The smallest domestic cat in the world. The smallest cat breeds in the world with photos and names

Mr Peebles

A cat with this nickname was included in the Guinness Book of Records in 2004. This little miracle was born in America, in the state of Illinois. His owner, Robin Svendson, gave him this nickname in honor of the ventriloquist doll of the then popular TV series Seinfeld. At two years old, this kitten weighed only one kilogram and three hundred grams, but it reached fifteen centimeters in length. However, this breed is not a dwarf breed at all. According to doctors, some genetic disorder contributed to Mr. Peebles's stunted growth.

Tinker Toy

The title “The smallest cat in the world” was also awarded to this furry miracle. He lived in the USA in the Forbes family, and weighed only 681 grams. The height and length of the cat were seven and nineteen centimeters, respectively. This fluffy cat belonged to the Himalayan cat breed.

A kitten with such a nickname can also be called “the very best.” Small, of course. He was born into a family living in San Diego. At the age of three and a half months, his weight was just under a kilogram. As for the kitten’s height, at that age it reached only eight centimeters.

Fizz Gel

This baby is also known as the smallest cat in the world. She was included in the Guinness Book of Records thanks to her unusually short legs. Munchkin cats are not distinguished by long legs anyway. As a rule, they are two or even three times shorter in such cats than in ordinary domestic predators. But the “nominated” Fizz has an even shorter length. Her height from shoulders to floor is only 15.24 centimeters.

This little cat was only two years old at the time of measurement. Despite her short legs, she calmly jumps onto window sills and easily and naturally does other cat pranks. Even with her height, she remains a winner - after all, she gets enough from the hostess

It's easy to hide under furniture.

The smallest cat breed

There are also special breeds of cats that do not allow them to grow to large sizes. A representative of one of them is Singapore. We can safely say about a cat of this breed that it is the smallest cat in the world. This is the first time such kids have appeared on the streets of Singapore. Their appearance is interesting due to their short, light brown fur, on which small stripes are visible. In addition, this wool is also very pleasant to the touch. These cats' eyes are usually green. Although outwardly representatives of this breed look like rather fragile creatures, if you pick them up in your hands, you can feel that they are quite heavy and moderately muscular.

Cats of this breed and others that are also not very tall are ideal for lovers of kittens, rather than large adult cats and cats. Their cost, of course, is not so small, but it is unlikely that avid cat lovers will refuse to sacrifice any amount in order to acquire such a small fluffy ball.

They do not occupy the attention of their owners. How could it be otherwise if they are the smallest cats in the world. Introducing the rating of representatives different breeds, features of their appearance and behavior.

Mongrel cats

Most cats are outbred. They are also called domestic cats. They are distinguished by a variety of colors and good health. A cat's weight depends on genetic characteristics.
The characteristics of a breed are not always the key to championship in the ranking of the smallest cats. Thus, a kitten from San Diego distinguished itself by its tiny size. Need was no more than 8 cm tall at the age of 3.5 months and weighed just under a kilogram.

The smallest breed in the world is the Toy Bob.

The weight of an adult toy bob does not exceed 2.5 kg. A representative of the dwarf breed is distinguished by short but thick hair and a short tail resembling a pom-pom. Toy beans are fearless. They are not afraid of photo flashes, unlike cats of other breeds. Toy Bob is not afraid of fire. The smallest cats are able to learn the simplest commands, like dogs. And kittens even make sounds similar to barking.

Kinkaloo - a breed with folded ears

This breed appeared relatively recently - in 1997. Its representatives are characterized by short legs and curled ears. Cats with a funny appearance appeared thanks to the crossing of Munchkins and American Curls. From the former they have short legs, from the latter they have an unusual shape of ears.

Cats' fur can be of different lengths, weight - no more than 3 kg. Strong muscles and a strong skeleton allow representatives of the artificially bred breed to lead active image life. Curious, lively and playful - this is how you can characterize a cat’s disposition.

Singapura cat or Singapura

The descendant of Singapore stray cats differs not only in size. The Singapura has a short, silky coat without undercoat and a muscular dense body. The male Singapura weighs no more than three kilograms, the female grows up to two.

The exotic nature of the cat is indicated by its slightly elongated muzzle. Compared to the size of the whole body, the ears seem larger than expected. Affectionate and sociable cats are characterized by good health.

This breed of small cat has a lot in common with munchkins and sphinxes. It was the cross between these two breeds that led to the appearance of a dog-like cat. Dwarf representatives of this breed are extremely attached to their owners. They do not like loneliness and easily endure any travel and business trips.

Minskins quickly adapt to different conditions and get along well with dogs and rodents. You will have to get used to the exotic appearance of the pet and the lack of hair except for the tail, paws and head.

Another artificially bred breed that appeared in the 90s in America. Its creator, Roy Galush, set out to breed a small and curly cat. Galush looked for the name in the Cherokee Indian dictionary and settled on the word “skookum.” Translated, it means “strong, brave, impressive.”

Skookums come with short and long hair. Sheep-haired cats come in a variety of colors. Caring for them is no different from other cats. Curly fur needs to be brushed at least once a week.

Three breeds were involved in the appearance of this dwarf breed: Sphonks, Munchkins, and American Curls. From each of them, the Dwelf adopted the main features - lack of fur, curled ears, short legs. The name of the breed comes from two phrases that translate as dwarf elf cat. In fact, the appearance of Dwelfs is fabulous and a little magical.

They have different colors and behavior patterns. Affectionate and sensitive Dwelfs are no different increased activity. They also do not accept bad treatment and tend to hide in secluded places where they experience feelings of resentment. Weight adult cat reaches 2 kg.

These cats are compared to dachshunds. Their paws are shorter than those of their relatives. Cats love to sit on hind legs, resting his tail on the floor and looking around for a long time, which always makes him smile. Blue-eyed pets do not grow more than 4 kg. Fearless and cute creatures resemble a soft toy. Representatives of this breed are distinguished by excellent health and easy-going disposition.

This breed appeared completely by accident. A couple from Arkansas bought a kitten and named it Bambino. The pet was distinguished by its size and exotic appearance. Later, the couple learned that he was the result of crossing a Munchkin and a hairless Canadian Sphynx.

The hairless bambino is often compared to a dachshund due to its short legs and elongated body. The tip of the long, thin tail may have a tassel, like a lion's. Bambino weight is up to 4 kg. Cats are in excellent health. The only drawback is that bambinos get cold due to their lack of fur.

One of the few breeds that doesn't mind a warm cat sweater. Sociable and friendly, bambinos are very fast and nimble. Cats are quite smart. Bambinos cannot jump high. Don't be afraid that they will act like a hooligan by throwing things off the shelves.

The breed got its name for its resemblance to lambs. Lambkin is translated from English as “lamb”. Kittens have curly hair and reach a weight of 1.8 kg to 4 kg. A relatively new and rare breed of cat. Around the world, the number of lambkins amounts to several dozen.

Representatives of the breed can be recognized by their unusual curly coat. They are also called "dwarf rexes". Representatives of the experimental breed differ good health. Genetic problems associated with deformation of the back or chest cannot be ruled out.


Representatives of many dwarf breeds appeared by crossing. Napoleon is one of them. She was the result of a cross between a munchkin and. The average body weight of Napoleons is from 2.3 to 4 kg. Evergreen kittens are characterized by large, wide-set eyes. Cats have thick fur.

Napoleons can be long-haired or short-haired. Peace-loving pets can even go into the arms of a stranger, which carries a hidden danger. You cannot let a purebred cat roam in splendid isolation. Napoleon cats do not suffer from many diseases common to other cats, but only with proper care.

Small breed cats bred in the UK are distinguished by big ears And expressive eyes. Against their background, the thinness of representatives of this breed is clearly expressed. The Devon Rex is characterized by short curled antennae.

The small breed is considered one of the most favorable and socially adapted. Animals with short hair do not cause allergies. Despite the nobility of appearance, the mischief inherent in all cats is not alien to the Devon Rex.

Balinese or Balinese cat

This cat breed was developed in America. Despite the fact that its representatives are relatives of the Siamese, they are distinguished by long hair and a bushy tail. But the color is similar to the Siamese. The weight of the balinese does not exceed 4 kg. They conveyed grace and harmony.

Balinese kittens are born completely snow-white. The characteristic color appears later. Balinese dogs are peaceful and allow their owners to take them out for walks on a leash, as long as the leash is not too tight on their neck.

Champion in a glass

Mr. Pibbles is his name small cat in the world. The outbred cat was included in the Guinness Book of Records. Its weight is only 1.5 kg. The owners claim that, while still very tiny, the pet easily fit in a glass, where it felt very cozy.

Mister Pibbles' body length is 15 cm, not including his tail. Scientists explain the peculiarities of the size of the representative of the cat family by a genetic defect that stopped the growth of Mr. Pibbles, leaving him forever as a kitten. But the baby is not without attention and popularity.

Small cats in the wild

There are small breeds of cats in the wild. These include the rusty cat. She really has a red coat color with dark inclusions in the form of spots, which indicates a relationship with bengal cat. The weight of the baby is up to 1.5 kg. Miniature rusty cats are found in India and Sri Lanka and are endangered.

Himalayan Persian cat native to Illinois weighed only 680 grams and had a length of no more than 18 cm. Initially, he was no different from the rest of the kittens in the litter, until he stopped growing. Unfortunately, the miniature pet lived to be only six years old, without significantly gaining weight.

Distinctive feature This breed has an unusual ear shape. Kittens are born with straight ears, but after 2-10 days they begin to curl. Hence the name of the breed. Curly ears evoke a sense of constant surprise. The signature shape of the ear requires regular maintenance. The American Curl reaches a weight of 4.5 kg. Cats are great with children and love attention.

Fast and nimble cats with a muscular body and long hind legs are considered the oldest representatives of felines. The Egyptian Mau is characterized by four colors - silver, smoky, bronze, and pewter. This is the only breed in the world that is naturally spotted, unlike representatives of other artificially bred breeds. A distinctive feature of the Egyptian Mau is the pronounced letter “m” made of black stripes on the forehead. Smart, playful pets require attention. Unlike many other cats, the Egyptian Mau expresses happiness by wagging its tail.

05/3/2016 at 15:03 · Pavlofox · 6 550

The smallest cat breeds

Kittens, charming in their defenselessness and clumsiness, can evoke tenderness in even the most callous people. Many cat owners dream that their beloved pets will retain the charm of the first months of life as they grow up. Especially for those who would like to admire their four-legged friend at a touching age, were bred smallest cat breeds.

10. Balinese cat | Weight 2.5-5 kg

Or the Balinese reaches a weight of 2.5 to 5 kilograms. She has a slender build and can be called a miniature cat. This breed traces its origins to the Siamese cat. Occasionally, Siamese cats give birth to kittens with long hair. One day, cat breeders decided to use the rejected offspring of Siamese to create a new breed of miniature cats. This is how the Balinese cat appeared. Representatives of this breed are sociable, intelligent and curious. Some of them are capable of a kind of conversation with the owner, making a variety of sounds.

9. Munchkin | Weight 3-4 kg

– the shortest cat breed in the world. The origin story of these charming short-legged creatures is very interesting. A semi-feral cat with very short legs was found on the street and sheltered in 1983 by a resident of Louisiana. She gave her the name Brambleclaw. The offspring brought by the rescued animals also turned out to be short-legged. This feature interested breeders, and they began work on creating a new breed of cats. Besides their funny appearance, munchkins are different from... regular cats in that they do not stand on their hind legs to look around, but sit on their seat and rest their tail. In this case, the front legs of mini-cats hang down on the sides of the body. The munchkin looks very touching.

The munchkin weighs between 3 and 4 kilograms.

8. Minskin | Weight 2-3 kg

– a new breed of small cats obtained by crossing Munchkins and Scythians. almost completely hairless, with the exception of the paws, tail and head area. Weight – from 2 to 3 kilograms.

Despite small sizes and short legs, very nimble creatures. If they cannot climb higher in one jump, then they will definitely get to the right place in a roundabout way. Minskins need to be cared for in the same way as Scythians - bathed regularly, protected from cold and intense solar radiation.

7. Singapore | Weight 2 kg

- representative of one of the smallest cat breeds in the world. The petite, graceful mini cat with a refined physique is descended from Singaporean stray cats. The breed has not yet become widespread. The weight of the Singapura is about two kilograms for females. Males weigh more - up to three kilograms.

6. Napoleon | Weight 2-4 kg

The name is given in honor of the famous French commander and emperor Napoleon Bonaparte, whose height was 1 meter 69 centimeters. Napoleon is a young breed of miniature cats, bred relatively recently. In 1995, dog breeder Joe Smith learned about the Munchkin cat breed and was completely fascinated by them. He decided based on breeds Persian cats and munchkin to create dwarf cats of unusual beauty. Having invested a lot of effort, time and money in promoting the new breed he created, Smith eventually despaired and abandoned further work. But by that time, breeders from Russia and the USA were interested in a new breed of dwarf cats.

The size of this miniature creature is two times smaller than an ordinary domestic cat. Weight – from 2 to 4 kilograms. The face of a mini-cat with its wide open eyes is especially touching. big eyes and a trusting expression. Napoleons are among the rare and very expensive breeds. They cost up to 70 thousand rubles.

5. Bambino | Weight 2-4 kg

The smallest cats include representatives of the experimental breed, obtained by crossing Canadian Sphynxes and Munchkins. The name comes from Italian language– “bambino” means “child”. The breed has not yet received official recognition, and in some countries, for example, Germany, crossing sphinxes and munchkins is completely prohibited by law.

Bambinos are small, short-legged, hairless cats weighing from 2 to 4 kilograms. They require close care and regular washing. A representative of this miniature breed costs up to 200 thousand rubles.

4. Lambkin | Weight 1.8-4 kg

It is not only the smallest, but also the rarest breed of cat. These mini cats are bred in several catteries in New Zealand and the USA. Translated lambkin means “lamb”. The tiny cats are named so for their curly, soft fur. The body weight of the crumbs ranges from 1.8 to 4 kilograms.

Lambkins were bred by crossing Munchkins and Selkirk Rex. Work is still underway to improve the breed.

3. Skookum | Weight 2-4 kg

One of the smallest cat breeds is . Developed by crossing La Perm and Munchkin breeds. The name of the breed is translated from the Indian language as “strong”, “unbending”.

Skookum is a short-legged miniature cat with curly hair. Representatives of this breed are divided into two subspecies – short-haired and long-haired. The cat's weight is from 2 to 4 kilograms.

2. Dwelf | Weight up to 2 kg

The smallest cat breeds include. This is an adorable hairless miniature cat, bred by crossing three different breeds: the Munchkin, the American Curl and the Canadian Sphynx. Dwelf weighs up to 2 kilograms. And although this experimental breed has not yet been officially recognized, its representatives are highly valued among miniature cat lovers. Dwelfs are not aggressive at all. They get along well with all family members, but they choose one owner and give all their devotion to him. Dwelfs belong to rare breeds cats.

1. Skif-tay-don | Weight up to 2 kg

– one of the smallest cat breeds in the world. It was developed in 1988 in Russia, in Rostov-on-Don. The founder of this breed was a kitten named Kutsy, who at birth differed from the rest in the litter in his tiny size and small tail. Miniature representatives of this breed weigh on average up to 2 kilograms. The average size of the Skif Tay Don corresponds to a normal 4-5 month old domestic kitten. Externally, the cat is similar to the representatives of the Thai breed, but has a short or spiral-twisted tail.

What else to see:

Many cat owners, watching their little playful pet with affection, dream that their pet will never grow up and remain the same playful, mischievous kitten for the rest of its life. And thanks to the efforts of breeders, this dream became quite real, because they managed to breed miniature cat breeds, which even when grown up look like adorable little kittens.

Top smallest cat breeds

What breeds of cats are dwarf?

There is even a unique hit parade of dwarf cats.

10th place: Napoleon

The hit parade of the smallest cats opens with charming fluffy creatures, which were named after the outstanding French commander - Napoleon.

The breed appeared by crossing short-legged munchkins with Persians.

Some of the most expensive cats.

They weigh 2.5 - 4 kg.

Interestingly, it is not clear why the breeders decided to give these miniature animals such a name, since the famous Frenchman was terrified of cats and, according to rumors, he even turned his horse in the other direction when a cat met him on the way.

Napoleons appeared due to the crossing of short-legged animals munchkins with long-haired Persians. As a result of this marriage union Kittens were born with long luxurious hair and funny short legs. Cute fluffy babies with flattened noses and the naive look of huge round eyes immediately won the gratitude of cat lovers.

Those who want to have such an unusual pet are not stopped even by the high cost of these animals, because Napoleons are considered one of the most expensive cats in the world.

The fluffy beauties weigh no more than 2.5–4 kilograms.

9th place: Bambino

Bambinos look like little kittens.

Cats have hairless body coverings.

Bambinos are very affectionate.

And it is quite true, because bambino Not only do they look like little kittens, but even in old age they behave like playful kids.

Bambinos originated from the crossing of two completely different breeds of cats - Canadian Sphynxes and Munchkins. From their parents, these miniature creatures inherited short legs and bare, hairless skin, which makes their appearance very exotic.

Bambinos are very affectionate and gentle pets and will never refuse to sit in the arms or lap of their beloved owner.

The weight of these babies does not exceed 2–4 kilograms.

8th place: Lamkin

On the eighth line of the hit parade are lamkins, small curly cats whose fur looks like it has been permed. These amazing creatures owe their origin to munchkins And Selkirkreksam.

Lamkins are small curly cats.

They owe their origin to the Munchkins and Selkirkrecs.

The name of the breed is translated from English as lamb.

Extremely cute and charming babies, thanks to their wavy fur, look like lambs and even their name is translated in English as lamb.

Lambkins are very playful and inquisitive cats and they can play around and frolic all day long. Lambkins need care and attention, so the owner will have to devote a lot of time to his miniature curly pet.

These animals weigh no more 2.5–4 kilograms.

7th place: Munchkin

Seventh place is occupied munchkins, which due to long body and short legs are called dachshund cats.

Cats can run fast.

Munchkin cat.

The weight of adult munchkins does not exceed 2–3.5 kg.

These animals are interesting primarily because, unlike most dwarf cat breeds, munchkins are of natural rather than artificial origin.

Small, short-legged creatures are not at all inferior to their larger relatives in agility and agility; they can run quickly and climb high surfaces. True, these nimble creatures are not able to get down from the top shelf of the closet on their own, and owners often have to rush to the aid of their restless pets.

Another feature of munchkins is that they love to make hiding places in the house and hide their toys or small things they like in them.

The weight of adult munchkins does not exceed 2–3.5 kilograms.

6th place: Skookum

On the sixth line of the rating are another miniature curly-haired cats that appeared as a result of a marriage. munchkins And la-permov. From my parents skookum inherited short legs and fluffy fur with small curls.

Appeared as a result of the union of munchkins and la-perms.

Miniature curly cats.

They have short legs.

Curly-haired Skookums are very sociable and affectionate pets that get along well not only with everyone in the household, but also with other pets.

These little creatures retain their love of active and active games throughout their lives, and even in old age they will not deny themselves the pleasure of chasing a ball or a candy wrapper.

Skookums weigh no more than 2–3.5 kilograms.

5th place: Dwelf

In fifth place are some of the most amazing and unusual representatives of the cat world, who look like aliens from another galaxy.

Dwelfs are hairless cats.

Cats with short legs.

With big ears.

This Dwelfs, hairless cats with short legs and large ears with curved tips, which were developed by crossing three breeds - munchkins, American Curls And sphinxes.

Apart from their somewhat strange and exotic appearance, Dwelfs are no different from ordinary cats; they also love active active games and are extremely loyal to their owner. These miniature creatures really need affection and love on the part of the owner and, if you do not pay enough attention to the pet, they may become offended and even become depressed.

Adult Dwelfs usually weigh no more than 1.5–3 kilograms.

4th place: Singaporean cat

The fourth place in the hit parade is occupied by miniature oriental beauties, Singapura cats.

Creatures with almond-shaped eyes.

Shiny and iridescent coat.

Weight varies between 2.5–3 kilograms.

These graceful creatures, with almond-shaped eyes and shiny, iridescent fur, lived for many years in sewers and seaside docks, which is why local residents awarded them the contemptuous nickname “children of the sewers.”

Everything changed when the American Tommy Middow visited Singapore, who was able to appreciate the beauty of Singapore cats and took several representatives of this breed to America.

In a sad irony, after these delightful animals became extremely popular among cat fans, the people of Singapore radically changed their attitude towards them and even made them island mascot.

The weight of Singaporean beauties varies between 2.5–3 kilograms.

3rd place: Minskin

The top three opens with another representative of hairless cats - minskin. To develop this breed, breeders crossed munchkins And sphinxes. These miniature creatures are also called “hobbits.”

Minskin is a hairless cat breed.

Friendly cats.

Flexible character.

And the Minskins got the nickname fairy tale character from the Lord of the Rings trilogy due to the fact that the tips of their short legs are topped with fluffy tufts of fur.

Small hairless cats are distinguished by their friendly and easy-going nature, as well as their curiosity and intelligence. Miniature sizes do not cause any inconvenience to Minskin and thanks to his dexterity and agility, he is able to climb onto the top shelf of a closet or cornice if he decides that something interesting is being hidden from him there.

Minskins weigh no more 2–3 kilograms.

2nd place: Kinkaloe

It takes an honorable second place in the hit parade kinkalow, descendant munchkin And American Curl. From his ancestors, this miniature beauty inherited short legs and neat ears with curved tips.

Kinkalow is a descendant of the Munchkin and the American Curl.

Neat ears with curved tips.

Has short legs.

Kinkaloo is an extremely inquisitive and active pet, with whom the owner will never be bored.

A small and playful kitten will not only spend days exploring every corner of the house, but will also be happy to accompany his beloved owner on an evening walk.

The weight of these dwarf cats is no more than 2–3 kilograms.

1st place: Skif-tay-don

The first place is rightfully occupied by the smallest domestic cats in the world - skif-tay-dons.

Cats have a fluffy pompom instead of a tail.

The smallest cats in the world weigh from 900 grams to 1.5 kilograms.

Playful cat.

These amazing creatures with bright blue eyes and a fluffy pompom instead of a tail are also called dwarf bobtails.

Miniature Scythian Tay-Dons not only resemble small kittens in size, but also in their habits, because they will forever remain playful and playful pets. No less interesting is the way these animals attract the attention of the owner. If a blue-eyed baby wants to communicate with his owner, he lies down on his back in front of him and begins to purr loudly and loudly. Naturally, no one can resist the charm of their pet, and the cunning kitten immediately finds itself in the arms of its beloved owner.

The smallest cats in the world weigh from 900 grams to 1.5 kilograms.

Video about the smallest cat breeds

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