Technological stuffed fish. Technology for the production of stuffed fish

Ministry of Education, Science and Youth Policy

Krasnodar region

State budgetary professional educational institution "Slavic Electrotechnological College"

Practice Lesson Plan

by profession "Cook, confectioner"

Topic of section PM.04 Cooking fish dishes"

Lesson topic: Cooking stuffed fish

598. Mayonnaise sauce with gherkins

Pickled cucumbers (gherkins) are finely chopped, combined with mayonnaise and mixed. The sauce is served with cold and hot meat and fish dishes.

527. Fried potatoes (from raw)

Sliced ​​raw potatoes are washed in cold water, dried, then sprinkled with salt, placed in a layer of no more than 5 cm on a frying pan or baking sheet with heated fat and fried for 15-20 minutes, stirring occasionally, until a crispy crust forms.

If the potatoes are not completely fried, they should be placed in the oven for a few minutes.

When leaving, pour melted margarine or sour cream over the potatoes and sprinkle with herbs.


Testing on the topic of the lesson.

Task: choose the correct answer.

catfish 4. pike perch

herring 5. pike

carp 6. beluga

    Name the methods of stuffing.

    through a slit in the back

    through the abdomen

    portioned pieces (rounds)

    skinning with stocking

    Name the type of heat treatment used to prepare stuffed fish?





    frying using the main method

    baking in dough

    Fish for stuffing is baked at a temperature…




5. What type of minced meat is used to stuff fish?





    improved quality minced meat

    dumpling mass

6.What kind of fish is used for baking?





    What side dishes can you serve stuffed fish with?

    with boiled vegetables

    with fried vegetables

    with fish jelly

    with raw vegetables

    What are the ingredients included in the fish cutlet mass for stuffing fish?


    wheat bread


    butter or margarine

    sauteed onion






    lemon juice


    How long does it take to bake whole stuffed fish from 1 to 1.5 kg?

    30-40 min.

    50-60 min.

    1.5 -2 hours


Fill out the table.

Disadvantages in preparing the whole stuffed fish dish and the reasons for their occurrence.

    In semi-finished products there is a violation of the integrity of the skin.

    The semi-finished product has a foreign odor.

    After heat treatment, the fish has an unusual odor.

    On baked fish, after cooking, tears appeared in the skin.


Reflective sheet

    Was it interesting for you in class today?

    What did you do best in preparing and decorating a dish?

    What difficulties did you encounter in preparing the dish?


Processing fish for stuffing

Stuffed pike perch, pike, and carp are most often prepared. The fish is stuffed whole and in portioned pieces - round pieces.

Specially prepared cutlet mass of improved quality is used as minced meat. Fish can also be stuffed with quenelle mixture. For stuffing as a whole, it is recommended to use chilled fish, and live pike, since the skin of frozen fish breaks.

Centralized production of semi-finished fish products

Catering establishments receive semi-finished “specially cut fish” and minced fish. The semi-finished product “specially cut fish” is produced chilled or frozen from fish of all families, except sturgeon and herring.

Requirements for a cook

In a catering establishment, the chef plays a central role. The quality of the prepared dishes depends on his qualifications, professional skills, education and spiritual qualities.

Currently, according to GOST R 50935-96, the following requirements are imposed on the cook.

    He must have primary or secondary vocational education.

    Know the recipes and production technology of semi-finished products, dishes and culinary products.

    Must be able to use collections of recipes and company standards. technological maps for preparing dishes and culinary products.

    Know the commodity characteristics of raw materials.

    Know the techniques and sequence of technological operations during culinary processing.

    Must comply with sanitary and epidemiological requirements for the production of culinary products, conditions, terms of storage and sale of products.

    Know organoleptic methods for assessing the quality of culinary products, signs of poor quality of dishes and culinary products, methods for eliminating defects in finished culinary products.

    Know the basics of therapeutic and preventive nutrition, characteristics of diets.

    Know the principles of operation and operating rules of technological equipment.

    Know and comply with safety requirements while working.

    Know the rational organization of work in the workplace and be able to clearly plan work.

    Be aware of responsibility for the work performed and for the safety of material assets entrusted to him.

The development of public catering in a market economy has posed new challenges for the learning process. To meet modern requirements, a specialist who has graduated from an educational institution must do his job, and also be able to work with the customer, create technological and economic calculations, and engage in self-control of his work.

When preparing dishes, great attention should be paid to the dishes on which the food is served to the table. This dish must fully correspond in shape, size and even ornament to the product that is placed on it for serving. The cook must remember that beautiful dishes in combination with food skillfully placed on it gives the table a particularly attractive look. It is believed that porcelain, earthenware, cupronickel silver, earthenware and wooden dishes are most suitable for serving fish.

The whole fish should be placed for serving on an oblong porcelain or cupronickel plate (tray). Fish filled in round forms should be served in round dishes of the appropriate size.

Fish dishes (in canteens) are served on small heated plates or aluminum frying pans. In a restaurant, various dishes are used to serve fish main courses: boiled fish is served on dishes; poached (steamed fish, in brine, in tomato, Russian style, etc.) - in oval rams with a lid; fried fish (in breadcrumbs, on a spit, etc.) - on cupronickel dishes; baked fish (in Russian, in sour cream sauce, etc.) - in cupronickel frying pans or in shells, which are placed on small plates. The sauce for boiled fish is served separately in a gravy boat.

A variety of fish dishes should have a pleasant appearance and please the eyes of visitors and guests. A tastefully prepared dish stimulates appetite and promotes better digestibility of food. The correct combination of side dishes according to taste, color, and cut shape is of great importance for the design of dishes. Various vegetable side dishes and seasonings not only allow you to decorate the dish beautifully, but are also a valuable source of vitamins, carbohydrates, organic acids and mineral salts. Fresh raw and boiled vegetables, pickled and pickled cucumbers, tomatoes, canned peas, herbs (dill, parsley, celery), boiled eggs, etc., as well as decorations made from them (flowers, mushrooms, baskets) will add brightness and color to the table. . The dish should be decorated so that the food placed on it is not too covered with garnish and decorations. The main decoration of the dish is fresh and canned vegetables. It’s good if there are a lot of them, varied not only in taste, but also in color. There must be something green (cucumbers, sprigs of parsley, dill, peas), yellow (boiled carrots, pickled peppers), red (tomatoes, peppers, beets), white (onions, cabbage). After cutting the vegetables, arrange them so that they contrast in color. Place finely chopped vegetables in small piles around the main appetizer; Place tomatoes, cucumbers and other vegetables cut into slices in rows. Fresh and pickled fruits will complement and decorate the appetizer: plums, cherries, slices of apple, lemon and orange; flowers from vegetables and fruits look very effective. For decoration you can use almost any vegetables, fruits, berries, fresh or canned. Greens, carrots, pumpkin, radishes, cucumbers, tomatoes, cauliflower, green peas, onions, dill, lettuce, parsley, celery, cilantro, lemon, olives, capers, cranberries, lingonberries, etc. Small boiled or shrimp can be a very effective decoration for a fish dish.

Personal demonstration of the cutting master

a) carbing lemon and cutting into eights

b) from cucumber - bells by hand or with a device

c) tomato – peel, folding rose from slices

d) from onions - water lilies

e) boiled carrots – bells, folding rose

e) boiled beets – folding rose

g) fresh carrots - using bells

h) boiled egg - chamomile

Weight of baked fish - ?

Garnish weight - ?

Sauce weight - ?

Personal demonstration by the master of the release of stuffed fish.

Dish decoration.

The readiness of the fish is determined by piercing the thickest part with a chef's needle, which should freely enter the finished fish. At the puncture site, clear juice is released, as well as in appearance, according to the baking time.

Stuffed fish should be boneless, with homogeneous dense minced meat, with a taste corresponding to the fish, but most spicy due to the addition of spices and garlic, completely retain its shape, baked fish should have a browned crust.

Carrying out dish rejection with students

Dishes and cutlery have been prepared. Students conduct a tasting, giving a rating for color, taste, smell, consistency.

How can you decorate stuffed fish?

The cook must be able not only to cook deliciously, but also to beautifully decorate the dish before serving it to the table. Particular care must be taken in preparing dishes prepared for the festive table: these dishes should serve as a real decoration. The preparation of dishes requires ingenuity and artistic taste from the cook.

The larger the culinary products, the more varied and colorful the side dishes should be selected, which are placed in large bouquets. The main requirement for side dishes is their variety and compliance with the taste of the product.

Vegetable side dishes are placed around the fish in a certain color sequence. For example: beets, eggplants, red cabbage, blue or purple onions, green onions or parsley, green peas, pickles, capers, olives, green salad, lemon, pumpkin, carrots, tomatoes, radishes, lingonberries, cranberries, olives.

The dish must be decorated so that the main dish is not too obscured by the side dish or decoration elements. For greater clarity, it should be slightly raised above the surrounding garnish.

Personal demonstration by the master of transferring fish from a baking sheet to a mirror, removing the thread, decorating with lettuce, carved lemon, fresh cucumber, tomato, egg daisies, shrimp, olives, parsley.

How is stuffed fish portioned in a restaurant?

Having received the finished dish for distribution, it is brought to the table along with heated plates and utensils for laying out and placed on a utility table. Then the waiter shows it to the guests - after their permission, using arranging utensils, he places it along with the side dish on small plates. When dividing fish into portions and placing them on plates, you must ensure that the pieces of fish are as uniform as possible.

Special fish knives and forks are served with fish dishes. When ordering whole fish, fish spatulas are additionally used to divide the fish into portions and place it on plates, as well as a spoon for pouring the sauce.

Personal demonstration by the master of cutting chilled fish 1-2 cm thick from head to tail at a right oblique angle into portioned pieces weighing 100 g, and then collecting the carcass. "Fish in stretch." Laying the fish on a mirror, decorating with chopped jelly, parsley, cornet with softened butter, pita bread over the fish in the form of a frigate.

, State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education FIRST MOSCOW STATE MEDICAL UNIVERSITY, page 58 of the Report, first paragraph, comments..docx.

Technical and technological map

Date of introduction__________

1. Scope of application.

This TTK applies to the dish “Azerbaijani stuffed fish” , produced in the canteen of the NKI and its branches.

2. Requirements for the quality of raw materials.

6.1. Organoleptic indicators.

Appearance: stuffed, portioned pieces of fish, fried.

Consistency fish – dense, soft, juicy, minced meat – loose, homogeneous, juicy.

Color: fish - light gray, minced meat - characteristic of the components included in it.

Taste: characteristic of fish and its constituent components.

Smell: Characteristic of fish, roasted nuts, raisins and lemon with spices.

6.2. Physico-chemical indicators.

8.6%. (Test method – extraction-gravity.)

6.3. Microbiological indicators.

Culinary products group

Number of mesophilic aer. And. fak. Anaerobic microorganisms CFU in 1g. no more

Weight of product in which is not allowed





Pathogenic microorganisms incl. salmonella

Fried fish dish

1*10 3





7. Indicators of the nutritional composition and energy value of the dish.

TTK No.___4.5_____

I approve

Head of the enterprise


Stuffed fish with head, 1 kg for banquet

Technical and technological map No.Stuffed fish with head, 1 kg for banquet(CP-recipe No. 154)

Publishing house "Economy", Moscow 1983


This technical and technological map applies to Stuffed fish with head, 1 kg for a banquet, generated into the name of the object, city.


Food raw materials, food products and semi-finished products used for preparation must comply with the requirements of current regulatory and technical documents, have accompanying documents confirming their safety and quality (certificate of conformity, declaration of conformity, quality certificate, etc.).

The preparation of raw materials is carried out in accordance with the recommendations of the Collection of technological standards for public catering establishments and technological recommendations for imported raw materials.

NameRaw material consumption per serving, g
Gross weight, g% when cold processedNet weight, g% during heat treatmentOutput, g
Fish stuffed with head, raw semi-finished product1250,0 0,00 1250,0 20,00 1000,0
Salt10,0 0,00 10,0 100,00 0,0
Black peppercorns2,0 0,00 2,0 100,00 0,0
Bay leaf2,0 0,00 2,0 100,00 0,0
Peeled carrots, semi-finished40,0 0,00 40,0 100,00 0,0
Peeled onions, semi-finished40,0 0,00 40,0 100,00 0,0
Parsley root, peeled, p/f40,0 0,00 40,0 100,00 0,0
Parsley5,0 0,00 5,0 100,00 0,0
Dill5,0 0,00 5,0 100,00 0,0
Exit 1000
  1. Cooking technology Stuffed fish with head, 1 kg for a banquet

Peeled onions, carrots, parsley root, celery are cut in half and burned on the surface of an electric stove or on the grill. Pour water into a wide bowl, bring to a boil, add roasted vegetables, unpeeled herbs, salt, and spices according to the recipe. Carefully place the fish and cook at low boil for 60 – 180 minutes depending on the weight of the fish. The readiness of the fish is determined by piercing. When pierced, the finished fish releases clear juice.

In some cases, when cooking fish, fish bones and fins are placed on the bottom of the dish, boiled, removing the noise, then roasted vegetables, herbs, and spices are added. Then add the fish and cook it in the same way as in the previous case.

The finished fish is cooled. The gauze is removed. The fish is placed in a container for transportation. Mark (product name, weight, date and time of manufacture).

Transported in a refrigerated car body.

  1. Characteristics of the finished dish, semi-finished product

Appearance– the skin of the pike perch is filled with minced fish. The minced fish is mixed evenly.

Taste– ingredients included in minced fish, without any foreign taste.

Smell– ingredients included in minced fish, without any foreign odor.

  1. Requirements for registration, sale and storage

Shelf life of culinary products at temperatures from minus 2ºС to plus 5ºС:

– boiled, poached, fried, stewed, baked, stuffed fish – no more than 36 hours;

Stuffed fish must comply with the requirements of SanPiN . Microbiological indicators fish stuffed with head must meet the requirements SanPiN

Preparing fish for stuffing

Stuffed pike perch, pike, and carp are most often prepared. Stuffed fish in whole form and in portioned round pieces. A specially prepared mass of improved quality is used as minced meat. Fish can also be stuffed with quenelle mixture. For stuffing as a whole, it is recommended to use chilled fish, and live pike, since the skin of frozen fish breaks easily.

Pike To prepare for stuffing, the whole fish is cleared of scales so as not to damage the skin, washed, trimmed the skin around the head with a sharp knife, carefully folded it back and removed it from the carcass using a “stocking”. The flesh of the fins is trimmed inside with scissors, the end of the vertebral bone near the tail is broken so that the skin remains with the tail. The removed skin is washed. The fish is cut into clean fillets.

White bread is soaked in milk, the fish flesh is cut into pieces, combined with bread and passed through a meat grinder. Then add sautéed finely chopped onion, salt, pepper, butter and pass through the meat grinder again. Add raw eggs or egg whites into the resulting mass and mix well until a fluffy, homogeneous mass is obtained.

The pike skin is filled with the prepared mass so that it takes the shape of a fish. The minced meat is stuffed tightly, and a puncture is made at the tail to remove trapped air. The head is attached to the fish or sewn with a needle and twine. The fish is wrapped in gauze or parchment and tied with twine, then placed on the grill of a fish kettle or deep baking sheet.

If the pike arrived in the form of a gutted carcass, then it is flattened and the skin is removed from both fillets. Then a mass is prepared from the fish pulp. The skin from one fillet is laid out on moistened gauze, the mass is spread over it along the entire length, which is covered on top with the skin from the second fillet. By connecting the ends of the gauze, the fish is formed into a roll, the ends are tied with twine, and used for poaching.

In portions They stuff not only pike, but also other types of fish. The fish is cut and cut into portioned round pieces, from which the vertebral and rib bones are cut out along with the pulp, leaving it on the skin in a thin layer of up to 0.5 cm. The pulp is separated from the bones and a mass is prepared from it for stuffing, which is filled with each portioned piece. The thickness of the rounds should be no more than 5 cm. Before heat treatment, the fish is placed in a tray or stewpan in one row.

For cooking whole stuffed pike perch processing of the fish begins with cutting out the dorsal fin, then carefully clean the scales so as not to cut the skin. The gills and eyes are removed from the head. The fish is washed and dried, the flesh is deeply cut along the spine on both sides. The vertebral bone is separated, breaking at the head and tail. The insides are removed through the resulting hole; The fish is washed, the rib bones and flesh are cut off from the sides, leaving a thin layer of no more than 0.5 cm on the skin. The fins are cut off with scissors.

The cut pulp is separated from the bones and a mass is prepared from it. The prepared pike perch is filled with minced meat through the dorsal hole so that the fish takes its previous shape and sewn up using twine and a chef's needle. The fish is tied with twine or wrapped in gauze.

General rules for serving fish

At gala dinners or lunches, large fish are usually served whole, and it is placed in the center of the table. Smaller fish are served either on separate plates (one or two pieces each) or on a common platter. When serving fish on separate plates, medium-sized plates are placed in front of each client of the establishment; when serving warm fish, the plates are slightly heated. A fish fork is placed on the left side of the plate, a spatula or knife is placed on the right. If fish is served with bones, then according to restaurant etiquette, a plate for the bones must be placed to the left of the fork. lemon is served with the fish. It should be served on a small plate, cut into small slices

Stuffed pike

We clean the pike from scales, gut it, separate the head and wash it. Then we cut the rib bones from the inside of the carcass and separate them along with the spinal bone without cutting through the skin.

After this, cut off the pulp, leaving it on the skin in a layer of 0.5-1cm. We use the cut pulp to prepare minced meat.

For minced meat: fish pulp, sautéed onions, garlic, wheat bread soaked in milk or water, pass through a meat grinder, add softened margarine, eggs, salt, ground pepper and mix everything thoroughly. Fill the carcass with minced meat, give it the shape of a whole fish and simmer for 15-20 minutes with the addition of bay leaf and spices 5-10 minutes before readiness.

Pike for stuffing can be processed in another way. We clear it of scales, wash it, cut the skin around the head and carefully, so as not to tear it, remove it entirely from head to tail. We break the spine so that the caudal fin remains with the skin removed. This way we get the skin with a tail and the flesh of the fish with bones and head. After this, we remove the head, cut the abdomen, remove the entrails and separate the flesh from the rib bones and spine. We use the pulp for minced meat.

We fill the skin removed from the fish with minced meat and give the product the shape of a whole fish. We tie or sew up the hole through which the fish was stuffed.

Serve the fish whole or cut into portions. When leaving, garnish the fish and pour sauce over it.

Pike perch, stuffed whole

We clean the fish, make a cut on the back, take out the bones, wash the inside of the carcass, fill it with minced meat, carefully sew it up, wrap it in a napkin and steam it on a wire rack in a cauldron. Cut the finished fish into pieces, place on a dish and pour over the hollandaise sauce. Preparation of minced meat: pass the pike perch fillet through a meat grinder 3 times, add salt and pepper and, while beating the mass, gradually pour in 1 cup of cream; add tarragon greens. Preparation of the sauce: crush the pepper, put it in an enamel pan, pour in the vinegar, put it on the fire and keep it on the fire until the vinegar has completely evaporated.

Technological map

Table 5 Name of dishes: “Stuffed fish”, recipe No. 1

Product name

Gross (gr)

Net (g)

Output (gr)

Sterlet fish

The insides of the fish are removed, the fins are removed, greased with olive oil, and rubbed with salt and pepper. Cover the baking sheet with foil and lay out the fish. Filling: porcini mushrooms are fried with onions for 3-4 minutes, mixed with boiled rice, salted and pepper. The prepared fish is stuffed with filling, greased with mayonnaise, placed in an oven preheated to 180 degrees, and baked for 40 minutes. The finished fish is placed on a dish and decorated with parsley.


Porcini mushrooms


Olive oil

GBOU SPO College of Services No. 32

Technological map

Table 6 Name of dishes: “Dorado with Hollandaise sauce” recipe No. 2

Product name

Gross (gr)

Net (g)

Output (gr)

Cooking technology and presentation of dishes

Dorado fillet

Dorado fillet is cut into cubes and salted. The prepared fish is fried in a grill pan with cherry tomatoes. Fry the spinach in a grill pan. Dutch sauce: beat the yolks with wine, heat in a water bath, add butter, add salt, pepper, lemon juice, mix.

Egg yolk


Lemon juice

Cherry tomatoes

Dry white wine

Technological diagrams

Fig 1

Rice. 2


As a result of the work, the goal was achieved: we analyzed the existing range of complex fish dishes, based on the research, we examined the range and technology of their preparation.

While working on the course work, the following tasks were completed and analyzed: the relevance was proven, the position of complex fish dishes was considered. The main assortment was also developed, the types of raw materials, equipment and inventory, and basic cooking techniques were considered.

The information in this course work can be used when organizing a “Fish Day” in a restaurant. For example, take the assortment as a basis when creating a restaurant menu for banquets and weddings.

fish food dish