Recipe for preparing an infusion for liver diseases. Photo: what corn silks look like

Corn- not a burden on the farm.

Corn is an annual plant of the cereal family, up to 3 meters high. It is cultivated in our country to obtain oil and feed for livestock. Corn columns with silks are prepared for medical purposes. They are collected during the corn harvest, dried in the shade, and stored in paper bags. The raw materials contain fatty and essential oils, sitosterol, bitterness, chlorophyll, gums, resins, glycosides, saponins, alkaloids, sugars, vitamins: C, K, D, E, group B.

Corn stalks with silks have a pronounced choleretic effect, increase the secretion of bile, reduce its viscosity. Strengthen the contraction of the walls of the gallbladder, lower the bilirubin content, increase urination, increase blood clotting, dissolve stones in gallbladder, kidneys, bladder, lower blood sugar, promote the restoration of liver cells - hepatocytes.

Preparations from corn columns and silks are used for diseases of the liver, pancreas and biliary tract: cholangitis, chronic cholecystitis, biliary dyskinesia, chronic hepatitis, cholelithiasis, chronic pancreatitis.

Corn stalks and silks are included in the collection medicinal plants which are prescribed for cancer various localizations accompanied by liver metastases.

Prescribed drugs from corn silk and corn silk for diseases gastrointestinal tract: chronic gastritis, irritable bowel syndrome, accompanied by constipation. By increasing intestinal motility, stool is normalized. Thanks to corn oil, spasms and pain in the intestines are reduced.

Corn silks and corn stalks are used for kidney diseases and bladder: chronic pyelonephritis and chronic cystitis, as well as urolithiasis, especially when uric acid salts (urates) and phosphate salts are determined in urine tests.

Since corn preparations help lower blood sugar, they are used, along with diet, for diabetes mellitus, especially non-insulin-dependent diabetes. And because corn oil and an infusion of corn silks and columns is removed uric acid, corn preparations are actively used for gout.

The diuretic effect of corn preparations allows them to be prescribed for edema lower limbs renal and cardiac origin.

Corn preparations can be used as a hemostatic agent for hemorrhagic diathesis, nasal, gastric, intestinal and uterine bleeding of various origins.

Corn oil significantly lowers the cholesterol level in the blood and is therefore used for the prevention and complex treatment of atherosclerosis of cerebral vessels, heart vessels, and lower extremity vessels.

In case of obesity, due to the unsaturated fatty acids contained in corn oil, as well as due to increased bile secretion and increased intestinal motility, there is a noticeable decrease in body weight. Reducing appetite with regular use of corn silk extract is also important.

Corn oil is used to prepare preparations for the treatment of various skin diseases.

Corn oil is widely used in dietary nutrition: it is used to season salads, and fried potatoes, fish, and vegetables. Corn oil is especially in demand during Lent.

Glutamic acid is obtained from corn waste, which is prescribed for various diseases central nervous system / epilepsy, psychosis /, with progressive muscular dystrophy, with polymyelitis and with Down's disease.

An infusion is prepared from corn columns and stigmas: 2 tbsp. spoons of raw materials pour 1 liter of water, boil over low heat in an enamel pan with the lid closed for 20 minutes, leave for 40 minutes. Drink by? glasses 4 times a day, 15-20 minutes before meals. The course of treatment is 1-2 months or more.

Pharmacies have a liquid extract of corn silk /Extractum Stigmatis maydis fluidum/, prepared in 70% alcohol. Do you prescribe it 30-40 drops 2-3 times a day before meals, with a drink? glasses of liquid. The course of treatment is 1-2 months.

Chronic pancreatitis treatment folk remedies, about this today we'll talk. Chronic pancreatitis is inflammation of the pancreas. Most often, chronic pancreatitis is a continuation of acute pancreatitis.
This disease is characterized by both periods of exacerbation and periods of remission. The disease is long-term and can last for years.

With painful form chronic pancreatitis, constant pain appears in the upper half of the abdomen, the pain radiates to the chest, to the left half of the lower back, to the region of the heart. And also the pain may intensify after a nutritional disorder. Diarrhea may occur periodically.

The course of chronic pancreatitis can be progressive and can lead to all sorts of complications and dysfunction of the pancreas.

Symptoms of chronic pancreatitis: appetite worsens, belching appears, there may be nausea, vomiting, work disturbances digestive tract, gas formation is observed in the intestines, and stool disturbance occurs.

The main causes of chronic pancreatitis are diseases of the biliary system, liver disease, alcoholism, and intestines, trauma, and allergic conditions. In chronic pancreatitis, a significant role is played by therapeutic nutrition. It is necessary to limit the amount of fat, the diet should contain an increased amount of protein, and meals should be frequent every three to four hours. And when severe pain You can fast for one or two days.

Preparations from medicinal plants are taken for early stages diseases, in order to normalize the secretory and motor functions of the pancreas, as well as relieve the inflammatory process. Take infusions and decoctions of medicinal plants.

Chronic pancreatitis treatment with folk remedies.

Common agrimony. Take one spoon of herb, pour a glass of boiling water, leave for one hour, then strain the infusion. We take one third of a glass before meals three times a day for three weeks, ten days off. The infusion normalizes the functioning of the pancreas and gastrointestinal tract.

Chicory root. Chicory root helps with pancreatitis. Take two teaspoons of crushed root, pour a glass of boiling water, boil for about 5 minutes over low heat, leave until cool, then filter. Drink in sips throughout the day for chronic pancreatitis. Take 21 days, then a week break.

Golden mustache You need to take three leaves of golden mustache, each one must be at least 20 cm. The leaves need to be cut, boiled in three glasses of water for 20 minutes over low heat, and strain. You need to take a tablespoon per day, gradually increasing the daily amount of decoction to 150 milliliters per day.

Corn silks. For pancreatitis, take a decoction of corn silk. Take one tablespoon of crushed raw materials, pour cold water and leave for one hour. Then put on low heat and boil for 5 minutes, cool, filter. Take one glass of decoction three times a day.

Beans (leaves). Chronic pancreatitis is treated with an infusion of bean leaves. Take three tablespoons of chopped bean leaves, pour half a liter of boiling water, leave in a thermos for 5 hours, then filter. Take half a glass half an hour before meals three times a day.

Oats. Pancreatitis is treated with oat decoction. Oats must be sorted carefully. Then, after sorting out the oats, fill it with warm boiled water and leave it for a couple of days in a warm place. When the grains sprout, they need to be thoroughly washed and dried, spreading them on gauze. Then grind the oats into flour. This flour needs to be diluted with one tablespoon per two hundred grams of water, then boiled for a couple of minutes, cooled for forty minutes, strained and drunk. The prepared decoction should not be stored for more than one and a half hours. The decoction must be prepared fresh for each use.

To restore the secretory function of the pancreas.

Collection of herbs 1. Take an infusion of the following herbs, taking them one part at a time: St. John's wort herb, tricolor violet herb, knotweed herb, corn silk, common anise fruits, and greater celandine herb. Take one spoon of a mixture of dry herbs per glass of boiling water, leave for about 20 minutes in a sealed container. Take one glass of infusion, warm, half an hour before meals three times a day.

Collection of herbs 2. Prepare a decoction of herbs, take one part each of mint herb, greater celandine herb, yellow gentian root, trifoliate leaves, and two parts each of dandelion herb, buckthorn bark. Take a teaspoon of herbal mixture in a glass of water, boil for about 5 minutes over low heat, leave for about 20 minutes, filter, take half a glass half a glass half an hour before meals three times a day. This decoction regulates stool and relieves inflammation.

Juices for pancreatitis.

Cranberry. Take juice from ripe cranberries. You need to take a tablespoon three times a day. Cranberry juice increases the secretion of pancreatic juice.

Potato juice. We peel three large potatoes and one or two carrots, put the vegetables through a juicer, you get about 200 grams of juice. Drink this juice on an empty stomach, then lie down for half an hour and after an hour you can have breakfast. You need to drink juice for seven days, a week off. Clean potato juice helps a lot.

The tomato is edible. Take juice from fresh, ripened tomatoes. Drink half a glass half an hour before meals three times a day. Tomato juice increases the secretory function of the pancreas.

White cabbage. The juice enhances the secretion of bile, pancreatic and gastric juices. I take half a glass of juice, warm, two or three times a day before meals.

Chronic pancreatitis treatment with folk remedies is now known to you. But remember that in case of acute pain in the pancreas, you need to consult a doctor and before using traditional medicine, it is better to consult a doctor. Watch your health. Be healthy

Increasingly in folk medicine began to be used. These are mainly the fibers of the plant that grow around its cobs. Corn silk has many beneficial properties and its contraindications are minor, which makes it even more valuable. Due to its rich composition, fibers are used for treatment genitourinary system in men and women, they are widely used in the fight against liver and gallbladder diseases.

The composition of the beneficial components of plant fibers cannot be overestimated. Everything medicinal that nature can give to a person is gathered in such inconspicuous, at first glance, shoots.

The main components of a useful plant:

  • alkaloids – help slow down cancer cells;
  • natural sugars and fatty oils;
  • carotene, gum;
  • vitamin K (the most valuable component of stigmas), vitamins B, B2.

Thanks to this composition, corn silk is recognized by traditional medicine as a remedy, and is often prescribed as an adjunct to drug therapy.

Useful properties of fibers:

  1. Diuretic. Stigmas are used for abnormalities in the kidneys (nephritis,), urolithiasis, and help bring out excess liquid, thereby cleansing the relevant organs of stones, sand and harmful toxins, eliminating swelling.
  2. Choleretic effect. This effect is widely used in the treatment of cholangitis, as it dilutes bile well. The stigma helps with.
  3. Hemostatic effect. Fibers help with various types of blood loss, as well as in the treatment of pathologies of the female genitourinary system.
  4. A general tonic that can improve weakened immunity and improve well-being.

Important! Thanks to chemical composition, corn silk is good for diabetes, used as sedative during stress, and is also an indispensable component of many diets (used), as it has the properties of dulling appetite and improving metabolism.

Benefits and harms for women

In addition to many diseases, women are often worried about gynecological ailments. Diseases of the genitourinary system are the most common problem nowadays. Along with drug therapy, women are often prescribed corn silk to enhance the effect of traditional medicine.

Indications for the use of fibers in gynecology:

  • disorders in the reproductive organs (uterine bleeding, inflammation of the mucous membrane, formation of seals in the tubes);
  • female infertility;
  • painful discharge during the menstrual cycle;
  • prevention of malignant tumors.

Women are advised to take corn silk to normalize sleep, eliminate headaches and irritability. The product helps well with problems with excess weight.

During pregnancy

Fibers and are widely used. At this time, they are almost the only plants that do not cause harm. to the expectant mother and the child. In addition, they replace many medications that are prohibited during pregnancy.

On early stages During pregnancy, corn hair growths help get rid of toxicosis, saturate the body with useful substances, and improve urination. Closer to childbirth, the use of fibers is good remedy to eliminate swelling.

During pregnancy, women often suffer from cystitis and kidney disease. The stigmas will help here too. They have a gentle effect on a woman’s body, cleanse the urinary canals, remove stones and sand from them, and also help eliminate inflammatory processes in the kidneys.

Pay attention! The use of corn silk has a beneficial effect on a woman’s nervous system; it helps improve sleep, calms and relieves attacks of unreasonable panic, normalizes blood pressure, and normalizes blood sugar levels.

It is worth noting that such a remedy can cause harm if it is consumed in large quantities, and if there is individual sensitivity to the components of the plant.

  1. In the first case, an overdose can cause dehydration, since stigmas are a powerful diuretic and remove fluid well.
  2. In the second, allergic reactions are possible due to intolerance to corn.

Stigmas with honey for swelling

For one glass of corn fiber infusion (brew 10 g of raw material in 250 ml of water and leave for half an hour, strain) add 15 ml of honey (2 tsp). The drink is useful in the following proportions: 2 tbsp. l. half an hour before meals.

This remedy will not only help get rid of excess fluid, but also strengthen the immune system, improve general condition body.

Corn fiber in the treatment of cystitis in pregnant women

A decoction of stigmas (35 g per 320 ml of water) should be taken 150–175 ml per day. This will help eliminate the symptoms of cystitis and clear the infection in the bladder.

Important! During pregnancy, you should only take decoctions of corn shoots. It is not recommended to use extract or alcohol tinctures at this time, as this may harm the unborn child.

Benefits for men

After forty, men encounter such a nuisance as reduced potency. This may be due to problems with the prostate gland or other pathologies in the male genitourinary system. In this case, it is recommended to supplement traditional medicine with decoctions and infusions of corn silk. Taking them will allow you to improve urination, remove inflammation in the urinary tract, and normalize work reproductive organs, and increase potency.

Decoction for prostatitis

Brew 60 g of dried fibers in 1.5 tbsp. boiling water, leave in a warm place until cool, and strain. Take 175 ml every day before meals. Treatment should last at least 14 days.

Alcohol tincture for impotence

Pour 250 g of stigmas with 70% alcohol (150 g), keep in the refrigerator for half a month and strain. Take 35 drops daily on an empty stomach (at least two weeks), then take a break.

Pay attention! The use of such recipes will not only reduce the enlarged prostate gland and improve urination, but also normalize kidney function, improve metabolism and strengthen the body (increase weakened by diseases).

Another problem that men often face is baldness. This condition may be due to a lack of certain useful substances in the body, hormonal imbalance, or weakened immunity. Corn shoots will help solve this problem.

4 large spoons of raw materials pour 1 liter hot water and leave to steam for about 5 minutes, then cool until warm and strain. It is good to rinse your hair with this decoction after washing. It will strengthen damaged hair follicles and eliminate premature hair loss. It is advisable to carry out the procedure at least 2 times a week.

It is worth noting that this decoction helps not only with baldness, but also with profuse dandruff and unpleasant itching of the scalp. Its application in short terms allows you to get rid of such problems.

The use of corn silk - recipes for all diseases

Traditional medicine often uses corn fiber to treat stomach diseases (gastritis, ulcers), kidney pathologies (nephritis, stones, inflammation), and intestinal disorders. They are used to eliminate edema, normalize blood pressure, as aid in the fight against excess weight. The main thing is to know how to brew fiber correctly and how to take the miracle cure. The effect of treatment will depend on this.

Decoction for edema, kidney stones and ureter, for obesity

In a water bath (about 25 minutes), you need to boil 0.5 liters of boiling water with three tablespoons (tablespoons) of dry raw materials. Infuse the decoction for about an hour, strain and add more water to get a total mass of 0.5 liters. It is recommended to use 3 tbsp. l. before meals at least three times a day.

Extract for cholelithiasis

The extract purchased at the pharmacy should be taken 35-39 drops an hour after each meal. Treatment should be carried out on a daily basis for at least two weeks, after which the body should be allowed to rest.

For the kidneys

Brew 25 g of dried shoots in 250 ml of boiling water and leave on low heat for no more than 15 minutes, then wrap the container well and let it brew for about 40 minutes. Take 15 ml of the strained drink every three hours throughout the day.

This recipe works well for renal failure. It is worth noting that during the treatment of such a pathology it is necessary to limit fluid intake and eat less table salt.

Corn stalks with silk for liver

Place 6 tablespoons of dry stigmas in a thermos and pour 0.65 liters of boiling water. This decoction should steep for at least 2.5 hours, after which the strained drink should be taken ¼ cup several times a day (at least 4). It is useful to consume the infusion within 30–40 minutes. before meals.

An infusion of corn columns with silks is suitable for the treatment of chronic cholecystitis, and for eliminating uterine bleeding, as well as for heavy menstruation.

Pay attention! All diseases that are associated with the liver require initial consultation with a doctor before using corn silk. In this case, they are not substitutes for the main therapy, but an auxiliary means to improve the effect in the fight against organ pathologies.

For pancreatitis

Brew 80 g of raw material in 500 ml of boiling water and leave for about an hour. You should take one cup of tea no more than 3 times a day.

Using this drink on a regular basis will help relieve inflammation in the pancreas and restore its normal functioning.

Benefits for hair

Mix corn silks with dried ones in the same ratio (about 70 g of each component). Pour the mixture with a liter of boiling water and leave until cool. The strained broth should be used to rinse hair washed with shampoo. Such procedures on a regular basis help strengthen weak and brittle hair, as well as eliminate hair loss.

For children

Corn silk also has great benefits for children. They help with burns, wounds and acne. Children can also take them for diseases of the stomach and intestines. The only thing to remember when treating children with corn silk is that the doses should be halved. For children under 6 years of age, the medicine is given in teaspoons, and for slightly older children - in dessert spoons. And only starting from adolescence, the dosage in tablespoons can be used in treatment.

Important! It must be remembered that corn silk is not recommended for infants and children under 3 years of age.

Contraindications for use

No matter how useful the use of plant shoots is, it is worth remembering that it has a certain negative effect on the human body.

The main contraindications of corn fibers:

  1. Increased blood clotting. In this case, taking stigmas can only aggravate the patient’s condition, as it promotes even greater blood thickening, which can cause thrombosis.
  2. Decreased appetite and low body weight. Here, corn silk is also contraindicated, as it has the properties to dull the feeling of hunger and provoke significant urination, which further affects weight loss.
  3. Problems with blood vessels and veins. It is undesirable to take plant shoots for varicose veins; this can provoke even more thickening of the blood and increase the number of platelets, which will lead to stagnation in the blood vessels.
  4. Pregnancy. Contraindications apply to alcohol tincture or plant fiber extract. During the period of bearing a child, their use is prohibited. Only decoctions and teas are allowed.
  5. Individual sensitivity to corn. If a person has an intolerance to such a plant, the drug is not recommended for use - it can provoke allergic reactions.

Important! Uncontrollable or too long-term use corn silk may result in excretion from the body beneficial microorganisms, which will have to be compensated for by taking additional medications.

Corn silk is very useful tool in the fight against many pathologies. They are especially effective as an adjuvant in the treatment of urolithiasis, as well as diseases of the kidneys, liver and bladder. At complex therapy With traditional medicine, corn fiber can bring many benefits and improve treatment results. The main thing is not to overdo it and not self-medicate.

Corn silk is often used for medicinal purposes - the medicinal properties and contraindications of this component are indicated in the instructions for use. The herbal medicine can be bought at the pharmacy in the form liquid extract or collect it yourself to make decoctions, infusions and teas from it. The remedy has proven itself with the best side, but it also has contraindications.

What are corn silks?

The fibers that are located around the corn cob are valuable to humans as a source of a number of very useful substances. This is corn silk. When assembled, they look like tow. Procurement of raw materials can be carried out in the summer, when the cobs reach milky ripeness. The process is done manually, by cutting the fibers with a sickle or knife. After the raw materials are collected, they must be dried in dryers at a temperature of forty degrees or spread out collected material layer one to two centimeters thick in the shade.


Corn silk has a light sedative effect, therefore their systematic use can have a beneficial effect on nervous system and eliminate insomnia. Stigmas are processed in various ways, preparing decoctions, tinctures, and oils from them. Their application approved official medicine and is often recommended by doctors to cleanse the body, improve metabolism and increase the resistance of the immune system to negative factors, which provoke diseases, including oncology. In addition to its medicinal properties, the raw material has contraindications.


Wide Application corn silk is due to the content of ascorbic acid in them, fatty oils, saponins, vitamin K, selenium, starch. Due to the ability of fibers to eliminate inflammatory processes, their use is recommended for men with symptoms of inflammation of the urinary tract. Regular use improves potency. For women in addition general health improvement(improving sleep, eliminating headaches) healing effect is expressed in a decrease in uterine bleeding, inflammation of the mucous membranes with gynecological diseases, cancer prevention.

Since this is a product of natural origin, and at the same time it differs in many ways beneficial properties, the use of the product is acceptable to maintain children's health. Stigma fiber is useful for normalizing the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, and the anti-inflammatory effect facilitates wound healing. When adding this product to food for children, it is important to observe the dosage, which should be half that of adults.

During pregnancy

The properties of corn fibers make them an excellent product that will safely give the expectant mother the necessary useful substances and will help improve overall health. The plant is effective for elimination from the body toxins, which is especially important if, during pregnancy, there is a need to carry out drug therapy. The diuretic anti-inflammatory properties of fibers help in many cases where the immune system and regeneration system require support (for example, with cystitis).

Medicinal properties

Fiber contains a complex of substances, including selenium, which promotes the breakdown of fats and cleanses the body of toxins that provoke the growth of cancer cells. If we try to compile the entire list, in which the systematic use of fibers with medicinal properties leads to good results, then it will be very long. The product is indicated for use in the following pathologies:

  • urolithiasis (as a diuretic);
  • cholecystitis;
  • problems excess weight;
  • prevention of atherosclerosis;
  • inflammatory diseases urinary tract;
  • liver diseases;
  • gynecological problems (bleeding);
  • men's problems(prostatitis, sexual dysfunction);
  • pancreatitis;
  • swelling;
  • general improvement in blood composition, including lowering sugar;
  • cosmetic problems– hair loss, acne on the skin.


When consuming the product, reasonable moderation must be observed, otherwise the benefits may turn into harm. Exists next list contraindications:

  1. Poor appetite or underweight. Stigmas have the ability to promote weight loss.
  2. Thrombophlebitis.
  3. Thrombosis.
  4. Varicose veins veins
  5. Allergic reactions caused by intolerance to individual components of the product.

How to brew corn silk

Dry corn silk can be brewed as a decoction, infusion or tea, depending on the patient’s illness. Decoctions differ from infusions in that the stigmas are brewed to prepare them. boiling water and keep on fire for 10-15 minutes. Infusions are not boiled, but simply the brewed medicinal raw materials are kept for several hours so that the herb gives all its medicinal properties to the water. Stigmas can be mixed with other leaves as tea without any particular contraindications.

For the liver

Corn silk for the liver is used in the treatment of pancreatitis, cholelithiasis, hepatitis, and biliary dyskinesia. A decoction of them has choleretic properties, helps in complex treatment gastrointestinal tract. Instructions for preparation:

  • Brew two tablespoons of crushed stigmas with a glass of boiling water;
  • keep in a water bath under the lid for 15-20 minutes;
  • leave for 40-50 minutes, filter;
  • add water to make a glass of broth;
  • drink a heated tablespoon of liquid after each meal for 14-20 days, then take a break for a month.

Another recipe for treating the liver and gallbladder is to use medicinal decoction from corn silk. Method of its manufacture:

  • Brew three teaspoons of dry herb with a glass of boiling water;
  • leave for at least half an hour, or better yet, strain through a fine strainer;
  • drink a tablespoon after meals (four times a day);
  • the course of treatment will be 10 days, after which you need to take a break for 30-50 days;
  • Contraindications for use will be active liver disease.

For weight loss

Corn silk for weight loss can be used in the form of a self-prepared tincture or purchased at a pharmacy. This remedy helps relieve swelling, improve metabolic processes, break down fats. Method for preparing a tonic tincture:

  • dry, fill them with the same amount ethyl alcohol(96%, better to buy at the pharmacy) or vodka;
  • place in a dark place for 20 days, shake periodically;
  • strain;
  • to reduce appetite, drink 1.5 ml of tincture before meals with half a glass of water;
  • the course lasts 28 days, followed by a two-week break.

For the gallbladder

Corn stalks with silks are excellent for treating diseases of the kidneys, genitourinary system, cystitis, kidney stones, and inflammation. According to reviews, it is optimal to mix them with a collection of agrimony, centaury and immortelle herbs. Brewing instructions:

  • take a tablespoon of the mixture of components in equal proportions;
  • Brew 450 ml of boiling water, keep in a water bath for 25 minutes;
  • leave covered for an hour;
  • dilute with water to make half a liter of liquid;
  • drink 50 ml three times a day after meals.

During pregnancy

The consumption of corn fiber during pregnancy should be done with caution and after consultation with a doctor. Prohibited when carrying a child alcohol tincture means, since harmful ethanol negatively affects the fetus, threatening the risk of miscarriage or congenital pathologies. If your doctor allows it, you can drink decoction stigmas, but not more than a glass per day. It is used to eliminate cystitis, taken five hours before bedtime, for a course of 10 days.

How to drink corn silk

You can take tinctures, decoctions and teas from corn silk, taking into account contraindications. General rules drug use are:

  • be sure to follow the proportions indicated in the recipe to obtain the desired concentration;
  • there should be a break between courses so that the medicinal properties of the herb are fully revealed and do not have a negative effect;
  • Check with your doctor for prescriptions and therapy, because decoctions and infusions may affect the intake of other medications.

How to drink if you have diabetes

To lower blood sugar levels and stimulate the pancreas, take extract plant fibers, which is sold in pharmacies. You can do it yourself. Principle of taking the drug:

  • every day after meals, take 1 ml of extract mixed with 100 ml of water;
  • the course of treatment lasts a month, then a break is needed for 15 days;
  • To obtain a stable result, it is recommended to drink the product for at least six months;
  • Before taking, consult your doctor about contraindications.


Pharmacies sell ready-made corn silk extract, which includes dry raw materials and water-propylene glycol mixture. The medicine comes with instructions for use.