Sanatorium for pregnant women from antenatal clinic. Free trip to a sanatorium for pregnant women

The sanatorium for pregnant women is free - this is one of the types of government support for expectant mothers. Such vouchers are paid for by the Foundation Social Insurance, the organization, in turn, receives a quota from the federal budget.

The basis for this is Federal Bill No. 212, adopted for execution on July 24, 2009. A referral for a voucher is issued by a doctor who is observing a pregnant woman in a hospital setting. Unfortunately, doctors do not always inform patients about the opportunity to undergo an additional course of health procedures at public expense. Therefore, it makes sense to understand in detail what reasons women have for spa treatment in 2019.

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General provisions

Not all women receive free vouchers to a sanatorium for pregnant women. Considering that the form social support subsidized from the Social Insurance Fund, only officially employed expectant mothers for whom the employer makes insurance transfers can count on a voucher. Besides this, medical institution where a pregnant woman is observed must have an agreement with the FSS to provide free travel vouchers.

Women who were hospitalized during pregnancy for medical reasons can apply for rehabilitation. At the same time, be on outpatient treatment need at least 7 days ( minimum threshold). After this, the patient should ask the attending physician for sanatorium-resort treatment; sometimes doctors themselves suggest that expectant mothers continue to be observed in more comfortable conditions.

Certain requirements are also imposed on sanatoriums:

  1. The list of institutions that are intended for the rehabilitation of women during pregnancy is limited.
  2. The sanatorium must be located in an area with good environmental conditions.
  3. The nearest maternity ward is no further than 30 km away.
  4. The buildings must have a constant telephone connection (ideally their own autonomous telephone exchange) and free access routes.
Important! Time spent in sanatoriums is included in sick leave, therefore paid V in the prescribed manner .

Who is eligible for rehabilitation?

There are a number of requirements on the basis of which expectant mothers can go to additional treatment. For example:

  • period of intrauterine gestation 12-30 weeks;
  • anemia with a hemoglobin level of 100 g/l;
  • fetal malnutrition detected during examinations;
  • underweight;
  • first pregnancy before 18 and after 28 years;
  • hormonal imbalance;
  • pathological changes internal organs, uterine fibroids;
  • repeated spontaneous termination of pregnancy, if all cases are noted in the patient’s card;
  • neurocirculatory dystonia.

The decision to send a woman to spa treatment accepted by the medical commission. In most cases, the voucher is issued to holiday homes located in the region of residence. The length of stay in a health care facility does not exceed 3 weeks, this period includes the time spent in the hospital.

Important! To receive a permit, the condition of the expectant mother must be stable and there are no threats to the life and health of the child.


The law provides for several clauses that impose a ban on receiving a free voucher to a health facility.

In 2019, this includes the following list of ailments:

  • threat of miscarriage;
  • detoxification of the body: vomiting, loose stools;
  • serious disruptions to work circulatory system, tendency to bleeding;
  • late gestosis ;
  • oligohydramnios or polyhydramnios;
  • exacerbation viral infections sexually transmitted diseases;
  • tendency to alcoholism and drug use;
  • oncological diseases at any stage.

It is important to note that in the event of a threat of miscarriage, if a woman is discharged from the hospital and her health condition is stable, she can apply for a voucher to a health facility. In any case, the final decision remains with the medical commission.


The procedure for obtaining vouchers to sanatoriums for pregnant women is established by the regional branch of the Social Insurance Fund.
Therefore, conditions may vary in some regions of the country.

When applying, the following documents are considered:

  • a certificate from the place of employment confirming that the woman is working on the basis of a fixed-term or open-ended contract;
  • a certificate from the company’s accounting department confirming that the employer makes insurance transfers;
  • direction to inpatient treatment issued by a gynecologist in antenatal clinic;
  • conclusion of the medical commission that the patient needs sanatorium treatment.

Having received a referral, the patient is admitted to a hospital, after which she can apply for a trip to a health facility. You need to contact the FSS about this. If there are no contraindications, the woman receives a certificate of temporary incapacity for work, an extract from the hospital card and a voucher.

Important! Pregnant women who are self-employed can also apply for free travel. For this, individual entrepreneurs must make voluntary insurance premiums.

List of procedures

When heading to the place of sanatorium-resort treatment, patients can qualify for free accommodation and three meals a day. The cost of travel is not covered by the ticket, so you must pay for it yourself.

Procedures are prescribed individually, depending on the attending physician’s prescriptions specified in medical card patients. IN mandatory list includes:

  1. Healthy daily routine.
  2. A balanced diet enriched with vitamins.
  3. Weighing.
  4. Control over intrauterine development child, taking heartbeat readings.
  5. Taking pulse and blood pressure readings from expectant mothers.

In addition to basic appointments, patients are offered paid and free medical services. This list depends on the capabilities of the sanatorium and is therefore subject to change. This includes:

  • consultations with relevant specialists;
  • massage treatments;
  • visiting the swimming pool and salt caves;
  • exercise therapy;
  • SPA treatments;
  • phytotherapy;
  • oxygen cocktail;
  • medicinal and aromatic baths;
  • inhalation.

Price paid services determined by the management of the sanatorium.

Important! All listed services, including mandatory ones, are advisory in nature. Therefore, visiting them remains at the discretion of expectant mothers. The staff of health institutions does not have the right to impose any services and procedures.

List of sanatoriums for pregnant women

Health facilities where expectant mothers can receive qualified care are available in almost every region of the country. In particular, you can get a ticket to the following institutions:

  1. "Sestroretsk resort" The holiday home is located in the coastal zone of the Gulf of Finland, 30 kilometers from St. Petersburg. Here all patients are invited to take a course “ Healthy pregnancy».
  2. "Biryusinka +" The institution is located in the Samara region, in the center of a forested area. The key features are 5 meals a day, a wide selection of dietary dishes.
  3. "Amur Bay". The sanatorium can accommodate expectant mothers living in Vladivostok. Women whose pregnancies are complicated receive additional treatment here. cardiovascular diseases.
  4. "Sokolniki". The medical facility is located in the Moscow region. Patients with threatened miscarriage are examined here. The list of sanatorium services includes a childbirth preparation program.
  5. "Alushtinsky". The institution is located on the Black Sea coast and offers pregnant women a course physical therapy and herbal medicine. The sanatorium is famous for its specialists in treatment nervous system, gynecological pathologies.

On the territory Russian Federation There are about 100 sanatoriums for pregnant women. All institutions are located in coastal and forested areas and provide expectant mothers with qualified care.

The realities of today open up unusually wide opportunities for improving the health of pregnant women at resorts. With the development of means of transport and communications, once distant resorts have become closer, the path to them is faster and more comfortable, and staying there is safer and more convenient.

The attitude has also changed official medicine to this question. If once upon a time travelers were only advised not to eat a lot of unfamiliar fruits and wear a Panama hat, now there is an order of the Ministry of Health No. 207 of May 16, 2003, which defines indications for sanatorium treatment, as well as recommendations on how to organize rest and treatment pregnant women in sanatoriums and health centers.

Who needs spa treatment?

According to this document, the indication (that is, it is not just acceptable, but certainly useful) for referral to a resort is pregnancy between 12 and 35 weeks (including the duration of stay), and in particular:

  • anemia of pregnant women of the first degree (reduction in the amount of hemoglobin to 100 g/l, normal 120 g/l);
  • diseases of internal organs (lungs, gastrointestinal tract etc.) outside of exacerbation in combination with pregnancy;
  • neurocirculatory dystonia (NCD) is a pathology that occurs mainly in young people; it is characterized mainly by activity disorders cardiovascular system;
  • multiple pregnancy up to 28 weeks;
  • presence of miscarriages in the past;
  • previous post-term pregnancy;
  • history of birth of large (over 4000 g) or low birth weight (less than 3000 g) children;
  • primigravidas aged 28 years and older;
  • young primigravidas aged 18 years and younger;
  • infertility that occurred before this pregnancy;
  • body weight deficiency in a pregnant woman;
  • work for hazardous industries, as well as pregnant women living in unfavorable conditions.

The same document defines categories of pregnant women for whom travel to the sea is not recommended. Among the contraindications:

  • excessive vomiting during pregnancy;
  • late gestosis (a complication of pregnancy, manifested by increased blood pressure, the appearance of edema, protein in the urine);
  • bleeding during real pregnancy;
  • threat of miscarriage;
  • placenta previa (the placenta blocks the exit from the uterus);
  • high and low water levels;
  • scar on the uterus after caesarean section;
  • pregnancy occurring after IVF or stimulation of ovulation, etc.;
  • vices and various diseases female genital organs;
  • anemia of II and III degrees, exacerbation of chronic diseases, tuberculosis, exacerbation of herpetic and cytomegalovirus infections, alcoholism and drug addiction.

The same order also formulates the requirements for the place of residence of expectant mothers on vacation. Pregnant women must live within the city limits or in a suburban area at a distance of no more than 30 kilometers from the nearest maternity hospital, where there are good access roads and direct telephone connections, preferably settling on the ground floor of buildings. If we are talking about a sanatorium or other institution that accepts pregnant women for rest and treatment, they must have sanitary transport, a 24-hour nursing station and an obstetrician-gynecologist on their staff.

Thus, in order to go to a resort, a pregnant woman needs to visit her doctor and make sure that there are no contraindications to a long trip. Once you are convinced of this, you need to decide which transport is best to get to your destination. All types of transport have both advantages and certain disadvantages, which are useful to know about when planning a trip.

Train? Airplane? Automobile?

Modern airliners have a pressurized cabin into which air artificially enriched with oxygen is supplied, so there is no need to worry about pressure changes and rarefied air. But it is better to refrain from flying if you are still worried about the effects of early toxicosis (vestibular stress can significantly intensify them). You should also not make your first acquaintance with by air during pregnancy. It is also useful to know that a woman with clear signs pregnancy when boarding an airliner may be asked to show medical document, certifying the duration of pregnancy (a good reason not to forget the exchange card at home, which a pregnant woman should always have with her!), and if the period is more than 36 weeks, then the written consent of the doctor for the flight (Aeroflot requirement),

Rail transport has virtually no disadvantages - this method of transportation is quite comfortable and is only slightly inferior in speed to road transport. It is better to travel in a personal car with a pregnant woman “on board” over relatively short distances, not exceeding 800-1000 km, otherwise you will need stops along the way for hot meals and a full overnight stay. Every 2 hours it is necessary to make a 15-minute stop, during which the traveler must get out of the car and do a short workout, and every 4 hours - an hour-long stop to eat and take a long rest. If expectant mother She herself acts as a replacement driver; her driver’s “watch” should not last more than an hour and be repeated no more than 2 times during the day (but not at night!).

Let's rest properly

After arriving at the destination during the first day of resort life, the pregnant woman needs the peace necessary for acclimatization - adaptation of the body to new climatic conditions. This is especially true for holidaymakers who moved in a longitudinal direction and crossed the borders of more than one time zone.

If there are problems with sleep and wakefulness, it is better to resolve the issue in favor of sleep - go to bed early and get up later.

But the troubles of the road are over, and it’s time to think about how to effectively spend your 14-24 (and this is the length of rest and recovery that is recommended during pregnancy) spa days.

First of all, you need to relax at the resort. A change of scenery, new experiences, travel and excursions, tropical nature - all this has enormous therapeutic importance for the health of mother and baby. According to the famous Russian physiologist I.P. Pavlov, “it is necessary... to tear a person out of his environment, free him from constant worries, interrupt the flow of persistent thoughts and, for a certain period of time, make for him the goal of exclusive attention to health and food.” Although it cannot be said that in pursuit of new experiences, it is better for pregnant women to refrain from extreme entertainment, such as rafting, diving, jeeping, paragliding, etc. When planning an excursion program, you must remember that during pregnancy you cannot climb to a height of more than 1000 m above sea level due to the possibility of a sharp change in intrauterine pressure, which is fraught with the threat of termination of pregnancy. For this reason, and because of the inevitable vibration, it is worth postponing helicopter excursions and horseback riding.

Therapeutic procedures for expectant mothers

Now let's talk about what, in fact, makes a resort a resort - about physical means recovery. They are natural (natural) and preformed (hardware). The use of these factors for the purpose of recovery is called physiotherapy And physical prophylaxis.

The main natural wealth of most resort areas is the sea. Sea bathing - thalassotherapy - have a significant restorative and tonic effect. Ions of potassium, sodium, magnesium, calcium, fluorine, chlorine, bromine, iodine, as well as proteins and phytoncides of seaweed in trace quantities penetrate through the skin into the body tissues, having a diverse effect on the body. Sea waves produce a gentle hydromassage that reflexively affects everything functional systems body. Lately great value give water immersion compression - a phenomenon in which water pressure on the human body promotes the transition of fluid from subcutaneous tissue into the bloodstream, thus counteracting the formation of edema, which is important during pregnancy. This biological phenomenon has already found its place in complex therapy and prevention of gestosis.

As for swimming, there is no need to over-exert yourself with sports swims. Moderate physical activity very useful, but it is important that the loads are habitual and not excessive (the same applies to walking). It is better to avoid jumping into the water, especially with your feet - under certain circumstances, water can cause a hydraulic shock directly to the cervix.

Sea air is rich in ions with a negative charge. Such air has a beneficial effect on redox processes, blood pressure, circulating blood volume. Staying outdoors without clothes medicinal purposes called light-air bath.

Heliotherapy - therapeutic effects on the body of direct sunlight. Sunlight intensifies tissue metabolism and increases resistance female body environmental factors; By increasing the production of vitamin D, it is a powerful factor in the prenatal prevention of rickets. Heliotherapy is especially important for mothers with pregnancy accompanied by Rh conflict and other immunological problems, as well as for residents of the northern regions and other categories of pregnant women experiencing a lack of sunlight.

Of course, caution is necessary when dealing with the summer sun. The danger lies in the possibility of both sunburn and general overheating (heatstroke). During pregnancy, the skin is quite sensitive to the sun, but the tan may be uneven, especially on the face, where long-term age spots can form. Therefore, the notorious Panama hat, and along with it, dark glasses, will not hurt. For sunbathing, it is better to choose the morning and early evening hours - before 11 a.m. and after 5 p.m., and at lunchtime, when the sun is most active, it is wiser to stay in the shade.

There are many other healing factors that await pregnant women at resorts. This and mineral waters, And salt caves, and just new impressions and a good mood. Unfortunately, despite high efficiency physiotherapy and physioprophylaxis during pregnancy, the aftereffect period (the time during which the received treatment continues its beneficial effect on the body) in pregnant women is slightly shorter than in non-pregnant women, and ranges between 3-4 months. Although this is quite enough to bring great benefits to the unborn child.

Women expecting a new addition to their family soon need have a good rest. It’s good to be at home within your own walls, but it’s impossible to get rid of everyday chores and everyday worries. Real rest and medical supervision can be provided by sanatoriums for pregnant women. Under the supervision of qualified doctors, you can improve your health, undergo a number of useful procedures, recharge positive energy and prepare for the upcoming birth. In such conditions, expectant mothers are in a comfortable, calm environment, protected from nervous and stressful situations. In addition, most sanatoriums for pregnant women are located in ecologically clean areas, which has a good effect on the health of not only the mother, but also the baby.

According to the legislation of the Russian Federation, pregnant women who have a number of certain diseases, are at risk or are experiencing problems associated with the course of pregnancy can receive a referral for free sanatorium-resort treatment.

The voucher is provided under the following conditions:

  • duration of sanatorium-resort treatment - no more than 21 days;
  • 24-hour stay at the health resort and comprehensive meals are included;
  • receiving a number of medical and health procedures;
  • the referral is not issued to any health resort, but only to one that is included in the list approved by the Ministry of Health for each specific region.

What is a sanatorium for expectant mothers?

In our country there are many places for women to relax in interesting position. Such sanatoriums have developed a special program aimed specifically at this category of citizens. The staff of specialists includes obstetricians-gynecologists trained to solve any problems, psychologists, therapists and others.

The course of treatment and prevention in the sanatorium involves the following:

  • conversations with a psychologist;
  • antenatal preparation;
  • physiotherapy, swimming pool, exercise therapy, massage, breathing exercises, oxygen cocktail;
  • walks on fresh air;
  • reception medicinal baths;
  • performing ultrasound and CTG;
  • obtaining consultations from different doctors.

“Your Resort” is the best assistant in selecting spa treatment

Our company strives not just to offer/sell a trip to the client, but to choose the best option in accordance with his medical indications. We have in our state qualified specialist, which will help you find a health resort to treat your specific disease. We independently check all the options presented in the catalog, examine the medical base, and test some procedures. Consultation with a medical specialist on the selection of a health resort or rehabilitation center absolutely free.

Vouchers to sanatoriums for pregnant women at a discount and

Maria Sokolova is a pregnancy expert at Colady magazine. Mother of three children, obstetrician by training, writer by vocation.

Reading time: 15 minutes


Everyone knows that expectant mothers need decent rest. Within the walls of the house, of course, it’s nice, but the woman will be provided with real rest in a special sanatorium for pregnant women. Under the supervision of doctors in sanatoriums, you can gain strength before the upcoming birth, take a break and improve your health.

  • Sanatorium "Sestroretsky resort"

It is located on the coast of the Gulf of Finland (forested area) thirty-five kilometers from St. Petersburg.

Pregnant women at the rest home can take a special course that will make it easier for women at risk to get pregnant and overcome all the problems that arise along the way. This course is called “Healthy Pregnancy”. It is based on the principles of clinical efficacy and safety. The staff of the sanatorium find a personal approach to all expectant mothers.

For those who wish, there is a “School for Pregnant Women”. The qualified medical staff of the sanatorium will provide women with a pleasant rest and excellent support for the body.

  • Sanatorium "Biryusinka Plus"

It is located in the forest park area of ​​Samara. There, expectant mothers are provided with full medical monitoring of their health status.

It is also important to observe the rest and nutrition regime in the sanatorium - feeding is carried out 5 times a day. The food is very varied and extremely tasty; dietary dishes are provided.

While on vacation, in addition to medical examinations and procedures, a woman has the opportunity to take long walks in nature. Biryusinka Plus Park is rich in “local residents” - squirrels who eat nuts delivered for them with great pleasure.

  • Sanatorium "Amur Bay"

This sanatorium is located in Vladivostok. The organization specializes in the treatment of pregnant women with pathologies of the cardiovascular system.

Treatment procedures in harmonious combination with the cleanest air, fantastic nature and mild maritime climate have a positive effect on the body of the expectant mother.

During rest, ladies in position are offered meaningful and useful procedure- massage.

  • Sanatorium "Green Town"

It is located near the city of Ivanovo, on the coast of the Vostra River, in a very beautiful picturesque place. The sanatorium specializes in liver diseases, stomach and intestinal ailments, diseases of the pancreas and gall bladder.

A children's camp operates year-round at the Green Town.

The resort provides a full range of services for pregnant women. Prolonged stay in the fresh air helps to heal and strengthen the body. The best gynecologists are constantly on duty at the sanatorium, ready to provide qualified assistance at any time.

For pregnant women, classes with a psychologist are offered within the walls of the sanatorium, and there is a “School for Young Mothers”.

  • Sanatorium "Sokolniki"

This institution is considered one of the oldest in Russia. Previously, it was a rest home, which was later converted into a sanatorium for pregnant women.

IN lately The Sokolniki sanatorium has been replenished with new buildings with improved wards. The sanatorium offers prevention of threatened miscarriage, anemia, fetal growth inhibition syndrome and fetoplacental insufficiency.

Prenatal preparation is also provided. A special program has been drawn up for pregnant women, including daily weighing, daily routine, measurement of the unborn baby’s heartbeat, pulse and blood pressure.

Expectant mothers can attend physical therapy, massage sessions and swimming classes. Everything happens under the supervision of an instructor.

To prevent and reduce emotional overload, relaxation sessions are conducted. The perfect course of treatment is scheduled for twenty days.

  • Sanatorium "Kashirskie fontanelles"

The institution is located in the village of Maloye Kropotovo, Kashira district, Moscow region, far from highways and large populated areas.

The sanatorium offers pregnant women wellness program with early toxicosis, the threat of delayed fetal development, anemia.

The traditional treatment program includes ultrasound, dental examination, heat treatment, magnetic therapy, electrolight therapy, inhalations, manual massage and a hydropathic clinic. After a medical examination, additional treatment may be prescribed.

  • Health resort "Ershovo"

The sanatorium was built at a distance of fifty kilometers from the Moscow Ring Road, in the Zvenigorodsky district.

All pregnant women without chronic illnesses can take a health course at the institution. For expectant mothers, the health course includes preparation for childbirth and procedures to improve immunity.

The diagnostic treatment base includes a solarium, laser treatment, physiotherapy, massage, dentistry, urgent Care, swimming pool and treatment room.

Pregnant women are also offered consultations with specialists (obstetrician-gynecologist, therapist and psychologist).

  • Sanatorium "Aksakovskie Zori"

It is located on the coast of the Pyalovsky reservoir. The institution invites pregnant women with complications from the cardiovascular system for treatment.

For expectant mothers, “Aksakovsky Dawns” offers gynecological office, dentistry, physiotherapy department, functional diagnostics, psychological relief room, light and electrotherapy, water and mud baths.

  • Sanatorium "Likhvinskie Vody"

Women at the sanatorium are offered a special two-week residential program.

For pregnant women, obstetric and therapeutic examinations are provided every three days. Weighing is carried out daily, the fetal heartbeat, pulse and blood pressure of the pregnant woman are measured.

In the absence of contraindications, a physical therapy program has been written for expectant mothers, focused on teaching the pregnant woman rational breathing, strengthening the abdominal muscles, and psychomotor preparation for childbirth.

  • Sanatorium "Alushtinsky"

The institution specializes in diseases of the respiratory system, musculoskeletal musculoskeletal system, nervous system, cardiology and circulatory diseases, gynecological diseases and ailments genitourinary organs. The indication for treatment for women is pregnancy occurring during or after these diseases.

The healing course consists of balneotherapy, climatotherapy, physical therapy, physiotherapy, and treatment with mineral waters.

Expectant mothers, pay due attention proper nutrition and proper rest during pregnancy - this will guarantee the birth of a healthy and happy baby!

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