Working at the computer after lasik surgery. Laser vision correction LASIK

Laser vision correction is a modern and effective method that helps to cope with such serious pathologies as astigmatism, myopia, hypermetropia. Mild ophthalmological disorders can be corrected with glasses and lenses, but there is always a risk that these diseases will manifest themselves with renewed vigor over time. With laser correction, this likelihood is minimized. However, such operations also have negative sides. Which ones exactly? We'll talk about all this in our article.

What is it?

The cornea is a light-refracting element of the visual apparatus, which is responsible for the clarity of vision of objects. When the cornea is deformed, these functions are lost, and Lasik eye surgery is used to restore them.

Previously, the shape of the cornea was restored through surgery, but this was associated with high traumatism. And there were also high risks of unsuccessful completion of the procedure. As statistics showed, positive results were not observed in all patients.

Unlike traditional surgery, a laser beam can be called a thinner instrument. It has a highly precise effect on certain tissues, without affecting healthy areas of the cornea.

IMPORTANT! The essence of laser vision correction using the lasik method is to change the shape of the cornea so that the image of objects accurately falls on the retina of the eye.

During the procedure, the deep structures of the cornea are heated and certain layers are evaporated. First, the specialist makes microsurgical incisions, after which the upper portion of the cornea is bent to provide access to the deep tissues.

Indications and contraindications

  • astigmatism;
  • myopia;
  • farsightedness.

The procedure also has an impressive list of contraindications:

  • minor patients;
  • age over forty-five years;
  • pregnancy period;
  • lactation;
  • cataract;
  • glaucoma;
  • keratoconus;
  • lens spasm;
  • tumor processes of the eye;
  • inflammatory diseases of the eye;
  • retinal detachment;
  • diabetes mellitus;
  • optic nerve atrophy;
  • rheumatism, rheumatoid arthritis;
  • Presbyopia – age-related farsightedness.

ATTENTION! Laser correction cannot be performed if there has been a sharp decrease in vision over the past year.

There is no point in carrying out correction for such ophthalmological diseases as glaucoma, cataracts or optic atrophy. In all these cases, the loss of vision is not associated with refractive error, so laser correction will not bring positive results.

And you should also not perform surgery for skin diseases such as eczema, psoriasis, and neurodermatitis. All these pathological processes are characterized by the formation of keloid scars. There is a high probability that scar changes will also affect the tissues of the eye after surgery, and this can lead to complete loss of vision.

Severe neurological or psychological abnormalities are contraindications to laser correction. The patient may have an inadequate reaction both during the operation and during the rehabilitation period.

Relative contraindications include colds accompanied by a runny nose and cough. After a preliminary examination, the ophthalmologist can identify individual contraindications to the procedure.

Advantages and disadvantages

Every year, several million laser vision correction operations are performed around the world. The procedure has proven its effectiveness and safety.

Laser correction Lasik has an impressive list of advantages:

  • Minimal risks of relapse.
  • Maximum security.
  • Can be used for all types of visual impairment.
  • No pain at all stages of the operation. Before the procedure, drops with an anesthetic are instilled into the eyes. The patient only feels touch and pressure.
  • Fast results. Within a few hours after the procedure, the patient will notice the first results. During the first week, visual function will stabilize.
  • Stability of results. After correction, the shape of the cornea is maintained for life.
  • Conducted on an outpatient basis. There is no need for the patient to stay in the hospital. A few hours after visual correction, he can go home.
  • There is no need for general anesthesia.
  • Minimal risks of medical error, since the participation of a specialist in the procedure is minimal.
  • The operation is bloodless and does not require stitches.
  • Possibility of performing the procedure on both eyes at once.
  • No side effects. Of course, provided there are no contraindications and compliance with medical recommendations during the rehabilitation period.

The patient does not experience pain during the procedure

IMPORTANT! In cases of high myopia, laser correction will be useless.

Still, you don’t need to reassure yourself with the thought that laser correction is an ideal technique. It must be admitted that the procedure has a number of objective disadvantages, namely:

  • It is not always possible to get rid of visual dysfunction.
  • Some restrictions in the recovery period. This includes working at the computer, reading books, and physical activity.
  • The stabilization period for visual function is up to a year.
  • Presence of medical contraindications.
  • High cost.
  • There may be inaccuracies in diagnosis and calculations, which can lead to insufficient correction.
  • The procedure cannot prevent the appearance of new visual disturbances.

Basic methods

Currently, there are several methods of laser vision correction. They all have common basic features, but may differ in the following parameters:

  • implementation algorithm;
  • technologies used;
  • material.

Let's talk about the most common types of such operations:

  • Lasik. The technique is very popular. It is considered one of the safest and most affordable. The laser beam changes the shape of the cornea and helps separate the iris.
  • Photorefractive keratectomy. This is an old technique that has only been slightly improved. Experts use it if there are contraindications to laser correction. PRK has many disadvantages. During the operation, the surface layer of the cornea is completely removed, so the procedure is very traumatic. At the end of the procedure, a protective lens is applied, under which a new corneal layer is formed, after which it is removed. PRK is considered a painful operation with a high risk of dangerous complications.
  • Epi-lasik. Before using the laser, chemicals are used to remove the dense outer layers.
  • Femtolasic. During the procedure, a special type of laser is used, which is capable of separating the necessary layers at any given depth. The only difference is that the procedure is performed using a femto laser.


The peculiarity of this procedure is that the cornea is incised using a femtosecond laser beam. It is not used in all ophthalmological clinics in Russia, since treatment costs a lot. The procedure is not much more effective and traumatic, but it exceeds a standard operation.

IMPORTANT! The femtolasik procedure is an improved modification of the LASIK procedure.

When using femto-assisted correction, the corneal valve is formed not with a mechanical instrument, but by tissue dissection. During the manipulation, a beam of infrared light is used. This allows treatment of patients with corneal abnormalities, dry eye syndrome, and thinning of the cornea.


Superlasik is not a separate technique, but only a commercial name for the LASIK procedure. It is the latest advance in the field of refractive surgery. The manipulation is performed according to the individual parameters of the patient's eyes.

Superlasik costs much more than standard correction, but does not have any special advantages or differences. Using this technique, the parameters of laser exposure are calculated on a wavefront analyzer. This data is then transferred to the laser computer.


Developed by Greek specialists back in 2003. The procedure is performed using an epikeratome, a medical instrument. The epithelium is separated along the natural division line of the layers.

Next, under the action of laser beams, evaporation occurs, due to which the shape of the cornea changes, after which the epithelial flap returns. It is worth noting that the technique is not suitable for everyone. According to statistics, it is suitable for forty percent of patients who have not previously used contact lenses.

Preparation and planning

The main goal of preparation is to eliminate contraindications to excimer laser correction. At least a week before a planned operation, patients who use contact lenses must abandon such optics. This is due to the fact that corrective devices have a mechanical effect on the cornea. To determine the parameters of the cornea as accurately as possible, time is required for its adaptation.

It is better to notify an ophthalmologist about the presence of existing chronic processes. Immediately before the procedure, you should not apply makeup or use any cosmetic products.

You will need to take sunglasses with you to the clinic, as there will be increased sensitivity to light in the first few days. Motorists should take into account the fact that they will not be able to drive for several days after the operation. Traveling by public transport is also not recommended due to the risk of infection.

Features of the event

The operation will not take much time for the patient. It usually lasts within ten minutes. The manipulation is carried out in stages:

  1. The patient is given eye drops containing an anesthetic.
  2. To prevent blinking, a speculum is inserted between the eyelids.
  3. For subsequent extension of the flap, a suction ring is installed on the cornea area.
  4. The patient is asked to focus his gaze on the luminous point. This allows you to fix the eye in the desired position.
  5. Using a keratome, the layer of the cornea is separated, after which it is bent to the side.
  6. The laser beam acts on the exposed surface of the cornea.
  7. At the end, the bent part of the cornea returns to its original place.
  8. A rinsing solution and anti-inflammatory drops are instilled into the eyes.

There is no pain during the procedure itself, but patients may experience minor pain after the operation. If discomfort interferes with leading a full life, the doctor may prescribe anesthetic drops.

The operation is carried out using modern equipment

Rehabilitation period

Despite the fact that laser vision correction is a safe and painless procedure, after it is performed, patients are forced to adhere to certain restrictions. This will prevent the development of complications and dangerous consequences.

There are myths regarding restrictions after laser treatment. Despite the fact that such operations have been carried out for many years, some patients are wary of them, all because of common false claims.

Is it true that after laser correction it will no longer be possible to play sports? Some patients are absolutely sure of this. They think that after surgery, the blood vessels and tissues of the eye may be damaged due to physical activity. Actually, this is not true!

Restrictions on physical activity exist, but no more than a month. Patients are prohibited from lifting weights or intensely exercising. After the recovery period and in the absence of complications, patients can return to their usual rhythm of life.

And it is also believed that after the procedure you will have to watch less TV, read and work on the computer. Is this true? In the first days after visual correction, of course, it is better to take care of your eyes and not overwork them. There are no restrictions on watching TV in the future, it is only important to follow the correct mode. Don't forget about breaks. Moderation is a quality that is important in everything, including visual stress.

It is also worth noting another opinion, the essence of which is that if laser correction is carried out at a young age, then after forty years the cornea will begin to collapse due to the effects of the laser. This assumption has no scientific basis. Experts say that the excised and subsequently healed cornea is no different from other eye tissues that have not been subject to surgery.

There are also official restrictions that will help avoid unwanted problems in the future. Doctors recommend not washing your face at all during the first days. Do not rub your eyes or touch them at all. During the first week, visiting saunas and baths is strictly prohibited.

During the first week, it is recommended to sleep on your back. Lying on your side or stomach increases blood flow to your eyes. You should not apply decorative cosmetics to your face during the first week, or use hairsprays or hair sprays.


The likelihood of unwanted complications after laser correction is negligible. Moreover, the consequences can be diverse and numerous. Most often, adverse reactions develop due to the fault of the patient himself. In most cases, if a person ignores medical recommendations regarding limiting physical activity during the rehabilitation period and maintaining personal hygiene, then problems arise. If alarming symptoms appear, it is better to consult a doctor.

A negligent attitude towards your health can result in the following complications:

  • photophobia;
  • dry keratoconjunctivitis;
  • keratoconus;
  • deterioration of visual acuity;
  • destructive changes in the vitreous body;
  • corneal ectasia.

The goal of laser correction is to improve vision for various disorders. The operation helps to see well without glasses and contact lenses, which improves a person’s quality of life. Laser correction does not treat age-related vision problems, including glaucoma and cataracts. Surgical treatment of these diseases after laser vision improvement remains possible. What restrictions exist after laser vision correction and how to get around them, read this article.

Returning home after laser correction

After laser eye surgery, it is advisable to stay in the clinic for several hours. During this time, visual perception becomes sharp and clear, although some instability of vision is possible. It must be remembered that the strength of vision may change more than once in the first time after surgery, but such fluctuations are usually insignificant.

After laser correction, you should not leave the clinic unaccompanied, since your vision is unstable at first. It is advisable to come to the operation with a relative or friend. Also, before the procedure, you should inform your doctor about planning long independent trips in the first month after surgery.

Laser correction does not impose a ban on flights, but immediately after the operation it is better not to use air transport. This is due to the increased sensitivity of the eyes to light and blurred vision, which persist for some time after laser correction.

When to visit an ophthalmologist

Immediately after the operation, the doctor must confirm the results, and only after his approval can you go home. It is advisable to visit a doctor on days 7, 30 and 60 after correction. The clinic will help you remove bandage lenses.

The final analysis of visual function is carried out after 3 months. It is noteworthy that examinations on days 7 and 30 can be carried out by an ophthalmologist at your place of residence. However, the results must be transferred to the clinic where the operation was performed.

Recovery and return to work

After surgery, vision is restored within a day on average. It is recommended to postpone work for a day, including the day of the procedure. After a complex intervention, recovery occurs in 3-5 days, and it is better to take a vacation for 7-10 days.

The issue of ability to work is very individual. Many patients return to work within a few days; others take longer to recover. You need to listen to the body and navigate by sensations.

The time to return to work also depends on the patient's type of activity. It is advisable to ask your doctor for recommendations for a specific case. It must be remembered that the recovery process proceeds differently for many patients. Typically, it takes 1-3 months for vision to stabilize. Only after this time can the results be assessed.

Eye care after laser correction

Since laser correction involves intervention in the structures of the eye, discomfort after surgery is normal. The following symptoms are possible: excessive lacrimation, sensitivity to light, inflammation, dilated pupils, foreign body sensation, swelling of the eyelids. Spots or spots may appear before the eyes. These are temporary consequences of the operation, which, in the absence of visual stress, disappear very quickly.

If there is a need to clean your eyes, you need to use gauze soaked in boiled water at room temperature. It is advisable not to touch the mucous membrane. You should not use special eye liquids, as they increase redness, itching and swelling. For severe dryness, discomfort and a feeling of tightness, your doctor may prescribe preservative-free tear substitutes. If there is excessive tearing, you need to use a sterile wipe, gently wiping away the tears under the eyes.

After laser correction, regular use of eye drops is required. Moisturizers and sometimes even antibiotics are prescribed for 10 days. It is recommended to use a moisturizing gel for a month. If healing is normal, the doctor changes the drops, but moisturizers should continue to be used.

After laser correction, it is difficult to choose lenses that will take the desired shape, so the choice should be entrusted to a professional. The result of the correction largely depends on the correct selection of contact lenses. After correction, it is necessary to gradually increase the adequate load on the visual system.

Protective contact lenses prevent epithelial irritation and reduce discomfort. After putting on the lenses, pain may occur, which will disappear after 6-20 hours. After 3-4 days you need to return to the clinic to have them removed.

If bandage lenses are intolerable, they are removed earlier. This need is evidenced by significant discomfort and pain during their use. To enhance the effect, you need to rest and take analgesics. Do not exceed the dosage of medications and do not remove bandage lenses yourself. Discomfort may increase if the lens falls out of the eye. There is no need to try to insert it back, you should consult a doctor.

On the first day after correction, you should not rub your eyes or close your eyes too tightly. You need to try to relax, rest and avoid activities that require visual concentration (reading, watching TV, using a laptop or computer). If there are children in the house, you need to ask relatives for additional help.

Eye protection after correction

For the first few weeks after laser correction, you should wear sunglasses while walking. Glasses help reduce light sensitivity and irritation. In spring and summer, it is necessary to use high-quality glasses with a high degree of ultraviolet radiation reflection. Glasses should be worn even in cloudy weather, because clouds only increase the impact of ultraviolet rays.

In dusty rooms and in the wind, you need to protect your eyes from dirt with glasses. It is advisable to use special glasses that have protection on the sides. You need to use glasses for at least a month after laser correction.

During the week after the intervention, you should avoid smoky rooms and active smoking. In the first days, it is better not to play with children and animals, as this increases the risk of injury to the operated eyes.

Permissible eye strain

It is important to dose visual stress. You should not overwork yourself with reading, rub your eyes, put pressure on them or squint too much. Depending on the extent of laser correction, the patient may have difficulty reading small print. This phenomenon should not be a cause for concern as it will disappear within a few weeks.

Patients over 45 years of age may need glasses for presbyopia. Additional correction for age-related changes in vision is needed only for certain types of activities. These are usually activities that require good near vision.

You can watch TV on the first day, but it’s better to focus on your feelings. For complete comfort, you can close your eyes. When using technology with displays, you should take breaks every 45 minutes. After surgery, prolonged concentration of vision greatly tires the eyes for the first 3 weeks, which can cause various disorders.

Nutrition rules

There are no special restrictions on food products after laser correction. It is important to follow a diet that prevents constipation. It is advisable to give up alcohol for 10-20 days to reduce the burden while taking medications.

Drinking alcohol in the first 3 days is prohibited. Alcohol will blunt the effects of antibiotics, and intoxication increases the risk of eye injury. Alcohol can increase the load on the liver when combined with medications, and can also cause dry eyes.

Sleep position

Even the slightest mechanical impact on healing eyes can lead to complications. At first it is better to sleep on your back, but strict restrictions on body position during sleep apply only to the first night after surgery. In the following days, you can sleep in any position, just do not bury your face in the pillow.

Hygiene procedures

It is important to prevent water from getting into your eyes for the first week. In the shower, you should turn your back to the pressure and stand one step further than usual. In this position, you need to lean back, and then less water gets on your face, and the shampoo will flow past your eyes. If shampoo or other hygiene product gets on the mucous membrane, do not rub your eyes. For rinsing, you need to use refreshing drops to relieve the burning sensation and prevent burns.

Do not allow tap water to get into your eyes, as this can cause inflammation and affect the results of the operation. Water from swimming pools and natural bodies of water is also dangerous.

Makeup after laser vision correction

The use of decorative cosmetics should be limited 2 days before surgery and for 30 days after the procedure. For two weeks, you should not apply makeup to the area around the eyes and eyelashes, or it is better to avoid makeup altogether. Creams, moisturizers and corrective products should not be applied close to the eyes.

Since waterproof mascara is more difficult to remove from eyelashes, you can use this product only a month after correction. During the week, you should not use eye shadow, eye cream, mascara, eyeliner, or makeup remover. Also, do not spray aerosols, hairsprays or makeup fixing products.

Any cosmetic products must be used carefully to prevent them from getting into your eyes. Otherwise, it is necessary to wash the irritant with refreshing drops without rubbing the eyelids.

Limitations on physical activity

Laser vision correction is a reason to avoid intense physical activity during the period of complete restoration of the visual system. As a rule, this process takes a month, but it is better to consult a doctor about this issue. During the rehabilitation period, you cannot go to the gym, dance, yoga, fitness, Pilates or jogging. To be completely safe, it is best to give up football, tennis, boxing, wrestling, scuba diving, diving and team sports for a year.

Restrictions on various types of activities:

  1. Running – 2 weeks.
  2. Aerobics – 1 week.
  3. Yoga and Pilates – 1 week.
  4. Strength exercises – 2 weeks.
  5. Swimming – 1 month.
  6. Football – 1 month.
  7. Non-contact martial arts – 1 month.
  8. Sauna, steam room – 1 month.
  9. Snowboarding and skiing – 1 month.
  10. Squash, cricket, tennis – 1 month.
  11. Rugby, contact martial arts – 1.5-3 months.
  12. Scuba diving – 3 months.

When playing sports, you need to protect your eyes from sweat. To do this, you should wear a bandage. After laser correction, it is not recommended to throw back your head, bend over sharply, or lift heavy objects.

It is better to plan a pregnancy six months after laser correction. Hormonal imbalance and subsequent childbirth can affect the results of vision correction.

Driving after laser vision restoration

After laser correction, you should not drive until your doctor gives permission. In order not to create a danger on the road, a person must clearly see at a distance of 20 m. Driving should be avoided until vision stabilizes. You need to wait until the blurred vision disappears, even if it appears sporadically. After restoration of visual function, you should stop driving for long periods of time and driving in the dark.

Features of active recreation

After surgery, direct sunlight should be avoided. For 3-6 months it is prohibited to visit the solarium and relax by the sea. To avoid retinal burns, it is important to wear high-quality glasses with UV protection (not all sunglasses have this). It is advisable to choose glasses with durable lenses and glasses of a brown tint.

In the first week after the intervention, it is better not to plan long trips in order to be able to visit the doctor on time. When visiting countries with hot climates, you need to wear high-quality sunglasses with special UV protection. Glasses must block UV A and UVB rays.

Sunbathing is prohibited for a month after laser correction. The beach is dangerous due to water and sand getting into the eyes, as well as increased exposure to ultraviolet radiation. Winter sports require the use of goggles of the “mask” type with full protection from ultraviolet radiation, which severely injures the eyes in the mountains.

Complications of laser correction

Local anesthesia helps make laser correction painless, but discomfort occurs after its effect wears off. The sensation of a foreign body in the eye persists for 24-38 hours. Depending on the surgical technique, discomfort may be milder or stronger, so this should be discussed with your doctor before the procedure. Medicines and special contact lenses can help ensure comfort after surgery. If even after a day the feeling of severe pain persists, you need to contact the clinic where the operation was performed. Emergency physicians are unlikely to be able to provide adequate treatment for complications of laser correction.

During the recovery process, there may be slight clouding of the cornea, which will disappear a month after the operation. This reaction is normal and often mild, so most patients do not notice it. In rare cases, clouding persists for six months or even a year.

The risk of corneal clouding may increase with drug overdose. If necessary, you should consult your doctor. Severe forms of opacification require additional therapy (eg, steroid drops).

After surgery there may be residual disorders, which are usually mild. When driving or operating dangerous equipment in poor lighting conditions, some patients are advised to continue to use additional correction, but most often, after laser correction, the need for glasses and contacts disappears completely.

If you neglect the recommendations of specialists, you can provoke tearing of the corneal flap and superficial keratitis. Therefore, you should not overstrain the visual system ahead of time, even if there is no discomfort. It is better to wait a few days and rest before returning to active life.

The doctor should tell you what restrictions are recommended after laser vision correction and how long healing will take. You should stick to them, even if you think some of them are strange, you should not neglect them. There are contraindications to the restrictions, and they must be taken into account. The effectiveness of the procedure largely depends on the patient’s behavior in the first period after eye surgery. Laser vision correction is today the fastest way to correct many eye problems. Are pregnant women allowed to undergo such an intervention if they are about to give birth, and how much time is needed for rehabilitation - these are the questions that concern patients. We will talk about what is possible and what should be avoided after surgery in this article.

The use of lasers for vision correction has become quite popular among eye diseases. With its help, you can easily get rid of myopia and farsightedness, and cure astigmatism. Those patients who have undergone the procedure are satisfied with the result. Unfortunately, how much time is needed for rehabilitation, as well as the effectiveness, depends not only on the skillful hands and abilities of the attending physician, but also on how the patient behaves in the postoperative period and follows all his recommendations.

Like any other medical method of solving existing health problems, there are myths and legends around laser medicine in ophthalmology. They often lead to doubts in those who are just planning to solve their eye problems with laser.

Let's try to figure out which of this is true and which is fiction:

    • It's painful and unpleasant. On the contrary, laser vision correction is a virtually painless procedure. The absence of pain during the operation is ensured by special drops with an anesthetic.
    • Corrective procedures cannot be carried out during the summer season, since the likelihood of dust entering with subsequent infection increases several times. Laser vision correction does not require a long recovery; it is considered a minor surgical intervention, and healing occurs quickly. Of course, this does not mean that immediately after the operating table you can go to the beach. This has its limitations, which we will discuss later.
    • The operation is contraindicated before pregnancy. There is some truth in this judgment. But the restrictions apply only to those who are planning a pregnancy in the next six months. The operation itself does not affect pregnancy. How long should it take to be allowed to give birth after such an operation? Approximately 12 months (3 to 6 months before pregnancy, plus 9 months before giving birth). Laser correction may not produce results if done earlier, because there is a small risk of myopia progression due to changes in hormonal levels in the body. Therefore, it is worth adhering to this time period.
  • The laser correction procedure requires a mandatory visit to an ophthalmologist, as well as a lot of restrictions. Even a healthy person should visit a doctor once a year for a preventive examination. There are measures to restrict the patient’s lifestyle after surgery, but they are not so serious that they could affect the patient’s life too much.
  • After the procedure, a long recovery period and numerous procedures are required. All that is necessary is to bury the drops. Every 2 hours this should be done only for the first two days, then 3 times a day is enough. Unpleasant sensations after surgery are insignificant and pass quickly.
  • The method is untested and no one knows what will happen in 10-20 years. To refute such an erroneous opinion, we hasten to dissuade it. The first operation was performed in 1985. Therefore, we can speak with confidence about the positive results of such procedures.

As you can see, many of the myths that surround laser vision correction are far-fetched.

It should be noted that preparation for surgery is as important as the postoperative behavior of the patient. Subsequent healing and the rehabilitation stage largely depend on whether a person follows the doctor’s recommendations.

It is very important that before laser eye correction surgery, the patient is examined by an ophthalmologist and therapist, and all the necessary tests are performed:

  • General blood test.
  • For the presence of antibodies in the body for HIV.
  • For hepatitis A and B.

Before surgery, doctors do not recommend wearing soft lenses for a week, and hard lenses for 14 days. It is important that two days before the operating day, the consumption of alcoholic beverages is prohibited, since an anesthetic is used during surgery. And one day before the day of laser correction, do not use cosmetics on your eyes.

What is prohibited in the first days after surgery?

Although laser correction is considered a low-traumatic operation, it still requires the patient to accurately follow certain recommendations given by the doctor after its completion.

Let's look at what restrictive measures there are after correction:

    • Eye drops. Upon completion of the procedure, special drops are prescribed. The doctor will tell you how much to instill. Usually, at first it is necessary to drip every 2 hours. In most cases, this should be done in the first 2-3 days. Further, it is enough to carry out this procedure only three times a day. These are standard assignments that must be completed.
    • Visit a doctor. Do not ignore this point and be sure to come to all control checks. At first they will be frequent, then as needed. This will help to avoid possible unforeseen situations and, if necessary, adjust local treatment, which will speed up recovery.
    • Do not rub your operated eye. It is especially important to remember this in the first 2-3 days after the operation. Such mechanical impact can injure the upper layer of the cornea. Hygiene procedures are carried out without the use of soap. It is necessary to avoid getting shampoo and other cosmetics into your eyes during these days.
    • How long after can I go to the sauna or swimming pool? On postoperative days this is strictly contraindicated. The same applies to open water bodies. Avoid such activities during the first week after surgery. Why is this important? This will reduce the chance of contaminated, dirty water getting into your eye.
    • There are certain recommendations for rest. For the first few days, try sleeping on your back. You should not sleep lying on your stomach or side. This can lead to additional trauma and retinal detachment.
    • There are also contraindications to physical activity. The course of rehabilitation after surgery implies a complete abandonment of everything that could lead to injury. During the rehabilitation period, you must completely give up active sports, heavy gymnastics and other similar sports.
    • How long after surgery can a woman use decorative cosmetics? Contraindications in this regard are completely removed after 7 days. But you should be careful when using sprays and hairsprays. If you use them, you must do this with extreme caution and avoid allowing particles of the product to come into contact with the mucous membranes of the eyes.

  • Protect your eyes as much as possible from direct sunlight and bright light. General contraindications also speak about this factor. To protect your operated eyes as much as possible during the recovery period, initially wear sunglasses on sunny days. You should also not sunbathe on the beach or in a solarium.
  • Rehabilitation also completely eliminates the use of alcoholic beverages by patients.
  • It has already been said that laser eye correction is recommended to be carried out no earlier than six months before the planned pregnancy. If you are carrying a child and are about to give birth, then it is very dangerous, since the cornea will not have time to recover, and complications cannot be avoided.
  • Recommendations for eye strain. You should not spend long periods of time reading or working on the computer during the first two weeks after surgery. This threatens the appearance of unpleasant sensations in the eyes. A sick leave certificate may be issued for this period. After 14 days you can gradually return to work.

If you understand the contraindications and follow them exactly, you will minimize all possible complications and also maximize the positive effect of the laser vision correction procedure. All contraindications that the doctor tells you about do not last long. But it is important to strictly adhere to all the recommendations of your attending physician (what you can and cannot tell you), especially in the first few days after the operation. He will also tell you how many days later you need to come back for an examination. Be sure to do this and do not miss scheduled consultations with a specialist.

Even if you feel well and the operated eye does not bother you. If the patient experiences a sharp deterioration in vision or discomfort in the eyes, an urgent need to visit a doctor.

Remember that the effectiveness of the procedure and the healing period depend not only on the doctor who performed the operation, but also on your further behavior.

After laser vision correction (LVC), the eye needs time to recover. Redness, swelling, dryness and sensitivity may occur.

Symptoms do not last long, and the eye quickly recovers if you follow the necessary rules.

When conducting the most common method of LKZ “LASIK”, the corneal flap is separated, after which the shape of the cornea is corrected and the flap is returned back. Many patients are concerned about the rate of healing.

As a rule, in two hours after the operation The corneal flap seals itself under the supervision of a doctor.

What are the limitations after laser vision correction?

Photo 1. Scheme of the three most popular types of laser vision correction: PRK, LASIK and SMILE.

Physical impact

Necessary exclude any mechanical impact to the organ of vision. To do this, doctors give the following advice:

  • It is forbidden to rub the eye or wash it for the first 2-3 days;
  • recommended do not shower or wash your hair for the first two days to prevent shampoo or dirty water from accidentally getting into your eyes;
  • swimming in the sea, river, or pool is also contraindicated;
  • recommended wear safety glasses at first so that dust and polluted air do not irritate the eye shell;
  • preferably sleep on your side or back so that the pillow does not rub your eyes while you sleep.

Heat exposure and solarium

High temperatures can harm the recovery process. For this reason There are prohibitions on such procedures as:

  • visit baths and saunas;
  • visit solarium.

Visual and physical activity in the postoperative period

During the recovery period, active physical activity will have to be critically limited or completely abandoned. You cannot engage in sports such as:

  • exercises in the gym;
  • jogging;
  • dancing;
  • yoga and pilates;

  • sports sections, including contact sports;
  • fitness;
  • rugby;
  • tennis;
  • football.

Restrictions must be observed from one week to three months, depending on the type of sport and the method of LKZ performed.

Attention! To continue playing sports, need to consult a surgeon.

In addition to physical activity, visual stress should also be limited. On the first day, you should not strain your eyes by reading books, watching TV, or using a computer or smartphone. It is not advisable to make frequent eye movements during the first days. From the second day, it is worth introducing visual stress very gradually and in doses.

Important! You can't drive a car until your doctor confirms it is safe to do so.

Cosmetics, tobacco and alcohol

  1. Using decorative cosmetics in the first week after surgery is strictly prohibited, as it causes chemical and physical effects on the eyes. Besides this, Do not use aerosols or hairsprays, they are also dangerous for the eyes.

  1. Smoking is prohibited for at least one week, due to the fact that smoke has a detrimental effect on the eyes. At the same time, you should avoid smoky rooms and not be near smoking areas.
  2. Two weeks after surgery Alcohol consumption is prohibited. Firstly, it dulls the effect of antibiotics, which are necessarily prescribed after surgery. Secondly, increases the risk of mechanical impact and careless handling of the eyes.


Family planning must take into account the factor of laser vision correction. Doctors Women are not recommended to become pregnant within six months after surgery. Pregnancy causes an increase in hormonal levels, and this, like the process of childbirth itself, greatly affects the quality of vision.

Most vision problems, such as myopia, hyperopia, and astigmatism, can be corrected with laser correction. Laser correction is considered one of the safest methods, and it very effectively eliminates the previously listed problems. Thanks to laser vision correction, you can forget about glasses and contacts. In this article we will understand the essence of this method, how eye surgery is performed, and tell you a lot of useful information.

All about laser correction


All over the world, ophthalmologists until the mid-twentieth century corrected vision only with the help of glasses. But their main goal was to find a method that would improve visual acuity once and for all.

The basics of the operation were developed by doctor Sato from Japan in 1939. The method consisted of making incisions on the cornea. It is called "radial keratotomy". This method, unfortunately, caused a number of serious complications, so doctors abandoned its use.

Only thirty-three years later, our Soviet ophthalmologist Svyatoslav Fedorov made adjustments to the Japanese surgical method. But even a more advanced operating procedure could not fully guarantee a good result. Ophthalmologists realized that operations must be performed with maximum precision and be safe for the patient.

Distortion of vision inside the eyeball

In the same years (1949), ophthalmologist from Colombia José Barracuer came up with a new way to correct vision problems. It involved using a laser. IBM contributed to the development of the method and created the excimer laser. And already in 1985, doctors performed the world's first laser vision correction.

After the success of the operation, American and European ophthalmologists recognized this technology and began to use it in their practice.

At that time, laser surgery was quite expensive. And now it is fifty percent lower and is common in more than fifty countries around the world, so many people can afford such vision correction.


The basic principle of laser vision correction is that under the influence of a “cold” beam, a thin layer of the cornea evaporates. At the same time, its curvature changes, and it becomes possible to change the angle of refraction of light rays. As a result, the image is projected directly on the retina, and the person sees both distant and close objects perfectly.

Laser correction makes it possible for astigmatism, while the quality of vision will improve. You can forget about glasses, contacts, medications and other procedures.

There are also medical indications for laser surgery. This:

  • Myopia or progressive
  • Farsightedness;
  • Disagreement.

Diseases for which surgery is not recommended or is absolutely contraindicated have been identified.

  • Cataract, glaucoma, keratoconus.
  • Missing one eye.
  • Problems with blood vessels.
  • Diabetes, arthritis, etc.
  • Age-related farsightedness.
  • Previous history of retinal detachment surgery.
  • Poor immunity.

Read about laser coagulation of the retina.

Absolute contraindications:

  • Persons under eighteen years of age.
  • Progressive changes in refraction.
  • Inflammation of the eyes and body.
  • Lens spasm.
  • Pregnancy, breastfeeding.

Read how to remove swelling of the upper eyelids.

Laser correction techniques

There are several methods of laser vision correction. The doctor selects a technique depending on the individual characteristics of each patient.



SUPER LASIK/LASEK - this technique is considered more modern and progressive. The operation consists of “polishing” the cornea with a laser, but before this, its aberration analysis is carried out. This technique uses the most modern equipment. It provides correction of certain areas of the cornea and eliminates all visual distortions.

Laser principle

The advantages of this method include:

  • Precision of operation.
  • Taking into account all individual vision characteristics.
  • Eliminates the consequences of previously performed laser operations.
  • One hundred percent quality of vision after surgery.

After the operation, you may experience the same discomfort as in previous techniques. Vision improves after surgery.

Super Lasik Thin Flap

Super Lasik Thin Flap is a safe and effective method of vision correction. Its advantage is that it can be performed on people with thin corneas. Thanks to Super Lasik Thin Flap, the thinnest layer of the cornea can be separated, which protects the eyes from injury. The advantages of this technology:

  • Vision correction up to ninety-five percent.
  • Safety and absence of injuries.
  • Can be used by people with thin corneas.
  • No complications.

Procedure process

Femto LASIK WaveLight

Femto LASIK WaveLight is a laser correction without the use of surgical knives. Before “grinding” the cornea, a thin flap without incisions is formed. This operation can be performed even with refractive errors and thinning of the cornea. Advantages:

  • Laser precision.
  • Stable result.
  • The risk of improper formation of the corneal flap is minimized.
  • On average, it takes up to six seconds to create a flap.

Procedure process

Let's consider the procedure using the LASIK technique:

  1. Eye drops are used as an anesthetic. After they have acted on the eyes, eyelid dilators are attached, which prevent blinking.
  2. The patient's gaze should be directed towards the luminous point in the device. This is done for centering purposes.
  3. A microkeratome is used to form a corneal flap. After this, it bends back and the laser can reach the deeper layers.
  4. The new surface of the cornea is formed under the influence of a laser beam.
  5. The flap returns to its original place. It is fixed with collagen.
  6. The epithelium repairs itself, so no stitches are required.
  7. A special solution is used to wash the cornea. Then an anti-inflammatory drug is dripped.
  8. If necessary, the same is done with the other eye.

Drops for eye redness when wearing lenses are described in this article.

After laser surgery, the patient can return home a couple of hours later. But before this, the doctor constantly monitors the condition of the eyes and cornea. Vision will be restored on the same day, but it is necessary to visit an ophthalmologist in order to track the recovery process. This is done every other day, then three, seven and fourteen days after surgery.

Your doctor may prescribe eye drops that will protect your eyes from infection and infection. Drops should be applied up to four times a day, until the specialist stops using them.

You can use drops, ointments, gels as care products, but only.

If excess tear fluid appears after surgery, do not rub your eyes. You should blot them with a clean napkin. It is unacceptable to touch your eyes after surgery for 24 hours.

After surgery, you can take a sedative or pain reliever if necessary. It is recommended to sleep on your back. For a couple of days after correction, you should avoid getting soap and shampoo in your eyes.

During the week after laser correction you cannot:

  • Swim in ponds, pools, visit saunas.
  • Lift weights and do physical activity.
  • Use cosmetics and varnishes.
  • Sunbathe in the sun and in the solarium.
  • Drink alcohol.



Laser correction is a very effective and durable method of improving visual acuity. It has a lot of advantages. But you should remember the contraindications to this operation. In this case, consultation with a doctor is required! And in general, this operation is not prescribed by anyone other than a doctor. Please note that initially you will be treated with medication or through contact optics. This type includes those that are aimed at restoring the shape of the cornea. This method is quite practical, but it also has its drawbacks, such as constant wearing, timely replacement of lenses, features of their care, etc. Another method includes night lenses, the action of which is similar to toric lenses, but their action is limited to one day. Read more about night contact lenses for vision correction Can .

In the postoperative period, you must follow all the doctor’s recommendations to avoid unpleasant consequences. If you neglect them, the result of the operation may become zero.