The path to a new life, how to increase efficiency, how to manage everything, products increase efficiency. How to increase your productivity and maintain a good mood

In order to live, you need energy or vitality. Man is capable of extracting energy from various sources, such as atoms, coal, water, and so on. But there is still no way that would help accumulate the energy necessary for human life. It cannot be artificially synthesized, poured into a bottle and consumed if necessary. No goals or dreams will ever come true if a person does not have the energy to do anything. So let's find out how to recharge your batteries and improve your performance.

What is life energy

Harmonious human development is possible only with the combination of muscle and nervous strength. This combination can be called vitality. Muscles are given to us to carry out various movements, the coordination of which is carried out by the nervous system.

The coordinated work of the nervous and muscular systems ensures a balance between physical and mental emotional processes. It turns out that if vitality decreases, then the work of the whole organism is disrupted.

Where do we get life force from?

For example, when a person’s sleep is disturbed, this is an example of the dysfunction of the muscular and nervous systems. The muscles are relaxed, but the brain cannot turn off. Lack of vitality weakens the human body, which is the reason for the development various pathologies. When there is no strength, then all interest in life disappears, all plans go sideways, you don’t want anything, and emotional exhaustion sets in. To restore vitality, the body must receive various types energy, such as the air that fills our lungs when we breathe. It is simply necessary for the functioning of all organ systems.

A certain supply of vital forces can be accumulated in the human body; in order to accumulate them, all sorts of practices can be used:

  • Full sleep.
  • Meditations.
  • Breathing practices.
  • Relaxation.

As soon as you have a question about how to recharge your energy, try doing a few things first. breathing exercises, and then you can move on to other methods.

Reasons for decreased performance

Our modern life is such that we are constantly surrounded stressful situations and often feel overloaded. This applies to both muscular and mental work. Often monotonous and monotonous activities lead to decreased performance; how to increase it is a concern for many. Before we talk about increasing it, let's look at the reasons for the decrease in performance:

  • Great physical activity, especially when you need to do long time this kind of work.
  • Physical ailments and various diseases, in which the functioning of systems is disrupted, which leads to a decrease in performance.
  • Long execution monotonous work also leads to fatigue.
  • If the regime is violated, performance is not able to remain at a high level.
  • Abuse of artificial stimulants leads to a short-term effect, for example, when drinking strong coffee or tea, a person first feels cheerful and energetic, but this does not last long.
  • Bad habits can also be considered the enemies of ability to work.
  • Lack of interest in life and personal growth leads to the fading of previously acquired skills and abilities, and this cannot but negatively affect performance.
  • Stressful situations in the family, at work, or personal problems can plunge a person into deep depression, which completely deprives him of any ability to work.

If performance has decreased, how to increase it - that is the problem. Let's figure this out.

Popular vitality boosters

There are many ways you can restore your mental and physical strength. They can be divided into several groups:

  • Medicines.
  • Physiotherapeutic procedures.
  • Traditional medicine.

Let's look at each group in a little more detail.

Anti-fatigue medications

If you visit a doctor, he will most likely recommend increasing your activity and performance with the help of medicines. These include:

  • Energy products. They are able to quickly replenish the lack of energy, these include: “Asparkam”, “Papashin”, “Methionine” and others.
  • Plastic action drugs accelerate the processes of protein synthesis. Cell structures are restored faster and activated metabolic processes, which means performance is restored. This group of products includes: “Riboxin”, “Weight Loss”.
  • Vitamins. Everyone is recommended to take vitamin supplements; they will help avoid loss of ability to work. Well-proven products: “Aerovit”, “Undevit”, “Dekamevit”.
  • Adaptogens improve well-being, tone up, and help improve both mental and physical performance. This category of drugs includes “Ginseng Tincture”, “Eleutherococcus”, preparations based on Aralia, Chinese Schisandra.

For those who do not wish to use medicines To cope with your increased fatigue and low performance, there are other means.

Water treatments to give strength

All procedures associated with water tone the body, relieve fatigue, and increase the body's performance. We can recommend the following baths for severe fatigue and when it seems that there is no strength at all:

  • Take a bath with pine extract. It perfectly restores after intense physical activity.
  • Everyone knows sea ​​salt also capable of performing miracles. A bath with its addition relaxes, helps to relax the body and restore vitality.

Performance suffers, don’t know how to improve it? Start by taking a relaxing and restorative bath. Strength will certainly increase, and overall well-being will improve significantly.

Familiar methods for improving performance

Currently, many scientists and researchers who study humans have proven that there are ways to increase performance that are available to absolutely everyone, all you need is desire.

  • The first thing you need to do is normalize your daily routine. Regular sleep should be taken required quantity time, it is advisable to go to bed at the same time. Lack of sleep immediately affects performance.
  • You need to pay attention to your diet. Excess fatty and floury foods lead to the development of fatigue, and mental performance also decreases.
  • You can ask for help vitamin preparations, if the diet does not allow you to compensate for the lack of certain substances.
  • It is necessary to plan your day in advance, then you will not have to rush from one task to another when, as a result, nothing is completed. To begin with, you can simply keep a notebook or diary where you can write down important things that need to be done that day.
  • If you feel normal at home, but fatigue overtakes you only at work, then reconsider it. It should be well lit, all necessary things and objects should be within direct reach and in their place. Then you won’t have to spend a lot of time, losing energy, searching for what you need.
  • Don't be a homebody: attend public institutions, theaters and exhibitions, lead active image life, find a hobby you like, then you will never even have a question about how to increase a person’s performance.

Our brain gets tired too

You can experience not only physical fatigue, but loss of mental performance is not at all uncommon. Man was given a brain for a reason; he not only directs the work of the entire body, but also must constantly solve some problems in order to be in good shape. Scientists have found that we use only 15 percent of the capacity of our brain; almost everyone can make this percentage increase significantly. This will provide enormous opportunities. How many important problems a person could solve!

Scientists are sure that just like muscles, they need constant training to be in good shape and maintain good shape Both the body and the brain need to be trained. Previously it was believed that it was not amenable to training, but now all this has already been refuted by numerous studies. If we train the brain, then there is no question of losing mental performance. Daily routine work is quite tiring for the brain; it does not receive food for development. Let's find out how we can increase the abilities of our brain.

Ways to increase mental performance

  • An indisputable truth is that a person should sleep at night and sleep during the day.
  • Even at the workplace, you need to set aside time for rest, but not with a cigarette in your hands or a cup of coffee, but take a short walk in the fresh air, just relax or do gymnastics.
  • After work, many rush to their favorite sofa or to the computer monitor to look at their feed on social networks, but is this really relaxation? This is a real punishment for our brain; it needs active rest - walks on fresh air, cycling, outdoor games, chatting with friends and children.
  • Smoking and alcohol are the main enemies of our brain, give them up and see how much more efficiently your brain will work.
  • We train the brain, to do this, try to count not on a calculator, but in your head, remember information, and do not write it down on a piece of paper. The route to work should be changed periodically so that new connections are formed between neurons.
  • Feed your memory with vitamin supplements, and even better, eat more fresh vegetables and fruits.
  • Development breathing exercises will help you saturate your brain with the oxygen it needs.
  • A neck and head massage will also help significantly improve blood circulation in the brain.
  • Constant stress and anxious thoughts tire your brain, learn to relax, you can master yoga techniques or learn to meditate.
  • Learn to think positively, everyone has failures, but a pessimist dwells on them, while an optimist moves on and believes that everything will be fine.
  • We solve all matters gradually and one by one; you shouldn’t scatter your attention.
  • Train your brain by solving puzzles, logic problems, puzzles.

The methods are quite simple and quite doable, but quite effective, you just have to try.

Traditional medicine against fatigue

Recipes will tell you how to increase a person’s performance traditional doctors. Here are some of them:

  • Take the beets and grate them, put them in a jar about three-quarters full and fill them with vodka. Leave in a dark place for about 2 weeks, and then take a tablespoon before each meal.
  • Buy at a pharmacy Icelandic moss, take 2 teaspoons and pour 400 ml cold water, put on fire and remove after boiling. After cooling, strain and drink the entire amount throughout the day.

If you look at herbalists, you can find a lot more recipes that will help improve performance.

Let's sum it up

From all that has been said, it becomes obvious that the loss of mental and physical performance is most often to blame for the person himself, and not for surrounding factors. If you organize your workday and rest after it correctly, you won’t have to suffer because your performance has decreased. How to increase it in different ways, no need to find out. Lead a healthy lifestyle, enjoy life, be glad that you live on this beautiful earth, and then no amount of fatigue will defeat you.

A huge number of people are faced with the problem of low performance. Constant movement, stress and other problems completely kill a person’s performance. All this leads to chronic fatigue, depression and absolute indifference to everything. In this article we will consider not only the question: “How to increase performance?”, but also talk about the reasons for the appearance of loss of strength.

Reasons for decreased performance

Bad habits such as alcohol, cigarettes and drugs can actively influence the decline in performance. All these habits prevent brain cells from receiving oxygen, as a result of which brain activity is reduced to a minimum. Constant psycho-emotional overload, or in other words stress, can lead to disruption of the nervous system.

Performance can be affected by seemingly trivial but important factors.

  • lack of sleep;
  • unbalanced and fatty diet;
  • avitaminosis (lack of vitamins in the body);

Also, the performance problem may be psychological in nature. Hateful job, bad boss, boring couples at university, and so on. All these cases have the same problem. It lies in the wrong prioritization. If you do something you don't like, you will never be able to work at your maximum.

Now, realizing the causes of our problems, we move on to the issue of solving them. By following these tips you can improve your performance.

1. Healthy lifestyle and giving up bad habits

It’s worth starting with the simplest and at the same time the most complex. Bad habits and wrong image life greatly influence not only performance, but also health and well-being in general. Therefore, it is worth removing this from your life once and for all, or at least minimizing it. Related articles:

2. Don't forget to rest

To do a good job, you need to have a good rest before doing it. Make it a habit that on weekends you completely forget about work and devote yourself entirely to relaxation. Don't forget about constant good sleep. Lack of sleep can lead to stress, anger and nervousness.

3. Reading

What else, if not reading, makes our brain work? Reading trains concentration and exercises our imagination. It is worth reading not only novels and detective stories, but also other useful literature. With the help of a book, you can grow in your professional field and learn something interesting. So I recommend forgetting about the harmful TV and replacing it with a useful book. Articles on the topic

4. Favorite thing

You will not be able to fully realize your performance if you are doing something that is not interesting to you. Try to find the very activity that will bring you not only money, but also pleasure. By doing this very thing, you will be completely immersed in the work process and your productivity will only be envied.

5. Order in the workplace

Clean up your work environment. Chaos and clutter in the workplace will impair your concentration and overall productivity. Organize everything so that everything is in its place and nothing can distract you from the work process. Also, while working, you should turn off all notifications on mobile phone and computer. Forget about a minute social networks, they burn too much time.

6. Smile

A positive attitude will help improve your performance. Any negativity knocks down and eats up all our strength, what kind of productivity can we talk about here? Learn to live with a smile and face all adversity with your head held high and smiling. Articles

We all try to pay maximum attention to our work - for the sake of good pay, future prospects, because of our innate perfectionism. At the same time, we often run the risk of burning out, and depressive state- only a small part of what increased demands on oneself can result in.

How to increase your own performance and at the same time maintain good mood. Here you will find simple and effective tips.

We are all familiar with situations when the workload becomes too high. Gradually, the fuse is replaced by fatigue, fatigue by a reluctance to do at least some work, and then real depression and a complete loss of physical and mental strength follow. As a result, the desire not only to work, but also to relax - to spend time with family, meet with friends - disappears.

The reasons for decreased performance can be very different. For example, the most common among them is incorrect motivation. We often tell ourselves that we need to work hard and hard, but at the same time, deep down, we don’t understand at all why exactly we need all this.

In addition, the reason for a rapid loss of strength may lie in an incorrect daily routine, bad weather, and more.

What to do to improve performance

If you delve a little into yourself, you will quickly find the reasons for the decrease in performance and eliminate the problem that has arisen. However, there are several methods that can help you improve your productivity, regardless of what was the root cause of your productivity loss.

How to maintain stress resistance under high load

If you have too much work to do and you feel the approach of chronic fatigue, then it’s time to devote time to a hobby. Find at least half an hour in your work schedule for your favorite activity, which will allow you to relax and is guaranteed to lift your spirits. And although this will not make you have less work, you will return to doing it with a completely different emotional mood.

Don't neglect your family and friends either.. Be sure to devote time to them, arrange family gatherings and friendly meetings. Such a pastime will fill you with new strength, which will again be useful when performing professional duties.

As we can see, it is quite possible to increase your productivity and maintain a positive attitude. You just need to approach the solution to this problem competently, and good result won't keep you waiting long.

Video: Aerosmith - Crazy

I wish you high performance and good mood!

Residents of megacities are increasingly noticing a feeling of extreme fatigue that does not leave the mind and body even after weekends and holidays. Not only the fast pace of life dictated by big cities, nutrition and ecology, but also some negative human habits are responsible for the loss of vital energy. It is enough to make a number of changes to your daily routine to improve your performance and once again feel a surge of strength and vigor.

Instead of pumping your body daily with caffeine, energy drinks, or, conversely, sleeping pills and alcohol for relaxation, you should turn to your biological clock. Some mobile applications on modern smartphones will help you easily determine and build an individual sleep and wakefulness regime, so as not to feel overwhelmed in the morning and not count sheep in an attempt to fall asleep late at night.

If you have sedentary work, then to maintain general tone it is enough to devote 20 minutes to training three times a week and walk more. Lack of movement and physical activity negatively affects the overall endurance of the body. This means you will lose strength by literally doing nothing. You don't have to exhaust yourself with daily cardio and strength exercises and spend significant time in the gym. The main thing is not to skip classes, even if you are not in the mood and have the strength to do anything, thinking that by doing this you will retain the rest of your vigor. Sports increase your energy reserves, stimulating your body to fight fatigue more easily and recover faster.

Try to monitor the amount of fluid you drink throughout the day. Even 2% dehydration affects the functioning of the heart. As a result, the brain receives less oxygen, which reduces your performance and reaction speed. Slower oxygen circulation is also affected by a lack of iron in the food consumed, which can lead to anemia.

Allow yourself not to stay in the office after the end of the working day and do not skip breaks, even if it is not customary or you have a deadline. The same goes for projects that do not have a clear time schedule and working while on vacation. Time management directly affects the quality of work. And this pattern is best explained by the Pareto law, known to most as the 20/80 principle.

Mental fatigue occurs due to various fears and increased anxiety person. We spend a lot of energy worrying and negative thoughts, which often arise out of the blue. To preserve your vital energy, you need to try to abstract yourself from the situation or people that are disturbing you, and also learn to correctly express your emotions. Various meditative practices and art therapy work well with this.

Feeling tired can occur due to sudden spikes in blood sugar. Therefore, from your daily diet you should exclude products consisting of simple carbohydrates and replace them with complex ones.

Learn to say no to people, don’t let them cross your personal boundaries, so that you don’t suffer from powerlessness and anger in trying to earn someone else’s praise.

When you feel low in energy, there is a great temptation to leave a mess behind and put off sorting out things and documents until tomorrow. However, when you return to the office, you will be even more upset, starting the day in a bad mood. In most cases, clutter does not contribute to good concentration and does not allow you to fully focus on work.

Virtual reality is firmly entrenched in our lives and can completely change our perception of time. Try to limit your access to the Internet, games and television an hour before bed so as not to block melatonin production.

Following these simple tips, you can get rid of fatigue and increase your performance several times.

Chronic fatigue is a syndrome that manifests itself in increased fatigue, irritability and bad mood. Fatigue does not go away even after a good rest. Most often, people who devote themselves to constant communication with people are susceptible to chronic fatigue: psychologists, doctors, managers, etc.

How does chronic fatigue manifest itself?

Of course, the most main symptom– constant, persistent fatigue. A person feels tired from the first minutes of the morning, when he washes his face and eats breakfast. This negatively affects the body’s performance: concentration and memory are impaired, and thought processes are inhibited.

People with chronic fatigue are often prone to anxiety, fear, and dark thoughts. This leads to insomnia. Despite extreme fatigue, a person still cannot fall asleep immediately, turning over dark thoughts in his head.

One of the first symptoms of nervous system overstrain is headache, especially in the temples. Painful sensations can also be observed in the muscles of the whole body.

How to avoid chronic fatigue?

You need to love your job, that's the most the best remedy from overvoltage. It is equally important to consider the following points:

Healthy sleep. 7-8 hours is the minimum for good sleep. The time to get up should be calculated so that there is enough time for all morning activities with a small margin. Excessive haste is tiring and stressful.

Sorting cases. In order not to collapse from fatigue at the end of the working day, you can try to divide things into 4 categories: important + urgent, important + non-urgent, unimportant + urgent, unimportant + non-urgent. This will help you understand what you need to do right now, what you can do a little later, and what you don’t need to do.

Lunch time. Lunch is required! This is a well-deserved time for proper rest and eating. It is worth turning off all phones and devoting your time to lunch. It is advisable to choose light food to avoid heaviness in the afternoon.

Weekends and vacations. Many workers shoulder additional work that they do all weekend. Among them, chronic fatigue most often lives. Weekends are a legitimate vacation. Dedicate this time to family and favorite activities. You definitely shouldn’t take your work phones and laptops with you on vacation. The better rested you are, the better you will perform.

What to do if you notice symptoms?

If the dream and good rest do not help get rid of fatigue, you should consult a doctor. Chronic fatigue can be a symptom of many diseases. But first you need to reconsider your lifestyle: give up bad habits And junk food; exclude sausages, chips, snacks from the diet; increase consumption of greens, vegetables, nuts, cereals; increase consumption of foods containing vitamin B; be sure to have breakfast; refuse late dinner.

Poor health caused by fatigue reduces performance and causes a lot of trouble. But there are many ways to get rid of fatigue and stay alert all day.

You will need

  • - water;
  • - chocolate;
  • - figs;
  • - dried apricots;
  • - raisin;
  • - whole grains, brown bread and other foods containing carbohydrates.


Sleep should be of high quality, that is, no extraneous noises or sounds. Yes, and you need to go slowly. It is best to think in the evening about what might wake you up at dawn: it is advisable to be woken up in the morning by a pleasant musical composition, the volume of which will gradually increase.

Drinking a glass of water in the morning has a beneficial effect: it is the best “fuel”. Besides, don't give up full breakfast(it will give you strength and energy). Reduce portions while increasing the frequency of meals, for example, up to five times.

Learn to manage your emotions: a pessimistic attitude is tiring, so try to see everywhere positive side. Due to stress and other negative emotions will fall .

It has a stimulating effect, but do not get carried away with consuming this product. Literally in three to four hours the effect of “increasing strength” will pass, that is, this “stimulant” has a short-term effect. Dark chocolate can also improve performance, while milk chocolate can calm you down. nervous system and lifts your spirits.

Allow yourself snacks between main meals, using natural ones: dried apricots, figs, raisins and more. Enrich your diet with carbohydrates - this is a source of strength necessary to maintain proper energy levels. But choose only “healthy” carbohydrates (whole

Essential oils for energy.

To restore vigor and relieve fatigue, it is recommended to take warm baths with essential oils of lemon, lemongrass or grapefruit. Lemon ideally improves performance and instantly improves tone even after the hardest work days or stressful situations. Lemongrass has a beneficial effect on brain function, improving memory and making it easier to concentrate. Grapefruit is able to evoke positive emotions and fight constant drowsiness.

Essential oils to awaken the senses.

They will help you find harmony with yourself, awaken your feelings and significantly increase your self-esteem. essential oils figs and vanilla. Figs calm down and clarify clarity of consciousness. Vanilla has long been considered a symbol of sensuality. With just two ingredients, you can greatly enhance your attractiveness and awaken your passions and temptations.

Essential oils for a good mood.

A bad mood can be caused not only by specific annoying situations, but also by the regular accumulation of negative emotions. Essential oils of rose, mimosa and lavender will help restore joy. Mimosa can literally energize positive emotions and optimism. Lavender is ideal for relaxing and relieving tension. Rose immerses you in a world of dreams and daydreams.


Our world and our life are very complex, every day we run somewhere, hurry, hurry, from such a rhythm of life a person gets tired and apathy begins to affect everything that surrounds us.

You've probably also noticed that you're working, running somewhere, trying to do all the work, getting nervous, and as a result you feel lethargic, tired, stressed, nervous about every little thing, all this happens because of fatigue.

If you feel tired in the evening and at the end of the work week, then this is not a problem for you and your body, you just need to rest well, get enough sleep and you will be in shape again.

But if you feel tired and apathetic in the morning, then you should think about it and change something in your rhythm of life.

What reasons may affect your performance?

In fact, there are a lot of reasons that can reduce your performance:

    you may be affected by bad weather, slush on the street, this makes many people depressed, Bad mood this can affect not only your work, but also the people who surround you;

    in spring after autumn and winter, people often feel tired, lack of sun and vitamins affects the body;

    there are many things that you cannot finish, they constantly weigh on you;

    If the time of year is summer and it’s warm outside, then of course you want to take a walk, relax, and sunbathe in the fresh air.

How can you improve your performance?

Method 1. Rest

You are tired, give yourself a rest and recuperate. Turn off all means of communication, let your body sleep, enjoy a warm, soft bed, take a bath, do your favorite things.

If you decide to rest, then don’t even think about work, don’t let it haunt you that day.

Watch an interesting movie, take a walk, or just do nothing.

All people rest differently and restore strength differently.

Method 2. Train yourself to plan your work day

Proper planning of the working day increases productivity.

Train yourself in the evening before going to bed to draw up a work plan for tomorrow; it won’t take you much time to draw up a plan.

You can start making a plan while you are preparing dinner.

The plan should include not only work matters, but also family matters that you have planned for tomorrow.

Learn to make a plan, clearly planning each item, from the very morning until the evening.

Planning the day disciplines a person, gives him the opportunity to see the entire plan and carry it out point by point.

Method 3. Determine the most productive time

It is very important for each person to determine the most productive time for him, when he can plan the greatest amount of work.

Many people after rest and good sleep can do a lot of important things in the morning, if you are one of this type of people, then plan important and necessary things for the morning.

Others, on the contrary, cannot get into the desired rhythm of work in the morning; their working capacity appears in the afternoon or even in the evening.

It is important for such people to schedule important tasks in the afternoon and evening.

Plan the most important and necessary tasks for that period of time when you are at your peak performance. At this time, you will be able to do more things and tasks than at other times.

Method 4. Teach you to concentrate on work

To quickly and efficiently complete your work, learn to concentrate only on work and do not be distracted from it.

Turn off contacts and correspondence that may bother you; you can read everything that was written to you during your lunch break or in the evening after work.

Don't multitask when you're distracted important work, then it is very difficult to pull yourself together and start it again.

Your goal is concentration; you come to work, which means you should only do work, and everything else can be done later.

Method 5. Ability to switch

Every person must learn to switch from one job to another.

If you are busy with an important task and cannot find the right solution, be distracted by another task that is not as important as this, work in a different direction, go to lunch, you will regain your strength and new ideas will come.

With the ability to switch correctly, new ideas appear that will help you quickly solve your problem.

Method 6. Always complete your tasks

If you have planned to do eight things today, do not put them off until tomorrow, do them today. Do not be distracted by empty conversations at work or unnecessary correspondence on the phone.

You have planned eight tasks for today, which means you must complete them today, and not tomorrow or the day after tomorrow.

Method 7. Learn to distribute responsibilities

It is very important to learn how to distribute responsibilities at work and at home; you do not have to take full responsibility for running the household and doing work in the office.

At home, you can easily share responsibilities, your husband can go to the store and buy groceries, the children can do the cleaning and take out the trash, and you can cook dinner.

At work, also look at what work can be distributed to whom and you don’t have to shoulder everything.

Method 8: Take a break

Often people do not feel sorry for themselves, they work at full strength, then fatigue, lethargy, and reluctance to do something sets in. There is no need to bring the body to such a state, give yourself a rest, take a break from work.

Learn to take a break while working, rest for five or ten minutes, switch to a cup of tea with a sweet and then you can get back to work.

Method 9. Walking in the fresh air

No matter where or who you work, don't forget about walks in the fresh air.

If you have the opportunity, take a walk in the evening before going to bed; your brain needs oxygen to work.

On your day off, go for a walk with the whole family, play active games in nature, this will give you a boost of vigor and strength.

Do not forget to ventilate the room in which you are at home and at work.

Walking in the fresh air will give you strength and increase your performance.

Method 10. Proper nutrition

Often people don’t even notice that they have no time to eat; some work from morning to evening and are so busy with their work that they don’t even remember whether they ate today or not.

Pay attention to your diet proper nutrition helps the body, brain and improves performance.

Don't eat sandwiches, don't eat fast food, eat healthy food, which is rich in vitamins and minerals that are so necessary for the body.

Be sure to include nuts, vegetables, fruits, dairy products, herbs, and honey in your diet.

Courses for the development of intelligence

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Speed ​​reading in 30 days

Would you like to quickly read books, articles, newsletters, etc. that interest you? If your answer is “yes,” then our course will help you develop speed reading and synchronize both hemispheres of the brain.

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Development of memory and attention in a child 5-10 years old

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Super memory in 30 days

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Each person has his own life situation, your principles of work and rest. Some people know how to work and rest and regain strength in time, while others need help and advice. Work, improve your performance. We wish you good luck.