Noise in the ears and head and dizziness. What to do if you feel dizzy and have tinnitus

An unpleasant condition, when tinnitus and dizziness occur, gives a person many emotional, mental and social problems. This condition is not an independent disease. These are symptoms that something is going wrong in the body. They will not pass by themselves and will interfere. To find out the cause of the unpleasant condition, you need to consult with an otoneurologist.

Why and how symptoms appear

In medicine, tinnitus is called tinnitus. This is a condition where a person without any external stimuli the ear hears various sounds: humming, ringing, rustling, hissing, buzzing, etc. These sounds can bother one ear or both, occur suddenly or be heard constantly, quietly or loudly. They distract, prevent you from concentrating, interfere with sleep and are simply mentally exhausting.

Along with tinnitus, a person may experience short or long time dizziness, another name for which is vertigo. Dizziness is manifested by a false sensation of movement and rotation own body or surrounding objects, causes imbalance and unsteady gait. This condition is usually accompanied by weakness, excessive sweating, a feeling of fear, nausea, which is associated with disruption of the vestibular system.

Dizziness and tinnitus are symptoms of many diseases:

  • atherosclerosis;
  • osteochondrosis cervical spine;
  • spinal injuries;
  • Meniere's disease;
  • otitis.

The main reason for the unpleasant condition is poor circulation. Reduced blood supply from the vertebral (vertebral) and basilar (main) arteries leads to disruption of brain function. Vertobro-basilar insufficiency syndrome occurs. It can develop with internal or external influence on the artery.

Vertebro-basilar syndrome in atherosclerosis

In this case, gradual compaction occurs internal walls vessels with atherosclerotic plaques. The main reasons for such changes:

The lumen narrows, blood flow through the vertebral artery and other vessels of the brain is reduced. Vertebro-basilar syndrome occurs arterial system, in which mental and physical performance is reduced, memory problems are observed, weakness, irritability, dizziness and ringing in the ears appear, and sleep is disturbed.

Atherosclerosis occurs due to a violation fat metabolism, develops slowly and constantly progresses. This can lead to dementia (dementia) or stroke.

Therefore, such a disease must be treated promptly. You need to take aspirin and drugs that lower blood cholesterol. Should be abandoned bad habits, treat diabetes and lose weight, because fat accumulates on the walls of blood vessels.

When treating atherosclerosis, it is very important to follow a diet that involves avoiding fat-containing foods, cocoa, chocolate, black tea or consuming them in limited quantities. The diet should include vegetables, watermelons, and peas. Will be useful wild strawberry, seaweed, walnuts, raisins, grapefruit.

Noise in the ears and dizziness due to osteochondrosis

A lack of blood flow in the brain also occurs with external compression of the vertebral arteries. They are moving away from subclavian arteries in the transverse processes of the cervical vertebrae, in the bone canal in the occipital region. Each transverse process from the sixth to the second cervical vertebrae has an opening through which the vertebral artery passes. This structure of the cervical spine provides it with protection from adverse influences. But from above, the artery extends over the first vertebra, forming a bend. In this vulnerable place, under certain conditions, it can become bent, which causes vertebrobasilar insufficiency.

The cervical spine changes over time under the influence of osteochondrosis. Appear various growths, the height of the intervertebral discs decreases, the distance between the vertebrae decreases, and it also decreases between the openings of the bone canal. Therefore, the vertebral artery begins to be irritated by bone growths. With each irritation, the artery spasms, that is, it contracts, resulting in decreased blood flow. When repeated frequently, this compression becomes chronic. The artery no longer allows the required amount of blood to pass through. Ringing in the ears and dizziness, blurred vision, nausea, gait becomes unsteady, and fainting is possible.

It is necessary to know dangerous head positions that provoke vertebrobasilar syndrome with tinnitus and dizziness. This is throwing it back and the favorite position of many people to sleep on the stomach, when the head is turned as far as possible to the side.

Therapy for osteochondrosis includes two main areas. First of all, this is drug treatment with non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, chondroprotectors for recovery cartilage tissue, muscle relaxants that relieve muscle spasms, and medications that improve blood flow, which helps avoid dizziness and loss of consciousness. Physiotherapy (electrophoresis, ultrasound), manual therapy, magnetic therapy, laser therapy and therapeutic exercises. Exercises are performed in an amplitude that does not cause pain.

The cause of the problem is Meniere's disease

The vestibular system reacts acutely to decreased blood flow. With vertebrobasilar insufficiency, work is disrupted inner ear, vestibular centers of the brain, dizziness appears. These symptoms also occur in Meniere's disease.

The inner ear in the vestibular system is responsible for balance, coordination of movements and determines the position of the body in space. This is a very thin instrument, created by nature in the form of a three-dimensional structure. It contains fluid (endolymph) and microscopic ear stones (otoliths). When the body moves, otoliths move in the endolymph and touch sensory nerve endings. Signals are transmitted to the brain, processed, and the person understands what position he is in and what is happening to him.

With Meniere's disease, the volume of endolymph increases and creates high blood pressure on nerve endings. The reasons for the increase in the amount of fluid are associated with impaired absorption and circulation. Symptoms of the disease:

  • fullness in the ear;
  • distortion of sounds;
  • tinnitus;
  • nausea;
  • dizziness;
  • cold sweat;
  • vomit;
  • weakness.

If these symptoms appear, you should consult a doctor, since with this disease, each subsequent attack lasts longer than the previous one. Painful manifestations intensify, and hearing may sharply decrease.

Increased volume of intra-ear fluid

Treatment is carried out with neuroleptics, antihistamines and vasodilators. Physiotherapy, magnetic therapy, laser and reflexology are prescribed. In some cases it may be necessary surgery, which carries a certain risk of hearing loss.

Sometimes Meniere's disease results from injury. But more often its development is caused by chronic infectious processes middle ear still in childhood. When otitis media - inflammation of the middle ear - constantly bothers the baby and turns into chronic form, with age, the child’s ears become blocked and dizzy, and tinnitus may appear.

These symptoms can be caused vegetative-vascular dystonia, inflammation of the vestibular nerve, disorders nervous system, various neoplasms, depression and even simple fatigue. There are many reasons, and doctors should understand them; self-medication is not allowed. It is necessary to undergo an examination, clearly establish what caused the problem, and then follow all the specialist’s recommendations for the treatment of tinnitus and dizziness.

The human body has one very good feature– the ability to signal problems in it using various methods. There are certain signs of the body that cannot be ignored if they appear more than once. These symptoms include dizziness and tinnitus.

ABOUT pathological noise You can speak in your ears if it appears in the absence of external stimuli. People can hear sounds of different tones. This is a hissing, buzzing, sharp or dull sound. The noise in the ears begins especially sharply at night, when the amount of external stimuli decreases.

Dizziness is often associated with tinnitus. This is a false sensation of rotation or movement of one’s own body and surrounding objects, which causes imbalance and an unsteady gait. Dizziness in medicine is also called tinnitus.

Reasons for the development of unpleasant symptoms

There is a certain list of diseases in which ringing in the ears is observed headache. Depending on the affected area or organ cause unpleasant symptoms conditionally divided into several groups.

Pathological conditions of the auditory organs

These include the following diseases:

  1. Sensorineural hearing loss.
    At the very beginning of the disease, it manifests itself as noise or ringing in one ear or both.
  2. Ear plug or presence foreign body in the ear.
    Manifested by unilateral hearing loss, weakness, dizziness.
  3. Meniere's disease.
    With this disease one suffers inner ear. There is a liquid there that, when moving, affects nerve fibers, transmitting data to the brain. He, in turn, determines the position of the body based on the information received. If the amount of liquid increases, the pressure increases and the work is disrupted. vestibular apparatus. Dizziness and difficulty moving occur. Effect of liquid on auditory analyzer is perceived by a person as monotonous noise in the ears.
  4. Chronic otitis media that has not been treated.
    This disease is characterized by impaired auditory perception, headache, dizziness, regular appearance pus. When otitis is complicated, destruction occurs auditory ossicle, perforation of the eardrum.
  5. Exudative otitis media.
    This is an inflammatory process that causes hearing loss. With any movement of the head, a person hears a dull ringing, and slight dizziness appears.
  6. Damage to the eardrum.
    In this case, hearing loss is observed, sharp pain in the ears, a loud whistle is heard.

Diseases of the heart and blood vessels

These are the following pathologies:

  • Hypertension.
    Increased blood pressure is often accompanied by tinnitus and dizziness, a feeling of the ground disappearing from under your feet, and severe headaches. Ringing in the ears is combined with throbbing pain in the head, especially in the temples. If appropriate measures are not taken, a hypertensive crisis may occur.
  • Damage to blood vessels by atherosclerotic plaques.
    Bad cholesterol settles on inner shell vessels, causing a narrowing of their lumen. As a result, it does not reach the brain required quantity oxygen and nutrients, dizziness, constant fatigue. If the pressure still increases, then nausea and tinnitus appear.
  • Migraine.
    This is a very painful process, which is characterized by narrowing and dilation of the arteries of the brain. Migraine headaches are accompanied by sudden dizziness and ear congestion. All symptoms sharply worsen under the influence of light and sound stimuli.
  • Vegetovascular dystonia.
    With this disease, the activity of the autonomic nervous system is disrupted. Weakness and jumps appear blood pressure, headache.
  • Compression of blood vessels as a result of cervical osteochondrosis.
    In the presence of cervical osteochondrosis, they are compressed nerve roots and vessels located in spinal canal cervical region. As a result, due to insufficient blood supply to the brain, pain in the neck and back of the head, annoying tinnitus, and dizziness are noted. All symptoms worsen in the evening.
  • Tumors.
    With such diseases, patients constantly hear a whistling noise in one ear. Headache, hearing loss, and facial muscle movement disorders are noted.

Other reasons

Cause dizziness, ringing, tinnitus and other diseases. So head injuries and concussions are always accompanied by similar symptoms. Neuroses, depression, excessive fatigue, toxicosis, colds and damage to the respiratory tract cause inadequate sound perception, ringing and tinnitus.


Such an unpleasant condition as tinnitus, ringing, constant dizziness gives people a lot of discomfort, depriving normal life. These symptoms signal problems with other body systems. They will not disappear on their own, it is necessary competent treatment, so you should consult with specialists. Today, otoneurologists deal with this problem, but doctors with such a narrow specialization are not always available in the clinic. Then you should contact an otolaryngologist and neurologist to determine the cause of dizziness, ringing and tinnitus. These specialists will help prescribe adequate treatment.

Doctors usually prescribe the following types diagnostics:

Ultrasound examination of arteries

Such diagnostic method will allow you to see the reason that prevents normal blood access to the brain.

CT and MRI

Using these techniques, tissue of the brain or inner ear is examined to identify inflammatory processes.

Study of auditory nerve functions

With its help, otolaryngological diseases and the causes of ringing and tinnitus are identified.


If within long period continues to ring in the ears and feel dizzy, then treatment is prescribed depending on the disease that caused them. So, in the presence of atherosclerosis, hypertension, violation cerebral circulation General strengthening therapy is prescribed and blood vessels are cleaned. Improvement metabolic processes and is achieved with the help of nootropic drugs.

Inflammation of the inner ear is relieved with the help of antibacterial and anti-inflammatory drugs. For osteochondrosis, treatment with chondroprotectors, muscle relaxants, NSAIDs, and antispasmodics is prescribed. Shown physical therapy, magnetic therapy, massage, laser therapy.

For atherosclerosis, it is recommended to take statins, aspirin, and adhere to a strict anti-cholesterol diet. To restore normal blood supply through the capillaries that lead to the cerebral cortex, vasodilators are prescribed.

If there is a problem with the hearing aid, medications are prescribed to improve blood flow to the inner ear. For example, Betaserc, which improves the functioning of the vestibular apparatus. Special gymnastics are prescribed to help improve blood supply in the capillaries of the labyrinth of the inner ear.

IMPORTANT! All tablets must be selected exclusively professional doctor, since their illiterate use will only worsen the situation.

Sometimes ringing in the ears and dizziness, as well as accompanying nausea and headache, do not indicate serious problems. This could be a reaction to heat, fatigue, depression, a surge in pressure, or the result of a long stay in a static position (for example, when a person is constantly bending over while weeding beds). To eliminate such symptoms, you just need to calm down, take a pill, and get your nerves in order. In the future, avoid such actions, reconsider your daily routine, reduce the consumption of salt, sugar, canned food, and fats.

The table shows the most common medications prescribed for tinnitus and dizziness.

Name of the product.The action provided.
TanakanA drug to improve cerebral circulation. Recommended for vascular pathologies, with Raynaud's syndrome. It cannot be used when hypersensitivity to the components of the drug, with poor blood clotting, during pregnancy.
BetaserkPrescribed for dizziness associated with dysfunction of the vestibular apparatus, Minière's syndrome.
TrentalPrescribed for disorders of peripheral circulation and visual organs.
VasobralA drug intended to stimulate central nervous system receptors. Improves blood supply to the brain.

Thus, dizziness and tinnitus are caused by for various reasons. Most of these ailments are very serious and require immediate treatment. Such an unpleasant triad as dizziness, noise in the head, ringing in the ears, complemented by other symptoms, is the first bell for necessary diagnostics. Such a hint from the body about problems in it is very important, and you must definitely take advantage of it.

Probably every person has experienced discomfort associated with nausea and dizziness. If such a problem occurs frequently, do not neglect it. Only timely treatment sometimes helps to overcome the disease and return to a normal lifestyle. Dizziness and tinnitus can often be signs of serious problems with performance hearing aid which needs to be treated in as soon as possible to prevent deterioration of the condition.

Causes of dizziness and tinnitus

Pathological noise is an unreasonable noise that appears without external stimuli. Sometimes it appears separately in the right or left ear, often in both simultaneously. A hissing, sharp or muffled buzzing sound may occur. It is almost impossible to understand the reasons why this condition occurs without preliminary procedures. A doctor may suspect several diseases at once when a patient comes to him with similar symptoms. Such diseases include:

  1. Hypertension. Its essence is in excess of blood pressure. If it increases greatly, sometimes you can detect extraneous noises, headaches, and dizziness. Often a person feels sick and vomits.
  2. Atherosclerosis. Plaques begin to deposit on the walls of the vessels, which lead to a slowdown in the normal passage of blood. Disturbances occur that can be associated with many symptoms. If the disease occurs, the ringing in the ears is most often constant, without stopping.
  3. Osteochondrosis of the cervical spine. The cause of what begins to ring in the ears is sometimes due to compression of blood vessels. When an illness occurs, the normal blood supply is disrupted, and with it nutrients, brain, which leads to different negative manifestations. You may feel sick or dizzy, feel weak, and have blurred vision.
  4. Neurology. Brain tumors can also cause extraneous noise in the head, and dizziness comes as an additional symptom.
  5. Sulfur plug. If this is the cause of the noise, the disease is most easily eliminated. If you see a doctor in a timely manner, you can get rid of it in a couple of days. If there is a problem, sounds become unclear and weak.
  6. Circulatory system disorders.
  7. Meniere's disease. Affects the inner ear. Inside it, the amount of liquid begins to increase, which is necessary for a person’s orientation in space. Dizziness appears, often a headache, noise in the ears and severe dizziness. Often a person feels nauseous and their blood pressure begins to rise.
  8. Hearing loss. The first stages of the disease are characterized by the appearance of noise in one or both ears at the same time.

The appearance of extraneous noise is typical for pregnant women. After childbirth similar symptom, basically disappears. The causes of noise are sometimes depression, infections that affect respiratory tract. When using certain medications, noise in the head or dizziness may occur. side effects from taking medications.

Treatments for tinnitus and dizziness

To understand the causes of tinnitus and dizziness, you will need to examine your body. An ultrasound, MRI of the cervical spine and blood vessels this part, x-ray. To restore the normal functioning of the vessels that supply blood to the brain, medications that dilate blood vessels are used.

To improve blood circulation, vitamins and nootropic substances are used. They contain components that have a positive effect on the brain. With their help, its stability increases and the functioning of the nervous system improves. Memory improves and intellectual activity is stimulated. They can be used in cases of severe fatigue or head injuries.

If the main cause of tinnitus and dizziness is a problem in the inner ear or other parts of the hearing aid, medications are prescribed that disinfect it and improve blood flow in the required parts.

Tinnitus and dizziness are considered serious problems that require measures to normalize the condition. Exercises may be required to restore the condition of the vestibular system special gymnastics. It is aimed at reducing the symptoms of vestibular changes and disorders. After use, tinnitus and dizziness are weakened, balance, if it was disturbed, is stabilized partially or completely, pain in the upper back disappears, numb limbs restore their functions. Such exercises are performed slowly, the air should be inhaled through the nose, exhaled through the mouth, while the mouth should be closed.

Despite the simplicity of such exercises, they should be used after consultation with a doctor. They place a strong emphasis on breathing processes, which is why in some cases you can even lose consciousness. If any discomfort, pain, you should stop doing it. After waiting some time, you can repeat the execution, but if you have a headache or severe dizziness repeats again, must pass medical examination to recognize the cause of this condition.

Diagnostic methods used for tinnitus and dizziness

To determine the disease that leads to tinnitus and dizziness, following methods diagnostics and research:

  • examination of the required part of the body and obtaining information about existing injuries to the head and spinal part;
  • magnetic resonance therapy and CT. The procedures will allow you to see the changes that have occurred in the brain and inner ear. The presence of tumors in the auditory nerve or other parts of the hearing aid can be determined;
  • extensive urine and blood tests. Pathologies in the endocrine system are determined, harmful formations in the brain and auditory organs can be recognized;
  • angiography. It is performed on the vessels of the cervical spine, as well as on the brain. With its help, pathological narrowing of blood vessels and the appearance of atherosclerotic plaques on their walls are determined;
  • MRI of the cervical spine will reveal narrowing of the canals through which the carotid artery and other channels for supplying nutrients to the brain. If the channels are narrowed, pressure may be placed on the walls of the vessels by their surface, which leads to disruption of the normal supply of nutrients to the required areas;
  • conducting a hearing test. It can be used to determine the frequency nerve impulses, which are sent from the inner ear to the brain to transmit information;
  • audiogram. Evaluated normal operation each ear;

consultation with a psychotherapist. Appointed if excluded possible options pathologies in blood vessels and brain. The neurotic state of a person is determined.

U modern people the problem of tinnitus, which affects ear, appears much more often than many years ago. This is explained by the fact that, despite technological progress, the living conditions of city residents leave much to be desired. This is stress, street noise, polluted air, intense rhythm.

Therefore the best medicine for dizziness and tinnitus, which must be used first - to eliminate the root cause.

Headache, dizziness, weakness, tinnitus: when to see a doctor?

The main question that interests people who have dizziness, nausea, weakness and others symptoms Should I see a doctor or will it go away on its own?

The main sign that you need to focus on is the time during which headache discomfort manifests itself.

If he shows himself short time and then disappears without a trace, there may be reasons for this:

  • Being in a noisy place.
  • Traveling on an airplane.
  • Long trip.
  • Loud music on headphones or in a nightclub, cafe, etc.

Head the ringing and similar sounds disappear after this the next day. In some cases, after moving to another country - if acclimatization takes place - unpleasant sensations - weakness, nausea, dizziness – can last for several days.

When and why should you go to the doctor? If the ringing and associated symptoms persist for a week, this indicates a disease that must be correctly diagnosed and quickly treated. It is important to do this in a timely manner, otherwise the disease will lead to serious consequences.

Dizziness, nausea, tinnitus, headache: symptoms

If you are bothered by ear noises, the first thing you need to decide when visiting a doctor is the nature of the pathological manifestations:

  • Monotonal – hissing, whistling, wheezing, ringing, humming.
  • Polyphonic - ringing, voices of strangers, music.

Another classification used by specialists:

  • Objective– a person nearby can hear.

Symptoms that you should pay attention to if they accompany noise discomfort:

  1. Dizziness.
  2. Painful sensations, the areas of manifestation of which may be ear, back of the head, eye.
  3. Malaise.
  4. Vomit.
  5. Deterioration of hearing and vision.
  6. Depressive state, irritability, etc.


The ear is a complex organ that is connected to other systems in the body. That's why dizziness, which accompanies noise manifestations, does not always indicate ENT pathology. But the first thing the examination begins with is the ear for external and internal diseases. This also applies baby, and an adult. Pathologies of an otolaryngological nature:

  1. Otitis is an inflammation that affects the internal ear, while it may feel dizzy, stuffiness is felt, hearing loss appears.
  2. Damage to the eardrum - the causes may be trauma, skull fracture (area - back of the head, front parts), impacts foreign objects or very high sound sharpness.
  3. Otosclerosis. Not only is it affected ear, but also the nervous system - this leads to general weakness, psycho-emotional disorders, and dizziness.
  4. Meniere's syndrome. Characterized by dysfunction of the internal ENT organs, which causes imbalance, dizziness. Noise manifestations are also characteristic - ringing and hissing.

A common phenomenon of our time is high blood pressure.

The blood flowing in the ear area begins to flow here unevenly - this leads to stimulation of the nerve endings. Chaotic impulse character causes a noise effect. You might think that your ear is inflamed or the back of your head hurts, but in fact the reason is different. Therefore, correct diagnosis is important.


Without a preliminary examination it is impossible to say for sure which medicine will definitely help if the patient is dizzy and noisy ear. How can dizziness and other accompanying symptoms be cured is a question that only a specialist can answer. If you take medications on your own and without a prescription, you can only worsen the condition.

The most common painful manifestations requiring medical intervention:

  1. Vascular dysfunction.
  2. Diseases of a neurological, somatic nature.
  3. Decreased functionality of the vestibular apparatus.
  4. Disadaptation of the socio-psychological type.
  5. Dietary disorders, insomnia.

What can be prescribed medicine at this age.

Periodically occurring tinnitus and dizziness are alarm signal, which should be treated with utmost care. This problem may indicate the presence dangerous diseases, the treatment of which cannot be delayed. If you experience tinnitus or dizziness, you should immediately seek help from a doctor, since only he can determine the exact cause of the discomfort and prescribe effective therapy.


These symptoms may be caused various diseases, as well as the special condition of the body. Noise combined with dizziness is not an independent pathology, it is a sign existing violation. Problems with the ENT organs often lead to the development of discomfort.

Such reasons include:

  • Presence of exudative otitis An inflamed inner ear can make itself felt by congestion and hearing loss. Turning the head causes slight dizziness, as well as a dull rumble.
  • Deformed eardrum. Its damage occurs due to trauma, skull fractures, mechanical influence from foreign objects, and sharp sound. This condition leads to ear congestion, loud whistling, acute pain and significant hearing loss.
  • Otosclerosis. The patient suffers from hearing impairment, noise in the form of a hum or crackling sound, dizziness, fatigue, and mental disorders.
  • Syndrome Minera, affecting the inner ear, which is responsible for balance.

Also, discomfort can be caused by the following pathologies:

  • increased intracranial pressure, disrupting brain activity;
  • migraine;
  • deteriorated circulation in the brain, which is disrupted due to blood clots, diabetes mellitus, head injuries, tumors, intracerebral bleeding, as well as atherosclerosis, which forms on the walls of arteries from cholesterol plaques;
  • neurological diseases;
  • sulfuric cork;
  • neurosensory hearing loss;
  • pregnancy;
  • malignant formations, otitis, infectious lesions of the upper respiratory tract;
  • absent-minded sclerosis, destroys the myelin sheath of nerve endings;
  • depression, neurosis, as well as the use of certain medications, for example, ADS, anti-inflammatory, diuretic, antibacterial.

Diagnosis of tinnitus and dizziness often confirms the presence of cervical osteochondrosis. This disease, in addition to these manifestations, causes ripples and floaters in the eyes, blurred vision, and severe pain in the neck, shoulders, head.

The cervical vertebrae experience daily increased load, especially with a sedentary lifestyle, irregular physical activities, prolonged stay in a specific position, due to which the structure changes intervertebral discs, the mobility of the department worsens.

As the pathology progresses, blood vessels, nerve endings, and the vertebral artery are compressed, which disrupts blood circulation in the brain, thereby causing oxygen starvation its occipital region and nervous system. At cervical osteochondrosis Tinnitus and dizziness can occur at any time. In this case, attacks vary in severity and duration.

The presence of dizziness when changing the position of the body is diagnostic sign initial stages a number of diseases, for example, hematopoietic, cardiovascular systems, as well as the musculoskeletal system. In addition to osteochondrosis, oxygen starvation is caused by anemia, ischemic pathology cerebral vessels.

Diseases of the vestibular apparatus, middle ear, as well as blockage of arteries due to age-related changes also lead to discomfort when changing posture. Self-medication or ignoring clinical manifestations threatens serious complications.

A cold is a fairly common cause of noise. Most often, during an examination of a patient, an otolaryngologist identifies otitis media.

Acute or chronic course this pathology can result in loss of hearing acuity, the occurrence of deadly purulent infections inside the skull, inflammatory processes V facial nerve. In addition, with otitis media the patient complains of severe ear pain, elevated temperature.

Temporary hearing impairment, noise may appear with a deviated nasal septum, tumors of the nasopharynx, chronic sinusitis. If otitis media is not treated, then over time the purulent masses will enter the cranial cavity, forming meningitis, a brain abscess, which is deadly to humans.

At normal pressure in the vessels a person notes wellness, but its increase leads to pulsating noise in the ears, dizziness, headache, and weakness. The reduced diameter of the arteries causes a lack of oxygen in the brain. If you are careless hypertensive crisis, it may result in disability or death.

Clinical manifestations

Tinnitus is an unnatural noise that occurs in the absence of triggers. It can be sharp, muffled, constant or periodic. It is most acutely felt at night, when it interferes with natural relaxation and rest, causing sleep disturbance.

The resulting insomnia gradually leads to the development of the following symptoms:

  • irritability;
  • change mood;
  • broken condition;
  • head pain;
  • reduction intellectual skills.

Due to regular noise, hearing loss develops and hearing deteriorates. Dizziness can occur suddenly or in combination with disorientation in the environment.


For dizziness, tinnitus diagnostic studies aimed at identifying or excluding mechanical damage head, damage to areas of the brain or hearing organs. The first step is an examination by a specialist and a history taking, after which the patient is examined using various methods:

  • It is used to detect changes in the brain structure, in the inner ear, as well as tumors in the auditory nerve. MRI or CT scan of gray matter.
  • Thorough tests blood and urine detect diseases endocrine system, as well as tumors of the brain and hearing organs.
  • To detect painful vascular narrowings that occur on the walls of the arteries atherosclerotic plaques, need to use angiography vessels of the neck and brain.
  • Reveal degenerative changes will help in the cervical spine MRI this area.
  • To determine the speed of passage nervous charges from the inner ear to the gray matter, a hearing test is performed.
  • Helps assess hearing acuity audiogram.
  • If the patient’s blood vessels, hearing organs, brain, spine are in order, then you should contact psychotherapist for the diagnosis of neurotic pathologies.

Based on the responses received, additional examinations and tests, but almost always only a couple of studies from the list are enough to detect the disease.


If these unpleasant symptoms appear, you should immediately visit a neurologist, otolaryngologist or otoneurologist to identify the true cause and prescribe effective treatment.

Only when exposed to a loud sound, tinnitus and dizziness do not mean the presence and progression of dangerous pathological processes, taking into account the fact that in a state of rest, silence, the sensation passes completely.

Therapeutic directions depend on the disease causing these manifestations. In case of otitis media or internal otitis, antibacterial and anti-inflammatory drugs are prescribed to relieve swelling, inflammation, and also suppress pathogenic microorganisms, which also help with Meniere's syndrome. As additional treatment use lavage and physiotherapy.

For osteochondrosis of the cervical spine, in order to restore damaged intervertebral discs and the flexibility of the column, exercise therapy, a visit to the pool, manual therapy, massage are prescribed, and to eliminate inflammation, pain Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs are used.

With increased blood pressure it should be stabilized. To do this you need to get rid of excess weight, start eating right, exercising physical activity, stop smoking and drinking alcohol.

To eliminate atherosclerosis, hypertension, blood vessels should be cleansed, procedures should be used to strengthen the entire body and normalize metabolism, and also eliminate nervous and mental stress. Usage nootropic drugs will relieve the brain from oxygen starvation.

Except drug treatment, positive result also provides the use of acupuncture, manual therapy, acupuncture massage. However, to select qualified and effectively healing method This can only be done by a specialist after a diagnostic study of the cause that caused ear discomfort and dizziness, so you should not self-medicate.

Failure to take such symptoms seriously will eventually result in an exacerbation or complication of various serious illnesses, and some of them pose a mortal threat to the body, so when unpleasant signs You should not hesitate to visit a doctor.