Programs. Simultaneous interpreting school, interpreting training course

The long-term program is perfect for those who have a high level of knowledge of a foreign language and would like to acquire a new or additional specialty in the field of translation. Each of the program disciplines is aimed at fundamental, versatile training of practicing translators. Translation is our profession, and we know well: to achieve high results, it takes time, a lot of practice, good teachers and constant work. During the training, you will gain skills in written, oral, consecutive and simultaneous translation. You will acquire up-to-date knowledge about the situation in the translation market, the features of the translation business and professional requirements. You will improve your level of proficiency not only in a foreign language, but also in your native language, since during training special attention is paid to stylistics and editing. When developing programs, we proceeded from own experience and understanding what problems exist in university translation education. After completing the training, you will receive a free internship at one of the leading companies in the field of interpretation and translation (prospects for further cooperation if you successfully complete the test task). What is included in the long-term program: Fundamentals of translation Written translation Consecutive interpreting Simultaneous translation Stylistics of the Russian language Speech technique Specializations to choose from: Financial and economic industry Oil and gas industry Medical industry Jurisprudence Types of long-term programs: 500 academic hours, duration of study 1 year 280 academic hours. h., duration of training 6 months.

Short-term intensive courses

Short-term intensive courses are a form of training for beginners and experienced translators who are accustomed to working non-stop. Many of our students have very busy schedules, so we try to provide quality training with minimal time investment. An ideal balance between theory and practice. The purpose of short-term intensive courses: to master new look and the topic of professional translation systematize and deepen your knowledge in the field of translation move to a qualitatively new, more high level skill Important feature this direction is the ability to quickly study individual areas of training that are part of the overall long-term training program. This way you can build your educational process, taking individual courses that are necessary for you to improve your professional qualifications. Possible areas and specializations: Fundamentals of translation; Written translation; Interpretation for negotiations; Consecutive interpreting; Simultaneous translation; Stylistics of the Russian language; Editing in written translation; Workshop of P. R. Palazhchenko; Translation in the financial and economic industry; Oil and gas industry translation; Translation in the medical industry; Translation in jurisprudence and others. Duration of training: from 18 to 72 academic hours. When developing short-term programs, we tried to take into account differences in the level of training and learning goals of our students. Within each type or topic of translation, courses of varying durations are offered. This way, everyone can choose exactly what suits them best.

Seminars and master classes

The “Russian School of Translation and Language Training” pays special attention to conducting seminars and master classes, the main characters of which are real world champions in translation, famous teachers who have trained more than one generation of brilliant translators. Here you can meet and communicate with students of those who laid the foundations of the theory and practice of the Russian school of translation - Ya. I. Retzker, G. V. Chernov, A. D. Schweitzer, R. K. Minyar-Beloruchev, V. N. Komissarov and others. We are always glad to see you within the walls of our school!

Language training

Academic English is significantly different from English, which is used in everyday life. The academic form of English is more formalized, using complex sentences and special academic vocabulary. It is in Academic English that dissertations, projects, essays, reports and other academic works are written during university studies. Studying English for Academic Purposes will be a powerful tool for you to develop the linguistic, social and organizational skills that will help you feel confident among your fellow students. Intensive English course with TED TALKs A new word in teaching English - an intensive course based on authentic audio-video materials from the beginning level. The intensive English language course is intended for students at level A1-B2+. This course compares favorably with the traditional one and provides quick immersion in language environment, helping to expand vocabulary and overcome the language barrier through constant conversational practice. Special attention The intensive course focuses on the development of oral speech perception and speaking skills. Preparation for the international IELTS exam Our program has four basic modules - SPEAKING, LISTENING, READING, WRITING (GENERAL and ACADEMIC). Since it is not possible to completely separate one skill from another, each module, in English, includes a discussion of exam strategy and typical language difficulties faced by students. Preparation is based on materials from previous exams, as well as the best modern aids from leading international publishers. To improve language competence and gain new background knowledge, materials from the National Geographic channel are used in classes. Schedule: 3 times a week (Monday, Wednesday, Friday) Morning from 11:00 – 13:00 Day from 16:00 – 18:00 Evening from 19:00 – 21:00

Individual training

Individual training is an ideal option for those who are limited in time or do not have the opportunity to adjust their schedule to regular training programs. This format for acquiring knowledge is fast and effective way achieve your goals. Advantages of individual training: 1. Convenience You study when it is convenient for you, and you decide for yourself what the lesson schedule, duration of classes and duration of the course will be. The training schedule can be adjusted at any time at your request. 2. Maximum effectiveness The training program is developed individually, based on your personal and professional goals. You study only what interests you without having to adapt to other students or the standards of a particular course. 3. Comfort You can choose the place of training yourself: classes at our school or online training via Skype. 4. Quick results Due to the fact that all the teacher’s attention during the lesson is directed only to you, the results individual training will bring you quite quickly, the main thing is to strictly follow the chosen program and complete all the necessary tasks. The cost of a course of individual lessons depends on the intensity and duration of training. For a one-time payment of 12 academic hours or more, there is a -5% discount. At your request, individual training can take place in pairs with your friend / girlfriend / loved one / colleague. Submit an application for individual training by mail info@site or phone +7985-211-03-47 and the managers of the “Russian School of Translation and Language Training” will contact you as soon as possible.

Corporate training

Nowadays, the need to know English in any area of ​​business is no longer in doubt. When working in a Russian or international company, most employees often require a foreign language to perform job responsibilities: negotiations, business correspondence, networking and establishing contacts with foreign partners, etc. English is constantly necessary to obtain the most up-to-date information from the world of new products, technical developments and scientific discoveries. Courses for corporate foreign language learning are created according to individual programs. We take into account all the capabilities of our clients, as well as their level of knowledge, goals, objectives and direction of the company. It is important to correctly and clearly formulate the learning goal - this will allow for maximum effectiveness and as soon as possible achieve the required results. We will help you develop and implement a program that will be most effective for your company. School teachers have the opportunity to conduct corporate training right in your office, which means that employees do not have to waste their time and energy on the road. Also, if necessary, we are ready to provide comfortable and fully equipped classrooms at our school for classes. During the learning process, it is possible to adjust the content of the program to achieve maximum results. Submit an application for corporate training by mail info@site or phone +7-985-211-03-47 and the managers of the Russian School of Translation and Language Training will contact you as soon as possible.

Distance learning

Distance learning is a great opportunity to improve your skills, get additional education, or simply learn something new for those who live in another city and due to various reasons cannot attend face-to-face classes. Advantages of distance education: individual class schedule and time savings; unique opportunity to study from anywhere in the world; wide choice of topics and duration of educational programs; Webinars are an analogue of attending lectures; the ability to virtually communicate with the teacher and other course participants; Webinars are quite multifunctional and allow the lecturer to create his own individual virtual audience. Students communicate with teachers and group members via chat. The teacher can demonstrate the necessary illustrative examples, electronic manuals and presentations. Free format of training; individual work with a teacher; consulting and explanatory format of training; Online communication with the teacher takes place in the format of completing received translation assignments. By checking the student’s work, the teacher identifies weak and strengths The student, which he describes in detail in the assessment-recommendation, sends information materials for independent study. The selection of the training program is carried out by the methodologist of the Russian School of Translation and Language Training, taking into account the wishes of the listener. The free format of training allows you to study according to an individual schedule, develop yourself and try out any courses from the list of classes available at the school. Submit an application for distance learning by mail info@site or phone +7985-211-03-47 and the managers of the “Russian School of Translation and Language Training” will contact you as soon as possible.

Ability to translate texts into modern world is valued even more than knowledge foreign languages. The demand for compulsory knowledge of English is growing, which is why today so many young people are trying to understand how to become an English translator. It is worth noting that knowing a foreign language and being able to translate texts are not the same thing. Today we will try to determine what it takes to become an English translator?

Is it easy to be a translator?

How to become an English translator?

In order to perfectly master oral translation, you must have the following personal qualities: excellent memory (you need to remember the entire spoken text word for word, while translating it correctly), the ability to predict (you need to predict what a person might say), attentiveness and the ability to beautifully express your thoughts. To master written translation, you will need the following qualities: perseverance (you need to work long and painstakingly on texts), thoughtfulness ( good translation- this is not only the transformation of words, but also a high-quality transmission of meaning), excellent knowledge of the Russian language.

Advantages of the Translator profession

The undeniable advantage of this profession is good wages, the opportunity to work in different areas where knowledge of foreign languages ​​is required. In any case, the profession provides the opportunity for self-realization, because people who know foreign languages ​​are always in demand. The opportunity to work from home is another plus of this profession, because a translator can translate texts, earn extra money by tutoring, or organize online courses learning English. In any case, his work will be in real demand and profitable. In addition, the profession of a translator is very interesting, because in the process of work he has the opportunity to study other cultures and constantly get acquainted with something interesting.

If you are already thinking about how to become good translator English language, then strive for success and it will always accompany you.

Disadvantages of the Translator profession

Despite a number of advantages, the profession of a translator also has several significant disadvantages. She won't let you make a career best case scenario you will become a successful translator and begin to communicate with stars and celebrities. Not every company is ready to have a translator on its staff, and therefore the translator often has to master additional profession, for example economics. Another big disadvantage of this profession lies in the fact that foreign languages ​​are forgotten very quickly. Therefore, even during vacation, a translator should not forget about his work. He must always know a foreign language perfectly, because incorrect translation may threaten war or a global crisis and, as a result, loss of reputation, money and customer trust.

Translation rates table

Course name Dates Group size Status
1. Simultaneous translation March 4 - 15 4 Completed
2. Simultaneous translation from English into Russian using the method of Andrey Falaleev, 1st module (evening group) 6 Current
3. Simultaneous translation from English into Russian using the method of Andrey Falaleev, 2nd module (morning group) 6 Current
4. Consecutive interpreting April 8 – 19 6 Kit
5. PHONETICS of the English language 6 Kit
6. Simultaneous translation 6 Kit
7. Simultaneous translation on MEDICAL topics May 27 – June 7 6 Kit

Regular simultaneous translation course

Simultaneous translation course from English into Russian and from Russian into English. The purpose of the course is to teach the skill of simultaneous listening and speaking. Practical course: preparation for simultaneous interpretation of real performances, simultaneous interpretation in booths with analysis of results to improve skills.

Regular course consecutive interpreting

Consecutive translation course from English into Russian and from Russian into English. The goal of the course is to teach students to confidently translate segments of speech from one to several sentences from memory and using translation cursive. Highlighting the main idea of ​​each statement to avoid overloading the memory with redundant information.

Courses using the methodology of Andrey Falaleev (simultaneous translation)

Competent translation into English is an extremely rare skill among synchronized interpreters who do not speak English as a native language. At the same time, pure “retur” (the ability to translate into English for other booths) provides a huge competitive advantage. Andrey Falaleev knows how to develop this skill and bring it to automaticity in every listener.

We offer 1st and 2nd level courses. In each course, translation training is carried out only in one direction: from Russian into English or from English into Russian. When choosing a course, each student must decide which area he wants to work on.

Specialized courses

PHONETICS of the English language

Correct English pronunciation and intonation - the ability to become attractive to employers. Only a professional mentor with an effective methodology can make good phonetics a skill. In this course you can get rid of speech impediments and gain good English pronunciation.

MEDICAL simultaneous translation

Translation related to medical topics requires high qualifications and extensive knowledge. We offer a course where you can learn the basic terminology used in the medical field. There are very few translators working on this topic, so work at medical conferences and seminars is the highest paid.

General description of interpreting courses

All courses are result-oriented: after completing a two-week course, the graduate must master the basic skills of interpreting in order to be able to carry it out when working with speeches of an average level of complexity on average speed. With experience, our graduates begin to work on more complex performances at a higher speed.

The advantage of these courses is that they are taught by the most experienced teachers - and these teachers are practicing synchronists. These are Irina Vladimirovna Zubanova, Varvara Lvovna Burova, Elena Vladimirovna Yushina (financial topics), Pavel Ruslanovich Palazhchenko and others. It's not about famous names, but that these teachers have the ability to find an individual approach to each student - in order not only to convey useful knowledge to him, but also to teach him the necessary skills. No knowledge of either consecutive or simultaneous translation will help if there is no skill at the level of automaticity.

During simultaneous translation classes, each student (in a group of no more than six people) works in a separate booth. The theoretical part of the lesson is minimal: basically, time is devoted to teaching practical skills, solving specific problems that arise during interpreting, and analyzing mistakes.

The Synchron-plus company conducts about twenty courses per year, which trains approximately one hundred people. Since 2006, we have trained more than a thousand interpreters. If a graduate is able to work for professional level, which we consider to be much above average, we can recommend him as an interpreter to our partner company or to another translation agency. And, of course, many of our alumni work with us at conferences and other events. They work successfully.

In addition to interpreting courses, we provide courses related to other specialties: finance, oil production, medicine. These courses are not related to foreign languages. They are not intended for translators, but for specialists working in these fields. Such courses are conducted at the request of companies and are developed taking into account the specific wishes of all participants in order to achieve specific goals. Conducting such courses should be discussed separately.

Translator training

Higher courses of foreign languages ​​MosInYaz provide training for translators. Program vocational training“Translation Course (English)” is aimed at persons with higher education and owning English at the Upper Intermediate level. Additionally, the program integrates a preparation course for the Cambridge University CAE (Certificate in Advanced English) exam.

The course teachers are professional translators.

Purpose of the course: Acquire skills various types oral translation: consecutive, two-way, etc., written text processing skills. Prepare to take the international Cambridge University Certificate in Advanced English (CAE) exam.

Rhetoric: know the rules of the Russian language; be able to edit texts; be able to process printed texts; master the techniques of oratory. Translation theory: recognize translation as a type of interlingual and intercultural communication; have a clear understanding of the tasks and goals of translation, the strategy and tactics of professional translation activities and be able to apply them in practice; master translation terminology; know the linguistic features of translation.

Listening: be able to perceive oral speech for the purpose of translating it; possess speech motor skills for oral translation; know ways to develop operative and long-term memory; know and be able to quickly move from language to language; be able to combine the semantic systems of two languages; master interlingual and intralingual transformation; master the basics of translation notation techniques; speak professionally; own professional ethics interpreter; own the organization of work of an interpreter; be able to translate aurally from English into Russian texts of considerable complexity using conventional translation cursive; be able to translate two-way conversations, interviews with a large amount of information; be able to compose written abstracts based on speech materials; possess oral abstraction skills.

Simultaneous translation: master speech technique in different conditions of oral communication when combining speech operations of different types; be able to translate texts of a monologue nature on socio-economic, general cultural and macroeconomic topics from English into Russian and from Russian into English using simultaneous translation.

Written translation from English into Russian: possess the skill of text processing on socio-economic, general cultural and macroeconomic topics with the preparation of annotations and abstracts.

Written translation from Russian into English: possess the skill of text processing on socio-economic, general cultural and macroeconomic topics.

CAE preparation course: express yourself easily and spontaneously; use English flexibly and effectively in social, business, educational or academic contexts; understand complex texts and judgments; be able to write a clear and concise essay with good structure and lots of detail.

Advantages of passing the StrAU:

  • the CAE certificate does not have a limited validity period;
  • CAE is an international exam confirming proficiency in English at the Advanced level;
  • recognized by many educational institutions;
  • taken into account by employers in the industrial, management and service sectors (e.g. Microsoft, Airbus, IBM, PricewaterhouseCoopers).

Course duration: 1 academic year(2 semesters) – 408 academic hours of classroom training and 96 hours of independent work.

Completion documents: Diploma in Translator Training; Cambridge University Certificate of Examination Certificate in Advanced English (CAE).

Class schedule: 3 times a week for 4 academic hours

Course fee: 50,000 rubles/semester (204 academic hours).

1.Basic benefit - "Self-instruction manual for translators in the oil and gas industry." Author Belousov V.V.
Goes to class detailed analysis each chapter of the textbook with a discussion of the content and terminology. Then students independently perform the exercises at the end of each chapter of the textbook, and also listen to the disc that comes with the textbook. Conducted in the classroom vocabulary test and is offered to watch a video on the topic of the textbook chapter (for example "Oil Drilling and Production in Ohio", "Equipment and Processes in the Oil and Gas Industry" etc.). First, it is proposed to translate the text without preparation in a simultaneous interpretation booth, then analysis occurs. Students create a script themselves and work on it. In the cabin, after homework, translation takes place without relying on the text.

2.The following materials are used during the course:
Report at the VNIIGAZ conference - Chevron company- Energy challenge
Speech Al Gore at the ceremony Nobel Prize peace- simultaneous translation of the original conference recording
GazpromDobychaYamburg- a video about the company’s activities and new technologies
Like new Nabucco gas pipeline can solve Europe's problems - video
Shale revolution- simultaneous translation of the original conference recording
John Bolton's speech dedicated to Iran's nuclear program - simultaneous translation of the original video recording
Report of the Ministry of Fuel and Energy on the prospects for the development of renewable energy sources in Russia and the CIS - simultaneous translation.
Video on electricity generation– simultaneous translation

3. As warm-up exercises at the beginning of the lesson, videos on the following topics are offered for viewing and translation: VR accident, environmental problems Gulf of Mexico, How to use plastic waste to produce petroleum products, How is electricity generated? Well development and drilling rig in Texas etc.

4. At the end of the course, a business game- conference on the topic "Energy and Finance". Students prepare their presentations for voice-over in the simultaneous interpretation booth. Also involved financial block. The topic is discussed: “Pricing in the oil and gas industry”, “Strategic and financial planning in the oil and gas industry" During the conference, unprepared reports from guests, for example, a representative of Serbia, a representative of the Norilsk Nickel company, are translated. All debates on reports are translated spontaneously in a simultaneous interpretation booth. Duration business games– 10-12 academic hours. After completing the main part, a detailed analysis of each student’s speech is carried out by several teachers and simultaneous interpreters. The entire conference is recorded on a voice recorder. Students then listen to these recordings, which is important for monitoring and self-assessment.

Upon completion of the course, a certificate is issued. Each student is given special recommendations for independent work.