The child cannot sleep for a month. Why is this happening, and what to do? Causes of poor sleep in babies

What is hyperfatigue? The child wants to sleep, but cannot fall asleep because he is overtired. In turn, excitement accumulates due to the fact that the child sleeps little. It turns out to be a vicious circle. This exhausts parents terribly, which is why a hypertired child is a restless, constantly crying baby.

How to recognize hyperfatigue? If the child is well-fed, clean, nothing hurts, and he constantly cries (especially before falling asleep). If dreams have become short, 20-40 minutes long, and the child cannot fall asleep for a long time, then most likely this is hyperfatigue. Children who are hypertired sleep less than average, but when they wake up, they remain in a state of sleep for some time. good mood. They may wake up early in the morning (at 4-5 am) or sleep restlessly at night, often waking up crying.

What to do? To cope with hyperfatigue, I adhered to the following scheme:

1. Go to bed as often as possible at the first sign of drowsiness(rubs eyes, yawns, cries). The baby needs some sleep! After 3 months, children need to be put to sleep (even if they are taught to fall asleep on their own). When my son slept for 20-30 minutes at five months, we had to put him to bed very often; we had 5-6 naps during the day. At first my husband was against it (“Why are you torturing the child, let him fall asleep whenever he wants.”), but when we came out of hyperfatigue and the baby became much calmer (simply an angel), the husband admitted that these methods were effective. If you cannot determine whether the child wants to sleep or not, if he does not show any signs of fatigue, but on the contrary looks overexcited (this does not mean that he does not want to sleep), you need to monitor waking time(see next post) and arrange according to time. For example, a five-month-old baby woke up at 7 am, so be ready to put him to bed by 9 – 9:15. At the same time, you need to take time to fall asleep. If you have to rock the baby for 20 minutes, then start falling asleep ritual follows already at 8:40.
2. Watch your first nap of the day, if it is short (less than 50 minutes), then waking time (WT) on this day you need to cut back. For proper rest, a child needs at least 50 minutes. If the sleep was short, then the child will not be rested and will not withstand his usual nap. The first daytime dream is the most important; subsequent daytime dreams depend on it, and nighttime dreams depend on it. At hyperfatigue, children often sleep for 20-30 minutes. Short dreams- This real problem, which deserves a separate topic.
3. Lay for the night at 6-7 pm(how many hours per day are missing from the norm). For example, at five months a child should sleep about 15 hours a day; if he slept only 2 hours during the day, then in order to get enough sleep he needs to sleep 13 hours at night. If you usually get up at 7 am, then optimal time to fall asleep – 6 pm. If this is unacceptable for you, go to bed at least at 8 pm. Children, as a rule, already want to sleep at this time. For children over one year old, 9 pm is the latest bedtime. Do not think that because your child goes to bed early, he will have trouble sleeping at night or wake you up early in the morning. Practice shows that when going to bed early, the child, on the contrary, sleeps sounder and longer.
4. Only after it is worth establishing a way out of the vicious circle daily routine and teach falling asleep independently. Because any change is stressful for a child, there is no need to aggravate the situation with innovations.

Patience to you! It took us about two months to overcome hyperfatigue and establish a daily routine. Don’t let such a long period of time scare you; time with your child flies quickly and unnoticed. You can, of course, do nothing and blame everything on the child (“He’s so capricious and doesn’t want to sleep at all!”), but because of this, as a rule, the whole family suffers. I believe that up to 8 months there are no capricious children at all, there are inexperienced and ignorant parents.

Today we’ll talk about how to put a child to sleep at an older age. He may already be going to kindergarten, but he still has problems falling asleep.

— What to do if the child does not want to sleep? Well, he just can’t fall asleep!

What do you do when you don’t want to sleep or can’t fall asleep? There are two options: either you continue to stay awake, actively doing something until natural fatigue takes its toll, or you create conditions for yourself to fall asleep.

But first you analyze the situation: “What is stopping me from falling asleep? How to fix it? Maybe it's stuffy? Maybe it's noisy? Maybe tough? Maybe it's hot? Maybe thoughts are getting in the way?

Falling asleep: how to help your child

In the case of a child, you need to ask the same questions. And eliminate the cause.

  1. Too much short time wakefulness preceding night sleep. For example, a child got up late after nap. Then it’s logical to shift your bedtime a little. Of course, you need to adhere to a certain daily routine, but don’t follow it fanatically. You should not keep a child in bed who, for reasons known to you, does not want to sleep at all. There is no crime in the fact that a child falls asleep an hour later. It is more important that he falls asleep with pleasure.
  2. Difficulty switching from activity to sleep. If a child who is jumping around the room on a ball is removed from this ball and placed in bed, then the child will jump there too. It's like pulling an adult out of important negotiations and saying: “Sleep!” No, he won’t fall asleep. He will go over the arguments of his opponents in his head and calculate the consequences of disrupted negotiations.

The fact that it is time to sleep is clear to an adult, but not clear to a child. For a child, the phrase “It’s time to go to bed!” - a complete surprise. And surprise is stress: you didn’t have time, you didn’t finish. Give your child a chance to finish the game. Warn in advance that it will be bedtime soon. Teach your child to finish the game by playing out the story with him: “The cars went to the garage,” “The dolls went to bed.” Switch your child from active games to calm ones in advance, since calm games make the transition to sleep easier. Consider a falling asleep ritual - a familiar sequence of actions that will set you up for sleep.

  1. Availability external stimulus that interferes with falling asleep (light, sound). Try to remove the irritant or reduce its impact.
  2. Irritant inside - intrusive thought, fear, doubt. Talk to your child about this topic. Just ask a question and then listen carefully. The baby will tell you what is bothering him.
  3. Physical discomfort(new pillow of unusual height, scratchy pajamas, hot, stuffy). The simplest solution is to create comfortable conditions.

True, a tired child is able to fall asleep while sitting on the threshold in outerwear or on the rug next to the sofa, curled up on top of Lego pieces, or even with a spoon in hand over a bowl of soup... If your child doesn't want to sleep, maybe he doesn't have enough physical activity?

  1. Stressful situation, new conditions(you have to fall asleep in a new place, there are new people in the house for the child, the usual ritual of falling asleep is not performed). This happens when you travel. Give your child time to adapt and get used to an unfamiliar situation. Let him get used to the new place, communicate with previously unfamiliar people, explore everything that is of interest to him, and make sure that he is safe. And then try to follow the ritual of falling asleep - if not all, then at least some elements.
  2. Tension, overexcitement. Wash the baby. Get a relaxing massage. You can say something quietly. Calm, measured, monotonous speech has a calming effect. Read a book of fairy tales. In any folklore there are “soporific” works.
  3. The child has formed negative attitude to sleep, and it “turns on” the resistance. To sneak out of bed, a child can come up with a thousand and one reasons. He may actively sabotage your request to go to sleep or manipulate you. Jokers say about this behavior: “At the word “sleep,” the child is attacked by thirst, hunger and constipation...”

In this case, make sure that the bed only causes the child positive emotions. Together with him, figure out how to decorate it, choose bed linen together, preferably with a pattern that evokes sleep (I have children’s linen with sleeping teddy bears in pajamas, with owls against the background of a starry sky - the colors are dark, restrained). Let the bed be “sleepy” toy, who is already bored and calls the baby to join.

With sufficient daytime activity, quiet playtime before bed, adherence to the bedtime ritual, and a positive attitude towards the place of sleep, the child easily falls asleep. Don't make him sleep. Create conditions for falling asleep.

How to put your baby to sleep: 3 steps

“My son is three years old, and sometimes we go to bed in the evening for an hour and a half. I tried not to put him down, and in the end he could sit until two in the morning. I tried not to put him to bed during the day, but then he would pass out on his own at four o’clock, then wake up at seven, and “long live a fun night”... Oh falling asleep on your own I don’t even dream that I would fall asleep in my presence...”

It happens that increased nervous excitability prevents you from falling asleep. When I worked as a teacher in kindergarten, I have met such children. That is, in each group there were those who calmly lay down and fell asleep, and those who required a special approach. Some children cannot even lie still: they fidget with the blanket, scratch themselves, pick their noses, twirl their hair on their fingers, and twitch their eyebrows.

I sat on a chair next to the crib. With one hand she gently fixed the baby’s legs, placing her hand on her hip, and placed her other hand on her shoulder. Then I did very light rocking movements. This is an element from the body oriented therapy, which allows you to quickly reduce the tone of tense muscles, having a relaxing effect on nervous system.

Besides this I use breathing adjustment technique. An excited child's breathing is rapid and shallow. For the sleeper - uniform, deep. This means that in order for the child to fall asleep, you need to transfer his breathing to a different mode.

Keeping my hands on the child’s body, I join his breathing, breathe like him for a while - our inhalations and exhalations coincide. After a while, I begin to breathe more deeply and slowly, the way a person breathes in a state of relaxation. The child's breathing also became deeper.

This technique can be used on two children at the same time (I have two hands). That is, I put a high chair between the beds, right hand I put it on the shoulder of one child, and the left one on the shoulder of the second. Then I begin to gently rock back and forth, in time with my breathing. Oscillatory movements are passed on to children. Soon muscle relaxation sets in, breathing slows down, and the babies fall asleep. This takes three to five minutes. Maximum ten.

Another technique, after which half of my group instantly fell asleep - reading a fairy tale. But you need to read not artistically, with expression, but melodiously, even monotonously, gradually slowing down the pace of speech. Sentences must be pronounced slowly, while exhaling, and then pause for a smooth inhalation; this leads to the listener’s breathing slowing down.

I also shamelessly violated the original text, inserting into it phrases about relaxation, rest, sleep: “And then the bear thought (inhale, after which the next phrase is pronounced smoothly as you exhale), I’ll sit on a stump (inhale), eat a pie ( inhale), lie down on the grass (inhale), take a little nap (inhale). And Masha told him from the box (inhale): “Get some sleep (inhale), but don’t eat the pie...”

Marshak has a wonderful “fall asleep” poem: “The Tale of a Stupid Mouse.” And the rhythm is appropriate, and the often repeated phrase about sleep. The main thing is not to start reading with expression, imitating the neighing of horses and the grunting of pigs; you need to read this poem in a “trance” voice, with pauses, swaying, and if you know it by heart, then with eyes closed. (It would be impossible to fall asleep before the child here.)

The techniques described are very effective, but please note: before using them, you need to be calm and relaxed yourself. The most difficult thing for mothers, after the children have fallen asleep, is to scrape themselves out of the high chair, get them out of their sleepy trance and cheerfully go about doing their adult things, envying their sleeping children...

And one more important point. The issue of transition to sleep cannot be approached mechanistically. Even those children who generally fall asleep well sometimes need help. Observant parents are able to catch the child’s mood and understand whether he can fall asleep on his own or whether he needs help relieving the stress of the day: sit next to him, stroke his back, rub his hair, rock him.

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I wonder, what if you can’t relieve the stress of the day with any fairy tales, scratching or swaying?! Our daughter can lie there for an hour and a half, having fun, but not falling asleep. 5 years. What to do in this case?! At the same time, I know for sure that she gets tired in choreography classes. During the day he only sleeps for an hour and a half. Then I wake her up...

09.27.2018 00:51:49, Kotechka

We have one law: no games before bed, because then he gets overexcited and can’t sleep

Comment on the article "The child does not want to sleep: 8 reasons. Sleep of a child 3 years and older"

but WE want to sleep with the child more (at first) try to disagree:) she is like that herself and then she doesn’t want to, but she’s used to it and the child doesn’t want to sleep: 8 reasons. Sleep of a child 3 years and older. Is it easy to put a child to sleep? I don’t know how it is with anyone, but with us, falling asleep always...


As a mother of 2 friends who fall asleep for a long time, I will say that the child needs to be tired. True, everyone needs their own: one physically, another intellectually, etc. For example, the most problematic one did not fall asleep at this age... until she painted 100 sheets of paper with black paint.
The youngest listens to audio (at first these were calm fairy tales), now akathists, Valaam, northern two-part music are a hit, New Testament. Not everyone, of course, but melody, a certain rhythm, monotony - they put you to sleep.
+ a night light in the form of swimming fish (it’s literally zombie-like).
Yes, when we were little, we still loved Banilaska, Google it.
What about night lights that project pictures onto the ceiling? mmm.. beauty Look by age, of course.

It seems to me that this topic is not as relevant for anyone as it is for me. I tried everything, now we are 2.5 years old. Walking around and being tired made rituals even more exciting - the child began to be afraid of them, because they bring her even closer to sleep: she always loved to swim, but now you can’t drag her into the bathtub, then you can’t drag her out of the bathtub, and so on every step towards the bedroom. I wrote below about the Spanish doctor’s method; after 2 days of using it, I feel like a fascist. What the neurologist prescribed was a temporary and insignificant effect. Good effect gave a douche cold water, but got sick, I don’t risk resuming yet. All that remains is to adapt to the 11 p.m. sleep schedule. Thank God that recent months We fall asleep without crying, otherwise I used to fall asleep to my own roar.

Child from 1 to 3. Raising a child from one to three years: hardening and development, nutrition and illness, daily routine and development of household skills. In the morning she screams, “I don’t want to go to the garden,” but in the afternoon she went and went to bed! Here is a clear answer to your question: leave your child to sleep when...


Tears are for you, but for the teacher there are no tears :))) she knows best
and it’s better to take a day off than to pick it up earlier - yes

How earlier than that It’s better, otherwise he’ll get used to mom coming after dinner. My friend is like this now, until lunch it’s normal, and then she’s in real trouble, crying that she’ll sleep at home, then she’ll come back after sleep)))

Section: Sleep (if a child at 3 years old does not go to bed, he throws tantrums). Problem with daytime sleep. My son (he's almost 4 years old) doesn't want to go to bed during the day. If she goes to bed, it’s with hysterics and screams. Does anyone have the same problem?

Section: Sleep (if a child at 3 years old does not go to bed, he throws tantrums). Section: Nannies, kindergartens (if a child does not want to sleep in kindergarten, he throws a tantrum). It seemed to me that the adaptation to daytime sleep lasted 2 months and a month to get used to sleep.


It seemed to me that the adaptation to daytime sleep lasted 2 months and a month to get used to sleep. We've been going for two years now, he doesn't cry, but he doesn't want to go to kindergarten either. I would still advise you to stick to the regime: in the morning, say that you have urgent matters and need to go somewhere (it’s better to go to a place where your daughter doesn’t want to go or can’t go, or is far away, or tell mom about the injection), and then I'll pick up lunch. And so on until it works out normally (ask your teacher). And then come up with more things to do and leave them for sleep. And more good mood!

Last year we went to 1.11. We went to NG for 2/2 weeks (approximately), it didn’t work out anymore, it was at least 4 days. They only started staying for sleep around February (but for us everything was also tied to the menu - that is, when at least something was possible for lunch).
I started walking normally around the end of January. But our teacher was very wise - she said that we could leave her for sleep.
We always went with a toy. He always carried it in his hands.
This year it hasn’t been released yet, but the adaptation will be new, because... We moved to the kindergarten group, and we haven’t been going since May...

How to train yourself to sleep separately. Parental experience. Child from 3 to 7. Education, nutrition, daily routine, visiting kindergarten and relationships + 1. We bought new furniture, the child was delighted and himself expressed a desire to sleep in a new beautiful crib. He's been sleeping ever since...


Eh, I would like your problems. From birth, Anyutik basically sleeps peacefully only separately, if you put him next to him, he screams. Just recently I started pampering my mother - she comes at night and goes to bed, her warm little bundle snoring next to her.

Come on! Mine still love to fall asleep with me. The older one then almost leaves on her own (you just need to give her direction and make sure she doesn’t count the corners), and we carry the little one. They always sleep at home.

doesn't want to sleep alone. Child-parent relationships. Child psychology. Child, 6 years old. Quite a problematic, overly anxious, shy boy. He sleeps with his mother. Until recently, I (my mother) put him to bed, he fell asleep and I calmly studied...


You visited a bad psychologist if the child’s condition is not taken into account. Maybe try another psychologist?

Do not frighten the child with his fears anymore. He needs you now, because he cannot overcome them within himself. Consistency and peace are needed. And you, for your part, propose, in the name of your, undoubtedly important, “your affairs,” to suddenly bring down another burden on him traditional upbringing, to which he is not accustomed. The psychologist’s recommendations work well on healthy children and are not always applicable to neurotics. Consult with a neurologist, otherwise such “re-education” can reinforce old fears and create new neurotic reactions. You will have to tinker for a while - putting them to bed, sleeping in at least one room, reassuring that you are nearby .Well, at least stroke your back at night. A soothing bath at night. A predictable regimen, even with activities. IMHO: I wouldn’t advise changing your attitude towards your child now - like any adult\and he is already an “adult”\it will be difficult for him to understand , why, instead of the reasonable arguments that were given to him before, harsh training suddenly began. Be patient. For my eldest and I, this period lasted 6 years, after the birth of the youngest, she gradually moved to her own bed, although the fears persisted for a long time. Even now she is uncomfortable if I or my sister sleeps in another room. But the youngest had it at will, like this, like it or that. And she seemed to have fears .. but SHE LOVES TO SLEEP ALONE. and left my bed at the age of 4 to another room. and now sleeps in the living room, because she likes it. alone in the room! And not because. the psychologist prescribed. and because. I’ll yell at you, but I’ll calm you down. Insomnia before a performance and fatigue also happen. But she determines her own activities, I don’t push in either direction, as long as she does what she loves. I experienced this problem myself as a child. I remember that the results of “raising by the rules” of an obedient child were expressed in persistent insomnia, sleepwalking, chewed pencils and braids, terrible dreams and complete parental splendor. Choose what is more important to you. And from this you dance in choosing a method of education. IMHO: young animals do not have no psychologists, no Oedipus complex \trust your instinct\ - all they have is their mother’s warm belly. nest. just like ours - not for long.

Good day, dear parents. Today we will talk about a situation when a child does not want to go to bed. You will find out why this happens, consider individual options daytime, nighttime sleep, as well as quiet time in kindergarten. You will find out the reasons why your baby cannot fall asleep when he really wants to. Ways to solve the current problem will be considered.

Why do you need to sleep during the day?

Dreaming during the daytime is important for the full development of the little toddler. They have a beneficial effect on a good mood, the absorption of information, and remove the stress hormone cortisol from the body. Thanks to sleep during the day, the baby accumulates energy and gets physical rest. As children grow older, they gradually stop going to bed at daytime. However, one must take into account the possibility of premature withdrawal, which can lead to serious stress on the baby’s nervous system. For parents to understand whether their little one is ready to completely give up daytime dreams, they need to pay attention to a number of signs:

  • the baby is in a good mood throughout the day;
  • due to the fact that the little one went to bed during the day, he cannot fall asleep for a very long time in the evening hours;
  • parents spend a lot of time trying to lull their baby to sleep during the day, sometimes they succeed, and at other times they are unsuccessful;
  • If the child does not sleep during the day, go to bed in a timely manner in the evening and sleep soundly throughout the night.

According to statistics:

  • at 3 years of age, 90% of children have daytime sleep;
  • in 4 – 50% five times a week;
  • at 5 years - 25%, on average 4 times a week;
  • at 6 years old - children give up daytime dreams.

Daytime sleep problems

Sometimes parents are faced with a situation where the child does not want to sleep during the day. In most cases, this is observed in children aged 2 years. The reasons for this behavior may be the following factors.

  1. Late awakening. This leads to the fact that the baby does not have time to get tired. If a child does not have a routine and wakes up at the time he wants, for example, at 10 o’clock, then the period of wakefulness is not enough to go to bed at lunchtime.
  2. Excess of emotions does not allow you to go to bed. This can happen when guests arrive in your home or when they try to put the child to bed, for example, at a grandmother’s.
  3. Uncomfortable bed. Perhaps the little one is hot under the blanket or he doesn’t like the new pillow, maybe he has grown up and is now cramped in the crib.
  4. Lack of active games and walks fresh air. The child does not expend energy in the required amount, so there is no need for daytime rest.
  5. Distractions. It is difficult for a child to fall asleep if the room is too cold or hot, the lights are on, or extraneous noise is heard.
  6. Child hyperactivity. Perhaps your little one is simply too active and, in principle, it is difficult for him to stay in one place for a long time and do nothing.

How to help your baby

  1. Be sure to walk in the morning and allow him to move more. It's good to spend energy and get tired, you can use or. You can have a great time and tire your baby out by jumping on a trampoline.
  2. Establish a daily routine. Wake up your baby early. It is advisable that waking up and going to bed always occur at the same time.
  3. Please ensure that the room has optimal temperature and humidity and that there are no irritating factors.
  4. Provide your child with quiet playtime, starting an hour before bedtime.
  5. If you still can’t get your baby to sleep, then don’t be nervous, scold or blackmail your child. It’s better to just do something pleasant, for example, draw together.
  6. You shouldn’t rule out the possibility that your child simply stopped sleeping during the day. In this case it night sleep should increase and emotional state should be great.
  7. It must be remembered that children fall asleep more slowly than adults, especially during the day. Give your baby at least half an hour to do this.
  8. If your child gets too busy playing, carefully redirect his attention to a calm activity. You can play with the same toys, but in calmer games. And then move on, for example, to reading.
  9. Set an example for your child. An older brother or mother can lie down next to him.

My son, when he was 3 years old, had a period when he agreed to go to bed during the day only if I lay down next to him. So they fell asleep together.

  1. Explain to your child why it is so important to go to bed during the day.

Unwillingness to sleep at night

Probably, many parents are faced with a situation where the child does not want to sleep at night. What are the reasons for this behavior?

  1. Active and active games in the evening, just before bedtime. It could also be some new activity, for example, a child is looking at a new book, he is very interested in it, of course, he does not want to go to bed.
  2. Fear of staying in a dark room.
  3. A recent nightmare. The child may be afraid that this will happen again.
  4. The little one tries to stay awake for as long as possible in order to spend more time with his mother. Especially if the child lacks her attention.
  5. If shortly before bedtime the baby was present during a quarrel or was in a noisy room.
  6. Can't sleep in a new place.
  7. Uncomfortable clothes or a hot blanket, an uncomfortable pillow.
  8. Incorrect temperature or high humidity in the room.
  9. The little one cannot sleep because he is thirsty or very hungry.
  10. The child may have trouble sleeping at night due to the onset of the disease.

At the age of 1, my niece often made scenes for her mother and did not want to sleep at night. So they stayed awake together until midnight. At the same time, Nastena felt great, was full of strength and energy, happily sat and drew.

How to solve the problem

  1. Create a bedtime ritual:
  • read fairy tales;
  • take a bath;
  • get a massage.
  1. Closer to bedtime, carefully switch your child’s attention to calm activities; do not give your baby new toys or books before bedtime.
  2. If necessary, lie down next to your little one.
  3. If you have a baby, leave the light on. This could be a night light or a light on in the hallway.
  4. Eliminate noise and bright lighting in the afternoon.
  5. Avoid quarrels and scandals in the presence of a child.
  6. If your baby has difficulty falling asleep in a new place, do not scold him; it is difficult for him to adapt.
  7. Create a daily routine. Make sure that your baby develops, goes to bed at the same time, and has a timely nap during the day.
  8. If the little one is hungry before going to bed, then the mother should think about how to feed him correctly during the day so that this does not happen.
  9. Buy a soft toy that will act as a child's sleep guard. Tell your baby that his new teddy friend came specifically to give him sweet dreams.
  10. If the little one does not fall asleep and is moping, perhaps something hurts. Be more careful and, if necessary, show your baby to the doctor.


Some children who refuse to sleep during the day at home are happy to go to bed when they enter preschool. According to psychologists, this happens due to the fact that the baby finds himself in the company of other children and does not want to be different from them or simply follows the instructions of the teacher together. Other toddlers, on the contrary, easily go to bed at lunchtime at home, but not in kindergarten.

Why doesn't the toddler sleep?

  1. Change of environment and adaptation period. Parents should be prepared for the fact that the baby may not be able to go to bed during the day in kindergarten for the first month.
  2. Fear of separation from mother. Being in a preschool institution is already a serious stress for the toddler’s body; he experiences increased anxiety. The child may worry that if he goes to bed, he will miss his mother's return.
  3. Having daily sleep rituals. You will definitely encounter the problem that your child does not want to sleep in kindergarten if you have taught him to fall asleep to lullabies or with a bottle in his mouth.
  4. Late morning rise. It is possible that if there is not enough activity, the child will refuse to go to bed. It is important to know that before a kindergarten baby goes to bed during the day, he needs to walk for at least six hours.
  5. No routine on weekends. You may encounter the problem of sleep refusal in kindergarten if your baby wakes up and goes to bed at a different time on weekends than on weekdays, and also if he doesn’t go to bed during the day.

What to do

  1. If the problem is in the adaptation period, then the baby will soon get used to it and everything will work out.
  2. If the little one is afraid of parting with his mother, you must follow these recommendations:
  • When visiting kindergarten in the first days, pick up your child before naptime, then after, but be sure to be in a good mood and it is advisable to go for a walk after that;
  • talk to your baby, explain that naps are just as important in the garden as at home;
  • don’t forget to tell your little one how much you love him, hug him and cuddle him often;
  • establish contact with the teacher, it is important for you to be aware of everything that is happening in the garden;
  • If a child has a favorite soft toy, then let him take it with him to kindergarten so that the baby can fall asleep more calmly, hugging his plush friend.
  1. If your little one falls asleep after performing certain rituals, then when he approaches kindergarten, cancel all customs and teach your child to fall asleep without it.
  2. Wake up your baby in the morning at a time so that he has at least six hours before his nap in the garden.
  3. Find out in advance what the routine is in the preschool institution, and teach your child to this routine. Do not forget to comply with it on weekends.

You can read the article about.

Tired baby can't sleep

Some children, when it is time to go to bed, remain cheerful and cheerful, and do not want to fall asleep at all. However, there are situations when a child wants to sleep, but cannot fall asleep. If at the same time parents notice that the baby is sleepy, moping, crying, most likely he has hyperfatigue. In such a situation, the following measures can be taken:

  • start putting your baby to bed as soon as you see that he is sleepy;
  • it is important that small child slept at least fifty minutes during the day;
  • lie down next to him so that the little one is calmer.

Remember that you cannot yell at your baby, especially him for such behavior.

Now you know for what reasons a child may refuse daytime or nighttime sleep, as well as dreams in kindergarten. Follow the recommendations outlined in this article and everything will work out for you. The main thing is not to despair and never take it out on your baby if he refuses to sleep.

Often the answer to the question: “Why do children sleep poorly or not sleep at all?” becomes a joke: “But they shouldn’t...” But not all mothers find it funny... In this article we will describe in detail the 11 main reasons that can deprive your child and you of a calm and healthy sleep. And we will give specific recommendations that will help you change the current situation.

We consider the following to be the most important reasons:

  • Violation of habitual rituals
  • Negative sleep associations
  • Abrupt change of activity
  • Incorrect sleep atmosphere
  • Late bedtime
  • Health problems
  • Study period
  • Lack of attention and care

Incorrect daily routine and amount of sleep

The most common reason why a baby refuses to sleep, sleeps little, wakes up frequently, or cries in his sleep is an incorrect daily routine or insufficient sleep.

Somnologists identify special cyclical periods in the human body during which our hormonal background changes in such a way as to make it easier to fall asleep. At this time, body temperature decreases and metabolic processes slow down and it is easy for the child to move from a state of wakefulness to sleep. According to the studies carried out, it can be distinguished following periods times at which these hormones reach their highest concentration:

8:30-9:00 - time of first sleep for babies up to 6 months;

12:30-13:00 - lunchtime nap (this time is perfect for all children who still sleep during the day);

18:00-20:00 - best time to go to bed at night.

It is during these periods of time that, using hormones as assistants, we will be able to put our children to sleep with most likely success.

In addition, it is worth paying attention to the fact that at each age the baby has its own norms. total duration sleep and wakefulness intervals, compliance with these norms will prevent the child from becoming overtired. An overtired child is not able to sleep soundly, because in his body “passions are raging” from the stress hormone cortisol released during untimely bedtime or short, fragmented sleep.

What to do:

We form a child’s daily routine taking into account his physiology and biological rhythms

We comply age standards duration of sleep (day + night)

We make sure that the intervals of wakefulness correspond to the baby’s age and do not overtire him

Violation of habitual rituals

All children need routine and order. Knowing what awaits them next gives them a sense of security, comfort and the opportunity to prepare for a change in activity. Children cannot tell time by clocks and are guided by the repeated actions of their parents, which is why rituals that precede sleep are so important.

You can start teaching rituals and creating your own unique ritual from birth, and then simply modify it slightly, depending on the age and needs of your child.

Typically, bedtime rituals include things like putting away toys, a warm bath, a massage, reading a book, a lullaby, good-night kisses, and a wish of “Sweet dreams.” Traveling, sleeping in a new place, or simply not following the rituals often deprives children of the opportunity to prepare for sleep and leads to crying and protest at bedtime.

What to do:

Just come up with your own unique family ritual before bed. Include in it something that you will be happy to repeat day after day.

Be patient, try to ensure that no matter where your baby goes to bed, the time is the same; take your child’s favorite blanket and pillow with you on the trip, the toy he loves most and this will allow him to feel at least a little at home.

Download a white noise app on your tablet or phone to reduce distracting sounds. If possible, repeat the entire home ritual, this will calm the child and give him the opportunity to fall asleep faster and more peacefully. Do not use watching cartoons or playing games on a tablet as a ritual. Shimmering blue screen renders irritant effect on optic nerve child, destroys the formed sleep hormone - melatonin and has an exciting effect on the child.

Do not give up rituals for as long as possible, but introduce them into your baby’s life as early as possible and the results will not keep you waiting.

Negative associations

What parents can come up with to put a child to sleep: the obligatory presence of the mother nearby, rocking in a crib or in her arms, jumping on a fitball, additional feeding before bedtime, which is designed for the child to overeat and fall asleep, a pacifier, a trip in the car or sleep only in a stroller when moving, even sometimes the chest, and this is not a complete list.

Everything we use to help a child sleep can become a kind of “crutch” that, in fact, will prevent the baby from sleeping soundly and peacefully. If a child, having woken up, can no longer fall asleep on his own, but is looking for and calling his mother, asking for a bottle or rocking, waiting for some kind of help from his parents, then it’s time to get rid of a bad habit (relevant for children after 4 months). The sooner we start teaching a child to self-soothe, the deeper and longer his sleep will be, because he will not need additional stimuli to fall asleep. Negative associations with sleep are one of the most difficult problems, but nevertheless solvable.

What to do:

First, determine what is a kind of “crutch” for your child’s sleep.

Make a decision for yourself that you will work to teach your baby to fall asleep on his own and stick to it, even in the most difficult moments. Do not forget that you are doing this for the benefit of the child, because sleep with bad habits does not have a complete restorative effect, since it is often fragmented, which means it does not give the baby enough rest.

Choose a path for yourself: fast or gradual and start acting.

Abrupt change of activity

Children cannot quickly switch from one activity to another, especially since they need time to prepare for bed. And, naturally, if you try to put a child playing happily to sleep, he may not like it and will cause a real protest with crying and screaming. In addition, the older the child gets, the more he likes to spend time with his parents, play, learn something new, develop new skills, and babies can consciously refuse sleep from the age of 4-5 months.

To avoid this, try to think through your daily routine so that the time before daytime and nighttime sleep is filled quiet games, reading books. You should not let your child watch cartoons before bed. Form and adhere to at least a short bedtime ritual every day, which will allow your baby to prepare, tune in to sleep and calm down. Moreover, the daytime ritual may be even more important than the nighttime one, because it is with daytime sleep that difficulties often arise.

What to do:

10-15 minutes before putting your baby to bed, try to pick him up, hug him, and calm him down a little. Older children can be warned about what awaits them: “Baby, we’ll soon be going to bed.” Just make sure that the child heard you, or better yet, repeat this several times, using different phrases, for example: “If you want to grow up like dad, you should rest, because when you sleep, you grow,” “Look at your hands.” , look at your legs, they are very tired, you played and ran so much today, let’s rest a little now,” “Let’s go, let’s put the doll to bed and rest a little ourselves.”

Put away toys before bedtime if the child sleeps in his own room so that they do not distract him.

For children over one and a half years old, you can tell therapeutic tale for the night.

Don't forget about rituals. Of course, during the day we don’t always bathe the child before bed or read a book, but changing into special clothes for sleep, darkness in the room, white noise is already a kind of preparation for sleep

Incorrect sleep atmosphere

We have all heard the phrase: “Sleeps like a baby” and, indeed, for the first 3-4 weeks the child easily falls asleep in almost any noise and even in bright light, but children grow and very soon they need more comfortable sleeping conditions.

The baby may be distracted by sounds from the street or house noises - this is not difficult to fix by closing the window and turning on “white noise” in the room where the baby sleeps, which will absorb harsh sounds and allow the child to sleep more peacefully.

Bright light gives the brain an indication that it is time to be awake, and it stops producing the sleep hormone melatonin, which is why it is worth closing the curtains in the room where the baby sleeps. It is especially important to close the curtains during daytime sleep, which is often difficult.

It is also worth taking care of fresh air, ventilating the room before going to bed, and the temperature, which for comfortable sleep should not be higher than 21 degrees. Humidity, especially when the heating is on in winter, will help keep a humidifier or at least a damp towel on the radiator.

What to do:

Install a thermometer in the room where your baby sleeps to create a comfortable temperature for him.

Use dark curtains or blinds that block out as much sunlight as possible.

Use “white noise”, it is not addictive, does not form attachment, and does not become prerequisite for sleep. Noise can be used even in adults. “White noise” is the sound of a broken radio wave, the sound of rain or surf; it not only muffles sharp sounds that can frighten the baby, but also puts him back to sleep during light awakenings.

Remove all distractions from the crib: extra toys, extra blankets, pillows. Remove the mobile and canopy if the child is already sitting up in bed and can reach them.

Late bedtime

If a child is overtired, it is much more difficult for him to go to bed. The baby's sleep is anxious and fragmented, he cries in his sleep, wakes up and is no longer able to fall asleep on his own - this is how cortisol accumulated in the body, which is also called the stress hormone, acts.

The best bedtime for a child, up to school age, the time will be from 19:00 to 20:30. At this time, it produces a sleep hormone that will allow the baby to calm down and sleep more soundly.

Many families postpone the child's bedtime so that the baby has time to communicate with the father, who comes home late from work, so that the parents can go visit in the evening, either because it seems that he is not tired yet, or so that the child wakes up later in the morning. But whatever your reason, consider that by putting your baby to sleep in accordance with his biological rhythms, we provide him with a healthy and deep sleep, which restores the baby’s strength and develops his brain.

What to do:

Of course, communication with the father is very valuable, but we feed the child when he is hungry, without waiting for the whole family to come for dinner, so why tire the child with a late bedtime if morning time can be allocated for communication. For example, while you are preparing breakfast, the father can play, feed or just be with the baby; the father also has the whole weekend and holidays. At least try not to play with the baby when you come home late from work, but to immediately include dad in the bedtime ritual.

Don’t forget about yourself, putting your child to bed early frees up the evening for mom, meaning you can make time for yourself or to communicate with your spouse.

Health problems

A month after birth, almost all parents face terrible word colic. If after almost every feeding, at least three times a day, for more than one hour, and every day without days off, the baby cries, then we can say with confidence that the baby has colic. Of course, it is impossible to put the baby to bed in this state, so first we try to help him and calm him down. Usually this period ends by 4 months and as soon as the period of colic passes, the babies begin to teethe, and again the whole family does not sleep...

In addition, it is possible allergic reactions, accompanied by itching and preventing the baby from falling asleep, difficulty breathing due to a cold, snoring, neurological and other health problems that prevent the child from sleeping. To resolve these situations, consultation with a specialist is often necessary.

What to do:

If you have any doubts about your baby’s health, be sure to consult a specialist.

Colic and teething are temporary phenomena, and if you try to stick to the regime as best you can during this difficult period, then as soon as the pain disappears, the baby will quickly return to normal.

During periods of exacerbation of health problems, try not to change anything in the bedtime routine and rituals, do not transfer from one bed to another, and do not transfer to your room, delay weaning and giving up the pacifier.

Study period

As soon as we figured out, as it seems to us, all the difficulties and taught the baby to fall asleep on his own, he learned to sit, then stand up in the crib, and now we are again faced with the fact that it is difficult for him to fall asleep. And really, how can you fall asleep here, if you understand that you can no longer just lie down, but sit in the crib, and your hands are itching to pull yourself up over the side and stand up, and then a new word has become attached and is still spinning on your tongue. Children may indeed begin to sleep more restlessly if they are learning some new skill, but this is a temporary period and lasts on average up to two weeks.

What to do:

Try to ensure that the baby has enough time during the day during wakefulness to practice sitting, crawling, standing independently, and then, while in the crib, he will also try to learn a new skill - falling asleep on his own.

Sometimes children begin to sleep lightly due to the fact that they master the skill of going to the potty at night. Be patient, this won't last long.

Stick to the routine and don’t forget about the rituals.

Lack of attention and care

We have more and more household appliances In order to save time, we are constantly in a hurry and are still late, we do the urgent, but forget about the important. How ironed are the diapers, is there any dust in hard-to-reach places, has all of them been cleaned? antibacterial agents, killing all unimaginable microbes - for a child none of this matters. The baby needs his mother nearby.

Children are very sensitive creatures and if it seems to them that their mother does not spend enough time with them during the day, then they will seek communication with her at night. It is possible that you had to go to work earlier or there are several children in the family and the time that you can devote to the baby is limited - do not blame yourself, but look for opportunities to be with him.

What to do:

For example, when walking with older children or doing simple housework, carry your baby in a sling or ergo backpack.

Take a bath with your baby.

Buy a playpen or put a blanket on the floor so your baby can play with toys in the same room where you are.

Finally, without being able to pick it up, talk to the child.

Inconsistency in actions

Many will agree with me that children are the greatest manipulators. Since my mother didn’t allow me, I’ll ask my dad, it didn’t work out with my dad - there’s a grandfather, and then my grandmother will help me achieve my goal. In order not to confuse the child in the daily routine, sleep ritual, etc., coordination between parents and relatives is necessary, which can influence the baby.

What to do:

The most important thing in the process of going to bed, changing your routine, giving up any negative sleep habits, and moving into your crib will be calm and confident behavior moms. Of course, the baby will make attempts to return to the previous regime, old habits, etc., but be firm in your decisions and act consistently.

Tell everyone who lives with you your bedtime rules, explain them in terms of their importance for the child and ask them to help you follow them, then the baby will not have a chance to manipulate you.

Try to involve dad in putting him to bed, often they can do it even better than we can, and it’s much more difficult to manipulate them.

Early move to a big bed

The time comes, the children grow up and the question arises of how to transfer the baby to sleep in his own bed from the parents' bed, to the children's room or from a small crib to a large bed.

How to understand that the baby is ready for such a step and make the relocation more relaxed for the child? Best age for such castling it will be 2.5-3 years, it is at this time that the baby can already control himself and his emotions so much that the sides no longer become a necessity.

If a family appears new baby, then do not give him the older one’s crib, but buy a new one or temporarily use a stroller to sleep the baby (if you have a good mattress). A new family member, with his mother constantly around him, is already stressful, and if he is also given a bed, then trouble is inevitable.

What to do:

If the decision to move to another bed is finally made, then try to help the baby get through this as easily as possible. For example, you can sleep on your baby’s sheets for the last few nights so that the retained scent will help him calm down at night in a new place. Also, under the sheet, mom can put her worn T-shirt and bra pads.

Have you ever had this happen: a child wants to sleep, but cannot fall asleep and cries, is capricious, and bends over? Of course it happened, because there is nothing surprising in this. This happens, for some often, for others rarely. What is the reason and how to deal with it, I tell you in this article.

In addition to ailments or illness (colic, nasal congestion, etc.), there are three main reasons.

1. Overdid it

The nervous system of children is unstable, and often overexcitation prevails over inhibition. Perhaps the baby was ready to fall asleep, but got distracted, started playing, and that’s it, the moment was missed, stress hormones accumulated. It's hard for a person.

The baby seems to be struggling with sleep, trying to fall asleep, but can no longer cope. In order to avoid such a picture of events, you need to know. Responsibility for maintaining rhythms lies with the mother, as the leader in the mother-baby pair.

In the case of over-walking, the following recommendations can help the mother:

  • Keep calm.
  • Listen to the child, sympathize, offer the breast. Babies up to 6 months. pump up a little (if necessary), turn on “white noise” (pour yourself a glass of water, turn on the kettle), swaddle babies up to 1.5-3 months. Read more about this
  • try to fall asleep with your child.

2. Didn't do enough

And this also applies to rhythms. Especially during transitional periods, when the baby is ready to stay awake a little longer, and the mother insists on sleep, the child expresses dissatisfaction when you put him to bed and yells. In this case, you can let the child walk for another 15-20 minutes and try to put him to sleep again. If he doesn’t want to fall asleep, another 15.

The child should be put down for no longer than 10-15 minutes. If the baby latches on to the breast, and after 15 minutes comes away satisfied, it means that he is ready to stay awake some more.

It is not always easy for a child to immediately understand whether a child is awake a little or a lot. In this case, you should proceed by trial and error. Focusing on the rhythms, try to put your child to bed 10 minutes earlier; if this option does not work, then give him more time to stay awake. The child's condition should be monitored. In the end it will be clear what to do.

Children read our mood, so the key to comfortable falling asleep is compliance with the rhythms and the state of the mother.

3. Unmet needs

An older person, for example, 1-1.5 years old, may experience a feeling of hunger or a desire to pee. Unlike adults, children need to eat before going to bed.

In addition, there are several important rules that will make it easier for you to put your baby to bed:

  • Place the baby in different positions that are comfortable for the mother. Because the mother has the biological right to choose a position, as the leader in the mother-baby pair.
  • Don't create special conditions for daytime sleep - silence, darkness, etc., all this will complicate falling asleep in unusual conditions.
  • After 3 months, exclude dreams on the street - otherwise addiction will appear, which is not always convenient. In addition, sleeping on the street creates unnecessary difficulties for the child in the form of air movements, exhaust gases and other emissions, which are concentrated precisely at the level of the stroller. It is better to ventilate the room well before going to bed.
  • Keep your baby active and awake so he can fall asleep better.

Observe your child, his signals, his condition. Show love and patience. You will succeed! Yes, sometimes children are like little aliens with whom it is not clear how to handle and how to decipher their language. If you feel this way, check out these awesome courses for new mothers that will definitely help you:

"Natural Parenting: myths and reefs"

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