Against allergies for a 1 year old child. Medicines and drops for allergies for newborns and children up to one year of age

Allergic reactions in children are one of the most common diseases early age. Allergies can be accompanied by mild symptoms, but can significantly affect the child’s overall well-being, causing intolerable itching, swelling, and suffocation.

Treat yourself allergic reactions in children is unacceptable, but in home medicine cabinet should always be antihistamine.

The use of such drugs is justified as first aid; their use helps prevent further progression of allergies.

At what age can allergies appear?

Allergies in children may first appear during the period. A wide variety of irritants act as allergens, these are:

  • Food components that enter the baby’s body along with mother's milk;
  • Artificial mixtures;
  • Detergents and care products - powder, soap, creams, powders.
  • Medicines.

In babies over 5-6 months of age, the first episodes of allergies are often associated with the introduction of new types of food or non-compliance with supplementary feeding rules.

At hereditary predisposition The baby's body can react to allergies to household dust and a number of other allergens.

High likelihood of developing allergic reactions in children younger age is also associated with the fact that their immune, digestive system are not yet fully developed, and the skin is thin and sensitive.

Allergies in children most often manifest themselves as changes in the skin - rashes, itching, areas of peeling and redness.

In severe cases, babies in the first months may develop bronchial asthma, which should not be confused with allergic asthma. As a rule, this disease is recorded in children with a hereditary predisposition.

READ ON THE TOPIC: symptoms, treatment.

Allergy medications that can be given to children

Treatment of any allergic reaction begins with eliminating contact with the allergen. Therefore, first of all, it is necessary to establish what the baby’s body reacted to with an unusual reaction.

If an allergy in an infant is accompanied by the appearance of only a few spots on the body, slight itching or increased regurgitation, then interrupting the influence of the allergen on the body leads to the elimination of all symptoms of the disease without medications.

You cannot do without the help of medications if the allergy is accompanied by significant changes in the skin, general malaise, loss of appetite.

External use products.

Drops and sprays for children in the eyes and nose.

The use of drops and sprays promotes vasoconstriction and reduces the production of inflammatory mediators at the local level.

This helps eliminate sneezing, rhinorrhea, eliminates nasal congestion, relieves lacrimation, itching and removes redness from the sclera.

Most antihistamine drops in the eyes and nose are approved for use only if the child is already 2 years old.

Young children are mainly prescribed vasoconstrictor drops, which eliminate allergy symptoms such as nasal congestion and mucus.

First generation drugs, such as Diphenhydramine, Pipolfen, are used when it is necessary to relieve rapidly growing changes in an allergic reaction.

In fact, these are medications necessary for first aid; they are rarely used for a long course in the treatment of children and with great caution.

  • - a new generation antihistamine. The components of the drug penetrate well into the skin, so the medicine is effective for allergic skin rashes. Long-term use of Cetrin in the treatment of children with atopic dermatitis reduces the likelihood of progression of this disease in the future. Can be used from two years of age. The antihistamine effect is long lasting – up to a day.
  • . Used in the treatment of children starting from one month. The drug is indicated for the treatment of allergies manifested by itching, rashes, and urticaria.
  • . The tablets have a pronounced antiallergic property and are prescribed for the treatment of food, respiratory, and contact allergies. Use is permitted from 6 years of age.
  • . The medicine is well tolerated and is prescribed to children over 1 year of age for the treatment of skin rashes, food, respiratory allergies. An analogue of Loratadine is Erius syrup; it is most often used in the treatment of children in the first years of life, starting from 6 months.
  • PARLAZIN. Available in tablets and drops. Basics active substance, the drug is prescribed to eliminate the symptoms of allergic rhinitis and conjunctivitis, dermatoses, hay fever. Parlazin in the composition complex therapy used for treatment bronchial asthma. Medicine in drops is prescribed from the age of one, tablets from the age of 6 years.
  • . Available in tablet and liquid form. The drug eliminates itching and flaking well skin, relieves symptoms of allergic rhinitis and conjunctivitis. Used in the treatment of Quincke's edema. Drops are used from 6 months, tablets from 6 years.
  • SUPRASTINEX. The drug is prescribed for the treatment of hay fever, allergic dermatoses, urticaria, rhinitis and allergic conjunctivitis. Drops from two years, tablets from 6 months.
  • GISMANAL. Antiallergic drug latest generation. Characterized by a long-lasting antihistamine effect, therapeutic effect develops within a day after taking the medicine. It is prescribed to children from the age of two.

In the treatment of allergies in children, drugs such as Diazolin, Fenkarol, Peritol, Terfenadine, are also used.

Any antihistamine, its dosage and duration of use for young children should be selected by a doctor.

The effectiveness of eliminating allergy symptoms is determined not only by the type of antihistamine, but also the right choice medicines from other groups.

Therefore, allergy treatment should always be comprehensive, and only an experienced pediatrician or allergist can select it correctly.

The dangers of self-prescribing allergy medications for children

It is extremely dangerous to independently treat allergic diseases in children of all ages, especially with.

The medicine itself or its dosage may be selected incorrectly, and this often becomes the cause angioedema and heavy adverse reactions.

An incorrectly selected dosage may lead to attenuation of the reaction, but not to its complete interruption. Thus, after stopping the drug, the allergy may return again.

Allergic reactions in children are often similar in their manifestations to a number of infectious diseases, which require an immediate specific course of therapy.

If the baby is not treated for these ailments on time, complications that are quite dangerous to health will arise.

The doctor selects antihistamines only after examining the baby and excluding diseases with similar symptoms.

In some cases, preliminary testing is necessary to help determine the choice of therapy.

In the process of treating a child’s allergies, it is necessary to show the doctor several times, this will allow you to understand how the treatment is progressing, whether it is necessary to adjust the dose of medications towards a decrease or increase.

Dosages of antihistamines for children

If an acute allergy develops, the child should be immediately shown to a doctor or called home ambulance.

But if allergic reactions are sluggish and a doctor’s examination of the child is planned in one or two days, then treatment can be started independently.

The dosages given below are standard, you can use them as a guide when you need to start treating an allergic disease even before visiting an allergist.

What to give a newborn for allergies.

The neonatal period is the time from birth until the baby is one month old. At this age, it is not recommended to give your baby almost all antihistamines.

If signs of an allergy appear, your baby should be taken to the doctor immediately. If the allergy increases, then as a last resort the child is given ¼ tablet of suprastin.

First, this part of the medicine is ground, mixed with water and dispensed from a syringe without a needle. Suprastin can be given twice a day.

Allergy medications for children from 1-3.5 months to one year.

After the child turns one month old, the list of approved allergy medications expands.

You can also give your baby Suprastin in the amount of ½ part of a tablet per day, that is, this amount is divided into two doses. Suprastin should not be given on its own for more than three days in a row.

The following are considered safe antihistamines for children from one month to a year:

  • FENISTIL IN DROPS. Up to a year, 3 to 10 drops of the drug should be given once. Fenistil is taken twice a day, daily dosage for kids less than a year old should not exceed 30 drops.
  • ZIRTEK. The drug is taken in drops once a day - single dose is 5 drops.

Allergy medications for children 1, 2, 3 years old.

After a year, children can also be treated with Fenistil and Zyrtec, but the dosage increases accordingly.

Fenistil is given to children from one to three years old 10-15 drops twice a day. The single dosage of Zyrtec for children of this age is 5 ml, but the medicine should already be given twice a day.

In addition to these tools, you can use:

  • SUPRASTINEX. The drug is prescribed from the age of two; children are given 5 drops twice a day. The course of treatment is from one to 6 weeks.
  • PARLAZIN. The dosage for children from one year to three years is 5 drops twice a day. It is recommended to dilute the drops in water.
  • LORATADINE. For children over two years old and with a body weight of less than 30 kilograms, Loratadine syrup is prescribed 5 ml (one teaspoon) once a day. If the weight is more than 30 kilograms, then the daily dosage of the drug is 10 ml, it is taken at a time.

Allergy medications for children aged 4, 5, 6 and older.

In addition to the medications listed above, in age-appropriate dosages, children over four years of age are often prescribed for allergies:

  • DIAZOLIN. From three to six years of age, the drug is prescribed at a dose of 25 mg up to three times a day; from 6 years to 12 years, the drug is taken at a dose of 50 mg up to three times a day.
  • TERFENADINE. From 6 to 12 years of age, tablets are taken 30 mg twice a day.
  • . From two to 6 years of age, a suspension is prescribed at the rate of 2 mg of the drug per 10 kg of body weight. The medicine is taken once a day.

If children have frequent allergic reactions, the medicine cabinet should always contain an antihistamine that is appropriate for the child’s age and can quickly relieve the main manifestations of allergies.

If allergic disease the child is exposed, then such a drug should be recommended by the attending physician.

A small number of people are lucky enough to never experience an allergic reaction in their lives. Most people have to deal with them periodically. Effective antihistamines will help both adults and children cope with allergies. Such remedies help eliminate negative reactions on the body to certain stimuli. There is a wide range of anti-allergy medications on the market. It is desirable for every person to be able to understand them.

What are antihistamines

This medicines, whose work is aimed at suppressing the action of free histamine. This substance is released from cells connective tissue, which are included in immune system when any allergen enters the human body. When histamine interacts with certain receptors, swelling, itching, and rashes begin. All these are symptoms of allergies. Drugs with an antihistamine effect block the above-mentioned receptors, alleviating the patient’s condition.

Indications for use

Your doctor must prescribe antihistamines after determining accurate diagnosis. As a rule, their use is advisable in the presence of the following symptoms and diseases:

Antihistamines - list

There are several generations of antiallergic drugs. Their classification:

  1. New generation drugs. The most modern medicines. They act very quickly, and the effect of their use lasts for a long time. They block H1 receptors, suppressing allergy symptoms. Antihistamines This group does not worsen heart function, therefore they are considered one of the safest.
  2. 3rd generation drugs. Active metabolites with very few contraindications. They provide quick, lasting results and are gentle on the heart.
  3. 2nd generation drugs. Non-sedative medications. They have a small list side effects, give heavy load on the heart. Does not affect mental or physical activity. Second generation antiallergic drugs are often prescribed for the appearance of rash and itching.
  4. 1st generation drugs. Sedative medications that last up to several hours. They relieve allergy symptoms well, but have many side effects and contraindications. Eating them always makes you sleepy. Nowadays, such drugs are prescribed very rarely.

New generation antiallergic drugs

It is not possible to list all the drugs in this group. It's worth taking a look at a few of the best ones. The following drug opens this list:

  • name: Fexofenadine (analogs - Allegra (Telfast), Fexofast, Tigofast, Altiva, Fexofen-Sanovel, Kestin, Norastemizole);
  • action: blocks H1-histamine receptors, relieves all allergy symptoms;
  • pros: acts quickly and for a long time, is available in tablets and suspensions, is well tolerated by patients, does not have too much side effects, available without a prescription;
  • cons: not suitable for children under six years of age, pregnant women, nursing mothers, incompatible with antibiotics.

Another drug worthy of attention:

  • name: Levocetirizine (analogues - Aleron, Zilola, Alerzin, Glencet, Aleron Neo, Rupafin);
  • action: antihistamine, blocks H1 receptors, reduces vascular permeability, has antipruritic and antiexudative effects;
  • pros: there are tablets, drops, syrup on sale, the drug works in just a quarter of an hour, there are not many contraindications, it is compatible with many medications;
  • cons: a wide range of strong side effects.
  • name: Desloratadine (analogs - Lordes, Allergostop, Alersis, Fribris, Eden, Eridez, Alergomax, Erius);
  • action: antihistamine, antipruritic, decongestant, relieves rashes, runny nose, nasal congestion, reduces bronchial hyperactivity;
  • pros: the new generation allergy medicine is well absorbed and works quickly, relieves allergy symptoms for a day, does not have a negative effect on the central nervous system and the speed of reactions, does not harm the heart, can be taken together with other drugs;
  • cons: not suitable for pregnancy and lactation, prohibited for children under 12 years of age.

Antihistamines 3 generations

The following drug is popular and has many good reviews:

  • name: Dezal (analogs - Ezlor, Nalorius, Elisey);
  • action: antihistamine, relieves swelling and spasms, relieves itching, rashes, allergic rhinitis;
  • pros: available in tablets and solution, does not give sedative effect and does not affect the speed of reactions, works quickly and lasts for about a day, is quickly absorbed;
  • cons: bad for the heart, many side effects.

Experts respond well to this drug:

  • name: Suprastinex;
  • action: antihistamine, prevents the appearance of allergic manifestations and facilitates their course, helps with itching, peeling, sneezing, swelling, rhinitis, lacrimation;
  • pros: available in drops and tablets, there is no sedative, anticholinergic or antiserotonergic effect, the drug acts in an hour and continues to work for a day;
  • cons: there are a number of strict contraindications.

The group of third-generation drugs also includes the following:

  • name: Xyzal;
  • action: pronounced antihistamine, not only relieves allergy symptoms, but also prevents their occurrence, reduces the permeability of vascular walls, fights sneezing, lacrimation, swelling, urticaria, inflammation of the mucous membranes;
  • pros: sold in tablets and drops, does not have a sedative effect, is well absorbed;
  • cons: has a wide list of side effects.

Antiallergenic drugs 2nd generation

A well-known series of medications is represented by tablets, drops, syrups:

  • name: Zodak;
  • action: prolonged antiallergic, helps against itching, flaking of the skin, relieves swelling;
  • pros: if the dosage and rules of administration are followed, it does not cause drowsiness, begins to act quickly, and is not addictive;
  • cons: prohibited for pregnant women and children.

The following second generation drug:

  • name: Cetrin;
  • action: antihistamine, good for swelling, hyperemia, itching, peeling, rhinitis, urticaria, reduces capillary permeability, relieves spasms;
  • pros: drops and syrup are available for sale, low cost, lack of anticholinergic and antiserotonin effects, if the dosage is observed, does not affect concentration, is not addictive, side effects are extremely rare;
  • cons: there are a number of strict contraindications; an overdose is very dangerous.

Another very good drug this category:

  • name: Lomilan;
  • action: systemic blocker of H1 receptors, relieves all allergy symptoms: itching, flaking, swelling;
  • advantages: does not affect the heart and central nervous system, is completely eliminated from the body, helps to overcome allergies well and quickly, suitable for continuous use;
  • cons: many contraindications and side effects.

1st generation products

Antihistamines in this group appeared a long time ago and are now used less frequently than others, but nevertheless deserve attention. Here is one of the most famous:

  • name: Diazolin;
  • action: antihistamine, H1 receptor blocker;
  • pros: gives an anesthetic effect, acts for a long time, helps well with dermatoses with skin itching, rhinitis, cough, food and drug allergies, insect bites, is cheap;
  • disadvantages: there is a moderately pronounced sedative effect, many side effects, contraindications.

This one also belongs to 1st generation drugs:

  • name: Suprastin;
  • action: antiallergic;
  • pros: available in tablets and ampoules;
  • disadvantages: pronounced sedative effect, the effect does not last long, there are a lot of contraindications, side effects.

The last representative of this group:

  • name: Fenistil;
  • action: histamine blocker, antipruritic;
  • pros: available in the form of a gel, emulsion, drops, tablets, relieves skin irritation well, provides some pain relief, inexpensive;
  • cons: the effect after use wears off quickly.

Allergy tablets for children

Most antihistamines have strict contraindications based on age. A completely reasonable question would be: how to treat very young allergy sufferers, who suffer no less than adults? As a rule, children are prescribed drugs in the form of drops, suspensions, and not tablets. Medicines approved for the treatment of infants and persons under 12 years of age:

  • Diphenhydramine;
  • Fenistil (drops are suitable for babies older than a month);
  • Peritol;
  • Diazolin;
  • Suprastin (suitable for infants);
  • Clarotadine;
  • Tavegil;
  • Cetrin (suitable for newborns);
  • Zyrtec;
  • Clarisens;
  • Cinnarizine;
  • Loratadine;
  • Zodak;
  • Claritin;
  • Erius (allowed from birth);
  • Lomilan;
  • Fenkarol.

Mechanism of action of antihistamines

Under the influence of an allergen, the body produces excess histamine. When it binds to certain receptors, negative reactions are caused (swelling, rash, itching, runny nose, conjunctivitis, etc.). Antihistamines reduce the release of this substance into the blood. In addition, they block the action of H1-histamine receptors, thereby preventing them from binding and reacting with histamine itself.

Side effects

Each drug has its own list. The specific list of side effects also depends on which generation the product belongs to. Here are a few of the most common:

  • headache;
  • drowsiness;
  • confusion;
  • decline muscle tone;
  • fatigue;
  • constipation;
  • disturbances in concentration;
  • blurred vision;
  • abdominal pain;
  • dizziness;
  • dry mouth.


Each antihistamine has its own list indicated in the instructions. Almost every one of them is prohibited for pregnant girls and nursing mothers. In addition, the list of contraindications for therapy may include:

  • individual intolerance to components;
  • glaucoma;
  • stomach or duodenal ulcer;
  • prostate adenoma;
  • obstruction bladder;
  • children's or old age;
  • lower respiratory tract diseases.

The best allergy remedies

TOP 5 most effective drugs:

  1. Erius. Fast acting medicine, good for eliminating runny nose, itching, rashes. It's expensive.
  2. Eden. A drug containing desloratadine. Doesn't give hypnotic effect. Copes well with lacrimation, itching, swelling.
  3. Zyrtec. A drug based on cetirizine. Fast-acting and effective.
  4. Zodak. An excellent allergy medicine that instantly relieves symptoms.
  5. Cetrin. A drug that very rarely produces side effects. Quickly eliminates allergy symptoms.

Price of antihistamines

All medications are available for purchase, and you can easily choose the one that suits you best. Sometimes they give good discounts on funds. You can buy them in pharmacies in Moscow, St. Petersburg and other cities, or order them delivered by mail from online pharmacies. For an approximate price range for antihistamines, see the table:

Name of medicine, release form, volume

Approximate cost in rubles

Suprastin, tablets, 20 pcs.

Antihistamines for children are anti-allergy medications. Medicines prevent the production of histamine, which is localized in mast cells and platelets and when normal conditions inactive. When an allergen enters the body, the amine is activated and released into the body. large quantities into the blood. It penetrates the extracellular zone and causes an allergic reaction nervous system, respiratory organs and skin.

Histamine is an organic compound that regulates many physiological processes and is part of the body's immune system. Histamine was first obtained in laboratory conditions in 1907, and in 1920 the concept of histamine as a mediator of allergy was formulated. In a passive state, the mediator is located in histiocytes. In special circumstances, it transitions to the active state.

When a bound compound enters a free state, it creates a viral effect, so the signs of influenza and an allergic reaction are similar:

  • Smooth muscle spasms;
  • Promotion blood pressure and increased heart rate;
  • Increased secretion of mucus in the bronchi and nasal cavity.

The most effective means To reduce histamine, there are drugs that reduce the amount of amine in the free state.

The development of chemistry, biology and pharmacology has made it possible to improve and create new antihistamines that enhance the effect and reduce side effects. Antihistamines of four generations have been developed and released into production, which differ in the mechanism of action and the duration of the therapeutic result.

First generation

First generation drugs appeared in the thirties of the last century and are currently used. The drugs in this group act quickly, but require frequent use.


  • Fast and strong therapeutic effect;
  • Some types are produced in injection form, which makes possible use for acute allergic manifestations;
  • Pipolfen and Dramamine have antiemetic properties, and analgin with diphenhydramine remains classic remedy to reduce temperature.


  • Penetrate through the blood-brain barrier to the brain, inhibiting the activity of the nervous system, causing lethargy and weakness;
  • Short-term action of four to five hours;
  • Addictive;
  • They cause side effects: dry mouth and nasal cavity, rapid heartbeat, constipation, visual impairment.

The sedative effect of the drugs does not allow the use of the drug by people whose work area is associated with increased concentration and rapid response.

First generation antihistamines represent a list of medications:

  • has a high antihistamine result, has antitussive and antiemetic properties. Indicated for use in hay fever, nettle fever, seasickness, allergies. Applicable as local anesthetic, they can replace Novocaine and Ledocaine. The disadvantages include a pronounced calming effect and short-term results. Causes side effects vestibular apparatus and tachycardia.
  • a sedative drug weaker than Diphenhydramine. Causes side effects: dizziness, irritation of the gastrointestinal system.
  • used for the treatment of nettle fever, atopic dermatitis, skin irritation, allergic conjunctivitis. It has a high antihistamine effect and rapid action. Disadvantages: short duration of therapeutic results, lethargy, slowness.
  • provides long action up to 8 hours and has a less calming effect, but causes dizziness and lethargy. Tavegil in the form of injections is used for Quincke's edema and.
  • has a weak sedative effect and is less toxic. Prescribed when there is a need to replace the medicine due to addiction.

Second generation

Second generation antihistamines are more advanced in the treatment of allergies:

  • They do not have a calming effect;
  • Do not reduce physical and mental activity, act quickly;
  • There is no addiction;
  • The therapeutic effect remains for a day, which allows you to take only one tablet.

The main disadvantage is the cardiotoxicity of the constituent components. Therefore, the drug is not prescribed to people with problems cardiovascular system. Therapeutic effect lasts seven days after finishing the medication.

  • has high antihistamine activity. There is no calming effect and no side effects on the heart. Does not attract attachment, slowness and lethargy.
  • Kestin is used for the treatment of allergic rhinitis, nettle fever, and conjunctivitis. The duration of the therapeutic effect is 48 hours. Side effects dryness in oral cavity, weakness, headache, painful sensations in the stomach.
  • in the form of drops and gel has a long-lasting therapeutic effect and the least sedative effect. Semprex gives quick but short-term results.

Third generation

The third generation represents best list antihistamines. They do not have a cardiotoxic effect, and there is no sedative effect. The drugs are recommended for long-term therapy. For children, convenient forms are available: suspension, syrup, drops, which makes oral administration easier.

Third generation drugs are fast and last up to 48 hours.

The products cope with signs of chronic allergies, allergic rhinitis, conjunctivae, dermatitis, asthma, and urticaria.

  • the gold standard in the treatment of allergic manifestations, it is used to eliminate severe forms of allergies, asthma attacks, conjunctivitis, rhinitis, swelling, nettle fever, and irritation. Relief occurs immediately after the first dose and lasts for a day. There is no addiction to the medicine, but therapeutic effect lasts for three days.
  • not only alleviates allergic manifestations, but also prevents them. Eliminates swelling, relieves skin symptoms, relieves itching, runny nose and inflammation of the conjunctiva.

Fourth generation

New generation antihistamines have an immediate effect with no side effects. Safe means remain effective for a long time.

  • Telfast shows high efficiency against hay fever, urticaria, protects against Quincke's edema. Does not cause lethargy or drowsiness, has no side effects. The duration of exposure allows you to take just one tablet.
  • Produced in the form of tablets and syrup for children over one year of age. The therapeutic effect is observed half an hour after use and lasts 24 hours. The medicine has no restrictions except for pregnancy and lactation.
  • means fast acting, the result occurs a quarter of an hour after use, eliminates swelling of the mucous membrane, irritation and rash. The drug can be treated for up to one and a half years, has no side effects, and does not cause addiction.

The best antihistamines for children

Antihistamines for children should have a minimum of contraindications, soft action and be effective.

Fenistil quickly eliminates allergy symptoms; for longer-term treatment, it is also used, which are allowed from six months. Medicines for children under one year of age are Erius in the form of syrup, from two years of age Diazolin, from six years of age Telfast and Xyzal. From the latest drugs Zyrtec and Claritin are most often used to treat allergies in children.

Unfavorable environment, weakened immune system, frequent use medicines- all this can provoke the development of allergic reactions in both adults and children. How to deal with this phenomenon? Let's talk about this in the article.

Allergy symptoms

Allergies can be triggered by medications, sun, food, chemicals, insect bites, pet hair, plant flowering. This condition manifests itself as itching, rash, and inflammation of the mucous membranes. Antihistamines are used to eliminate allergy symptoms. For children, these medications should be used with caution and only after consultation with an allergist.

Types of antihistamines

The forms of release of these drugs may be different. When choosing antihistamines for children, you should give preference to drugs in the form of drops or syrup, since not all children are ready to take tablets. At acute form allergies, it is recommended to use first-generation drugs, for long-term treatment - second.

First generation antihistamines

Such drugs begin to act almost immediately after administration and are eliminated from the body almost without delay. Most of these medications easily penetrate the barrier between the central nervous and circulatory system(blood-brain barrier), which provokes a sedative effect. These antihistamines should be used with caution in children. According to medical research, they can provide negative influence on the cardiovascular system and liver. The following medications fall into this group:

Second generation antihistamines

The main advantage of medications in this group is that they have virtually no sedative effect. In addition, unlike first-generation antihistamines, their effect lasts for a longer period of time. Therefore, they are usually taken once a day. These include.

When human immunity is not strong enough, various diseases or allergic reactions occur in the form of rashes, swelling, itching, inflammation of the mucous membranes, and other things. They have their own symptoms, causes and are subject to mandatory therapy. Allergy medications should be selected depending on the type of disease you have. By contacting your doctor, ready-made analyzes and examination, they will definitely prescribe you necessary medications. What kind of medicines these are and their effect on the body, you will learn further.

Allergy symptoms

The manifestation of an allergic reaction is high sensitivity human body to one substance or another. These include dust, hair from various animals, pollen, chemical ingredients, products, aromas, microbes, and allergic components in some medications. Symptoms of this disease there are a lot and they depend on what the allergy may be:

  1. Respiratory. A striking example is an allergy to ragweed, gas, small particles of pollen, dust. In this case the reaction takes place:
    • sneezing;
    • severe itching in the nose;
    • runny nose;
    • strong allergic cough, mucus secretion;
    • wheezing in the respiratory system;
    • suffocation;
    • bronchial asthma.
  2. Dermatosis. Looks like rashes or irritations on the skin. Allergic dermatitis may be for food (for example, protein cow's milk), household products, medicines. The symptoms are:
    • redness on the surface of the skin;
    • peeling;
    • dryness;
    • rash similar to eczema;
    • blisters;
    • severe swelling of the skin.
  3. Conjunctivitis. During this allergic reaction, the eyes are affected and antibiotics are often used to treat this disease (for example, Biseptol or Cefazolin). Main symptoms:
    • burning in the eyes;
    • severe tearing;
    • swelling around the eyes, which can sometimes become so swollen that they cannot be opened;
    • It hurts to look at the light.
  4. Enteropathy. Drug allergy, which can even arise from the use of analgin or novocaine. Symptoms:
    • nausea;
    • vomit;
    • diarrhea or constipation (depending on how your intestines work);
    • lips or tongue may swell;
    • colic in the stomach.
  5. Anaphylactic shock. The most dangerous allergic reaction. The main cause is insect bites and medications. Has following signs:
    • intense shortness of breath;
    • convulsions;
    • fainting;
    • vomit.

What does an allergy look like?

To avoid confusing an allergic reaction with another serious illness, get tested for allergens or study what it looks like in the description below:

  • pale red swellings with itching all over the body that last from an hour to several days (urticaria);
  • itchy blisters that appear after contact with cosmetics, metals, household chemicals (contact dermatitis);
  • dry skin, peeling, itching, spots on the body;
  • rhinitis, lacrimation.

What allergy medications should adults take?

An important factor in treatment is to find out the main irritant to which the body reacts (it can even be cow protein). It is necessary to exclude contact with what causes the reaction and take a blood test for allergens. If you want the symptoms to go away on their own, use an allergy food. But to alleviate the course of the disease, it is necessary to take allergy medications, possibly antibiotics, cromones, and immunomodulators. There are certain medications for adults, which you can familiarize yourself with in the information and in the photo below.

Antihistamines 4th generation

4th generation anti-allergy medications have wide range actions give long lasting effect, are safe for the cardiovascular system. These include the following drugs:

  • "Loratadine" (analogues: "Dezal", "Irius", "Erius"). Sometimes vomiting and dry mouth occur. The drug should not be used during lactation, for children under 2 years of age, or if there is sensitivity to the components. Doesn't cause drowsiness.
  • "Cetirizine." The consequences of using this anti-allergenic drug are drowsiness, dizziness, agitation, dry mouth, and headaches. Do not use the drug if you have kidney failure or sensitivity to any of the components. You should also stop taking these pills if you are pregnant or breastfeeding.

Antiallergic drugs 3rd generation

Third generation drugs can be used for long-term treatment allergies. These anti-allergenic drugs do not affect the functioning of the heart and central nervous system. These include drugs:

  • "Acrivastin". Do not take it when renal failure, pregnancy or lactation. This medicine is also contraindicated for children. Side effects of the drug include migraines, nervousness, drowsiness, lethargy, and insomnia.
  • "Astemizole". No special side effects were identified while taking this antihistamine, except increased appetite. It is strictly forbidden to use the medicine during pregnancy.

Seasonal allergy tablets

Allergies can also be seasonal. For example, in spring and summer, certain grass blooms, flowers that cause allergies in people with severe reaction in the form severe rhinitis. Doctors often prescribe tablets against seasonal allergies. Such drugs include:

  • "Ruzam." Not suitable for those who suffer from hypersensitivity or have decompensated diseases internal organs, sick acute infection, tuberculosis. Pregnancy is also a contraindication. Bad reviews after taking include hyperthermia, malaise, increased skin rashes, cough. Does not cause drowsiness.
  • "Eden". In rare cases, this medicine can cause vomiting, dry mouth, dysbacteriosis, increased adrenaline in the blood, weakness, headaches, fatigue, rash (take an antihistamine or sorbent in such cases). Doesn't cause drowsiness. Those who have lactose intolerance should not take the medicine.

For children

If children suffer from allergies, a special approach is needed. It is important to find out what type of reaction the baby has by taking an allergen test for children, and only then begin therapy. There are special children's medications that effectively treat allergies in infants, one-year-olds and older children. What kind of medicines are these for allergies in children and how do they work, see below.

For babies

Newborn babies always require careful monitoring, and if the baby is sick with anything, there are not many medications that can be given to the baby. So, the names of allergy medications for infants (in syrup):

  1. Zyrtec. Doctors do not prescribe this drug if the baby is sensitive to its components. Causes drowsiness, sometimes dry mouth, fatigue, headache, overexcitement.
  2. "Suprastin" or its analogue "Xizal". The medicine causes drowsiness in newborns and is not prescribed to those who are sensitive to the components.

For children from one year and above

Older children are provided with more strong drugs, but not as harmful as for adults. Among these allergy medications you will find:

  • "Zodak". Contraindicated in hypersensitivity to the components of the drug, renal failure. Causes drowsiness, fatigue, dizziness, dry mouth.
  • "Cetrin". Children should not use this inexpensive drug, if hypersensitivity to its components is observed. Among the list of side effects of Cetrina are: headache, drowsiness, insomnia, changes in taste perception, dizziness, gastritis, tachycardia.

Drugs for pregnant women

Pregnant women should not get sick at all, but due to the fact that immunity is lowered, the appearance of various diseases is inevitable. The treatment method in this case should be gentle (for example, use a harmless and cheap drug for injections "Calcium Gluconate", not for injections, but orally), but before that you need to get tested. When the risk of allergies for the mother herself is high, the following medications can be used:

  • "Tavegil". May cause nausea, constipation, dry mouth or migraines if overdosed (take activated carbon as a filter that neutralizes everything unpleasant consequences). Contraindicated for those who individually cannot tolerate the components of this medicine. This decongestant does not cause drowsiness.
  • "Kestin". After taking this medicine, you may experience drowsiness, dry mouth, nausea, insomnia, headache, and possible new allergy. You should stop taking these medications if you have sensitivity to the components of the drug or kidney failure.

Nursing mothers

For those women who are breastfeeding, all kinds of medications are also contraindicated, except for homeopathic medicines. However, if an allergy can cause significant damage to the health of not only the mother, but also the child, it is worth undergoing antihistamine therapy, completely switching the child to complementary foods. IN in this case will be less harmful the following drugs:

  • "Diazolin". This allergy medicine should not be used if the patient suffers from pyloric stenosis, a disorder heart rate, epilepsy, stomach ulcers, glaucoma. The side effect of the drug is next list: nausea, heartburn, drowsiness, increased fatigue, lethargy.
  • Claritin or Clarotadine. Doctors will not prescribe it to you if you are intolerant to the components of the drug. Having accepted this medicine from allergies, you may feel nausea, stomach pain, dry mouth, drowsiness, headache, and increased nervousness.

Allergy ointments

When a skin allergy appears, it is necessary to treat not only internally, but also apply various ointments on the surface of the skin. For individual parts The body has its own drugs that effectively treat this disease. Consider below specific medications for allergic symptoms, which are used specifically for the skin of the face and hands.

On the face

If an allergic reaction occurs on the face, medications are needed that will help quickly relieve its manifestation and cure the disease. Explore what ointments can be:

  • "Fenistil". Available in gel form. Do not prescribe to those patients who have hypersensitivity to any of the components of the drug. Side effects may include minor short-term reactions at the site of application.
  • "Advantan". A drug with hormones. After applying this ointment, you may experience itching, redness or burning. If the drug is abused, an allergy may be activated. Data allergy medications Do not prescribe to those who are intolerant to one of the components of the ointment, suffer from herpes or other viral infections.

In your arms

If the rash occurs on the arms, palms, or anywhere else, then other ointments are prescribed to relieve the allergic reaction, for example:

  • "Skin cap." As side effects from this non-hormonal ointment, allergic reactions may appear locally. It is contraindicated for people who are sensitive to the components of the drug, and also cannot be combined with glucocorticosteroids.
  • "Dermovate" (has a high rating among the strongest modern means from allergies). If this drug is used in large quantities, it is possible to cause suppression of adrenal function, dilation of blood vessels located near the surface of the skin, and pigmentation. Do not use this cream if you are sensitive to any of the components of the medication, have a fungus, or have a viral or bacterial skin infection.

Nasal sprays

For rhinitis, the most common remedies are nasal sprays, aerosols (spray bottles like deodorant) or inhalers with nebulizers. It helps to quickly cope with seasonal allergies. They also help with respiratory diseases. Among these allergy medications you can choose:

  • "Tizin Allergy". This tool Do not use in children under six years of age, with hypersensitivity to the ingredients, during pregnancy, or during lactation. If you are already using the drug for a long time(more than a month), there is a risk of nausea, migraines, drowsiness, dizziness, nosebleeds, cough, sore throat, fatigue.
  • "Prevalin." One of the rare drugs that has no side effects in the instructions, due to its complete non-toxicity. The only contraindications you will find are individual intolerance and age less than 12 years.
  • "Thailand (Nedocromil sodium)." During long-term use This medication may cause nasopharyngeal irritation, burning, nosebleeds, congestion, and dry mouth. Doctors do not prescribe this anti-allergy spray to pregnant women, nursing mothers, or children under 4.

Eye drops

Against one more unpleasant symptom allergies – conjunctivitis created eye drops. Doctors will prescribe you the following medications, among others:

  • "Tobradex". Contraindicated during fungal or viral infection eye. It burns during instillation. Can increase intraocular pressure.
  • "Spersallerg." Prohibited if you are sensitive to the components or are pregnant. Sometimes causes drowsiness, migraine, dizziness.
  • "Lecrolin." Not for children under four years of age, during pregnancy, breastfeeding. During instillation it causes a short-term burning sensation and redness.