Sulfur soap "Nevskaya Cosmetics": reviews and ratings. Complete instructions: how to use sulfur soap for acne for adults and teenagers Sulfur soap benefits

There are beauty recipes that have been used for a long time, and they positive effect tested by time. This includes sulfur. It is used to treat skin diseases (scabies, psoriasis and acne). What are the reviews of sulfur soap from Nevskaya Cosmetics?

Composition of sulfur soap

The soap contains the following components:

  • sulfur;
  • salicylic acid;
  • mink fat;
  • glycerol.

Each component effectively fulfills its purpose. Sulfur helps cleanse the top layer of skin, and glycerin softens it well. The skin becomes soft and tender. In addition to them, the soap contains individual auxiliary components. This is a lye and soap base. There are no fragrances in the product, so it has a sulfuric smell.

Judging by the reviews, sulfur soap from Nevskaya Cosmetics perfectly fulfills its purpose. After all, it has useful qualities that can be used in treatment various pathologies skin.

Properties of sulfur soap

The medicinal qualities of soap depend on the amount of sulfur included in its composition. Its concentration should not be less than 10% to obtain results. If sulfur is present in soap in smaller quantities, then it is suitable only for preventive purposes.

Sulfur soap applicable for:

Due to its composition and properties, sulfur soap perfectly cleanses the skin without leaving the skin feeling tight.

According to the instructions, sulfur soap can be used for the prevention and treatment of many skin diseases.

Where is sulfur soap used?

Soap is most often used in dermatology and cosmetology. It is used not only to cleanse the body, but also fights skin problems (acne), destroys fungi and bacteria.

According to reviews, the composition of sulfur soap from Nevskaya Cosmetics allows you to effectively deal with oily sheen, comedones and prevents the formation of subcutaneous pimples.

For what diseases is sulfur soap used?

The antimicrobial and antifungal properties of soap allow dermatologists to prescribe its use in the treatment of skin diseases. Hygienic procedures with it speed up the healing process for lichen, eczema and other diseases.

Scabies occurs when microscopic mites get under the skin. Symptoms in the form of itching and rashes bring a lot of unpleasant moments. Sulfur is toxic substance for ticks, so using soap can effectively get rid of all negative manifestations.

According to reviews, sulfur soap from Nevskaya Cosmetics complex treatment psoriasis will reduce its symptoms. Although the disease is of an autoimmune nature, the remedy will reduce discomfort. After all, on the affected areas of the skin there is dryness, thickening and peeling.

Soap is effective in treating seborrheic dermatitis. It is caused by fungi that grow on the scalp. This causes it to become oily, red and flaky. The disease can appear anywhere on the body (chest, face, armpits).

Soap effectively removes fungi, which reduces the symptoms of the disease.

Rosacea is a condition characterized by the appearance of red spots and bumps on the skin of the forehead, chin and nose. If the disease is not treated, the redness will become more persistent and noticeable.

Sulfur soap, having the ability to dry out the skin, will help remove redness and reduce the number of rashes.

Regular use of sulfur soap can reduce the symptoms and duration of exacerbation of these diseases.

Sulfur soap for acne treatment

According to reviews, sulfur soap from Nevskaya Cosmetics perfectly cleanses the skin of impurities, which helps reduce the number of acne. The product tightens pores, has a whitening effect and lightens post-acne.

  1. Moisten a bar of soap and lather in your hands.
  2. Apply the resulting foam to the affected areas, spreading lightly over the surface.
  3. Leave on face for 30 seconds and rinse with warm water.

After the procedure, lubricate your face with nourishing cream.

Sulfur soap for hair and nails

According to reviews, soap from Nevskaya Cosmetics effectively helps reduce oily hair. After using it, the curls become shiny and healthy.

The procedure for washing hair with soap is the same as with shampoo. Lather a small amount of product and apply to curls with light massaging movements. Leave on hair for a few minutes and rinse with conditioner.

If the curls have increased fat content, then the procedure can be performed no more than 2 times a week. For dry hair, once is enough.

Soap is extremely beneficial for nails. To improve their condition and accelerate the growth of the nail plate, you can simply wash your hands with this product.

To accelerate nail growth and prevent onychomycosis, it is recommended to take special baths with sulfur soap. Dissolve a small piece of it in water and place your nails there for 15 minutes. After the procedure, you need to apply moisturizer to your hands.

The constant use of sulfur soap for nails by girls who do gel and acrylic extensions reduces the risk of contracting fungal diseases.

Benefits of sulfur soap

The main useful property of soap is bactericidal effect. Destruction pathogenic microflora, which multiplies in the cells of the epidermis, helps treat acne. After some time after regular use, the pimples dry out and the irritation goes away.

The benefit of sulfur soap from Nevskaya Cosmetics is to combat scabies mites. The product can be used in conjunction with drug treatment which is prescribed by the doctor.

Harm of sulfur soap

According to reviews, the properties of sulfur soap from Nevskaya Cosmetics are not only positive. It has and negative qualities. The product dries out the skin greatly. Sometimes after a single use of soap, allergic reactions occur in the form of irritation and burning. Therefore, before use, you need to perform a simple test: apply soap to a small area of ​​skin and observe the reaction throughout the day. If redness and rashes do not appear in this area, then the soap can be freely used for cosmetic procedures.

There are several conditions when it is best to avoid using the product. You should not use soap if you have pathologies such as:

  • open wounds on the skin;
  • diabetes mellitus;
  • liver and kidney diseases;
  • poor circulation in the extremities;
  • infectious skin lesions.

Soap should not be applied to the genitals to avoid damage to the mucous membranes.

What are the reviews about sulfur soap?

According to reviews, the composition of sulfur soap from Nevskaya Cosmetics allows it to be used effectively in the treatment of various pathologies.

Positive and negative opinions about the product were divided. One group of customers claims that after using the soap for a week, the pimples disappeared, but no new ones appeared. The blackheads on my face have not disappeared, although they have become less noticeable. The women did not experience a feeling of skin tightness; they usually lubricated their facial skin with a nourishing cream after using sulfur soap.

The second half of the buyers surveyed claim that the product cleanses the skin well, but after the procedure there is a feeling of tightness.

One of the negative aspects of using soap is its smell. It is quite unpleasant, although not persistent. Some women completely stopped using soap because of the unpleasant odor.

If your facial skin is not oily, then soap is completely unsuitable for their owners. It is best used for oily and combination skin.

Sulfur soap should be used by both men and women who have tried various means to combat skin rashes. The product is low cost and does its job perfectly. In order not to harm your body, you must follow certain rules. You should treat the skin no more than 2 times a day and be sure to take a break. In this case, the result will not be long in coming.

I also came across another use of sulfur. It is used to combat organisms that settle on the skin. We are talking about scabies, fungal infections, fleas and even leishmaniasis. If you have to live in conditions of such risks, then you need to stock up on tar and sulfur soap.

Leishmaniasis is carried by mosquitoes, and no amount of soap will protect against their bites. However, I have seen how a person who began to develop multiple ulcers on his body due to the proliferation of pathogens of this disease, managed to slow down the growth of ulcerations with the help of sulfur procedures.

By the way, in the old days, places of plague and cholera epidemics were treated with sulfur, preventing pathogens from spreading to neighboring territories.

Thus, sulfur soap helps fight external enemies of our body, and also improves the health of not only the skin, but also the entire body.

How to use sulfur soap


Use soap in for preventive purposes When there is a danger of infection, you need to do it twice a day. By the way, if you need to go to places where there are a lot of mosquitoes, then wash the exposed areas of your body with this soap the day before. It will not be possible to provide complete protection, but many mosquitoes will disdain to fly to you.

For beauty

If you decide to fight dandruff, then you should use this soap no more than 1-2 times a week. First, lather your hair with soap, cover it with plastic, and leave this sulfur product for 15-20 minutes. Then rinse off the soap and wash your hair with your regular shampoo. To improve the condition of your nails, you need to rub soap into your nails for five minutes a day twice a week.

For skin

For psoriasis, dermatitis, acne, rosacea, soap should be used as an external medicine. If areas of the skin affected by psoriasis or dermatitis are located in secluded places of the body, then you can soap them, then cover them with some medicinal ointment. From above, all this is covered with a bandage or cotton wool and covered with a plaster. You need to keep the ointment with soap for several hours, after which you wash everything off and then lubricate it with something softening. If problem areas of the skin are located on the face, then you just need to wash your face with sulfur soap twice a day, and then apply a healing or softening cream.

For whom soap with sulfur is contraindicated?

It is believed that there is no harm from sulfur soap. However, the possibility of an allergic reaction to its components always remains. Long-term use may cause increased dryness of skin or hair. If this effect occurs, you need to take a break from use or lubricate the skin with a nourishing cream.

In the conditions of modern ecology, food quality and constant stress, acne and other rashes are the lot of not only teenagers, but also adult men and women, which is not surprising, because our skin is the first to react to both external and internal factors. I was advised to try sulfur soap by a friend who is an ardent opponent of expensive drugs filled with aggressive chemicals. Let's look at what it is this product based on a natural mineral, and who may benefit from it.

What is it

It is easy to guess that sulfur soap is nothing more than soap that contains sulfur. For the treatment of skin diseases, products containing sulfur in an amount of ten percent are optimal, while for prevention three percent is sufficient. Depending on its purpose, sulfur soap may contain additional active ingredients, for example, salicylic and other acids, moisturizing oils, etc.

The benefits and harms of sulfur soap

The main component of sulfur soap is involved in the production of collagen, which is known to keep the skin young and elastic. Sulfur also has a beneficial effect on blood circulation and stimulates natural cell renewal processes. It has long been successfully used in the treatment of scabies, neutralizing the action of the mites that cause them.

Thanks to deep cleansing of pores from bacteria and dead cells, with prolonged use, sulfur soap helps get rid of acne. The course of treatment is determined individually in each individual case. With mild rashes, the result can be seen after just one week, with more serious problems It may take up to two months of regular use.

In the complex treatment of seborrhea, sulfur soap is often used for hair. Washing them with products that contain sulfur can eliminate the fungus that causes dandruff and reduce the oiliness of the scalp.

We've figured out the benefits of sulfur soap, let's now look at what the harm is this tool and what adverse reactions may cause its use. First of all, this increased dryness epidermis, since one of the main actions of sulfur soap is to exfoliate its dead surface layer. That’s why soap should be introduced into everyday use gradually, observing the skin’s reaction. This is also done in order to exclude allergic reactions to the main active ingredient – ​​sulfur. It is best to first test the product on a small area of ​​skin. If burning and redness occurs on the body, you should immediately stop using sulfur soap so as not to provoke skin dermatitis. Use the drug with caution when taking certain medicines, in particular, anticoagulants. In this case, consultation with your doctor is necessary.

It is important to avoid contact of the product with mucous membranes. If this happens, wash it off thoroughly clean water no less than fifteen minutes.

Not recommended for children's, damaged or tanned skin. Other contraindications include pregnancy and lactation, the presence of skin infections, diabetes mellitus, liver and kidney diseases and serious circulatory disorders.

So as not to cause the desired effect additional problems with skin, sulfur soap is not recommended to be used too often. For therapeutic and prophylactic purposes, it is enough to use it no more than twice a day for one to two months, after which you should definitely take a break.

The beneficial properties of sulfur were discovered in ancient times. It was used as a powerful remedy from dermatological diseases of different types: from acne to eczema. It is not known for certain who first came up with the idea of ​​adding sulfur to soap. The canonical physician of antiquity, Avicenna, believed that sulfur, along with mercury, belongs to two “philosophical” substances.

Not only did it appear in the formulations of his medicines, but it was also subjected to all sorts of clever purification methods that could lead to the formation of the philosopher's stone - a mythical invention.

The physician attributed the impossibility of its artificial creation to incorrect purification methods, which did not completely remove all impurities, which did not allow obtaining the yellow metal. Since the effect of the substance directly depended on the regularity of its use, sulfur began to be added to the compositions with which the skin was washed. The recipe has of course changed since then, but this has not affected the popularity of soap, because it is still considered a good home remedy along with tar and boron. Let's find out what sulfur soap is used for and how it is beneficial for the skin in general and for the face, hair, and nails in particular.


Sulfur soap is used to treat dermatological diseases

The composition of the soap may be different, as it has now appeared large number variations of the remedy different manufacturers. The benefits and harms of sulfur soap also vary depending on the content of various additional components in the product.
According to a recipe that can be considered classic, the following is added to the product:

  • Sulfur (content not less than 10%);
  • Salicylic acid, which has a mild antiseptic and slightly irritating effect;
  • Other beta-hydroxy acids (besides salicylic acid). The substances are widely used in cosmetology. They affect the upper layers of the epidermis at the molecular level, promote the exfoliation of dead horny particles, and normalize the functioning of sebaceous glands, dissolve fat in clogged pores and remove the “glossy skin” effect. Unlike Alpha Hydroxy Acids, they easily overcome the barrier of an oily film on the pores and penetrate deeply into the layers of the skin;
  • Oil. Usually used, which softens the skin and deactivates the irritating effect of other components.

IN various recipes other oils that provide additional skin nutrition, aloe extract and aromatic additives appear. Traditionally, soap has a pleasant yellow "waxy" tint, although some manufacturers sometimes add special dyes to achieve a specific color.

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What is it useful for?

To the list of main beneficial properties sulfur soap includes:

To the properties that have negative impact include:

  • Degreasing. This ability of a substance is considered relative, since it has two sides of the coin. Soap dries the skin, as its components cleanse the pores from the inside of the “reserves” of fat that they produce. sebaceous glands, and removes the “oil” film from the surface. But severe overdrying is harmful and can affect the appearance;
  • Annoying. Soap components have a slight irritant effect, which manifests itself in unpleasant burning sensation and the desire to “itch.” This property can only become a problem for those with sensitive skin.

You will learn more about the benefits of sulfur soap from the video:

In what cases should it be used?

Sulfur soap is actively used in cosmetology to activate regenerative processes and in medicine in the treatment of dermatological diseases.
Experts recommend using the product in the following cases:

  • Sulfur soap for hair. If your scalp quickly becomes oily, which gives your hair a greasy shine and forces you to wash your hair frequently, this product will be a real salvation. In such cases, they wash their hair 1-2 times a week. Thanks to the normalization of the sebaceous glands, the natural shine and beauty will return to the hair, and dandruff will disappear. If the hair is dry and brittle, then the procedure cannot be repeated more than once a week;
  • Nail soap. The product successfully fights fungal infection of the nail plates - onychomycosis. To achieve therapeutic effect hands are washed with sulfur soap as often as possible throughout the day, and it is fixed with baths a couple of times a week;
  • Sulfur soap for acne. Acne is the scourge of teenagers and the leader among skin problems. Improper functioning of the sebaceous glands results in their blockage with secretions, suppuration, the formation of wounds and abscesses with the subsequent appearance of unsightly scars. As a result, the skin remains “loose” and “lumpy” even many years after getting rid of acne. To treat acne, you should use only sulfur soap with salicylic acid in the composition. It, paired with sulfur, penetrates the lower layers of the epidermis and not only cleanses the pores, but also affects the functioning of the sebaceous glands at the molecular level;
  • Sulfur soap does not cure psoriasis, since the disease is of an autoimmune nature, but the substance fights the symptoms of the disease - focal lesions skin. With regular use, psoriasis plaques decrease in size, the risk of infection of these vulnerable areas with harmful microorganisms is reduced, and the process of exfoliation of horny skin particles that literally “clog” the plaque is accelerated. Periods of exacerbations when using sulfur soap will not be so painful for the body. To treat psoriasis, it is recommended to use soap that contains high percentage oils

Turpentine baths will be useful for psoriasis. Turpentine is a substance that is a mixture essential oils, obtained from various parts coniferous trees. You will learn how to take turpentine baths correctly

Although sulfur soap can be used to treat any area of ​​the skin, it is most often used to wash the face. The product is not recommended for use by groups of people with the following diseases:

  • Diabetes mellitus;
  • Kidney failure and liver disease;
  • Circulatory disorders in the extremities, which can be caused by various ailments;
  • Infectious lesions skin, which have a pronounced character.

Sulfur soap causes an allergic reaction in approximately 15% of cases. To find out at home if you are allergic to a product, you need to carry out a simple procedure:

  • Apply soap foam to a small area of ​​skin;
  • Leave it on for about a minute and rinse off;
  • Wait about 20 minutes.

If the skin is red, swollen and itchy unbearably, then it is better to abandon the use of sulfur soap in favor of its analogues. It is not recommended to use the product for pregnant, nursing mothers and children under two years of age.


Sulfur soap should be used with caution. Its components can be considered aggressive, and therefore often cause allergies. The whole procedure is carried out according to the following algorithm:

  • Lightly moisten the soap bar with water. Rub its surface until an airy foam forms;
  • The foam is applied to the skin with massaging movements. It is not recommended to rub the composition vigorously; its active substances will penetrate into the pores without such help;
  • Then the foam “mask” is kept on the face or part of the body for about 1 minute;
  • After this, the soap is washed off with warm water.

Since the composition dries out the skin greatly, after using it, cosmetologists recommend lubricating the face or problem area with a nourishing cream. Although such a problem should not arise with high-quality soap from a reliable manufacturer, since they carefully balance the composition.

Avocado oil will help moisturize your skin

Which soap is better: sulfur, boric or tar?

There is no clear answer to this question. These three products compete in the treatment of acne. Tar is more suitable for some people, sulfur is more suitable for others, and still others use only boron. The last two are supported by the fact that these products are pharmaceutical, recognized official medicine while tar is more likely to be considered a “homemade” medicine. It is preferred by people of the “old school” who, in their youth, did not have the opportunity to try other means.

The method of application is as simple as that of sulfur. One of the disadvantages is the unpleasant, natural smell of birch tar, which manufacturers over time have learned to “drown out” with various fragrances. Boric acid contains mink oil, which doubles beneficial effect product. Its main advantage over sulfur is its healing effect. Boric soap restores the skin, activating its regeneration, and literally “heals” wounds before our eyes. Sulfur soap with open wounds Oh, you can't use it. All three products have bactericidal effect, and tar also fights inflammatory processes.


Sulfur soap is recommended to be used in courses. On average, the duration of treatment is 7-8 weeks with a short break of 7 days between them. The composition is applied to the skin twice a day: along with brushing your teeth in the morning and before bed. After each full course, you need to take a long break for 2-3 weeks.

If sulfur soap has not completely solved the problem or you want to consolidate the effect, then repeat the course.

Do not apply soap to “burnt” skin after a solarium or the beach. It is also prohibited to practice this method of treatment after receiving open wounds or scratches on the problem area of ​​the epidermis.

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Sulfur soap for acne is one of the most effective methods in the treatment of acne of the first and second severity. This beauty recipe has been known for a long time, which means its effectiveness has been tested by time.

But let's get acquainted with this amazing medicinal product. And we’ll find out whether it helps in treating acne and how to use it correctly.

Usually in the store you can find sulfur soap from the Nevskaya Cosmetics company. But the composition of any cosmetic product is almost the same. This:

  • Sulfur.
  • Salicylic acid.
  • Mink fat.
  • Glycerol.

All these components are natural, besides there are no fragrances and it smells natural. Each component in the composition does its job perfectly.

Sulfur cleanses the upper layer of the epidermis. Glycerin has an excellent softening effect. At the same time, the skin becomes soft and tender.

Salicylic acid fights inflammation. Mink oil and soap base provide the optimal amount of foam.

And if you believe reviews from the network, then this the best remedy in the fight against acne and acne. Therefore, you cannot ignore the dermatologist’s recommendations to use it for washing your body.

What properties does it have?

The healing properties depend on the amount of sulfur included in one piece. Therefore, it is better to choose the option in which the concentration active substance is at least 10%.

If there is less sulfur, then such soap is suitable only for prevention. But it will be useless for treating acne on the face and body.

Used for different purposes:

  • Helps cope with mites and fungi that live on the skin.
  • Treats seborrheic dermatitis, improves the condition of the epidermis in psoriasis.
  • Improves blood circulation of the upper layer.
  • Reduces the number of acne.
  • Treats inflammation, relieves redness on the face and body.

Why sulfur soap - best choice in getting rid of acne? As young people say in their reviews, it does not cause tightness, and the skin is cleansed after the first use. And inflammation becomes less noticeable and pronounced.

Exfoliation of dead cells and degreasing helps cope with oily skin which requires special care.

Where is it used?

Sulfur soap for acne "Nevskaya Cosmetics" has many positive feedback. Moreover, many teenagers who used it noted that this product helps get rid of oily shine, eliminates comedones, and reduces the number of acne.

When to use

The main property is directed against microbes and fungi. This allows it to be used in the treatment of many diseases in dermatology.

Of course, therapy consists of more than just the use of this remedy.

Hygienic procedures, as well as regular use of ointments, creams and medications that will be recommended for use by a doctor, will relieve a variety of skin diseases.

One of the indications for using sulfur soap is scabies. Itching and rash bring a lot of trouble to a person.

Sulfur soap from Nevskaya Cosmetics, according to reviews, helps to significantly reduce the manifestations of psoriasis. No one has yet been able to cure psoriasis.

But when proper care you can get rid of unpleasant symptoms. Relieve dryness, peeling, get rid of compactions, return the skin to its normal condition.

With regular use it copes with seborrheic dermatitis or dandruff. This disease is caused by fungi that thrive on the scalp. In advanced cases, pathology can spread to the body.

Rosacea- another testimony. In this case, red spots or bumps appear on the body, which without treatment can be very noticeable.

Sulfur soap will help here too. It will remove inflammatory process, will remove redness and reduce the number of rosacea.

If used regularly, you can significantly reduce the symptoms of these diseases.

In the treatment of acne

It is great for acne that occurs on the face. If you wash your face with this simple accessible means every day, the pores will become noticeably narrower.

The skin will be cleansed of dirt, fat, and dead epidermal cells. Pimples will begin to gradually disappear.

But one should not think that sulfur soap has any magical property. To get rid of acne, you must not only use it to wash your face, but also be sure to apply creams and ointments to the acne, which will be prescribed by your doctor.

How to use sulfur soap for acne? It is recommended to wash your face with this product twice a day – morning and evening. The rules of the procedure are as follows:

  • Moisten the soap with water and rub it in your hands until foam appears.
  • Apply foam to your face, covering not only areas with acne, but also clean skin.
  • Massage very gently for at least 30 seconds, rinse with water.

During the procedure, you must ensure that the foam does not get into your eyes. If this happens, they should be washed with plenty of cool water.

After using it to treat acne, the skin on your face should be lubricated with any moisturizer. Or the acne remedy prescribed by your doctor.

Sulfur soap can be used for back acne. To do this, the washing procedure will be exactly the same as when washing your face. It is not recommended to use hard sponges; a regular soft sponge is better.

And this is a photo before and after using sulfur soap for a month twice a day.

For hair and nails

Acne can occur not only on the face, on the back, but on the scalp. Here sulfur-tar soap will be an assistant.

It is sold in pharmacies and, with regular use, reduces oiliness in the hair and scalp, and also relieves inflammation.

How to properly use sulfur soap to treat acne on the head?

  • Wet your hair with water.
  • Lather your hands with a bar of soap.
  • Distribute the foam evenly throughout the hair, special attention focusing on the scalp.
  • Leave on hair for a couple of minutes and rinse with water.

If your hair is initially too oily, then you can carry out this procedure a couple of times a week. If your hair and scalp are dry, then no more than once a week.


The benefit of sulfur soap is its ability to destroy germs and bacteria. It helps to heal acne in adolescents, which is precisely typical for this age.

After a couple of weeks of daily use of sulfur soap, acne begins to noticeably decrease in size, the skin dries out, and irritation disappears.

In addition to treating acne, according to reviews, sulfur soap helps get rid of scabies and alleviate the symptoms of psoriasis. But only with the simultaneous use of other drugs.


The main negative property of sulfur soap is drying out the skin. This can be read in numerous reviews.

In some cases, after the first application, it begins to develop allergic reaction, which manifests itself as irritation, itching, peeling. In this case, it is better to refuse to use the product.

  • Diabetes mellitus.
  • Diseases of the kidneys and liver.
  • Impaired blood flow in the legs.
  • Infectious skin diseases.

It should not be used on wounds, abrasions or scrapes.

Sulfur soap should not be used to wash children under two years of age. This product would be a poor choice for hygiene during pregnancy or while breastfeeding. It is not intended for intimate hygiene.

Sulfur soap is intended only for oily or combination skin. It should not be used when dry or excessively sensitive skin faces and bodies.