X-ray of the abdominal cavity with barium. Abdominal x-ray

Every person has faced the need for X-rays during his long life; this procedure can be associated not only with the diagnosis of various injuries, but also with the need to identify any diseases and other health problems. IN this material let's look at a procedure such as an X-ray of the abdomen, since such an examination is carried out quite often and requires certain preparation as directed by the doctor.

Let us immediately mention that X-rays can be carried out only in the presence of pain or other serious indications for this, since with X-rays the body receives a certain amount of radiation. If you experience any disturbances, for example, butterflies in the stomach or other unpleasant feelings, you should immediately contact a specialist, who will decide on the best diagnosis.

Types of X-ray of the abdomen

Experts distinguish two types of radiography, namely: survey and contrast. The first type of this procedure is almost always carried out when dealing with complaints; it is characterized by a survey examination of organs located in the chest, as well as in abdominal cavity. This type of examination allows specialists to draw conclusions about the condition of the organs. gastrointestinal tract, first of all - about the esophagus and stomach. It should be mentioned that the abdominal organs have a rather loose structure, therefore, their shadows are not so pronounced in the photographs. For this reason, a survey version of an x-ray allows you to diagnose only serious changes in organs and tissues due to any diseases or traumatic injuries.

X-ray of the abdominal cavity.

Pay attention! Plain radiography is considered an extremely cheap and fairly informative diagnostic method, so it is often performed almost immediately after visiting a doctor in order to clarify the diagnosis or select methods further diagnostics. Among its advantages, we should also highlight the speed and low cost, and if you are undergoing treatment in government agency, then such an x-ray will most likely be free.

As you might guess, unfortunately, this method cannot always give a complete picture of your illness. In such situations, specialists prescribe contrast radiography with barium or some other more detailed and informative examination, for example, MRI.

As mentioned earlier, the contrast agent used when examining the abdomen is most often barium, and it is its aqueous suspension that is used. In the vast majority of situations, this contrast is simply drunk by the patient, after which a certain time is waited for its penetration into the organs of the gastrointestinal tract that need to be examined. In extremely rare situations, a contrast agent can be administered through a probe.

Pay attention! Experts use barium, since it does not tend to dissolve in water or any other physiological fluids, while it has the property of absorbing X-rays, and this makes it possible to draw conclusions about the relief of the mucous membranes.

An image of the abdominal cavity with a contrast agent.

During the procedure, while the contrast agent has not yet reached the desired part of the gastrointestinal tract, the specialist will monitor using transillumination, which is very important, since this allows you to study the functions of the esophagus, as well as the stomach and intestines, and if any or neoplasms, damage or even obstruction, the problem will be identified with a high probability.

Indications for use

As stated earlier, due to radiation from fluoroscopy, the procedure cannot in any case be carried out thoughtlessly, i.e. x-rays can be done only if it is necessary to detect any violation or serious problem. Here is a list of the main diseases for the detection of which such irradiation is carried out:

  • intestinal ischemia;
  • pancreatitis;
  • intestinal blockage;
  • cholecystitis;
  • acute appendicitis;
  • urolithiasis;
  • malignant or benign tumors;
  • nephrolithiasis;
  • intussusception;
  • purulent accumulations and inflammatory processes;
  • various traumatic injuries relating to the abdominal organs;
  • getting any foreign objects in the area of ​​the abdominal organs.

Also, the procedure is often prescribed based on patient complaints, here are the main ones:

  • availability pain or other kind of discomfort in the abdominal area;
  • a feeling of heaviness in the digestive organs;
  • bloating.

Important! Let us remind you once again that the procedure can only be prescribed qualified specialists, in some situations it will be better to give preference to more modern and expensive methods, since an X-ray with barium will not contain enough information to prescribe competent therapy.


Irradiation is not the only reason for refusing to undergo an examination, since there are also contraindications, the presence of which should not undergo the procedure under any circumstances.

To obtain more informative images, it is necessary to properly prepare for the procedure.

We are talking about the following situations:

  • pregnancy;
  • undergoing a biopsy;
  • young age;
  • breastfeeding.

When using a contrast agent, the following contraindications must be taken into account:

Preparing for the examination

To obtain high-quality images, careful preparation for the examination is necessary. Let us immediately mention that this applies only to those cases when we mean radiography with barium, since a survey examination is most often done spontaneously.

When carrying out a procedure with contrast, you must not eat food 12 hours before the examination, and 3 days before you must stop eating foods that contribute to gas formation, namely: vegetables, fruits, foods, sweets, black bread. Most often, it is also necessary to cleanse the intestines, which is done with a special enema, which is prescribed the evening before the examination and two hours before it begins.

Despite the radiation exposure, such examinations are necessary, since they are informative, and the conduct itself does not cause any difficulties.

An X-ray of the abdominal cavity is performed to diagnose many pathologies. The test helps identify stones in the kidneys, urinary or gallbladder, confirm peritonitis, intestinal obstruction, abscess formation. For the diagnosis of intestinal and renal pathologies contrast injection is often required.

A routine examination requires special preparation; emergency x-rays are carried out only when indicated.

How to prepare for research

The intestine is an organ that occupies almost 80% of the image of the abdominal cavity. In case of flatulence, the study is not very informative, since the abundance of gases in the cavity of the intestinal tube interferes with visualization pathological changes kidneys, bladder.

For routine radiography, preparation in the form of a diet is required. Diet therapy is prescribed 2-3 days before the proposed study. Products that increase gas formation are prohibited: legumes, cabbage, brown bread, dairy products, alcohol.

If a contrast study of the digestive organs is required, then preparation is more essential. The last meal before the examination is 15-16 hours. The patient also needs to empty the intestines. This is achieved using laxatives medications or by performing an enema on the eve of diagnosis.

Methodology of the procedure

How is radiography done? The procedure is carried out in a specially designated diagnostic room - an X-ray room, where the X-ray machine is located. The examination takes place in a standing position; in a lying position, radiography is performed only when in serious condition sick and unable to get up.

The patient removes metal objects: pendants, chains, belts, watches. It is not necessary to remove clothing, which is important for emergency diagnostics, as it saves time. The laboratory technician or radiologist adjusts the screen according to the patient’s height. Then the patient is required to stand or lie still for no more than two minutes, during which time x-rays pass through the anatomical structures of the abdomen and are reflected on x-ray film.

For oral barium contrast studies, an accurate chronology of when the contrast was administered is required. Depending on which organ needs to be examined, diagnostics are carried out at a certain time.

Indications for the study

Indications for X-rays of the abdominal organs:

  • blunt abdominal trauma;
  • penetrating abdominal wound;
  • suspicion of the formation of an abscess in the abdominal cavity;
  • perforation of a hollow organ;
  • intra-abdominal bleeding;
  • intestinal obstruction;
  • kidney stones, bladder;
  • pyelonephritis;
  • gallstones;
  • foreign body in the cavity of the intestinal tube;
  • volumetric formations in the abdominal cavity;
  • defects in the internal mucous membrane of the stomach and intestines (contrast studies reveal ulcers, erosions, polyps, and so on).

When is the procedure contraindicated?

Since X-rays are ionizing and can cause mutations in actively dividing cells, the examination is contraindicated in pregnant women. This is due to pathological effects on the fetus.

For children, it is performed only according to strict indications and with caution. Diagnosis is often not recommended. Nursing mothers need to temporarily stop breastfeeding after an X-ray examination of the abdominal cavity. The child is transferred to artificial formula, and the mother expresses 2-3 times. Then you can resume feeding.

Types of diagnostics

There are several types of devices. To obtain a general image of the abdominal organs, radiography is used; for contrast studies, fluoroscopy is preferable.


A static study that takes a single image. Diagnostics captures a brief moment during which the rays pass through the patient's body.

The examination is minimally invasive. Taking into account the diagnostics carried out using modern digital equipment, a significant reduction in the radiation dose has been achieved. The result is obtained within 5 minutes, so radiography is used as an express method.



Diagnostics that help evaluate anatomical structure abdominal organs and functionality. This occurs due to the fact that X-rays pass through the patient’s body continuously throughout the examination, the result is reflected on the fluoroscope screen in real time.

It is especially effective when contrasted with barium, as it helps to trace the peristaltic wave and assess the motility of the gastrointestinal tract. If necessary, the necessary points are recorded for further in-depth research. Some surgical procedures are performed under fluoroscopic control. surgical interventions.

The disadvantage of diagnosis is the increase in radiation dose.

Contrast X-ray

To clarify pathological changes in the intestinal wall, an X-ray examination using barium is performed. The solution is drunk before diagnosis, then, using fluoroscopy or a regular X-ray machine, the examination itself is carried out over time.

Barium delays the rays and is visualized as a darkening in the image. Passing through the gastrointestinal tube, it envelops the walls, allowing you to see filling defects: “plus” (oncological pathology, polyps) or “minus” (erosions, ulcers) tissue. A contrast study will reveal abnormalities in intestinal development: additional loops(dolichosigma, dolichocolon), megacolon, Hirschsprung's disease.

What do you see in the photographs?

The following X-ray images of the abdominal organs clearly show:


The study is not expensive in comparison with tomographic techniques (CT, MRI). Prices vary depending on the organ being examined and the need for a contrast agent.

Survey radiography costs on average about 350 rubles. A contrast study will not cost more than 1000 rubles.

X-ray - relatively cheap diagnostic method, which helps to carry out express diagnostics and clarify the nature of pathological changes during a routine examination. Thanks to modern digital devices It was possible to reduce exposure to a minimum.


Examination of the abdominal organs using X-rays is one of the most informative and popular research methods so far, despite the advent of ultrasound, CT and MRI. The advantages of this method are speed, low cost and relatively low radiation exposure.

Survey X-ray of the OBP

Plain radiography of the abdominal cavity is 150 times safer for humans than, for example, fluoroscopy of the stomach. Therefore, this particular research technique is used in almost every hospital where there is a gastroenterology department, and abdominal surgeons cannot imagine a medical history without several plain radiographs abdominal organs, performed in dynamics.

Relevance and effectiveness of the technique

Special requirements are placed on the qualifications of a radiologist when conducting, interpreting and second reading a plain X-ray of the abdomen. Making a diagnosis using this type of research is much more difficult than, for example, when examining a skeleton, where shadows from bones are interpreted unambiguously. After all, a competent radiologist should be able to:

  • distinguish between normal and pathological, which is much more difficult, even if the object is defined;
  • identify radiographic symptoms, analyzing all sorts of characteristics of the shadows of organs, such as their position, number, shape, size, intensity, contours; it is important to be able to determine the displacement of the shadow, which fluoroscopy can show;
  • determine the leading radiological syndrome, which allows you to make a diagnosis “immediately” if it exists;
  • make an assumption about the nature of this process.

It is very difficult to do this by performing an X-ray of the abdominal cavity, and the study will only be effective if the radiologist is highly qualified.

How to differentiate between normal and pathological?

Plain X-ray of the abdominal cavity - absence of a gas bubble in the stomach

After all, it is with such a study as radiography of the abdominal organs that one has to not only examine a large number of shadows of hollow organs (stomach, intestines) layered on top of each other, from hollow organs containing liquid, from gas bubbles. Beyond that, what does this study show?

A survey x-ray allows you to see the liver and pancreas, retroperitoneal organs - the kidneys and adrenal glands. Shadows from large vessels are visible, especially if they contain calcifications, and also a shadow from the spine is located along the midline. And only a professional can understand this picture, so it is especially important during this examination to follow the strict principle of diagnostic algorithms.

Indications for the study

The scope of evidence is extremely wide. These include dynamic disturbances in the passage of barium suspension, diagnostics intestinal obstruction, malignant neoplasms stomach and intestines, cicatricial stenosis of the esophagus due to burns. For stomach cancer, this type of study may high probability even establish a preliminary type of tumor (plaque, mushroom, polypous, diffuse and other types of cancer).

X-ray of the abdominal cavity with intestinal obstruction

The study is carried out in emergency surgery to study the pathological relief of the mucous membrane (for example, with Menetrier's disease), as well as with the syndrome of stenosis of the digestive canal along its entire length. A study helps to determine the level of damage in the case of a foreign body in the esophagus and stomach.

X-ray examination of the abdominal cavity is also used in dynamic diagnostics. peptic ulcer stomach and duodenum, with gastroesophageal reflux, cardiospasm and other diseases.

The radiographic research method helps to determine changes in the mucous membrane during gastritis, nonspecific ulcerative colitis, colon cancer and small intestine, hemangiomas.

The cheapness and speed of the method allow it to be used as a screening test before prescribing, for example, an MRI.


There are practically no contraindications to the study, except for the first trimester of pregnancy, as well as persistent esophageal or gastric bleeding.

Even in an extremely difficult situation, the patient can be stood for a second to determine the horizontal fluid levels in the swollen and paretic loops of the intestine, these are the so-called “Kloiber cups,” a pathognomonic symptom of intestinal obstruction.

Horizontal levels of liquid with gas bubbles above them - Kloiber bowls

Preparation and methodology

There are several methods for conducting research. Thus, when examining the organs of the digestive canal, preparation consists of administering a barium suspension, which can be given orally, or retrogradely, by filling the colon with barium suspension during irrigoscopy.

When administered orally (by mouth), barium sulfate is administered to the patient on an empty stomach. It is known that after 9-10 hours barium moves to the ascending colon, and after a day - to the rectum.

In turn, before irrigoscopy, the patient is asked to follow a slag-free diet for 2-3 days, the day before he is given castor oil and perform a cleansing enema.

Doctors prescribe a series of images depending on the need. A survey radiographic examination of the abdominal organs can be performed without the introduction of barium contrast.

Currently, to study lesions of the liver and pancreas, such a study as x-ray of the abdominal organs is almost never used, since there are MRI, CT and ultrasound techniques.

Previously, radioisotope scintigraphy was used for this, but nowadays it is almost never performed.

The only method left to prepare the patient is, perhaps, the administration of a fat-soluble contrast agent in the evening, so that it is absorbed into the bile and contrasts the bladder during cholecystography.

Problems in decoding and interpretation

We will not describe in detail all radiological symptoms and syndromes of damage to the intestines, stomach and esophagus. It is known that catalogs of algorithms for damage to the digestive organs in radiology diagnostics in coloproctology, abdominal surgery and diseases of other organs there are tens and hundreds of volumes.

We present only those basic, typical data that form the basis for the formulation of a visual diagnosis. So, for example, when studying diseases of the digestive canal, that is, the tube through which the barium suspension passes, you can get a number of syndromes:

  • The phenomenon of organ dislocation. For example, stomach pushing diaphragmatic hernia, or a tumor, an aortic aneurysm will be manifested by its displacement.
  • If a change in the relief of the mucous membrane is detected, a conclusion can be made about local or general character process, and then, as a clarifying diagnostic method, perform a procedure such as endoscopy (esophagogastroduodenoscopy) or colonoscopy.

Carrying out FGDS

  • When dynamic dysfunction of the digestive canal is detected, the rate of advancement of the contrast suspension is assessed on a series of radiographs, based on either the acceleration or deceleration of the passage of barium. Dynamic dysfunction is diagnosed only in the absolute absence of organic damage or “suspicious” shadows.

In conclusion, we can say that a study such as radiography (survey) of the abdominal cavity can, in some cases, make energy-intensive and expensive studies such as computed tomography and magnetic resonance imaging unnecessary, and immediately begin treatment of the patient.

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Radiography is traditional method diagnostics, which is based on irradiation with a small dose of x-rays. This allows you to see a projection image of the abdominal organs.

The most common methods are contrast radiography and plain x-ray of the abdominal cavity.

The disadvantage of X-ray examination is that soft fabrics cannot reflect the rays, so the full picture of many organs remains unknown.


The doctor may prescribe an x-ray examination of the abdominal organs in the following cases:

Preparing the patient for the procedure

For a plain abdominal x-ray, no special preparation is required. But before visiting treatment room you need to empty your bladder.

If the procedure is carried out using barium, then in this case it is necessary:

  • The day before the procedure, vegetables, dairy products, and rye bread are excluded from the diet. Foods you can eat: lean meat, fish, white bread, pasta;
  • 12 hours before the x-ray, all food that enters the body must be of liquid consistency;
  • To achieve high quality images, on the day of the procedure the stomach should be empty, so eating is not recommended. This also applies medicines;
  • 2 hours before the procedure, the intestines are cleansed using laxative suppositories (Glycerin, Bisacodyl) or by performing an enema;
  • Also, in order to cleanse the intestines, the drug Fortrans is used before the procedure. The product must be taken in the evening. One packet of the drug is dissolved in a liter of boiled, cooled or mineral water without gas. It is prescribed at the rate of 1 liter of solution per 20 kg of weight. The solution is drunk over 3-4 hours, 250 ml every 15 minutes.

Carrying out radiography

During the procedure, the patient must remove his jewelry; sometimes, as directed by the doctor, it is necessary to undress to the waist. Depending on which device is used to perform the procedure, the patient will need to stand or lie on a special table in front of the device.

The person should not move for several minutes. The examination is often carried out in either a sitting or lying position; in this case, it is necessary to follow the commands of the doctor conducting the examination.

During barium radiography, the patient is given a tube or given a special suspension to drink..

Barium is a contrast agent. This solution fills spaces that cannot be seen on a plain abdominal x-ray.

Barium sulfate absorbs X-rays well and does not dissolve in liquids such as water, acid or alkali. The drug is not absorbed into the gastrointestinal tract and does not penetrate into the blood. It is excreted from the body along with feces.

Nitrous oxide or air may be used instead of barium sulfate.

Water-soluble drugs can also be used for research. This is done if there is a suspicion of perforation. internal organs with the release of contents into the abdominal cavity or with colonic obstruction. Such drugs can detect tumors.

In addition to classical radiography, fluoroscopy is also possible. In this case, with the help of special equipment that complements the apparatus, an image of the internal organs is recorded on film and the dynamics of their condition is observed. With this method it is possible to visualize processes such as contractions, stretches or displacements.

The procedure itself takes about 10 minutes. Before undergoing it, you must inform your doctor:

  • About the use of medications that contain bismuth;
  • About taking radiopaque barium during the last 4 days before the procedure;
  • Women must be informed if they are pregnant.

The X-ray procedure is completely painless, and after it is completed the patient can go home.


The image must be deciphered by a doctor. Blurred image indicates that the patient moved during the procedure. The doctor evaluates general condition organs. According to the study, he can judge the distribution and presence of gases or liquid in the abdominal cavity, see stones in the gall bladder or foreign bodies in the stomach.

The method is effective in diagnosing intestinal perforations. The image will show free gas located in the abdominal cavity (normally it should not be there).

At X-ray examination it is possible to distinguish benign stomach tumors from malignant ones (in the latter case they grow into the stomach cavity, have a crescent shape and a larger volume).

Research shows that most tumors detected by X-ray are benign.


  • Pregnancy;
  • Children's age up to 14 years.

A contrast X-ray of the abdominal cavity is not prescribed in the following cases:

  • in the acute stage;
  • Perforation of any part of the gastrointestinal tract. If there is a perforation, barium suspension can cause peritonitis;
  • Dehydration due to uncontrollable vomiting or diarrhea;
  • Bronchial asthma.

Before taking an x-ray, you need to check with your doctor whether you need additional measures preparation for the procedure.

A diagnostic method such as radiography has been used in medicine for quite some time. Today, thanks to improvements in the quality of equipment, the speed of image acquisition, and the absence of the process of developing images, this diagnostic method has become effective, accurate and relatively safe.

Concept and types

The method is named after its inventor (Wilhelm Roentgen) and the Greek. gráphō – food. It is non-invasive medical research, and is based on projecting x-rays onto paper or special film.

The rays, passing through the anatomical structures of the body, give an image in the form of light and shadow, weakened in those places where the structure of the organ is more dense.

In modern (digital) devices, the resulting image can be recorded on a cassette with a special film or on a matrix electronic device. Subsequently, the film can be printed, or the image is stored in a database and displayed on the monitor if necessary.

Before proceeding with a detailed examination, a survey fluoroscopy of the abdominal and thoracic organs is performed. If plain fluoroscopy cannot give full picture examination, then they resort to a contrast procedure using barium mass.

Contrast radiography

At x-ray examination The gastrointestinal tract uses an aqueous suspension of barium as a contrast agent. The solution is drunk by the patient or, in some situations, administered through a tube.

Barium is almost insoluble in water and physiological fluids, but has the ability to absorb X-rays, which makes it possible to judge the relief of the mucous membrane

While the barium mass moves through the digestive organs, its progress is monitored using transillumination. In this case, the radiologist examines the function of the intestine and identifies the presence of tumors, obstruction or damage.


Survey radiography allows one to judge the condition of the organs adjacent to the esophagus, stomach, and other organs of the gastrointestinal tract.

The abdominal organs have a less dense structure, so the shadow in the image is less pronounced than that of the bones. But a survey study reveals the presence foreign objects or change in any organ due to injury or illness.

This examination is prescribed in conjunction with other studies to clarify the diagnosis. It takes a few minutes and is quite affordable.


Diseases that require such diagnostics:

  • cholecystitis;
  • pancreatitis;
  • soft tissue damage;
  • abscesses.

This method is used when the patient complains of:

  • pain, discomfort in the abdomen;
  • bloating;
  • heaviness in the digestive system.

With the help X-ray examination clarify peristalsis and tone of the organ, changes in the relief of the mucous membrane. The method also allows you to determine the level of fluid in hollow organs.


There are practically no contraindications to the study. To the disadvantages this method can be attributed:

  • exposure to ionizing radiation on the patient;
  • difficult assessment of organ functions;

When examining soft tissues with little distinguishable density, there is insufficient information content without the use of contrast agents.


The examination requires the absence of gases and food, liquid, and mucus in the hollow organs.

Before the procedure, the following preparation is carried out:

  1. When examining the liver and gallbladder, radiopaque agents (Iopagnost, Holevid) are used, which accumulate in the gallbladder and liver. To study contractility gallbladder, choleretic agents can be used.
  2. On the eve of the study duodenum and stomach for constipation and severe flatulence, do a cleansing enema and drink 30 g of castor oil.
  3. On the day of the procedure, if there is severe flatulence, a cleansing enema is also given 2 hours before fluoroscopy. And also when large quantities mucus, fluid, food leftovers the stomach is rinsed 3 hours before the test.

It is better to conduct the study on an empty stomach, having eaten a light dinner the day before. Patients with normal function no special preparation in the form of enemas or diets is required.

How is an abdominal x-ray done?

It is advisable to carry out a diagnostic study in different projections, since the photograph is a flat image of a three-dimensional organ, and you need to look at all the walls. Therefore, the study is carried out in different body positions.

During a procedure using barium, with the patient in a horizontal position, the movement of the contrast mass slows down, which allows it to fill the hollow organ and take the necessary pictures:

  • after 1 hour– the contrast mass reaches the small intestine;
  • 3 hours– accumulates in the transition between small intestine and thick;
  • 6 hours– reaches primary departments colon;
  • 9 – colon and transverse intestine;
  • 12 – sigmoid colon;
  • 24 – large intestine.

The X-ray procedure is relatively inexpensive and varies depending on the type of examination:

  • plain radiography – from 350 rubles;
  • X-ray of the stomach – from 750 rubles;
  • radiography with barium of the large intestine - from 600 rubles;
  • small intestine - from 950 rubles;
  • examination of the esophagus – from 500 rubles;
  • cholangiopancreatography (examination of the liver and biliary tract) – from 1,500 rubles;
  • irrigoscopy – from 1000 rub.