From what week should you take magnesium B6. Why is Magnesium B6 prescribed during pregnancy, what are the features of use according to the instructions, which drug is better? Possible side effects, contraindications, overdose

During pregnancy, the need for nutrients increases: they are necessary not only for the baby, but also for the mother to replenish “reserves”. In addition, some vitamins and minerals promote pregnancy and fight toxicosis and gestosis. Complexes with magnesium (Mg2+) are in demand. The most popular of them is Magne B6.

Magnesium deficiency as a macronutrient was first discussed back in the 19th century. Although at that time, people's diet was not so oversaturated with fast foods, refined foods and semi-finished products. Modern methods of growing vegetables, fruits and animals have made significant adjustments to the mineral composition of consumed products. Some scientists cite facts indicating that the intake of magnesium in the body has halved over the past 100 years. This makes you think about the need for additional intake of the substance, especially during pregnancy, because magnesium is essential for the normal development of the fetus.

Composition and principle of action

The drug "Magne B6" belongs to the vitamin-mineral complexes. It contains the following elements:

  • two magnesium salts - magnesium lactate dihydrate and magnesium pidolate;
  • vitamin B6 - pyridoxine hydrochloride;
  • excipients - necessary to give shape.

Two active ingredients determine the main therapeutic effect of the drug. By using the medicine, a woman compensates for the deficiency of vitamins and macroelements, improves her own health and has a positive effect on the intrauterine development of the fetus.

The main functions of magnesium are as follows.

  • Participates in metabolic processes. Plays an important role in the production of energy molecules, which are subsequently used for the needs of the body.
  • Removes toxins. By binding to complexes, magnesium participates in the removal of harmful metabolic products. This way it protects cells from destruction, stabilizing and activating growth.
  • Participates in protein synthesis. Protein is the most important element for the construction of all cells. It is extremely necessary for the normal growth of tissues of the baby and mother.
  • Interacts with calcium. Participates together with calcium in regulating vascular tone and contracting muscle fibers. Calcium tones, and magnesium acts antagonistically - relaxes. This property is used for increased uterine tone and the threat of miscarriage or premature birth, to stabilize blood pressure and improve uteroplacental blood flow.
  • Participates in the conduction of impulses along nerves. Takes part in the formation of membrane potential in nerve cells, due to which a nerve impulse arises.
  • Affects insulin production. Increases insulin production, thereby regulating blood sugar levels.

Magnesium is necessary for the absorption of vitamin B6, so in this complex they are collected together. In addition, pyridoxine hydrochloride is involved in the metabolism of proteins, fats and carbohydrates. It strengthens the immune system and promotes the absorption of folic acid, which is essential for the normal development of the nervous system in the fetus.

Sufficient intake of magnesium and vitamin B6 into the body of a pregnant woman is the key to successful pregnancy, especially in patients at risk for the development of metabolic disorders, preeclampsia, diabetes mellitus, and arterial hypertension.

Signs of magnesium deficiency

Symptoms of magnesium deficiency are non-specific; they are often attributed to ordinary fatigue and workload, and during pregnancy - to a “double load” on the body. The main features include the following:

  • frequent anxiety and irritability;
  • increased fatigue;
  • eye tics;
  • muscle spasms (cramps);
  • episodes of increased heart rate;
  • feeling of lack of air;
  • headaches.

During pregnancy, magnesium deficiency can provoke uterine tone and the resulting threat of interruption, spasms of the sphincters of the bile ducts and pancreas (clinically looks like an attack of cholecystitis or pancreatitis). It is also capable of causing night cramps, increases in blood pressure, and the development of toxicosis and gestosis.


Magne B6 is useful for all women to prevent the development of pregnancy complications. According to some data, more than 80% of expectant mothers have clinical and laboratory signs of a deficiency of this macronutrient in the blood. The main indications for its use during pregnancy are as follows.

  • First trimester. Toxicosis, threat of miscarriage.
  • Second trimester. With a short cervix to prevent miscarriage. After installing a pessary or applying a circular suture to the cervix. When there is a threat of interruption.
  • Third trimester. With increased blood pressure, swelling (signs of gestosis). To prevent premature birth.
  • At any time. Depressive states, frequent stressful situations, overwork at work, arterial hypertension. As well as biliary dyskinesia, chronic cholecystitis and pancreatitis. For constipation, together with other drugs. For night cramps. If you have type 1 or type 2 diabetes.

The drug is prescribed for prophylactic purposes in risk groups, as well as after a course of primary treatment. As the only therapeutic agent in acute conditions (for example, in case of danger, bleeding), it is ineffective - its action must be supplemented with other medications.

Restrictions for use in expectant mothers

This vitamin complex has virtually no contraindications. When prescribed according to indications, women note an improvement in overall well-being and a decrease in the severity of symptoms of macronutrient deficiency.

The drug should not be used if you are hypersensitive to any component, as well as with severe renal impairment and phenylketonuria.

The most common side effects are:

  • allergic reactions- rash, itching;
  • indigestion- diarrhea, nausea, increased gas formation, abdominal pain.

Doctors confirm that the drug is well tolerated, indicating no harmful effects on the fetus.

Admission rules

The drug is available in the form of tablets, powder and oral solution. There is also a prolonged form of the medicine - Magne B6 Forte. The daily dose of the substance in terms of Mg 2+ during gestation should be in the range of 300-800 mg. According to individual indications, it can be increased by a doctor.

  • Pills . Each piece contains 48 mg of magnesium and 10 mg of vitamin B6. In this case, the expectant mother is prescribed two or three tablets three to six times (at the doctor’s discretion) a day in courses over 10-14 days.
  • "Forte". Contains 100 mg magnesium and 10 mg vitamin B6. The drug is recommended if there are clinical symptoms of macronutrient deficiency. The dosage is similar - two or three tablets three to four times a day, washed down with clean still water.
  • Solution. For use, dilute with half a glass of water. Dosage - up to six ampoules per day.

To prescribe the drug, there is no need to determine Mg 2+ in the blood. Most likely, its values ​​will be within the normal range even with a general deficiency. It is more reliable to determine the amount of magnesium in red blood cells and muscle tissue, but these studies are carried out only for experimental purposes.

In case of overdose, nausea, vomiting and diarrhea are possible. In rare cases, more serious consequences, including coma and heart rhythm disturbances, are possible.

Special instructions

The drug should not be combined with certain medications. For example, with Levodopa and antibiotics from the tetracycline group. But during gestation the latter are not used. If a woman plans to take other vitamins in parallel with Magne B6, then she needs to tell the doctor about it. He will adjust the dose or stop some medicine. The dose of Mg 2+ consumed in both products should be calculated: it should not exceed 1 g, and preferably 600-800 mg.


There are a large number of drugs containing magnesium in approximately the same dosages. Analogues include the following:

  • “Magnelis B6” - 480 mg of magnesium compound (this is about 48 mg of Mg 2+), 5 mg of pyridoxine hydrochloride;
  • “Magnistad” - 470 mg of magnesium compound (47 in terms of Mg 2+), 5 mg of vitamin B6;
  • "Magnefar" - 34 mg Mg 2+ and 5 mg vitamin B6;
  • "Magvit" - 50 mg Mg 2+ and 5 mg vitamin B6 in each capsule.

All products presented differ in manufacturer and price. The efficiency is virtually identical.


Such a useful element as magnesium takes part in almost all processes occurring in the body. This includes normalizing the functioning of the muscular, immune, and nervous systems, accelerating metabolism, and helping in the formation of bone tissue.

The need for this element increases several times during pregnancy. Its deficiency can lead, for example, to joint defects, disruption of the fetal heart, and in women, cause premature birth and create the threat of miscarriage. With a lack of magnesium, muscles, ligaments and tissues become less elastic, and this can lead to rupture of the perineum during childbirth.

To prevent such troubles, doctors prescribe Magne B6 during pregnancy. Among its ingredients there is pyridoxine - vitamin B6, which increases the absorption of the element itself. It helps magnesium be absorbed from the gastrointestinal tract into the blood. Thanks to this, it quickly enters muscle, blood and bone cells. Sometimes there is not enough pridoxine in the pregnant woman’s body, and without it, magnesium salts are almost not absorbed.

Why is Magne B6 prescribed during pregnancy?

It is quite simple to establish a lack of magnesium in the body. The most famous: nausea, vomiting, constipation, alternating with diarrhea; swelling, low temperature, headaches, abnormal blood pressure and many others.

To make sure that such signs are caused precisely by a lack of magnesium, the doctor refers the patient to laboratory tests or prescribes a course of the drug for a trial lasting a week.

If the condition improves, the assumption of magnesium deficiency is confirmed, and the drug can be continued.

Magne b6 instructions for use during pregnancy

Often, the tone of the uterus increases in a pregnant woman, and this is accompanied by pain and cramps in the lower abdomen. These sensations are accompanied by a feeling of anxiety. After taking a sedative, you can take Magne B6, which will relieve spasms and calm your nerves. Magnesium ions will cope with this, which, in addition, maintain all muscles in the desired condition. For pregnant women, this is especially important to prevent the threat of miscarriage due to uterine cramps, which occur due to the presence of calcium in the muscle fibers. Magne B6 perfectly displaces calcium from there, of which it is an antagonist. By reducing the amount of calcium in the blood, it gives another positive result: the likelihood of blood clots decreasing.

Dosage of Magne B6 Forte during pregnancy

Magne B6 during pregnancy is usually prescribed for a long period. It is well tolerated by the expectant mother’s body, and the doses prescribed by the doctor cannot lead to an overdose. As a rule, it is prescribed six tablets per day - in three doses of two, with meals.

Absorption of the drug occurs in the small intestine, and only half of it enters the blood. Magnesium enters the internal organs, muscles, and tissues through the blood, and its excess is excreted in the urine.

If a pregnant woman’s kidneys are working well, then there is no need to worry about toxic reactions when taking Magne B6. Overdose and intoxication occur only if the patient suffers from renal failure. Then excess magnesium is not removed from the body and accumulates in the kidneys. This condition is accompanied by nausea and vomiting.

If a pregnant woman additionally takes vitamin complexes with a high content of iron or calcium, then it is worth notifying the doctor, who will determine their intake into the body at different times, because their simultaneous intake harms the absorption of each of them into the blood.

Contraindications and side effects

The drug should not be taken by pregnant women with renal failure, intolerance to fructose, which is present in its composition, or allergy to its components.

Side effects include stomach upset, allergies, nausea and vomiting. In this case, alternative treatment is indicated.

When treating a pregnant woman, obstetricians strive to select medications that are highly effective and at the same time completely safe for the mother and her fetus. Such drugs include Magne B6.

How Magne B6 works in the body

Magne B6 contains two main components: magnesium salts and vitamin pyridoxine hydrochloride. Both substances are indispensable for the body of any person. They participate in the processes of metabolism and transmission of nerve impulses occurring in every cell. Without them, it is impossible to build the shells and energy membranes of nerve and muscle fibers.

Magnesium is part of the transmembrane pumps of myocytes, regulating the process of their contraction and relaxation. This is of great importance in preventing the occurrence of increased tone and premature contractions of the muscles of the pregnant uterus. With sufficient saturation of the cells of the walls of blood vessels with magnesium, high blood pressure is normalized, blood supply to the organs of the woman and fetus and the conduction of nerve impulses are improved. In addition, magnesium is involved in the regulation of the central and autonomic nervous systems, increasing the body's resistance to stress.

Magne B6 compensates for the resulting deficiency of magnesium salts during pregnancy

Pyridoxine promotes the timely maturation of all organs, especially the nervous system of the fetus.

Vitamin B6 and magnesium are not synthesized and are not stored for future use in the body. A person receives the required amount only from food. During pregnancy, the need for them increases several times. Magne B6 prevents or compensates for the resulting deficiency of vitamin and mineral, helping the expectant mother to endure pregnancy without complications and give birth to a healthy child.

When is Magne B6 prescribed during pregnancy?

Indications for prescribing the drug to a pregnant woman are:

  1. Increased tone of the uterine muscles.
  2. Excessive excitability of the uterus with a tendency to contractions and the development of the threat of premature labor.
  3. Increased irritability or anxiety.
  4. Difficulty falling asleep, shallow or short sleep.
  5. Arterial hypertension, sinus tachycardia, and various heart rhythm disturbances existing before pregnancy or occurring during pregnancy.
  6. Aching, tingling, or cramping in the muscles, especially the face, legs, and arms.
  7. Episodes of abdominal pain such as stomach cramps or intestinal colic.

In what form is Magne B6 used?

The drug is available in the form of enteric-coated tablets or an oral solution in ampoules. It is not recommended to split or chew the tablets. The contents of the ampoule should be dissolved in half a glass of drinking water before use.

In what doses is Magne B6 prescribed to pregnant women?

Magne B6 is approved for use at any stage of pregnancy. The average daily preventive or initial therapeutic dose of the drug for a pregnant woman is considered to be 6 tablets or three ampoules. They are taken in three equal parts with an interval between them of 6 to 8 hours.

If there are clinical manifestations of magnesium deficiency in the body, it is necessary to determine its content in the blood through a biochemical study. After receiving the result, the doctor adjusts the required dose.

The duration of treatment is determined individually for each woman. It can last from one month until the entire period of pregnancy.

Are there any contraindications or side effects when taking Magne B6 during pregnancy?

A state of magnesium overdose in the body occurs only in cases of renal failure in the patient. In such a situation, Magne B6 is prescribed only after a preliminary biochemical blood test. In all other cases, the excess drug taken is excreted unchanged in the urine, and no negative consequences for the fetus and the expectant mother are detected.

In rare cases, manifestations of allergies or intolerance to the auxiliary components present in the shell or filler of tablets and medicinal solution are possible. The most reactogenic of them are sucrose, cherry-caramel flavor, sodium disulfide. Nausea or vomiting, frequent loose bowel movements or constipation, abdominal pain and increased gas formation may occur. Therefore, when prescribing Magne B6, you need to warn your doctor about an existing allergic disease, disaccharidase deficiency or fructose intolerance. For the same reason, the drug is contraindicated in patients with phenylketonuria and diabetes mellitus.

When simultaneous administration of drugs containing magnesium, calcium or iron, insoluble compounds are formed that cannot be absorbed in the gastrointestinal tract. Therefore, the interval between taking them should be at least 2 hours.

Magne B6 during pregnancy: reviews

Here's how women respond to the drug:

  • Anna: Nagging pain in

    stomach, and with them the fear of losing the child, appeared in me already in the first weeks of pregnancy. Thanks to Magne B6 prescribed by the doctor, within a few days I stopped feeling the increased tone of the uterus, slept better, and was less nervous. I took the drug continuously throughout my pregnancy, which I don’t regret at all. I think it was largely thanks to him that I did not have to use other medications that were stronger and unsafe for the baby.

  • Irina: During my first pregnancy, at 11 weeks, I started having abdominal pain. The doctor advised me to drink Magne B6. I just fell in love with this drug. He replaced vitamins, valerian, and no-shpa. Throughout the month that I took it, there was no more increase in uterine tone. On the recommendation of the gynecologist, I repeated the course of preventive treatment at another 20 and 30 weeks.
  • Julia: During pregnancy I tried to do without medications. But I wasn’t afraid to take Magne B6. After all, there are no potent or harmful substances in this drug. And the benefits are enormous: both the tummy and the mother are calm.

For normal existence, a person needs vitamins and minerals, and during pregnancy the need for nutrients increases. It is not always possible to achieve all the necessary substances through diet, so doctors often recommend the use of dietary supplements. Thus, it is often prescribed Magne B6 during pregnancy. Let's figure out why it is used and how the instructions recommend using it.

Our body needs minerals in small quantities, but without them it is impossible to maintain health. During pregnancy, the intake of minerals increases in order to meet the increasing needs, it is recommended to take dietary supplements. Magne B6 during pregnancy is necessary for the prevention and elimination of deficiency of a very important microelement - magnesium.

The role of the mineral

Magnesium takes part in a large number of processes occurring in our body. Without it, reactions associated with:

  • metabolic processes;
  • muscle work;
  • activity of the central nervous system.

Advice! Pregnancy is a time when the importance of magnesium increases, since with insufficient intake of this microelement, the risk of uterine tone increases. And this threatens the development of miscarriage in the early stages or premature birth in the later stages.

The following symptoms may indicate that your body is low in magnesium:

  • the appearance of cramps, muscle spasms;
  • lower back pain;

  • the appearance of a large number of stretch marks;
  • digestive disorders caused by disorders of the gallbladder and intestines;
  • apathy, indifference;
  • severe irritability.

With a significant deficiency of magnesium, the likelihood of eclampsia increases, a serious complication of pregnancy that threatens the life of the child and mother. This condition manifests itself as sudden surges in pressure, convulsive syndrome, and fainting.

Advice! Normally, the magnesium content in the blood should be within 0.8 mmol/g. The appearance of serious complications is possible when the content of the element in the blood decreases by half.

A lack of magnesium is dangerous not only for the expectant mother, but also for the child, since a deficiency of this element results in developmental delays.


So, a lack of magnesium during pregnancy can provoke serious complications, so doctors often prescribe Magne B6 to expectant mothers, not only for obvious signs of microelement deficiency, but also for prevention.

Advice! Magne B6 should be used not only during pregnancy, but also when planning. This will help avoid microelement deficiency in the first weeks. At this time, the woman may not yet know about pregnancy, but the baby is already developing, which means that it needs minerals and other useful substances.

What does it contain and how does it work?

The drug contains two main substances:

  • Pyridoxine hydrochloride is a form of vitamin B6;
  • Magnesium lactate dihydrate.

Both of these substances complement each other, helping to normalize work:

  • heart and blood vessels;
  • muscle corset;
  • nervous system.

The introduction of a vitamin from group B into the preparation increases the percentage of magnesium absorption. But even in this case, no more than 50% of the microelement contained in the preparation is absorbed. Remains of the drug are excreted in the urine.

Choice of drug

In addition to the usual version of the drug, the pharmacy may offer a version of the drug, the name of which contains the word “forte”. Which option should I choose? This issue should be discussed with a gynecologist. What is the difference between the drug with the forte prefix and the regular version?

Both drugs are produced by the same manufacturer, and the differences lie in the different content of active substances. Naturally, there are more of them in a drug whose name contains the word “forte”. Thus, the drug Magne B: contains:

  • vitamin B6 – 0.005 grams;
  • mineral calculated as pure magnesium – 0.048 gamma.

In the “forte” version the content of both ingredients is increased. So, in the composition of the drug “Forte”:

  • vitamin – 0.01 grams;
  • mineral – 0.1 grams.

In addition, the regular version of the drug contains magnesium lactate, and the drug with the “forte” prefix contains the mineral citrate. The latter form is better absorbed, so the use of Magne B6 Forte allows you to quickly eliminate mineral deficiency.

Thus, as a preventative measure when planning pregnancy, it is often recommended to take the regular version of the drug. But if magnesium deficiency is identified, a more effective remedy is Mangne ​​B6 forte.

Advice! The drug is produced not only in the form of tablets, but also in the form of a solution. As a rule, the solution is used to treat children or people who for some reason cannot take pills.

How to take?

The instructions indicate that Magne B6 can be taken during pregnancy, including in the early stages. The drug is recommended for use as a prophylactic agent, as well as for signs of magnesium deficiency.

For prevention, the drug should be taken in short courses. The benefits of this intake are tangible, since taking the drug prevents magnesium deficiency from developing. If a deficiency is detected, treatment is prescribed individually, depending on the test results.

Advice! The drug is completely safe for children. However, during pregnancy you should only drink it as prescribed by a specialist. The benefits of self-medication are questionable; moreover, such “amateur activity” can cause harm.

How many tablets should you take? The answer to this question is given by the doctor, since the dosage is determined individually. The standard dosage of Magne B6 is 6 tablets per day. The duration of the course is usually long.

Some women take the drug throughout pregnancy. For others, a month's course is enough. Thus, only a doctor monitoring the course of pregnancy can answer the question of how long to take the drug.


If the expectant mother takes the drug according to the regimen suggested by the doctor, then there is no risk of overdose. However, if you have kidney problems, symptoms of magnesium poisoning may appear. They manifest themselves as nausea, weakness, and headaches.

If a pregnant woman is already taking any vitamin and mineral complexes, then she must tell the doctor about this, which Magne B6 prescribes. Taking multiple mineral supplements at the same time can lead to unwanted effects.

Advice! It is necessary to take into account the fact that some minerals interfere with the absorption of each other. If a pregnant woman takes calcium or iron supplements, then she needs to ensure that the interval between taking these medications and taking Magne B6 is at least two hours.

You should not drink Magne B6 if:

  • renal failure;
  • allergies to fructose or other excipients included in the drug.

Side effects when taking this drug are extremely rare. But if, while taking it, abdominal pain, digestive problems or skin rashes appear, you need to consult a gynecologist. Only a doctor can determine what caused these sensations. If necessary, Magne B6 will be discontinued.

So, Magne B6 during pregnancy should be taken only as prescribed by a specialist. This drug does not harm the baby, but excess magnesium can be harmful to the expectant mother herself. In addition, there are contraindications to taking the drug.

The vital element magnesium is involved in almost all biochemical actions of the body - establishing the activity of all body systems, accelerating metabolism, restoring and forming bone tissue.

The need for magnesium during pregnancy increases several times. Its deficiency can cause abnormalities in the development of joints, pathologies in the mitral valve of the heart, etc., premature birth and miscarriage. Muscles, ligaments and tissues lose the necessary elasticity, and this is fraught with rupture of the perineum during childbirth. All these phenomena can be avoided by taking Magne B6 during pregnancy. Its structure includes vitamin B6 - the so-called pypridoxine, which is involved in increasing the digestibility of magnesium - improves its absorption from the gastrointestinal tract into the blood, and this in turn allows it to quickly penetrate the body's cells. During pregnancy, magnesium deficiency is directly caused by pyridoxine deficiency, and without it, magnesium salts are not absorbed.

Why is magnesium b6 prescribed during pregnancy?

Signs of magnesium deficiency in the body of a woman carrying a child are varied:
  • Cramps, tics, muscle spasms, viscous pain in the lower abdomen, hypertonicity of the uterus.
  • Dizziness, poor sleep, headaches, irritability.
  • Arrhythmia, tachycardia, high or low blood pressure.
  • Nausea alternating with vomiting, constipation and diarrhea alternately.
  • Swelling, chilliness.
With this picture, the doctor prescribes Magne B6 to the patient.

You should not take the drug on your own. To make sure that Magne B6 is the cause of the unpleasant symptoms, the doctor may refer the woman for laboratory tests. If this is not possible, a trial course is prescribed for a period of five to seven days. If the patient’s well-being improves, then the deficiency of magnesium in the body will be confirmed and the drug can be continued.

Magnesium b6 - instructions for use during pregnancy

Increased uterine tone is not uncommon for pregnant women. It is accompanied by nagging pain and a state of anxiety. An alternative to valerian tablets and papaverine suppositories are Magne B6 tablets, which will quickly relieve spasms and soothe. Its ions reduce the excitability of the nervous system and all muscles, and therefore muscle spasms, which can cause miscarriage. Muscle contractions occur due to the presence of calcium in muscle fibers. Magne B6 displaces it from there. A decrease in calcium in the blood negates the risk of blood clots in the blood vessels.

Overdose, compatibility

Magne B6 is often prescribed for a long time during pregnancy, but this is not a reason to worry, since the body tolerates it well. 6 tablets, 2 three times a day, is the usual rate. They are taken with meals. It is absorbed in the small intestine, and only half of it enters the blood. From there it spreads to internal organs, muscle tissues, red blood cells, and the remainder is excreted in the urine. This process does not lead to toxic reactions during normal kidney functioning. The doctor should be warned about taking additional vitamin complexes that contain an increased amount of calcium or iron; he will determine the different times at which these drugs enter the body, since their simultaneous intake reduces the absorption of these components.


  • Kidney diseases;
  • intolerance to fructose, which is part of the drug;
  • allergy to ingredients.
Magne B6, taken in prescribed doses, does not have any negative effects.

Adverse reactions:

  • allergy;
  • diarrhea;
  • urges of nausea and vomiting;
  • stomach pain.
If such symptoms occur, you should immediately stop taking the drug and consult a doctor who will prescribe alternative therapy.