Fasting day after overeating. Fasting day after a feast or breakdown: what to choose and how to spend it

Overeating causes a strong feeling of discomfort. Everyone knows this. However, it is very difficult to resist another portion of your favorite treat. What to do if you overeat? Often this condition causes painful sensations c makes digestion difficult. After some time, constant overeating affects your figure. How to deal with the problem? First, it’s worth clarifying the reasons.

Why does a person overeat

To answer the question of what to do when overeating, it is worth finding out the main reasons for this phenomenon. These include:

Having fun. In many developed countries, the population suffers from obesity, as consumers often have a desire to try something new. This is done to irritate the pleasure center. Regular healthy food in such cases, it is replaced with a more harmful one, enriched with a variety of additives, flavorings and preservatives. In addition, some manufacturers add substances to their products that enhance taste and irritate taste buds.

Stressful situations. Many people, during periods of depression or when nervous stress increases, begin to use large number food. The result is severe overeating. What to do in such cases? We'll talk about this a little later.

Eating large amounts of food due to boredom. Many people need this to create a busy effect. However, this is not an option.

Main features

So, what to do when you overeat and how to determine that the body has become oversaturated? There are several signs that indicate your stomach is full.

If a person overeats once, then no special symptoms will arise. In this case, you may feel heaviness in the stomach, accompanied by bloating. If overeating occurs regularly, then its symptoms will be more pronounced. In this case, a person can independently feel changes in the body:

Significant weight gain and changes in usual lifestyle.


Discomfort in the intestinal area caused by gases and flatulence.

Uncontrolled eating. A person will consume foods even in cases where the body does not need it: when watching a movie, sitting at the computer, and so on.

Women often complain of overeating during pregnancy. What to do and how to avoid this? It is worth considering that during pregnancy internal organs are compressed. This also applies to the stomach. Expectant mothers should eat food in small portions, increasing the number of meals to 6 per day.

What does overeating lead to?

We found out what to do when overeating: restrain yourself. Is it difficult? Undoubtedly! In order to begin to deal with your problems, it is worth finding out what the consequences of excessive food consumption are. In rare cases of overeating, a person may experience heaviness and discomfort in the stomach, general fatigue, drowsiness, headache. All these symptoms go away on their own the next day. But systematic overeating is fraught with more serious consequences:

The load on the pancreas increases. As a result of this, the body is forced for a long time work to the limit of your capabilities.

The stomach gradually stretches. Because of this, appetite increases.

The body takes in more calories than it expends. All excess is deposited in the body in the form of fat deposits.

The body as a whole is poisoned. Usually, a person consumes in large quantities things that contain preservatives and various flavor enhancers. Such substances can be harmful. Organs lose the ability to quickly cope with large amounts of food. As a result, toxin poisoning and accumulation of waste occur.

Violated metabolic processes. Overeating is always accompanied by the accumulation of excess fat in the body, as well as the development of certain diseases of the internal organs.

The body works to the limit of its strength to cope with the disturbances that have arisen. As a result, a person may experience chronic drowsiness and fatigue. General health often worsens.

Anti-overeating medications

What to do after overeating? To cope with unpleasant sensations, you can get help traditional medicine. There are a number of drugs that can significantly alleviate the condition and eliminate some of the symptoms of overeating. Such medications include “Uni-festal”, “Eristal-P”, “Penzital”, “Festal”, “Digestal”, “Panzinorm”, “Mezim”, “Ermital”, “Creon”.

Separately, it is worth noting the usual activated carbon. This drug is an excellent sorbent. Are you sick of overeating? What to do? Take activated carbon. In this case, the dosage is calculated as for poisoning. 1 tablet is required per 10 kilograms of weight. The drug should be taken half an hour after the last meal. This will avoid bloating and pain.

Natural remedies

What to do after overeating if there are no medications at hand? In this case, the means will be suitable alternative medicine. To the very simple ways It is worth including drinking fruit infusion, black or green tea without sugar. You can add a small piece of ginger or a mint leaf to the drink. Such drugs allow you to speed up metabolism in the body.

You should not drink alcohol. This will only worsen the condition, as alcohol puts additional stress on the body and increases the feeling of hunger.

You can also prepare a drink that will relieve spasms and enhance production. gastric juice. You need to dilute a tablespoon in a glass of water apple cider vinegar and the same amount of natural honey. It is recommended to drink the drink in small sips. However, this “medicine” is not suitable for everyone. After all, it has contraindications.

The simplest remedy, according to nutritionists, is chewing gum. Its use increases saliva production. This increases the amount of enzymes that help the stomach digest food faster.

Compulsive overeating

What is compulsive overeating? What to do in this case? A similar diagnosis is often given to those who suffer from obesity. How is compulsive overeating different from normal overeating? This is a psychological pathology that manifests itself as follows:

The patient often experiences attacks of uncontrolled gluttony. The portions are getting larger each time. In this case, food is absorbed quickly and without residue.

When eating another dish, a person experiences frustration. Uncontrolled consumption of food leads to stress and depression, which arises due to dissatisfaction with one’s appearance and figure.

A person constantly makes excuses and feels sorry for himself.

You should not hope that this condition will go away on its own. In such cases, therapy is required.

What to do if you have compulsive overeating

With this psychological state I often feel nauseous and my stomach hurts from overeating. What to do and how to cope with the disease? In case of compulsive overeating, certain medications are prescribed to eliminate discomfort and heaviness in the stomach, and a diet is also prescribed to reduce the size of the stomach. In addition, psychotherapy is carried out:




To eliminate all problems, patients are often prescribed antidepressants and medicines that help reduce appetite.

Why is compulsive overeating dangerous?

Compulsive overeating leads to many problems: the functioning of systems and individual organs in the body is disrupted. Among the violations it is worth highlighting the following:

Increased cholesterol levels;


Gallstone disease;

Diabetes mellitus is usually type 2;

Increases the likelihood fatal outcome: The patient may suffocate in his sleep.

Are there any preventative measures?

To avoid overeating, you need to follow some simple rules. This will prevent the occurrence negative consequences and the development of certain diseases. Here are the basic rules:

Don't fill your plates completely with food. They should contain no more food than can fit in your palms.

Food must be chewed thoroughly.

You should not engage in extraneous activities while eating food. You should only eat in the kitchen. At the same time, you cannot talk, read, watch TV, etc.

Food should only cause positive emotions. If you are feeling stressed, drink hot tea instead of another portion of food.

Should you stop using harmful products, which contain a large number of chemical additives. This type of food helps you gain excess weight.

And the most important rule to remember: food is not pleasure, it does not need to relieve stress and lift your spirits. Cooking is an art. Portions should be beautiful, but small.

Hello, dear blog readers! Do you know the oppressive feeling of guilt towards yourself after a hearty feast or an unplanned attack on the refrigerator? When you've eaten up to the point of a football and somewhere in the depths of your mind a lonely thought begins to itch: “the diet has gone to waste”?

During such periods I add another one: “That’s it, I’ll be fat now.” Some particularly susceptible individuals manage to become depressed and curse themselves when looking in the mirror. But not us, because we are smart and love ourselves. Moreover, for such life excesses a solution has long been invented, and this is a fasting day after the feast.

Help yourself dear

So, let’s say that overeating happened and the stomach is now round like the globe, and the scales treacherously wink at two or three (or even five, depending on how hard you tried) extra pounds. Don't panic!

First, stop beating yourself up. There is a wonderful phrase: “we are all people.” Don't forget to repeat it to yourself from time to time. Especially if you are a perfectionist and squeeze all the juice out of yourself on the path to perfection.

You are human! You have the right to make mistakes and eat a pancake with condensed milk. You can even overdo it with alcohol, it happens. Ideal people does not happen, treat yourself with understanding.

Secondly, there are no unsolvable situations; in our case, you just need to run a cycle, that’s all!

How to decompress after overeating

I would like to note right away that it is important to drink a lot of water (after heavy meals there is almost always dehydration, plus water cleanses the body of everything unnecessary best of all).

It is best to unload on vegetables or fruits, since they contain vitamins, minerals, valuable (as we have already found out) moisture after a feast, and one of the most important elements - fiber. It will allow you to gently cleanse the body of accumulated toxins.

We do approaches once or twice a week (just not in a row).

Vegetables and fruits are unrivaled in their cleansing properties. In addition, they are low in calories and give rest to our liver and the rest of the body. digestive system.

Recipes for facilitating unloading

  • Vegetable: 1 total kilogram of tomatoes, cucumbers, cabbage, radishes, green salad - whatever your heart desires, just not starchy (we exclude potatoes, yes). We divide into portions, prepare salads, absorb and feel how our liver says “thank you”.
  • Fruit: 1 kilogram, necessarily including apples (unsweetened), as well as pears, oranges, lemons, peaches to taste. Avoid high-calorie bananas, figs, and grapes. We also divide all this splendor into portions and eat it. By the way, it’s a good day to “rest” after celebrating the New Year; the refrigerator is full of such gifts of nature.
  • Rice: “How did rice get in here?” - you ask. Don’t underestimate the porridge familiar to everyone since childhood: rice is an excellent absorbent, helps to “collect” all the harmful substances and safely and gently rids the body of them. Plus is good for the stomach due to its starch content: it coats its walls and soothes it. So for fasting day cereal (100 grams) should be soaked in cold water(at least 10 hours before use), and then boil without salt. Divide into portions and eat throughout the day.

Options for fasting for weight loss and appetite reduction

Overeating has overtaken you due to an exorbitant desire to eat all sorts of goodies to your heart's content and collapse with a blissful smile on your face? This is also called. This is where fasting days come to the rescue, helping to control appetite:

  • Curd and fruit and certainly very tasty. You will need 400 grams of cottage cheese and half a kilo of fruit (remember the taboos on bananas, grapes, figs). Each method combines cottage cheese and one fruit. You can eat them separately, or you can mix them in a blender to get a delicious mass. Naturally, we take cottage cheese low-fat or with a minimum percentage of fat content.
  • Kefir-fruit. 1 liter of low-fat kefir, 1 kilogram of fruit. Mix as you please. Can be consumed at different meals. In general, it is held in high esteem by amateurs healthy eating for its accessibility and simplicity. Use it!

So, we found out that after the stormy holidays and cases of lung gluttony fasting days are just what the doctor ordered. Have you ever heard about “loading” days or, in other words, cheating?

Oooh, these are magical days of significant reductions in the diet, the time of permitted cake and chocolate. Did you like it? Let's take a closer look!

Glutton's happiness or is it necessary to unload after cheating?

Let's say you're on a calorie-counting diet. Daily caloric intake ranges from 1200-1600 kcal (by the way, excellent, tested on myself). Some of the excess weight has already gone and then - suddenly - the scales freeze on one needle. A day, two, three, a week... Nothing.

You add sports, more physical activity, progress appears again. After a while, the scales freeze again. And there is still room to lose weight!

This is where cheating comes to the rescue, designed to stir up the metabolism and hint to the body that no one was going to starve it.

Loading days are not when you can do everything in any quantity. Loading days are when you can allow yourself a little more (including small weaknesses forbidden on a diet).

The body, you know, is not going to give up its fat so easily; it is a thrifty fellow. When he is forced to constantly part with what is, from his point of view, a valuable supply, he becomes indignant and begins to fight.

And we told him - don’t be afraid, here’s more food for you! is not a day of frantic consumption of everything that the gaze falls on. This is simply an increase in standard caloric intake by about 1000 kcal. That is, 2000-2200 kcal on such a day. The next day there is no need for unloading, we just return to our usual diet.

According to reviews, such approaches (but no more than once a week) quickly help you get out of the “dead zone” and start losing excess weight again. A great opportunity to legally taste the confectionery goodness, which makes me personally very happy :)

Mini Tips for Losing Weight

    Reduce your portions by a third - that's what will help you lose weight! Short and to the point :)

    Add more or stop? When this question arises, it’s definitely time to stop eating. This is the body giving you a signal that you will be full soon, otherwise you would not doubt it.

    If you tend to overeat in the evenings, take this before dinner. warm shower. 5-7 minutes, and you already have a completely different mood and attitude towards food. Try it - it works.

When do we usually eat too much? That's right, on holidays. If during the upcoming holiday you suddenly realize that you just overate, then you need to take urgent action. Because overeating without appropriate measures, firstly, it threatens you with extra centimeters on your sides, and secondly, your digestive system can rebel against such an amount of heavy and complex food.

The following tips will help you.

5 emergency measures to neutralize the consequences of overeating:

1. Dancing

If the holiday party where you overeat involves dancing, let's dance! Cardio exercise will provoke the body to supply energy to the cells. The food will begin to be digested, and the calories will go into energy rather than fat. But it is advisable to dance for at least 30 minutes.

2. Walk in the fresh air

Go for a walk. Fresh air will speed up the metabolism and it will be easier for the body to cope with the task of assimilation of food. Try to breathe deeply, it is useful to bend several times in each direction - as a result of this, the food in the esophagus will become more mobile.

3. Ginger tea

You will feel better if you drink a cup of ginger tea in small sips, maybe with lemon. But ginger and lemon must be natural! Ginger activates digestion, relieves heaviness, prevents the formation of excess gases, and speeds up metabolism.

4. Pharmacy products and herbal preparations

You can prepare for possible overeating in advance by purchasing Festal at the pharmacy (take with meals). In addition, pharmacies have ready-made herbal infusions that relieve heaviness, improve digestion and have a laxative effect.

5. Chewing gum

Ordinary chewing gum, preferably mint, will also make you feel somewhat better. Enzymes from abundantly secreted saliva will enter the stomach, which will also speed up the breakdown of food.

What to do the next day

After an evening/night meal, it is advisable to give the digestive system a little rest. And the body needs time to cleanse itself. Here are some more useful tips:

  • It is recommended to start the next day after gastronomic excesses with natural lemonade, which can be prepared as follows: squeeze one lemon into a glass, add water and drink.
  • Then, throughout the day, follow without sugar, ginger tea or warm water with lemon.
  • Good for the first meal or buckwheat porridge with bran, because the fiber will help cleanse the intestines and keep the stomach happy.
  • A little physical activity will also be a good help for the body: easy complex morning exercises, jogging.
  • It will help you get your life back after overeating and...


Very important point. Some people think that a couple of hungry days after overeating will save the situation with extra pounds. But in fact, it's the other way around.

Such a contrast is incredibly stressful for health. Firstly, the body does not cope well with such changes. Secondly, when it does not receive food, protective mechanisms are activated, and therefore everything that you eat after fasting days, your body, frightened by the subsequent lack of food, will put it in reserve into new fat cells.

Conclusion: mindless spontaneous fasting is a direct path to weight gain. Of course, you should limit your diet after a holiday overeating, but you need to eat regularly.

What food will be optimal for the next few days after overeating:

  • eat an omelette, soft-boiled eggs, a little porridge or cottage cheese with tea;
  • for lunch you need protein and vegetables: it can be chicken, baked or boiled without skin, fish or other seafood, supplemented fresh salad or stewed vegetables;
  • for dinner - vegetables, in any form, as well as low-fat cottage cheese and kefir;
  • During the day, it is advisable to have three main meals and two snacks;
  • the last meal should be no later than 4 hours before bedtime;
  • the interval between meals is at least 2-3 hours;
  • It is better to eat fruits in the first half of the day;
  • you can afford for lunch (before lunch), but no more than 150 kcal (this is, for example, 3 chocolates or 30 grams or three halves of marshmallows or 40 grams of dried fruit or 1 large banana), instead of sweets for lunch you can have cheese or (not more than 30 grams);
  • Drink water separately from sweets, ginger tea, green tea, ;

Such a diet will return your “pre-holiday” weight within 1-2 weeks, improve metabolic processes and even speed up metabolism.


Everyone knows that you shouldn’t overeat, but sometimes it can be very difficult to resist. Many people are not even worried about discomfort, abdominal pain and difficulties with digestion, but whether this will affect their figure, whether it will add extra pounds. Here you can immediately calm down: a single overeating will not cause harm to your appearance, unless, of course, it becomes a habit. If you have overeaten, it is imperative to unload and monitor your diet in the future. This will help restore digestion and prevent calories from being stored as fat.

  1. You can activate digestion natural means. The first thing to do is pour yourself a warm black or green tea, fruit infusion, better without sugar. Add mint leaves and grated a small piece of ginger to the drink. This will speed up your metabolism. But alcohol is contraindicated: it can provoke a new attack of hunger, and it is also an additional burden on the body.
  2. Make a drink with the addition of apple cider vinegar and honey (1 tablespoon per glass of water) and drink in small sips. Helps produce gastric juice for faster digestion of food, relieves cramps.
  3. Nutritionists advise chewing gum if you have eaten too much. Heavy discharge The saliva that occurs during this process will provide a sufficient amount of enzymes that, when released into the stomach, will help digest heavy foods.
  4. When the discomfort subsides a little, go dancing. This will be an additional cardio load, speed up your metabolism, and help burn off energy.
  5. You should not go to bed with a full stomach: this leads to the formation of stagnation, which, in turn, causes gas formation, fermentation and rotting processes. All this leads to slagging of the body. Before going to bed, it is better to take a leisurely walk at first, then faster, and finally go for a light jog.

If, in addition to remorse, you suffer from abdominal pain, you should resort to medications containing enzymes: festal, mezim, panreatin, Creon and the like. These drugs contain substances that actively break down fats, proteins and carbohydrates and speed up digestion. But you shouldn’t do this all the time, otherwise it will become addictive and the stomach will stop producing enzymes on its own. In addition, any medications have contraindications; before using them, you should consult a specialist.

Video: How drugs containing enzymes work. Why can't you take them all the time?

The next day

The next day is the time to unload. The body needs cleansing. Start the day with a glass clean water, you can add a little there lemon juice. It is better to eat when you feel hungry. This will happen later than usual: not for breakfast, but, for example, for lunch or even later in the evening. Feeling hungry means everything has been digested. It is advisable to eat when you feel slightly hungry, otherwise it will become stronger, and the likelihood that you will overeat again is greater.

It is better to give preference oatmeal or buckwheat, where it is recommended to add steamed bran, vegetables, unsweetened fruits: fiber will help the intestines cleanse faster. It is imperative to monitor the portion size. They should not exceed 300 g per meal, otherwise the stomach will stretch, and subsequently it will be much more difficult to control your appetite.

Three meals will be sufficient. You should eat your last meal no later than 3-4 hours before bedtime. If this regime is difficult to maintain, you are allowed to include 2 additional snacks: green apples, a handful of nuts, dried fruits.

Secret: Sweets (including high-calorie chocolate and candies) should be eaten before lunch so that they do not affect your figure.

Physical activity will be useful. Running, exercising, going to the gym. But you shouldn’t exhaust yourself with training for several hours in a row, because the deposits from yesterday’s overeating have not yet had time to accumulate. If you follow the principles proper nutrition, then this will not happen.

Video: Why you crave sweets in E. Malysheva’s program “Live Healthy.” How to get out of a sugar binge

What not to do

You can’t completely refuse food the next day or go hungry. This is additional stress for the body. He perceives any hunger strike as an alarming signal for himself and begins to store calories for future use. Therefore, the kilograms, even if you manage to remove them, will quickly come back. You need to eat regularly in small portions, preferably low-calorie foods.

Inducing vomiting is also not recommended if there is no urge. This leads to the entry of gastric juice into oral cavity, which will negatively affect the condition of the teeth. Even a short stay hydrochloric acid in the mouth leads to erosion of tooth enamel and caries. In addition, this method is addictive, threatening to develop into mental illness, bulimia.

If you have eaten too much, there is no point in doing cleansing enemas: without proper organized meals they will not bring the desired effect. This will help cleanse the intestines, but not the body; this method does not prevent fat deposition. Laxative tablets may cope with this task, but will cause long-term indigestion and disruption of intestinal microflora.

How to prevent overeating

Knowing your ability to overeat, any feast must begin with vegetable salad. This will fill you up before heavier food is served. A prepared stomach will already release the enzymes necessary for digestion, and fiber will improve the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract. You need to eat slowly and chew your food thoroughly.

You can overeat not only at a party, it is quite possible to eat at home for lunch, even in the evening, deciding to drink a cup of tea. Too tasty food or favorite cakes can lead to overeating. This does not mean that you need to cook tastelessly or deny yourself a delicacy. It is enough to prepare lunch and dinner for one time, so that everyone has one serving. Of course, you will have to cook often, but your figure will be safe. And you should buy your favorite cakes one at a time, and don’t stock up on them for future use, because there’s a chance you won’t be able to resist and eat them all.

If overeating occurs constantly, you should observe yourself: why this is happening. Perhaps this is the body’s reaction to stress, the habit of constantly chewing something. In any case, you need to get rid of a bad habit. In the meantime, replace heavy snacks with something light: vegetables, unsweetened fruits, yogurts without fillers, kefir.

And, of course, you can’t blame yourself, much less engage in self-flagellation. You need to love yourself and forgive small weaknesses, promising not to overeat in the future.

Taking into account inclinations modern man to self-medication and self-flagellation, the “strong-willed” decisions of those affected by food to arrange fasting days for themselves are quite understandable.

This is where we get rid of unpleasant symptoms, and an attempt to reproach and punish oneself for abuse. But are fasting days always a way out of this situation? And if you decide to take such a step, then it is better to find out in advance about all the pros, cons, side effects and possible outcomes.

Payback after overeating

The price for overeating can be nausea and vomiting, a feeling of heaviness in the stomach, and sometimes even noticeable bloating. The stomach, not having time to process an excessive amount of food, begins to send it semi-digested to the intestines. The situation is aggravated by a deficiency in the function of enzyme systems, all of which leads to frequent semi-liquid stools and sometimes diarrhea.

A diametrical problem is also possible - constipation, which also does not lead to lightness in the stomach.

Stagnation of a large number undigested food in the intestines can lead to the formation of putrefactive fluids; these breakdown products can seriously poison the body. Hence the skin problems bad smell from the mouth and bad smell sweat, general deterioration.

Also, after overeating, drowsiness, decreased performance, physical activity and dulling of mental activity often appear.

In addition, frequent overeating can cause psychological problems, lower self-esteem, cause depression or affect your sex life.

After overeating: removing symptoms

The first thing you need to do is stop. Awareness of the very fact of overeating and refusal of further abuse will already become the basis for improving the condition.

If your health after overeating not only leaves much to be desired, but also raises serious concerns for your health, you should consult a doctor. If no frankly frightening conditions are observed, then lie down to rest. Within 30–40 minutes you will begin to feel better.

The only point - do not lie on your stomach, do not complicate the work of your stomach. But to help the gastrointestinal tract light massage stomach or a warm heating pad will not hurt.

If overeating makes itself felt, but you feel the strength to go for a short walk fresh air, then don't give it up. Light physical activity will stimulate the intestines, relieve it of accumulated gases and help normalize digestion.

A glass of tea with ginger, green tea or special herbal collection to improve performance gastrointestinal tract. A few tablets of digestive enzymes - pancreatin or its analogues - can also help.

However, they are not a panacea; over time, the effectiveness of the tablets will decrease, and the body, accustomed to outside help, will no longer cope with the required amount of work, which will lead to a worsening of the situation.

Fasting days after overeating

One of the most popular replacements for long-term diets and a way to “cure” from overeating is the practice of fasting days. The advantages include the opportunity to quickly rid the body of toxins and waste, give rest to an overworked gastrointestinal tract, and even lose a little weight.

The essence of the practice is to regularly, or after overeating, give up your usual food and its volumes, replacing it with some less high-calorie and healthier foods.

There is meaning in such diets as long as reason does not give way to fanaticism. Soberly assess your capabilities and do not abuse such fasting; your body, exhausted by hunger, will certainly take revenge on you as soon as free access to food opens again. And getting rid of the consequences of overeating and automatically preparing yourself for the next overeating is at least illogical.

Do not try to exhaust yourself with excessive exercise on fasting days. physical activity. Nutritionists even advise avoiding fitness clubs and gyms at this time, allowing the body to calmly go through a stressful situation.

Don't push yourself with diuretics and laxatives, but don't forget to drink more water. You can also increase your overall tone by visiting a sauna or herbal barrel, but these procedures must also be approached carefully - it is unlikely that such activities will be usefully carried out on the first day after a heavy overeating. It is better to plan them as the final stage of unloading, when your condition has already returned to normal.

Control yourself as you return from fasting days to the normal rhythm of life. Beware of overeating again - this can aggravate the problem and further upset your digestion.

It is worth remembering that fasting days are contraindicated:

  • during pregnancy and breastfeeding
  • children and teenagers
  • at diabetes mellitus
  • for diseases of the stomach, kidneys and liver
  • with general weakening of the body by illness

In all of the above cases, it is imperative to consult a doctor, otherwise an attempt to improve your health may turn into disaster.

  • You should not eat with company - a large number of friends can gradually increase you to an undesirable size. If an irresistible desire to eat attacks you at night, then a glass of kefir will come to the rescue. It will not only fill the emptiness in the stomach and soul, but also help with the functioning of the intestines
  • Avoid snacking while watching TV, laptop or reading a book. Being carried away by what is happening on the screen, we disconnect from the process of eating and cease to control it. After all, it’s a shame to swallow a treat and not taste its incomparable taste due to excessive concentration on the fate of your favorite character in the series
  • By chewing your food thoroughly, you will feel pleasant satiety without the accompanying heaviness in your stomach.
  • And lastly, give up any type of fast food - you will be healthier!