Sanatorium treatment card. Correct registration of a health resort card

When organizing your vacation, do not forget that when visiting a children's camp, medical and preventive treatment facility, or any health institution, you will be required to visit a sanatorium. resort card. It contains data about your medical history, on the basis of which recommendations for admission are developed medical procedures. Therefore, the certificate is important for all health, medical or resort institutions offering such services to vacationers. It is worth taking care of its availability in advance, validity period of the health resort card is only 2 months.

Official support for spa treatment

The card is a special document of form 072/у about the state of health, which indicates all chronic diseases(if any) and doctor’s recommendations for recreational therapy during vacation. There is also a place for recording the results of the adopted spa treatment. The main indicators of health status, the dynamics of changes are entered here, and procedures are listed.

To initially complete this document, you should visit a doctor at the clinic, where a sample of your medical card, an examination was carried out, recommendations were given, on the basis of which a medical certificate 072/u-04 was filled out. You will need to take some tests, undergo a number of basic examinations, and visit certain specialists. All this “red tape” can drag on for several days. If you are not ready to devote time to visiting a doctor, you can inexpensively buy the necessary documentary support.

How to quickly obtain a medical certificate?

Have you received a last-minute ticket or an invitation to a vacation, and you simply don’t have time to thoroughly prepare for the trip, much less spend it on visiting the clinic? The solution may be to purchase required document. When you need a health resort card urgently, you can order it on our website. We will help you obtain a medical certificate quickly:

  • in accordance with all filling rules;
  • with valid stamps and seals of medical institutions;
  • By inexpensive price for quality service.

In Moscow, certificate 072/у for obtaining a voucher will be provided to you within one day.

Sharing responsibility

Having health problems, people usually visit a doctor often and are well aware of the specifics of the diagnosis. When ordering such a document, you must be aware of full responsibility for your actions. If you have real health difficulties, treat this proposal with a full understanding of the situation. Only an urgent need can push you to choose more fast deadlines receiving form 072/у.

If the decision to purchase has been made, then it is best to use the services of organizations that guarantee the quality of the document provided. Full compliance with medical paper templates, fast and competent execution, inexpensive cost, provision of targeted delivery - advantages confirming the possibility of urgent purchase.

You will not have time to go to the clinic, you will not need to stand in line among sick patients, search the required form and reassure her. Medical certificate 072/у-04, purchased on our website, will help save time, peace of mind and give you the opportunity to relax. You simply shift all these worries onto the shoulders of other people, pay for the service and receive a well-written document.

We offer to buy a health resort card in Moscow with delivery. When going to medical institutions, do not forget about medical certificates; their quick and legal execution will help you receive the full range of resort services.

When applying to a health facility, you will be required to have a sanatorium-resort card. This medical document containing brief information about the patient's medical history and examination results. It is filled out according to the rules. Important point- time, how long the health resort card is valid. With an expired document, you will not be accepted into the sanatorium, and while you are applying for a new one, your days will “burn out.”

The document is needed in order to identify contraindications for spa treatment. He also informs the attending physician of the sanatorium about the state of health of the vacationer, on the basis of which a plan of health measures is determined.

To obtain a sanatorium-resort card, you need to contact your local physician or other doctor whose profile you are going to the sanatorium. He will give you directions:

    blood and urine tests;

    for research on the subject of helminthic infestation;

    for fluorography;

Children must also be tested for intestinal pathogenic flora and on diphtheria pathogens.

The second stage is consultation with specialists. You should be examined by a dermatovenerologist and a gynecologist (if you are a woman). Only based on the results of tests and consultations with doctors, a sanatorium-resort card is filled out. How long is valid - it also depends on the time of the tests.

For example, bacteriological tests and a dermatologist’s report should be received no earlier than 3 days before admission to the sanatorium. And fluorography is considered valid for 1 year.

Children must have their medical history recorded in their medical records. preventive vaccinations with the timing and series of vaccines. You also need a certificate from a pediatrician stating that there is no infectious diseases.

How long is a health resort card valid?

The validity of the health resort card is 2 months. Therefore, all tests and examinations should be carried out closer to the date indicated on the voucher.

How long before going to the sanatorium should I contact the clinic to obtain a sanatorium-resort card?

  1. Sanatorium-resort card form 072 u-04.

    Form 072/u-04 for adults.
    (SKK) sanatorium-resort card is required for treatment in sanatoriums or other health institutions. First of all, the sanatorium and resort card indicates the absence of contraindications for use in the treatment of natural and climatic factors.
    Certificate form 072 y 04 is issued by the attending physician upon presentation by the patient of a voucher for spa treatment. The card reflects data on the results of previous treatments, data from all studies. It is worth noting the content of the diagnoses; they fit according to International classification diseases in the form of a special code. This font is universal for all countries of the world. Therefore, in any sanatorium in the world the resort card will be correctly deciphered.
    Validity period of the health resort card.
    The health resort card is valid for 2 months from the date of receipt.
    When registering for a CCM in a sanatorium, remember: The registration of the card in the sanatorium itself takes 2-3 days, and treatment cannot be used during this period.
    - Registration of the CCM in the sanatorium takes from 2 to 3 days, during which treatment cannot be applied, since there will be no examination results and indications for treatment. Don't waste 4 days of treatment! This may happen if you arrive at the resort on Friday afternoon. Thus, treatment can only begin on Monday. So, they can only receive an appointment for a patient examination on Monday.
    - Be careful! To the choice of the treatment profile of the sanatorium. Quite often, patients are unaware of their diagnoses. As a result, in the sanatorium itself after examinations, treatment may be contraindicated.
    Analyzes for the sanatorium-resort card.
    What tests need to be taken to receive a sanatorium card?
    Clinical analysis blood,
    Clinical urine analysis,
    Electrocardiographic examination with interpretation (ECG),
    Fluorography (FLG),
    Ultrasound of organs abdominal cavity,
    Gynecologist's report (for women),
    For diseases: urological, skin, blood, eyes, etc., a conclusion from relevant specialists is required.

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After a person has been given confirmation of a voucher for treatment at a sanatorium, it is necessary to collect documents for this medical institution. One of the most important of them is the sanatorium-resort card, made on the form “072/u-04”. It is a kind of statement about the health status of the vacationer, on the basis of which procedures will be prescribed to him. You can get it at the clinic at your place of residence. Let's figure out how to do this.

Where can I get a health resort card?

Remember that the purpose of your trip to the sanatorium is to receive quality treatment or rehabilitation after an injury or illness, so you should not contact scammers who offer you to make this card quickly, but for a lot of money.

A health resort card can be obtained at a municipal clinic or an accredited medical center. Usually it takes two to three days to receive it. It contains notes:

  • about the state of health, previous illness and treatment features;
  • medical recommendations are entered separately;
  • women need to be examined by a gynecologist;
  • the document must contain notes about consultation with a dermato-venereologist;
  • person with mental illness You need to get a specialist’s opinion on social security.

The card is valid for two months, so don’t put it off until the last day. FSS specialists recommend receiving this document no later than two weeks before the trip, since in addition to mandatory tests, the sanatorium card may need to include notes from doctors of narrow specializations.

What you need to go through to receive the document

Obtained from a government or private clinic A health resort card is considered valid only if the results of basic tests are available:

  • fluorographic examination of the lungs (the certificate of completion is valid for one year, so you can enter information about a previously performed procedure);
  • general blood, stool and urine tests (it is best to take them 10 days before the trip);
  • biochemical blood test;
  • blood tests for the presence of immunodeficiency viruses and syphilis;
  • ECG (can be done a month before the trip).

IN paid clinic These tests will cost you quite a lot, so it’s best to try to get everything done at the municipal office. Children need to undergo all the same studies, with the exception of fluorography. Instead, they will need to check the Mantoux reaction, or Diaskintest. If the indicators are uninformative or fictitiously positive, an additional consultation with a phthisiatrician or a chest x-ray will be required.

Pregnant women should have an exchange card with them in their hands, in which the gynecologist must write down all the test results and make brief notes about the woman’s condition at each appointment. An obstetrician-gynecologist must give an opinion on the need for sanatorium treatment.

Accompanying persons must contact a physician or pediatrician (if the voucher was issued under the “Mother and Child” program and a woman will be undergoing treatment) to obtain a certificate of no contact with carriers of infectious diseases during the three weeks preceding the trip. This document must be received shortly before leaving for the sanatorium.

When to apply for a card

The health resort card itself is considered valid for two months, but many test results over this period become uninformative. Doctors recommend contacting the clinic to obtain the document a month before the trip. During this time, you will be able to go through all the necessary specialists without haste and make the necessary notes in the document. Ten days before the date of departure for treatment, it is necessary to pass the remaining tests.

Many people now receive sanatorium cards directly from health resorts. This should not be done for several reasons:

  1. Without the results of tests and consultations, specialists will not be appointed, as a result of which you will lose several days of rest.
  2. It is quite difficult to choose a sanatorium profile on your own, so it may turn out that you came in vain.
  3. Provide a card if you apply for treatment under discounted voucher, Necessarily. Otherwise, you will have to pay sanatorium prices for research.
  4. There are contraindications for procedures in health resorts.

If you bought a trip at your own expense and want to take a risk, provide the specialists at the sanatorium with your outpatient card and information about the fluorographic examination. Women additionally need to submit a certificate from a gynecologist. Please note that when completing documents at the health resort, you will lose about three days, during which you could receive complex treatment.

According to the order for referral to sanatorium-resort treatment, the doctor has the right to fill out form No. 072/u-04 if the patient has the appropriate voucher. This form means that the patient has no contraindications for taking medical procedures means of natural origin and contains data from laboratory, functional and other studies.

A few words should be said about the content of diagnoses. They are indicated on the form in a special font, universal for all countries. This makes the form valid for any country.

Besides, medical uniform, providing grounds for recreation and treatment in specialized resort institutions, in mandatory contains the following information:

  • examinations that the patient underwent and their results;
  • main diagnosis;
  • test results;
  • associated diseases: name and condition.

In order to receive a sanatorium-resort card, you must, no later than 10 days after receiving the voucher, visit a doctor and undergo the examination prescribed by him. If the patient has diseases of the skin, eyes, blood and genitourinary system, then the doctor records it in the form of a conclusion from the relevant specialists.

The card issued by the doctor is valid for 2 months. If you apply for it on site at the sanatorium, keep in mind that you will have to wait several days while it is processed. No treatment will be provided while the paper is being prepared.

Advice. Carefully approach the selection of the profile of a sanatorium-resort institution. Very often, many are not aware of what their diagnosis is, and when they receive research results in a sanatorium, it turns out that its profile is not suitable for treating the existing disease.

The procedure for filling out registration form No. 072/u-04

Let us consider schematically the process of filling out the form for rest and treatment. Let's start with the front side of the form:

  1. The OGRN code must be entered in the upper left corner medical institution(it corresponds to the number on the institution’s round seal).
  2. Column No. 1 indicates the full name of the attending physician.
  3. In column No. 2 - your full name.
  4. In column No. 3 - your gender.
  5. In column No. 4 - your date of birth.
  6. In column No. 5 - place of residence and contact telephone number.
  7. In column No. 6 - medical card/medical history number (consists of 4 digits).
  8. In column No. 7 - your identification number (if you have one).
  9. Column No. 8 indicates the benefit code, if you have one.
  10. Column No. 9 indicates a document confirming the right to receive social assistance.
  11. In column No. 10 - insurance number.
  12. We mark the “accompaniment” item only if necessary.
  13. Column No. 11 indicates the place of work/study
  14. In column No. 12 - your position.

Because reverse side the form must be filled out only by a doctor and exclusively in medical terms, then we will not consider filling it out in such detail. It is only worth noting the fact that the form will indicate: your diagnosis, complaints, research data and test results, course of treatment in a sanatorium-resort institution, as well as much more.

We briefly reviewed the purpose of form No. 072/u-04, and also provided brief instructions on how to fill it out, which will help you avoid unnecessary mistakes when issuing a sanitary-resort card.

How to fill out a health resort card: video