Prosthetics in the absence of a large number of teeth: choosing the best dentures for partial or complete edentia. What types of complete removable dentures are available to dentists?

A small number of lost teeth in modern classical dentistry are compensated by installing implants or bridges. In cases when the gaps in the dentition are too large, removable dentures are used. They are understood as structures that the patient can remove and insert into the oral cavity independently, without the help of a doctor.

Main categories of removable dentures

Conventionally, removable dentures can be divided into two categories: for patients suffering from the loss of several teeth, and for those who are completely absent.

Constructions for partial absence of teeth

The problem of partial absence of teeth is easily solvable, since the supporting teeth are preserved in the oral cavity. They are used by the doctor to securely fix the removable denture and evenly distribute the chewing load over the gum surface.

Partial dentures are made from nylon and acrylic resin. Sometimes, taking into account the individual characteristics of a person and the degree of sensitivity of his teeth, the doctor may suggest a clasp denture - a removable product, the basis of which is a metal frame.

Solving problems with complete absence of teeth

The difficulty of prosthetics with complete edentia is that the entire chewing load falls on the gums. As a result, the alveolar processes of the jaw very quickly atrophy and no longer correspond to the given shape of the removable denture. After only 2 years of wearing it, the patient begins to experience discomfort, so a new product has to be created and installed.

Another problem complete prosthetics consists of fixing the prosthesis. If the structure of the upper jaw leaves a chance to relatively securely fasten the removable denture in its designated place, then mini-implants have to be made for the lower jaw.

The process of installing mini-implants is difficult and lengthy, requiring painstaking work by the technician and patience of the patient. Standard materials are used to make the prosthesis: nylon, acrylic plastic, metal.

Materials and their features

Any removable design has pros and cons. The choice of material is determined based on physiological characteristics, condition of bone tissue, financial capabilities of the patient.

Acrylic plastic

Partial parts are also made from this material. removable dentures teeth, and complete. IN dental practice plastic products have taken root under the name plate prosthesis. In terms of rigidity, they are superior to their nylon counterparts, so they better protect the jaw when chewing without causing pain.

To correct partial edentia, removable products containing a rigid metal wire are used. Covering the supporting teeth, it holds the structure in the oral cavity, preventing it from moving. The method is successfully used for prosthetics on the upper and lower jaw.

At complete absence teeth implement the closing valve method or, in simple terms, the suction cup effect. If you insert a precisely fitted acrylic denture into the oral cavity and press on it, it will automatically adhere to the jaw. Holding it in place will be formed naturally empty space.

In cases where a complete removable plastic denture does not stay in place, the use of a cream that improves fixation is indicated.

Special cases

Acrylic dentures are suitable for installation on teeth that need root strengthening. In this situation, dentists regard the prosthesis as a splinting one - preventing loose teeth from falling out. Often, plastic products are used for removable prosthetics of one tooth to achieve an aesthetic effect.

It happens that as a result of wearing a removable acrylic plate on the upper jaw, the sensitivity of teeth to temperature: cold drinks, hot dishes is reduced. Then the patient is advised to exercise caution or the prosthesis is replaced with a structure made of a different material.

Service life

The time during which a removable plastic prosthesis will function correctly is limited to two to three years. The maximum service life of acrylic structures is five years. It is worth remembering that the product becomes unusable not due to the fragility of the material, but due to bone tissue atrophy. Therefore, it will not be possible to wear the record comfortably after this time.


Like the previous material, nylon is suitable for the manufacture of partial and complete removable dentures. Products made from it are elastic and lightweight, making them more comfortable. The clasps that act as the only fastening are also made of nylon, in contrast to the metal elements of plastic structures. They are practically invisible or do not stand out at all against the background of the gums.

Not everyone likes to wear soft ones nylon dentures, patients often complain of their rough surface and pain when chewing solid food. To these complaints we can add the observations of dentists who note such disadvantages of nylon structures as:

  • accelerated atrophy of the jaw bones;
  • short shelf life and the need for regular correction;
  • rapid change in the original shape of the product.

All this is done by dental prosthetics using nylon good option reconstruction of the smile area, but for replacement chewing teeth Durable acrylic dentures work better.


A clasp prosthesis with a rigid metal frame will be even more reliable. By repeatedly strengthening the structure, it allows you to reduce the basis:

  • on the upper jaw - discard the plate covering the palate;
  • on the bottom - do without the massive part in the sublingual space.
Replacing thick plastic or nylon elements with thin metal arches facilitates articulation and makes eating more comfortable.

Clasp removable structures are fixed in two ways: using clasps and micro-locks. The first type of fastening is a metal branch enveloping the supporting tooth, the second is more complex system, which is implemented as follows:

  • Placed on abutment teeth metal-ceramic crowns with halves of a miniature locking device.
  • The second halves of the lock are attached to the prosthesis itself.

To put on the product, the patient connects the locking elements on the crowns with their halves on the prosthesis. The lock closes and the structure is securely fixed.

Of all types of removable dentures, clasp ones are the most reliable, they are comfortable to wear and easy to put on. However, they are also the most expensive, especially those made using micro-locks.

Innovation: Acry-free plastic

Taking classic acrylic plastic as a basis, Israeli scientists derived from its composition a monomer called methyl methacrylate. The resulting material is a cross between hard acrylic and pliable nylon. In fact, he combined them best qualities, making it possible to make removable structures as reliable as acrylic and elastic as nylon.

The aesthetic characteristics of Acri-free are also highly appreciated. The fixing element of these dentures has the same shade as the main part.

While the technology is new, the price of Acry-free plastic prostheses remains high. Complete denture for one jaw it will cost at least 50 thousand rubles.

How to wear removable dentures

After the doctor chooses the correction method and the technician makes a suitable design, the patient will have to go through an adaptation period. For some, it passes quickly and painlessly, others experience constant discomfort from the presence of a foreign object in the mouth, and others note the occurrence of pain.

Doctors say that, despite all the advantages and disadvantages of the chosen method of prosthetics, a person’s attitude plays a big role in addiction. Those patients who strive to adapt to new circumstances as quickly as possible adapt more easily.

What to do if it hurts

If pain occurs, you must:

  • Accurately determine all locations of pain. To do this, the prosthesis must be worn for at least five hours in a row.
  • Stop trying to “fit” the product yourself. Any unprofessional interventions will make the structure unsuitable for further wear.
  • Examine the mucous membrane for the appearance of inflammatory processes. Ulcers, redness and abscesses are clearly visible in the mirror in bright light.

How to smooth out unpleasant sensations

Following simple rules for using the prosthesis will help shorten the period of adaptation and make it easier:

  • It is necessary to carefully observe hygiene: use pastes, brushes, disinfectant rinses, natural antiseptics- herbal decoctions.
  • You need to follow the wearing regime: put it on in the morning and take it off all night.
  • The use of specialized fixing compounds is recommended.
In the first weeks of wearing dentures, many patients complain of impaired diction. To speed up the process of its normalization, it is recommended to read aloud daily. Reading will help restore full articulation and get used to new sensations in the shortest possible time.

Caring for dentures

Regardless of what removable dentures are made of, they require care, which includes cleaning, prevention and timely repair. For the orthodontic structure to serve for a long time, necessary:

  • In addition to morning and evening cleaning, rinse the product with clean water several times during the day.
  • Use high-quality disinfectants.
  • Eliminate the possibility of aggressive chemical or mechanical effects on the prosthesis (it is recommended to clean and treat the structure over soft cloth, towel).
  • Cracks, abrasions and other defects that arise must be leveled only with the help of an orthodontist.
Attention! Not every disinfectant solution allows you to leave the denture in it overnight. Modern drugs cope with the mission entrusted to them, on average, in 30 minutes. A longer stay of the prosthesis in the solution can have a detrimental effect on sensitive structural elements. Information about the optimal treatment period can be found in the instructions for the drug.

How to choose the perfect prosthesis

For an orthodontic design to be considered ideal, it must have three properties:

  • natural appearance;
  • convenience;
  • strength.

A triple effect can only be achieved if the doctor and patient work in tandem. On the part of the doctor, professionalism is required; the patient is required to follow the recommendations and have complete trust in the doctor. Therefore, you should approach the choice of a clinic and specialist responsibly.

Removable dentures are used for complete or partial loss of teeth, in the latter case this especially applies to the loss of chewing teeth. Removable dentures can be used even if one chewing tooth is lost. In the arsenal modern dentistry There are technologies for manufacturing removable dentures that have extraordinary comfort, high wear resistance and aesthetic properties. Bulky and unsightly removable dentures, which our grandparents left in a glass of water at night, are forever a thing of the past. Complete removable plate dentures are used when there is complete absence of teeth on one or both jaws. Their task is to compensate for the absence of all teeth. Partial removable dentures are used in the absence of single teeth or a group of teeth in the dentition. This type prostheses are used in case of loss of the main chewing teeth and in cases of long-term defects in the dentition. They can also be used as a temporary prosthesis or when one tooth is missing. Plate partial dentures are used to restore lost fragments of the dentition and are the simplest and most affordable.

An immediate denture can be used as a temporary structure, which is applied to the jaw immediately after tooth extraction or in preparation for prosthetics with a permanent denture.

Clasp dentures (from the German “clasp” - arch) can be used in almost all cases associated with the absence of teeth, both complete and partial. Clasp prosthesis is the most reliable, expensive and comfortable design. Its main difference is that the chewing load is distributed evenly between the gingival surface of the jaw and the remaining teeth, in contrast to partial dentures, where the entire load falls on the gum. In the manufacture of such prostheses, accurate calculations and modeling of all elements of the prosthesis are performed. Clasp dentures are used for periodontal disease and increased tooth mobility.

Removable segments are one-sided dentures used when a row of chewing teeth is lost on one side of the jaw.

Conditionally removable dentures are usually used when one chewing tooth is lost. Such a prosthesis can be secured to adjacent supporting teeth using metal claws. The supporting elements of such a prosthesis can be glued to the tooth or fixed using light-curing cements. The patient does not need to remove such a prosthesis, which is why it is called conditionally removable.

Modern dentures are made from dental acrylic plastics using injection molding, hot and cold compression polymerization. The use of such plastics allows the prosthesis to retain its properties for a very long time - shape, color, density and strength. Artificial teeth, which are used in the manufacture of such prostheses, are produced in the form of ready-made sets, differing in color shades, shapes, and sizes. This allows you to select exactly the set of teeth that the patient desires.

Modern removable dentures are secured in the mouth in different ways. They can be secured using clasps - metal hooks that “hold” onto the abutment teeth closest to the defect. Clasps are made of stainless steel or precious metals with high spring properties. Thanks to these properties, the clasp securely holds the denture in the mouth. The clasps are fixed at the very base of the tooth and are not visible when laughing and talking. This type of attachment can be used in partial plate dentures.

Removable dentures can also be secured using attachments - locks consisting of two elements. One of these elements is located inside the artificial tooth or the base of the prosthesis, and the other is on the abutment tooth covered with a crown or in the root of the tooth. This option has a number of advantages compared to clasps - higher reliability and aesthetic properties.

Removable dentures require periodic cleaning, as they lie on the gingival surface of the jaw and create poorly washed areas. It is also necessary to periodically remove dentures after eating to clean surfaces. After this, you need to rinse your mouth well and return the denture to its place. It is optimal to clean dentures daily, at least before bed, and at maximum after each meal.

Is it possible to leave a removable denture in place overnight? After evening hygiene procedures for cleaning the denture and oral cavity, this is quite acceptable. Here everything depends on the desire of the owner of the prosthesis to leave it in the mouth overnight or, conversely, to take a break from its presence. Many dentists recommend leaving the removable denture in the mouth overnight in the first weeks after dentures for better adaptation.

Patients with removable dentures are advised not to consume viscous and sticky foods such as toffees, chewing gum and the like. These products can stick to the denture and cause it to break. At first, you should not eat solid food. We are not talking about any special diet here, but in the first weeks after prosthetics you need to take well-chopped food in small portions. To practice chewing skills, you can use fruit cut into slices - they are tough enough, but not hard enough to break the denture.

If a removable denture causes discomfort in the mouth or rubs the gums, you need to contact your dentist to have it adjusted.

Previously, when the base of removable dentures was made of rubber, placing them in a glass of water overnight was absolutely necessary, since the rubber could crack and lose shape in the air. When plastic dentures appeared, they also began to be placed in a glass of water overnight - apparently from old memory, although plastic is not afraid of air. Then publications began to appear that water in a glass is a favorable environment for the growth of bacteria, and dentures must be kept dry.

What about modern removable dentures? Some dentists recommend that during the first months the denture should be constantly kept in a moist environment - in the mouth or in a glass of water at night. They explain this by the fact that humid conditions contribute to the final formation and consolidation of the properties of the prosthesis.

Dentistry works wonders these days. Due to gum disease, poor hygiene, poor nutrition and vitamin deficiency, you can lose several teeth. This problem can be easily eliminated with the help of prosthetics. What dentures are best to install if there are no teeth at all? Should I get a prosthesis or not? What are they? We invite you to answer these and other questions, as well as watch the video in our article.

Prosthetics of teeth with their complete or partial absence

Dental prosthetics involves the use of removable and fixed dentures. What type of prosthetics should I choose? The decision is made jointly by the specialist and the patient. Possible nuances, indications and contraindications are taken into account. There are quite a lot of options for solving the problem. Scientific and medical developments are constantly updated - new generation designs are available to everyone who needs help in restoring and improving their quality of life.

Removable way

Removable dentures are independently removed by the patient from oral cavity without the help of a specialist or any equipment. The removable method of prosthetics is universal. Except constant wearing, temporary use of removable dentures is practiced, for example, while waiting for the manufacture of an implant. Dentures are fixed on the gums using special fasteners. Restoration using a removable method ensures that there is no discomfort when wearing. The advantages of prosthetics using this method are as follows:

Fixed method

Fixed dentures without a palate are structures used in the absence of a tooth or several. Devices are made from plastic, metal-plastic, metal-ceramics. The disadvantages of using fixed structures include long preparation before installation and the mandatory grinding of teeth for the base of the prosthesis. Characteristics of fixed structures:

  1. Can be used for a long time;
  2. caring for the prosthesis is quite simple and does not require the use of special products (we recommend reading:);
  3. the use of dentures allows you to eliminate defects in the front teeth;
  4. makes it possible to form the correct bite;
  5. Correctly selected color of the material allows you to create maximum resemblance to natural color own teeth.

Is there a difference between upper and lower jaw prosthetics?

When implanting, the difference in the characteristics of the upper and lower jaws is insignificant, while when using removable structures, some nuances should be taken into account. Due to individual characteristics and differences in the structure of the upper and lower jaws, various types prostheses.

The lower jaw bears a large load when chewing food. This factor, as well as the greater mobility of the lower jaw, prevents the denture from fitting tightly. It is recommended to use structures of increased rigidity, which hold their shape better and are practically not deformed.

The structural features of the upper jaw allow the prosthesis to be fixed quite tightly. Therefore, with full or partial absence teeth, the prosthesis for the upper jaw can be made from both hard materials and elastic and soft ones.

Types of removable dentures

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Based on zirconium dioxide

Prosthetic options using zirconium dioxide are used on the front and side teeth. Zirconium is durable, wear-resistant and safe. Dentures are made by milling; to increase strength, the finished structure is exposed to high temperatures. The service life of zirconium dioxide structures is unlimited. The properties of the material make it possible to produce aesthetic dentures without the palate itself high quality, indistinguishable from your own teeth. To care for zirconium prostheses, it is not recommended to use toothpastes containing abrasive particles.

Clasp prosthetics

The basis of the clasp design is an arch (metal frame) with an artificial dentition - look at the photo. When manufacturing an individual frame, a high-precision casting method from titanium or cobalt-chromium alloys is used. At the request of the patient, it is possible to use a gold-platinum alloy. The clasp type design is adjusted as accurately as possible, so the load is distributed more evenly and no problems with diction are created. The qualities of clasp prosthetics are ease of use, high strength and durability.

What type of prosthesis is better to choose?

Prosthetics using implants has gained great popularity. The peculiarity of this design is its reliable fixation and there is no risk that the prosthesis will fall out of the mouth at the most inopportune time. For reliable fastening of removable structures, experts recommend using special means, but in some cases, the use of fixation gels can cause allergies. When using removable dentures bone tissue Over time, it may atrophy, making it impossible to use implantation. The best dentures for removing chewing teeth are clasp ones and those made on the basis of beam fixation.

Lack of teeth is harmful not only to the jaw, but also to the body as a whole. When a single tooth is missing, load distribution is disrupted, and when all teeth are missing, permanent damage is caused to the mouth and gums. In this regard, many people are advised to immediately contact the dentist for dental restoration. In case of complete absence, prosthetics comes to the rescue. See below for all options for dental prosthetics in complete absence and conditions.

If patients are completely missing teeth, they may be offered several options for prosthetics. Prosthetic options can be very different. It all depends on the quality of workmanship, the material used and the patient’s wallet. We recommend that you consider each option and choose the one that is considered most suitable for you. It all starts with economical options and ends with expensive ones.

One-piece removable denture

This option is the most economical. It is made from cheaper materials: nylon or acrylic plastic. It also gained popularity because of its ease of use.

The undoubted advantage of such a prosthesis is its cost.

But there are many more shortcomings. These include:

  • unreliable fastening. The prosthesis rests exclusively on the mandibular part due to the vacuum created, and, therefore, when moving the mouth air particles will enter the prosthesis and the prosthesis may fly off;
  • size. The size of a one-piece removable denture is quite large. Due to its size, it causes long-term addiction to the patient. Diction and functioning of taste buds may also be temporarily impaired;
  • fragility. Due to the fact that the prosthesis is made of materials such as acrylic plastic, it often collapses. Due to high loads on the prosthesis, cracks appear, leading to breakage. Plastic prosthesis Just unable to stand it heavy load , so it constantly breaks down. You constantly have to repair it or buy a new one. Is it worth it? The purchase of such a prosthesis will constantly require financial investments.

One-piece removable denture with fastening from spherical abutments (locators)

This option is more improved. Its main difference from the first option is fixation. It is attached to the gums using special elements. This fixation allows you to stay in the same place. Fastening elements:

  • locator. Fixed to a dental implant;
  • plastic matrix. It is fixed in the prosthetic structure itself.

The matrix is ​​snapped onto a ball-shaped abutment, which allows the prosthesis to remain in the same place for a long time. It is recommended to use at least two locators on 2 implants.


  • reliable fastening. Due to mounting on locators reliable fixation is carried out, which allows you to stay in place and not move;
  • price. Despite the fact that this design has also received good fixation to the jaws, the pricing policy remains the same. This prosthetic option is the most budget-friendly.


  • fragility. In this option, the fastening already appears, but its quality does not change. The prosthesis is made of plastic. The lack of a high-quality frame means that the prosthesis is short-lived and is susceptible to various types of breakdowns;
  • size. The size of a removable denture with fixation has sufficient scale dimensions for the oral cavity. Large pieces of plastic cover most of the gums and palate. You will need to get used to such a prosthesis. A violation of diction necessarily follows;
  • load during chewing movement. When chewing, almost the entire load is directed to the 2 implants, which are the base. Necessarily need specialist advice and compliance with instructions. Due to the heavy load, there is a risk of being left without bone mass around the prosthetic area.

Of all the above, this option for dental prosthetics in the absence of teeth is the most suitable. This is due to improvements in reliability and convenience. Only high-quality equipment is used for production. You will need the knowledge of not only the dental technician, but also the dentist himself. Using high technology, the structure is made from beams, and it is milled. The beam fixation has 2 parts:

  • a beam that is fixed to the implants;
  • plastic matrices that are installed in the prosthesis itself.


  • good fastening. Due to the beam used, the prosthesis is securely fastened, which allows it to remain stationary. This fastening allows the patient to feel much more comfortable;
  • feeling of satisfaction with prosthetics. Using a beam structure Much less plastic is used to manufacture, which means that most of the gums and palate remain open. No disturbances in diction and taste buds were observed;
  • strength. Metal is used here as a frame, which ultimately indicates its durability and strength;
  • load. There are 4 implants in the oral cavity. The entire chewing load is directed to them, which confirms the safety of the bone around the prosthetic area.


  • price. Thanks to reliability and quality the patient feels comfortable, but at the same time most of his wallet suffers. The price of such dental prosthetics in case of complete absence is much higher;
  • removable design. For proper hygiene, you need to clean your denture at least 2 times a day. It will take no more than a minute.

During prosthetics, in case of complete absence of teeth, in mandatory A minimum of 4 implants are installed. They are also the support. A prosthesis that doesn't have to be removed very convenient and comfortable due to high-quality imitation of real teeth. A fixed prosthesis is made of metal ceramics. You simply won't find plastic here. This makes it the most compact and convenient. If there is no natural gum, ceramics are installed and repainted in the desired natural color.


  • convenience. Convenience and comfort is that this prosthesis is not removable. As a result, diction is not impaired, the taste buds work correctly, and the palate and gums are completely open;
  • beauty. A fixed prosthesis made of metal-ceramics allows you to get closer to the natural feeling of teeth. An experienced and qualified professional will create a “Hollywood smile” that no one can distinguish ordinary person. Teeth are like teeth;
  • quality. The frame is made of cobalt chrome frame, which allows it to be of high quality, strong and durable. This kind of prosthetics will please you for a long time. Fractures and cracks are not inherent.


  • price. This is not the case when we can say: quality at an affordable price. The level of qualification of the dental technician, doctor and expensive equipment dictate a very decent amount. Is it worth it for each individual to decide? Not every person can afford such prosthetics. Especially if this person is a pensioner and his main income is a pension.
  • metal. Metal in rare cases may cause a mild allergic reaction And metallic taste in the language.

Fixed prosthesis supported on zirconium dioxide implants

In case of complete absence of teeth, this prosthetic option is the most beautiful, comfortable, innovative, progressive and biocompatible. Zirconium dioxide is stronger than even metal, which means there should be no aftertaste.

In addition to the fact that it is durable, it is practically weightless, so it will be more comfortable and easier to wear. This type of prosthesis is the closest to natural teeth. Just like zirconia teeth has little transparency and depth. The fastening of a fixed dental prosthesis based on zirconium dioxide is similar to a fixed prosthesis made of metal ceramics. But the rest is several times better. It really is superior to all other prostheses in terms of sensation, comfort and naturalness.

In a glass from a grandfather or grandmother, many people had a sacred horror in their childhood.

Modern removable teeth- one of the most accessible ways to solve dental problems unnoticed by others.

What types of removable dentures are there? How to get used to removable dentures? What are the features of wearing them?

According to statistics, every second Russian over 35 years old has at least one denture in his mouth.

In case of shortage large quantity teeth, a person is faced with a choice between expensive fixed prosthetics or removable systems. As a rule, the second option is more often chosen by people of the older generation.

The importance of a full-fledged dentition can only be underestimated by people who do not have any problems with their teeth.

Their absence changes appearance, affects the clarity of speech and even affects the quality of digestion, and therefore life!

After the loss of one or more teeth, the question of prosthetics arises. In the two large groups of fixed and removable dentures, there are different varieties.

When choosing a prosthetic method, we proceed from two main criteria:

  • goals of prosthetics;
  • financial capabilities of the patient.

Removable structures are:

  • completely removable;
  • partially removable;
  • conditionally removable.

Surely every dentist had to answer the question of which removable dentures to choose. In this matter, the “better-worse” categories do not apply, and the point is not how much a removable denture of one type or another costs.

Before suggesting one or the other, which one is better suited to specific situation, the doctor evaluates the number and condition of the remaining teeth, determines the characteristics of the gums.

It is important to find out what aesthetic level suits the patient and what his financial capabilities are.

It is worth realizing that this or that dental office or clinic does not deal with all types of prosthetics.

Therefore, you may not be offered all possible options, but will have to choose among the available services of a particular clinic.

Complete dentures are the only denture option for completely edentulous people.

If part of the dentition has been preserved, then it is possible to install partial removable dentures, for example, clasp dentures, which are one of the best in this category today.

An example of conditionally removable dentures are the same crowns that are tightly placed on the tooth, and only a doctor can remove them.

Most patients perceive such prosthetics as permanent. In this article we'll talk mainly about the first two types of removable prosthetics.

Conclusion: removable prosthetics most often chosen because of its economic availability, but in some cases it is the only possible option solving the problem of missing teeth in a particular patient. One example is the impossibility of implantation due to contraindications.

Complete removable systems

This type of prosthetics is not good or bad, better or worse - it is the only method for solving the problem of adentia - an organic disorder in which even the rudiments of teeth are absent in the jaw.

The main problem with such prosthetics is that there is nothing to fix the artificial teeth on. However, in recent years removable full dentures have become much more advanced, their aesthetic appeal and methods of fixation have improved.

If such a denture is successfully made, then it does not cause discomfort and adaptation occurs quite quickly, within about a month.

Made from acrylic or nylon. The material has excellent wear resistance and durability.

If you care for removable dentures correctly, they will retain their original properties for many years.

Manufacturing taking into account the individual characteristics of the patient’s oral cavity makes their use quite comfortable.

If you need a prosthesis upper jaw, then you can use a suction cup design, which cannot be used on a more mobile lower jaw.

This option is more expensive, so if the patient needs a removable denture, the cost of which would be as low as possible, then this option will have to be abandoned.

When talking about which removable dentures are the best in a given situation, the most important criterion is the material - acrylic or nylon.

Lightweight and flexible soft prostheses are made from nylon. They are considered stronger and more durable than acrylic ones, but they also have certain limitations.

In terms of hygiene, acrylic structures are also inferior to nylon ones. Due to the porous surface, bacteria accumulate on them, which can lead to inflammatory diseases oral cavity. However, careful care of dentures solves this problem.

On acrylic, general and local allergic reactions, nylon is a more hypoallergenic material.

Both nylon and acrylic artificial teeth can convincingly imitate natural teeth, but nylon ones are slightly see-through at the junction. This is their disadvantage, which acrylic products lack.

When evaluating removable dentures by price, it is worth recognizing the advantage of acrylic structures that are produced in Russia.

Before choosing soft nylon dentures, you should consider that they are manufactured abroad, which increases the cost. However, in general, the cost of any removable systems is an order of magnitude lower than implantation.

Partially removable prosthetics

They are attached to a metal or plastic frame to fill the gaps of lost teeth in the dentition.

Indications for partial removable prosthetics:

  • lack of molars - teeth that perform the main part of the task of chewing food;
  • a temporary measure for the period when other types of permanent structures are being produced;
  • with the loss of a significant part of the teeth in the dentition, especially several in a row;
  • when the teeth adjacent to the interdental space of lost teeth are not suitable as a support for installation fixed prosthesis(bridge).

Such systems are very diverse, differ in price, capabilities, and goals achieved.

Here are the types of dentures in this group:

  • plastic plate;
  • clasp;
  • on telescopic crowns;
  • removable sectors or segments;
  • immediate systems.

Plastic removable dentures without a palate are among the cheapest due to their simplicity of design.

Patients put them on and take them off themselves. For fastening to the nearest remaining teeth, special hooks are used - clasps. The most significant drawback of these structures is the uneven load on the gums.

Clasp systems are considered one of the most expensive, but at the same time reliable and easy to use.

The disadvantage of the previous variety is their main advantage - clasp structures distribute the load on the gums as evenly as possible, preventing dystrophic and deformation processes in the jaw.

Clasp systems are used not only in prosthetics, but also in the treatment of periodontal disease and tooth mobility.

They can be worn around the clock (no need to take them off at night for storage), which patients will appreciate, because it is psychologically difficult in a situation where there is nothing left but to store dentures in a glass, frightening them with the sight of random witnesses.

However, it is difficult to get used to such a design faster than to non-removable ones; at first it will inevitably rub the gums at the attachment point and cause discomfort.

Designs on telescopic crowns are nothing more than a type of clasp system. Name given appearance special crowns that fold into each other like a telescope.

Their production is required when it is necessary to replace a large number of missing teeth and there are problems with fixation.

The doctor offers removable sectors to patients who do not have chewing teeth on one side of the jaw.

Fastened with clasps, such structures restore the possibility of bilateral chewing of food.

Immediate systems are temporary and are used during long-term treatment, including the process of fixed prosthetics.

Features of everyday use of artificial teeth

So, if you are missing three or more teeth in a row and your doctor recommends removable system, then many questions arise in everyday use.