first day the following are prohibited:

  • drinks with coloring ingredients: wine, tea, juices, coffee;
  • vegetables (vegetables, carrots), berries and dishes made from them;
  • hard, tough foods and foods;
  • alcohol;
  • smoking;
  • decorative cosmetics for lips (lipstick).


Air flow technology, which appeared relatively recently, has become quite popular dental service. Its popularity is associated not only with high quality procedure, but also at an affordable cost - about 1,500 rubles. per session.

But this figure may change depending on the pricing policy of the clinic and the region of its location, and the qualifications of the doctor. It is also important to take into account the fact that cleaning on the device does not take place separately. Usually it is a component of the entire complex for treating the oral cavity from deposits.

The service is complemented by ultrasonic cleaning, grinding and polishing of dental surfaces, and remineralization. And all this is paid separately.

As a result, the average cost for this service can increase to 4 thousand rubles. Considering the importance of the procedure itself and the duration of its results, Air flow cleaning should be performed every 4-6 months.

In the following video you can notice the difference between ultrasonic teeth cleaning and the Air flow method:

What patients say

Cleaning the oral cavity with this innovative technology Many dentists recommend this to their patients. And the technique itself quickly “gained its fans” among clients of dental clinics and received a lot of positive feedback. For a small fee, there are enough people willing to go through it again.

If you have similar experience and would like to express your opinion about the effectiveness and feasibility of the procedure, share it in the comments to this article.

Air-flow- This is a professional cleaning technique by treating teeth with an abrasive, which is supplied under air-water pressure.

Cleaning cannot be classified as chemical (not used chemical compositions) or mechanical (there is no contact between the cleaning equipment and the surface of the teeth) methods, or more correctly called auxiliary hygienic methods.

This method allows you to remove plaque, remove surface pigmentation, and make your teeth clean, shiny and smooth.

It is a mistake to perceive Air-flow as a whitening method. It helps lighten the enamel by removing impurities from its surface.

As a result, the enamel begins to reflect light better, but whitening it even by 2-3 tones is out of the question. This is a different procedure.

Indications for Air-flow cleaning

Air-flow is a professional teeth cleaning, effective in the presence of plaque and minor deposits, as well as pigmentation.

The procedure will be useful for smokers, coffee lovers, lovers of tea and other foods and drinks that stain the enamel surface.

The method is good for crowded teeth, since plaque forms between them and is inaccessible to regular brushing. Indications for the use of the Air-flow technique are:

  • removing plaque to prevent the development of periodontal disease and caries;
  • elimination of surface pigmentation of tooth enamel;
  • whitening procedure (in this case, cleaning precedes it);
  • removal of braces (cleaning allows you to remove the so-called “locks”).

Air-flow cleaning process

To carry out Air-flow procedures A sandblasting machine is used, which delivers a cleaning composition and a water-air mixture in the form of a strong jet. First, the specialist isolates the gums and mucous membranes with special pads.

Sodium bicarbonate, better known to patients as baking soda, is used as a cleaning component, and in some modern clinics- calcium crystals.

The latter, according to them, cleans teeth more carefully than soda and does not scratch the enamel. In any case, the abrasive particles are so small that they do not harm the enamel, but at the same time cope with dirt and plaque.

The cleaning component is applied under high pressure to the surface of the teeth, removing dirt. Jets of air and water wash them away and cool the teeth. Essentially, plaque is removed and the tooth is polished. However, it is quite soft and gentle.

The procedure is completed by polishing the teeth using special pastes and a brush rotating at high speed.

To prolong the effect, a protective varnish is applied to the teeth. In general, the procedure does not take more than 20-40 minutes and is recommended, like any professional cleaning, once every six months.

Rules of conduct after the procedure

After cleaning Air-flow, in the first 2-3 hours you should avoid eating food and drinks containing bright dye (tea, coffee, wine, strawberries, blueberries, citrus fruits).

Because a protective varnish is applied to your teeth, you should not brush them on the same day as your procedure. It is necessary to give the varnish time to harden, otherwise it will lose all effectiveness, and the result of cleaning will delight you for a shorter period.

Features of Air-flow cleaning

The procedure is becoming increasingly popular, which is not surprising, since it has many advantages:

  • high efficiency: teeth become noticeably cleaner and smoother, and due to the increase in their light reflectivity, they appear a little whiter. Jets of cleaning agent and water penetrate into hard-to-reach areas, which guarantees absolute treatment.
  • rapid achievement of results: the effect is noticeable after the first and only procedure, the duration of which does not exceed 40 minutes.
  • gentle cleansing, which is possible due to the fact that the working tool does not come into contact with the surface of the teeth, but is directed by the air flow. Washing with water after grinding with a medicinal composition helps to reduce the risk of sensitivity or cracked teeth.
  • ease of implementation, since Air-flow does not require preliminary preparation. It will be effective even with large quantities teeth, presence of implants.
  • painlessness of the method.
  • increasing the fluoride content in tooth enamel, which gives it strength.

Air-flow contraindications

Like any medical procedure, Air-flow cleaning has certain contraindications. For example, in case of periodontal diseases, you should look for other methods of removing plaque.

In this case, Air-flow may not be effective (since this method cannot destroy multiple deposits of tartar or calculus located in the gum pockets) or cause bleeding of the gums, which are vulnerable in such diseases.

This cleaning should be used with caution by people suffering from bronchial asthma because breathing may be difficult.

For patients forced to be on a salt-free diet, the method is also probably not suitable, since it involves the use of salt-containing powder.

Citrus intolerance is another reason to look alternative ways cleaning. The fact is that medicinal powder is most often produced with a fairly pronounced lemon taste.

For safety reasons, you should refrain from the procedure for some time during pregnancy and breastfeeding.

Conventional oral hygiene methods, even with careful adherence to the rules, do not protect against the appearance of plaque and tartar. The result is systemic enamel damage, caries and other dental diseases.

Medicine owns additional methods preservation of teeth. Efficient development scientists - Air Flow, “Air Flow”: cleaning enamel with a stream of air saturated with a water-abrasive solution.

Air Flow does not refer to chemical or mechanical methods of influence; rather, it is an original and safe way removal of soft and hard plaque.

What is Air Flow?

“Air flow” teeth cleaning is performed by a device that generates an abrasive substance saturated with water and microparticles, supplied by a stream of compressed air.

Soda, as a rule, acts as a “grinding” material. The fine dispersion of soda guarantees safe, high-quality cleaning of dental pockets, removal age spots and enamel brightening.

Operating principle

Air Flow teeth cleaning - air flow simultaneously removes plaque and whitens teeth

Air Flow (air flow, air flow) - alternative, modern method safe teeth whitening.

Enamel cleaning with a device from the Swiss company EMS Air Flow is multi-purpose - the air flow simultaneously removes plaque and whitens teeth.

Operating principle:

  • purification is provided by a stream of pressurized air containing water, baking soda or other fine powder containing calcium;
  • The air pressure is provided by a compressor and a Prophy-Mate double tip.

Advice! The air jet whitening level is 2-3 tones. If you need a snow-white smile, additionally undergo laser or photo whitening.


Professional method Cleaning teeth with compressed air is used:

  • in the presence of dental stones;
  • plaque and the formation of age spots;
  • predisposition to periodontal disease;
  • in preparation for teeth whitening.

Attention! Before brushing your teeth with the Air Flow method, consult your dentist.

Preparatory stage

Preparation for cleaning using the Air Flow system in dentistry consists of protecting the patient’s body from particles of abrasive substances, for which they wear a special cap and glasses.

Then the doctor installs a retractor and a saliva ejector, and lubricates the patient’s lips with a cream that protects the skin from drying out.

Important! Before you start brushing your teeth with a directed air flow, localize existing inflammatory processes oral cavity - get rid of caries and gum disease.

Professional teeth cleaning

After cleaning with Air Flow, dentists advise not to consume food or drinks containing dyes.

Upon completion preparatory stage professional hygiene, the dentist installs a device that supplies the air-water mixture and adjusts the power of the jet depending on the volume of detected formations.

  • install the nozzle at an angle of 30⁰-60⁰ relative to the teeth;
  • Clean the teeth from the outside and inside in a circular motion.

At the same time, the cleaning mixture is supplied through a 2-channel tip: the inner channel contains soda and air, the outer channel contains water, and the waste material enters the suction tube.

The final stage of the procedure is to coat the tooth enamel with fluoride-containing varnish.

After cleaning Air Flow, dentists advise: do not consume food and drinks containing dyes, coffee, tea, and do not smoke for several hours.

Depending on the condition of the periodontium and the rate of formation of dental plaque, repeated cleaning is carried out after 3-6 months.

Tools and materials

Air-Flow device

The Air Flow device was developed by EMS (Switzerland), specializing in the production of dental equipment wide range actions.

EMS technology is used in outpatient, periodontal and maxillofacial surgery.

Operating principle of Air Flow: removal of dental plaque using a stream of compressed air, water and finely dispersed powder.

The device package includes:

  • guide tip;
  • head with two nozzles;
  • needles for cleaning canals;
  • hoses for air and water supply;
  • control pedal;
  • sterilizing box.

The Air Flow device has a thoughtful design and durable body. For ease of grip and holding, the handle is equipped with recesses.

The buttons built into the handle are easy to press; The tip holder, rotating 360⁰, is equipped with a lock. Power air jet controlled by a special regulator. The device is easy and safe to use.

Cleaning powders

Airflow cleaning powders are made from finely dispersed calcium-rich organic substances. The final product has a certain taste and aroma.

Today, the Swiss company EMS produces three main types of powder:

Duration of cleaning

Brushing teeth with an “air flow”, as a rule, does not last long.

Depending on the complexity and volume of the task, the procedure takes 30-50 minutes.

Painfulness of the procedure

The Air Flow teeth cleaning procedure is a painless and gentle method of removing plaque - a mixture of air, water and soda does not injure tooth enamel.

After cleaning, the teeth are coated with fluoride varnish, which protects the enamel from caries and prolongs the effectiveness of treatment.

Care and effect

How to care for your teeth after Air Flow:

  1. Stop brushing your teeth for one day. This will allow the protective varnish to dry and harden to the surface.
  2. Do not smoke for several hours.
  3. Do not drink coffee, tea, foods or drinks containing dyes.

To protect your gums from injury, refrain from eating hard, solid foods for 2-3 hours.

Air Flow is not only whitening, but also cosmetic cleaning that combines the removal of soft deposits, plaque and disinfection of the oral cavity.

The duration of the effect depends on the patient's oral hygiene and diet. Coffee, strong tea and nicotine restore plaque a few weeks after cleansing, but with moderation and quitting smoking, the result lasts for 5-6 months.

Professional teeth cleaning with Air Flow – before and after the procedure


Air Flow is also contraindicated for women in the first and third trimester of pregnancy and during lactation.

Pros and cons

The Air Flow teeth whitening method has advantages and disadvantages that are recommended to be taken into account when making a decision:

Plus Minus
Removal of soft deposits, pigment, plaque Don't expect a snow-white color - the enamel lightens by 2-3 tones
Elimination unpleasant odor from the mouth Air Flow does not remove tartar
Painless and no anesthesia The method has medical contraindications
Natural origin of materials used in cleaning
Safe manipulation for gums and bone tissue
Prevention of dental diseases
Affordable price


The total cost of the Air Flow cleaning procedure depends on the number of teeth treated. The average cost of a tooth is 200 rubles.

Attention! If you don’t have enough money, you can order cleaning of your front teeth, which are visible when you talk and smile.

The price of Air Flow increases if ultrasonic cleaning is required to remove tartar and mineralized deposits.

Most dental clinics offer comprehensive solution problems. Today, the total cost of cleaning, including coating of teeth with fluoride varnish, is 6-7 thousand rubles.

Ultrasound or Air Flow

Method ultrasonic treatment safe and does not have a mechanical or chemical effect on the enamel

Ultrasonic teeth cleaning is no less popular than Air Flow and patients often ask questions about the advantages and disadvantages of the methods.

According to dentists, both methods are useful.

Air Flow is effective in removing plaque from nicotine, ultrasound in eliminating tartar and preventing caries.

Ultrasound crushes tartar and also disinfects the oral cavity: it destroys pathogens in the subgingival zone and interdental spaces.

The ultrasonic treatment method is safe and does not have a mechanical or chemical effect on the enamel.

But ultrasonic cleaning is not for everyone.

This method contraindicated in patients:

  • with pacemakers;
  • chronic heart diseases.

Ultrasound is not suitable for patients with dentures that break down during cleaning,

In turn, Air Flow does not break up large tartar, but removes soft plaque.

Conclusion: The optimal cleaning option is a combination of two methods: removal of dense layers with ultrasound, and finishing treatment with an “air jet”.